LCSH Section N

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LCSH Section N N-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)piperazine Indians of North America—Languages BT Ballads, Chinese USE Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine West (U.S.)—Languages Folk songs, Chinese N-3 fatty acids NT Athapascan languages Naar, Wadi USE Omega-3 fatty acids Eyak language USE Nār, Wādī an N-6 fatty acids Haida language Naʻar (The Hebrew word) USE Omega-6 fatty acids Tlingit language BT Hebrew language—Etymology N.113 (Jet fighter plane) Na family (Not Subd Geog) Naar family (Not Subd Geog) USE Scimitar (Jet fighter plane) Na Guardis Island (Spain) UF Nahar family N.A.M.A. (Native American Music Awards) USE Guardia Island (Spain) Narr family USE Native American Music Awards Na Hang Nature Reserve (Vietnam) Naardermeer (Netherlands : Reserve) N-acetylhomotaurine USE Khu bảo tồn thiên nhiên Nà Hang (Vietnam) UF Natuurgebied Naardermeer (Netherlands) USE Acamprosate Na-hsi (Chinese people) BT Natural areas—Netherlands N Bar N Ranch (Mont.) USE Naxi (Chinese people) Naas family BT Ranches—Montana Na-hsi language USE Nassau family N Bar Ranch (Mont.) USE Naxi language Naassenes BT Ranches—Montana Na Ih Es (Apache rite) [BT1437] N-benzylpiperazine USE Changing Woman Ceremony (Apache rite) BT Gnosticism USE Benzylpiperazine Na-Kara language Nāatas n-body problem USE Nakara language USE Navayats USE Many-body problem Na-khi (Chinese people) Naath (African people) N-butyl methacrylate USE Naxi (Chinese people) USE Nuer (African people) USE Butyl methacrylate Na-khi language Naath language N.C. 12 (N.C.) USE Naxi language USE Nuer language USE North Carolina Highway 12 (N.C.) Na language Naaude language N.C. Highway 12 (N.C.) USE Sara Kaba Náà language USE Ayiwo language USE North Carolina Highway 12 (N.C.) Na-len-dra-pa (Sect) (May Subd Geog) Nab River (Germany) N-carboxy-aminoacid-anhydrides [BQ7675] USE Naab River (Germany) USE Amino acid anhydrides UF Na-lendra-pa (Sect) Nabā, Jabal (Jordan) N-cars Nalendrapa (Sect) USE Nebo, Mount (Jordan) USE General Motors N-cars BT Buddhist sects Naba Kalebar Festival N Class (Destroyers) (Not Subd Geog) Sa-skya-pa (Sect) USE Naba Kalebar Yatra BT Destroyers (Warships) Na-lendra-pa (Sect) Naba Kalebar Yatra (May Subd Geog) N. Eldon Tanner Building (Provo, Utah) USE Na-len-dra-pa (Sect) UF Naba Kalebar Festival UF Tanner Building (Provo, Utah) Na Maighdeanacha (Northern Ireland) BT Fasts and feasts—Hinduism BT College buildings—Utah USE Maidens, The (Northern Ireland) Naba language N/huki language Na-makir language USE Nabak language USE Khomani language USE Namakura language Nabagraha (Hindu deity) (Not Subd Geog) N-methyl-D-aspartate Na Nakhō̜n family (Not Subd Geog) [BL1225.N38-BL1225.N384] USE Methyl aspartate Na no Kuni BT Hindu gods N-methyl-D-aspartic acid UF Na (Kingdom) Nabak language (May Subd Geog) USE Methyl aspartate Wa no Na no Kuni UF Naba language N-phenylbenzeneamine BT Japan—History—To 645 Wain language USE Diphenylamine Na Pali Coast (Hawaii) BT Finisterre-Huon languages N. Popidus Narcissus Maior, Villa of (Scafati, Italy) UF Napali Coast (Hawaii) Papua New Guinea—Languages USE Villa of N. Popidus Narcissus Maior (Scafati, BT Coasts—Hawaii Nabakalebara (May Subd Geog) Italy) Na Rosa (Ireland) UF Navakalevara N-rays USE Rosses, The (Ireland) BT Hinduism—Rituals [QC485] Nā Uyana Site (Ulpothagama, Sri Lanka) Nabaloi (Philippine people) [RM862.N2 (Therapeutics)] USE Jātika Nāmal Uyana Site (Ulpothagama, Sri USE Ibaloi (Philippine people) BT Light Lanka) Nabaloi dialect Radiation Naa Dubea language USE Ibaloi language X-rays USE Dumbea language Nabaloi language N-S Freeway (Taiwan) Nââ Kaponé language USE Ibaloi language USE Nanbei gao su gong lu (Taiwan) USE Numèè language Nabandi language