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PITSTONE We are very grateful to the following PARISH POST distributors, who deliver the magazine to your door every quarter: PPP is produced on Gill Arney, Kathy Brassington, Martyn behalf of Pitstone Parish Bronziet, Barbara Byrom, Mike Clayton, Council and distributed Dawn Eaglesham, Laurie Eagling, Lynn quarterly, free to every Fountain, Klaus Ginda, David Hawkins, household, PPP aims to Lesley Horlock Barbara Jacob, Sally keep members of the Kapadia, Maria Lashley, Norma local community Leighton, Linda Martin, Nikki Mattey, informed about events Julie Mead, Sue Nicholls, Janet Nielsen, and news that may Vanita Patel, Louise Pope, Isobel affect them. Robinson, Sarah Smith, Annie Stack, If you would like to help with the Tracey Stone, Fiona Thompson, Linda distribution of the PPP then please Thompson, Louise Weatherill and Linda contact the distribution manager (see Willimont. below).

Pitstone Parish Post is promoted and published by Pitstone Parish Council, 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Bucks LU7 9FE. Printed by Almar (Tring) Ltd, 24 High Street, Tring, Herts HP23 5AH

Editor Deadline for next edition is 3rd Sue Nicholls January 2021. Tel: 01296 661910 The magazine will be distributed at the [email protected] Beginning of February. Advertising Manager Current PPP advertising rates Klaus Ginda (inc. VAT at 20%) Tel: 01296 668911 Of page: Quarter £15, Half £27.00, [email protected] Full £54.00, Inside cover, colour, half Distribution £32.50, full £65, Back page, colour, Rachel Weber £70. Tel/txt: 07717 471584 Cover Design Other useful numbers see pages Stephanie Nicholls 39 - 43

If you wish to view the plans for any planning application currently under consultation by AVDC, please visit www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk

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A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Dave Nicholls, Chairman In the last PPP I wrote about the around the new play equipment amazing effort put in by various on the recreation ground. This volunteer groups this year. Due to has led to residents stepping in to falling demand, the local tidy up between official visits. One volunteer group has stood down. or two residents also undertake Hopefully they will not be more widespread litter picking, required again, but they remain including local footpaths and ready to restart if lockdown rules verges. While it is fantastic that are tightened. Once more, I thank people choose to do this, it everyone involved for their efforts. shouldn't be necessary. We are all One village institution that is responsible for our own actions, looking for help is Pitstone and the majority of people who Memorial Hall. As a charity it act responsibly should not have to needs more volunteer trustees. deal with or look at the litter left The trustees manage the upkeep by the minority. Please reinforce of the building and decide how with your family the need to bin the facilities are used and or take home litter so we can all associated charges. Trustees meet enjoy the village and countryside four times a year but do as it is supposed to be seen. communicate between meetings. It was with regret that the council The hall is a vital piece of village decided not to hold an annual life, used by a large proportion of assembly this year. We had been residents. If you would like to be a delaying in the hope that an in- part of its continued success person meeting would be possible, please email but it can't be done safely while [email protected]. accommodating the usual number One area where we have of attendees. We can revisit the volunteers that we shouldn't decision if things change but if need, is in picking up litter. The you have questions you were council employs litter pickers who planning to ask at the assembly regularly clean up around the please contact the clerk and we village, but recently the amount of will respond, and publish the litter has increased, in particular questions and answers.

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PITSTONE PARISH COUNCIL Laurie Eagling, Parish Clerk

Urgent plea for volunteers to to the ongoing pandemic. We help our elderly and our youth desperately need your help, even The parish council operates a if only for the next 6 months, so community car scheme to help these 2 groups of residents can get residents to their hospital access the services they need. appointments as there often isn’t To help in the car scheme, please any suitably timed public contact transport or the health of the [email protected]. patient would make use of public uk and for the youth café please transport difficult. Many of our contact [email protected] or customers are elderly and have [email protected]. been isolating or shielding. Many Play of their hospital appointments The exciting new play space by have been postponed and are now the Recreation Ground opened on very important. 10 September and we hope you We also operate the youth café for are all enjoying all the new children aged 11-16 years to equipment. This area has been provide constructive activities and designed as an inclusive play opportunities to meet friends in a space so that everyone can play safe environment, as well as together, regardless of their age or providing important access to ability. You will find a range of youth services. play features suitable for toddlers We have ways to make both through to teenagers, operate in a covid-secure incorporating a significant environment to help protect our number of items suitable for a volunteers. range of disabled use including In both instances, many of the swings, sunken trampoline, local volunteers who normally springers and wide slides to allow make these schemes possible, are carers and children to travel over retirement age or have down together. The play space underlying health conditions, also incorporates visual and preventing them from returning to textural surfaces and colours to volunteering at the moment due stimulate and assist those with

126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 4 visionary difficulties. We would reduce the risk of putting the love to know what you and your virus straight into your body. children think of all the new Signage on all our playground equipment, so do let us know via gates advises users of this and email, Facebook or Twitter. the need to use bins. Your If your children are old enough to amazing new play space has cost be out playing by themselves, over £120k, so please take a pride please remind them to socially in it so it can be a fun and safe distance when using our place for our children. playgrounds and to sanitise their The smaller playground in Tun hands before and after using the Furlong at the far end of Vicarage equipment. It has also been sad Road is also now open. This to see the huge volume of litter features a range of equipment dropped in the new play space, particularly suitable for the including used nappies as well as younger to mid aged groups. food & drink. Bellway are arranging for this to Due to the ongoing pandemic it is be maintained for a period of 24 particularly important to ensure months by a maintenance that you and your children make company before transfering to the use of the bins provided, for the parish council at the end of that health and safety of all users and period. The flat seat swings at the Windsor Road playground suffered a frame failure and have been removed for safety. Two replacement sets of swings (flat seat and cradle seat) are being procured so that full play can resume as soon as possible. Nicholas King Homes are providing a multi- use ball court as part of their planning staff. You should also note that permission. This will be located the government guidelines advise on the parish council owned land that you do not eat or drink at the end of the car park by the whilst using playgrounds to Recreation Ground. They

