The 2013 Irish Legislation on Abortion: Turning-Point Or Missed Opportunity?
NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND GALWAY European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation A.Y. 2013/2014 The 2013 Irish legislation on abortion: turning-point or missed opportunity? A critical analysis from a human rights perspective Author: Chiara Cosentino Supervisor: Noelle Higgins Ackowledgements I would like to thank Noelle Higgins, from the NUI of Galway, for the supervision of the present work and for her precise and insightful comments and suggestions. Furthermore, I would like to deeply thank the contacted civil society organisations that kindly and enthusiastically agreed on allowing me to steal a bit of their time for interviews. They were fundamental for my analysis, for the perception from the ground they gave me, and for the global picture that I could capture from their different angles of perspective on the topic. In particular I would love to thank for their availability Richie Keane (Coordinator of Doctors For Choice), Sinéad Corcoran (member of the Policy and Advocacy Team of Abortion Right Campaign), Kelly Mackey (from the Campaign Office of Amnesty International Ireland), Maeve Taylor (Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer of the Irish Family Planning Association) and Dette McLoughlin, John Walshe and Joseph Loughnane (members of Galway Pro-Choice). I would also like to thank my family, my parents, my sister and my grandmother for their unconditional support, and for making my participation in this Master possible, both with their practical help and love. I missed them throughout this year, but we all know that, wherever I am, they are always in my heart. Moreover, I would like to thank all my friends, old and new, for what they mean and they will always mean to me.
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