Rochester Institute of Technology RIT Scholar Works Theses 9-22-1976 A comparison of the patterns formed by primary textile structures and their photographic abstraction Pamela Perlman Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Perlman, Pamela, "A comparison of the patterns formed by primary textile structures and their photographic abstraction" (1976). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by RIT Scholar Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses by an authorized administrator of RIT Scholar Works. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Thesis Proposal for the Master of Fine Arts De gree Collee;e of Fine and Applj_ed .Arts Rochester Institute of Technology Title: A Comparison of the Fatterns Formed by Primary Textile structures and their Phot ographic Abstraction Submitted by: Pamela Anne Perlman Date: September 22, 1976 Thesis Co mm it te~: Nr . Donald Du jnowski I-Ir. I,l az Lenderman hr. Ed 1iiller Depart~ental Approval : Date :-:--g---li6~-r-71-b-r-/ ----- ---------~~~~~'~~~r------------------------- Chairman of the School for American Craftsme:l: ___-r-----,,~---- ____ Da t e : ---.:...,'?7~JtJ--J7~i,-=-~ ___ _ Chairr.ian of the Gr3.duate Prog:rarn: ------------------------~/~~/~. --- Date: ___________________~ /~~,~~;j~~, (~/_' ~i~/~: 7 / Final Committee Decision: Date: ----------------------- Thesis Proposal for the Master of Fine Arts Degree College of Fine and Applied Arts Rochester Institute of Technology Title: A Comparison of the Patterns Frmed by Primary Textile Structures and their Photographic Abstraction My concern in textiles is with structure and materials. I v/ould like to do v/all hangings based on primary textile structures such as knotting, looping, pile, balanced weaves, and tapestry.