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126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 7 currently anticipate that this will financial year, as they are not be complete by spring 2021. anticipated to be lifted for 6 A concrete skate park is still months. All our meetings are planned for the area between the currently held electronically and multi-use ball court and the new are all open to the public, so you play space. Tendering will are welcome to join us via PC, commence shortly and we hope it laptop, tablet, smart phone or will be installed during summer landline. All our minutes are 2021. We will keep residents published on the village website. updated. Our annual report was also Between the four play spaces in published in summer’s PPP. If Pitstone, we feel there are lots of residents have any questions or experiences and opportunities for issues for the parish council, you the less able children in our can also email community, however if you have a [email protected], disabled child with a special need phone 01296 767261 or write to 9 that is not currently being Warwick Road, Pitstone, Beds, addressed, please do let us know. LU7 9FE. We hope that Covid Pavilion Redevelopment Works restrictions will be sufficiently Construction work continues at lifted to enable an assembly to be the pavilion site and we anticipate held in 2021. it being handed back to the Volunteer of the Year parish council by mid to late Despite the lack of an annual October. We look forward to many assembly, the parish council was more residents benefitting from delighted to present Mrs Gillian the new community room and will Arney with her Volunteer of the keep you posted on events and Year certificate. Gill has provided activities. numerous years of voluntary Annual Assembly For the safety of our residents, the annual assembly was postponed due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Government guidelines continue to be too restrictive for this to be re- scheduled for this

126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 8 service at St Mary’s Church in a maximum of 15 young people Pitstone, the Festival of Art & per session, so anyone wishing to Flowers, Beacon Villages attend will have to book in Community Library, the Heritage advance. We are very sorry, but if Park (Pitstone Green Museum), you have not booked, you will not Mums & Toddlers Committee and be admitted. Session times will Pitstone Parish Council. She was also need to be reduced, so that nominated by several residents we can operate one bubble of 15 whom we thank for taking the young people from the Year 7 time to submit their nominations. intake between 6.15pm and 7pm, If you know someone who goes then break for a full clean of our above and beyond to volunteer in space followed by a second bubble a way that helps the residents of of 15 young people from Year 8 Pitstone, please do write to the and above from 7.15pm to 8pm. parish council by email to We appreciate that this solution is [email protected] or by not ideal. The youth café would letter to 9 Warwick Road, normally have between 30 and 40 Pitstone, Beds, LU7 9FE so they attendees per week, and this term can be considered for the 2021 we would normally have had Volunteer of the Year award. another intake of approximately Each recipient receives a framed 20-30 children as they moved certificate and £50 cheque. from year 6 to year 7. Change to Editorial Staff Anyone who has already We would like to wish our Editor, registered with the youth café Stephanie Nicholls well with her should receive an email studies as she leaves us to attend communication from us. If you university and we welcome back have not registered previously, or Sue Nicholls, our previous Editor you do not receive an email, who has kindly volunteered to please contact take up the reins again. Thank [email protected]. you to you both. Website Accessibility Youth Café We have been investing time and We hope to be able to re-open the effort into making our website youth café after the October half more accessible for those with term. Our café manager is visual impairments. If you utilize working with Brookmead School a screen reader to access our and our volunteers to ensure we documents and website content, can operate in a Covid-Secure please do provide us with any manner. We will be able to permit feedback.

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126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 10 BUCKS NEWS Derek Town 01296 661637 derek.town@.co.uk Sandra Jenkins 01296 668587 [email protected] aims hamshire wants to be in the van- for Covid recovery with “best in guard of those areas who might class” devolution bid benefit from devolution in the fu- Council intends to ture. submit a strong, compelling and In putting forward this proposal best in class devolution proposal the new council, together with the to Government, just five months Buckinghamshire Local Enter- after becoming the UK’s newest prise Partnership, has withdrawn unitary authority. from the Oxford to Cambridge The proposal, which is subject to ‘ARC Leaders Group’ to present a approval by the council’s Cabinet bid led by business opportunities next month, demonstrates the and strengths in key growth sec- ambition and potential of the new tors. Buckinghamshire Council, Cllr Martin Tett, Leader of Buck- launched on 1st April this year. inghamshire Council, commented: The council geographically aligns “The Government’s election with the Local Enterprise Partner- manifesto made clear its commit- ship, strategic NHS partners, ment to devolution across all of business representative organisa- , not just to cities. It is tions and the voluntary and com- vital that the Government use its munity sector. Working together forthcoming White Paper to em- with these partners, the council is power large unitary authorities now finalising an ambitious pro- such as Bucks to drive forward posal that could not only benefit economic recovery and growth, the economic and social revival of along with tackling long standing Buckinghamshire, but could add social, environmental and health £10 billion a year to the UK econ- issues. omy by 2050. “As one of the newest and largest The hope is that this aligns with unitary authorities in the UK, the Government’s forthcoming with a proven track record of de- ‘Devolution White Paper’, which livery, we have our sights set on a will pave the way for devolution ‘best in class’ devolution settle- bids across the country. Bucking- ment which can drive post-Covid

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19 recovery for the residents and are being asked to submit their businesses of Buckinghamshire, views on the council’s spending as well as creating jobs and pros- priorities for the coming financial perity for the UK economy as a year. whole.” The council carries out a budget Buckinghamshire has super consultation every year, giving strengths of high tech and medi- people the chance to have their tech, space and creative and digi- say on where money should be tal industries. When combined invested and in which services or with our physical location at the areas they believe savings can be centre of major growth hubs, our made. proven track record of delivery Council finances have faced add- and strong partnerships between ed pressure this year due to the local government, business and coronavirus pandemic. The dou- health, we know there is huge po- ble effect of additional spending to tential for us to turbo charge our support our vulnerable and the economic recovery. variety of one-off costs incurred, Post-Covid it is very important combined with the loss of income that Buckinghamshire is free to from regular funding streams be ‘business led’. It has become such as parking revenue and clear that business needs to be business rates has brought about able to form alliances and exploit a budget shortfall. Although some opportunities wherever they lie, additional funding from central rather than being tied to a partic- government has helped, it does ular geography. Bucks business not cover all the costs and has left will embrace growth and recovery a funding gap of around £7m. opportunities, working with part- Council Leader Martin Tett ex- ners across many areas including plained: “2020 has been a year Oxfordshire, Hertfordshire, Berk- like no other. As individuals, fam- shire or Surrey. It is important to ilies and whole communities, eve- stress that we will work with a ryone has faced uncertainty and broad range of organisations and many challenges over the past six industries to maximise business months. The council’s experience opportunities wherever they oc- has been no different. cur.” “We are now at the stage where Help us decide our budget pri- we must set our budget priorities orities for the coming financial year. In Buckinghamshire Council today any year this can be a challenge launches its budget consultation but undoubtedly this year will be for 2021/22. Residents, business- even harder. es and other interested parties "We are better off having come

