Rochford District Council Adopted 25 February 2014

Local Development Framework

Hockley Area Action Plan

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Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

5. Delivering a better Hockley ...... 53 Contents 5.1 Working in partnership ...... 53

5.2 Financial viability ...... 53 1. Introduction ...... 4 5.3 Community infrastructure ...... 54 1.1 The big picture ...... 4 5.4 Monitoring change ...... 56 1.2 Working with our community ...... 5 1.3 Working with our partners ...... 5 1.4 The AAP area ...... 6 2. Hockley in context ...... 8 2.1 The Hockley Context ...... 8 2.2 Place profile ...... 8 2.3 Policy context ...... 18 2.4 Retail issues ...... 20 2.5 Employment issues...... 21 2.6 Land ownership context ...... 21 2.7 Property market overview ...... 21 2.8 Movement issues ...... 22 2.9 The Sustainability Appraisal ...... 26 3. A framework for a better Hockley ...... 27 3.1 What makes for a sustainable Hockley? ...... 27 3.2 Vision & objectives ...... 27 3.3 Arriving at a framework ...... 28 4. Proposals plan & area-wide policies ...... 34

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Balancing the need to protect the Once adopted, the AAP will be used as a 1. Introduction Hockley’s village character against the framework for the development of Hockley need to attract new investment is critical to and in the determination of planning its economic success. It is also central to applications. It will be subject to the this AAP. normal processes of monitoring and 1.1 The big picture review. The AAP will, if adopted, form a part of Rochford District Council is committed to Rochford District’s Development Plan. Any representations on this pre- preparing Area Action Plans (AAP) for its Alongside the adopted Rochford Core submission version of the Hockley AAP three main centres of Rayleigh, Rochford Strategy and other key planning should be sent to Rochford District and Hockley. The AAPs will form part of documents, the AAP will eventually replace Council. the statutory development plan for the existing Replacement Local Plan Rochford District. This document focuses (2006). on guiding the development of Hockley centre, as well as adjoining light industrial The next step is for this submission version areas and the rail station, during the of the AAP to be published and placed on current plan period to 2025. deposit for a six-week period, during which interested parties will be invited to The Rochford Core Strategy identifies make representations. It will then be Hockley as an area for change and submitted, alongside any representations improvement, and it is envisaged that the received and other supporting documents, settlement will benefit from a higher to the Secretary of State who will make quality environment and public spaces, arrangements for an Examination in Public with improved landscaping, an enhanced by an Independent Planning Inspector. The retail offer and better connectivity. It is AAP will be measured against the also planned that Hockley will experience established tests of soundness and the housing growth, in part through a mixed- Inspectorate will then issue a report with use redevelopment of its existing light findings and decision. If it is found sound – industrial areas. with or without modifications – the AAP will then be adopted.

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1.2 Working with our community yielded feedback specifically related to  Additional public transport is required, Hockley. as well as new and improved In recent years a number of community pedestrian and cycle routes, given that Most recently a further stage of engagement and consultation exercises all of these measures would serve to consultation was held on the planning have been undertaken in relation to reduce the congestion levels in the policy framework for Hockley that had Hockley. These have been in support of centre. emerged following the Options Report. the production of the Hockley Parish Plan, This was a public exhibition, which was  Affordable housing should be a the Hockley AAP and the Rochford Core held between 14 and 24 August 2012. A priority, provided that a high standard Strategy. The AAP has been informed range of responses was received as a result of architecture and design would be through its various stages by the of the consultation and the key messages delivered. responses received to these exercises, were that: which were:  There is a need to retain existing shops and services within the area.  Hockley is a village and its character  The Hockley Parish Plan residents’ should be maintained.  Retail development in Hockley should questionnaire. be of an appropriate scale.  There is a great deal of concern about  The Placecheck undertaken in support the current traffic situation and the  A range of views have been expressed of the Hockley AAP Issues and Options impact that any development would regarding proposals for the Document. have on congestion in Hockley. redevelopment of the Hockley Trading  A drop-in consultation session for Centre. In particular, whilst there is  Highways and other infrastructure around 60 local residents on 2 August support for the use of previously should be improved in line with any 2010 that was carried out to help developed land for housing, there are new development. develop the alternatives presented in concerns over the loss of employment the Options Report.  The Spa Road mini-roundabout, the and leisure uses. junction at the railway bridge and the  Consultations on the Hockley AAP pedestrian crossings on Spa Road and Issues and Options Document and Southend Road should all be Options Report. 1.3 Working with our partners improved.  A consultation on the Rochford Core  There is a distinct need for additional Rochford District Council is working closely Strategy Submission Document that parking provision in the centre. with its partners to ensure that the strategic and cross-boundary implications

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of the Hockley AAP are being fully comparison shops. A collection of explored and that any discussions will feed community uses, comprising a library, into its positive preparation. The Localism Health Surgery, a number of places of Act 2011 sets out a ‘duty to co-operate’, worship and the Parish Council can which requires such a process. currently be found at the southern end of the area. The main partner in relation to the AAP is County Council (ECC), in relation to Between the central retail area and rail its role as Highways Authority for Rochford station there is a relatively recent, mixed District and much of the wider area. In use housing and office development. . particular, conversations with ECC officers Notwithstanding the location of the offices have allowed for the project team to next to the established Foundry Business identify new or proposed developments Park, demand for office space in the area is with a significant highways impact. weak. The Hockley Trading Centre has seen some approvals for the conversion of employment units to leisure uses in recent years. These are currently located amongst 1.4 The AAP area the remaining light industrial uses. These have proved popular with local people and The core area for the Hockley AAP covers are a valued local amenity. the rail station and its surrounds, the Hockley Trading Centre and Foundry Established suburban neighbourhoods Business Park, Spa Road, and the central encircle the Hockley AAP area. The sections of Main Road and Southend relationship between the central area and Road. This area is broadly considered to be these successful suburbs is an important Hockley’s centre. consideration for the AAP.

The retail offer in the AAP area is relatively limited in comparison with other nearby towns, with few high-street multiples but a reasonable selection of independent

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Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused.

Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109

Figure 1 Hockley AAP area

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Within Rochford District, Hockley sits Hockley Spa, established in 1843, 2. Hockley in context between the larger town centres of represented a high point in the popularity Rochford, to the south east, and Rayleigh and profile of the settlement, though this to the south west. It is located on the was short-lived as visitors to the Spa soon Great Eastern rail connection between opted to head to coastal resorts instead. 2.1 The Hockley Context Southend-on-Sea and London Liverpool Street, which supports commuting into The rail line from Liverpool Street, London, This chapter sets out the planning and London. was extended and in1889 began stopping policy context within which the Hockley at Hockley on its way to Southend-on-Sea. AAP will operate, including a review of key Hockley is located centrally between This had a significant impact on Hockley sections of the local planning evidence Rochford and Rayleigh, and is connected and stimulated the residential expansion base. to both by the B1013. The strategic road of the town, though Hockley did not network is a few minute’s drive away, west experience the scale of expansion seen in 2.2 Place profile of Rayleigh, where the A127, A13 and some other parts of the country around A130 meet. Local attractors for car the same period. Strategic location and local setting journeys are Southend-on-Sea to the Hockley is located approximately five miles south east, Basildon to the west and to the north west of Southend-on-Sea, on to the north-west. a peninsula bound by the River Thames to the south, the River Crouch to the north Historical evolution and the North Sea to the east. This gives Hockley has a long history, with evidence the settlement a unique landscape setting. of Roman activity at Plumberow Mount, as This is further enhanced by the ancient well as a strong early Saxon presence. The Hockley Woods immediately to its south, settlement was mentioned in the which forms part of the Upper Roach Domesday Book of 1086. Parts of the Valley special and historic landscape areas. current Church of St Peter and St Paul Hockley is also surrounded by building dates form to the twelfth century, Metropolitan Green Belt, which has helped though earlier church buildings are to conserve the area’s rural feel. believed to have existed prior to this on the site.

