------OF- ==MN%" ...... X ...... 'The Lion in Winter' ...... Reviewed l ...... For a review of the Theatre ...... Th ree's production see ...... Alternatives page 7 A * ......

...... ^^- " ------Report Calls for University Closingy enough money for the entire SUNY system. era of fiscal uncertainty. By HOWARD SALTZ "It seems clear that the state is not going to Official reaction here was mostly indifferent. be able to A report focusing on the relationship between create four first-rate universities," the Kershaw's report, which was not well publicized, report government and higher education in New York states. "It also seems clear that if it did not represent the opinion of the ful Sloan continues to try to, all Commission; State has recommended that the state consider four of them will it is merely a preliminary report. gradually slide into mediocrity." closing, or at least downgrading, either the The report from the Sloan Commission will be of greater university center in Albany or Binghamton. Closing or downgrading one of the university concern to administrators and SUNY officials, though it is in no way binding. One The report was written by Joseph Kershaw, centers would mean abandoning New York's long-standing goal of establishing four publicly- SUNY spokesman questioned both the impor- an economist and a member of the Massa- tance and accuracy of Kershaw's funded university centers in addition to 60 findings. chusetts-based Sloan Commission on Govern- However, the fact that college enrollment smaller colleges. SUNY is currently the largest is ment and Higher Education. It did not represent expected to decline by as much as a third in the public network of higher education in the the opinion of the entire commission, but is next decade lends both credibility and urgency nation. Its four university centers remain unique considered a prelude to an official report, to be to his report. to public education. issued late March. That report is being anxiously Kershaw's recommendations were the most awaited in light of recent cutbacks in the SUNY Kershaw's report also focused on the Tuition drastic in a series of recent proposals aimed at budget. Assistance Program and other state-sponsored reducing the SUNY budget to fit within Kershaw recommends that the state concen- programs, which contribute more money to Governor Carey's guidelines. Earlier suggestions trate its resources on the state's two largest higher education than any other state program included the elimination of more than 1,100 universities, those in Buffalo and Stony Brook, in the nation. The report suggests that the employee positions, abandoning plans for a at the expense of either Binghamton or Albany. continuation of these programs on their present College of Technology in Marcy, New York, and Otherwise, the report states, there will not be level must be questioned in an up-and-coming a tuition increase of $250 a year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Iq Transfe rred RHD I r, Leaves Without Protest

By DONALD LIEBMAN with Frambo, there has been little protest over his reassignment. In sharp contrast to Cardozo "Carlton loves Kelly A, and we'll College residents, who recently miss him," said Resident Assistant protested the transfer of their RHD Carson Tang, "but the people who with a demonstration in the Resi- know him would register a I dence Life Office, Kelly A staff protest if they felt it was in his best I members are maintaining a low interest." This feeling was echoed profile after the transfer of their by other residents, who said they \ RHD Carlton Frambo. realized that an RHD must work is being transferred to wherever his employer assigns him. Frambo ! Langmuir Coll-ge, while Cardozo Nevertheless, other Kelly A RHD Cathi Rivera is being re- residents were dismayed over what I located to Gray College. Frambo they termed "a lack of consid- il has been the Kelly A RHD since the eration" on the part of Residence RHD program was implemented Life. "I would have liked having a two years ago. Before that he say in Carlton's transfer," said one Amlann College Votes served as Kelly Quad Operations RA. Assistant. The Langmuir College staff, To House FLC Program According to a memorandum about to receive Frambo as their new RHD, questioned the effective- issued by Residence Life Director program, " Social and Ethical ness of the RHD program. By AMY MOLLINS Claudia Justy, these "experienced" Issues in the Life Sciences" and Although their RHD Jesse Anthony people are needed to deal with "the The Ammann College it is hoped that two others, resigned last December, they feel large number of freshmen and the Legislature voted Sunday night "World Hunger," and "Tech- that Langmuir has been functioning continued presence of tripling" in to approve the use of the nology Values and Society" will well on its own. "The staff G and H Quads. The RHDIs will building next semester for the start next fall, according to Brett members confer every day," said have the option to return to their FLC, Federated Learning Com- Silverstein, psychology professor. RA Neil Camhi, "and we stay right old colleges next fall. munity, an educational program According to Silverstein, in an on top of things. Even without an in which participants will live article published in The Polity Langmuir Legislature Chairman RHD, we have a cooperative spirit. together in a dormitory while Voice, the student government Digger Rotelli questioned the Everyone cares about this they engage in a single field of newsletter, the dormitory validity of the reasons which building-" study. program was created to give the Residence Life cited for the Langmuir staff members also The meeting, attended by 70 FLC a residential base and to transfers. "Langmuir is not a pointed out that they have been of the building's residents, give the dorm a core group of problem building," he said. "We working under an even greater featured discussion of the details motivated, interested faculty and have very few freshmen, only deficit - two RAs and one MA of the program, and its effect on students. voluntary triples, and practically no have been fired, and another MA life in the building. " We have nothing to lose but vandalism, Residence Life could has graduated. They feel that the The FLC is an innovative spaces," said Ammann resident put their valuable manpower to University has not acknowledged opportunity designed to broaden Abbe Herzig. "Ammann can gain better use elsewhere." Residence their competence in maintaining a students' major fields of study so much. The incorporation of Life officials were unavailable for healthy atmosphere and a well-kept and to introduce them to related the program will increase the comment. building. "To tell us that we need courses outside their majors. At number of activities here. There Although Kelly A staff members an RHD," said Rotelli, "is a slap in the present time, there is one (Continued on page 5) have developed a close relationship the face by administration." And w Wants MoscowOlympics IOC session beforethe although there was little Lake Placid, N.Y. (AP) general- Olympics had voted doubt that the members 11he International Olympic 1winter Summer Games would abide by their agreeo Committee announced yes- to keep the -Hughes is news According t ment with the Moscow terday the Olympic Games in Moscow. We ffake MCIneeringand scientIfic history year ane State Department, Organizing Committee. will go on in Moscow as the U.S. year. Uke 1976, when NO _smJe_ more than 30 governments Meanwhile, New wenW NO ufu. planned, thus rejecting York as opposed- to Olympic If you come to work with us, well both make news in ItP resident Jimmy Carter's state's highest court cleared committees have called your home-town paper. - ,+ call that they be moved or the way for the first team pstpone- Help Hughes Aircraft Compaly make nr And cancelled because of the rfor movement, from mainland China since of the electroni miaes And history. (And nocapanesw) Soviet intervention in went or cancellation the 1949 communist revo. Ask your paement ofce when Hughes recrulters wN be Games. on amps Afghanistan. lution to participate in the Killanin said the IOC r------1 The committee also Olympics. recognized the difficulties urged that members of the In a unanimous ruling, HUGHES Olympic organizing com- the United States Olympic Committee faced but urged the New York Court of L------_ j in Moscow inform mittee Appeals refused to strike Creting a new wAsd with eiectronis "highest authorities of it to "continue its efforts to the down an IOC rule barring their government of the make possible the partici- AN EQUAL 0PfPOrUNY EMPLOYER M/F the team from Taiwan from circumstances which have pation of its athletes in the competing under the flag created these difficulties for Games. IGms so many National Olympic 'Me U.S. committee had and anthem of theRepublic the IOC with of China. The high court 1Committees. . . presented .acted on an appeal from Lord Jluanm, presiaenT Carter's demands. ofthe IOC, said that all 73 The IOC had been deli- attorneys for the Taiwanese members attending the IOC berating for three days, athletes. - - - -dmm- - 'dimilb. --- NEWS DIGEST- International New Delhi, India - Foreign Minister they and others staged a "victory" march Andrei Gromyko of the Soviet Union that ended their week-long occupation of accused the United States yesterday of the Education Ministry. subverting detente and warned Pakistan it Left-wing extremists are still holding six risks its independence by backing America hostages. and China in the Afghanistan crisis. * * * Pakistan will "undermine its position as Freedom will come for the American an independent state" if it allows the hostages in Iran only if their release is United States and its allies to convert it ordered by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, into "a springboard for further escalation the leader of the embassy militants was of aggression" against pro-Moscow Afghani- quoted as saying yesterday by a Persian stan, Gromyko said in a speech delivered at Gulf newspaper. He said Iran's president a banquet given in his honor by India' should stay out of the hostage issue. Foreign Minister, P.V.N. Rao. The militants, meanwhile, came under * * * attack from Iran's Ambassador to the San Salvador, El Salvador - Anti- United Nations, who said in Geneva, terrorist police assaulted the Christian Switzerland that they were beginning to Democrat Party headquarters Tuesday, "lose credibility with the Iranian people" freeing 12 hostages during a gunfight that and had gone "beyond their task." left one policeman dead and three In an interview with the Associated left-wing militants -wounded, witnesses Press, U.N. Ambassador Mansour Farhang reported. said the embassy seizure Nov. 4 was "never About 100 leftists seized the building condoned" by the Revolutionary Council. and hostages two weeks ago. Iran, he added, "is not interested in the The raid came several hours after two shah in terms of flesh and blood. We are leftist demonstrators were shot to death as interested in concepts, not revenge." National

Washington - An American military Washington - President Jimmy Carter mission returned yesterday from a week- proposed yesterday the nation's first long trip to East Africa and the Middle East coordinated effort to store nuclear garbage, with commitments from three countries to planning to spend $739 million to examine allow increased U.S. access to military salt domes and other sites in the South and facilities, U.S. officials said. West as potential radioactive dumps. The reported agreements reached with "This is a solid policy that can stand the Kenya, Somalia and Oman also would grant test of time," the president said. the United States rights to store military Sending his proposal to Congress, the equipment and fuel. In return for their president said the government would study cooperation, the three countries would about 11 sites where the poisonous receive increased U.S. military aid although by-products of nuclear power, weapons the amounts have not yet been specified, tests and medical research could be hidden said the officials, who asked not to be at no risk to the environment. named. State and Local

Washington - The Justice Department firm, the Occidental Petroleum Corp. yesterday subpoenaed reams of New York The department accuses the companies rX State Health Department records concern- of violating federal laws and endangering ing chemical contamination of the Love the health of Love Canal area residents by 838BS~~~~- Canal area in Niagara Falls. disposing of a variety of chemical wastes at Department attorneys demanded the dumps near the canal. documents for use in the federal govern- Department lawyers issued the subpeona ment's multimillion- dollar civil suit against after state officials failed to turn over the the Hooker Chemical Corp. and its parent records voluntarily.

A A_ ( 7 0 s atSt s o rs uronig timsawowe adago.pDbdl Page 2 STATESMAN February 13. 1980 HSCSA Secession Decision Delayer -

____ByJOE FLAMMER government, said HSCSA vPesident demands, they are still affiliated thoughts on the poodbdity of Carmine Scerra. He said that this with the undergraduate student secesion as 'well as proposed The HSCSA, Health Sciences agreement was reached in a hope to government. compromises. Scerra said that he is Center Student Asociation, has yet find a compromise to the "'The meeting went well," said pleased with this agreement and agreed with Polity and University HSCSA-Polity conflict. Scerra, "I think we're moving in the expects about 50 HSC students to administrators to hold off at least Scerra said that the decision Night direction to some kind of attend the meeting. The meeting orne more week before splitting came in the course of a two-hour decision but I'm not sure what will be held at 5 PM today in the from Polity and forming their own meeting with Acting University decision." Basic Health Sciences Building. President Richard Schmidt, Eliza- Polity President David beth Wadsworth, student affairs Herzog wa unavailable for comment vice-president and Polity President David Herzog. He added that the Scerra said that no solution waw meeting, which he termed "con- found at the meeting, but one ol structive" was held to explore new the ideas discussed was the possi- solutions to the problem which has bility of having the FSA, Faculty loomed since the summer. Student Association, distribute the The HSCSA has been demanding HSCSA's funds. He said that under the creation of a vice treasurer such an arrangement the problems position under the Polity treasurer which the HSCSA had with Polity's to gain better controls over its voucher and check reimbursement allotted monies. In addition, they system in the past would be .' want a 15 percent annual budget 'eliminated. He said such a *j compromise increase bringing their funding from would most likely T approximately $11,000 to $18,700. appease the HSCSA legislature. The budget increase was approved A further gain for the HSCSA by Polity in January but the which stemmed from the meeting HSCSA wants both demands met. was that Schmidt, Wadsworth and Despite their long-standing threats Herzog agreed to meet with the of seceding February 8, the dead- HSCSA legislature and HSC stu DAVID HERZOG line for Polity to meet their dents to hear their concerns and CARMINE SCERRA low- --NNkl \Zweiglive 1To Iran Lecture Michael Zweig. an associate economics professor who visited Iran recently, will give a lecture tomorrow in the Fine Art Center Auditorium from 4 to 6 PM on his eight-day fact-finding tour of that country. Zweig and a Rutgers University professor and his wife were invited to Iran by the Confederation of Iranian Students. He returned last Tuesday from a mission which he said was "to clear up sonie of the myths and outright lies of what the American people are being told" about Iran. On that mission, the group spoke to some of the students holding

Americans captive in Tehran. 4 The group held a press conference ** New York City Thursday and attended a number of speaking engagements last weekend. Zweig and the others have plans to give lectures to various audiences around the country. Friday, after Zweig concludes his classes, he will fly to Postmaster May Take Back Baltimore, Maryland, to lecture at Johns Hopkins University. The three, who are members of the New Unionts Automated Post Office York Committee to Send the Shah Back to Iran, paid for the trip themselves. Zweig said post office cost around $5,700 annually. The By NANCY J. HYMAN the trip "ran into the thousands of dollars," question now is whether the automated some of which he had to borrow. He did not If vandalism continues on the postal machines installation costs less than the original operation. disclose the exact amount. Due to the cost of the in the basement of the Stony Brook Union, "I cannot actually put a figure on it It costs a trip, Zweig said that he hopes to recover some members of the campus community may soon lot of money," said Bongomo. of the money through find themselves travelling three miles to buy a speaker fees. The machines, some students claim, have been stamp in the town of Stony Brook. However, the Stony Brook lecture, which is inoperable since the beginning of the semester. open to the Armond Bongomo, a postmaster in the entire University community, will "It's very frustrating. Every time I have to mail a be free. But, "I Smithtown Post Office, who is charge of the may pass the hat," Zweig letter, I have to walk downstairs to stare at an operation of the facilities here said that they said. . out-of-order sign. Today I had to drive to town to were being "tampered with" and that repair was ---I .; mail my Valentine cards," complained Robin "costing a lot of money." He added that they Pillinger. Another student, Jean Paladino, said, were awaiting shipment of a part for one of the "It's an inconvenience to every machines from Missouri. person at the University who depends on the machines for Bongomo said A. he has suggested "pulling the their postal services." machines out of Stony Brook University." '"I '*i I "It's incapable of serving my needs," said cannot have a man up there on a daily basis. The &t district office will say that this is not feasible. Barry Hecht, "Every time I go down there the There is an understanding that a man will be machines are broken." there [in the Stony Brook Union to stock and "Simply, I hate to see this. I don't like to hear -, - repair the machines] twice weekly." that the machines are constantly down. It's been Statesman reported last year that the a disaster," asserted Bongorno. automated post office cost about $3,000 to Bill Fomadel, director of the Stony Brook construct, whereas the old system of a manned Union, was unavailable for comment. L 41. J - - I- OWPI


- - February13, 1980 STATESMAN Page 3 SOFLENSO ^C_* CONTACT A^ LENSES PAWr* ^AD(Sine viWsion) ...... A*PMt NUDAY S co 01S~TIS111C

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z - - Page 4 STATESMAN February 13, 1980 Resid0ents Approve FLC H *n (Continued from page 1) spaces." Details of the interests, will be able to to live in Apar t,ment A. This the papers, along with those will be special speakers, lec- actual housing will be share the same living learner is a faxulty member registered for the course. tures, and educational events discussed during room environment." who actually takes the The master learner also open for all resdents." selection in mid-April. The master learner, or courses with the students, conducts the seminars for The FLC seminars and "There are people living faculty master, will be able takes the exanniLs, and writes this program. guest lectures will be held in in Ammann now that are Ammannfs main lounge or enrolled in this minor and other empty rooms in the you probably don't even basement. "They will have know who they are," said W fl W W V^ W _ IO~~~~~N the same rights as anyone Managerial Assistant Tom I T* ,*WOCIATRO else. The same rules apply Hillgardner. "This proposal COMPUTER 5< to a hall which wants to use means that these people T^ f U*« r CIENCE, AND an end hall lounge for a who s hare academic I re" Y 79.A IT in A nxrr Tir-A part 45 A6WqWZ&'V 4 JLO% I mar both local and nationally based, each with Companies that have Over 20 companies, A participated in past available positions they are looking to fill, are coming to a major Jawn conferences include: hotel in Saddle Brook, NJ, March 7, 1980. These companiesmare American Cdn hire qualified 1980 college graduates with tan< Corning Glass looking to find and Exxon bachelor's or master's degrees in engineering, computer science, mu General Electric or the physical sciences. Am Western Electric a AlliedlChemical And now you can meet these companies yourself There are no tain DAILY FEATURES , Air Products & Chemical letters of introduction to write. And you will not waste your valuable Bailev Controls kicd AT&T time on any job search technique you have used- and found Out MORNING FEATURE ARTIST United Technology lacking -in the past. At this meeting (called a Lendman College 6 - IA M. Texas Instruments Conference) you will have the opportunity to speak with over 20 90 Union Carbide WALDO LYDECKER: MOVIE REVIEW companies to discuss positions in your field. You will meet these the; Eastman Kodak Wed. & Fri. 6- IO AM Westinghouse companies face-to-face before you ever interview to give you d FL( 6 7 P.M Xerox chance to learn more about the company, the position, your PAUL HARRIS: MUSIC NOTES working environment, and all the facts that make) your decision .F Mon- Tues- & Thur. 6 10 A.M said about the opening the right one KARL GROSSMAN: There is no cost or can expect in-depth interviews with these companies (they pov INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS You peo Mon. Friday 6 -IO A.M obligation to the job come staffed and prepared to interview and negotiate with you). In - and start the ball rolling on more job MINI-CONCERTS I applicant! one day, you can learn about. 12 30 & 3 30 opportunities than you would normally find in mont hs of look ing on SUPERSETS your own. This method of allowing you to interview with the St 7.30 & 8 30 WHO SHOULD companies you are interested in and may not have had the * ' WRCN CONCERT LINE ATTEND: opportunity to meet on campus makes these conferences so Hi Cdl1 369- 11 11 successful. Positions will b(e avaalaoble for individuals in the Why not prove to yourself how effective your job search can be by WEEKLY FEATURES following areas: companies you know have positions to offer you. PIC talking with those Conference. We will process ENGINEERING Apply today to attend this College $99.50 THE RECTOR ROCK PARTY your application immediately, and let you know where the Fri. 7P.M 2 A.M. Electrical Chemical Electronic Industrial conference is being held, the time it starts and all directions you ALL-REQUEST SATURDAY NIGHT need to attend. There is no better way to fully evaluate and Sat. 7P.M. 2 A.M. Mechanical Nuclear Technical Sales Civil compare the many important positions you should know about in AMERICAN TOP 40 I . Sun. 10A.M. 2P.M. your field. SYSTEMS EDP * I KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR FINAL NOTICE-APPLY TODAY! Programmers * Sunday 7 P. M To apply, send one copy of your resume to : Mr Kerry O'Hara, * I BACKSTAGE SPECIAL MIS Lendman Associates, 374 Millburn Avenue. Dept: SS-220, * 1 Sunday 8 P.M. Systems Engineering Miliburn, NJ 07041. Or for immediate application, call Mr. O'Hara BEST OF THE NEW MUSIC at (201) 379-7621. But hurry, attendance is on a first -come first Sunday 9 P. M. Computer -Science $149.50 Ouad served basis. WRCN AMATEUR HOUR Sunday 10P M. (« WRCN COMEDY HOUR In Sunday 11 P M. 01 ALL NIGHT ALBUM REPLAY Cl Sundays -Midnight Ai WRCN ALBUM CHART Mondav 10P.M. Midnight lI R,

- I d ys Where do you stand? Polity is interested in polling the Stony Brook community to determine where we stand on the question of the proposed national conscription. 1) I oppose the draft 2) 1 am in favor of the draft 3) I not only oppose the draft but recommend that the following proposal be supported by Offers the Alternative polit Y. a) We believe in freedom; in the freedom to choose whether or not we want to fight in a war. Because of this belief we oppose the draft. IM f\ nper b) The call for the draft is an open confession on the part of government of their own I1 p L * ev person Ir, inadequacy in dealing with foreign policy. I minimum-Three persons c) The use of military "muscle", especially in light of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, will not solve our problems but rather lead to the annihilation of the human race. anywhere within a d) We reject an armed forces conscriptedby the harsh reality of mass unemployment- 3 mile radius which makes military service the only job open to many in the black and latino communities-or through an army directly conscripted through a draft. of campus e) We are absolutely opposed to a situation where the wealthy and powerful draft the including Mall area poor and politically weak. Save-a-Dime- Use our Direct Line ^ f) We propose that the government seek channels with Russia for peaceful, Courtesy Phone in Path Mark strong andlasting solution to our mutual threat. K Pathmark Since the threat is energy related, we propose that the two governments work on call 584-6688 developing renewable resources of ener

- -- February 13, 1980 STATESMAN Page 5 - - if - - EDITORIALS- CIn IPHANT A Wrong Direction Statesman deplores Governor Hugh Carey's recent decision to cut his 1980-81 executive budget allocation for the SUNY system and at the same time consider a tuition increase for the system's students. If he does call for a tuition increase he will be asking for students to pay more for less. This just does not seem fair especially when SUNY's low division students were hit with a $150 tuition increase at Othe beginning of this academic year. The increase, which the SUNY Board of Trustees tried to prevent, was also the result of the governor's trimming of his SUNY allocation last vear. However, that was only a $9.1 million loss, and this year he cut $26 million from the budget. Will this mean a tuition increase which is greater than last year's? Sources close to the governor say yes. Some say that he may seek a $250 increase a year for all full-time students. Others say he is considering that students contribute $1,000 to an endowment fund when they graduate. What a joke. Why must many of SUNY's students, who are 'piTeH nW IS JiWY AG.ENR . I RALLY )S I COuD % OUr TV C4£ 6 wD M6-TiN6 attracted to the system because of its cheap tuition, I4\ALL, W 06S^ W I/'M SUlKXHlMIEl DOM Ol ' SE'C continuously remain in debt after graduation? The - Letters relevant to the story. If so, why ^experienced dancer in al styles of governor says that students can pay the $1,000 through did it not just crop out Ms. dance I can sayfrom a know- federal loans, but there are also those who do not qualify Overlooked Identity Rivera's face, as was done with ledgable standpoint that the for them and once they graduate, how will the others get the "American Gigolo's" just author of the article is obviously student loans? To the Editor: above her? too inexperienced to be a dance critic. The writer failed to We can understand why Page one of your Wednesday, Black people are very visible. the governor is cutting the appreciate the meaning of the system's February 6, 1980 issue shows a We are no longer to be thought budget. He is cutting all department budgets of as Ellison's Invisible Man. We dances or to understand the throughout the state. photograph in which a white female is sitting next to a black play dominant roles in every techniques required to dance on But in the case of SUNY, it is unfair to take these cuts male. Both seem to be in some level of society, positive as well a professional level. The excel- and make the students fill in the budget gaps. Carey is sort of distress. The caption is as as negative, albeit more often lent dancers showed strict form forgetting the concept behind public financed education. follows: "CARDOZO RHD than not does the media choose and excellent style in the various -numbers. The choreography of Perhaps a better solution would be to close one of the CATHY RIVERA (left) at last to perpetuate the negative as- night's legislative meeting, will pects of blacks in society. Could the dancers themselves were University centers or to downgrade one or two of them as be relocated to Gray College." it not have been easily conceived quite unique; showing a com- the report recemmends. This way, the budgets of the other Two outstanding flaws strike that this is such an instance? bination of Jazz, modern, and Universities will not only be cut, but can be increased. And me about the picture and the I only hope that Statesman, in ballet. Overall, the performance the state wouldn't have to take it out on the students. caption. a hurry to get to press, inadver- was very enjoyable, although Statesman agrees that both Stony Brook and Buffalo, One, the dominant figure in tantly overlooked identifying without a backgound in dance Mr. one may not have been able to which are the largest of the four University centers, should the picture, which reflects peo- Banks, who is an important ple in a negative situation is a administrator in Residence Life. appreciate the technique used by remain and be upgraded. For one, these two centers are black male. If so, it is a technical kind of the Long Island Dance Com- both beginning to obtain international notoriety especially Two, he is unidentified, even thing that can be corrected in pany. My advice to the writer is in certain fields. For example, Stony Brook has excelled in though he is very significant in the future, by giving more to take extensive dance training its science and engineering programs and has gained the photograph. attention to detail, and applying before attempting to criticize international reputations for them. But Albany and Cathy Rivera was being more enthusiasm into the quest any further professional dance removed from her position as for accurate, in-depth reporting. performances Binghamton over the last several years have not been Cardozo College RHD. The con- Lloyd E. Sargeant Susan Perrotta making as much progress as the other two centers. They ditions under which she was Editor's note: Banks was sub- AIV-- - are no longer growing as they once did. And in the core of being transferred were presum- sequently identified in another Statesman will Stony Brook, the institution has been described by the ably negative. She was clearly display of the photograph in this SUNY Chancellor Clifton Wharton "as the flagship" of the identified in the photograph. Monday's issue of Statesman accept samples Hamilton Banks, though he was Universityt system. One cannot let the leader down. not mentioned in either story or Unfair Criticism from Columnists photograph, is Manager of Roth Quad, of which Cardozo College To the Editor: and Cartoonists. A Fair Trial is a unit Ostensibly he is her In response to the review in must It is all too often that the opportunity to try something boss. Was Banks instrumental in the Feb. 6 issue of Statesman on Applicants new and original is passed by. Approval has been given to her removal? Did he defend her? the performance of the Long Or was submit two samples change the Stony Brook calendar, beginning next fall. he sitting next to her as Island Dance Company called friend of the court, (amicus Under this change classes will be lengthened while the Dance Fusion. I strongly dis- to Room 058 jurae)? It is obvious that States- agree with the author's criticism semester will be shortened. We believe that this fresh idea man did not feel that Banks was of the performance. Being an [in the Union. ought to be given a fair trial by everyone concerned. This 1%6- -AV includes the administration, the faculty and the students. r- Many of the benefits and flaws of this plan are obvious. On the positive side there is the added week of winter Sta tesman recess and the extended summer vacation during which students may be employed for longer periods of time. In "Let Each Become Aware" addition, with no classes starting earlier than 8:30 AM, Mark L. Schussel students travelling on the Long Island Railroad will no Editor-in-Ch ief longer have to miss their first class. Tom Chapped Of course, a shortened semester does have its Benjamin Berry Managing Editor R.A. Prince hindrances. Students will have to complete 15 weeks of Acting Associate Editoi Bustiness work in 13 weeks. Manager In looking at the schedule change from an academic News Director News Editor Nathaniel Ribinovich standpoint, there again, there exists two sides. As we all Sports Director Ellen Lander. know, many of our class periods end too quickly. During Sports Editor Arthur J. Rothschild Lenn Robbins Physical Education classes, by the time students change Special Projects Director Mitchell J. Murov taken, the class period is half over. Feature Editor and attendance is Health Sciences Editor Joe Panhotzer There are also many interesting discussion type courses, Photo Director Brooks Faurot where student/faculty interaction is cut off due to lack of Photo Editors Dom Tavella Editorial David Morrison, Henry Tanzil time. On the converse side there are always those boring Assistant Assistant Business Manager Laura Craven lectures that will now drag on for another 10 or 15 Acting Arts Editor Jeffrey E. Horwitz minutes. Assistant News Editors Neil H. Butterklete Joseph Flammer, Amy Mollins the possible shortcomings the new calendar Alternatives Promotional Assistant Yet despite Assistant Photo Editors Biagio T. Aiello is worth a try. This is not to say that we should stick with Advertising Manager Nira Moheban, Peter Winston it regardless of its success, but that it ought to be given a Production Manager Art Dederick Assistant Production Manager James J. Mackin fair try. Executive Director Stephanie Sakson 1%1.. Carole Myles Col MylRSOW-I

