126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 1 PITSTONE We are very grateful to the following PARISH POST distributors, who deliver the magazine to your door every quarter: PPP is produced on Gill Arney, Kathy Brassington, Martyn behalf of Pitstone Parish Bronziet, Barbara Byrom, Mike Clayton, Council and distributed Dawn Eaglesham, Laurie Eagling, Lynn quarterly, free to every Fountain, Klaus Ginda, David Hawkins, household, PPP aims to Lesley Horlock Barbara Jacob, Sally keep members of the Kapadia, Maria Lashley, Norma local community Leighton, Linda Martin, Nikki Mattey, informed about events Julie Mead, Sue Nicholls, Janet Nielsen, and news that may Vanita Patel, Louise Pope, Isobel affect them. Robinson, Sarah Smith, Annie Stack, If you would like to help with the Tracey Stone, Fiona Thompson, Linda distribution of the PPP then please Thompson, Louise Weatherill and Linda contact the distribution manager (see Willimont. below). Pitstone Parish Post is promoted and published by Pitstone Parish Council, 9 Warwick Road, Pitstone, Bucks LU7 9FE. Printed by Almar (Tring) Ltd, 24 High Street, Tring, Herts HP23 5AH Editor Deadline for next edition is 3rd Sue Nicholls January 2021. Tel: 01296 661910 The magazine will be distributed at the
[email protected] Beginning of February. Advertising Manager Current PPP advertising rates Klaus Ginda (inc. VAT at 20%) Tel: 01296 668911 Of page: Quarter £15, Half £27.00,
[email protected] Full £54.00, Inside cover, colour, half Distribution £32.50, full £65, Back page, colour, Rachel Weber £70. Tel/txt: 07717 471584 Cover Design Other useful numbers see pages Stephanie Nicholls 39 - 43 If you wish to view the plans for any planning application currently under consultation by AVDC, please visit www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk 126 autumn 2020 Pitstone Parish Post Page 2 A MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN Dave Nicholls, Chairman In the last PPP I wrote about the around the new play equipment amazing effort put in by various on the recreation ground.