126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 12 PRESS RELEASE September 2020 Healthwatch Bucks find out how coronavirus has impacted our community The way services are being delivered in the community has changed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We contacted over 40 voluntary and community services in April, May, and June. We wanted to find out the following: • What their service users and staff were worried about most in accessing health and social care services during the lockdown pe- riod • Did lockdown restrictions effect their service? • If we could share any information about their local services. The report below summarises our findings. https://www.healthwatchbucks.co.uk/2020/09/coronavirus- community-voices-report/You can also post your feedback about lo- cal health and social care services on our website (https:// www.healthwatchbucks.co.uk/your-feedback/).


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126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 13 together to form Buckinghamshire lution at last. I believe the prob- Council in April. Being one coun- lem was a blocked culvert cil we were able to work quickly to (probably constructed when the deliver a response to Covid and railway was built in 1838). The work effectively with businesses recent heavy rain did not cause a and community groups as a sin- flood so the route to Pitstone gle organisation." should now stay open all year. Martin Tett continued: "We now First Buckinghamshire e-bike have an organisation that is bet- scheme being introduced along ter placed to respond to our resi- Greenway dents and businesses' needs. We A fleet of new electric bikes availa- will also be able to make substan- ble for the public to use is being tial savings as we bring services introduced for the first time in together. Millions of pounds of Buckinghamshire. The ten e-bikes savings have already been made; will come into service along the however, others such as rational- well-loved 4km long Waddesdon ising contracts as they come up Greenway and will give people a for renewal and redesigning how new way of travelling between we do things, will take time to re- Waddesdon Manor and alise so that we don't damage vital Vale Parkway railway station. services. The majority of these The bikes are now available to use savings are likely to be over the as part of a ‘soft launch’ of the next five years which doesn't help service before the scheme is avail- in our current situation. In the able to the wider public later in meantime, cost pressures have September. Initially, the bikes are increased dramatically, particu- only available from the docking larly for social care, as a result of station outside the visitors’ centre Covid. at Waddesdon Manor. Bikes are “There are tough decisions available on a first-come-first- ahead, so it’s important that we served basis and full instructions give everyone the opportunity on how to hire are displayed on to have their say on what our the docking station itself. Hire spending priorities should be charges are £1.50 for the first for the coming year.” hour and £1.00 for each addition- To take part in the online al 30 minutes. The second dock- consultation visit our website. ing station at the railway station Consultation closes on 8/11. is being installed in the coming Railway Under-bridge Cooks weeks, ready for the full launch of Wharf the service. It appears the work carried out This is a great example of partner- recently has provide a positive so- ship working between the council,

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Aylesbury Garden Town, Waddes- forcement team, who have the job don Manor and Chiltern Railways. of tracing and prosecuting offend- The e-bikes are operated by ers under the Buckinghamshire's French company Smoove, with 'zero tolerance' approach to fly full repair and maintenance sup- tipping. port from Cycle-fleet. Bikes will be "That's why I'm asking people to available seven days a week, for be extra vigilant", said Bucking- an initial period of a year and full hamshire Council's Cabinet Mem- customer support will be available ber for Environment & Climate 24 hours a day. Change Bill Chapple OBE: Covid-19/Coronavirus "Lockdown has meant that many In recognition of the volunteers of us have had the opportunity to and their supporters who have do the biggest spring clean ever, served the village so well in our or to finally get into that long- time of need. THANK YOU. intended DIY project - and that's Assistance from central govern- resulted in a lot of extra waste. ment to help volunteer efforts was Added to that, the housing mar- not at all bureaucratic or obstruc- ket is beginning to get going tive. In case you are not aware, again, and there will be lots of the government via Buckingham- clearing out as delayed house shire Council (BC) assigned up to moves start to take place. £2000 for each BC councillor to But don't be tempted to hire a allocate to local volunteer groups 'man with a van' who's offering a directly or via the parish councils cheap job. There's a legal respon- for petrol and other incurred sibility to ensure that your waste costs in the course of the daily is disposed of properly – and that tasks in support of the vulnerable means using a bona fide licensed residents isolating/shielding dur- carrier. Check the SCRAP fly tip- ing lock down. We were all im- ping pressed at the speed and effec- code:www.recycleforbuckinghams tiveness of the process and coun- hire.co.uk/scrap-fly-tipping for cil officers in transferring the everything you should do to avoid money to the organisations/ a rogue operator that might just parish council bank accounts. dump your waste at the roadside. Fly Tipping - Call for extra vigi- Tring Station – Access for all lance upgrade The unique circumstances of the The £5.8million upgrade was lockdown have led to a national completed in late July. surge in opportunistic waste car- The most notable work being the riers who all too often fly tip peo- new lifts, ramps and new foot- ple's waste, warns Buckingham- bridge providing a step free ac- shire Council's illegal waste en- cess to all five platforms at Tring