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Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109

Figure 2 Rochford’s regional context

9 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused.

Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109 Figure 3 Rochford’s district context

10 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused.

Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109 Figure 4 Character areas in Hockley

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Character areas passes, is the principal axis through the building is a Grade II Listed Building and a town. The public realm in this area is local landmark. The Hockley AAP area has five discernible dominated by surface car parking and a character areas, each with its own roundabout, which also provides access to 4) Spa Road (main shopping area) distinctive qualities. The differences the Foundry Business Park and is between these areas relate to their Most of the settlement’s retail offer can be congested at peak times due to pressure prevailing patterns of land use, their built found within the shopping parades along resulting from dropping off and picking up form and other factors such as landscaping this section of Spa Road. The majority of rail passengers. The area is well vegetated and the movement network for buildings located in this area are single or around Spa Road and there are some pedestrians and vehicles. two storey, though there is a prominent areas of open land that provide potential three storey development of shops with 1) Hockley Trading Centre and Foundry for the reorganisation of car parking maisonettes above. With the exception of Business Park arrangements and the road layout. The one or two buildings, including The Spa buildings to the south of the rail line public house, the buildings make little This part of Hockley is defined largely by include the station and some recent positive contribution to Hockley’s the area’s light industrial uses together residential developments. To the north of character, beyond their important role in with the office and commercial leisure uses the rail line there is a row of bungalows. anchoring the centre with active that are also present. The buildings here commercial uses at ground floor level. are commercial in character, mainly taking 3) Spa Road (central residential area) Although the footway along this part of the form of bulky, two to three storey The uses along this part of Spa Road are Spa Road is relatively wide, a long industrial sheds. The public realm and mainly residential, including some retaining wall and metal railings act as a building frontages are dominated by sheltered housing, and it shares the same significant barrier to pedestrian parking and service areas. There is poor low-rise, suburban character that movement. There is also a concentration connectivity through and within the area, dominates Hockley. The varied building of on-street car parking in this area. with two access points off Spa Road and line and wide range of building types no direct link between the two separate contribute to an informal urban character industrial estates. in this area. However, a number of the 2) Rail station buildings contribute strongly to Hockley’s character and have an intrinsic historic The station building and line dominate this value. In particular, the former Hockley Spa area. Spa Road, over which the rail line

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Figure 5 Hockley Trading Centre and Foundry Business Park character area

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Figure 6 Railway Station character area

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Figure 7 Spa Road (central residential area) character area

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Figure 8 Spa Road (main shopping area) character area

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Figure 9 Spa Road service and community area

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5) Main Road / Southend Road various studies that supplement and and arts, culture and tourism uses to inform this framework. This is to ensure locate in centres ahead of other This area is focused around the Spa Road that the AAP provides a robust policy alternatives. mini-roundabout at the junction of Main, framework for the future development of Spa, Southend and Woodlands Roads. Hockley. East of Plan These roads are busy due to their role in carrying vehicular traffic from the Although the Coalition Government has National Planning Policy Framework surrounding area to Southend, Chelmsford announced that the revocation of Regional (2012) and Basildon and this causes congestion at Spatial Strategies is imminent, the East of Hockley’s core. With the notable exception The Coalition Government replaced England Plan remains part of Rochford of The Spa Public House, the buildings that previous national planning policy District Council’s Development Plan. As front this roundabout fail to respond documents and guidance notes with the such, other planning documents must be positively to their prominent corner National Planning Policy Framework in ‘general conformity’ with the Plan, and it locations and the position of the (NPPF) in March 2012. The NPPF was continues to provide a policy context for roundabout as a gateway to Hockley’s intended to help streamline the planning the Hockley AAP. main retailing area along Spa Road. The system and, at its core, has a presumption uses in this area are more diverse than in favour of sustainable development. This The Plan allocates a 4,600 new homes elsewhere in the settlement and, as well as is expanded upon by a number of core target to Rochford District, with a policy shops, include services and community planning principles and more detailed steer supporting mixed-use economies in facilities, such as a library, Hockley Parish policies. which centres help to attract investment Council’s offices, places of worship, a and avoid the need for Green Belt land to dental surgery, a pharmacy, banks, estate In particular it is noted that the NPPF be developed, where at all possible. agents and solicitors. (Section 2) emphasises the importance of ensuring that local planning policies Rochford Core Strategy (2011) support the vitality and viability of town Rochford District Council adopted a Core centres, and their role at the heart of Strategy document in December 2011. This 2.3 Policy context communities. Practically this means that document seeks to prioritise new local planning authorities should promote development on brownfield land, with The Hockley AAP has been produced a diverse retail offer and adopt a town some limited urban extensions to taking into account national, regional and centres first approach, which requires accommodate new housing. In particular, local planning policy, in addition to the retail, leisure and entertainment, office, Policy H1seeks the redevelopment of the

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Hockley Trading Centre and Foundry residential, commercial, employment In addition, three spatial options that Business Park, which should also include a and leisure. provide different responses to the mix of employment uses appropriate to overarching general principles are  A public space within a defined centre. the sites’ central location. presented. Each of these represented a  Improved connectivity between the different level of intervention aimed at The Core Strategy’s approach to centres retail focus and rail station. identifying the particular areas that require and retail development is set out in  Green landscaping along Main Road, either change and investment or policies RTC1 and RTC2. Respectively, Spa road and Southend Road to protection. The three options were: these seek to strengthen and improve the enhance the visual amenity. retail offer of the District’s main centres, 1. A series of minimal interventions, with including Hockley, and direct new retail a focus on improving pedestrian links, development and other main town centre car parking, the public realm and shop uses towards these locations through a Hockley Area Action Plan Issues and fronts, as well as the replacement of sequential, town centres first approach. Options Document (2009) & Options some poor quality buildings with new Report (2010) shops. The key Core Strategy policy in relation to A Hockley AAP Issues and Options 2. A programme of higher level the AAP is Policy RTC6. This states that document was produced in 2009. This interventions, which would involve the Rochford District Council, with partner provides a baseline urban design analysis replacement of poor quality buildings, organisations and landowners, will and describes Hockley’s strengths and including some existing light industrial produce an AAP for Hockley’s centre, to weaknesses. A number of options for uses, consolidation and expansion of deliver the following: future change in Hockley are considered. leisure uses on the Hockley Trading Estate, redevelopment of retail uses on  A safe and high quality environment A subsequent Options Report built on the Main Road, and a strong pedestrian for residents. work that had already been undertaken by link between the rail station and the the earlier 2009 document and presents a  An enhanced retail offer. Hockley Trading Estate. revised range of alternatives for  The redevelopment of Hockley Trading improvement. The document proposes a 3. The highest level of interventions, Centre and Foundry Business Park, and series of general principles to guide land including substantial redevelopment of its existing light industrial uses, for a uses, the design of buildings and the the Hockley Trading Estate and variety of uses more appropriate for a public realm, and pedestrian movement, adjoining buildings fronting Spa Road centre location, including retail, transport and car parking. to create a new leisure and retail space,