Page 6 STATESMAN February 13, 1980 I

Flternatives Statesman's Weekly fitts and Feature magazine Wednesday, Feb. 13. 1980



making money From 'Star Trek' Page 3f


It X 3 1aI

S.C!I,0; Wi



r .00 *

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Plasmatics Reviewed Eglevsky Ballet Opens Page 5A Page 7f

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-- lli0- yDay^ SMO1ncReGASBORD 1 An Euala (nne~rtzitt Amrltvo ^.:: g ^^^*-'^'"'-*J.^^7 .W~~~m Includes X 101 ia-m. < I d any Meat Entrees $395 Choice. . '"'','...'.|tlwS Silat w F lch .... .j a o You -n ^t -ir -- it==...... ; j^^ ^^ -n

Page 2A STATESMAN/Alternatives February 13, 1980 a I w

I --A I I

. The Sellinj xrTrek

By Jack Millrod cation and more feeling than the film, not to mIention a few creative touches typical of the Star Trek: The Motion Picture may not have aulithor's imagination and feel for the world of made its mark as an artistic triumph, but the Star Trek. $42 million resurrection of the starship Enter- * "The Official Blueprints From Star Trek: prise and its crew will certainly be noted as a he Motion Picture,' ($6.98). Much like the commercial one. oIueprints based on the series offered to Star Although critics blasted the movie based on reok enthusiasts years ago, these diagrams the popular 1960s TV series, most labeling it a rendered by "Project Engineer" David Kimble, feeble melodrama with good special effects, nclude 32 different views of the newly refitted Paramount Pictures estimates that after two i S.S. Enterprise and its bridge, and vessels months at theaters across the country, the film known as the Vulcan shuttle, the "Travel Pod," has grossed well over $75 million. And the and "The Work Bee." While each blueprint is selling of Star Trek is taking place not only in highly detailed and imaginative, they have little the moviehouses of America, but in super- use if you are not nuts about blueprints, markets, record stores, fast-food restaurants, someone interested in building rniniature models bookstores and toy shops as well. of these vessels or a member of a highly Howard Levine, of Paramount's merchan- advanced civilization. If you just want some- dising department, estimates that more than 200 thing to put on your wall, for $3 you can pick products from over 40 licencees will make their up a large, colorful poster of the refitted way onto the consumer market in the months to Enterprise orbiting the Earth, with all its come, all based on the new Star Trek film. How compartments revealed by a see-through effect. much money do they represent to Paramount * "The Official Star Trek Trivia Book," by and Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry? "It's Rafe Needleman ($2.25). This quiz book, much too early to tell," Levine replied. iiuthored by a 15-year-old, is based entirely on The possibilities that the project offered, the series and does not include the film, however, were clear from the start. Although the -though the book is brand new. It is a TV show about the crew and adventures of a sophisticated test for the best of Star Trek fans 23rd Century starship lasted but three seasons and is not intended for casual viewers. Do you on NBC before poor ratings killed it in 1969, in know where Spock's heart is, what a Code One the last decade reruns of the series' 79 episodes emergency is, or what you get if you teed a have been viewed in more than 160 markets tribble? Needleman asks and answers these and across the United States and 47 others abroad. more. Like the work of an obscure artist appreciated * 'The Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology," only after his demise, the public began to eat up by Stan and Fred Goldstein with illustrations by Star Trek items in the stores. Thousands Rick Sternbach ($8.95). This is a somewhat attended the conventions offered by hundreds puzzling history of space flight from its origins of Star Trek fan clubs across the nation. And 1 ne warp z / uruiser rnol m:e year zv o+v^u-v». through the 23rd Century. It is puzzling because between the 400 fan publications and more than and "Draw the Alien." while it is billed as a Star Trek book, it deals 50 books based on the series, there was no Best of all, however, are the Star Trek jokes, with Star Trek only peripherally, and concen- shortage of Star Trek reading material. which include; trates instead on bridging the technology of Now, though this time with competition from Q. Why do the Enterprise crew members today with that of the movie. Where it does the Star Wars motion pictures, Star Trek is once always carry umbrellas? touch on facts used in the series and movie, it is again the delight of paperback publishers and A. In case of meteor showers. faithful, but much of this spaceflight chron- toy manufacturers. And just as before, Trekkies Q. Why don't Vu lcans wear hats? ology, including nearly all the vessels discussed and Trekkers alike must approach the new glut A. Because their ears get in the way. and incidents like the first encounter with life in of Star Trek items on the market with caution, And . . . space in 2048, is the work of the author's for they range in quality, and while some are Q. How would the aliens attach themselves to imagination, and bears litlle connection to Star true to the characterizations and themes of Star the Starship Enterprise? Trek. Trek, avid fans would find others downright A. Just Kling-on. Other new books include "Star Trek sacrilegious. Speaks," a compilation of quotes from chara- One of the biggest deals, and the most Looking at the source of some of the better cters taken from Star Trek episodes, "The Star questionable among diehard Star Trek fans, is and somewhat more serious Star Trek items (and Trek Make-A-Game Book," in which Captain McDonald's "Star Trek Meal." Soon after the those most abundant in stores right now), Simon Kirk, Mr. Spock, Scotty and Dr. McCoy race to motion picture premiered, TV commercials & Schuster has gained exclusive rights to all new the bridge in order to escape a Klingon attack, began advertising something new under the Star Trek publiicitions. Richard Clark, who is "The Star Trek Make Your Own Costume golden arches. A Klingon warrior (speaking handling the publishing firm's Star Trek items, Book," which provides amateur tailors with Klingonese of course) stepped into our living noted that some 16 books are being published in patterns for costume) used in the movie. There rooms and told us how much his children enjoy connection with the premiere of the motion is also a Star Trek calendar, two punch-out McDonald's Star Trek meals. For $1.57 (or picture. Many of these are now available in books, and a peel off graphics book which $1,67 with cheese) McDonald's was offering a bookstores while others will appear within the provides stickers noting the proper -way to regular hamburger, a small order of french fries, next few months. operate airlock lifts and other household a small soft drink, McDonaldland cookies and a Here is a quick look at several that are fixtures. special Star Trek prize in colorfully illustrated currently available: In the spring we can expect "The Making of The Motion Picture," co-authored by boxes. * "Star Trek-The Motion Picture," by Gene Star Trekk: The special prizes, it turns out, are double Roddenberry ($2.50). This is the novelization of Gene Roddenberry and Susan Sackett, a glitter iron-ons, much like the ones you can also the film, by Roddenberry, its producer, and the "fotonovel," and "Chekov's Enterprise," in find now in boxes of Cheerios. But without a creator of the Star Trek series. The story, as the which Walter Koenig recalls his role in the series doubt, the most interesting part of the Star Trek most avid Star Trek fans may have noted, was a and movie. meal is the box it is packed in. There are five take-off on a TV episode called "The Change- Other items, including the soundtrack from different boxes in all, each featuring a different ling," which was written by John Meredyth the movie and 33/4 inch action figures bearing Star Trek character, The boxes, which all Lucas. Alan Dean Foster wrote the take-off for only the slightest resemblence to the characters include a picture of Ronald McDonald in space, the movie, which Harold Livingston turned into they represent, grow too numerous to mention. with the Enterprise over his right shoulder, each a screenplay. After the film was shot, Rod- It is sufficient to say that they are all out there contain games like, "Cart you break the Klingon denberry went back and wrote the novel, which waiting for takers. And if that is not enough, - code?" "Count the sensors on the cave walls," is surprisingly good. It includes more explan- just wait until they put out .1 sequel.

February 13, 1980 STATESMAN /Altfr ndt Nves Page 3A I Dill Doird Center

zHxA;d~as OfAGK- MAKTALMH SrTATU COMPLETE LINE OF SrKKTL YCONFDEHTIAI ART SUPPLIES OrV.-HA-9 * HI 7DAYSrA WEEK' DEALERS IN CALLIGRAPHIC ARTS HFMSrEAo,M.Y. HAUWfAUGE.MY. BosrTW MASS. ff1063v2«2« ^1r 2-X> ?"17 63-2 1 1 3S Open till 9 p.m. Fri. __ B -- :_____^MM W .C.I-_-"____

The. Neighborhood Company IOOOOOOOOOOoaOooOOOOOOOOOO Known Coast to Coast M [iE Iif c.@@"""NUB 588-3233A l (P|[|CNTURY4, CE~nTEN CII L.I.. N.Y ll7n 0 ^'lTHEATRES 2 Bockr Woot of Naelels Ad. SMITH HAVEN MALL AAMCO 10% OFF WITH SUSB ID ' HERO AT LARGE

ooooooooooo -ofeoooooooooo WEDNESDAY 7:40,9:55 F- w THURSDAY 7:40,9:55 y RPM PHOTOGRAPHY STtUDIOS STONNY BROOK CLEA;NERS itL Ph~ftntgrap/hv hor All Occasi(ptns i FRIDAY "We know nestnescs counts" I 6:15.8:10,10:10 OOOOOOOOOaOOOOOoOOaOo000000mo SATURDAY Specializing In: _ ... . _-.. A W 1:00,2:45,4:40,6:308.25s,10:20 t * PORTRAITS * CUSOUM UKYCLEcANING * ADVERTISING SUNDAY * TAILORING J1:25,3:40,600,7:55,9:55 * MODEL PORTFOLIOS 4 * LAUNDRY SERVICE MONDAY 1251 Rt. 112 X:25,3:40,6:00.7:55,9-55 Port Jefferson Station * SHOE REPAIR N.Y. 11776 TUESDAY * 10% DISCOUNT STUDENTS 7:40,9:55 (516) 928-2582 F% ------Route 25A Stony Brook N Y 11790 516 751 1501 (Next toRailro.ad Stateon) VW c iis^ Main Street Stony Brook NY 11790 516 751 2662 ((Sllxt toVIH.oeMarkfet) L______-i

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,AtN T t M t STNY BROK\ TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 Visit Any Center And See For Yourself : BEVERAGE CO. Why We Make The Difference + 710 RTE. 25A, SETAUKET + Call Days, Eves &Weekends 7/2 mile east of Nichols Road A ROOSEVELT FIELD 248-1134 I For Information About ERo lsi ., Other Centers InMole Than 80 Major U.S. Cities &Abroad Outside N Y.State CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 j11 Expires:2/19/980 l'

- -- Page 4A STATESMAN/Alternatives February 13, 1980 Iul The Ps4Rk

suit, it is very difficult to make out most of the By Stan Glick lyrics on the first hearing. But one can sense the message of Punk Nihilism, which, though not The Plasmatics are a Punk Band. They play profound, is at least meaningful. rock-n-roll very loud, very fast and very well. Not surprisingly, the visual element is at They also put on one of the most exciting, bi- least as strong as the music. While Stotts zarre and raunchy live performances to ever was an oc- casional focus, cavorting with the audience come down the pike. Their most recent appear- and writhing on the stage, it is Wendy who keeps ance at My Father's Place in Roslyn was an in- all credible experience. eyes attentive. She runs back and forth furiously rubbing her crotch, while singing, and sliding The group is fronted by Wendy 0. Williams, up and down the mike stand as if it were a highly an energetic and shapely blond who came on- lubricated metallic phallus. She also fires a rifle stage wearing tennis shoes, striped socks, a V- (thankfully loaded with blanks)over neck sweatshirt - and black binkini panties. the heads of the audience, and knocks over Midway through the set she went offstage, while equipment with such careless abandon that one patron the band continued to play, then returned wear- reported- ly needed three stitches for a gash ing a skin-tight black slacks outfit. Her strapless caused by a wayward cymbol. top had the impossible task of keeping her large - and apparently surgically enhanced - breasts Just when it seemed that nothing more out- contained. Towards the end of the set, down rageous could happen, a roadie brought out a came the top and out popped the boobs, to the stand upon which Wendy placed a guitar. She audience's delight but to no one's surprise. Least then proceeded to cut it with a chain saw, send- of all Wendy, since she had strategically placed ing chips flying into the audience. As the band two stripes of black tape. left the stage, Beecham had a death hood and a The lead guitarist, Richie Stotts has a Mo- noose placed over his head and was hoisted sev- hican haircut (out of Taxi Driver) and was wear- eral feet into the air - by harness and hook at ing a ballerina's tutu (out of personal choice). In his back, not the noose. After all, good rhythm the past he's been given to wearing nurse's white guitarists are not that easy to replace. uniforms. Rhythm guitar was handled by Wes All this admittedly sounds merely weird, as Beecham, who was wearing a white lab smock words on paper. In person it's highly effective. and a silver wig. Stu Deustch, the drummer, was Imagine the musical elementism of the Ra- the most conventionally dressed member: he mones, the manic destructiveness of the Who of wore a dark shirt, white tie, and a pair of shades years gone by, and Deborah Harry on Spanish that must have made it real hard to see anything. Fly. That's a rotuqh approximation of the Plas- Jean Beauvoir, normally of the New York Nig- matics. To get a better idea you might try their gers, impassively played bass guitar. His dyed- album, label and availability uncertain. But to white Afro-Mohican contrasted sharply with his get the lull impact, the PlaJsrat jics have to be dark skin. seen live. You definitely won't be bored, and if The tempo of the Plasmatics' original music is rock-n-roll, loud, raunchy and X-Rated, appeals vwq--Iluy %..O. vVilliallizo wivvVilug IlUF ZOLUI 1. rapid and the volume incredibly loud. As a re- to you, you'll be, more than satisfied Percussionists Open With a Bang

accenting. effect is one of drawing the listener kind of Indian war dance. The By Thomas Groening John Cage's "Second Construc- into the music, with the result of a d6-velopment included exciting roll tion for Percussion Quartet," com- deeper aesthetic experience. The passaqes, oscI I.ting between the Five of Ray Di-:s Roches' percus- posed in 1940, called for an musicians, in their interpretation of lour players, and some? well exe- sion students, collectively known as unusual playing of the piano: one this piece, succeeded in casting a cuted crescendos and decrescendos. the Abacus Percussion Ensemble, player banged the bass keys while mood over the listener, making him The tremendous atudience response performed a program Thursday the other slid a metal bar up and forget he was hearing unusual brought the group out for an night running the gamut from Bach down the corresponding strings noises, aware only of the expression encore of Latin-American music, to Frank Zappa The musicians inside the piano. Although this of the sound. featuring Jim PLgliese on steel (James Pugliese, Daniel Kennedy, piece made use of non-traditional "Take That," written for four drums. The ensernble left the Dominic Donato, Stephen Martino, pitch intervals, it was easily acces- drummers with 16 drums, con- auidience with the joyous feeling of and Stephen Paysen), armed with sible in its "swing" nature. tained some of the implied vio- the encore, and with a deeper an arsenal of percussive devices, The ensemble went out on a lence. It began with all four awareniess of the potential ot displayed a remarkable cohesiveness proverbial limb, much to their drummers pounding four to the bar percussion music, and of music in in execution as well as in expres- credit, with "Take That," com- for all he was worth, reminding the general, as some more of the siveness. The ensemble's preference posed by William Albright in 1972, somewhat amused audience of a man-mad,; limits are errised. leaned heavily toward modern and Michael F. Hunt's "Metal -ODQoVIF W-I- pieces; all but the Bach Contra- Ensemble for Two Percussionists." r r IL. v IL rt punctus X I I I and Contrapunctus I X The latter piece served as a vehicle were composed in this century. for showcasing the expressiveness < = Benef it The Zappa composition, "The of the ensemble, as well as for Black Page" (found on the "Live in percussion instruments in general. New York" collection), was inter- The piece, built around a minor Concert preted with steel and wood vibra- second interval, called for the phones, a celeste, tabular bells, and bowing of the vibes, as well as the On Friday, February 22, at 8 PM. there a five piece drum kit. The piece was -scratching (using the hand held end will be a benefit concert for the children characteristic of Zappa, with rolls of the mallets) of the bells and of the Benedict Day Care Center. Tickets are available at the center for on the vibes, polyrhythms, and vibes. The piece had, as does much $2.50. The Concert features Duke the humorous melody. Jim Pugliese's of contemporary music, a barely Drifter, pictured above. handling of the drum kit was perceptible pulse, the feeling of particularly outstanding, playing which requires much concentration the part brightly, with a flair in the on the part of the i istener. The

- - February 13, 1980 STATESMAN/AIternat ives Page 5A - s~~~~~~~~~~~~ North Shore \9 Conunity \

le 0 v = 10 Ar-ImMr-lowlw-iw w = 'ML = *277.0 m wri' lo * rar1j per math

LgeSty~o, 1J^, BR Aps. Air Cond. Soinuning Pool, aundry Facilitie on premises. Walk to Shopping. Only 5 minutes to campus. 1 or 2 yr leases. In- House Security nn nnnnnonO QOQOu Q& gO Q Oupnft_ Located in Port o Jefferson exactlv 2.8 IcI~ Now(V CI AvailableI 11ce IfSophomore students'> I I | aniatybi tLaii Huw PIsyV L«U oc $ 0o $ 00 10% Discount ~J 'the W. Averell Harriman I with SUSB ».D. 751-1300 V.'f ' , College for Urban and A_....;...... i . I-to , Peace,Heafth ' , Policy Sciences. This is a ~~~~~~~~~~...... and Sucess ...... to All ' |three-year program ...... ,~~ ...... -- . .. t... ;...... ~~~~~~~~~~~...... v..,'-' ' leading to a Bachelors SundaySy 7a.m.-5p.m.n75 a a - < ,degree and a Masters Student BREAKFAST ' ,degree in Urban and Policy SPECIALS: UNLIMITED bottomless cup of c ,Sciences. Specials coffee to everyone,you pay for only one.FREE homemade Muffin with any Egg order, <| > For Further Information: > sandwich, Pancakes or FrenchToast. < Mrs. Enkler LUNCHEON ,W. Averell Harriman College for SPECIALS; FREE cup of homemade < Urban and Policy Sciences Anywhere on soup with any lunch plate, Burger or Sandwich. Campus. . o: 'Old Physics Building-room 314 SPECDALS: FREE cup of home made < Telephone: 246-8280 | Smith Maven Mall soup & carefully prepared Tossed Salad with c e - Oi O9a L LO r 0 0 0 9Q9i - Q Q Q PathMark any Dinner or Plate. ooo-nn orO(nflTnuiOnoui0n Park Bench Located 2 blocks east of Jack In The Box, across from Marios Mosleyfs Pub 207 Route 25A Setauket 751-9763 Loew's Theatre CATERING OF DISTINCTION - WE DELIVER TO THE COLLEGE - - _ Stony Brook Book Store Marshall's Century Theatre Stony Brook

Station Commnons Cooky's Steak Pub Corner Book Store Stony Brook Bowl Friendly's (347) Beef Steak Charlies Mad Hatter l


...... near 5etauKet bakery, Deli a Tueys 751-9839 _ L 0 I I 0 4 Mao &0 A - ',E - [0 I 0

Page 6A STATESMAN/Alternatives February 13 1980, w*#0^ I


I I I- -Z, I / I I A

1 I


The decade of the 1980's will see new advances in all areas of mass communications. In radio, plans for AM stereo and greater licensing of AM stations are underway, while on TV, stereo sound may soon be upon us. The continuing growth of Cable TV, video discs, video cassettes and album picture discs will offer the meda cosmretard'nr pin in home enterta'inment.

In the middle of all this growth and expansion stands non-commercial M raIoWihmrmeaoultavlbe to the public, commercial and non-commercial radio and television stations face a challenge . a challenge of offering their listeners and viewers programming which will make them keep their dials set to their channel or frequency.- Some will have it tough; no one will have 't easy; but, by decades end, non-commercial rad'o will be as strong as ever. That's because non-commercial radio is more local, more responsive and more "audience participat ory" than any other form of broadcasting in this country.

Broadcasting from the State University of New York at Stonv Brook, WUSB 90.1 FM Stereo will grow with technology and expand with new programming ideas and concepts. During all of this, one thing will remain the same . our responsibility to offer the Long Island community a radio outlet wherein all forms of expression can find a home.. a 9t I# * ItIe I station that can be used by members of the University Commun'ty (students, faculty, staff and alumn') as well as by county residents.