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Station. mined by each Community Board The cost of the upgrade came and support the delivery of Buck- from the Department of inghamshire Council’s Corporate Transport’s ‘Access for All’ pro- Plan. Up to 50% of this budget gramme which is aimed at making can be used for transport pro- improvements to accessibility at jects. stations across the nationwide The Health and Wellbeing Fund is network. to support local projects that help improve the health and wellbeing Wing and Community of residents. Board Update from Anne Wight The Local Infrastructure Fund is On 23 September we had the sec- to support community infrastruc- ond meeting of the Wing and ture needs. It can be used to aid Ivinghoe Community Board. the upgrading of existing and/or Community Boards were set up new physical and/or social infra- when the new Buckinghamshire structure. The overall budget al- Council came into effect in April. located is based on the number of The Wing and Ivinghoe Board new homes proposed for each comprises 16 parishes and our Board area according to the draft aim is to bring people together or published Local Plans. from these areas to make a real Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a difference to where we live: portion of the Health and Wellbe- Aston Abotts, , ing Fund was allocated to the new , Pitstone, , Councillor Crisis Fund in the Wing, Slapton, Hardwick, Cres- spring to help support the Covid low, Ivinghoe, & Row- volunteer groups who were work- sham, Weedon, , ing on the ground to ensure that , Watermead and shielded residents were able to Whitchurch receive food and other essential The 16 Community Boards across supplies during the full national Buckinghamshire have been given lockdown. a collective budget of £3.9 million. The Community Boards work in a The budget is split into three totally new and exciting way as funding streams: Community Ar- they are very much resident- ea Priorities, Health and Wellbe- driven. Your ideas and priorities ing and Local Infrastructure. matter, and we want you to get The Community Area Priorities involved in helping to identify and Fund will be used to support local shape our community priorities projects which will help improve by sharing what matters most to outcomes for residents and ad- you or raising an issue or an idea dress local needs and our area for a community improvement. priorities. These will be deter-

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126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 19 We want to hear from you so Once they have come up with please get in touch with our project ideas they can apply for Community Board coordinator, funding using the online applica- Katrina Kelly on locali- tion form on our Community [email protected] or Board webpage link. Some exam- on our new Facebook Community ples of local priorities which have Board page which is currently been identified include the Envi- being developed - details of the ronment, Covid-19 recovery, link will be circulated once that is Health and Wellbeing for all, and up and running. Transport. Specific working There are lots of ways to get in- groups are forming within these volved. If several people across four main priorities, as detailed the Wing and Ivinghoe area wish below. to work on the same idea—for Transport: includes exploring example, exploring ways to make Traffic Calming, Bus Routes and our communities more dementia- 20 mph zones. friendly or looking into the possi- Environment: includes exploring bility of planting wildflower Littering, Cycle ways, improved meadows locally—Katrina will infrastructure for Electric Car bring together residents, parish Charging points, and preserva- councillors and stakeholders tion of Wildlife. from other areas, interested in Covid 19: includes exploring the same issue to form a working continued Business and econom- group to work with Buckingham- ic support for recovery in case of shire council officers and other local lockdowns. partners. Some of these partners Health and Well-being: includes might even be able to offer match exploring youth recruitment/ funding. Partners might range youth council, better rural from groups like Chiltern AONB Broadband, reduction of drugs & or Rural England, in the case of ASB/neighbourhood crime, com- wildlife preservation across our batting Social Isolation, food and area for example, to Active Bucks fitness fair in Summer 2022, de- public health officers to help mentia friendly communities. identify ways to combat social I’d encourage you all to join our isolation and get people fit, active Community Board as you get to and to keep in touch with other have your say on these and other residents with similar interests. issues that affect your area. How Since working groups can organ- involved you become is up to you. ise their own meetings, research We will: options, and ways of working, • invite you to our board meetings they can set their own pace. and events

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• give you the opportunity to get Community Board and get in- involved with our working volved, contact: locali- groups [email protected] • let you know about local consul- For more information please see tations our Wing and Ivinghoe Communi- • share information on funding for ty Board webpage: communities https:// To get involved in any of the above www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/ working groups please get in community-and-safety/improving touch. -your-local-community/wing- To find out more about your local ivinghoe-community-board/

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ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Ivinghoe and Pitstone Branch

As the impact of Covid 19 contin- Silk poppies ues to affect us all, the usual Wooden crosses Poppy Appeal, held annually over If you would like any of these the two weeks before Remem- items and live in Pitstone or brance Sunday, is the latest cas- Ivinghoe please ring Harry & Ann ualty. Usually a team of volun- Batchelor on 661449. Tell them teers carries out door to door what you want and they will ar- ‘rounds’, Joe stands outside Ma- range for you to collect from their son’s Stores, our local pubs and home at 14 Albion Road. If you in businesses have a poppy box and turn would put your donation in- tin on their premises, and the vil- to an envelope marked POPPY lage churches donate Remem- and give it to them they will quar- brance Sunday collections. antine the envelopes until the This year NONE of that will count takes place. happen. There can be no face to You can also ring Margaret on face collections. No door to door. 661280 or email mar- Boxes filled with poppies, pins, [email protected] . Margaret crosses etc cannot be put out in will put your order into an enve- our pubs and businesses as it lope and leave the envelope in a invites multiple handling of the box near her front door. Please contents. This leaves us with lit- put your donation into an enve- tle option but to sell poppies from lope marked POPPY and put it one area in as safe a way as pos- through her letterbox. sible. so this is how we have de- If you wish to write a cheque cided to do it to at least raise a please make it payable to The small amount of money. Royal British Legion Poppy Ap- The 2020 Poppy Appeal lasts peal. from 25th October to 7th Novem- All of the unopened envelopes ber. The following items will be containing donations will go into available during that period: a separate box and be quaran- 2020 pins tined at another address until we D Day 75 pins do the count in mid November. Ordinary poppies

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Were it not for the coronavirus had done something of note for pandemic we would no doubt be their community during the pan- reporting on yet another success- demic. Marjory Rankin speaking ful flower show, the fifth since its on behalf of Pitstone Allotment revival in 2016. Sadly like many Association best sums up why other community events it wasn’t Karen is such a worthy winner, to be. We are however delighted “During August and September to report that we were able to we held a weekly collection of stage a virtual version of the an- surplus produce for the local food nual inter village allotment chal- bank, we were staggered by the lenge for the coveted Harry Eck- response and very grateful Karen lethwaite Trophy. A few hardy offered to take delivery and coor- souls from the respective sites dinate the distribution with Babs. each staged a display of flowers, What we found remarkable was fruit and veg at their site. This Karen set up and manned a stall year Ivinghoe were victorious and selling our ‘surplus’ surplus rais- Simone collected the trophy on ing some very useful funds for their behalf. Congratulations to the food bank, thank you Karen.” Ivinghoe and thank you to all We will be planning for next those who helped and took part, years show over the coming particularly our judge Carol, who months and would like to confirm trekked across the sites on the that last years published craft coldest, windiest evening since schedule will roll over to next lockdown began. year. When it’s safe and permis- As part of our affiliation to the sible we will hold an AGM. Royal Horticultural Society, we All being well this time next year have the the honour of awarding we will be reporting on another one of our members the prestig- successful show, in the mean ious Banksian Medal. This year it time enjoy your growing, cooking was awarded to Karen Groom. and crafting. The criteria was for someone who