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the relocation of the existing health document was last published as a development. The local community centre to form a community hub on preferred options document in December stressed during consultation that they Southend Road, and new housing 2011. would prefer to see any new development north of the rail line. on previously developed land, and would The Allocations document includes a range like to limit the overall level of new of options for Hockley centre and explores A number of alternatives for transport are housing in the area, and ensure that various possibilities for retaining, enlarging also set out by the Options Report. These affordable starter homes are provided as a or shrinking the current centre centre on proposed junction part of any new development. designation. improvements to alleviate traffic congestion at the Spa Road mini- The Development Management document roundabout and along Spa Road, which includes draft policies that deal with the 2.4 Retail issues could include increasing capacity or development of centres. These include creating a shared surface; the provision of policies that seek to control the mix of A Retail & Leisure Study for Rochford improved on-street car parking, in either a uses, as well as the conversion of upper District was produced in August 2008 to parallel or echelon arrangement; and, floors to residential accommodation. form part of the local planning policy better drop-off and pick up arrangements evidence base. This study found Hockley at the rail station through the removal of Hockley Parish Plan (2007) to be the smallest of the District’s three the existing roundabout and its main centres and did not consider it to The Hockley Parish Plan was developed in replacement with a straightforward meet the definition of a town centre as set 2007, following detailed consultation with junction and circulation area. out in PPS6. It should be noted that PPS6 local residents. The Plan promotes a has since been replaced by the NPPF. greening of Hockley’s centre, with more Emerging Allocations (2010) & Notwithstanding this, Hockley’s centre was planting and trees and enhancement of Development Management documents considered to benefit from a strong the public realm, with shop front (2011) comparison goods sector and a mix of improvements and additional seating and independent shops. The Council is in the process of preparing lighting. its Allocations and Development The report highlighted that Hockley retains Management documents. The Allocations The plan emphasises the importance of just 8.1% of its food expenditure, as a document was last published as an issues avoiding coalescence between Hockley result of the limited range of convenience and options document in February 2010 and neighbouring urban areas by goods on offer within the centre, but is and the Development Management protecting Green Belt land from

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used for top-up food spending. The report Rochford District Council’s local planning The implication of this is that Rochford also drew attention to the lack of larger policies. District Council may have to assist in land retail unit sizes in Hockley to attract assembly to fully realise the vision set out national retailers, and the lack of leisure The report considered the Hockley Trading within the AAP. In the shorter-term there service operators in the centre. Centre to be strategically well placed with may also be the complication of occupiers adequate vehicular access, very good having to be relocated to other premises The report identified potential to enhance public transport access and good whilst development takes place. the frontages in Hockley to create a high proximity to the centre. The report quality centre and advised the recommended that the land use here only encouragement of specialist businesses to change if office space is provided as part create a ‘boutique’ retail centre, whilst of a replacement mixed-use scheme, to 2.7 Property market overview acknowledging economic challenges ensure that jobs are not lost in the centre presented by this approach. The report of Hockley. The buildings on the Hockley Despite general market uncertainty since also recommended the extension and Trading Centre were generally considered the 2007 “credit crunch”, more recently improvement of the existing retail offer to be in good condition. Approximately there have been some encouraging signs, through the development of new, larger 25% were identified as being in poor especially in London and the South-east, scale retail units, and the reclassification of condition, though the exact identity of where developers and investors are Hockley to District Centre status, which these buildings was not specified. beginning to re-enter the market place. could be reviewed at a later date. Progress does, however, remain slow in the context of limited growth and continued restricted bank lending, and 2.6 Land ownership context investment is currently being focussed on 2.5 Employment issues lower-risk locations. Freehold land ownership within the AAP An Employment Land Study was produced area is relatively fragmented, though it is The headline findings from a for Rochford District in September 2008. noted that the Hockley Trading Estate is comprehensive review of Hockley’s This considered the current supply and largely controlled by a single landowner. property market were that: quality of, and future need and demand Even here however, there are a range of for, employment space within the District. occupiers with varied lease terms.  The Eldon Way Opportunity Site offers It forms part of the evidence base for a good opportunity for residential development.

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 There is little demand for flats, but that 2.8 Movement issues into Spa Road. Further north along Spa residential schemes comprising Road, the signalised junction with predominately family housing are likely Hockley centre is located largely along Spa Plumberow Avenue has been flagged as to be viable. Road, between the junction with the B1013 having some safety issues due to poor (Main Road / Southend Road) and the rail sightlines around the adjacent rail  Office development would only be line. The centre is relatively well-served by underpass. viable with a cross-subsidy from higher public transport, with the rail station giving value uses or public sector funding. access to regular services terminating at Hockley centre has a fair amount of  Demand to locate in the centre from either Southend Victoria or London parking available to the public. However, national multiple retailers, including Liverpool Street, and with four regular bus much of this is scattered in private back- those in the food and beverage sector, services stopping along Spa Road and the of-property lots along Spa Road. These is very weak. B1013. However, there is potential for appear to be well-used, but there is anecdotal evidence that cars circulating to  There is steady demand from improvements, including the provision of find spaces here cause some of the independent retailers for more frequent services, real-time bus congestion in the centre. The main public accommodation within the centre. information, shelters at some stops, and improved walking routes between the rail car park is south of Southend Road,  There may be demand from operators station, bus stops and key destinations. behind the library. It is a pay and display for a food store of between 2,000 and facility, but is not ideally located for short 3,000m² (net) within the centre. If the The B1013 acts as the principal vehicular shopping trips. Formal on-street parking in market were unconstrained by land route through the district, particularly for the centre is concentrated along the south availability and planning policy, then commuters from the area travelling to and side of Spa Road. It is free, but limited to there is a possibility that there might from Southend, Chelmsford and Basildon, short stays of 1 hour (or 3 hours for be demand for a larger store. as well as forming a strategic route disabled bays). There is a large amount of  Hockley centre’s catchment is too small between Rochford and Rayleigh. free off-street and informal on-street to attract development interest from Congestion in the village centre is a parking space available in Eldon Way, most key leisure sectors, such as particular concern of local residents, and is which is also well-used and is likely to be a cinemas. focused on the busy Spa Road mini- preference for many longer-stay visitors. roundabout, which experiences queuing Commuter parking at the rail station is

back towards Rayleigh in the evening peak also well-used. It is a pay and display hours, possibly due to a high proportion of facility, run by NCP. right-turning traffic from Southend Road

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There is limited provision of cycling facilities, apart from at the station. The lack of permeability across the settlement, due to the railway lines and a number of cul- de-sac streets, forces cyclists onto busy traffic routes and does not help to encourage cycling for short journeys.

Pedestrian facilities, whilst not in a poor state, could certainly be improved. In particular, enhanced crossing facilities could be provided along Spa Road at the roundabout, at the entrance to Eldon Way and at Station Approach. There could be some street clutter and guardrail removal along Spa Road at key locations, and secondary walking routes could be improved or new links created across the centre to improve permeability.

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Figure 10 Movement context

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Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused.

Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109 Figure 11 Movement issues

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2.9 The Sustainability Appraisal The transport and movement options are also considered and it is recommended The Hockley AAP has been subject to the that further traffic modelling is carried out Sustainability Appraisal process, as to assess the impact of making changes to required by the European SEA Directive. A the roundabout at the junction of Main, report was published in August 2012 Spa, Southend and Woodlands Roads. In documenting this process and assessing relation to the potential of increased on- the alternatives set out within the 2010 street car parking, it is advised that Options Report in relation to their impact negative effects on the environmental and on the environmental, social and economic social aspects of sustainability could be strands of sustainability. A scoping report off-set through good design and was prepared prior to this, in July 2012. landscaping, and simultaneous investment in facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. The August 2012 report acknowledges that a ‘do nothing’ option is not appropriate, The outputs of the Sustainability Appraisal given the regeneration aims of Core have helped to shape the policy options Strategy Policy RTC6 and the need to selected. The Council will continue to ensure positive outcomes through the assess the AAP through the Sustainability creation of a sustainable community with Appraisal process and will document this good access to housing and jobs. Of the process. three spatial alternatives proposed in the Options Report, it was found that all would have a number of positive impacts. However, the medium and higher levels of intervention were considered preferable from a regeneration and economy perspective, provided that phasing and other mitigation measures could be built- in to minimise disruption through noise and traffic congestion during the construction of new any developments.