WUSB RADIO Funded by student activity fees, WUSB is voluntarily staffed by these aforementioned groups of people.- As a 4,000 QnrlManager, Norman L. Prusstin; Program Director, Ray Stallone; Business educational radio station, WUSB serves the Nassau-Suffolk and Southern Connecticut regio a Manager, Roberts Millman; Chief Operator, Edward Becker; Chief Engineer, Frank watt non-commercial Burgort; Operations Director, Brian Dinger; Music Director, Larry Braverman; News Long Island's largest univers't-omnt rd'o station Director. Cliff Greenberg; Sports Director, Bruce Marx; Public Service Editor, Brenda Payne; Special Projects Coordinators, Rich Koch, Alex Montare; Office Staff, Melinda Our announcers program a mixture of rock, folk, 'azz, blues, classical, experimental and foreign music along with ^ Marais, Sue Pheffer, Eric Price. good conversation. Specialty shows are scheduled throughout the week in music, public affairs, arts, news and sports. .this guide will assist you in locating them. WUSB STAFF Charles Backfish, Susan Banker, Bob Benuhan, Michelle Berman, Mike Bifulco, ' Community groups and other non-profit organizations who would like to inform our listeners of upcoming events Jonathan Billing, Gone Bogart, Barbara Bloom, Sean Branigan, Robin Budd, Jim should address correspondence to the: Public Service Director, WUSB Radio, Room 260, Student Union, SUNY, Chang, Jeff Cohen, Eric Corley, Eric Cwass, Caligiuri Dianne Carr, Hay Chan, So-mui Stony Brook, N.Y. 1 1794. We also invite comments relating to our programming and other operational functions. Such De~isse, Jane Lovitts DeCilla, Bob Duffy, Early Morning Riser, Doug Jerry Dallal, Paul .same address, Edelson, Marty Frankevicz, Dan Freilicher, Lee Friedman, Dennis Garone, Mike Girardo, comments should be addressed to the Program D'rco at the Barbara Gore Suder, Susan Gundiz, Karen Hansen-Lappen, Randy Hayman, Louis Heckheimer, Lister Howan-Lowe, Phil Horowitz, Ray Katz, Bob Komitor, James Lantier, WUSB, Long Island's non-commercial alternative, publishes this program guide in the hope of aiding listeners to fully Bill Lazaroff, Peter Lee, Michel LeGros, Judy Levine, Andy Lish, Paula Liss, Lea Marari, take advantage of our varied and d'versified program schedue Brian Nacht, Randy Neff, Mike Martinks, Bill Mckenzie, Mike Mendick, Leven Merrihew, All programs are subject to change. Felix Palacios, Helen Pan, Gary Pecorino, Arnie Pritchett, Jeff Rabkin, Kerry Riker, Jim Roes, Bill Senikowich, Mark Sherman, Fred Siegel, Phillip Smart, Jennifer Smolin, Donna Stockey, Lou Stevens, Jennifer Thien, Janet Tom, Frank Valenti, Prasad Varanasi, Kirk Norman L. Prusslin Word, Jim Wiener, Valerie Wilcox. General Manager WUSB Radio « ^ * ^______**M H -i HM M ^H _ M B MMMK ------M Mf / .^

SPECIAL MUSIC PROGRAMS Morning Star (Sun 12-1 p.m.). Join Andy Lisb as he spends one hour weekly programming contemporary MORNING-GO-ROUND (AH. Sun., 8-8:30 *.m.) and talk. Andy encourages listeners to call him during the show at 246-7901 to share their spiritual music Paula Liss hosts this bi-weekly program for Lids Readings of poem fiction aad wtvctM by Md far thoughts and visions. children are a regular feature as are musical selections and announcements of activities and CVCAU that would JmJusHour (Sun. 1-2 p.m.). Prasad Vannasi hosts this weekly music culture program that features traditional be of interest to children. Schools, day "care centers, youth gnxjps and other organizations reared for the youqg and contemporary Indian music. Live music performances are also heard at this time and a special India Hour are asked to send us information pertaining to on-going and up-coming programs and events. program guide is available by calling the producers at the station GARDEN NEWS (Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.) Swo '78 (Sun. 5-6 p.m.). Helen Pan, Hay Chan and So-mui Chang give Long Island a taste of classical, traditional and popular Chinese music Each program begins with a run-down of recent news events that are Hannah Bradway keeps you up-to-date on all of the latest gardening techniques, procedures, and timetables of interest to Oriental communities as well as a listing of upcoming events and activities. for planting, seeding and harvesting *^ Jazz Mwe.1 (Sun. 9-10:30 p.m.) Jazz Alt ve' is aweek lyscncs of live performances dedicated to America's own */ s NEWS FOCUS 3P**^'^*^^^ " ^^'""""^^f folk Ksituol U.S.A. (Sat-. 'S-.^O-I-.OO p.ro '). Folk Festival U S A. offer* ^ J Amcncan traditional. ethnu: and contemporary folk music. Typical festivals include Festival Do Deux FOCUS (Wed.. 1-1:30 p.m.) and Old Time MUSK Festival Stay tuned to 90.1 FM for exact listing by some of Mondcs. Philadelphia BJucgrass Public issues - international and domestic - aie the subjects of this public affairs aeries produced Produced by National Public Radio. non-partisan research organizations Drawing upon their own staff and othtta piNBCcnt la I America's leading complex lid urym mutt » * Morning Future ArU$t5 Franfc Buiyrt (MOB., 7-11:00 p.m.) and Kirk Ward (Sat 8 12 00 noon) They world and domestic affairs, these agencies provide programs dealing with dedicate part of their programs to the music of a particular artist, group or musical genre Rare recordings, clear, responsible fashion. "live" performances, background information and interviewl are a featured part of the spotlight Keep your a morning MAGAZINE (W»d.. 5:30-^00 p.m.) dial set at 90 1 FM for the on-going Morning Feature Artist Scnes and if you would like to suggest BBC SCIENCE * Jeature artist, you can do ao by calling 246-7900.______^ What is new in Cancer Therapy? C*n anything be done to pievent oil »p«ll.? T»e*e ueoew_u^u3 ..vxo .1^ ».«.»^ ^.v- - or health professionalsof great renown mAeir field*, -d are heard Saturdays at 8 55 am and Every week. Barbara Bloom speaks with physician* hour of 8 9 10 and 11 am., and 4, 5 and 11 p.m Weekend newscasts to all of us. Topic* include: hyper«««oi>, of United provides down-to-earth information on health matters of concern 5 30 p m and Sundays at 10 a.m.. 6 p.m. and 10:55 p m. Our staff uses the combined resources to bring you nutrition and birth control. Press International teletype and audio service. Zodiac News. local press and staff reporting to our audience information on the names, places and events that make news that is of relevance and interest STONY BROOK SPOTLIGHT (AH Fri, 1-1:30 pjn.) bring to the attention of our news department by calling Listeners who come across items of interest should look at what's happening on the uopw of Ac Sftc of News Director Cliff Gicenberg hosts this 30 minute m t l or > 246-7901. a CMWM *B "»* ** '"" New York at Stony Brook. Each program w»ll usually include an interview with xemfand a look at iutuie u*ue« SPORTS or faculty member or student as well as a look at the past wedcs news making station, but thev probably and events. The WUSB Sports Department may be one of the smallest departments on the many of the nationally have the most energy. During the course of the year. WUSB Sports broadcasts live Fri.. 1-1:30 p.m0 and scores ot local PUBLIC INTEREST REPORT (Alt recognized Stony Brook Patriots basketball games. The sports department broadcasts news On Monday's, trom / b, Public Interest Reseath Group pioducc Au>b.-w»cl(ly look and national teams in addition to conducting interviews with sports personalities Members of the Stony Brook Chapter of the NY is happening in sports on 'Sports call NYP1RG at 246-7702 for more infomatiOD. p m you can join host Ray Stallonc in a no-holds barred discussion of what at consumer oriented issues You can of sports arc a regular feature and you, the audience, can speak to them on the Huddled Guests from the world GAY TIMES (Fri.. 1:30-2:00 p.m.) air by calling 246-7901. hwt this weekly progna focmingoo ««ue*cws ue regularly scheduled .ndfeatultd TBeG*yS«udaitU«N« Stan Fischlcr of Sporting News. Gerry EskenaziofNY. Times. Peter Vecscy and Stev^ in record library community News items, Sports Llose-Up level of the Student Union Bidg. Call 246-7941. and Pat Calabria and George Usher of Ncwsday At 9:30 am. every weekday, tune in to is located on the basement world such as Violence in Our ace sports staff will take an in-depth look at a particular topic in the sports GREAT ATLANTIC RADIO CONSPIRACY (Fri, S^O-C.-OO p.ni) Hockey", "Network Sports Coverage" and "The Olympics". NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS CONCERT BILLBOARD GARC is a collective of radio programmen baaed out ofBaltimote NFBC i» die Mtiooal Wff»mw»lw Program* that are produced include topict t-t tte mutlly not ke**do« Every evening at 9pm.. WUSB presents a run-down of folk. rock, and jazz concerts that are upcoming in our commercial community radio stations oo the political scale. broadcast area as well as those being held in the greater metropolitan area of New York Citv New Jersev radio in our area and fall left of center and Connecticut. RADIO DRAMA (Fri.. 11:00 p.m.-12:00 *jn.) CLASSICAL MUSIC series producd for adio. Lut )W we Friday evenings are set aside to present »«e of the finest d»«n»tic James Lantier host the classical music segment This yw we cMtuNie wiA -S

Primca Eglevsky"*I^ s" Performance

- By Stephanie Sakson Cleveland Ballet, is the caliber of dancer that Villella is attracting to work In the beginning there was man and woman. with the company. In the Shostakovich If they were ballet dancers, they would have suite his pas de deux with Susan Lovelle, a talented dancer danced the first pas de deux. Traditionally, this 11I I -1i also, was inter- esting but the choreography is how two members of the opposite sex come didn't allow him to show off his dancing skills together in ballet. Once a choreographer has to their fullest. Vernon's ballet, "Couple," mastered this interaction, any piece, involving had its world pre- miere Friday any number of dancers, will be successful. night at the Hofstra Playhouse. It is an abstract neoclassical ballet The program of the Eglevsky Ballet Company, focusing on four couples moving in and out of sync, ex- at Hofstra this past weekend, proved just that. changing partners, and moving singly Three choreographers, including Edward Villella, and as a group on the stage. Strong directional lighting who recently became the company's artistic and robot-like poses indicated a modern influ- coordinator, and Michael Vernon, the company ence. If carried out to its fullest extent, the use ballet master, each created a work exploring and of modern techniques could have expanding on the pas de deux. made the bal- let even more interesting. For example, it John Clifford (artistic director of the Los touched on pas de deux with two men and two Angeles Ballet) choreographed the piece "Fan- women, and it would have been interesting to tasies," which is about two couples who long to have seen that explored further. As it was, it was switch partners, do it, and in the end like it. The good and well-performed by the company. innovations on what is in effect a double pas de An amusing touch to the three mostly serious deux create an emotional story Clark Tippet performing which is surpris- the "Shostakovich Ballet Suite." ballets was the performance of Balanchine's ingly not trite. The emotional tensions inherent "Shostakovich Ballet Suite," an Eglevsky Ballet "Minkus Pas de Trois," an energetlctallet with a in such a tale were well reflected by the dancers, premiere, choreographed by Villella, were not as whimsical touch, focusing on a mel$ dancer with who acted as well as they danced. This piece was interesting and were fairly routine. His strength a woman on each arm, froliciong about the the most theatrical of the four pieces performed, lies in group choreography. It is with many stage. The costumes were brigh .Ot and white, win terms of costume, story, and set. Just how dancers on the stage that Villella's creativity be- and cheeks were a rosy red. Enrfe abayen had close a ballet should get to theater is a matter of gins to flow, and his delicate interweaving pat- the height and energy necessary't xecute the opinion, of course. The drama, however, should terns with five and more dancers were quite snappy leaps in his solo number. Aiso, Michele -never overwhelm the dancing. "Fantasies" is suc- nice. The strong feeling of inotion carried 'Semler was very good in her solo that featured cessful in being a ballet as well as being a sensi- 'through the entire piece. some fancy footwork. tive play. The "Shostakovich Ballet Suite" saw the It was a successful and memorable show, and Especially memorable was the touch of acro- debut of Clark Tippet as a principal dancer of it will be interesting to see the Eglevsky Ballet's batics in "Fantasies" - making it interesting to the Eglevsky Company. Tippet, former leading future endeavors in choreography and the future .watch. In contrast, the pas de deux in the dancer with the American Ballet Theatre and the development of its dancers medieval-England Recreated performers acting out of character. captures the essence of a king. He is Since the play revolves around a By Neil H. Butterklee Afterall, this is 12th century at times smug; yet, he can very basic lust for power, on the part of England not 20th cantury Man- quickly turn that smugness into the three sons, it is ne' cessary for The Lion in Winter hattan. heated anger. Throughout the these roles to be portray ted with an Scrimshaw Theatre, Port Jefferson Still, given this material, the cast show, Kempt makes it dear shad earthy passion for the tthrone. All Admission: $6.95 manages to puT or rh-r !( ne- cS sho eing and listen'n ':-; three of the actors, Va ice Russel I Back in the days of 12th century performance. AI H-- <- rr'r<,* \n ii X,_- born I ,Xa \ Europe, the game ,^ruii», sIl van "orn teueoTTrey/ of political - d Ed Erikson (Richard hardball was basically a family Lionheart) each present themselves game. Brothers, sisters and cousins '-s individuals whose only mission in all plotted against each other over ;fe is to be king. They are all whom would succeed their father, properly greedy in their desire for or uncle, as King. Provinces were power. often won or lost as the result of Russell's character is the most marriage agreements made between easily disliked of the three. Playing the kings of two countries. Such is a.n insipid simpleton Russell accom- the backdrop of the Scrimshaw rl shes his task. He makes the Theatre's production of The Lion audience despise him for his in Winter, by James Goldman. stu. pidi ty. In this play, Goldman examines As Geoffrey, the scheming the competitive, yet torn apart, g rother, Van Horn is forever relationship of Henry, King of weaving intricate webs of deceit. England, and his wife Eleanor of This he does with a cunning and Aquitaine as they fight over who auile so fascinating that, when he shall succeed him to the throne. appears on stage, everyone seems to At times, one finds it hard to focus on him. fathom how Eleanor, who spends As Eleanor of Aquitaine, Jean her days (save for Christmas) Linzee is superb She brings out all imprisoned by Henry, can manage of the scheming charm that is to act so glib and nonchalantly central to her character. towards him. In one scene where Too often local theatres get Henry is yelling at her, she asks him passed by because "well, you know, "is that menace you're conveying?" it's not Broadway." In this case it This brings to light the basic flaw of doesn't matter. Though flawed by the script In trying to seem witty its script. The Lion in Winter is and urbane, Goldman often has his worth your attention.

February 13, 1980 STATESM A NgAI fternatives Page 7A l A

I 3

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Page 8A STATESMAN/Alternatives February 13, 1980 lo < | | w | l -- -'AAW MMMIl F, Rory Bennett: On the Way Up

Joel ... Yet, according to By Neil H. Butterklee Bennett, he was not satisfied with just performing copy stuff. "It As one can plainly see, by view- would take away from everything qg him in concert, Rory Bennett that I wanted to present. People s definitely a man on his way up. would come to hear Billy Joel not professional musician since me." 975 (two years after he left hign Fool ), Bennett is now at the This was a couple of years ago. <01 nt in his career where things From then on, Bennett decided to -Ire starting togel.. perform only his own material. He Kingdom Recording Studio, is not, however, content to stay Currently, ocated in Syosset, is presently with the status quo. *egotiating with Bennett in an ef- with the help of Professor Peter .ort to sign him to a recording Winkler's composition class, he is planning on using the campus deal. Right now Bennett is work- ing with LaPoint, a popular facilities to record one of his arrangements. regional band, who is also record- Mng at Kingdom. The idea here is Bennett said that he usually to attract the attention of Barry draws ideas for his songs from past Gibb, who, for some reason or personal experiences. An example of this is his song "Sign Right Rory Bennett perTorming one OT nis original another, is hanging out at King- numbers. dom Studio. At any rate, lending a Here." This was taken from his ex- contract with Kingdom, should perience with Atlantic Records Lyrics by Rory Bennett: really set Bennett on his way. who offered him one of those I Now it seems as though I've Bennett, as many students at "typical thieving, everything for nothing to lose, - Stony Brook are well aware of, is them, nothing for me," contracts. They say they'll hold you down, basically known for performing Bennett is scheduled to perform Till you've paid your dues. his own compositions. But this in the Stony Brook Union Audi- And they say you do for me and was not always the case. "The first torium later on this semester. /'11 do for you. _ year I played here, all I played was Catch him, because he's going And we'll both maftn out in the conv stuff Elton John, -iB1v places. end, it's true. -n1- If . I-H . I I -#, - -w -- .. .1 - . t Rory Bennett talking to the audience. - ______- - -- N%Li^______a '4% Dylan Thomas Portrayed of a lesser degree would have been impossible. "things happen everywhere except where one By Pattie Coleman As Dylan Thomas, the touching poet of such is." .f verse as "In My Craft of Sullen Art," Emlyn Wil- All in all, with the exception of a few minor A dark stage, a chair in the spotlight - enter liams portrayed an artist who was a tragi comic flaws, those who found themselves watching Emlyn Williams as Dylan Thomas. It sounds like figure in a misunderstanding world. Williams' Emlyn Williams as Dylan Thomas last Friday a small number of props for an entire 2%2 hour performance was flawed only by a voice that night were enriched by the experience. As was performance and, honestly speaking, it is. How- was not strong enough to carry to all parts of said at the beginning of this article - a dark ever, Emlyn Williams was able to carry it off the audience. At certain times it was necessary stage and a chair in the spotlight are not exactly quite successfully. to strain to hear him. Also, because Williams was a lot to work with. Yet, Emlyn Williams put it Emlyn Williams, distinguished actor, play- doing all the characterizations himself, one tend- all together well. It was interesting the way Wil- wright and pioneer in the world of "solo per- ed to be confused by the contrast switching of liams viewed the performance: the spirit of former" was able to capture the audience for the voices. Dylan Thomas, the audience and himself, a three greater part of a performance that for an actor A large part of the show's material was taken corner party. from Thomas' well-known work, Portrait of the E ------FW 1% ODCVI v Artist as a Young Dog. Williams took us through Ap--r now mU IgmI v I aI= - v T IT scenes in Thomas' life from his childhood through his older youth. The highlights of the The Other Season performance were events such as Williams por- traying Dylan as a young boy watching his first sunrise. In this skit Williams was illuminating as he lay on a stage, head propped on hands, look- ing at the audience as if it were the sunrise. "Reminiscence of a Schoolmaster" was one of Williams' extremely funny portrayals. In this sketch we found out that Thomas as a young Coy was described as a "small, unclean urchin" who never did his homework and who was champion of the spitting contest. We also got a feel for Thomas a real person, apart from the artist, when we find out that he had a high rate of detentions. Yet, he was also the editor of the school magazine. When portraying Thomas as an older youth, Williams did an astoundingly funny imitation of Thomas' girlfriend Polly. A pompous woman who is overly concerned with what people think Starting this Thursday, at 8 PM, The Other Season presents "The Farce of the Worthy Master Pierre of her, she practices crying properly. The final Patelin," directed by Mark DeMichael. Admission is and wittiest point of the evening was Thomas' L free and the show is running in theaLre three. quiet reflection upon life as a place where %- womop, Emlyn Williams superbly portrayed Dylan Thomas.

February 13, 1980 STATESMAN/Alternatives Page 9A Watch the Stars come ouIguiq :ome to a meeting of the Astronomy O H Sin *u SH MlalRfl]^^!^l ll Club X Every Wednesdaynight at 8 pm. 1^VJJ'TAI -in Ecl 183

SENIORS!!(AND ANYONE ELSE INTERESTED Get involved-This one s for you! Senior Semi-Formal Dinner Dance l WE NEED YOU! Come to the next meeting Union room 226 Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 7 p.m. contact Lyn 246-5365

I.I I There will be a meeting of the Undergraduate English Society on Thursday,February 14, at 12:15 in the English Lounge, Hum. 288 New Members Welcome

I l > ; FORTNIGHT + General meeting Anyone interested

+ Wednesday,Feb.13 in writing, art, photo tl at 8:30 p.m. -business and next year 4f Union Basement 060 editorial positions.



I o"I

The People for Peace tasktorce will present two FREE films on world peace on Feb. 13, 1980 at 8 p.m. in room 231 of the Student Union. The films are John Mary, Merv, and Marv; and The World Peace Tax Fund.

Page 10A STATESMAN/Alternatives February 13, 1980 TOGA!!! TOGA!!! TOGA!! Coming Soon! Swtv -1 l-_ - - - - -I v* - - - - a I 'm mr- I I 0-0-0 I I I I I The Society of Physics Students II'Jr', I I | Sociology Forum 2 I I Presents I I I » I o°I will hold a meeting II IIIII on Wednesday February "Thle Three Degrees" i S 13, at 4:00 p.m. in the forth floor lobby, I and I I I O Social and Behavioral Sciences. g *The Fundamental ° Everyone is Welcome! > foicrsMunwm^?^^

Scientist" 1:=:===ai- _ J t -- 11---aI - - 1 11- -1 -- Two films about scientific research Meetings for inl at Bell Labs. I The Undergraduate I1 Friday, Feb. 15 at noon I nization Rm. S-140, Grad. Phy. Bldg. at 5:00 in SSB Refreshments I vI interested in ALL WELCOME A | SSs s B S S as=go I

i =- =lr 1 - ~IV t = 1- - ==t =-==L C ------^ ^^ ^- ^S---IS ------S - - - - I oooooooooooo-oooooooooo<><>oPoooI eookw, w I I 0 Whitman College is having a New Wave Valentines Day Party 0 I witTHE LINES" I in concert Thurs. Feb. 14 m Basement Lounge Whitman College %A I from 10-12

Happy Hour 25¢ off all drinks from 0 10-11

11 '*** -- -- ..--- €a-w t ...... WG<7T ...... 9) Dance'SSto 7b'9g ...... Us VALENTINE'S ...... DAYg ^ < ...... = PARTY as< ...... C: ...... §z LIVE D.J. | ...... b e 93 FREE KISSES ...... <3 ...... E> FOR ALL d ...... E place: Gershwin College a, ...... date: 2/13, Wednesday e ...... A> time: 10 p.m.-

...... ^ ...... ~ ..~~... I , , ..I., , , ,...... ~...... -,-,,-...... - **

------"qL The Politics of Energy- Ir it_ --- n - I - ---Am -- 'wo-L., "- "T .' . . ..- . I . --% 2 -#% -^-- 2b v I rcan z na for the 80'ds - - *M-P--- -4ko Hear about the need for: ;4»t RIDING CLUB MEETING - Public control o energy industries X.^ *vigorous supot Feb. 13th, 1980, 8:00 p.m., Room 213, Union Once we understand the energy crisis, it becomesclear thas the nation for human rights at l owr aandarwoad not poor, but mismanaged. that enerqy is not wasted carelessly, but by de A swjt malt to nuclear power __Trip to see "The Black Stallion" at 8:30 p.m., Feb. 13th r1X-; sign; that the energy we need is not runningb out, ut is replenished with t An imredpate,sharp reversal in th rate r > every dawn, that by relying on our sWlarresources, we can forswear the of wlioary Siend-rig. - ($4.00) LAST DAY TO SIGN UP FOR THE MOLLOY i:;, suicidalholoesusn. prospect of a war that would begin with oil but end with a nu- clear The solution to the enrierq rriss;sthesolaf trranst on- *A guaranteed jot) for eveyon€ ho -tant to work (ST SHOW (All Welcome) I-= 5sa, opportunity to turn [his knowledgeInto action, to embark onna energy*A strong push for conservation and solr new historic passag. energy *Sttable -Barry Commoner, The Politicsof Energyv Prices for (he basic neCeswts orf Core !ife, food. fuel I)ousng, and medical == cart .^^ - . - - ^ -- a._ A.-- -- -, -** I *Putting the vastcorporationos which cor 1% ttoi bur economy under our control ^ - R>rov ... -.. ^.Dnrru r Featured Speaker: gocu * y Oa * *I * *II "^0 I Saturday, February 16 8:30 pm Federated Learning Club

ENA^CTS"V . Student Union Auditorium Club meets every Thursday SUNY at Stony Brook (Route 25a and Nichols Rd.) Admission: $ 2 &$1 for unemployed, students,& seniors Old Physics 132 6-7p.m. ,

--'freceeding the fecture. there will be a specks4 reception for Ur, Commoner. Tickets are SIS &SA5 Pet LOUpfie.C.Is 265 M494 ALLWELCOME! - Citiens CommittM of Long IdsKJ PO Box 972 Smvthtown NY 11787 .^«A.«i,_i-,_ NoM OA ORA

February 13, 1980 STATESMAN/Alternatives Page 11A lorI ~lilAe 4 . I Covers and dust jackets for children's books from the LECTURE: Dr. Barry Commoner, "The Politics of Ener- Wed, Feb. 13 19th century to the present, through February 20. Spe- gy - Organizing for the 80's" 8:30 PM in Student Union cial Collections Exhibit Room, second floor Library. Auditorium. Admission: $2; $1 for unemployed, stu- MEN'S BASKETBALL: Stony Brook Patriots vs. NY dents, and seniors. Preceeding the lecture, there will be a Mariti Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-5 PM. me, 8 PM, Gym. special reception for Dr. Commoner. Tickets are $15 and $25 per couple. Call 265-5494. SQUASH: Stony Brook Patriots vs. Fordham, 7 PM, "Bicentennial Series," paintings by Benny And-ews, Gym. through February 23, Art Gallery, Fine Arts Center. Monday-Friday, 12 noon-5 PM; Friday 7:30-10:30 PM, RECITAL: Percussionist Dominic Donate, performing Sat. 1-5 PM. music of John Gage, 8 PM, Recital Hall, Fine Arts RECITAL: Cellist Timothy Eddy, 8 PM, Recital Hall, Center. Fine Arts Center. Students, $3; others $5. Part of the Graduate Student Organization/Music Dept. Wednesday Thu, Feb. 14 EXHIBITS: Photo Exhibit and Andrews, See Wednesday Series. Information: 246-5678. listing for details. SPEAKER: Pathology Instructor Richard White, "Mac- SPEAKER: Artist Rackstraw Downes, "Painting Your rophage Elastase," 4 PM, T-9, 145, Basic Health Scien- Surroundings," with slides of his own work, 7 PM, Art ces, Health Sciences Center. Sun, Feb. 17 Gallery, Fine Arts Center. Part of the Topics in Art lec- SQUASH: Stony Brook Patriots vs. Lehigh, 2 PM, Gym. ture series. Suzanne Relyea, University of Massachusetts, "Process- ing the New Epistemology: Lacan, Chodorow, Mittig" 4 INFORMATION SESSIONS: On admissions, financial SEMINAR: Cary Weinberger, "The Discovery of the PM in Philosophy Department Conference Room, Old/ aid, housing, 1 PM, Stony Brook Union Auditorium; on Lysis Gene in RNA Bacteriophages" 12 Noon Graduate Meta Physics 249. physics, math, 2:15 PM, 237 Stony brook Union; on Biology Building, Room 038. earth and space sciences, 2:15 PM, 231 Stony Brook Un- Dr. Clive Ellegaard, Niels Bohr Institute-R1SO 7y- SEMINAR: Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, Center for biomedical ion; on chemistry, biology, 2:15 PM, 236 Stony Brook Energy Correlations at High Spin in the Continuum," 3 Research Population Council, Rockefeller University, Union, Information: 246-5126. PM Room C120, Grad Physics Building. "Biochemical Characterization of the Zona Pellucida of Mammalian Oocytes and its Fertility," 4 PM in Room EXHIBITS: Photo Exhibit and Environmental Exhibit. COLLOQUIUM: Professor Janos Kirz, Department of 038 Graduate Biology Building. See Wednesday listing for details. Physics, SUSB, "Progress toward X-Ray Microscopy," 4:15 PM Room P137, Old Physics Building. Coffee and FILM: Eraserhead 8, 10 and 12 PM in Union Auditori- Mon, Feb. 18 Tea served at 3;45 PM. um. $ 50 admission. RECITAL: Pianist Arthur Greene, 4 PM, Recital Hall, GAELIC LESSONS: Tuath na hEireann 7 PM in Union LIBRARY TOURS: 10 AM and 3 PM meeting in Refer- Fine Arts Center Room 216. ence Room of Library. INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING: 8:30-11 PM, LIBRARY TOUR: Tours beginning at 11 AM and 3 PM RECITAL: Bassoonist Craig Vandewater, 8 PM, Recital Tabler Cafeteria. Students, Senior Citizens, $1; others, will meet in the Reference Room of the Library. Hall, Fine Arts Center. $2. Information: 935-9131.