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The Library continues to be open, presented at that meeting are on and maintains a safe environment our website, and the Minutes will so we look forward to welcoming be added in due course. you. Our latest opening times are At the meeting the committee was posted on our website, but at the confirmed as: Avril Davies, chair, time of writing they are: Colin Arney, treasurer, Janet Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Page, secretary, committee 2-5pm. We hope to extend this to members Gill Arney, Dave include Saturdays in the near Frearson and Derek Peverill. future. In the meantime the drop Anyone interested in joining the box is still available in the Town committee is welcome to get in Hall foyer, so you may return touch with us. We can co-opt items on other days, when the members at any time throughout foyer is open. the year. The Beacon Villages Community Thanks were expressed to the Library AGM was held on 19th retiring committee members Dave September, via Zoom. The reports Chang and Ann Broadbent.

A grateful resident, Yardley Avenue.

As a lone and disabled, retired resident, in Yardley Avenue who was in self isolation at the beginning of this crisis can I, through the pages of this mag- azine, issue a big thank you to the Helpline for Pitstone and all it's volun- teers who went the extra mile in offering their help and support to me. Their assistance was both reassurance that I could manage with their help and a comfort that without family in the immediate area, that help was only a phone call away. I have made new friends through this scheme and my dog benefited by being taken out for regular walks which meant that at least one of us was kept fit. Iam sure that everyone who benefitted from help, as well as a kind word, would join me in one voice to say a loud and heart felt THANK YOU, two words that can be heard, as they resound in every part of the village.

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Obituary Edward John Walter Stallard (Ted) 26th November 1926 - 20th August 2020

Ted was an East End boy, born with his Aunt’s who had a in Plaistow West Ham on the baker's shop in Cambridge 26th November 1926. Jennifer Street. remembers him telling her about In August 1944, as an 18 year the things he got up to, most old, he came with his father and memorably going to see his two sisters to take over the vil- Grandparents lage bake house which involved a in Pitstone, but journey on a in 1946, his fa- tram and two ther died and his buses on his own sisters went back aged about 9 or to London. 10 across Lon- By then he had don, very differ- met Jean. She ent times then. was biking from Things were soon Ivinghoe to work to change with in the offices at the outbreak of Tunnel Cement. World War II, his They married in life was very dif- July 1946 the ferent from then start of 61 happy on. He was evac- years together. uated to Somer- They worked to- set which was probably the first gether doing the baking plus taste of the countryside, which bread deliveries to three other he really enjoyed. He was placed villages. on a farm, loved all the animals, In 1948 Jennifer arrived, and especially the heavy horses soon after, the first shop was which he remained fond of for opened. As the years went by, the rest of his life. He always the property next door was said he really wanted to stay in bought and became a village the countryside but he had to store selling everything from return to London, and that's wool to scrubbing brushes. Jen- where he started baking; first nifer had always helped in the working for a large baker's, then shop, she remembers being very later moving to Aylesbury to live young and it was her job to fill

126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 25 up the sugar, it was at eye level was when they were both invited for her. When she left school the in March 1983 to the opening of three of them worked together. Hale Leys shopping centre carried In November 1973 the business out by Princess Diana. was sold and they retired, Then came bowls, first it was out- Younger members of the family door at Cheddington, then Ted remember coming to the house to and five or six others from Albion make bread, Jean made bakers Road started up Beacon short aprons and Ted made a wooden mat bowls club in the Village Hall. peel to get the mini loaves out of For many years Ted played for the the oven. He also turned his hand Bucks County team travelling to making wooden toys, first, a many miles to do so. He retired trolley full of brightly painted from everything when he turned bricks, then recycling a wooden 80, saying it was time for the desk and a rocking horse rescued younger ones to take over. from a visit to the tip. Before I end I must mention the Ted threw himself into village life, Hot Cross Buns. 25 plus years on the hall commit- Everybody living in Pitstone and tee serving as treasurer, during surrounding villages before 1974 which time he was heavily in- remembers Ted making them. volved in the Millennium hall ex- Nothing has come close to them tension. He joined the Parish since. Customers queued from Council, his first meeting being early in the morning. Jennifer the 28th August 1974. He served says it was the maddest but most for over 30 years, completing two fun day of the year. Jean said it terms as Chairman, working with was the only time she saw a six parish clerks during his time. queue in Pitstone! Such was their He considered one of his greatest reputation, a few years ago the achievements was in using his buns got a mention on Facebook. powers of persuasion to get an Ted may have been born in the upgrade of the street lights in the East End of London but he was a village, not everyone was pleased Pitstone man through and but he said the old ones were the through and enjoyed his 76 years scruffiest he had ever seen, and here. He would have told you that for years after he carried out reg- until the last few years he and ular inspections to keep them Jean had a great life here with maintained. many fond memories, now they He also served for 12 years on are back together, Ted making his District Council as bread and Jean knitting mittens councillor for Pitstone, Ivinghoe, for the children, and at last he Ivinghoe Aston and Cheddington. can find peace. Jean's highlight over these years