N-spaces (Nearness spaces) Nââ Kapumè language USE Ngbandi language USE Nearness spaces USE Numèè language Nabānna (May Subd Geog) N stars (Not Subd Geog) Nââ Kwényï language BT Harvest festivals—Bangladesh [QB843.N12] USE Numèè language Harvest festivals—India UF Carbon stars Naa Numee language Nabataean architecture BT Cool stars USE Numèè language USE Architecture, Nabataean — Spectra Naa-Wee language Nabataean art N-substituted aryl compounds USE Numèè language USE Art, Nabataean USE Nitroaromatic compounds Naab River (Germany) (Not Subd Geog) Nabataean coins N/u (African people) UF Nab River (Germany) USE Coins, Nabataean USE Khomani (African people) BT Rivers—Germany Nabataean inscriptions N/uu langauage Naab River Valley (Germany) USE Inscriptions, Nabataean USE Khomani language UF Naab Valley (Germany) Nabataean personal names N/uuki language BT Valleys—Germany USE Names, Personal—Nabataean USE Khomani language Naab Valley (Germany) Nabataean pottery N.V.M. Awards USE Naab River Valley (Germany) USE Pottery, Nabataean USE N.V.M. Gonzalez Awards Naadh (African people) Nabataean terra-cotta figurines N.V.M. Gonzalez Awards USE Nuer (African people) USE Terra-cotta figurines, Nabataean UF Gonzalez Awards Naadh language Nabataeans N.V.M. Awards USE Nuer language UF Nabateans BT Literary prizes—Philippines Naaf River (Burma and Bangladesh) Nabathites Short stories, Philippine (English)—Awards USE Nāf River (Burma and Bangladesh) Nabateans N-way algebra Naam yoga (May Subd Geog) USE Nabataeans USE Algebra, Universal [RA781.74 (Health)] Nabathites N.Y.A. Building (Provo, Utah) BT Yoga USE Nabataeans USE Knight Mangum Building (Provo, Utah) Naami language (May Subd Geog) Nabdam (African people) N15 Class (Steam locomotives) [PL8540.3-PL8540.395] USE Namnam (African people) USE King Arthur Class (Steam locomotives) UF Bebe language Nabe language Na (Kingdom) Yi Be Wu language USE Kulango language USE Na no Kuni BT Benue-Congo languages Nabea Na (The Hebrew particle) Cameroon—Languages USE Ericas BT Hebrew language—Particles Na'ami sheep Nabeholz family Na Ayutthaya family USE Awassi sheep USE Nabholz family Na Blascaodaí (Ireland) Naamyam (May Subd Geog) Nabela Indians USE Blasket Islands (Ireland) UF Di shui nan yin USE Wiwa Indians Na-Dene languages (May Subd Geog) Guangdong nan yin Naber family [PM1980] Southern tone (Naamyam) USE Neighbors family BT Canada, Western—Languages N-1 BT Canada, Western—Languages Naberezhnai͡a reki Fontanki, 54 (Saint Petersburg, Nacelles (Airplane) Nacionalni park Kornati (Croatia) Russia) USE Airplanes—Nacelles UF Kornati, Nacionalni park (Croatia) UF Tolstovskiĭ dom (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Nacellidae (May Subd Geog) BT National parks and reserves—Croatia Ulit͡sa Rubinshteĭna, dom 15-17 (Saint [QL430.5.N27 (Zoology)] Nacionalni park Paklenica (Croatia) Petersburg, Russia) BT Archaeogastropoda UF Nationalpark Paklenica (Croatia) BT Apartment houses—Russia (Federation) Limpets Paklenica National Park (Croatia) Nabers family NT Nacella BT National parks and reserves—Croatia USE Neighbors family Nach-Expressionismus (Art) Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera (Croatia) Nabeshima family (Not Subd Geog) USE Neue Sachlichkeit (Art) UF Plitvice Lakes National Park (Croatia) Nabeshima porcelain (May Subd Geog) Nachamson family (Not Subd Geog) BT National parks and reserves—Croatia [NK4399.N25] Nachbin-Hewitt spaces Nacionalni park "Tara" (Serbia) UF Porcelain, Nabeshima USE Hewitt-Nachbin spaces UF National Park Tara (Serbia) BT Porcelain, Japanese Naches Pass (Wash.) Tara National Park (Serbia) Nabesna Gold Mine Historic District (Alaska) BT Mountain passes—Washington (State) BT National parks and reserves—Serbia BT Historic districts—Alaska Naches River, Little (Wash.) Naco