LUNCHEON-DISCUSSION SERIES: WomanStudy II: DEMONSTRATION: Against War, the Draft, and Stony SPEAKER: Dr. Steven Hughes, Cold Spring Harbor Lab- The Ideal and the Real which focuses on selected read- Brook complicity with Imperialism and Racism at 12:15 oratory, "Organization of the Endogenous Provirus in ings about women. Session includes fiction and non- at the Sundial (between Administration and Library. Chickens: Implications for Origin and Expression" 4 PM fiction as well as stereotypes, options and conflicts of sponsored by InCAR. in Graduate Biology Building, Room 006. :he 19th and 20th century western women. Noon in Dr. Robert Engel, Department of Chemistry, Queens Women's Studies Lounge of Social and Behavior Sci- MEETING: Chess Club 5-10:30 PM in Room 214 of College, "Synthesis of Unnatural Products," 4:30 PM in ences Building. Stony Brook Union. Room 412 Grad Chem Building. i v;, MEETING: StCy Brook Riding Cluib, 8 PM in Room Women's Center 6 PM in Union basement room 072. All LECTURE: Israel Week 7 PM in Union Room 231. for 213 Union. Trip to see The Black Stallion at 8:30 PM more information call 246-4797. ($4.00). Last day to sign up for Molioy show. (All Wel- are welcome. come) ISRAELI DANCING: 7:30-10 PM, Tabler Cafeteria. Stu- WORKSHOP: Stony Brook Meditation Club, 7:30 PM in Union Buddhist Meditation - Free and open to all. 8 PM on dents, senior citizens, $.50; others $1; Children under 12 Room 216. the fourth floor in the north wing of the Library at the free. Information: 246-6842. Center for Advanced Study of World Religions. Instruc- MEETING: Guatemala Country Campaign, 8 PM in SBS tion in theory, practice, meditation and discussion. New- EXHIBITS: See Wednesday listing for details. Room N-302. Call 265-5131 for more information. comersi please come at 7:30 for introduction. Please wear loose clothing and bring a cushion to sit on. COURSE: "Are You Interested in Nutrition?" Open to Fri, Feb. 15 all students including main campus students. No pre- Stony Brook Amateur Radio Society Club Meeting 7 PM SPEAKER:Earth & Space Sciences Professor, John Cald- requisites! Room 105 Level 3, HSC 1:15 to 2:45 PM. in Room 223 of Union. well, "Titan, the Most Interesting Satellite," 7:30 PM, For more information call 246-2133. 001 Earth & Space Sciences. Telescope viewing to fol- WORKSHOP: A special life-drawing workshop offered TELEVISION PROGRAM: "The Arts on Long Island" by the Union Crafts Center will meet at 7:30 PM at the low, weather permitting. An Open Night in Astronomy. - See Friday listing for details - can be seen in the town Union Gallery. $1 (Museum of LI Natural Sciences, Earth & Space Sciences for each 2-hour session, payable at the of Smithtown on Cable TV Channel 6 at 9:30 PM, and door. For more information, call 246-7101 or 246-3657. Building, open following lecture. See also "En- vironmental Exhibit," in Wednesday listing. the town of East Hampton on Cable TV Channel 3 at 7 "Experiencing Your Inner Beauty," 7:30 PM in Room PM. 214 of the Union. Dr. Roland Rueckert, Department of Biophysics, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, "Autocatalytic Cleavage of Poly- EXHIBITS: See Wednesday listings for details. POETRY READING: Poet Charles Wright will read from merase Related Proteins in EMC Virus" 2:30 PM in his work at 8 PM at the Center for Contemporary Arts Graduate Biology Building, Room 038. and Letters, on the second floor of the Library. His read- Tue. Feb. 19 ing is open to the public without charge. SEMINAR: Dr. Frank Castora, Biochemistry Depart- ment, SUNY, Stony Brook, "Different Aspects of Mito- WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: Stony Brook Patriots vs. FILM: People for Peace Taskforce of Enact is sponsoring chondrial Biogenesis: 1. Evidence for a mtDNA Gyrase, William Paterson, 7 PM, Gym. two free films, John, Mary, MERU and MARU and The II. Sequence and Hybridization Studeis with Cloned Pol- World Peace Tax Fund at 8 PM in Room 231 of the Stu- ymorphic mtDNA. RECITAL: Flutist Sandra Howard, 8 PM, Recital Hall, dent Union. Fine Arts Center. LECTURE: Professor Barry McCoy, coordinator of the Eraserhead will be shown in the Union Auditorium at 8, Holtzman for Senate campaign in Suffolk County, will SPEAKER: Economics Professor Tom Muench, "Central 10 and 12 PM, $.50 admission. discuss the Holtzman campaign at a Democratic Socialist Place Theory," 11:30 AM, 312 Old Physics. Bring lunch. Forumr at noon in Room 223 of the Union. TEACH-IN: Against War and Fascism from 10 AM-10 POETRY READING AND FILM SHOWING: As part of PM. 10 AM-4 PM in Student Union Room 231 and from TELEVISION PROGRAM: The Arts on Long Island - the activities planned for Black History Month, the Af- 7:30 PM - 10 PM in Social Sciences Room 137. Speakers Excerpts from earlier programs will be featured -among ricana Studies Program will present a poetry reading and discussion on: possibility of world war; University them segments devoted to the Sea Cliff Chamber Play- with Askia Toure (Roland Snellings), followed by a complicity in war and Fascism; U.S. imperialism in the ers, barbershop singing by the Mid-Islanders, a demon- showing of the film Malcolm X. Discussion will follow. Mid-East and Southern Africa; what fascism will be like stration and discussion of electronic music by Herbert 12 noon to 3 PM in Stony Brook Union, Room 236. It is in U.S.; racism at Stony Brook and why we need real Deutsch, and a performance by bass-baritone Richard open to all. affirmative action; organizing a revolutionary movement McKee. This program will be seen in the East Hampton in the military; why we need InCAR. Two Films: Night area over cable TV channel 3 at 7 PM and in Nassau and MEETING: Stony Brook Motorcyclists Association 10 and Fog, and War and Advice. Western Suffolk County over cable TV channel 12 at PM in Student Union Room 213. This first meeting is 6:30 PM. being used to introduce the new club and to get 25 sig- OPEN HOUSE: School of Allied Health Professions of- natures for the Polity form. fers a self-directive innovative Maste. Program full time JOINT RECITAL: Pianist Andre Watts and violinist Bodylife - Yoga "Communal gathering for exploring or part time - for Health Professionals who are interest- Charles Treger, 8 PM, Main Auditorium, Fine Arts Cen- our tension" 7:30 PM in S.B. Union, room 216. ed in graduate study - Emphasis is on teaching, re- ter, $11, $9, $7. Part of the Inaugural Season Series B. search. 5 PM in HSC Level 2 Lecture Hall 2. Information 246-5678. Stony Brook Meditation Club, 3 PM in S.B. Union Room 216. -Advanced meditation. EXHIBITS: "A Choice of Expression," drawings by Jeff EXHIBITS: See Wednesday listings for details. New Campus Newsreel, Stony Brook's film making club Bravata, through Feb. 26, Library Galleria, E-1315 Li- will meet at 8 PM in Union 214. Interested at all in brary. Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-5 PM. Sat, Feb. 16 films? Then please come. "The Natural World of Fire Island," through April 1, WORKSHOP: AIM Study Skills Workshops: Developing Museum of L.I. Natural Sciences, Earth and Spece Scien- WOMEN'S SWIMMING: Stony Brook Patriots vs. Brook- reasoning; time managmenet, study strategies for differ- ces Building. Monday-Friday, 1-5 PM, Sunday 12-3 PM. lyn, 2 PM, Gym. ent kind of exams; note taking. Conducted by Javick Melendez and Ulku Nouki, AIM counselors, 3 PM Color and black & white photographs by Betty Ross- INFORMATION SESSIONS: On admissions, financial through April 15th at AIM Conference Room. Must reg- aid, housing, 1 PM, Stony Brook Union Auditorium; on ister. For additional information contact Aim office at handler, through February 28, administration Gallery, 6-4017. first floor Administration Building. 8:30 AM-6 PM, sev- biology, biochemistry, 2:15 PM, 236 Stony Brook Un- a week. ion. Information 246-5126. en days ___ EXHIBITS: See Wednesday listings for details. Page 12A STATESMAN/Alternatives February 13, 1980 ---- EST 9uy I have Y^H^oetZ£,-Romp, OEAREST JEFF: For me to express JOAN Just a note I love you very nine months to say we miss DEAR CUT RONE, Here's to lots ( worth of love In one you; 6h, if only we could kiss you. lovin', much so havea beauTUI Valentine s little personal would be impossible. great nights and days, walkli didn't ThIngs will never be the same, until In the woods, Jackson Browne, Jac Day! Love, Mellnda. P.S. Why Happy Valentine's Day budde. I love you visit us again. I meet you sooner? you so very much. Today tomorrow, In the Box, days at the beach, ar and always. -Patti. P.S. Your snow- lots of Friday nights. Even thou« In 15 ball's melting. Thanks! GERI - For ever and ever, you're my you're a creep, I still love you EDITH I can't say anything WILLIE(I) and my dearest Valen- words or less except Happy Valen- much as a whole basketball tea tine. I love you!!!! Rick. with their arms extended. tine's Day. Love, Peter. MARK D- You may be miles away Happy Va but my thoughts entine's Day. Love always, Rose are always with BILLY Happy Valentine's Day to thal. LESLI Happy Valentine's Day to my you. Looking forward to skiing? I know one of the best Valentines I'll ever babe who makes everyday special!! I I am! Happy Valentine's Day have. Love forever. Anne. cutie. Love and miss you. -Patti KAREN?? Even though I don't kno love you. -Jeff you well, I am already in love wit TO THE PRESIDENT of the Lardo you. Will you be my Valentine? DAVE, I love you MORE than Linzer HEY HOWARD: Thanks for helping Corporation. Have a Lard Valentine's Tarts! Happy Valentine's Day; it's me with my "kids". Now we can die Day. Love always, Vice-President, Love, together! -Southpaw To my CUDDLY KITTEN, the great- TO THE ENGLISH CUTIE in the been a great six months! Millard. est girl a guy could hope for. MoveI Carrels. I've got to meet you. Your Sharon. you. Secret Admirer. DEAREST ANDY all my love to the ORLEAN, Welcome to the crew/ We DEBBIE: The Saloon wouldn't be most wonderful Valentine. Our love know we'll get along with you./ Oh Is something very special that could DEAR JANE, PAT, ANDREA you're BARBIE. Happy Valentine's Day! We complete without our dancing Don't let Statesman get you down/ the sexiest bunch I've seen In a long may not be close in miles but we ale you crying again? Wait, 111get never be replaced. Love always, are Lorrie. We're the best in all the town. time. I'm glad I'm staying. Happy In the heart. I love you very much food!Can we goget BR? HVD. Love, Valentine's Day. Much love, Terry. and I always will. Don't forget, I Kelly. TO MY KOALA BEAR - Happy never will. Love always, Robbie. P.S. CAROLE MYLES I'm keeping files Valentine's Day. Bop, Bop. Love, STEVE in the past year with you I've I went to buy some Butterscotch... DEAR BABY DUCK LORRIE: I love of all our dreams and crazy schemes. could learned the meaning of sharing and you more than I ever thought I From coast to coast we can boast -- giving. You gave me love, but what's THIS PERSONAL on Valentine's rove anyone. You're the greatest and of evacuating an area, as if we had ARCURI-4 You are the one I always equally important - friendship and Day is foe everyone who helped make I'd list all your fantastic qualities but diphtheria. Gut you and I shall not dreamed of. Will you be my Val5n- trust. I love you Ashley. my 21st Birthday the best ever. If I unfortunately I m not nearly that despair - 'cause we know we're quite tine? Lizzie. tried to thank you all, I'd use up half rich, considering it would take the a pair. Happy Valentine's Day! ELLEN- Happy Valentine's Day! of this paper. What can I say but whole Statesman. Happy Valentine's -Poetaster (look it up!) DEAR LYNN, Happy Valentine's Call me a nice guy - will you go out thanx. I love you all. -Pete [)ay. Love always, Andy. Day. It's one week and counting. with me Saturday night? -Doug DEAREST ANITE, The last time Love, Artie. Miss I DEAREST JONIE- Hey Pfister. do LN DA BURNOUT- Wly first wrote here was a year ago and I love KIM- Do I have to tell you how I you have some time! We've been jepson. I love you then, now and als you that much more. Happy Valen- DEAR S. Happy Valentine's Day. I feel about you? I think you know. through alot, but alot Is not enough. ways. Love, Mr. Falanzano. tine's Day to the girl that makes me love you. Your lustful lunch lady. Love, Doug. Love doesn't come cheap and I ve happy. See you here next year. Love, it I did paid dearly, but damn it s worth AL: Though t'was only in jest, Mike. DEAR BRAD, Even after two years, RICH, our third Valentine's Day - for you. Always for you. Love for take it to heart. Bought a chain, whip my love f or you keeps growing. I love let's make it happy!!! With lots of eternity. Love, Mace. and vest. Now I can't wait to start. LUMPY: Just wanted to wish you a you with all my heart. Happy Anni- love, your ittle Geraldine. Love, Dawn. happy Valentine's Day and a happy versary and Happy Valentines Day. MIKE: Thanks for the last semester. anniversary. It's been great so far and Love always, Stacy. HAPPY BI RTHDAY to my former It meant alot to me and so do you. JIM: Carnations are red, roses are I hope it lasts forever. Love you. Roomie Lynn, with special love. Mav is thorny. When I think of you, it -Bumpy FLUFFY, I would like to wish you a Your " Fiommie in heart" -Geri. makes me feel horny! Love, Lose. Happy Valentine's Day now! Your S.C. of Al JAMES- Keep Out! GREG you're the love of my life. Baby. S.H.S., I feel like I've aged 10 years Don't bring James' reputation over to UNE JEUNE FILLE Seduisant lui Happy VD to someone who's very since this time last year. The hurt is Langmuir. s'appelle Babette, had resolve far special to me. When two years are BE SMART and Love! Happy Valen- Still very much there. I hope our from hard to upset. First she's pass through I'll spend my life with you. tine's Day. EROS is 6-LOVE. Call friendship always remains. Have a BUMPY- I want to wish you a hap- then she'd play. Though she still Love forever and always, Mary. Monday-Friday 9-5. happy Valentine's Day. Love, Mike. py Valentine's day as well as happy wouldn't say, that which she'd urged P.S. I still don't believe you have a anniversary. They ve been the best to forget! -Je T'Adore, Monk DEAR LORI, Happy Valentine's Day BUDDIES! Thanks for tolerating my driver's license. times of my life. Love you. -Lumpy and Happy Birthday to the best girl- neurotic tendencies these past weeks. MISSY who would have thought friend anyone could ever want. I will I'll always iove you ALL. Happy Val- TO INGRID, ABBY, HILARY, Liz, TO MY LITTLE "KIDDEN," you are we'd end up here together. Tell me love you always, Steve. P.S. I bet you entine's Day. Love and kisses. Cheryl. Melinda Rose - my favorite Valen- something very special to me. You do peanut butter and TB's mix? Let's thought I wouldn't do it! tine's. Thanks for being more than will always be my Valentine. I love raid the fridge! What is it this week - THE ROYAL DUCK Society says, just friends and being my second you. -W. Tiger feast or famine? What does that GANG: O.I., Fire Knuck, Marshy, "Love a duck on Valentine's Day.' family. Love (pizon). mean? Love, Kelly. Southpaw, Moo, Hurse-51, Smokey, Special meeting - 2 A.M. on the yel- JULIE, KAREN and PATTY. I've Musician, Genius, Beatlemaniac Beep, low couch. FRANK, DB. would definitely go just met you all and don't know you TO THE BEST VALENTINE in the Taxi (pending change). I love you out with me before she would go out well, but, babes, happy Valentine's whole wide world! Hugs and kisses. forever! -Artist DEAR ALYSA - I love you very with you PSR Chamie Joe, Dave or Day! I love you all! Love -just an- Love, your Honey. much. Please remember this. - Love Steve. Your Fellow Engineer, Mr. other SAAB Story. KURT: Thanks for all the fun times Dana. Bill. ARIC: To my one and only honey. I together. Hope you enjoyed them as DEAR CONSTANCE and KATHY lufs you a bushel and a peck and a much as 1. Especially thanks for DEAREST POOK, Happy Valentine's DEAN, Mr. Silhon, Thanks for all the you finally got your names in printf hug around the neck! Happy Valet- being a friend. Let's continue to have Day to the sweetest guy in the world! times in our offices. -Tuan and Stan Congratulations and Hap v Valen- tine's Day. I love (whole bunches and fun - what are you doing tomorrow Thanks for all you ve done for me tine s Day! My love to both of you! a lot). Love always, Stacey. nite? Love, Artist. and remember 'Love conquers all!" DEAR ROTTEN KID- Will you be Love, Bearded One. Love always, PIMA baby. my funky Valentine? -Love, E. BABE: You ain't a beauty, but hey DEAR ABBIE, It takes a little sun- DEAR CATHY, You are who my rat- you're alright. I love you. -Bruce shine, it takes a little rain, it takes a DeBie SPELLS HER NAME so so- FERN, I guess we can add two more ings system was made for. Heigh Ho. little laughter, it takes a little pain, phisticatedly. Just took where it is chapters to the adventures of F&S. I Drugs. Be orish Capricorn and excel- MARIE I'm back. I'm bronzed and But I can take the heartaches, I only written it has only one *B". She don't know who to thank for having lent. Smoke some tewds. Love, I'm better than ever. Love always, want my love to grow in you. Happy thinks she's such a big shot saving us the love of the most special person in "Roger." P.S. I won't tell anyone Laurence. Valentine's Day. Love always, Larry. a stool. But anyone could take care the world. I wish I could initial this about your driving. of that you stupid fool. She says personal but I think you know what I DEAR PAUL our love is an everlast- RON DARLING: Don't know how she'll always be there and then she want to say. Thank you Fern. I'll TO THE GIRLS IN DREoSER 221. Ing love??? Happy Valentine's Day! long I can go on without you. Do never shows. When the hell will we never ever forget all that you have My fantasy is to have all of you as Love always, Blanche. you feel the way i do? If yes - put a find out where this DeBie goes? done for me. Love, your Roommate mine. -Secret Admirer note in the thumbhole of my bowling -The Moralists and best friend, Shari. MACHO MAN OF D-3: Do you have ball Wednesday. HVD! Love, Artist. DEAR BABES- Even though I did- to build those muscles up? You al- HEY THERE MAR rY was it for a FERNIE: Yesterday HAS long past, n't get a cake, Happy Valentine's ways have enough. -Kelly ANDY DARLING: Don't know how Masquerade Party? I don't mean to and I know that tomorrow won't Day. Love always, Rickey. long I can go on without you. Do get on your case - but what the hell last. But today is only a moment IZZY we can't handle it anymore, you feel the way I do? If yes- put a was that hair on your face. You away. With love, Digger. DEAR '"SECRET ADMIRER" -you but we still love you. Love, Kelly and note in the fingerhole of my bowling looked so damn mysterious, and have aroused my curiosity. Please re- came across so serious. It might have veal yourself. -Lee Missy. _ ball Wednesday. It's good to know added a touch of class. But now TO THE GIRL that doesn't give her- that someone will be there when you old pain in the ass! self enough credit- you make me ZIMMER, KATI MS, Wad; let's hear it need them. Thanks. Love, Artist. you're the same smile. Love, the guy with the ego FROGGY, how about some mind for Saturday afternoon orgies. Happy ' Love you Mr. K., happy Valentine's problem. games or maybe a little body heat. Valentine's Day. JOANNE: Happy belated Birthday Day. -Whatshermame You're worth more than one trillion good night kisses, if we're still count- and happy Valentine's Day. You ROSEMARIE P what's gonna be? TO MY DARLING NANCY I only KELLY Happy Valentine's Day to know you're really an okay hope our love continues to grow with ing! Happy VD Day. Love, Dood- With you and Sven are you at it head. P.S. Maybe this year you'll be the nut next door. I love you lots and roommate. -Theresa so upset, each day we are together and with your peanut butter too. Love, Missy. again? The man is always every experience we share. I know able to share some Fannier Farmers. JERRY sells sugar and spice and never knowing when you'll wet. - why our relationship is an everlasting one. IZZY here's your very own personal. everybody treats him nice - except When your team's in a huddle Love, Don n ie. LON, Happy 2Cth Birthday to a VD Happy Valentine's Day to a great the Italian! Happy VD. -Cinnamon, are you al3 standing in a puddle? baby. From black to colors and all Nutmeg and Ginger We've noticed whenever you re in a that s in between, thanx! Love, Sta. friend and roomle. Can I have the to tricle. If Yv, CA, MAR, SPACE, through all room tonight? Love, Missy. pickle, your body begins the fighting, laughing, crying, schem- TO OUR DEAR MARIA a full 38cer: this is what puts a smile on your face MARK ANTONY, from S.B. to the - we're all gonna get off your case. Ing, ' calling", and especially eating, GREG actions speak louder than This girl is no phoney - won't take you guys have become my best Eternal City... Our second V.D. Day no baloney! As a bouncer she has We're anxious to join you, that's a out of many. I love you, and you can words. I'm not much of a talker. bet. We're gonna laugh and en- bunch of buddies ever! This birthday Happy Valentine's Day. Love. K. fame; we all saw her throw out Dane! sure wouldn't be dearly as special without float down the Nile with me any -Tight joy and all get wet! Happy VD. -Dry time? Love, Cleo. Crotch and Strings and Comfy you to share it! I may be a year old- M.M. D-1 LANGMUIR: These per- er, but I'm still as crazy as ever. Hope BETTY D., why can't you see an DEAR PATTY BEAR: Roses are red. sonals sometimes bring people to- LINDA LOVELACE that you ain't. this day brings everything you've ever gether. You once gave me an oppor- Equestrian you 11 never be. Each wanted (don't get carried away!) violets are blue, this place really week you bare another bite, and In fact you're closer to being a Saint. sucked until I met you. Yon held me, tunity which I foolishly passed up. All these years we've been wishin' to GAM! I love you! Your 20 year old Please give me another chance. I do frankly we can't stand the sight. Our friend, Jodie. you kissed me, you cuddled me and to you is bite the horse and meet your new born Christian. You wow! the place still sucks, but it's learn from my mistakes. advice must really be a beaut to have mar- show him who the hell's the boss. MARCUS- Hapov Valentine's Day bearable now. Thanx babe, Happy to take a shit or be- ried one so CUTE! Happy VD. Valentine. Love, Al. DEAR KATHY no names this year. Tell that horse -Timid and Shy to a suoer friend! you may not al- Just a happy Valentine's Day to the fore your know it he'll bite your tit! ways see me but i'm always theme-. Happy VD. -Fudpuckinpuckers -Jodie MICHELE our friendship is very spe- greatest girl in the world. Love, Jeff. CAROLE E it's plain to see I just cial. I hope it grows more and mro.:# hack it! Why can't write poetry. Among the things each day. Love, Brenda. RON- Happy Valentine's Day. Love, DAVE, DAVE, we can't CHECKLA- Your right-hand wom- do you wear that goddamn jacket! I cannot do is write a goddamn poem Kpllv. for you. I haven't the time to worry an's not a teenager anymore, but she Your arm never comes out of the loves you just the same. Have a great JOHN I love you oecause when we're sleeve, 'cause by the time you get and fret. You win - YOU'RE the together you make me smile. Always DEAR MI KE, Thanks f or all the long Poetress day or I'll knock your teeth out' there you're ready to leave. Laureate! -Envious Jodie and forever, Me. weekends you've given us. You're the -Barney's 5th Ave., Div., of Men's cure for us frustrated girls. Happy FIRST CAME MR. PIKE whom we Outerwear THE D-3 LANGMUIR "Committee" ROB love takes time... Happy Valen- Valentine's Day. Love, Ann and Bon- all did like. Then along came James, tine's Day. Love ya, Me. nie. who enjoyed playing games. Now we -Fishes need love too! We love you! JACK stands behind the bar and -Jodie and Pat. watches as we enter - the arrival of a hear there is an "M. The man's a CATHIE and CHRIS Happy Anni/er- DEAR PETE, From one sinner to an- Pseudonym. -Bewitched, dark-haired girl, a lady and a yenta. complete C-1 LANGMUIR- Happy Valentine's sary and Happy Valentine's Day to a other, Happy Valentine's Day. Love, of this he's able. Bothered, and Bewildered perfect couple. Love, Michele. the girl who taught He mixes drinks, Day! (It's been two years since I AL- you it all. But Jack we'd rather have a bagel. HOLLY: There was a little bowling MOST faced the "Miller Sign.") Now Jack you better stop that griev- Love, Jodie-May. BRENDA my favorite Valentine. I DANNY: What are big brothers made folks are alley and there they held a midget hope our friendship grows with each of? Friendship, advice, big shoulders ing - it's not our fault the leaving. Happy VD. -2/JAPS & rally. Tiny little bowling balls, tiny and every day. -Michele to cry on, food when you have none, little shoes. They arrived not one by RUN AMUCK- hoping this day and most of all LOVE. I love you. 1/ITRALIAN How proud brings many "toys" and "blankets' on C-l: one - but in sets of twos. (Gungh Ho!). Love ya, Jodie. TO ALL MY VALENTINE'S -Kelly CHARLIE, I love you we were to be represented - for we Rainbows may be my favorite things, DEAREST she's demented. now and always! Be my Valentine! sent Holly, even tho DEAR NAN: Thanks for being the but you'll never know how much I ILENE: Cheer up! You've got a lot -The Sane Ones love sleazy guys. -Anonymous Of friends here. I'll always listen. Forever, your Baby, Dianne. best sis I ever had. HVD. Love, yous Love, sis, Artist. Terry. ALEX, you fill my life with joy. You CHARLIE, CHARLIE, always near. DANA, my own special nurse. The of love. I hope But yet when you need him he's TO MY BOZO- last 11 months have been the best CAROLE has it "all together"/ And give me the treasure good game - I must admit I like of you. Be that you may be this happy too. Hap- never there. He talks a the things of this world...things that possible for me because no matter what the weather/ (Be it Day. All my love, Inspires each frame - as he walks in sparkle and shine..things my Valentinie forevor. I love you, rain or be it snow)/ She can forecast py Valentine's the lanes. that taste ALFALFA a biq kiss Maureen. his sneakers all through good...Beautiful sounds. But you, I Joe. P.S. Give With her toe. Happy V.D., Love, Charlie has a lack of "nookle" 'cause love! Happy Valentine's Day! Luv, for me. Linda. cookie? Happy VD. TO THE GREAT GUYS in Hendrix he's got a broken your TWEETY. Larry, Mundhir and -Funny Bunnies JEFF you are the dream I dream. DEAR MOO: Here's a Valentine for C-33: Alex, Cliff, Raul. Happy Valentine's Day guys. TO JOAN IE and UN I-BABY- Happy You are the happiness I seek. You are yaeven it it is only from me. Paw. DANNY, DAVE and JOHN you're Valentine's Day for those without the rest I steep. You are the peace I future may be uncer- gone. But the memory lingers on. valentines. It's been real! Luv, Kari. yearn for. You are my hope, my love. ROBIN, As wegrow together, KITTEN the far apart, we'll al- so does tain, but one thing is always true - I Even though we're Happy Valentine's day. -Yvonne my love f or you. Happy Valentines ways keep you in our heart. Love and love you. -Babe READ EKIM, KRAM, LLIB, Peek Day. Love, Harry. happy VD. -The Ghosts of Bowling Gnillac, I evol souy! -J. JEFFREY I love you. Happy Valet- DEAR LORI: It's close to a year now Past tine's Day. -Yvonne LILA has become a poet./ Oh, my since it all began and it's been great. DEAR MAVIS, I never told you but I goodness, do we know it!/ Anywhere FOR MY FAVORITE WENCH I Happy Valentine's day. Love, Ed. love you and really care. -M. TO THE HORNY LITTLE WOMEN or anytime/ She'll be thinking of a Love you, I love you, I of Langmuir C-3: Enjoy your V.D. rhyme. Love and Happy V-D,Linda. I miss you at nite too! Happy Valen- Guys from FRANK-- A love like ours is hard to your favorite JODIE: Happy Birthday to the crazi- Love, The Horny Little Happy tine's day! Peace happiest woman I know. Langmuir 0-3. find, I'm glad we found it. Wench. est and DEAR SEAN from Benedict B-3: Valentine's Day! Love always, Mar- -Keep smiling on your 20th - you've Where have you been all my life? lene. got lots of reasons to. Love, Lisa. BONNIE AND GAYLE (who loves Open up, you've got a lot to offer. SUE Y. Happy B.rthday! Happy Val- we couldn't have asked for for me soon, Gunnar). You make my heart tingle. Love al- I love you till entine's Day! Make time LYNN, I love you - A belated Hap- better secret V31entines. You were TO MY FRUITCAKE, o.k.? I love you alot. Peace, Barbara. ways, Me. the stars fade away and the moun- py 21st Birthday and may the last 31/2 great! Can't wait for our last B.J. mean surprise. Love, your tains turn into sand. I love you till and now it's years reflect just the good times we (oops) I COOKIE, I love you today more than into an old man. I DEAR LORRAINE, may share. Happy Valentine's Day. sleazy counterparts Dirt and Clancy. my body changes time for you to learn another mean- yesterday, but not as much as tomor- Love always, Jim. row. Danny. love you.-YoUt Fruitcake ing of being together. Love, Gerry. FERN & BUBBA, Thanx for being the best bed partners two rcornmates TUSH, Living with you this year was we KAVITA- May your clays be long MO-P- Thanks so much to DEAR LISA, in our presence love. Happy Valen- could ask for. Happy V.D. Love, for all the the best thing that ever happened feel, together we and filled with friendship and loving. Be my Valen- you be my Valentine for- learn, in unity we tine's Day. -Jerry Clancy and me. Will grow. Dirt. tine? Love, ^ Love, R.R. ever? With love, Chublet. Gerry. .- -