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What a strange summer we have swap in the Ivinghoe bus shelter. had, it was like the ‘spirit of the It was to give everyone in the vil- blitz’. lages access to reading material We were not able to have our during the lockdown when the normal indoor meetings, so we library was shut. Now that the have embraced the new phenom- library has reopened the much enon of ‘Zoom meetings’. Each appreciated and successful book month, on our normal meeting swap is closed. evening, Sue Eyre, president, Even during these unprecedent- ably assisted by husband Russ, ed times our community commit- produced a quiz for members ments carried on and were even and partners to participate in. extended to include: This has been really good fun • Our support to Aylesbury Wom- and our quiz queen is in her en’s Aid 80’s. • Supporting and collecting for These online meetings have also the church food bank been extended to include com- • Making and distributing PPE mittee meetings, craft group and clothing for the NHS general social events. By the The walking groups continue time you are reading this report apace. The Chiltern Way walkers we will have trialled a full meet- have managed to add to their ing using Zoom with remote achievements so far, with still speakers and members joining more of the route hopefully to be from the comfort of their home. completed at some stage. We We also moved outdoors into our have also started a short walk gardens and had tea and KitKat group for general exercise. parties in groups of six socially Looking back on this report I am distanced. Most of the time the quite amazed at what we have weather was kind but a few of achieved by positive thinking. the meetings had to be post- All activities within this report poned. were conducted under the gov- Our ‘Random Readers’ book ernment Covid guidelines appli- group contributed to start a book cable at the time.

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St. Mary’s has been open for ser- ment and the national church. vices on some Sundays since There are restrictions on the August and on Wednesday numbers that can attend a ser- mornings for private prayer. vice and for St. Mary’s, this is 20 Several face to face services have places for individuals, rising to a now been held and therefore a maximum of 30 to include mem- little more normality has re- bers of the same household. turned to our lives. So far, we To book a place at any of our have reinstated our Holy Com- services please contact Stephen munion services on the second Swinbank: spswin- and fourth Sundays of the [email protected] or 01296 month with a few additional ser- 660680 by 6pm on Friday even- vices planned. Our first live ser- ing prior to the service on Sun- vice was on the first Sunday in day morning. September and took the form of Or look on the church website an outdoor service led by Sandra https://ivinghoe-church.org and Jane in the churchyard and In addition, we have services on it was a real success, perhaps Facebook and on the phone eve- because the weather was so ry Sunday morning at 9.30am good. We are also now permitted led by Revd David Holloway. to have a small choir to support www.facebook.com/ our worship which means that stmary.holycross.allsaints we have live singing in our ser- Phone in details: 020 3695 9267 vices even though we can’t join and enter room no: 297713 in! In the unusual times we are liv- We also hope to hold an event to ing, if your local church can help commemorate All Souls and a in any way do not hesitate to much smaller Remembrance ser- contact Babs 07860 780127 or vice, Covid permitting. It’s a case myself 01296 668648. Babs is of watching and waiting for up- also the contact for the food dated advice from the govern- bank.

126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 28 ONLINE FEAST FOR BOOK LOVERS

Local readers and writers who Mann Booker Prize. have been missing book events in Award-winning writer and broad- this difficult year need look no caster Dr Kat Arney was brought further than BeaconLit OnLine, up in Pitstone and is the author where our very own book festival, of How to Code a Human and the BeaconLit, has three exciting critically acclaimed Herding Hem- events, featuring six great au- ingway's Cats: Understanding thors. how our genes work. Her new The ever-popular ‘New Voices’ book, Rebel Cell: Cancer, evolution panel consists of three debut nov- and the science of life, was pub- elists: Eve Smith’s thriller, The lished on 6 August. Kat also pre- Waiting Rooms, set in an all-too- sents the popular 'Genetics Un- believable near future, in the af- zipped' podcast for The Genetics termath of an antibiotic crisis, Society, and has fronted several was shortlisted for the Bridport BBC Radio 4 science documen- Prize First Novel Award, and her taries including the recent series flash fiction has been shortlisted 'Ingenious', looking at the stories for the Bath Flash Fiction Award behind our genes. She gives a fas- and highly commended for The cinating talk on cancer and the Brighton Prize; Ruby Speechley, ‘rebel cell’. a Faber Academy alumna and Sunday Times bestseller Aman- prolific writer has seen her work da Robson has been called the longlisted for the Lucy Cavendish Queen of Obsession. After gradu- College Fiction prize, the Exeter ating, she worked in medical re- Novel Prize, the Caledonian Novel search at The London School of Award and the Bath Novel Award, Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, as well as winning the Retreat and at the Poisons Unit at Guy's West First Chapter Competition, Hospital where she became a co- and her debut novel is the psy- author of a book on cyanide poi- chological thriller Someone Else’s soning - a subject which has set Baby; Actor and writer Sophie her in good stead for writing her Ward won the Royal Academy Pin dark and twisting bestselling psy- Drop award for her short sto- chological thrillers. She attended ry Sunbed, and her novel Love the Faber novel writing course, and Other Thought Experi- writes full-time, and My Darling, ments was longlisted for the which came out on 24 August, is

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Quality fresh vegetables. Extensive freezer range. Home produced beef and lamb. Stockists of Heygates animal feeds. Heygates flour. Speciality foods. TEA ROOM We serve tea, fresh coffee, Cakes, toasted sandwiches, Soup and filled rolls The Moors, Wilstone, Tring HP23 4NT 01442 828478

126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 30 her fourth novel. She is inter- brary, and the unavoidable can- viewed by local crime writer and cellation of this year’s festival BeaconLit co-founder Dave Siv- leaves a big hole in the library’s ers, whose latest novel, In Ink, is finances. Donations to the library set in and around Tring. would be much appreciated and can be made via Supporting our local library http://www.beaconlit.co.uk/ All the events are free to enjoy beaconlitonline2020.php. on the ‘BeaconLit Events’ chan- The Festival Committee hopes nel at YouTube. However, Bea- that the ‘live’ BeaconLit will re- conLit supports Ivinghoe Li- turn on Saturday 10 July 2021. JOB VACANCY CLEANER/CARETAKER FOR NEWLY REFURBISHED PITSTONE PAVILION Deadline: 6th November 2020 Estimated minimum of 4 hours per week

The ideal candidate will be:

• Available to work weekends and evenings.

• Adaptable to meet the needs of hirers (hiring the community room or holding outdoor sporting events)

• Prepared to attend at short notice if anyone is taken ill with suspected Covid symptoms to initiate additional cleaning.

