Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Surgical Management and Postoperative Rehabilitation Considerations 36 | Web Watch Marie-Josee Paris, Reg B
Physical Therapy Practice THE MAGAZINE OF THE ORTHOPAEDIC SECTION, APTA VOL. 17, NO. 4 2005 ORTHOPAEDIC ORTHOPAEDIC Physical Therapy Practice VOL. 17, NO. 4 2005 inthisissue regularfeatures 8 | Posterior Heel Flare and Chronic Exertional Anterior 5 | Editor’s Corner Compartment Syndrome: A Case Study 6 | President’s Message Michael T. Gross, Bing Yu, Robin M. Queen 29 | Book Reviews 14 | Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Surgical Management and Postoperative Rehabilitation Considerations 36 | Web Watch Marie-Josee Paris, Reg B. Wilcox III, Peter J. Millett 47 | Occupational Health SIG Newsletter 26 | Comparison of Standard Blood Pressure Cuff 49 | Foot and Ankle SIG Newsletter and a Commercially Available Pressure Biofeedback Pain Management SIG Newsletter Unit While Performing Prone Lumbar Stabiization Exercise 52 | Ward Mylo Glasoe, Reginald R. Marquez, 54 | Performing Arts SIG Newsletter Whittney J. Miller, Anthony J. Placek 58 | Animal Physical Therapist SIG Newsletter 32 | Congratulations Newly Orthopaedic Certified Specialists 60 | Advertiser Index 37 | Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes 40 | 2006 CSM Schedule 42 | Platform Presentations optpmission publicationstaff The mission of the Orthopaedic Section of the Managing Editor & Advertising Advisory Council American Physical Therapy Association is to be the Sharon L. Klinski G. Kelley Fitzgerald, PT, PhD, OCS leading advocate and resource for the practice of Orthopaedic Section, APTA Joe Kleinkort, PT, MA, PhD, CIE Orthopaedic Physical Therapy. The Section will serve 2920 East Ave So, Suite 200 Becky Newton, MSPT its members by fostering quality patient/client care and La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 Stephen Paulseth, PT, MS promoting professional growth through: 800-444-3982 x 202 Robert Rowe, PT, DMT, MHS, 608-788-3965 FAX FAAOMPT • enhancement of clinical practice, Email: Gary Smith, PT, PhD • advancement of education, and Editor Michael Wooden, PT, MS, OCS • facilitation of quality research.
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