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for small, local businesses. The 3. A framework for a better accommodation needs of such businesses Excellent public realm – There are a should be met, and balanced against the Hockley number of attractive places and buildings competing requirements for other uses within Hockley. The character of the within Hockley’s existing boundaries. settlement should be further enhanced, 3.1 What makes for a sustainable and the arrival of new commercial and The AAP is a planning policy document Hockley? residential development should be used to that, primarily, seeks to assist in the deliver new and improved public spaces. management of planned changes and Hockley is an established settlement within developments in the centre of Hockley. A high quality natural environment – the Essex countryside, and a sustainable Therefore, whilst its remit is limited, its Hockley benefits from being surrounded location for homes, shops, jobs, leisure and reach is wide. Alongside the Core Strategy by the Metropolitan Green Belt, which other services. The AAP seeks to ensure and other key policy documents, the AAP prevents urban sprawl, but also allows that a positive planning policy framework will help to attract and encourage new local people access to significant areas of that protects this function is put in place. It investment and co-ordinate change. high quality, open space. This open space recognises that sustainable development should be safeguarded through the must be delivered in a joined-up fashion, efficient use of previously developed sites with economic, social and environmental within the settlement’s existing 3.2 Vision & objectives benefits being sought concurrently. In this boundaries. context, the following factors are The future development of Hockley considered important: Housing for local people – Hockley provides an opportunity for change that provides choice in terms of living will deliver a high quality of life for local Provision to meet local shopping need – accommodation, with a large number of residents, who will have an improved Hockley’s centre provides opportunities for family houses. There should be an environment, as well as better access to local residents and those employed within emphasis on the provision of homes for homes, shops, jobs, leisure and other the area to easily and sustainably access local people throughout all stages of life. services. goods and services. The retail offer should be retained and enhanced to make Local employment opportunities – the The AAP sets a vision for the settlement’s Hockley centre the first choice for its Hockley Trading Centre and Foundry future based on an understanding of the residents when doing their shopping. Business Park provide a range of premises unique context that drives change and

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development in Hockley. It translates this existing businesses in the centre, benefit 4) Protect local employment. vision into implementation objectives, the environment and help to build The strategy for Hockley needs to balance policies and guidance that will act as a stronger communities. the importance of protecting local jobs robust framework for delivery. with attracting new investment to 2) Identify and deliver environmental strengthen the vitality of the centre. In The vision for Hockley is: improvements. particular, some of the employment uses By 2025, Hockley will have a centre that is The redevelopment of light industrial uses on the Hockley Trading Centre and defined by the high quality of its public and existing buildings presents a major Foundry Business Park should be retained, realm and the opportunities on offer for opportunity to help deliver a range of alongside some of the leisure uses on local people to access homes, shops, jobs, environmental improvements to the these sites that also provide employment leisure and other services without having centre, including improvements at key and recreational opportunities. to travel far afield. These changes will be road junctions and the creation of a new delivered in a manner that makes the most public space in the heart of the Hockley. of land that has been previously developed, and all new development will 3) Recycle previously developed land 3.3 Arriving at a framework respect and enhance the existing for housing. Hockley’s form and structure was analysed suburban, low-density character of the There is a pressing need for new housing in detail as part of the 2009 Issues & settlement. across Rochford District. The District is Options Document that was prepared to required to provide 250 new dwellings per The four key objectives that support this inform the AAP. This process resulted in year. Making efficient use of brownfield vision and are vital in its delivery are to: clear ideas about the types of change that land for housing means that less would help move the town forward, as well greenfield land in and around Hockley will 1) Provide greater shopping choice for as a preferred spatial framework, which have to be used for housing development. local people. was produced as part of the 2010 Options Hockley is a sustainable residential Report and set out a direction of travel in Most food shopping undertaken by location and provides opportunities for terms of the main proposed interventions. Hockley’s residents involves a drive to affordable and market housing to improve another town centre or location. Improving housing choice and address local housing The 2010 framework included general the range of shops in Hockley will help to need. areas for focusing main town centre and encourage more local people to do their employment uses; a site for a new retail shopping closer to home. This should help anchor; a range of public realm

28 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

improvements, including the creation of prominent public spaces throughout the town centre; the introduction of clear linkages between important sites; and, improved car parking facilities. Figure 12 is the 2010 framework plan.

29 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused.

Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109

Figure 12 2010 Hockley framework plan

30 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Since 2010 a number of important changes therefore, represent a strong location Policy 1 – Hockley Area Action have taken place, and in response the for employment uses. Plan framework framework has been updated. The key  Housing provision needs to be Hockley will have an enhanced public changes are that: balanced with other uses to help meet realm and its residents will have pressing local housing needs, including improved access to nearby homes,  Today’s economic climate is that proposed for Hockley centre. shops, jobs, leisure facilities and other significantly more challenging than Hockley is generally considered to be a services. Development will take place in when the AAP process first sustainable location for new housing a manner that makes efficient use of commenced. development, and the use of previously developed land and that will  There would need to be a greater previously development land here respect the settlement’s character. would help protect Green Belt land focus on food retail as the anchor The Eldon Way Opportunity Site will around Hockley. Housing on previously investment opportunity, to help ensure deliver a mixed-use development, developed land would also enhance that a greater proportion of future which will include homes, shops, leisure the vitality of Hockley centre. At the shopping would take place within facilities, offices, car parking and new same time, it is important that a range Hockley, and thereby protect the public spaces. Figure 13 provides a of other uses would be provided within centre from further out of town retail general overview of the framework for Hockley centre, including commercial, expansion. At the same time, it is development in Hockley. It sets out the retail and leisure. As such, fewer important that any food store would individual elements of the AAP and dwellings are now proposed than in be of an appropriate size, such that it provides a spatial perspective on what some of the previous options would complement other retails uses in kind of development the Council would considered. the centre, and not dominate Hockley like to see coming forward. In particular centre. Figure 13 shows the extent to which the The AAP sets out a framework that  The Foundry Business Park has recently Council wishes to integrate the Eldon responds to these changes and takes into benefitted from upgrades and the Way Opportunity Site into the wider account previous stages of analysis and development of new modern centre of Hockley. consultation. accommodation, whilst the older All new development within the accommodation is still occupied by a Hockley AAP area should contribute range of small enterprises. This would, towards the delivery of the spatial

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framework. The key elements of this the Eldon Way Opportunity Site, forward. The AAP sets out further policies framework are: in accordance with Policy 6. The that are intended to deliver high quality appropriate locations for these development that is in accordance with its a. New and improved public spaces uses are shown in Figure 13. vision, objectives and framework. throughout the centre, in accordance with Policy 2, f. The protection of some existing The council does not own or control the including a public open space employment and leisure uses majority of the land within the Eldon Way associated with the within the Eldon Way opportunity area. Its redevelopment is redevelopment of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site and on the therefore largely dependent on private Opportunity Site and Foundry Business Park. land owners and developers bringing the improvements to Spa Road mini- land forward. roundabout. Figure 13 presents an overview of the b. New and enhanced routes linking framework and provides a broad indication the centre with the rail station of where development should take place. and the surrounding area. These routes are shown in Figure 13. The delivery of many of the elements set They show how the Council out within the framework is contingent on wishes to see the Eldon Way the successful mixed-use redevelopment Opportunity Site become more of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site. This accessible and integrated into site would help to deliver new homes and the restof Hockley centre. shops, improved car parking facilities for c. Enhanced car parking that will the whole centre, an enhanced public serve the centre as a whole. realm and opportunities for better connectivity. d. Opportunities for new housing as part of the Eldon Way The creation of a sustainable Hockley with Opportunity Site redevelopment. enhanced access for local residents to e. The focus of retail uses in the homes, shops, jobs, leisure and other centre, with an opportunity for a services is dependent on the quality of the new retail development within development proposals that come

32 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused.

Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109 Figure 13 Hockley AAP framework plan

33 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Site. This text will also flag up where the proposals plan is relevant to policies contained within the Council’s other 4. Proposals plan & area- planning policy documents. wide policies

Figure 14 is a proposals plan for Hockley town centre. It relates directly to the AAP’s policies and shows the locations in which these policies will apply to development proposals. It also relates to certain policies set out within the Council’s Core Strategy and emerging Development Management documents.

Specifically, the proposals plan shows:

 A revised town centre boundary.  Shopping frontages.  A revised Hockley Employment Area.  The Eldon Way Opportunity Site. The reasoned justification for these location boundaries will be explained in the text following the AAP policies that deal with retail, employment and the other Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes various elements of the mixed-use scheme Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused. Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109 proposed for the Eldon Way Opportunity Figure 14 Hockley AAP Proposals Map

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Policy 2 – Delivering d. Other physical interventions, leisure opportunities and other services environmental improvements including the replacement of delivered through regeneration. poor quality paving, the removal The Council will seek to deliver of street clutter, the There will be other opportunities to create environmental improvements to improvement of the lighting for new areas of public space throughout the Hockley centre and the wider AAP area. pedestrian routes, and the AAP area. In particular, there may be scope All development proposals should planting of native street trees. to facilitate the creation of small areas of either incorporate or contribute inviting public space, through improved towards the schemes identified in the soft landscaping and seating. Elsewhere, AAP, which are: there may be the potential to soften new New development within the Hockley AAP development at the Eldon Way a. A new public space as part of the area would bring opportunities for the Opportunity Site through the introduction mixed-use redevelopment of the delivery of environmental improvements, of areas of public space. Eldon Way Opportunity Site, which could be integrated within new which should be fully integrated development or funded through it. Core Raised entry treatments on the with Spa Road and any new retail Strategy Policy RTC6 states that the AAP Woodlands Road floorspace delivered as part of should secure a safe and high quality this scheme. environment for Hockley’s residents and a The busy Spa Road mini-roundabout and numerous side roads along Spa Road b. Raised entry treatments on the new public space within the centre. currently act as barriers to pedestrian Woodlands Road arm of the Spa The requirements of Policy 2 are explained movement around Hockley centre. Raised Road mini-roundabout and the in more detail as follows: entry treatments would help to prioritise side roads along Spa Road. pedestrian movements and enhance the c. New and improved pedestrian A new public space centre’s public realm. signage for key destinations and A new public space is one of the key attractors, including the rail The introduction of raised entry treatments elements of the proposed redevelopment station, the centre’s primary to these roads would not have a significant of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site. This shopping frontage, the library, negative impact on vehicular traffic flows would provide a focal point for the centre, the health centre and Hockley through Hockley centre. Most of the and would also help to link Spa Road and Woods. vehicles that pass through Hockley use the the centre with new homes, shops, jobs, B1013 (Main Road / Southend Road) and

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would not use the routes that would be street clutter act as barriers to safe and affected, which mainly accommodate local effective pedestrian movement. traffic. Improved lighting for pedestrian routes The experience of pedestrians at the Spa would help improve safety and reduce the Road mini-roundabout could be further fear of crime; it would also encourage improved through other relatively minor more people to visit the centre during the alterations to the surrounding areas of evening and at night, and so encourage a pavement, which could be incorporated as safe and attractive evening economy. The part of a scheme that would increase the planting of native tree species would roundabout’s capacity and raise the generally help to make the public realm Woodlands Road arm. Notably, it may be more inviting and improve visual amenity. possible to widen the pavement around the Spa public house by undertaking a slight build-out on the north side of Southend Road.

New and improved pedestrian signage Improved signage would help people to easily and safely find their way around Hockley. This would encourage those visiting the centre to leave their cars at home or in the centre’s car parks and to walk between its main destinations.

Other physical interventions It is important that the overall quality of the public realm within the centre is improved to attract visitors and encourage people to walk. Poor quality paving and

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Figure 15 Opportunities for environmental improvements in Hockley

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Policy 3 – Promoting better station through enhancements to Transport Assessment and Travel Plan, movement make the rail station entrance in accordance with the Department for more legible. Transport’s (DfT) Guidance on The Council will seek to deliver Transport Assessment (2007). Travel transport improvements that promote d. The provision of enhanced cycle Plans should encourage residents and improved movement through and parking facilities at the rail businesses to live and operate in a more within the AAP area and enhanced station and suitable locations sustainable way, reducing the number linkages with other parts of Hockley throughout the centre and the and length of car trips generated in the and its surrounds. All development Eldon Way Opportunity Site. area, whilst promoting more sustainable proposals should either incorporate or e. Improvements to bus facilities, modes of travel, such as public contribute towards the schemes including improved shelters and transport, walking and cycling. identified in the AAP, which are: seating provision at key

a. Strengthening pedestrian links locations, such as the rail station New development brings with it within the AAP area, particularly and at stops in the centre; and opportunities to increase investment in between the rail station and the real-time bus information. movement infrastructure such as highways, Eldon Way Opportunity Site; the f. Consolidated car parking located foot and cycle ways, car and cycle parking rail station and the centre; and on the Eldon Way Opportunity spaces, and public transport services. Spa Road and the Eldon Way Site, which should serve the However, managing the impacts of Opportunity Site. centre; new mixed-use increased movement that comes with new b. Creating new and enhancing development, including development is critical to ensuring that existing pedestrian links across residential, retail, leisure and places work successfully. Hockley, including the existing office uses; and the rail station. Core Strategy Policy RTC6 sets out route linking Spa Road to the g. Increasing the capacity of the improved connectivity as a priority. Policies surrounding countryside, which Spa Road mini-roundabout T3 and T6 of the same document support runs adjacent to Eldon Way; and junction, without detriment to this priority and emphasise the importance potential routes from the centre existing pedestrian amenity or of new development contributing towards to Hockley Woods. local character. improved public transport, and cycling and c. Improving the profile and Planning applications for new walking, respectively. accessibility of Hockley train development should be supported by a