• Reasonably fit - the cleaning work after muddy footballers can sometimes be strenuous

Duties will include:

• Cleaning the pavilion including the changing areas

• Litter picking the grounds,

• Carrying out regular activities to ensure compliance to all necessary fire, health & safety, defibrillator and water safety regulations etc,

• Minor maintenance works,

• Completion of accurate records

This role would be ideal for a self-motivated, trustworthy person who is happy to work alone. Previous experience an advantage, but training can be provided. For full details, please see: https://pitstone.co.uk/pavcleaner or contact the clerk.

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After Lockdown, the trustees of walking; the group continues, as the hub met, socially distanced’, Lockdown’ are never far from our frequently during the ‘downtime’, horizon! to keep everything under review. Our business plan is very simple: Now we are fully open for book- Café rent and other payments ings in a Government Approved help pay for our utilities; Fees for way. Bookings are coming in, hiring space pay for the mainte- subject to some not too-draconian nance of the premises, renewal of Covid-19 rules: Kickboxing re- furnishings and provision of new started on 5th October, Guides are equipment. Occasional Grants meeting every Tuesday evening, allow us, for example, to renew Simply Walks continues as an our floor boards throughout; our ‘Outside Sport’, and an Arts Class income and expenditure booked in towards the end of Oc- can be tracked clearly in our tober – see our Facebook page: Treasurer’s Reports. ‘Ivinghoe Old School Hub’ - for So what needs to change – the the Calendar! plea! What were we doing during Your Trustees need new blood to Covid-19 Lockdown? share the daily tasks together, as Initially shocked by the Lock- a Community, to keep Ivinghoe down, our first priorities were to Hub sustainable. It Is hard to im- keep engaged with our Communi- agine the unseen, unsung tasks ty and our valued Café tenant. that go on behind the scenes! Applying for and receiving two If you feel you could contribute to Grants to help with the latter en- this voluntary Community Project sured that we didn’t go under in any way, do get in touch with from a cessation of Community us. Telephone 01296-661666, or hirings. email: ivinghoeoldschoolcommu- Taking example from many other [email protected], or speak communities, we started the to Carol, Chair of Trustees, over a ‘WhatsAppening in Ivinghoe?’ cup of coffee, and she will wel- WhatsApp Group, to help village come you with open, ’socially dis- folk needing medicines and/or tanced’, arms!! groceries, phone calls, even dog-

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2020 Christmas Post Update 1st Ivinghoe & Pitstone Scouts are sad to announce that due to the ongoing uncertainty about Covid, there will be no Christmas Post this year. We would like to thank all of you who have used our Christmas post service in the past and all the local retailers who have supported us. Hopefully we will be back up and delivering for Christmas 2021.

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If you deliver the PPP and your name is not in the list on page one then please let the editor know by emailing [email protected]. We want you to be recognised for your brilliant help!

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Buy Direct, Quality Turf Grown at our own Farm

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(01296 661939) www.ivinghoeturf.co.uk

The Bungalow, Vicarage Farm, Ivinghoe,

126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 39 Cheddington Pre-School Cheddington Pre-School is in the grounds of Cheddington Combined School. We have a purpose- built building and our own well-equipped outdoor learning environment with vegetable patch and mud kitchen, plus access to some of the primary school’s facilities. We offer a great variety of activities each week including PE, library time, woodland area visits, as well as visits to reception in the summer term for those who will be joining school in the September. Cheddington Pre-School prides itself in delivering a high quality pre-school education. We have very healthy registers at Pre-School so please remember to register your child from 18 months old. We take children from 2 years up until they start school. For further information or to register your child with us please contact Michelle Andrews, Manager. Tel. 01296 662292 or [email protected] or visit www.cheddingtonpreschool.co.uk

LOCAL INFORMATION LOCAL VENUES Ivinghoe Old School Community Hub: two former classrooms for hire either separately or as one large room. Separate IT for hire suite fully equipped with PCs and other office technology Book per PC or the whole suite. Contact: www.ivinghoeoldschool.com, [email protected], 01296 661666 Facebook: Ivinghoe Old School Hub Ivinghoe Town Hall: Historic and user friendly hall in the village centre, with awards for best managed small hall in the country. Modern facilities for local events. Equipped kitchen, stage, chair lift. Contact: Stephen Swinbank 01296 660680, [email protected] Pitstone Memorial Hall: 3 various sized event rooms including large hall with integrated cinema screen and raised stage. 2 kitchens, modern refurbished bar, WIFI, disabled access throughout, ample car parking. Contact: [email protected] 01296 661271 LOCAL CLUBS Beavers: (aged 5¼ - 8): Watermill Lodge, 6-7pm, Monday Leader: Tom. Tuesday Leader: Jakki Contact: Andrew Woods (Group Scout Leader) by email:

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[email protected] Cubs: (aged 8 - 10½): Windmill Pack, 6:30 - 8:00pm, Wednesday leader: Dan Lee (Akela), Thursday leader: Rob Mercel (Shere Khan) Contact: Andrew Woods (Group Scout Leader) by email: [email protected] Scouts: 7-8:30pm, Friday, Leader: Andrew Woods Contact: Andrew Woods (Group Scout Leader) by email: [email protected] Guides: Tuesday 7 - 8:30pm The Hub, Ivinghoe, Leader Rebecca Capron. Contact: 07545 347787 Brownies: Monday 5:45 - 7:15pm, Pitstone Memorial Hall, Guider Elaine Thorogood Contact: 01296 661540 Rainbows: Monday 4:30 - 5:30pm, Pitstone Memorial Hall, Guider Elaine Thorogood Contact: 01296 661540 Pitstone Youth Café: Ages 11-18yrs/school years 7-13 Wednesday 6:30pm to 8pm (term time) Brookmead School hall http://pitstone.co.uk/ppcinfo/youth-cafe/ Women’s Institute: Monthly meetings held in Ivinghoe Town Hall. Other entertaining activities. Contact: Sue Eyres on 01296 709281 Beacon Villages Community Library: Run by the community, for the community www.bvcl.org.uk General enquiries: [email protected] 01296 387890 Committee enquiries: [email protected] Opening times: Tues 2pm - 5pm Wed 10am - 12noon Thur 2pm - 5pm Fri 2pm - 7pm Sat 10am - 1pm Ivinghoe and Pitstone Royal British Legion: Chair, Margaret Johnson 01296 661280 [email protected] Beacon Community Choir: A choir which sings a wide variety of repertoire, and where all are welcome.. Rehearsals Thursdays (term time) at 8.15 in St. Mary’s Church Ivinghoe. Leader Judith Sheridan. Contact Lindsay Hewlett 01296 660670 [email protected] EDUCATION Pitstone and Ivinghoe Baby and Toddler Group: Thursdays (during term time) 9 - 11am. Warm welcome and a cup of coffee, and for the little ones. Variety of activities: Music Sessions, arts and crafts, toys and games, story time. No need to book, just turn up. Contact: www.pitstoneandivinghoetoddlers.btck.co.uk Facebook: Pitstone and Ivinghoe baby and toddler group Brookmead School: (est. 1967): Head Teacher Esther Taylor, Foundation Primary School for children aged 4 - 11. Bringing learning to life and life to learning.

