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! ! BALLINARD)HOUSE,)3)DAVIDSON)STREET,)BROUGHTY)FERRY,))DD5)3AS) FEBRUARY)2014) Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation



1.0 The Submission 2

2.0 Settlement & Site Context 3

3.0 Strategic Context 4

4.0 Green Belt 4

5.0 Description of Proposal 5

6.0 Local Services 6

7.0 Deliverability & Infrastructure Considerations/Services 7

8.0 Education 7

9.0 Impact on Local Infrastructure - Summary 8

10.0 Development Concept - Summary 8

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 1 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

1.0 The Submission

1.1 On behalf of Stewart Milne Homes Limited, Emac Planning LLP have prepared the following statement in response to Council’s publication of the FIFEplan Main Issues Report, which now includes site assessments.

1.2 This submission is lodged in support of land on the southern edge of Strathkinness, promoted as the preferred direction for growth in the emerging LDP in preference to land currently identified as the officers’ preference at Bonfield Road, Strathkinness.

1.3 These submissions are designed to provide sufficient outline information to form the basis of further engagement with Officers and the local community; all with a view to the site being favourably identified within the Proposed Local Development Plan.

1.4 It is material that part of the subject land has previously been promoted for residential development through the publication and Examination of the St Andrews and East Fife Local Plan. The Local Plan Examination concluded however that an adequate supply of housing land had been provided elsewhere and accordingly there was no strategic requirement to identify further sites for residential development at this time in terms of the requirements of the Approved Structure Plan.

1.5 It is now time to carry out a full review/analysis of the settlement and the logical direction for growth for the period 2015 to 2025 and this submission seeks to set out the development merits to assist Fife Council in these considerations.

1.6 It is therefore respectfully requested that the subject land be identified as a predominantly housing led, mixed use proposal to effectively plan for the immediate, medium and long term future of Strathkinness and assist in the continued evolution of a sustainable mixed community.

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 2 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

2.0 Settlement & Site Context

2.1 Strathkinness is located approximately 3 miles west of St Andrews between the Strathkinness High Road and Strathkinness Low Road (B939), one of the main transport routes into the western edge of St Andrews.

2.2 With a population of approximately 960, Strathkinness has a range of amenities and services including a primary school, village hall, church, pub with a restaurant, two parks with play equipment and several bed and breakfasts. The Post Office unfortunately closed down due to lack of demand for its services.

2.3 Historically, a key characteristic of the village was the open agricultural field in the centre but planning consent for residential development of the field was granted to Headon Developments in 2008. The development design incorporates an open space and small pedestrian square at its heart which is overlooked by houses and therefore provides a new focal point for the village. The site is currently under construction for 32 houses, including both mainstream and affordable homes, with site completion projected for 2015.

2.4 One additional small site to the north on Bonfield Road is allocated within the St Andrews and East Fife Local Plan for 12 affordable homes. Within the ownership of Fife Council, this site is identified as being non-effective in the 2013 Fife Housing Land Audit as no marketing programme is in place.

2.5 Upon completion of the Headon's Development site in 2015, there will therefore be no continuity of local housing supply for Strathkinness. As a small settlement with a history of timeous local land supply and delivery, it is clear that appropriate allocation is required through the emerging LDP.

2.5 The FIFEplan Site Assessments document considered the edge of settlement ‘bids’ for all sides of Strathkinness and favoured, as an officer preference, a small site at Bonfield Road. This site lies beyond the current non-effective allocation at Bonfield Road, as referred to above, and therefore cannot be considered to be an immediately effective site itself. In addition to the officers flagging up potential landscape and access issues at Bonfield

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 3 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

Road, it is difficult to reconcile how this site was chosen as a deliverable option for development.

2.6 Strathkinness remains one of the key settlements which can assist in delivery of not only the numerical TAYplan requirement for housing but also range and choice within the St Andrews Housing Market Area.

2.7 The subject lands are located on the southern boundary of Strathkinness immediately adjacent to the existing settlement boundary with housing being the predominant neighbouring use.

2.8 The topography of the settlement is characterised by the northern ridge-line, along which runs Strathkinness High Road and the village has developed to the south of the ridge, i.e. down the Main Street.

2.9 The surrounding area is largely agricultural in character with woodland to the south.

3.0 Strategic Context

3.1 TAYPlan was approved in 2012 and the first stages of engagement for review are being undertaken. As such, it remains timeous to consider the ongoing role of principal settlements within the rural community.

3.2 From an analysis of historic housing land audits, it is clear that Strathkinness has a history of timeous delivery of an appropriate scale of local residential land supply, certainly well beyond the scale of development, 40 units, which would potentially be allocated at Bonfield Road. Strathkinness can therefore assist in the delivery of not only the numerical TAYplan housing requirement but also range and choice within the St Andrews Housing Market Area.

3.3 The settlement therefore has significant merit for an appropriate residential allocation within the emerging Local Development Plan.

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 4 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

4.0 St Andrews Green Belt

4.1 Part of the subject land currently lies within the St Andrews Green Belt as defined through the St Andrews and East Fife Local Plan. However it is submitted that the subject land should be removed from the Green Belt as it does not meet the Green Belt requirements set out in SPP, i.e. it does not have the purpose of protecting the landscape setting of St Andrews, does not provide a link between open spaces nor create an important wildlife corridor.

5.0 Description of Proposal

5.1 The development of the subject lands offer numerous benefits to the residents of Strathkinness including improved continuity of provision of local mainstream and affordable housing, potential community and open space provision as well as increased accessibility to local sources of employment through a site for a small farm shop or similar. Further benefits may of course be identified through public consultation exercises as the consideration of the site progresses.