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Figure 17 is a more detailed movement framework plan. The requirements of Policy 2 are explained in more detail as Again, it is considered that better access Improvements to bus facilities into the centre will help to encourage follows: The improvement of bus facilities, such as visitors and residents to use other more improved shelters and seating, would help Strengthening pedestrian links: sustainable modes of travel. Moreover, the to encourage the use of more sustainable links proposed would also allow those Redevelopment provides the opportunity modes of transport and reduce reliance on living in the centre to easily access the to open up previously closed potential cars. In particular, real-time bus surrounding countryside and make use of pedestrian routes within Hockley centre. In information would provide more certainty this valuable resource. particular, the comprehensive about service performance and help redevelopment of the Eldon Way people to plan journeys. ECC made a Improving Hockley train station Opportunity Site could help to create new commitment to the delivery of real-time links from the rail station to Spa Road. The entrances to the rail station currently bus information technology in its Bus lack prominence. More legible entrances Information Strategy (2006-2011) and the Direct, legible and safe connections are would improve its profile and appearance AAP supports this commitment. crucial to improving travel choice, and help encourage people to become reducing reliance on the car and less reliant on their cars and to use rail as Consolidated car parking located on the promoting more sustainable modes of an alternative. Such enhancements would Eldon Way Opportunity Site travel. This is especially the case given that also complement the new links proposed The comprehensive redevelopment of the there are opportunities to increase the in and around the centre of Hockley. Eldon Way Opportunity Site would create accessibility of the rail station. Good the opportunity for the provision of new pedestrian links can also help to create The provision of enhanced cycle parking and improved public parking facilities in more successful places that people can Improvements to cycle parking facilities the centre. Parking facilities are currently easily find their way around. would help to encourage people to cycle scattered around the centre and a for local journeys and as part of longer rail reasonable amount of informal car parking There are also opportunities to improve journeys. Further, cyclists would be takes place to the rear of properties and existing links between the centre, rail encouraged to use new links within the on Eldon Way. station and Eldon Way Opportunity Site centre, across the town and with the and the rest of Hockley and its surrounding countryside. surrounding countryside.

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Figure 16 Transport issues in Hockley

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New consolidated car parking facilities on local roads, and Policy T2 of the same of development proposals. In addition any could serve the existing centre and rail document identifies the Spa Road mini- strategic planning applications will be station, as well as development delivered roundabout as a priority location. required by Essex County Council as part of the proposals for the Eldon Way Highways Department to be accompanied Opportunity Site. This would encourage It is considered that the incorporation of by a Transport Assessment. – in particular, visitors into the centre and the use of rail two-lane approaches on the three those that might come forward as part of for longer journeys. A central car parking principle arms (Spa Road, Southend Road the mixed-use redevelopment of the Eldon facility close to a variety of facilities and and Main Road) of this mini-roundabout Way Opportunity Site – and ensure that services may also help to promote linked would achieve improvements to traffic adequate mitigation measures would be trips. flows through the centre without having put in place. This approach would help to significant negative impacts on the encourage the use of sustainable modes of The Parking Standards Design and Good pedestrian environment. Indeed, this travel and reduce the impact of new Practice Supplementary Planning approach would allow for the development on Hockley’s roads and Document (SPD) (2010) sets out the level incorporation of public realm transport network. of car parking space provision that the improvements, as proposed in Policy 2. Council would expect alongside Appendix B of the DfT’s 2007 Guidance on development proposals. Within the AAP The improvement of traffic flows through Transport Assessment sets out detailed area car parking should be provided in line the centre is necessary, given queuing that development thresholds, above which a with the standards set out by this takes place on account of the Spa Road Transport Assessment and / or Travel Plan document. However, it should be noted mini-roundabout at peak times. It is should be submitted in support of a that a lower level of provision may be considered that this has a negative impact planning application. The Council will appropriate in urban locations, such as on the character of the centre. expect that developers have regard to Hockley centre. these thresholds when preparing an It should be noted that the application for submission. Improvements to Spa Road mini- implementation of such a scheme should roundabout junction not take place prior to more detailed design and testing. Core Strategy Policy T1 states that the Council will require contributions from Transport Assessments and Travel Plans developments towards highways improvements to help mitigate any impact Core Strategy Policy T5 generally requires the submission of Travel Plans in support

41 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused.

Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109 Figure 17 Hockley Movement Framework

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Figure 18 Housing environments in Hockley

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Policy 4 – Increasing the Council’s housing target of 250 new Way Opportunity Site, identified in Core availability of housing dwellings per year. Core Strategy Policy H1 Strategy Policy H1 is suitable for medium identifies the Hockley Trading Centre and density development due to its accessible The Council will support development Foundry Business Park sites as presenting location between the centre and rail proposals for additional homes on a redevelopment opportunity that will station, as well as the prevailing character previously developed land within the allow for the delivery of some of this new of the surrounding area. AAP area. housing on a previously developed site. Residential (C3) development will be There are also other opportunities for permitted within the Eldon Way A capacity study for the Eldon Way housing within and adjoining the AAP Opportunity Site (see Figure 14) where Opportunity Site has been carried out to area. In terms of potential sites, the it would: examine how the full mix of uses development of a new rail station car park envisaged for this site within the AAP as part of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site a. Not lead to the development of could be accommodated. It demonstrates would allow for some or all of the existing more than 50% of the total area that approximately 100 new dwellings rail station car park north of the rail line to of the Eldon Way Opportunity could be delivered on site. Figure 13 shows be redeveloped for housing. Other areas Site for new dwellings (see the area of the Eldon Way Opportunity of land immediately to the north of the rail Figure 13). Site that the Council would wish to see line may also be suitable for residential b. Achieve a density of developed for housing. Development of development, provided that viability would approximately 50 dwellings per the area shown in Figure 13 for uses other not be adversely affected by site shape hectare. than housing would not be supported by and topography. c. Contribute positively towards the Council. the redevelopment of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site for a mix It is likely that a mix of housing unit sizes of uses, including residential, could come forward, which might include retail, leisure and office. a proportion of smaller, one-bedroom units, given the nature of housing need within the District. The HAAP does not Hockley is identified as a tier one prescribe densities for new residential settlement in Rochford District’s Core development, but encourages proposals Strategy, and should, therefore, play a for schemes that make efficient use of land critical role in the provision of the and respond to their context. The Eldon

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Figure 19 Employment land in Hockley

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The conversion of upper floors within Policy 5 – Protecting jobs part of the redeveloped Eldon Way centres such as Hockley for residential Opportunity Site. purposes is appropriate. This is on the The Council will support the proviso that such development would not development of office (B1a) uses within Offices are classified by the NPPF as a result in a net loss of leisure or commercial the Eldon Way Opportunity Site, main town centre use. As such, offices uses within the centre and that any new provided that such uses contribute should normally be located within a centre residential accommodation is self- positively towards its redevelopment or at an edge of centre location. It is contained and has separate access from for a mix of uses, including residential, considered that the Eldon Way the street. retail, leisure and office. Opportunity Site is an appropriate, The Core Strategy includes the relocation sustainable centre / edge of centre site for All housing proposals within the AAP area of some employment sites – and their an office use, given its accessible position should also meet planning policy subsequent redevelopment for other uses between Spa Road and the rail station. requirements as set out within the – within its vision and objectives for As shown on the proposals plan, the Council’s Core Strategy and emerging economic development. The Hockley Hockley employment site has been Development Management documents; Trading Centre and Foundry Business Park rationalised to allow for the designation of the Housing Design SDP; the Parking site is included as one of these locations. Standards Design and Good Practice SPD the Eldon Way Opportunity Site for mixed- (2010); the Essex Design Guide (2005) and The Eldon Way Opportunity Site currently use development. The extent of the Urban Place Supplement (2005); and any includes a mix of employment uses. The employment site has been reduced and other relevant policy documents. 2008 Employment Land Study recognised now greater focus is placed on the these uses as strategically well-placed and, Foundry Business Park. Given that the therefore, recommended that the Foundry Business Park has recently redevelopment of the site for other uses benefited from upgrades and new only be allowed on the basis that the accommodation, it should be retained as redevelopment would include provision for an employment site. Development office uses within the overall mix. proposals for land within this site would be subject to Core Strategy Policy ED3 and The capacity study that was undertaken to ED4 , which both seek to protect inform the AAP allows space for up to employment sites for employment 1,200 square metres (gross) of offices as generating uses and increase office use within Hockley centre.