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Contact: Brookmead School, High Street, Ivinghoe, LU7 9EX, www.brookmead.bucks.sch.uk, 01296 668543, [email protected] Friends of Brookmead textile recycling: Please put your unwanted textiles i.e. adults’ and children’s clothing, shoes, hats, belts, handbags, ties and soft toys into the bins at Colbree Engineering, Pitstone Green Business Park to help raise funds for the school Windmill Pre-school: (children aged 2 - 5 from Pitstone, Ivinghoe and surrounding areas): One of the top pre-schools nationally and highest rated locally. Purpose built premises behind Brookmead School, open 5 full days per week. Mornings 9am - 12pm, Afternoons 12pm - 3 pm (Includes Lunch Club), Lunch Club 12 - 1pm (subject to availability) Contact: [email protected], 01296 661031 (during sessions) SPORT Pitstone and Ivinghoe Junior Girls Football: Under 12s and Under 14s (school years 6, 7, 8 & 9) If you are interested in playing football, having fun and making new friends, get in touch, no experience needed. All our coaches are FA Level 1 qualified. Email: [email protected] www.pandifootball.net. Cheddington Bowls Club: The Recreation Ground, High St. LU7 9AA one of the best bowling greens in the area. Tuesdays at 2pm or Friday at 6 pm, May to Sept. www. cheddingtonbowls.org.uk Contact: Jo Tchertoff 01296 668624 RELIGION Ivinghoe and Pitstone Chapel Fellowship: Sunday Services on third Sunday of each month, 12 Church Rd, 10:30. Family film on first Thursday of each month, Millennium Room of Memorial Hall, 2pm. Over 60s Club on third Thursday of each month, Yardley Centre, 2-4pm, join us for varied programmes of speakers, quizzes and entertainment. Contact: 01296 668005 First Thursday Friends: Family film on 1st Thursday of each month, 2 - approx. 4:15pm Millennium Room Pitstone Memorial Hall Contact: Margaret Cole 01296 668005 Churches Conservation rust (St Mary’s Pitstone) visitchurches.org.uk or phone Jean Boothe 01296 661745 St Mary’s Ivinghoe: Contact: Reverend David Green 096 6686481 Tring and Berkhamsted SGI Buddhists: A lay humanist organisation. The SGI is a global movement of people connected by Buddhism and the shared commitment to realise a future where life’s inherent dignity blooms. Contact: Sue Nicholls 07788 662349 or check out https://sgi-uk.org/ HEALTH Village Health Centre: Yardley Avenue, Pitstone. LU7 9BE Opening hours 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 6pm except Wednesdays 8 - 12pm and closed pm and Fridays, 9am - 12pm and 2 - 5pm

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Contact: www.pitstonesurgery.co.uk and 01525 223211 Little Rothschild Surgery: 71 Marsworth Road, Pitstone LU7 9AX Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 8am - 1pm and 2 - 4:30pm Friday 8am - 1pm closed in the afternoon Contact: www.rothschildhousesurgery.co.uk, 01296 662800 Nifty Fifties Plus: Keep fit for older folk followed by optional gentle sport. Not for profit. Cheddington Village Hall. Thursdays 10 - midday. Contact: Chris Hall, 01442 824350 PLACES TO VISIT Ford End Watermill: The only working watermill to survive intact, in the county. Restored and run by Ford End Watermill Society. Open Easter and bank holidays. Adults £3, children £1. For further details go to www.fordendwatermill.co.uk Contact [email protected] or tel. 01442 825421 House: Set in 190 acres of gardens, Ashridge House is majestically nestled in National Trust woodland in the rolling in Hertfordshire. Tours available. Find out more at http://www.ashridgehouse.org.uk/about-ashridge-house/ USEFUL NUMBERS Report a Right of Way Issue: https://www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/environment/ public-rights-of-way/report-a-rights-of-way-issue/ Street light problems: Castlemead lights – email: [email protected] Marsworth Road lights – Bucks County Council online: http:// www.transportforbucks.net/report-it-street-lighting.aspx Other Pitstone lights - email: [email protected] Report a pot hole, blocked drain or other highway problem: Bucks County Council online: http://www.transportforbucks.net/Report-it-pothole.aspx Castlemead highway issue? Email: [email protected] Missed bin collection or to find out about recycling: Aylesbury Vale District Council online: https://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/section/recycling-and-waste Dispute with your neighbours about their high hedge: Aylesbury Vale District Council offer more information and a complaint service. For more information go to: https://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/high-hedges Other nuisances causing problems e.g. smoke, air pollution etc: Visit Aylesbury Vale District Council website: https://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/section/nuisance or https://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/section/environmental-problems Bothered by aircraft noise: Email Luton Airport [email protected] Need details of a planning application: Details of all local applications are published online by Aylesbury Vale District Council: https://www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/search -planning-licensing-applications Want to know if you need planning permission? Visit: https://www.planningportal.co.uk/ Illegally parked: Report problem vehicles to on telephone: 101 Faulty electronic bus stop signs: [email protected]

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