503 bus time schedule & line map

503 - Lancaster Ripley St Thomas Cehs View In Website Mode Via , The Kellets, Halton

The 503 bus line (Priest Hutton - Lancaster Ripley St Thomas Cehs Via Borwick, The Kellets, Halton) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Lancaster City Centre: 7:30 AM (2) Priest Hutton: 3:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 503 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 503 bus arriving.

Direction: Lancaster City Centre 503 bus Time Schedule 30 stops Lancaster City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:30 AM Gibson House, Priest Hutton Tuesday 7:30 AM Borwick Green, Borwick Wednesday 7:30 AM Capernwray Church, Capernwray Thursday 7:30 AM

Cross, Friday 7:30 AM

Village Hall, over Kellet Saturday Not Operational

Laithbutts Lane, 87 Main Road, Nether Kellet

Hornby Bank, Nether Kellet 503 bus Info 42 Main Road, Nether Kellet Civil Parish Direction: Lancaster City Centre Stops: 30 Limeburners Arms, Nether Kellet Trip Duration: 65 min 43 Main Road, Nether Kellet Civil Parish Line Summary: Gibson House, Priest Hutton, Borwick Green, Borwick, Capernwray Church, Village Bus Stop, Nether Kellet Capernwray, Cross, over Kellet, Village Hall, over 11 Meadowcroft, Nether Kellet Civil Parish Kellet, Laithbutts Lane, Nether Kellet, Hornby Bank, Nether Kellet, Limeburners Arms, Nether Kellet, Bridge Road, Nether Kellet Village Bus Stop, Nether Kellet, Bridge Road, Nether 2 Bridge Road, Nether Kellet Civil Parish Kellet, Four Lane Ends, Halton, New Street, Halton, Penny Stone Road, Halton, Shops, Halton, Lunesdale Four Lane Ends, Halton View, Halton, Shops, Halton, Penny Stone Road, Halton, New Street, Halton, Four Lane Ends, Halton, New Street, Halton Kellet Lane, Beaumont, Woodlands Drive, Beaumont, The Green, Beaumont, Hill Road, , Daisy Quarry Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish Street, Skerton, Owen Road, Skerton, Red Cross, Penny Stone Road, Halton Skerton, Sainsburys, Lancaster City Centre, Inrmary, Lancaster City Centre, Pointer, Lancaster Shops, Halton City Centre, Ripley St Thomas Cehs, Lancaster City Centre 159 High Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

Lunesdale View, Halton Lunesdale View, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish Shops, Halton 110 High Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

Penny Stone Road, Halton

New Street, Halton Quarry Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

Four Lane Ends, Halton

Kellet Lane, Beaumont

Woodlands Drive, Beaumont Langton Close,

The Green, Beaumont Wilton Close, Lancaster

Hill Road, Skerton

Daisy Street, Skerton

Owen Road, Skerton Owen Road, Lancaster

Red Cross, Skerton

Sainsburys, Lancaster City Centre 23-25 North Road, Lancaster

Inrmary, Lancaster City Centre 1 South Road, Lancaster

Pointer, Lancaster City Centre A6, Lancaster

Ripley St Thomas Cehs, Lancaster City Centre 16 Beeching Close, Lancaster Direction: Priest Hutton 503 bus Time Schedule 29 stops Priest Hutton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:25 PM Ripley St Thomas Cehs, Lancaster City Centre 16 Beeching Close, Lancaster Tuesday 3:25 PM

Inrmary, Lancaster City Centre Wednesday 3:25 PM 1 South Road, Lancaster Thursday 3:25 PM Queens Square, Lancaster City Centre Friday 3:25 PM 52 King Street, Lancaster Saturday Not Operational Sainsbury's Layby, Lancaster City Centre A6, Lancaster

Aldrens Lane, Skerton Aldrens Lane, Lancaster 503 bus Info Direction: Priest Hutton Daisy Street, Skerton Stops: 29 Daisy Street, Lancaster Trip Duration: 47 min Line Summary: Ripley St Thomas Cehs, Lancaster Hill Road, Skerton City Centre, Inrmary, Lancaster City Centre, Queens Hill Road, Lancaster Square, Lancaster City Centre, Sainsbury's Layby, Lancaster City Centre, Aldrens Lane, Skerton, Daisy The Green, Beaumont Street, Skerton, Hill Road, Skerton, The Green, Wilton Close, Lancaster Beaumont, Woodlands Road, Beaumont, Kellet Lane, Beaumont, Four Lane Ends, Halton, New Street, Woodlands Road, Beaumont Halton, Penny Stone Road, Halton, Shops, Halton, Pollard Place, England Lunesdale View, Halton, Shops, Halton, Penny Stone Road, Halton, New Street, Halton, Four Lane Ends, Kellet Lane, Beaumont Halton, Westeld House, Nether Kellet, Bridge Road, Nether Kellet, Limeburners Arms, Nether Kellet, Four Lane Ends, Halton Hornby Bank, Nether Kellet, Laithbutts Lane, Nether Kellet, Village Hall, over Kellet, Cross, over Kellet, New Street, Halton Capernwray Church, Capernwray, The Green, Quarry Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish Borwick, The Green, Priest Hutton

Penny Stone Road, Halton

Shops, Halton 159 High Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

Lunesdale View, Halton Lunesdale View, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

Shops, Halton 110 High Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

Penny Stone Road, Halton

New Street, Halton Quarry Road, Halton-With-Aughton Civil Parish

Four Lane Ends, Halton

Westeld House, Nether Kellet Bridge Road, Nether Kellet 2 Bridge Road, Nether Kellet Civil Parish

Limeburners Arms, Nether Kellet 35 Main Road, Nether Kellet Civil Parish

Hornby Bank, Nether Kellet 61 Main Road, Nether Kellet Civil Parish

Laithbutts Lane, Nether Kellet 87 Main Road, Nether Kellet Civil Parish

Village Hall, over Kellet

Cross, over Kellet

Capernwray Church, Capernwray

The Green, Borwick

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