February 13, 1980 STATESMAN Page 7 4Sts TBfc^Z tt A^L IRON (11) SULFIDE Happy Valen- SHARI, I just wanted you to know TO PAT- Just remember that the 2 MICHY, you will always be ry SUSAN C. Your radiant glow leaves tine's Day to a truly special friend. that I wish you all my love on this Important things in life are having a "Brown-eyed Girt." I have and al- me at a loss of words always be my Our chemistry Is just right. Guess Xday. and every day. Happy Valen- good time and learning to say "NO". ways will love you more than any- Valentine. Love, Mark. tine s Day. Love, Eric. Love always, You Know Who. thing In the world. Happy Valentine s Day. Love always. Pooh. SUZANNE, We've just begun, I hope DEAR BO-JIM, Thank you for un- JEFFREY. Hell yeah we will go! (To ED: So you're a little shy -I'm a lit- It lasts, 'cause you re something spe- derstanding me and for letting me Canada that is) I can't wait' I love tle 4oud. You like to listen to music D.- thanks for being you, and there cial, you're my kind of class. Love, have time to sort things out. You're you. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, - I like to dance to It. But honey, If to talk. With a toast, a puckered face Fablo. very special! Love, Pickles and Tuna- Diane. there's anything we have In common, and a lead on a chest, we can't go f ish. It s the way we feet about our very wrong. From my heart, and the litle MARCIA - An extra special HVD JEAN Happy Valentine's Day to a special relationship. It means the goes), and of course for all the times I SHOULD have said YVONNE, what can I say that I have- very special person. guy (there he All my love, world to me, and so do you! I love Kmokey, t's fulfill the toast! Love, I care. Love, FS. n't already said. Happy Valentine's Rick. you. -Barbara Ann Day. Love, Dirty. Ken. DARLYN happy V-Day IF YOU ADDED UP all the love rep- to the dear- SAL: You haven't lost that sensuous ... You've got the look that's all to- resented In these pages and multi- FERN, I'm a lucky person for having est person in my life. I love you. Love,Jan. touch, but then again neither have I. sether, the JORDACHE look. Happy plied it one-thousand fold, It could Such a great friend. I hope the best HVD. Love, your Virgin. Valentine's Day. I love you, John. approach my luv 4u! Happy for you on V.D. Drill foreva. Love, not even DEAR Dl, thank you for the kinds of V.D. "The Bear and Hare" 4E! Dirty. AFGHANISTAN doesn't rhyme, CAROL, Do you have any records to- things that you. Five fantastic though months. Love, JlJJeffery. I've tried many times. I've day? Happy Valentine's Day. - NHB. DEAR RUTH of Benedict A-2 Happy BUBBA, even though you treat me found out that It's true- so I'll Just Valentine's Day. Love, Your secret like shit, I still love you (and I'm have to write: You're my joy and de- "R" It's been a "great" five months. Valentine. dead serious). Happy Valentine's DEAR PACO, hope this makes your light, and I send all my loving to you. Let's keep it up. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Dirty. day! Happy V.D. (Going to the Sa- Happy Valentine's Day to my favor- Day. NHB. ______PRC and JK: Life is too darn short to loon?) Love, Snoopy. te terrorista. Love, Chris. fight in! Live, love, and laugh to- ANGEL Itf heaven on earth when CINDY DAWN Happy Valentine's gether! A friend. you're around. Your friendship lights TO RAGAMUFFIN until forever DEAR LINDA D-3 Benedict College: Day. I love you. B. R.H. up my life and my heart. How about you'll have my love. Better luck next I hope you have a happy Valentine's PAULA, KATHY, Connie, Jeanette, some wine flavored kisses? G-Cow- time. Always, Pablo. Day. I can't wait to meet and eat SPECIAL ONE - You give me all my Marian, Ilene, Laurie, Terry, Sook, boy K. you! Or maybe you'll eat me! Love, Joanne: All you sweet girls/ A total JANE, SWEET smiles; on Valentine's Day and every- JANE- Thanks for your S.V. day. Je t'aime Infini you big doody of nine/ Won't you please be/ Our, TO MARTIE D my true "star fuck- the special piece of you I've seen. head. Love, Miss Merle. you know. friends? Happy VAlen- er" It really has been wonderful! Precious friends are not too common. DEAR CAROL and DOROTHY, here tine's Day! Love, Scott, Nick, Tom, Happy Valentie's Day. Your pseudo I'll always remember you. -Paul, A-32. are one dozen roses to show how MUNG BEAN SPROUT our paths are and Joe. red-head. much I love you on this Valentine's uncertain, our destiny vague, but Day. and CREAMPIE: I DEAR STACEY: Let's make this Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose constant always is my love for you CUDDLEBUNS SUZANNE I didn't feel like putting Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose and us, GLO. only tease you because I luv ya both! in a Valentine personal for you - so I Valentine's Day even more special Rose. Love always, Stephen. Happy Valentine's Day. SLG. didn't. -Creepo the second time around. That's how I feel about TO THE NEW WAVE women of Car- it, and you too: You are Hey, my SUITE B23- "SEXY" girls. TO THE GUY with the yellow jacket DEAR JESS, I don't need Valentine's very special to me! Happy Valen- dozo A-03 Sheena, Sherona and tine's Day. Love, Jerry. Thanx for making this year fantastic. Skent. You pierce my heart. Love who studies in the map library often. day to say how much I love you, I Happy V-Day. -Anita you lunatic 'LO' I love your black curls. Yes, I AM ad- love you everyday. Love, Mich. day. DEIRDRE- Hope you have a happy miring YOU. Happy VAlentine's MY SUAVE, Savage, Broken ;;inged ADAM, No metaphors or similes: I Judy. BONGE, you're one of a kind. Valentine's Day! Love, a Fellow Queens and O'Neill Resident. Eagle, yet I flew again./ And knew love you - Happy Valentine's Day - Smoke anything interesting lately? afresh FREEDOM in your touch./ with all the happiness I can offer. DEAR Phyllis - We love you. Happy And Andrea, you said nobody ever My mind, you clear./ I love you./ VAIentine s Day. Love, C-2 1. sent you a personal, so here's one, for TO JOAN, as I gaze from afar I know -Your Lady, Cyn. you. Love, Lee from F-3. I shall always stand in awe of your ef- ANDREA ROSE, Happy Valentine's fervescent charm and incomparable Day No. 4 together. Hope TO THE BAGS - Perhaps we can MY ROOMIE B.B.- Bunny Lori I to share in- spend next Valentine's Day in a sveet BRIAN, I've treasured every moment beauty. My admiration always. -rhe finitely more with you. Love, Joe. Mad Biker love you even when you're not tan! at the Homowack - Jodella, Tracella, shared with you because "Longer Love forever, Joni Bambino. Wandell, Sister Chris, Nikki, and than there's been stars up in the DISCO D.- Here it is, after all! Hap- Renee. heavens, I've been in love with you." CAROL, what can I say- If it weren't MY LITTLE EDDIE thanx, you're py V-Day, sweetheart. Wanna be my Love always, Suzy. for you, I would probably be broke, Valentine? Rock R. and in trouble. This personal is es- the best with the cutest nose on DEAR RENT-A-ROY - Avis trys earth. Love always, Joan. harder, Hertz is number one, we ERWIN "Journeys end in lovers pecially for you on this day. Happy DEAREST JOHN - This is our first Valentine's know you try harder to be the hard- meeting, every wise man's son doth Day. -Peter DEAR POZ, Bobby and Garry - Valentine's together. Let's live it up and enjoy it! I can't begin est number one. Love, The women know.' Thanks for all of the special Happy V-Day to the guys that always to tell you down the hall. times we've shared. Happy Valen- TONTO- Love, kisses, and heart make me smile. Have a great senior how special these past eleven months tine's day. Love, "Delilah' warmed smiles. Happy Valentine's year, will miss you next year! -Anita have been. Happy Valentine's Day Day. I love you ass pronto. sweety. Let's make this day one that LISA, Roses are red, violets are pur- we will cherish for always. Love ple, you're really sweet, just like CHRIS- Thank you for making these DEAR CHERYLL, Happy Valen- you, maple surple. Love, Brett. past four months the happiest ones DEAR LARRY: I love you. I guess tine's Day. Love Artie. Lucy. I'll always have "the fever" 4 you. of my life. Happy Valentine's Day. I JANINE, To my favorite Racquetball love you. Love, your Little Baby. -Maribeth GAYLE, Gunner is not the man for RAY, TOM, STUART, DENNIS, JOE: You'll always be our favorite partner, Happy Valentine's Day. you. It's me babe - so let's get to- Leggs. MICHELE there are at least 30 apples COCOLISO: I love you always! Now gether. Happy Valentine's Day. Valentines. Love, Mary-Ellen and more than ever. Siempre seras mi Kathleen. iin a bushel that means you only have TO MY INEVITABLE PARTNER, 20 more apples to bite. Love, You gran amor. -Beto MICHAEL (Me-co)- I'm no writer Know Who. DEAR PAUL, and you and I climb, No expectations, no explanations, no DAVID but I hope you know how I feel. I'm worries, but a few fears and a whole Happy Valentine's Day to so glad you've shared a tremendous crossing the shapes of the morning. BARBARA- Experiencing you was a someone who is a special part of my And you and I reach over the sun for lot of caring. Always, Your little life. Love always, part of my life and been so special to playmate. beautiful feeling. Happy Valentine's Mary. me. I know you love me too. We've the river. And You and I climb, to- Day. Love ya, How*. wards the movement, and you and I CHERYL happy VD, the summer's had ups and downs, but it's what's DEAR JILL, A relationship like ours between us that counts. Will you be called over valleys of endless seas. DEAR MIKE and CLAIRE: The best coming and field 5 is waiting for us. Happy Valentine's Day. With lotsa comes once in a life time. A person as my Valentine? Happy Valentine's beautiful as you is even harder to roommates I could ever dream of. I Love always, RON. Day. I love you. -'Nita love, Donna. love you both, arind I'll never forget find. I will always love you. Richard. the great times we've had. Love for- JOE AND JIMMY you are two of our RICKY BEAVER - Could you "fit closest friends and we'll always trea- ,DEAR YODY, There's really not TO MARYANN and CATHY, Happy ever, Bonnie. much I can say. You Into my pants?" Babe, it's a perfect sure your friendship and all the good know how fit! Love- Rusty. VAlentine's Day. Firebug. times we've had. Happy Valentine's much I love you!! I've really never DEAR GAYLE, thanks for just about been happier- you're the best!! And the best year of my life. You're the Day (but still no Qs). We love ya ton DEAR ROSS, Thank-YoU for loving Tara and Kitty. I love you!! Have a Happy Valen- TO S.K.A.M.M. Conspiracies unlimi- us, and tucking us in at night, and No. 1 roommate and the No. 1 friend. tine's Day. Love, Ralph. ted, even though you're trouble- Thanks for being there when I need- making sure we don't fall under the RICHIE- If you love something set makers, you're the best friends that I bed. We love you, the fish and the ed you. You're the greatest. I love ya, DEAR MONICA- I'm so glad Rick have. May all your schemes run Bonnie. it free. If it comes back to you it is bea r. yours - and cherish it forever. If it saved our baby!! Are you afraid of smoothly In this coming year. Happy dying? I think I'd kill them both if I Valentine's Day. Love, Fire. P.S. It's GAYLE I don't mind you and doesn't - it never was. .. I came M!SSY, Two years of loving and we back! Love, Margie. found out they were fooling around!! April already? have only just begun. Until Eternity, ,Gunnar Pooh Pooh sleeping together Love, Alan Quatermaine. Jon. in our room every night, but the BOB, they call you hulk, Elroy and TO THE GIRLS, I must spread the moans and groans have got to stop. YVONNE, Times have been both word to the people at U.S.B. V.D. is MICHELE, Yeah, I'm serious! Love, Bonnie. blob. On the Weight Room they I guess you'll do. write "Spa of Fat Slob'/ Their nick- good and bad, but our love had en- coming, V.D. is coming on Feb. 14. Happy VAlentine s Day. Peter. names don't matter, let them write dured through it all. We've shared so Happy Valentine's Days Chao. P.S. WENDY: A real friend when I really what they may/ you re CUDDLES to many smiles. We've grown together In Make sure you get a check-up on Fri- ROOM IE, From MASH to Macaroni needed one. Did I forget to say thank me on Valentine s Day! Love, Face. so many ways. I'm confident our love day. and cheese to our talks of B.U., it's you? Please forgive me and please, will continue to grow and we will sur- all been great. You've corrupted me. now that you know where I live, DEAR HELENE (B2) I want us to be vive. I love you, Mark. P.S. You're DEAR LEE, So many wonderful and I LOVE it. Happy 20th Birthday don't be a stranger. Again and most more than just friends, please be my still so damn cute! times, so many warm memories. on V.D. Love, Felix, Lush 5. importantly, Thank you. -Frank Valentine. -Gor You'll always have a special place in DEAR GRAY C-1: Happy Valen- my heart. Lorna. JAMES, This year has been the best TO YONE involved in making the DEAR BUNNY 5 months, 4 days. tine's Day to you crazy guys- es- one ever. I will love you always. Hap- last three February 1Oth's three of Well, my love, how do you feel? I pecially Paul. Great being with you. JANE, What more can I say - I love py Valentine's Day. Carolyn. the most important growing experi- love you always. Your Teddy. P.S. -Anita you - Baumer. ences of my life, a sincere thank you, Happy Valentine's Day. MIKE, Thank you for being you and Especially...Lynn and Stephen. You DEAREST GORDON, Everyday I TO IAN, CHUBS, O.M & O.L., To standing by me. You're the best. ate ALL truly my friends. -Frank ANNE, when are you going to be fair thank God for having the opportuni- four hearts of gold. Happy Valen- Happy Valentine's Day! All my love to me, yourself, and our love? You ty to know and love you. Happy Val- tine's Day. We couldn't have found a always, Lisa. CINDY Happy Valentine's Day. I have had a chance to share your life entine's and Birth day. Love forever sweeter suite or four sweeter guys. hope it's as good as the times we've with others. When is it our turn? I and ever, Meryl. 'Thanks for all the good times. We CAROL: I Couldn't a few days ago. had so far. My life has been great know we could be so happy together. know we can't come close to Ralph but I can now. I love you very very these past weeks. It only gets better I say these words not out of bitter- YAESIL, You don't realize how the dog, but we try. Love & Friend- much. Happy Valentine's Day. John. since you stepped into it. Love, ness but with tremendous excitement much I need you. Love you all the Ship always, The R.C.'s. Stuart. and expectation of the joy we both time and never leave you. Love, VEERA LYN, What has become of could bring into each other's lives. I Yongshik. DEAR RICH, I'll never be able to you? P.F. P.S. - I'm coming home find DEAR BENEDICT A-2: We love love you. Vou're a funny little girl the words to tell you how spe- Feb. 25. you! Happy Valentine's Day! Love, and a beautiful lady. -Richard TERRY your love is dear to me. You Cidl you make me feel. Happy Valen- love. are tiara and Stefanie. dear. -Assumpta tine's Day. Marguerite. G.C. - Here's your personal. With all SWEETIE being with you, looking at my love. - The Cookie Monster. SCHLOCK to a buddy, pal, confi- you, loving you are the nicest times. SANGER SUITE 324 (SMBBSJ) STEVEN, You are the special some- dante, chauffeur, friend, companion, -UFA CUTIE Happy V-Day. You guys are thought one I cherish and love. Happy Valen- JOE B. - Happy VAlentine's Day. nudge, old pillow. of today. You're by far the friendli- tine's Day. Love, Heidi. I love you! Happy est. Keep Success and happiness always. P.S. - Valentine's Day. -Dara DEAR MLM: This is just to tell you it that way! -Anita Same to you Sue. Ev. that I love you and to thank DEAR BROTHER - In my eyes you you for DEAR SHEREE, The past TO CASH: Even though we fight I loving me so much too. Yours al- two years are number one. Happy Valentine's BIG JOE - May you find all the still love -you tons and tons and bush- ways, MLS. ihave been the best. Let's keep the Day. I love you. Sis. peace, happiness, and love that life els and bushels. -Kevin good times rolling. Happy Valentines holds. Happy Valentine's Day Friend. MIKE- I wanted to let you know Day. Love always, Henry. COLLEEN - Roses are red, - Snot is - Ev. DEAR CELIA, I'm so happy that the how much I care about you and how green, - Would you please be my HOWI-O- So glad we're Lord has placed you within my life, grateful I am that you were always buds- I love Valentine - Doug. DEAR BARBARA - A very special you encourage me a great deal with there when I needed you. I'm sorry you- Shut the light, lower the ster- wish to a very special person. You're your zeal for the Lord. Set your for having . I'll always love eo, kiss, kiss. See you on many more COR: You're out of my league but the sweetest girl I've tomorrows. Happy ever known, I'll heart on the things a ve and con- you. -YLS V-Day, you weird for 41/2 months I've been batting always love you. Mark. tinue to blossom in his everlasting one! Love. LESBO 1000 in happiness. Thanks for a trific Love, Mark. TABASSUM-ROOMIE, saturday (plus) in the city and for grace. hope you BEVERLY, KELLY, from our first kiss, I knew have a happy and "guilt-free" Valen- Happy Valencia Day. everything you mean to me. Happy you and I were Have you seen the Movie Star Trek Valentine s! Love, a perfect match. My DEAR CELIA.Through God's love I tine's Day, you deserve It. Thanx for Baby Doll. P.S. lovefor you is growing faster than am truly blessed with a sister as beau- being a great roommate, friend, and Yet. Love, Alan. Pre-happy Birthday. ever. -Joe tiful as you. The aroma of your pres- listener. I love you! -Patrie JAY, I love you. -Randy DEAR ence will surely follow me wherever I TERESA, Happy Valentine's DEAREST JED, Happy Valentine's Chris. JODES- Hey you "rip roarin' piss- Day. Would you like to go out Satur- go. My prayers you have. Love, ADI, Happy 852120 Day, Adina. day night? Love, Mike. Day. Remember we can make it in er," Happy Valentine's Day and hap- the long run!!! Love forever, Robin. DEAR JANE, Happy Valentine's py 20th Birthday! You're a woman Love, Puppy. MARY, Who Day. It's been only a year, but in that now, so "Gung Ho!" The past was would ever believe it, CHRIS of Epsilon Omicron Epsilon, I simply just child's SANDAR The Magnificent Dear one year and everything else, what a time you have given me more happi- play! I love ya! Sandar Sister- would say, I love you, but Bruce the Happy day from your dream. Well let me tell all Stony lion would ness thn I ever could have dreamed. brother, Alan, The Wonderful and Brook probably pounce on me, See you at 3:00. Love, S-Bones. I love you forever and you so I'll just say, hello.-Dave RICHIEEE- Happy Valentine's Day Marvel ous. could hold me to it. Love ya. Greg. and thanx for being the best big DEAR ELLEN, Im starting to get DEAR RICH: I can't begin to express CRAIG- we can work things out if brother a wayward sophomore could TO MY DARLING CHICKENFACE, we really this funny feeling. I think they call it my gratitude to you for being so I'm so lucky try. I'll always love you! love. Happy Valentine's Day. Love al- ever ask for. I love you and always to have you near me to -Cyndy will. -Your Little Sister super to me these past 11 months. make me happy. I love11 you always. ways, Rob. You're such a kind and considerate Be mine. Love, Karen. person - thanks for always being TO MY ROSE, may they always be TO THE LANGMUIR C3 FISH: around DEAR IVY (MENCH), the great around when I needed someone to GLEN, you. You are as beautifulas Thanx for being there - It's great to TOM, BILL, PETE, and each bud and as soft as friendship and love I feel for you will talk or cry to. We've had so much fun GERRY, Surprise! Happy Valentine's each petal. always make you a true Valentine. live with you all. Love, the ALKS. together from pizza to Sweetums Love always, Guess Who? P.S. Let's get wasted and dine at the to day. Love (?) Karen. Love always, Rob. WA.y1 F gorfs. Happy Valentine's Day! Love always, Joan. DONNIE, remember Fire Island, Dis- FAITH: Nectar, molasses, sugar, and co nites, whose honey. These four room do we sleep in DEAREST NATHANIEL- Happy DEAR CATHY, You've taught me a items have ONE tonight, and loads more! It's almost DEAR ROBIN. In the short time I thing incommon with you ...They Valentine's Day Hon! Don t forget lot about myself in the past months know you I have really grown to care 18 months, I hope it never ends! To we have something special to redo In are all so sweet. Happy Valentine's that we've been together. Let's make for you a great deal. It s true. we've Day! Love, Me. my future husband! Happy Valen- Six years! (or Is it four.) I love you! the rest of our time together even had our differences, but we always tine's Day! Love, Nancy. --Leslie __better. Happy Valentine's Day, cared enough about each other to re- SHERI, I wish we were together solve them. Let's leave all of that be- to- WHITE TIGER a beautiful thing TO MY >favorite)SISTER USA honey. All my love, Stuie. day and always, but no matter what I hind us now, OK? because it's Valen- love about us is the magic we share. I Happy Valentine's Day and while I'm DEAR GIGI, our day will come. And you with all my heart. You are never want to tine's day and It's ours to share to- so special to me and take that magic for at It Happy Birthday too. Your when I meet you, so will 1. Love, gether. Love always, Your Valentine, I can't wait to granted. Together we can always Favorite Brother, Stu. your S.V. be with youagain. Hope the next 22 Bruce. days go fast.Love keep italive. Happy Valentine's day. always, Barry. Love. Kitten.