Valley (Honduras) Nabesna language USE Little Naches River (Wash.) UF Valle de Naco (Honduras) USE Upper Tanana language Naches River, West Fork (Wash.) BT Valleys—Honduras Nabesnatana Indians USE Bear Creek, West Fork (Wash.) Nacobbidae (May Subd Geog) USE Tanana Indians Naches River (Wash.) [QL391.N4 (Zoology)] Nabholz family (Not Subd Geog) UF Natchez River (Wash.) BT Tylenchida UF Nabeholz family BT Rivers—Washington (State) NT Nacobbus Nabi (Group of artists) Naches River Basin (Wash.) Nacobbus (May Subd Geog) USE Nabis (Group of artists) USE Naches River Watershed (Wash.) [QL391.N4 (Zoology)] Nabi Yushaʻ (Israel) Naches River Watershed (Wash.) BT Nacobbidae UF Metsudat Kah (Israel) UF Naches River Basin (Wash.) NT False root-knot nematode Metsudat Yeshaʻ (Israel) BT Watersheds—Washington (State) Nacobbus aberrans Mez̲udat Yeshaʻ (Israel) Nachiketas USE False root-knot nematode BT Fortification—Israel USE Nāciketa (Character) Nacodius (May Subd Geog) Nabidae Nachman family (Not Subd Geog) [QL596.C9] USE Damsel bugs UF Nachmann family BT Curculionidae Nabiltse Indians Nachmann family Nacoleia accepta USE Dakubetede Indians USE Nachman family USE Sugarcane leafroller Nabinger family Nachos (May Subd Geog) Nacoochee Valley (Ga.) USE Novinger family BT Appetizers BT Valleys—Georgia Nabis (Group of artists) Snack foods Nacre [N6847.5.N3] Nachtegaal family USE Mother-of-pearl UF Nabi (Group of artists) [Former heading] USE Nachtigall family Nacre Coast (France) RT Art, French Nachtigahl family UF Côte de Nacre (France) Năbiullin family (Not Subd Geog) USE Nachtigall family BT Coasts—France Nablus Gate (Jerusalem) Nachtigal family Nactocovit Indians USE Damascus Gate (Jerusalem) USE Nachtigall family USE Toba Indians Nabokoff family Nachtigall family (Not Subd Geog) NAD (Coenzyme) USE Nabokov family UF Nachtegaal family UF Coenzyme I Nabokov family (Not Subd Geog) Nachtigahl family Diphosphopyridine nucleotide UF Nabokoff family Nachtigal family DPN (Coenzyme) Naboland (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) Nagtegaal family NADH (Coenzyme) BT Imaginary places RT Nightingale family Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by The University of Sydney: Sydney eScholarship Journals online What Role Does Ecological Research Play in Managing Biodiversity in Protected Areas? Australia’s Oldest National Park as a Case Study ROSS L. GOLDINGAY School of Environmental Science & Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW 2480 Published on 3 September 2012 at Goldingay, R.L. (2012). What role does ecological research play in managing biodiversity in protected areas? Australia’s oldest National Park as a case study. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 134, B119-B134. How we manage National Parks (protected areas or reserves) for their biodiversity is an issue of current debate. At the centre of this issue is the role of ecological research and its ability to guide reserve management. One may assume that ecological science has suffi cient theory and empirical evidence to offer a prescription of how reserves should be managed. I use Royal National Park (Royal NP) as a case study to examine how ecological science should be used to inform biodiversity conservation. Ecological research relating to reserve management can be: i) of generic application to reserve management, ii) specifi c to the reserve in which it is conducted, and iii) conducted elsewhere but be of relevance due to the circumstances (e.g. species) of another reserve. I outline how such research can be used to inform management actions within Royal NP. I also highlight three big challenges for biodiversity management in Royal NP: i) habitat connectivity, ii) habitat degradation and iii) fi re management.
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