5.2 The appended plan demonstrates the extent of the area proposed for development and also illustrates land for potential future development. A masterplan is purposefully not included at this stage to enable full engagement on the principles to be evolved through the community masterplanning process.

5.3 The subject land is however proposed to be developed in two distinct phases, or at a smaller scale, depending on the requirement for additional allocations.

5.4 Phase 1: 9.6 hectares (North of the B939)

5.4.1 Phase 1 is identified as a residential site capable of accommodating approximately 65 units from 2015 to 2020.

5.4.2 Subject to the usual technical consents there are not considered to be any local constraints to timeous delivery of the site.

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 5 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

5.4.3 It is our intention that Phase 1 will contain predominantly residential land, including a mix of densities; extensive ‘focal’ open space provision; land for potential community hall/facilities; and community woodland/walks on the eastern and western boundaries.

5.5 Phase 2: 10.3 hectares (South of the B939)

5.5.1 Phase 2 is proposed for further residential development in the period 2020 to 2025, again mixed densities, together with community woodland and community walks/links into Bishop’s Wood to the south.

5.6 Phase 1 and 2: General

5.7 The housing in both phases will comprise a range of house types and tenures to meet market demand and the needs of the community with appropriate levels of integrated affordable housing provided. The opportunity for an appropriate level of employment land provision, for example a farm shop, will also be explored.

5.8 The primary access routes into the development phases will be from Main Street. Vehicular routes will be formed within the site and these will be accompanied by and complement a series of pedestrian and cycle ways linking with the existing settlement and beyond and will incorporate the principles of Designing Streets.

5.9 Further and early structure planting will also be planned throughout the development and will be designed to link into the countryside thereby providing opportunities for the creation of wildlife corridors. This combination of existing and proposed planting will help ensure that the proposal is sensitive to the existing landscape around the settlement and also within the environs of Strathkinness.

5.10 The detailed urban design of the site will be developed through the masterplan process and community engagement events.

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 6 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

6.0 Local Services

6.1 In addition to this being a logical direction for growth of the settlement, it is submitted that the subject land should be identified for residential and ancillary development to help support local services and facilities.

6.2 Residential development will help sustain local services such as the local shop, public house, school and church. The recent decline in local services and the ability of the local community to sustain them is most appropriately demonstrated by the closure of the Post Office. Only through the cyclical development and injection of local population can local services, such as a post office, hope to remain commercially viable. The school is addressed below.

6.3 The site is within 400 metres of a bus service with direct links to areas such as St Andrews, Dundee, Glenrothes and Leuchars Train Station, thereby providing viable alternatives to the use of the private car.

7.0 Deliverability & Infrastructure Considerations/Services

7.1 The site is under the control of a housebuilder with a proven track record and there are no known infrastructure constraints that would delay the delivery of the site. The site is therefore considered to be deliverable and capable of providing the next phase of local and marketable land supply within the St Andrews Housing Market Area.

7.2 In terms of water provision and water and wastewater removal, i.e. treatment and discharge, these strategic assets remain the responsibility of Scottish Water and it is understood that appropriate provision will be made.

8.0 Education

8.1 Children in Strathkinness and the neighbouring village of Blebo Craigs go to Strathkinness Primary School and children of secondary school age generally attend Madras College in St Andrews.

8.2 Strathkinness Primary School is currently under capacity and further residential development will allow the school roll to be maintained, thus

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 7 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

ensuring efficient use of education resources, and there may be additional scope to improve local educational facilities through this development.

8.3 Any financial contribution to Primary and Secondary education will of course require to be supported through the five tests as set out in Circular 3/2012 Planning Obligations and Neighbour Agreements.

9.0 Impact on Local Infrastructure – Summary

9.1 Infrastructure requirements are an important consideration in the selection of emerging Local Development Plan allocations. Given that much of the infrastructure requirements will depend on, and indeed will influence, the identification of specific sites the detailed assessment of impact on all infrastructure and services cannot be undertaken at this stage. This will logically be carried out through the Local Development Plan process and be informed by the SEA. Notwithstanding, it should be noted that there are not considered to be any local technical reason why any upgrades as required cannot be undertaken.

10.0 Development Concept – Summary

10.1 It is considered that the subject lands present a viable and significant opportunity for the creation of a sustainable, predominantly residential led, mixed-use expansion to the settlement of Strathkinness.

10.2 In terms of the potential required level of affordable housing, Stewart Milne Homes are willing to work with Fife Council to promote an appropriate and realistic level of provision up to a maximum cap of 25%, as justified through an up to date Housing Needs Assessment.

10.3 Comprehensively masterplanned through a landscape led approach, a responsible view can be taken to a long-term solution to the delivery of deliverable and planned growth for the settlement and Stewart Milne Homes would be happy to engage with Fife Council and the local community on all aspects of its delivery.

10.4 The development of the subject land offers numerous benefits to the residents of Strathkinness including improved community; open space and

Emac Planning LLP February 2014 8 Client: Stewart Milne Homes Limited Site: Land at Strathkinness FIFEplan: Development Strategy Consultation

sustainable education provision as well as increased accessibility to appropriate local sources of employment. Further benefits may of course be identified through public consultation exercises as the consideration of the proposal progresses.

10.5 It is therefore respectfully requested that, within the Proposed Plan, the subject lands be identified as a housing led development proposal to effectively plan for the immediate, medium and long term future of Strathkinness and assist in the continued evolution of a sustainable mixed community.

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