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Drawing from these policies the Council seeks to ensure that employment land is predominantly of use classes B1 (Business) and B2 (General Industrial).

Figure 20 Shopping environments in Hockley

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Policy 6 – Improving retail choice The Council will favour smaller guide any new retail development that for local people developments and the expansion of takes place as a part of the mixed-use existing retail units in Hockley centre. redevelopment of the Site, so that it is The Council will support development However if a proposal for a larger single located in a way that would fully integrate proposals that seek to improve store comes forward such an with Spa Road. This would ensure that Hockley’s retail offer and strengthen application would be considered Hockley’s additional convenience the role of its centre as a shopping favourably, provided it meets the floorspace capacity can be absorbed in a destination for local residents. criteria set out above, is able to manner that strengthens its centre and New retail (A1) development within the demonstrate that ‘clawback’ of increases footfall along Spa Road’s existing Eldon Way Opportunity Site (see Figure expenditure from other centres would primary shopping frontage. 13) will be permitted where it would: be achieved and assesses the implications for them. The 2008 Retail & Leisure Study a. Provide a range of unit sizes, recommends that Hockley’s retail offer including smaller units. Such a scheme should also demonstrate should be strengthened. It also highlights b. Not exceed a maximum overall that a development of this size would that there is capacity for up to 890m² (net) additional retail capacity for the not harm the overall vitality of Hockley. of convenience floorspace to 2026. This is centre of 3,000 sq m (gross). within the context of an overall Hockley centre is one of Rochford District’s convenience floorspace capacity for up to c. Fully integrate with Spa Road, three main centres. Core Strategy Policies 3,000m² (net) to 2026 across the whole of and allow for direct pedestrian RTC1 and RTC2 require that retail the District. links through the site to the development is first directed towards redeveloped Eldon Way these centres, in accordance with a Within this context, then, the Council will Opportunity Site, rail station and sequential approach to retail development, set a 3000sq m (gross) floor space other areas of Hockley. which prioritises such locations ahead of maximum within the centre. This is d. Contribute positively towards edge of centre and then out of centre reasonable on account of the limited the redevelopment of the Eldon locations. overall level of convenience capacity and Way Opportunity Site for a mix the desire to strengthen Hockley centre of uses, including residential, The proposals plan shows an expanded and the need to claw back local trade retail, leisure and office. Hockley centre, which includes an area of currently lost to other locations. the Eldon Way Opportunity Site. This expanded area is primarily intended to

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The Retail & Leisure Study also recognises harm the overall vitality of Hockley centre, Policy 7 – Ensuring a healthy that Hockley has a good mix of small, but would help ensure clawback of retail centre high quality independent traders. It expenditure currently lost to other centres, recommends that this offer is enhanced and considers the impact on other centres. The Council will encourage and the centre promoted as a boutique development within Hockley centre that shopping destination. The Eldon Way The development of additional retail on supports its vitality and viability. Opportunity Site offers the potential for a the Eldon Way Opportunity Site could also range of different sized retail units , help to facilitate a new public space. This Within the centre’s primary and including smaller units suitable for should provide new linkages between Spa secondary shopping frontages, as independent traders. As such, it is Road and the mixed-used development defined on the Hockley APP Proposals considered that new development could proposed for the Site. Map, a proposed change of use for non- build on Hockley’s existing strengths and retail (non-A1) purposes will be character and the provision of additional permitted where it would: retail through development of smaller units will be favoured. Not have a detrimental impact on, or undermine, the A large retail unit has the potential to act predominance of A1 uses, both as an anchor store, encouraging additional within the centre as a whole and shoppers into Hockley centre, and may within the primary shopping help Hockley clawback some of the frontage. expenditure currently being lost to other a. not create a cluster of similar centres. However, conversely, there is also non-A1 uses of the same use concern that a large retail unit would have class within a locality that a negative impact on the vitality of undermines the retail character Hockley centre by, for example, of the centre. marginalising existing units. As such, the b. entail the provision of a non-A1 development of a large retail unit will not use which is considered to be favoured but proposals for such a positively contribute to the development may be acceptable provided overall offer and encourage it can be demonstrated that it will not people into the centre.

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The proposals plan shows primary and However there are uses of which the The Council recognises the dynamic nature secondary shopping frontages within provision of additional units in Hockley of centres and the need for flexibility. Hockley centre. These have been retained centre would not be considered to Nevertheless, it wishes to ensure that the as existing, with the only changes from the positively contribute to the overall offer of majority of uses both within the centre as Rochford District Replacement Local Plan the centre. Such uses will not generally be a whole and within the primary shopping (2006) proposals map being the infilling of supported. frontage are in A1 use. Currently 58% of gaps between areas of designated the primary and 44% of the secondary frontage. This would allow the Council to Some land uses associated with town frontages are in retail uses. However, the deal appropriately with all proposals for centre locations have the potential to raise target for Hockely is to increase this to the development of centre ground-floor amenity issues for nearby residents. Such 75% and 50% respectively. units with a street frontage. uses might include, but are not necessarily limited to, those falling in Use Classes A3, An appropriate balance of uses is A4 and A5 or other, Sui Generis uses such necessary to support the health of Hockley as night clubs. The impact of such non- centre, and it is essential that retail uses retail uses on the amenity of those living which are considered to make a positive within or nearby the centre will be an contribution to the centre are supported important consideration I determining by non-retail uses, such as cafes, relevant planning applications, and restaurants, pubs, leisure uses, community applicants will be expected to demonstrate facilities and professional services (such as how negative impacts arising from such banks, building societies and estate proposals will be mitigated, if applications agents). are to be permitted.

To ensure this balance the Council will not The 2008 Retail & Leisure Study assessed permit a cluster of any more than two the vitality and viability of Hockley centre immediately adjacent non-retail uses of and no changes to retail frontages were the same Use Class. More than two Sui put forward. As such, the Council will Generis uses adjacent to one another may continue to assess proposals that relate to not necessarily be considered a cluster, either primary or secondary shopping provided they are distinct and different frontages on a similar basis to that set out uses. within the Local Plan.

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Policy 8 – Encouraging leisure locate within the Eldon Way Opportunity opportunities Site. The presence of existing uses could provide an opportunity for the sustainable The Council will support the location of location of other complimentary facilities. leisure (D2) uses within the Eldon Way Opportunity Site (see Figure 13), The capacity study undertaken in respect provided that such uses contribute of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site builds positively towards its redevelopment in sufficient space for the retention of for a mix of uses, including residential, existing leisure uses and the possible retail, leisure and office. development of new leisure uses.

The AAP proposals plan shows that the Hockley centre designation has been It is noted that a bowling facility is expanded to include land within the Eldon currently located within the Eldon Way Way Opportunity Site and, specifically, Opportunity Site. The 2008 Retail & capture CJ’s Bowling within this Leisure Study identified this as the most designation. popular ten pin bowling facility amongst Rochford District’s residents. The Site also The NPPF states that leisure facilities are currently includes a children’s adventure main town centre uses, which should play facility and a gym. The Council will normally be located within centres. It is support the retention of these uses and considered that the Eldon Way recognises the important role that they Opportunity Site represents an appropriate play in providing leisure opportunities for centre / edge of centre location for the District’s residents. existing and new leisure uses, given that it is sustainably located between the Spa Although the Retail & Leisure Study did Road, which is the heart of the centre, and not identify a strong need for additional the rail station. The introduction of new leisure facilities within the District, and linkages, as proposed by the AAP, will especially Hockley, there may also be further enhance the suitability and some potential for new leisure uses to sustainability of this location.