- = Page 8 STATESN AN Febutiary 13, 1980 - - - s -jFc T(%if[wojleMe I -

NANCY- Why Is It so wrong for mne LA-3, "we are family" and wish ,to be In love With you? At Ceast give To all You FOXY DISHES on Gray you lo" on Valentine's Day! LaC-3. Hap B TO L.S. AND M.S.- Happy Valen- SHERLOCK when you find some. me a chancel HVD -Fred. **H aby. S^paey loves ya!' tine's day and happy hunting, one you love a lot you must never let S P A C E Y Happy Valentine's Day. M.S. I , C.F., Mammala, and J.T., love you two. Love always, Elfle them go. you just hold on tight with SUZY LEW tat$s S going unshod to Of su p e r (A. K. A. H. R.) all your might and say three little kenp you guessing. TYanW< a^S bnh sufriendsp o rt Hi YA mignon dazzling, graceful, But you know Tanks for a your love and ex- words, you say I love you! Happy that I hope I kw*youall. -yv~~~~~~~~~. p . quisite. heavenly, you have a great day and charming, glowing. DEAR MIKE, thank you for giving Valf'ntlr-e'! dy. to my baby. a better love life than you are having sparkling, elegant, splendid, pretty. me something I've never had before. -Watson ju st lo v e y o u ravishing, devastating, now. BABE, I dont , I cherish stunning, pas- Over the past six months we've y o u sionate affectionate, glorious, radi- shared some great CAROL you're a trip! . I ed your and I want you, so ant. times together: the I love tripping DEAREST LOUISA- I picture you much! And that's what makes our re. brilllant, luscious, beautiful foxy Rallegh- our first table-, donkey, with you. Don't worry I'll always naked in sensuous, gorgeous, warm, dynamite. take bed and that thought turns atkonship so special. Happy Howie, New Years Eve. the 3AM care of you. Ques: How much my head. m y o n e an d o nl y Valen-B e d d y fabulous, lovely Goddess of Incredi- I want more of your sexy, Uies DacYvto muffler, on the bunk bed over Gayle, do I love you? Ans: A loogeplex. sensuous voice. Louisa you re my No. ble femininity - I LOVE YOU! Be off the bunk bed under Floyd, Lisa's And you and I. . Mr. Big Oscar 1 Valentine chokce4 Eternally yours. mine forever. -SPACE CADET! company in bed, "'lights out-' in the (Madison). Rich. A SPECIALc00alperson. PERSONAL I love you . for.. always. a very shower, the K.P.D., and the Arch. I'll TO MY DEAREST PAUL- For you never let go of what we have, "Catch GUS, Happy Valentine's Day, Baby. I KIM 2x(22) - The sun wilt be shining - And I me Mikey," Happy Valentine's Day sweet- seaPPy.-YBF feel maybe my dream will love you!-Ellen heart and remember - That when I'm with you, - come true. Just think- we HNA UEY ME It's all could always. Love, Charlie. PEPPA-SUBA-Fibo, right, I know it's right - To scratch rocks together. Happy Valen- DEAR TIGGER, Once upon a time a How's about you, I'll give the world - To you I'll little we finish that symphony? (Your tine's day, babe. I love you, B.B. boy met a little girl and he ROBBY Happy lov- never be cold - 'Cause I feel that smiled sweetly at her. The little boy Valentine's Day! I In's sweet musc to D.D.) when love you sweetheart! Love always, I'm with you -it's all right, I SCOTTIE, you have added so much took the little girl In his arms and he f o r t o d ay a n d know it's right - Barbara. CARL. ih^e And the songbirds to my life in all these years, but I've held her close. She stood on tip-toe tomorrow are singing - Like they know the to kiss his round will take care of itself. never felt it more than now. The joy rosey cheek. They Love will score - And I love you, I love you, I and happiness you've given each looked deeply into the other s THE BEAUTY of a rose could never show you many wonders if only me can match the beauty given love you. ... Like never before - never be expressed in words. I treas- eyes, and fell in love. Their lives were of someone who achance. -Dale Forever, Amy. P.S. fulfills some of my wildest fantasies HAPPY FIRST. ure you with all my heart. You are full of rainbows and roses, smiles and PPS. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. my hearts. I love you ... like you. To SPACE, SPACKLE and everything. I love you, forever now and forever. COMMIE and longer. -WIzzy Your Little Princess who rAside at thler "Journey's End": TO ALL MY BUDDIES MY DEAREST TEDDY. now is a We wish of mine in for you a Dust Free environ- Cardozo B-22!! Happy V-Day - our JOHN-JOHN TO MY CHIPMUNK time when we are both learning. ment. an excellent running "Babe" our first Valentine. May will you go Come with me my last here. .. Kiss-Love, Lez. we go on like this forever. Love al- schleffy with me tonie? I love you! love and I will try V,and a war fmee world. Much love on to always be there. ways, Jo. -Your Canary With all my love -Day and always. The Lavender MON CHERI BEN, on Valentinees Day, your Bunny, Liz. Room Poquott. Apres neuf mois ensemble J'ai realzer queje t'alme DEAR WAYNE- Even though DEAR SHARI R., Never thought I'd plus que Je sais dire. BonneSalnt Val- do this, eh? Just wanted YARA AND KIT Happy Valentine's TO LO-LO sorry you're not here with me on this day- to say I love for all the chopped entine. Ta Chantal. you're here in my thoughts- you and I think that's as gooc; (or Day! (Oh yeah It's a personal, yes it Ihier! Sorry for you - sorry for me. as al- Is, ohyeah) Love ya. Liz. P.S. Don't ways. Your baby, Donna. better) as anything that can be said. But I love ou lots, so can we be To my wonderful ROOMMATE Your passionate slave (like that forget to cal! Frenz again? Happy Valentine's Day! ROACH and all my beautiful friends. TO MY BEST FRIEND: You've one?), Tom K. Peace. Bar-Bar. Paul, DEAR ABUS AND Ing, Hilary, The Two Paulas, come a long way since August when HILL Thanks for Paison Austin Abby, CUTIE listening and trying to help make me Leta, DaveP, you were afraid to tell me ... So PIE- Just so you can't say I JOY, JANET, TOM, ROB, Scott. MaryE, Jule,tim, Scott, Jim, Brian, never ... Have a good day understand. Happy Valentine's Day. Sheldon, here's a salute to your *'comming - charge Jay, Jay, Gretchen, Steve, Bob, and Alissa. I wish you all a very out" It. Your Friend, the Klutz, Uz. Frank. Dave, all the way next semester: Gay etc. happy Valentine's happy Valentine's Day with all my Pride Won't Hide! Have patience. Day! Love and miss you all. -Erin heart! Love. Mellnda. Hope you find JEFF I believe in us. We were M.A.S. 9- 12 -21 ME. and Barbara much love and laugh- meant ter. Happy Valentine's day! to be. Now that I've found the one I SHA, ROB, HAPPY MAN- No crowds. Just me love, I am vour's forever. Haopy Val- CA and SUZI. I guess MICHAEL, LISA, RASSA & LOIS entine's you guys arejust toalous of my illus- and you. Happy Valentine's Day! I GIRLS: You're great and I love you. day. I love you. Lesli. Happy Valentine's Day! To our spe- love you. Your I hope this Valentine's day trious following. I love you all dle. cial*iends Princess Alias-Happy is very -- glad we found each Woman. special for all of us. Love always, CRASH- Happy Valentine's day to a spite your obnoxious teasing Thanks other. Love and Shiatsu Namaste. super for being there! Happy Valentine's Beth. friend." We wrote you one Babs & Shmerin since Jeanine isn't Day! Love, Amy. JILL nine months have gone by and here to. Love they have been glorious months full MIKE- The personal I never got Carin and Seth. TO ENCC 0057 Happy Valentine's SUE- There's of fun and excitement. I wouldn't ex- means more to me than anything. not much else I can Day! LoveYou lots. Peace, Barbara You'll always be mine PUMPKI: From ask for in a friend. You're "one in a change them for anything. I shall al- in a very the first moment I and Erin. P.S. May our love and ways cherish special way. Happy Valentine's! saw your smiling face, the million." Happy Valentine's! Love, friendship the fruits of being with world be- blossom. -The fantom you. With sincere love, Andy. Love, Holly. came a nicer place. All my love -- Amy. now and forever. Happy SUNDANCE, Valentine's you're one in a million! ROY, I understand your humor, HEIDI- Oh my love, you're like a day!! Your Tush. IRVING A-2 thanks for all of your Thanks for being so loving and under- precious stone. support. which worries me. I laugh when Lovely as opal, bright I love allof you!! You're standing. I could never have made it as a diamond. It makes no difference JACKI 4 months and the best! Happy Valentine's Day. you're obnoxious (God help us), still going through Stony Brook without you! which means where you are. Day or night you're strong. Happy Valentine's day.Love, Love, Amy. You're "the I'm definitely hurting bestest of the best" and I'm not even insulted. You don't like a shining star. And how could I Scott. Sonny, and I'll love you forever. shine without you-- IRVING A-3: Depletion like my camp songs. I'm your friend for with youI allowances, -Donna always, am. DEAREST JONI my love showers, and noise, I still think even after Stony Brook for you you throws us out. Love, Reina. will never end. Happy-Valentine's guys are the greatest. Happy Valen- DEAR VICKY.Remembering you on RASS BABES- Here's to the best day! Forever, lovo, David. tine's! Love, Amy. Valentine's Day, Roses for remem- year of mellowness action ever! Boo- berance DEAR FLO JO, HappyV-1B day! And these are sent your way Times we've ie in the 'loon/ Kelly party/ Poor DEAR DUVY, you're the best I've KEELY- to show that you're shared were many and Lots of love to the best remembered on great. Remember, for having fun it's Richards/ Four rooms on E-1/ single ever had. Will you be my Valentine? roomie! Happy Valentine's Day! this sentimental day, Because you are never action/ food, food, and more food/ Pete B-lI1. someone too late. I hope our friendship Love always, Amy. too nice to forget It should- always stays true, and that the GAM movies/ wine and mellow rappage/ n't surprise you today ... to know is always with you! Love ya always, paradise in the Hamptons/ the beach TO MY LITTLE B, Y, love you love TO MY FAVORITE EDITOR- it's you're remembered and wished all Mommala. at night/ fishing/ knockout/ Playboy you, love you, love you always. Love, about time thispaper got a sports di- the best in a warm, loving, and affec- Club/ Canoeing/ streams and V.L G. rector. You're doing agreat job! tionate way! Love always, Guenter. CLAUDS- Here's meadows in Vermont/ hellos and Happy Valentine's Day!P.S. I you very own Val still entine's day personal with all my goodbyes at JFK/ between flights/ JOSIE it's been a great three months. need a press card! TO THE SEXIEST TENNIS PLAY- love. -Aaron calls from London/ reunited and it I'm looking forward to many more. ER I know (Sauer). You must know feels so good!/ New Year's Eve/ You're the best. Happy Valentine. BABE- Here's your ownSUSB per- after two yearsjust how much you ANN Happy Valentine's Day! I final- skiing/ I bowl better/ Pooh and tang! Love, Tom. sonal. Happy Valentine's Day! Hello mean to me. You always brighten up ly found someone to send a Valen- You're my most happening Valen- to St. John and Staten Island. -Lisa my days (and nights). I love you very tTne's personal to, you! Love, tine! I love you tons. -Boo JIMMY-Don't go changing, to try much, I always will. Happy Valen- Lorraine. and please me... I love you just the KELLY B 302 Happy Valentine's tine's day. Love, Ellen. P.S. I love SHARI: I don't know why you're way you are.-- Julie day! And renoember -it's coming your L.T.W.P. DEAR RON.. Looking ahead and wasting your time in Langmuir. You Feb. 22! Love, Lisa, Carol, Ekena, looking forward to our brightest of know where you should be. Please TO THE BEAUTIES Of 121 H. A Monica. DEAREST DADDY, we've had a futures. Together we've come so far, don't ignore this. -J.D. happy Valentine to my favorite Cray- great ten months so far and I am let's not ever take a single step back- olas. Love, Tor. BRAD you'll always be the one for looking forward to countless more. ward! Happy Valentines Day, I love DARLING STEVE, Because of all me. I love you, sweetheart more than Not only have you made me the hap- you. Always, Marci. P.S. You'll al- the joys, sorrows and dreams we've HONEY the love that I feel for you is anything. -Monica piest Nacerima, but you've made me ways keep this kitten purring! shared I do and will always love you. a love that is stronger than anything the happiest of the Seinuhenam. Hap- Your Bunny, Clair. Kisses and hugs. in this entire world. In three months HELENE: Here's to one year, Thurs- py Valentine's Day. Love, Dunghy. SEAN- Happy 21st to a friend that we've become as close as two people day'sd B.K., trees (one per customer), deserves only the best life has to of- ELLEN, There once was a boy from could ever get. Remnember all the 5 AM Dn.D, sneakers, onions, DEAR MARK why should this year fer. I'll miss you next year. but good Queens, who created quite a few beautiful times we have shared. The warmth, and love always. -MBJ be different from last year? It's not! I luck and "Dream on, on to the Heart scenes. Till one day he met, a Brook- day we held each other overlooking love you, Abbie. of the Sunrise." Love, Maura. lyn girl yet and ever since then life's a the Sound, the first night I told you I TO ALL THE LOW LIFE'S of C3: dream. Love, Adai. love you. It's as though we've always Kelly, Nancy, Lang, Theresa. Sue, SETHD., How many rings do you DEAR BONNIE AND MIKE, I have been together and thankt ;od it will Eileen, Marguerite, Ellen, and Andrea really have? The more rings the more had many good times as a result of MARLENE, The best and most beau- aways be that way. Happy Valen- - happy Valentine's Day. Love Izzy fun? the two of you being together. I just tiful things thein world cannot be tine s day babe! Love forever. Sun- &Missy. want to thank you for all of them seen or even touched. They must be shine. MEESH Happy Valentine's Day! To- and I hope there will be many more. felt with the heart I love you. MISSY. for putting up with 4..4 nite I promise not to kick you out of It's great having the BOTH of you as -Frank DEAREST CAROL how do I love o'clock awakenings; crying; pouting; bed. Love, M. roommates. Love always, Gayle. P.S. thee -- I can never stop counting the spelling; cleaning; watering; Mike, you know I don't really BUNNY, Stop snoring! You're wak- ways. Happy Valentine and Birthday. dieting; mind ing Cadbury. And I'm and other assorted bad habits - I HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to the you eating us out of house and home still waiting for I love you. - Andy would like to thank two most fantastic, wonderful, intel- you to bring the house down. Happy you. You are the don't you. Valentine's day. best roomie I could ask for. Let's ligent, beautiful Italians in the whole Dinky. P.S. No, you TARA LEE, There was a special hope this Valentine's Day bring T.B's world. - Glen and Doug TO MY TADDY BEAR. Babb. Now I a re. place in my heart that was filled on irnstead of tears. Happy Valentine's know how special Valentine's day is Atq. 29, 1979. You're everything I D ay. Love, Izzy. DEAR HELENE. There is an old say- when you're in love. You've filled my MY LITTLE 1CEBURG, You have ever was looking for. Love always, ini - I made up just now/ - that life with green become a major part of my life. I Andrew. lights and nothing but love PAT, you're a very special when roses are blue, and car batteries peaches and cream. Happy Valen- you more than words can de- Mellssa.& person. scribe. My love for you grows more SOOZa, Happy Valentine's Day. Love Debbie got stolen - my love for you will tine's day, I love you. -Cheryl Here's the ninth Arrow never stop growing. This saying I every day. Happy Valentine's day. through the Valentine's heart. I hope know, will always be true - so R.JOE.F. Bio's much better than Love always, and forever. -Anth. we get as many holes in the heart as I have in me. KELLY. to our sister and other Helene never worry, I'll always be Physics! Good luck on the exam and I know we'll always be roommate .. . sorry no flowers, true. Love, John. happy Valentine's day! Love, an ex- BIRDIE AND BLONDIE I love you Valentines. Forever yours, Spoon. but both. happyValentine's day. Love Izzy & lab partner. -Skrag Missy. BUZZ: Please take care of yourself ANDREW DARLING: The last six because you're worth it! Happy Val- M.D.- I loved you then; I love you TO KELLY A's one and only Debala: months have been the greatest. I Happy Valentine's RICH, I think we found entine's Day! Love, now; I'll always love you! -"An Ad- day. Love ya. really found what I was looking for - our rainbow a Friend. someone as kind ... Happy Valentine's Day. Love, mirer"" PauIo. and sensitive as you. Debb.e. BRUCE- Althoush the future can- I love you. --Tara not be foreseen, I will love you for- ABBY- True friendship is love. Be To my STATEN ISLAND Sweetie: Cooky's, Coca, California, Citibank, TO MY ONLY MAN, CAREY the past 18 months have ever. You are truly a very special per- my Valentine! Love, Ingrid. P.S. I'll I love you. son to Share you and Crystal City caused me to love -Your Little Rabbit been the best of my life. I hope we me. Love, Amy. with Lyle! you. I'm all for 1981! never Happy Valen- lose what we have for each tine's day.Love, Linda. TO MY DEAREST FRIEND EA10K, other. I love you, Lewis. DEAR DEBBIE, wow, my first Val- DESI- It's nice to have someone entine personal that's pretty special from home at Stony Brook! Happy may we someday get it together. "APPALOOSA" Jacket Owner, Hap- Love always, your dear friend, "ALCOHOLIC" AL, I'm glad -being that it's for you it makes it Valentine's day! Love, Ingrid. we met even more special! I'm glad they have py Valentine's day fromftelow a BMC2T8.C2 and had the chance to become good oorse lover who thinks you're Lute! friends. a day like this - it gives me a good LYLE, JOE, MEL, TOM, Roach, Happy Valentine's aay! Jaime, DEAR STEVE AND SUE - Happy Love, Marg. chance to show you how much I love Sue, Karl, Pete,Hll, Leta,, V-Day you. I'll see you later. Love, Jim. Scott S., Paul, Paula, Austin, Dave, HI RICH it's just me again wishing to lab partners who make it you a very happy Valentine's day. worthwhile. We've all been close and NICK, Tim, Dan, Alissa, Tom. Liz, Ray, Remember: Physarum Poly- Rose, Arturo, Scott F. Happy Valen- With love, your "Latin Flower." it's been lotsa fun. - Mike and Anita. cephalum, "Uncle Marv," Zeliman's ELLEN I love you. I need you. You're the best and most important tine's day! We love you! Love, Abby office - but most of all, remember ROGER, you're the best thing that BIG CABBAGES, Babe - Five whole me. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, friend I have. It just keeps getting and Ingrid. ever happened months without better. Happy Valentine's Day. to me. You are truly a speck of rust be- Margaret. SCOTT: My honey, though you can't special. Happy Valentine's day. Love tween us. Move it' Ricky Beaver. -Sour _ and much, much nore. Paul. ELLEN- be here with me, I m thinking of you. Love to you. Happy V.D. Happy 7th and happy Valentine's MILLIE. My love for you grows - love your mouths. Rob & Harry. DEAR ED finally, our firstR e m eValen-m b e r STEVE what was, was and what will stronger everyday. Never ttnn'e's Day together day. I love you. Love, your Sweet- has a wo- be, will be. Fverything always works man loved me the way you do. I VIVIENNE, Plus que hier. . Love Jarnes' Valentine's Party 1978? And heart. out for the best in the cherish you with HSC one fine day? Little Feat? Hap. end. Happy all my heart and Steve. INGR ID: Happy V-day to a great Valentine's Betday. -Beth want you for eternity. You're the py Anniversary. Thanks for all the best. Happy Valentine s love and good times. You've got my friend and best roomy in the world. ay. All my SERGE as you read this Valentine I Hope we can stay close forever. Love, DEAR ANDY- You make all my love, Rick. hope you will find a part of all the heart on permanent loan. I love you. yesterdaya todays, and tomorrows love I keep for you forever in my Love, Ann. Leta. __ very special. Happy Valentine day. DEAR LANA, You know, partner, if heart. Love, Mare. ERIC J: Happy Much love,Jill . you were really a caring person. TO MY FAVORITE KANSAN: MY Valentine's Day! you'dnave never Love, your sister across the way. let memy risk life J.T. you're a great friend. A lifetime heart is with you wherever you are! JJO N Happy Valentine day. You're on that deadly pizza. But, since Happy you're of "unbelievable" times as we "shake Valentine's Day.l ERIC, KARL, TOM, MIKE C., Bill- beautiful and I love you very much. one of my favorite Bridgees, our bodies down"" to rumbottors -Coot and I forgive easy, the proof reading's VIV LOVELACE. Let me reach to good friends and the best in B-3, _ __ and a summer in the "Hamptons." happy V-day. Love, Leta and Ingrid. still on the house. Love ya. Kiddo, Watching out for "tapes" and lying in down into your throat and tear out TO MY DEAR BABY I love you very MichIlle. the sun. Never a dull "'begungee" your heart. Love, DeViance. DEAR JOE, Valentine's are for very much, con tutto il cuore, and with Aunt Yvie and Uncle Jo. Diets, special people, the ones we love the I always will. Be mine forever. for if BIG RED-. Keep climbing those 714's, smoking, food. "sunning." ZigZ CADBURY- No/you are, is that a most. Will you be our Valentine, or I lose your love, I lose my all. Yours mountains. And please don't ever gys, "Bruce" and "Rappers Delight.' ggunn! Screw me, sex with gusto, are you already taken? Love to Mr. forever, John Paul. doubtrme. I love you_ (scrawnyparts You make me feel like a special dkky, tater tits, and most of all, I and all). All my love, Tass. know where youre eticklish. -Pepper- Bova, Marie, Karen, Susan. yfriend!o u r e I love you! Happy 20th and ANG-E- Be my urn . I forgot. You ' still young enough to enjoy mint Patty TOT Y DEAREST SUSAN, Because know my short rm memory. You're ED -- I livein Freeport, but I love GAM! -Yvlet I love you, the way that I do, atidI thebest, let's keep it going. I know, Ed. You're just too good to be true, "THAT GIPL"- I understand. Re- want you to have, all that's happiest, I'm crude, but you love it. Love um can't take my eyes of f of you, I love LAC-3, thanks for being lax. enjoy yourself and life, stay pret- um, dan, better stop toking. P S. B.B you baby ... Honey, Happy Valen- a great hall Pina Colada Friend. Hap- too. With love today and every day. and for a great year. Happy Valen- ty. -Your Happy Valentine's day. _T.C. eat your art out. tine's Day. All my love always. -Jll. tineis Day. Yv. py Valentine's Day.

February 13, 1980 STATESMAN Page 9 - ta l^WeMS *&^ a, DEAR ASUNDA, Thank you for be- DEAR RAINBOW: Let's devolve to- ILENEE. There is no one In the DEAR DEBBIE: These past few DEAR JOAN, People may ," men Ing what you were to me yesterday gether awhile until we reach the edge. world I would rather spend my time months have been great. You mean candy. They may give a card too. But and for beng what you are today. Then, It's anybody's guess. Love. the laughing with. In 6 months I have so much to Me. Thanks for being this day would moon nothing, If I did Love, Germain. Plasmatlzed Frog. learned what friendship means. From there and for caring. Happy Valen- not hav you. Lov*, Rich e. the bottom of my heart I thank you tine's day. Love always, Marc DEAREST KAREN, Love is the won- MARC you'll always hold a special for that gift. I love you so very nuch. AURORA- Happy Valentine's Day! der and beauty of life. Together we place In my heart. Always and for- Jonl. WATSON- I searched and searched I hope love fills your life like a sunny love. Always, Mitch. ever, Carol. for nights and days then I found the day. DEAR STEVEN DAVID, I do not one I loved. I've already wrapped you oID man I don't know love but i SHARI, CHERYL, CINDY, Llat, and have any great words, or poetic In my arms and thanked the stars CLIFF: How happy I am that I've would love to know you golD heart. Ronnie- my new SWEET-mates: I'm phrases to recite here. I will simply above. I said I love you. You pulled come to realize how much I love and looking forward to sharing a great say, I love you, for your patience. me on so close to you and you whim- need you. Happy Valentine's day. DEAR I.M.N. you are every guy in semester with you all! Love, Mala. caring, guiding, most cherlshed pered In my ear, you said "I love Love, Ellen. the world to me and every season I friendship and for you. My love to- you.' Just remember whor you find po though. Happy Valentine's Day. SUE, EMMY and GINA, Happy Val- day and always, your PIT, JTS. someone you love alot you must nev- MR. BUG IE, It was a long three year Jus wanna be your baby. All my entine's day to three beautiful wom- er let them go. I found someone I haul at Stony Brook but, a Valentine love. It's, Louisle. en. Lowe, Bob, Dan and Eric. DEAR STEVE, God wanted us to be love lot ... I love you and never will like you was worth every minute. together, so He brought us here. For let you go. Love always, SHER- Love you always, Ms. Eugle (the girl AURORA here Is a Valentine Person- TO CAR IN my love, the pretty this, and much more, I am thankful. I LOCK. In right field). al which you wanted and I loved to young dove: I do, I will say on our Hove you very much. All my love, put it. You would expect this and wedding day. Love, Seth. Carol. DEAR JEFF: The heart can be shap- DEAR CHECKLA-WOMAN- Happy not expect this from me at the same ed into forms which = "us": a tri- Valentine's Day from your travel ti me. DEAREST FRANCES: How does It DEAR JACKIE, Happy Valentine's angle, 3 SQV, 1 ring, grass stains, si- partner. You're a great friend (and feet to have the greatest, most Intelti- Day. Love, Artie. multaneous equations. a tweek, Pr. RHN worker). Love always, Carole. To MY FAVORITE "DOC" how gent, suave, debonair guy on campus and St. Partners, twitly and nutly, a about some of your special antibiotic as your Valentine? (a) breathtaking; GINA, A pet-well Valentine just for mush? "And many more." Love you YV, SPACE, MAR, and J.T., A Val- Sig QID? Better yet, PRN. I'll meet Lb) exasperating; (c) orgasmic; (d) you. I can t think of anyone who de- with all my heart, Ri. entine's wish for the "original elite." you at the highway. Happy Valentine Do re. serves it more. Love always, Sue. The friendship lives on and always fay. I love you Jove, now and al- SETH, Friends for life. Love, K&N. will. ('Tis the season for GAM!) I ways. -Pun ko DOOGLE, Thanks for being the very RICH, You're the best thing that ever love you, "C.F." Special person you are to me. Happy happened to me. I love you with all DEAR PABLO, Happy Valentine's DEAR ANN, There couldn't be a bet- Valentine's day! Con amor, faithery. my heart. Happy Valentine's Day. Day! You have made me feel so JODIE- The times we've shared ter roomle or lovelier person. Thanx Love always, Jill. special and I am smiling because of from 6 AM talks to -uch Burnat" are for you - Love you, Babs. MMMR-LZ: I hope your valentine you. Here's to the future. I love you just a small part of a great friendship looks like the model in the bathroom DANNY-O, September 8 was the day so much. -Kathy we share. You're a great roomie and a DEAREST VIN, Kenny and I both last semester, shaving cream and all. we met/ On Sanger steps, in Tabler special person. We've come a long love you, so how about a menage 'a Happy Venereal Disease. -MCS yet/ I trusted you, I don't know I SAT AND WATCHED you start to way and there's still more to go. The trois? Only kidding. Thanx for all the why/ When I saw the "Classic" I was prep. While into my mind some day has finally come. Don't tWink of best. Love you Dixie. P.S. Love your F- You have my heart. Be my Valen- sure to die/ Expecting Raspberries, doubts crept. I never minded all your this birthday as the end, rather the hat! tine? Wiggs. P.S. I've got a surprise your invitation/ We turned down jokes. What bothered me were those beginning. Happy Birthday! I love f or you!! Sand Street, your destination/ What a pokes. I watched you do the opera- you, Carole. P.S. I hear "The Boss" PASSION LADY- Give up your beginning, of it I write/ Cause it's tion, and gave my full cooperation. [ikes his women in their "20s"! vows, it's Valentine's day! Let the CRUNCH CROWD: You guys are the been 5 months since that memorable Dr. S., and Dr. C., I think you are the good times roll. Always, Eric. best. Let's party hearty, castaways! night/ except for the breather in be- best among us. So why the hell was I SANDIFER congratulations on your Happy VD. Much love, Mar. tween/ They've been the happiest the one who wound up with the fun- test. And again - happy VD day! ZUCKY, You're a dynamite Valen- days I've ever seen. My love always, gus?!? Happy Valentine's Day. -Toes Avec L'Amour.-Brian tine, and even a better friend. Thanks FIRE: Christmas was great. Thanks! Suzy-O. for everything! Love ya, Dawn. Even though it's not April, Happy MARIA, MARIA: You weren't a SANDIFER, I love you oh so much. Valentine's day. Love, Smith. TO E.R. of E-2 (SG 1) - Be my Val- nurse. You went with me and my Happy Valentine's Day. P.S. Let's go PETER, although we only met six entine? A little corny, but effective! toes got worse. You made a big joke out. -Brian months ago, I feel that we know each DEAR MIKE: My mom always says What do you think? From SB 2. P.S. about my shoes. But how could I other a life time. You know you that whatever happens I always turn -Let's go skiing. walk with that big bruise! -The Pa- DEAR HONEY I found you and I'm mean so much to me. Happy Birth- to you. She's right. Love always, t ient not going to let go. It's been wonder- day to one of my brothers. Love ya, Terry. ALEX, You'll never know how ful and we have 199 more years to your only sister. P.S. Happy Valen- much you mean to me. Happy Valen- DEAR HILARY and JEFF here's a look forward to. Love, Your Fruit- tine's day too. GANG: Happy first Valentine's day tine's Day, honey! Love always greeting from East to West. I think cake. together. I hope we're together for Jody (alias Mrs. America). that you are both quite dandy - But TRACEY AND VAL what a beauti- many more. Love, Southpaw. where the hell's my Valentine candy? DEAR JOEL, You've made our first ful feeling "We are family." Happy UTZ, To the best friend and room- -Monmmie Dearest/inlaw semester at Stony Brook absolutely Valentine s day! Love, Kris. MR. M- 45 days and a lifetime to go. mate I couid ask for. Here's to nine unforgettable. Never before have we Happy 1st Valentine's Day to my more years of fun and friendship. I DEAR MERYL & BILL you've both been brought to greater heights of SCOTT, There are no words to ex- hubby. Mrs. M. !love you. Odis. been a pill, but now all is fine - I'm ecstacy. Joel, you taught us that press my feelings for you. Happy Val- glad you're both mine. -Mother of three or more, was never a crowd. entine's day, honey! I'll love you al- M. LEONARD- Happy V day from JODI - So far, so good. I can't ex- ?he Schnurrer! Happy Valentine's Day. Love, The Ig- ways. -Carol your not so secret admirer. P.S. Can I press how happy I've been the past norant Slut, The Dumb Blonde and interest you in a tank? couple of weeks. Love, Your Sex SPENCIE WENCIE-who loves ya Squeaky. DEAR BOP, There is no need for an Maniac. baby? Crazy Grandma! outpouring of words to express feel- DEAR O.B., Even though we're far DEAREST JOHN, I love you darling ings between two lovers. Love has a apart, my hear. is always with you. I DEAR LESLIE, I hope my best pal MY DARLING MARTIN, seems we'll with all my heart. You are the most certain way to rnake itself clear. love you. Happy Valentine's Day! has the best of Valentine's Days. never be a-partin'. 25 years of datin' wonderful person in my life and the -SRL Kruger. Love, Your Sweatie. is a long time to be waitin' - so pop best thing that has ever happened to the question soon, so's we can have a me. You re warm, caring, loving and BiMKY-- Heaven and Florida are DEAR HARRY - Of our relationship TINA, Happy Valentine's Day. honeymoon! -Love you, "C". generous. I love you babe. You re all both missing an angel this weekend. means anything to you . .. You'll Thanks for all the love, support, trust mine forever. Happy Valentine Day! Let's make it longer next time. I love stay as special as you have been. and confidence you have given me AL, thanks babe for giving me the Love, Michele. you. -Iris Happy Valentine's Day' I love you. with all my love, David. best gift anyone can give, your love. Robin. Happy Valentine's Day and Happy JIMMY we don't mean to get nasty! DEAR BABYSNAKE as the sun TO MY LITTLE ROCK, Nobody Birthday. Love, your Patty Bear. We're better known for being classy. shines on all our days my love for LEZBO - Love is talking to someone does it better 1-4-3-6 Love, Your lit- So here's some advice on how to be you glows within its rays, as the till they fall asleep. Therefore, you're tle Jock. JOANNE- Let's make the rest of our nice- If you try to wine and dine, heavenly stars come out at night my the best lover I've ever had. Love, lives Valentine's day. I love you. then socially you'd climb. And per- heart beats for you with extreme de- The Shark DEAR MARION, l ene, Terry Karen, -Peter haps then you'll find people more light. Happy Valentine's day, sweet- Have a Happy Valentine's Day. Love, kind. This year your rotten attitude heart! I love you. --Your Little Piece DEAREST BUG, Some days are Ron. P.S. Maybe I'll bring some TARZIE- Thanks for all your love. has put us all in a shitty mood. -Ann rosey, some are blue. But things are cookies. If it weren't for you, I may still be Landers & Co. TO THE LITTLE FUR: I lub you always looking up when I'm with lost in the jungle. I love you more lots. Happy Valentine's Day!! 7 Kiss, you. Love, Mustafa. DEAR SOOK, Nancy, Rhonda, than ever. -Cheetah HANK: The paper's stuck, the scores Babe. Let s stay together, okay Bivenne, "Ginny", When you're put- don't record. To tell you the truth OFFICIANDO: Everyone thinks ting in two Valentine's wishes, it's DEAREST MARYANN, you came we're getting bored. Hank we think JULIE, all the words in the world we're lovers anyway, I just couldn't very hard not to say the same thing, into my life on a blind date and ever this is no joke. Why are the machines could not sum up my love for you. I let them down. Happy Valentine's So Happy Valentine's Day. Love, since you made my days brighter always broke? -The Complainers love you! -Jeff. Felix says hello. Day. Ron. than before. Happy Valentine's day! I love you! Your Hessian, Robert. ART: This man is really sick - we DEAREST WANDA, If I had it my TO THE BASTARD - You are my DEAR COBRA 11, You're really one are fed up with his shtick! His prob- way, we would be together like last everything, My life is empty without hellava guy. I've never cared for any- PATTY, thanks for being so good to lem is he s all alone. Please call him semester. Remember the square you. Ma armastan sind Armas Alati. one like I do for you. I hope you're me for so long. You've changed my on the telephone. A social life and dance? We were so happy then. But it Sue. as happy as I am. My heart will al- life. Love always, Raul. friends he lacks - will someone get is not up to me. You have to make ways belong to you. All my love al- him off our backs! -The Desperados the decisions. I hope you make the JOE, I hope I have made you as hap- ways. Happy Valentine's Day. Luv, TO LULU: A friend is a present you right one. All my love, David. py as you make me. Happy Valen- Cuddles. give yourself. That's one of my old ORLENE answer the phone! Take tine's Day. I love you. Dana. time songs. So I put you down with that ad! Isn't it enough to drive you DEAR MIRIAM, So I guess I'm a TO THE DANCER in my life - I the best of them, 'Cause you're mad. You've only been here a tiny conformist. Happy Valentine's day! MY DARLING REGINA. Einstein love it when you shake it up on stage where the best belongs. Among the bit - how long do you think you can All my love, Ken. says there are no absolutes in the uni- and slide those panties down to sho gifts I've given to me, most com- take this shit! -The Suny Loonies verse, even for beauty - but of your glory. I don't mind others see- f'orting, tried and true - Are those M., I never knew any man could be course he's never seen you. Happy ing because I'm the one that gets that I often think about - the gift to JOAN: No more papers, no more so wonderful. Happy Valentine's day, Valentine's Day to the girl who's you. myself of you. Love CACA. clips, or sitting around while the cof- darling. -L been lighting up my life since the dag fee drips. We used to find she was a we met. Love for eternity. E=Mc- THERE ONCE WAS A GIRL who SUSAN LEW I just want to say Hap- pisser. and now we find we really DEAR ILISA! You are the best Mon Amour. had many strings./ To her it was just py Valentine's day. From Me to You. miss her. -The Therapy Group roommate, friend, deary, honey I one of those things./ She never really could ever wish for. Thank you for DEAR JOHN, Roses are red, violets seemed to care./ Even tho they hung BROWNISH- Relationships are built GUS: The tables and chairs were being my best friend. Please be my are blue, Day by Day, I keep falling from here and there./ She'd walk in by two people that are really compat- heaven sent - but still we aren't too Valentine. Love. Diane. P.S. Lamp- in love with you. Happy Valentine's the room all messy and patched/ I ible. Guess what! We're compatible. content. The Ladies Room could use shade, mitty-mattie, Devil, etc.!! Day! Love, Helene. P.S. I guess what wish she'd show up with no strings Love you always, King Pleasure. a porter and while you're at it -- turn Elvis says must be right. attached. Happy VD. - Plucker. on the water! -The Malcontents DEAR JOE, You are the one I'd love ZANG- Let's finish school first. to dance in the moonlight with and YV and Mark, You are the best Then we can have all the Zonklings DEAR STATESMAN CREW: It's sing a love song to and rock in my friends anyone could ever ask for. PAT - Love you with all my heart - we want, Such a pleasure working for you. The arms all night Fong. Thanks for our Yesterday, today, tomorrow - Spe- Here's the Valentine you ve been comp set's down, the IBM's broke - beautiful memories and sweet hopes cial days shared with people I love. hoping to get - See you April 11th. CAROL Happy Valentine's day to we feel as if we could choke - for our future. BMV. I love you. Soon it won't be "the 3 of us," but Walt till you see what we'll do on the the most beautiful girl in the world. I Lenny. -The Day Crew -D lane it's always good to know It can be. 12th. Love, Rich. love you very, very much and I al- Happy V-Day -Spacey. ways will. Love, Steve. ANDY, I'm no Corvette that's true. DEAR HUBBY, I love you even more TO CHARLOETTE, How do you but here's a Valentine's kiss just for than before! Happy Valentine's Day. JO - Wishing a happy Valentine's know the Valentine was from Tony? ROSS- your mug! A perturbation you! Love, Mo. Love, your Wifey. birthday to a great friend. All our Tony alias Bob. only a Jewish mother could deal memories from the past will increase with. I love you all ways, but you are DEAR DONNA- Happy Valentine's DEAR NOAH, I love you tons and with future chaos. Hope today and BO-BO, Happy First Valentine! Many ugly. -Franner Day Sweetie. I love you and would thousands, and I'm looking forward always fills your life with more food, more to come. I love you. Do-Do. do anything in the world for you. to all the Valentine's ahead of us. I'll fun, and G.A.M., than one person can DEAR ROBIN and NANCY, Hope Smiles- -Love, Me. always be your Porky Ratso. Love, handle. -Spacey. BO-BO: I love you very much, Plea you enjoy lots of hearts and sunshine Judy. be my Valentine. Love. Do-Do. today. Happy Valentine's day. Love DEAREST ROBIN: Happy Valen- JEFF, The moments I've spent with the Italian in C305. tine's Day to the best roomie a per- RON, BARRY and ALEX, happy you have been the happiest of my PERRY, I love you with all my heart. son could have. You do the dishes Valentine's day to the three greatest life. Your "animal charm" and "per- You are the best! Thank-you for the TO MY MAN of gold and fire. Happy this week. Love, Nancy. friends anyone could have. I love sonal magnetism" will always keep best! Thank-you for the best years of Valentine's Day from your woman of you. -Debb ie me coming back for more. Happy my life. Yours forever, Judl. French and fun. Love, Southpaw. DEAREST F.S. FAMILY, Life would Valentine's Day. Love, your Tushy- be so boring without you guys. I love DUDZL: I'm so glad you're back (no face. P.S. My cheeks are yours fo- HONEY - If I were a boy. I'd marry DIRT: I know I am irritable at times, you. Happy Valentine's Day! Love more telephone bill&). Eleven rever. you. Got any drapes? Ethel, Pretty but I want you to know that your the B g N. P.S. F.S. Dad; an 'specially months- we showed them all. Who Glrl. Love you, Lit. friendship means more than you happy Valentine's Day to you. P.P.Ri. do I love? Right down the line.-Me DEAREST MICHAEL, Being with Could ever imagine. All my love, Happy belated B-day, Barbara. you has made these the happiest two BON - This is our first Valentine's Shari. ELISSA, Feelings of love In my heart years of my life. I only hope that to- Day together. So far it's been great. DEAR BARRY, MARC, JEFF, rebound when you are near. My soul morrow becomes our always. I love All I want to say is I love you. Love. TO THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS: Scott, Jimmy and the rest of James reaches fo you, my mind searches re- you so much. Lauren. Brenner. It's taken me a quarter of my life to C-1; Happy Valentine's Day! Love, lentlessly to seek a place in your find someone as warm, loving, and The Big N. heart. I love you. -Greg DEAR DEB - Happy Valentine's TO STEVIE, I want to lick you all caring as you. To know that we'll Day to a roommate who sometimes over. Love, Kitten. spend the rest of our lives together DEAREST 999A and DONNA: To I NG R I D, I'm glad we got so cl ose re- drives me crazy, but one that I could makes my life complete. Ma armastan two of the best pals a kid could have. cently. You're very special to me. never live wo thout. Have a happy DOM, what a BEAUTIFUL time for sind igavesti. Sinu Lestlane. The happiest Valentine's Day ever! Love, Gweg. day. Love, your rommate, Paula. letting you know you're wished more Love always, the Big N. happiness than wordxs can say. Be TO THE EGG-WOMEN in Ben. TO MY DEAREST DAVID Bingo DEAR SETH - Happy first Valen- my Valentine xoxox. With love, A-206: the egg-man came once but BEBY once again we find it's time to and I love you dearly. Love, your tine's Day. Thank you for making the Doris. you missed him. But now he's back say what's on our mind. Your lane Cranky Spanky. last 360 days of my life as happy as with two good eggs and more yolk approach is still the same - when will they were, but most of all, thanks for LINDA because you mean so much than ever. Happy Valentine's Day. you learn this goddamn game. I think MOUSEY, Happy Valentine's day. being you. Love always, Paula * to me, much more than words can we have to have a talk: Beby you got- It's been fun. Love always and al- say, I wish you'd be my Valentine on TO MY DARLING RICHARD, I love ta run not walk. Happy VD. -The ways. Your Hallmark Representative. KIMI So here's your Valentine. this special day. All my love, Mar- you, it's been the best year of my life Pros Doug. You're a bitch, but I love you any- shall. and may we share many more. I miss way. Peace, your research assistant. you. Happy Valentine's Day. Love al- CAREY, "Happy Valentine's Day, DEAR PETE, Our first Valentine's AARON, you mean more to me than ways, your Little Chinese Girl. Love Mike. P.S. This is your first!" together. At first it seemed wrong, DEAR MARK. Happy fifth annivers- you can ever imagine. Without you but the times have changed for the ary! Our times together have been imy life wouldn't be complete. This is DEAR DAVE, It's true we'll always SUE D., Guys may come and guys better. I feel alot of love towards you the most special moments of my life. just one of the many special occa- be a part of each other. I love you so may go, but best pals go on forever. now and I hope forever more. All my Happy Valentine's Day! Love always, sions we will share together. Happy much. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, See? I always keep rry promises. love, Laura. Carmela. Valentine's day. -Claudia Eileen. Love always, Pete W. -

Page 10 STATESMAN February 13, 1980 -- BeyondttSI Jh TOMMY walks behind the bar be- ^ cellinj. To all who SHARI E, SWEET SHARI E from LIZ, HAPPY Valentine's Day. From RUSS- We thought that you could LAURA, I know you neath the lovely Wheatley Heights. Hope you have a the 12. Mark and Larry. P.S. he said need time to enter thru the door he s really quite the clencher. rhyme until we saw your Valentine. think, however, I wish that you make appeallng. But once they are inside fine time Valentine's Nits. it was su. How dare you say our poems are bad. the "right" decision. Happy Valen- the room. they start to laugh at his terper soseeing long. you at the Drelser Party af- Don't you dare pull this ad! -No tine's Day. Love, Your Boss. "Looking Good!"" Froe DEAR HOOK NOSE ostume. Skinny black pants, starchy you'll visit us here I would like to More Mr. Nice Guys at relser 311 real have you in my arms again. -Woof- white shirt, red little vast - but soon. You won't be disappointed. OIANE: To my favorite Valentine. I thank G-d no skirt! -2/Spritzers- Luv ya! George, from Levittown. JEFF- You see us at our coffee may be short, but I'm fun. Happy Vod ka/Soda break/ But never bring a piece of Valentine's Day. Love, Teach. RICH I love your fluffy hair, and the cake! -That Rhymes JANE MORGAN - Someone who masculine way you jog by my win- DONNA alias Helmholtz, Good Nob- has been such a part of me this TO 01 - Happy Valentine's Day my past dow. I'd love to caress your body. DID YOU EVER MAKE LOVE in a sweet Intimidator at NYPIRG. ban! Pleas be my Valentine?! Ya! I arh VHappy Valentine's Day! Love e c re t love you, -Your S Admirer (Margo, casket? Did you ever make love in a Meekly yours, The Big B. Mikey. 6-7460) basket? Did you ever make love on a SUE FROM 313A- Tomorrow. FERN - We salute you on the oc- SANTANA sings tales of the ocean: 'water bed - with a Boa Constrictor hFLO,a v e The times We've had together Daddy Cynthia, and I are going rol- casion of your 22nd Birthday and Martians and vegies are green, fala- coiled on your head? We know that Day to one been short and far between. You did. Have you flipped your lid? lerskatIng. Are you? wish a Happy Valentine's phells are great. Harkness, you know Lets close the gaps up campus. w h en s ay lo v e y o u together. Hap- -SSsssss of the premier foxes on I . py Valentine's Day. Love. many friends, admirers. what I mean I Pete. SHERRI: On this day of love I'm Love, your -R lk M. DEAR NIECE & NEPHEW- Wishing thinking of you and wishing that you fans. and the X-Trlbunal. HEY0 P.C.. Just over four months you happiness and love this day and were close. TRULY: All we have to do you Is get a 8S9 we were total strangers watching all others. -Love, Russ. LUSCIOUS LESLIE - This time Swahilli-English dictionary... then MASH together. Now We've ad of your own. Happy done so DREISER 3A: Happy Valentine's geta separate who knows? Remember, no matter much, it's hard to believe. Thanks so Day. Wish you had to write all of M Alentine'sDay. Love, Chris. DANA- Thank you for never asking, what tribulations we go through, you much for the time and love we've for being open, and for being a these instead of us. -313 alone hold the key to my mind. And shared. Love, Your Valentine, T.B. TO MY VALENTINE POOH: All I friend. Best of luck in all your en- from there, there's this secret pas- deavors; you deserve it. -Love, Russ. GAIL- Hanging out in your suite to can say is I love youmore than any- sageway to my heart. Yours NADINE: who till the it was last Saturday nite Dlay poker or just pass the time talk- one else on the" pages loves spaghetti comes home. and forever when we met; and you didn't have ing has helped to make the beginning they're writing to. We're going on six afterwards, too - LITTLE ONE- It is unfortunate that to go. love, your equal. your TV yet; You grew on me; and such a sweet person as yourself has of this semester alot of fun. What I months of love with a lifetime mmy heart you have the me and you'll never key; faced so many problems. Still, find strangest about our relationship Don'tever leave DEAR ROSC HONEY: Forget about Nadine - you pretty sweet thing; is your early morning wake-up visits have to worry about my not being throughout all the hardship and pain her - she's no good for you. Come love to me is what you- bring. Happy you had the strength to cope. No to go driving with Howle. Love, Jeff. there. All my love forever and al- home to Momma. Valentine's day! All my love, Howie. baby, Richle. doubt you will confront other diffi- P.S. I really don't mind them despite ways. Your Valentine my reputation of not liking to wake P.S.I want to marry ..PRETTY culties In the future which you will you! DEAR PUTA: You know, you can EYES" Your eyes burn a constructively deal with. You will de- up in the mornings. get hole thru me, I got to get to know seen a disease that way. Take pre- termine your fate and handle your- MERYL, Although we haven't cautions, h ire a vet - from the you. Happy Valentine's Day, Kid. CAROLE, surprise - Happy Valen- each other much lately, you know I self with style. Your friendship will Voyeur. always be treasured.-Love, Russ. tine's Day. After four years I ve final- always think of you as a very special LORI R.- Keep up the good work at ly sent you one. -Jeffrey. P.S. Those forward to our friend. I'm looking QUIT LOOKIN' AT ME! -roscoe Polity. Hope your patience level to GAIL- I'm very glad that Lisa went poems you gave me to use were aw- future private conversations. Happy put up with the Polity bullshit stays ful. always. Lynne. away. It provided me the opportuni- Valentine's Day. Love HEY JIM: The photos are gray, the strong. Thanks for everything you've ty to get to know you and i'm very machines should be new, But in spite done for me. Have a Happy Valen- glad that I did. Your company is en- CHRISSY- In the short time that I TO ALL MY FRIENDS on Langmuir of all this, I love working with you! tine's Day. To the rest of the Coun- have known you, you have made me Love, joyable and has never been unevent- C-1,Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Steph cil- Go take a shit. ful. Love, Russ. realize the value of being sociable and Lynnle. meeting people. You are so full of DEAR MISHKA, We simply MUST PAUL D.- Thanks for everything TO MARK: No one else could ever life and energy that I am never bored ELLEN, I'm so glad we have become spend more time together!! Come you've done for NYPIRG. Keep up make me feel the way you do. They around you. Love, Jeff. close. Ourfriendship means so much with me to buy some new pink the good work. Cheers. -The Gang couldn't even come close cos' you are to me. Anyway, have a great Valen- Sassons, will you? With pickles and from PIRG. the joint. You'll always be No. 1 with MARK- You are incompetent, a tine's Day. Friends forever, Lynne. mayo to go, love Steph. me. I love you and I hope it lasts for- fool, and an egotistical megalo- DEAR MACA- Even though you ever. Those blue eyes are the greatest. maniac. You are slow witted, obnox- MY LOVE R ICHIE,You mean the THE BIG N: You can typeset for me never have time for me I decided -Suey ious, arrogant, with a perverse nature. world to me. I would fill your every anytime, baby. Love, Steph. that I'd send one to you. ho here it is -Your Secret Admirer fantasy. The quality of our time to- - Your very own Valentine personal , Remember the Rock gether is unsurpassable. There are S.L.S. - You're inside me, the only -Happy Valentine's Day. on the Hill. Remember those quiet SANDRA- It is refreshing to know moments in life when it would be problem is to go deeper. Let's never nights drinking wine. Remember the someone who does not find it neces- wonderful Ifthe world would stop - stop talking. D.A.F. LIZ- Happy Valentine's Day to one fun in that great big park. A'l I can sary to play any games. You have de- so those momentes would last for- great lady! Love, Eric. say "Is you're mine. ' Love me. Hap- termined where you're going and are ever. These are the moments I share DEAR POTASSIUM Potatoes, Hope py Honey Day. not anxious about getting there (a with you. For yesterday's warm your eyes bud, signed Bud. *Transla- JEANNE (DEAR)- Happy Valen- quality I envy). You are to be compli- memories, tomorrow's bright dreams tor's Note: Dear Melissa, Love Doug. tine's Day. Love, All the gang from ELLEN- Looking at so many people mented at having it all together. and today's deep joy - I thank you. NYPIRG, especially Blair H. I know who have split up I'm glad Love, Russ. Love and kisses, eternally your sweet- DEAR BIG H: You've given me after everything was said and done heart. Lynne. P.S. I.L.Y. something no one else could have RAT (LITTLE HONCHO), You have that we can still be friends. Love, DORIS- It's those times when we're given me. I cherish that. We've shared made me smile once more for it has Russ. all alone, when it's just the two of us, DEAREST VICKIE. "Home is just love and more. To a clearer under- been ages since I had done so. When I that I feel closest, that I feel leve. another word for you." All my love standing of ourselves, love, intense. look at you t melt before you. I MARY- I am glad that you will be that I feel we will stay together for- forever, Brad. idolize your mind and body with around this semester. Your lively, ever. Doris, I love you. -Dom TO GAIL, CHRIS, MARION, Mary, such intensity. I love you so much, friendly manner is uplifting. Love, TA and SA - Ha Va Da! Love, MA. Sandy, Nisey, Sherri, Terry, Marie, always have and always will. Despite Russ. whatever may come between us or DIANE, LANGMUIR A-2: Are two Rini, Linda and Marykate: Happy heads better than one? JOHN - Blow in my ear and I'llfol- Valentine's Day - we love you all. however things have or wilt work out, Love, Cheeks. I will always be with you. Memories FRAN- Your honest concern and low you anywhere. Danny, Tony, Paco, George, Franco have helped me make it P.S. (Hello, Venice?) and copper will bond me to you for- support RITA - Even though - I still love and Wayne. P.S. Discount prices for through a situation 1 many times - Love, Jack. this Special Day. Love again, the ever. And tears will never cease to you flow. Happy Valentine's Day, for- found awkward. Your suggestions TUSH, Your eyes, your lips, you're Guys of Suite 311. have helped me in many ways. Thank you always, ever. Love, your Honcho. MARG - Last semester was really everything to me. I need you for being my friend. Love, Russ. fun, I hope we can continue our Happy Valentine's Day. Mush. CAROLE- For putting up with all the insanity: Have a happy Valen- CHRISTINE- I am sure that you will friendsnip. Alkie -- Al. COLLEEN, I Can't begin to tell you tine's Day. -Russ achieve whatever you desire. You're BONNIE- The tempest will end. In how much love I feel for you on our vivacious and your most endearing at- time the jigsaw puzzle will be remade For all the people who took the time secondValentine's Day. I hope you'll LI LA- I greatly appreciate your tol- tribute is that, for better or worse, and the white queen will capture the to read 5 pages of nonsense looking always be with me, Love always, erance and consideration. Have a hap- you are real. More than ever, I am black king. Meanwhile, the monolith for their names; This one's for you. Mike. py Valentine's Day. -Russ glad we are friends. Love, Russ. will stand. -Love, Russ. Happy Valentine's Day - J.M. -


ADDRESSERS WANTED Immedi- TYPING SERVICES $1 double spac- WHAT will SUNY cuts mean to Transportation to the Kaplan LSAT FOR SALE ately! Work at home - No experi- ed, $1.25 single space. 736-1122. Stony Brook Women - Organizing preparation course offered in the ence necessary - Excellent pay. meeting Feb. 20, Noon, Soc. Behi. Sca Roosevelt Field Shopping Center in WHO CONQUERED SPACE? Castro TYPEWRITERS & CALCULATORS B8dg. Rm. S-206. Come and let's be Garden City, Saturday afternoon at convertible, good condition, large Write American Service 8350 Park Lane, Suite 127, Dallas fx75231. at fantastic prices! New and Used, prepared. 1:30 beginning March 1. I will share tweed with covers. $75. 473-5629. Typewriters from $99.50, calculators expenses; Call Nate at 246-4345 or for from $37.50. Typewriter "clean-up- Crucial Fortnight meeting: Wed. Feb. 246-3690. MOTORCYCLE: 1970 TS 80 red. COUNSELORS: Camp Waziyatah girlsHarrison, Maine. Openings: Ten- clinic" $9.95 (Reg. $19.95)! $1. a 16, 8-30 PM, Union 06 bNewmem- Good for parts or could be put to- day rental special (1 week min- bers welcome. Please gether. $55. Call 732-7870 evenings. nis (varsity or skilled players); Swim- attend! ming (WSI), Boating, Canoeing, Sail- imum)! Penny ribbon sale -- Buy one, get second for 1 cent! Pro-typ- The Stony Brook Drama Club will PE DESIGNER JEANS Sasson, Jor- ing; Waterskiing; Gymnastics; Arch- RSONALS ery; Team Sports; Arts & Crafts; ing - $1.50 p/pg. Call BUSINESS meet in Fine Arts at 4 PM in room dache, Corniche, Faberge, Shadows, Pianist; MACHINE CONSULTANTS, 479 3022 on Wed. to hold nominations GIGOLOS for hire - Handsome es- Clouds and more. Call Nick 473-8403 Theatre Director (musicals), Pioneering & Trips; Secretary. Sea- Lake Ave., St. James. 862-9200 (spe- and election for president. Also two corts for any evening. Call Tony or or Ken 744-9371. August 21. Write cials good with this ad only). amendments will be voted on to be Paco for appointment 246-7460. son: June 21 to in- (Enclose details as to your skills, etc. added to the constitution, All 1974 IMPALA CHEVROLET, four 153, Great Neck N.Y vited. DEAR JOHN (Formerly of Kelly E) door, automatic, sixty-seven thous- Director, Box love 11022. Telephone. (516) 482-4323 LOST & FOUND We miss you already and we and miles. Sacrifice. $800. Call eve- invited re. Dept Are you interested in nutrition? you! Don t be the phantom. Love. ning. 567-3820. Faculty Inquiries red 1 day/week. HSC and Emily. P.S. Good head positions in above activities. LOST: One overnight bag with Course offered Lisa, Joy, MJ stripe in Kelly parking lot on Sat. course open to ALL students (includ- luck in your new room. 1973 VOLVO WAGON Automatic Feb. 2. Contents: personal belongq ing main campus students) No pre- A/C, fuel injection, AM/FM cassette. HOUSING ings, makeup, clothing. If found !{ccuisi es! Due to lack of publicity 20 mpg. original owner. $1750. Call registration may please call Marcia at 6-4876 or Donna and inadequate TO THE GREAT AMERICAN Gigo- Fred 246-7324. ROOM FOR RENT in pr'vate house. 781-0484. Reward. cause the class to close, need at least Come to room 105 lo: Thanks for the personal. Even Kitchen privileges. $150 per mo. Re- 7 more students. though vou stood me up, I'm looking REFRIGERATOR KING - Used re- liable with references. 331-9545 be- LOST: Black wallet in the HSC Li- Level 3, HSC Mon. at 1:15. Bring your con- added up to Feb. forward to us meeting. Love, Shelky frigerators and freezers bought and fore 4 PM. brary and area. If found please add form. It can tbe from Benedict and her two friends. sold. Delivery to campus available. tact 6-4133. I need the ID, not the 15. For more information call Serving Stony Brook students for the FURNISHED ROOMS, studios, apts money. Reward. 246-2133. past 8 years. We also do repairs. Call for rent 12 minutes from University. TO ES - A first personal - You're 928-9391 anytime. Male-female with dormitory atmos- LOST: Female yellow lab setter mix, Students who intend to complete the beautiful to look at. Enjoy it all. phere. Lake Ronkonkoma ;nn. one year old, tan collar, no tags. requirements for the Business Minor From V.D. Man. STEREO all brands wholesale. OHM 585-3122. Quaker Path area. Family is heart- must register in the Undergrad. Stud- speakers ONKYO, Phaselinear, broken. 246-3673 9 AM- 5 PM ies Office. Seniors who wish to gradu- BRENDA - There's a certain mys- Sansui, feac, Phillips, BIC, Akai, LAKE GROVE Strathmore Camrr- (Barbara), or 751-0171 after 5 PM. ate in May, 1980 with a minor in bus- tique about you that has my curiosi- SOUNDSCR AFTSMEN 698-1061. bridge three bedrooms, 21h baths, liv- iness should see Dr. DeBoer, Under- ty in a complete shambles. It's time ing room. dining room, family room, LOST: A pair of glasses with a brown grad. Studies Office before Feb. 15. that our paths Intertwined at Thurs- THE GOOD TIMES BOOKSHOP eat-in kitchen, appliances, two zone case. Reward. Call Ben 6-4458. day's Benediction. Tall, Dark, Hand- Buys and sells heating two car garage. cement Men and women who enjoy children some. Quality/Scholarly Used Books patio, fenced, sewers. immediate oc- black lab pup, 4 mos and the outdoors are sought by the LOST: Female Sciences at Hard Cover and Paperback cupancy $41,000. Owner 584-7156, old. "Molly". No tags or collar. Last Museum of L.I. Natural -Most Subjects- 265-3516. SUNY SB to serve as volunteer guides YOU TAPE my albums, I'll tape seen Friday at Tootsie Taxi. Family yours. Must have decent phono. Call Paperbacks Sell at 4 Price 9-5 Barbara, in its expanding program of classes apart- heartbroken. 246-3673 school children. Carolyn Jim 499-8730. Two Floors of Good Browsing FURNISHED BASEMENT or 751-0771 for elem. 150 E. Main St. Port Jefferson ment 3Vt2 rooms, private entrance. after 5 PM. Hess, the museum's Curator of Edu- an 8-week, 8- 11-6 Mon-Sat. 928-2664 utilities included, shower, kitchen, LOST: 2 kevs in the gym, CB-65 and cation. is beginning REMEMBER all those baseball cards single only. $285. session training program Mon. morn- 584-5563. BE-56. They were misplaced in a blue in mu- you traded when you were a kid? 1973 OPEL GT, Very Good condi- obviously wasn't ing. Mar. 3 forvolunteer guides warmuo which classes on the seashore, on I ndi- Now you can trade them for cash. tion. 24 miles per gallon. Asking mine. seum Call Danny 6-7460. $2400. Call 234-6208 7-9:30 PM SERVICES 6-5339. ans. and on dinosaurs. Volunteers weekdays and 12-8 PM weekends. will work in pairs and the average TYPEWRITER repairs, cleaning, ma- NOTICES length of each class is about 2 hrs. ATTRACTIVE DEBONAIR. mature bought and sold, free esti- Persons interested in volunteering chines for Up- (40ish) male seeks companionship of mates, Type-craft 84 Nesconset Hwy. Limited summer job openings may phone Mrs. Hess at 246-8373. woman to share dinner, music, good HELP WANTED Bound counselor/teachers - 6 Port Jefferson, 473-4337. ward conversation, etc. If interested con- CENTERFOLD week residential academic program The University Museum, affiliated A C/O Statesman, Box MODELS (Female) and board tact: Drawer for Canadian magazine. Top SS ELECTROLYSIS RUTH FRANKEL on campus - $800 + room with the Dept. of Anthropology at AE, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11790. Send 928-2582. Certified Fellow ESA, recommended Jrs., Srs. and Grad Students may the SUNY. SB is asking area residents Photo and Phone number. methods. Con- pick up applications in Hum. Rm. to lend their souvenirs of travel in the by physicians. Modern returning COUNSELOR DRIVER for com- sultations invited. Walking distance 123 and 124 - deadline for New World - North, Middle and Attention - Local bands - WUSB- applications is 2/15. Work ---for its opening ex- munity residence program for psychi- to campus. 751-8860. completed South America FM is featuring original Long Island atrically disabled adults. Three days with high school students. hibit in a series on contemporary eth- music every Friday night at T. If you tourist arts. Each ex- per week. Live in position. Also aval- SIGHTSEEING RIDES - See Stony nic artifacts and would like to become a part of this able interim per diem counselor for NYPIRG teach-in on LI property hibit will be on view for 2 to 3 send a tape along with band info to driv- Brook Campus from the air. $15 Univ. Student covered by er position to provide coverage when Airpark. Easf of taxes 2/14, Hofstra months. All loans will be Long Island Bandstand - WUSB-FM 2 people. Coram Center. 7:30 PM. This teach-in is to while they are in the mu- residential staff Is on vacation etc. Coram Shopping Plaza on Middle insurance - SUSB Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794. educate the public about proposed seum. Inquiries may be directed to More info call Eric, 751-6015, Arnie Call Olga at 231-3503 or send resume Country Road. so they or to T.S.I., 71 Circle Drive, West Brent- changes in the tax structure Dr. Dolores Newton at 246-8263 643-5068. can attend the joint senate/assembly 246-6745. wood, N.Y. 11717. PIANO LESSONSt ea c hone r orw eoff campus.ne s a Experienced lco ll hearing on 2/21 in Mineola. PARTY with us at Sanger Wine and Cheese - Molsen Canadian Special NEED EXTRA CA$H? I'm looking ages and levels. Call 744-0122. The Bridge to Somewhere is a stu- WANTED selection of for two or three sharp people to do 2/$1. Also complete includ- dent run peer-counseling center locat- wines. Sunday-Wednesday 9:30-1 part-time commissioned sales of type- TYPING: Theses essays, etc, 061. Need to talk? RIDE NEEDED to Outlaws concert Spelling correct- ed in the Union or 5400. Thursday-Saturday9:30-2. Try our writers etc. in local area. Must have ing German, French. Come down to the Bridge - were at Coliseum 2/15. Call 5396 *ed. IBM selectric. Very reasonable Will Heineken Dark! car. Only go-getters need apply. Call here to pay. between 2-5 PM. 979-8839. rates. 928-6099. listen.

Febrirl 13, 1q80 ST NM1AN Page 11 I ---- sStatpcqmin A ShakyrBeginning For Patriot Bowlers Stony Brook's Bowling Club seniors Dominic Debloisa, Bill opened its 1979-80 season last Hunter, Rick Smith and junior Wednesday with a heartbreaking Gary Messina. Any one of these loss to Suffolk Community Col- bowlers can come off the bench lege. and throw a strike to spark the team. It was an uphill battle from the Despite their very promising start, as the Patriots had to forfeit potential, there are still some the first game due to the fact that obstacles which plagued the club. the car, transporting three of the According to Vescove, the major starting five players, broke down. obstacle is a lack of publicity. He This did not discourage them, Pats Place Fourth said "We are allocated money however, as they went on to win Polity just like any other the second game, but the Pats from club, so why aren't we recognized dropped the final and decisive as a team, like the football club or In Met Swim Final game by a score of 927 to 879, hockey club?" Brenda thus succumbing to defeat. By BRIAN WYCOFF team of Cindy Hamlett, When asked of the team's McAuliffe, Mary Lou Rochon and After the match, Player-Coach immediate future season, he said, Capturing an unexpected fourth- Pat Vega, dropped their time by Michael Vescove said, "I am very "We are capable of playing any the Stony place finish overall, nine seconds to place third. pleased with the team's perfor- team and beating them. We have a Brook Women's Swimming Team The 400-yard freestyle relay mance." Vescove is the only great chance of winning our competed, this weekend in the team placed fifth in their event starter left from last year's team. division, and, if not, we'll have a Women's Swimming with a time of 4:22. Vega, Jacqui Metropolitan Other starters include freshmen much better chance next year." and finished atop Berman, Laurie Morritt and Helen Championships Tom Neary and Ronald Kee, The next match is at home on Division III competitors. Reilly all swam "very well in that all of the senior Bill Riegal and junior John February 19, at 4 PM against of Saturday's event," said Alexander. At the conclusion Rhodes. The rest of the Pats who Suffolk Community College in the essential to competition, the Patriots were in Ten crucial points, are waiting for a chance to prove Stony Brook Union Bowling Al- seventh place. Sunday night, the the fourth-place finish, were picked are ley. why they are on the team a end of the second and final day of up by diver Johanna Hynes. "She ...... -.... :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. competition, Stony Brook was worked very hard up on that anticipating a sixth-place finish. board," said Alexander. I'm really However, a fourth-place finish was proud of the effort she and all of announced and the Pats were the girls showed this weekend." stricken with disbelief and joy. Stony Brook was ahead of Stony Brook beat several Divis- fifth-place St. Francis by 10 points ion 1I schools and a Division I entry at the end of the meet. as well. The Patriots lay claim to the "Saturday's events did not go Metropolitan Division III cham- too well for us," said Coach John pionship. Ramapo, the Pats' closest Alexander. "But the giris made up Division III competitor, finished 32 for Saturday by swimming well on points behind them. Paterson, who Sunday." Alexander said he was tied Stony Brook in their dual meet pleased with his team's fourth-place earlier this season, finished 123 fiih. points behind them. The pool was "slow," Alexander "The girls worked out very hard, said, as almost everyone's com- and they really deserve this," petition time was slower than their Alexander said. "We are the cham- qualifying time. In one case though, pions." And they are the the Patriot's 400-yard medley relay champions - of Division III. Pretty Prices for Olympic Fans

Lake Placid (AP) - Tickets to In between, visitors are plunking the XIII Winter Olympiad cost down from $20 to $60 per event at anywhere from $10 to $10,000 and authorized ticket outlets and much one thing is for certain - every more to scalpers and tour operators Olympic tourist has to have one. who hadn't sold out by Tuesday as A $10 ticket gets a spectator the first competition started. through the gate only long enough 20 Percent Unsold to watch athletes train before their Organizers said 550,000 tickets event. A $10,000 fee buys a gold were printed and about 20 percent card, an entre to all events during, remained unsold on the eve of the two-week sports spectacular. today's opening ceremonies.

- SPORTS DIG Press Cites editor of Aftenposten, winning streak in the nation greed to a one-year contract nine years, Habiba, Abdul- Norway's largest newspaper. at 57 games. Placid Chaos with the Expos. Jabbar's lawyer confirmed >The organization commit, Players File Among the names still on Tuesday. Oslo, Norway - Several tee claims things will get the list were National Lea- "He told me he had been Norwegian newspapers have better tomorrow. They have For Salary Talks gue relief star and Cy served papers," attorney critic'zed what they call said so for months. No one New York - The Major Young Award winner Bruce Bob Owen said in a tele- organizational chaos, poor believes them any more." League Baseball Players Sutter of the Chicago Cubs, phone conversation from accommodations and com- Georgetown Tops Association Tuesday re- ace Pittsburgh reliever Kent New York. mercial exploitation of visi- leased the names of 59 Tekulve and top Houston Abdul-Jabbar and his tors to the Lake Placid Syracuse, 52-50 players who filed for salary relief specialist Joe Sam- wife were married May 28, Winter Olympics. Syracuse - Eric Floyd arbitration prior to the bito. 1971 but have been separa- "The Olympic area is full hit two foul shots with five deadline. ,Jabbar Sued ted since October 1978. not only of flags and seconds to play here Tues- However, one of those They have two daughters, colorful posters, but of day night to give George- names was eliminated al- For Divorce Habiba, 7, and Sultana, 9 frozen visitors waiting eit- town a 52-50 college most immediately when Los Angeles - Pro months, and a 3-year-old her in vain or in restless basketball win Mover se- Montreal outfielder Ron basketball star Kareem son, Kareem. agony for transportation," cond-ranked Syracuse, end- LeFlore, who originally Abdul-Jabbar has been sued Compiled from the said Leif Huseby, sports ing the longest home court opted for arbitration, a- for divorce by his wife of Associated Press