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Figure 21 Leisure uses in Hockley

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opportunity to have further input into the and public realm improvements monies 5. Delivering a better design of developments. will be spent. Hockley Working with ECC A further key partner is ECC, the Highways 5.2 Financial viability Authority. In its role as highway network 5.1 Working in partnership manager, ECC will consider the movement The Council has taken into account framework identified in this AAP and will information regarding national and local The Council will continue to work closely take this forward as part of its strategic trends in the property market, as well as with partners, landowners and other planning process. In doing so, they will high-level viability advice in respect of stakeholders to realise the implementation take into consideration the policies set out individual development schemes. This is to of the policies in the AAP. above. ensure that the proposals set out within this AAP are robust and based in The key landowners will ultimately be ECC will also be responsible for reviewing commercial realism. responsible for delivering the envisaged and approving Transport Assessments and changes. The Eldon Way Opportunity Site Travel Plans submitted as part of any Eldon Way Opportunity Site is largely controlled by a single landowner. future planning applications for significant The AAP provides certainty with regards to development in the AAP area. They will A site-specific viability analysis has been the Council’s vision for this land and also need to be satisfied that any transport undertaken for the Eldon Way Opportunity sets out a basis for the Council to aid the impacts identified have been appropriately Site development scenario generated development process through assisting mitigated and that the movement-related through the capacity study, which was with any necessary land assembly. elements of any scheme are in accordance carried out to test the proposed scheme’s with the AAP policies. layout and design. This analysis adopts The Council will also continue to engage realistic and robust assumptions, including with the community. Future planning The Council will continue to be proactive construction costs based on standard applications and the development in its engagement with ECC through the building indices and the project team’s management process will determine the Local Highways Panel, which is made up of knowledge of comparable schemes, and details of individual development schemes members and officers from both takes into account the potential cost of that come forward as a result of the AAP. authorities and decides on which highway land assembly. It also relates to a scheme The community will be given the that would help to meet the Council’s aspirations for the AAP area.

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Broadly speaking, the viability analysis the Council’s Housing Strategy Team to funded by contributions arising from new demonstrates that the proposed ensure that their proposals meet the development. These include highway and redevelopment of the Eldon Way Council’s needs before submitting public transport improvements, alongside Opportunity Site is currently financially planning applications. It also states that a number of other important types of viable. Clearly, financial viability is sensitive the requirements for the provision of infrastructure. and can be easily impacted on over time affordable housing might be relaxed in by fluctuations in prices and land assembly exceptional circumstances; for example, The AAP sets out priorities for delivering costs and, crucially, variations in planning where constraints would make on-site environmental improvements and policy requirements. provision impossible, or where a developer highways schemes. The Council will expect could demonstrate that 35% provision that new development within the AAP area Affordable housing would be economically unviable. In such contributes towards these identified priorities, in accordance with the Core Given the likely importance of housing as cases the Council will negotiate the Strategy. part of the proposed mixed-use proportion of affordable dwellings based redevelopment of the Eldon Way on evidence regarding financial viability. Table 1 gives further detail in relation to Opportunity site, the provision of major improvements and schemes. It affordable housing would impact should be noted that this is not exhaustive significantly on any scheme’s overall 5.3 Community infrastructure and development may be required to financial viability. Core Strategy Policy H4 contribute towards other enhancements as states that ‘at least 35% of dwellings on all The Council, in line with Core Strategy identified in the AAP or through the developments of 15 or more units, or on Policy CLT1, requires that developers development management process. sites greater than 0.5 hectares, shall be provide on-site infrastructure to mitigate affordable’. It goes on to highlight that the specific issues relating to their Council will aim for 80% of this provision development scheme. Developers will also to be social housing, and 20% percent to be required to contribute towards off-site, be intermediate housing. strategic infrastructure, which would help to mitigate the cumulative impact of new However, the Policy goes on to say that development. the Council will continually review the affordable housing needs of the District The Core Strategy sets out the types of and that developers should consult with strategic infrastructure that should be

54 Rochford District Council – Hockley Area Action Plan Adopted Version

Table 1 – Major environmental improvements and highways schemes

Environmental Lead Other partners Estimated Potential funding Comments improvement / partner cost stream(s) highways scheme

Spa Road public realm ECC Rochford District £1,200,000 - Pooled financial These improvements should be funded from enhancements Council / developers £1,500,000 contributions / ECC budget pooled contributions

Eldon Way Opportunity ECC Rochford District £400,000 - Section 106 agreement(s), These improvements should be delivered as Site public realm Council / developers £500,000 made in relation to the part of the redevelopment of the Eldon Way enhancements redevelopment of Eldon Opportunity Site Way Opportunity Site

New and enhanced ECC Rochford District £150,000 - Pooled financial Any of these proposed new or improved links pedestrian links Council / developers £200,000 contributions / ECC budget directly associated with the Eldon Way Opportunity Site should be delivered alongside its redevelopment.

Other new or improved links should be funded from pooled contributions.

Spa Road mini- ECC Rochford District £200,000 - Section 106 agreement(s), This improvement should be delivered roundabout upgrade Council / developers £300,000 made in relation to the alongside the redevelopment of the Eldon l redevelopment of Eldon Way Opportunity Site and / or, if it is delivered Way Opportunity Site separately, any new

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5.4 Monitoring change

The importance of monitoring is recognised in both legislation and local policy. The Localism Act 2011 requires that the Council produces regular monitoring reports to assess the delivery of its planning documents and implementation of its policies. The Core Strategy sets out the Council’s commitment to the production of monitoring reports and explains how each of its policies will be monitored.

Whilst the AAP’s progress can be tracked to some extent against the Core Strategy’s monitoring framework, there are several instances where a monitoring framework specific to the Hockley AAP is required. Table 2 sets out how the AAP will be monitored.

The Council’s monitoring report will document whether or not the AAP’s objectives are being met and will set out the necessary actions to aid the delivery of the AAP.

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Table 2 – Implementation, delivery and monitoring

Policy Implementation and Potential risk Risk mitigation Monitoring delivery

Policy 1 – Development within the The development set The Council has engaged with landowners and The Council will Hockley Area Hockley AAP area will be out within the Hockley developers and carried out a robust financial record development Action Plan guided by the framework. AAP area framework is appraisal of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site through monitoring area not delivered or does scheme. reports, keeping framework not meet the needs of track of Hockley and its The Council has also worked with its partners, commitments and residents. such as ECC, to ensure that the scheme has the completions. full backing of these organisations.

The Council has also carried out thorough public engagement and baseline analysis to ensure that the framework addresses the appropriate issues.

Policy 2 – Environmental Economic viability The viability of development on the Eldon Way The Council will Delivering improvements that come consideration may Opportunity Site has been subjected to a record the receipt environmental forward as a result of threaten the delivery robust financial appraisal, which has included and spending of improvements developments within the of environmental robust and reasonable assumptions about contributions AAP area will be guided by improvements. contributions towards environmental through monitoring this Policy. improvements. reports.

The spending of contributions towards environmental improvements received as a result of centre schemes will

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also be guided by this Policy.

Policy 3 – Highways and transport Economic viability The viability of development on the Eldon Way The Council will Promoting improvements that come consideration may Opportunity Site has been subjected to a record the receipt better forward as a result of threaten the delivery robust financial appraisal, which has included and spending of movement developments within the of highways and robust and reasonable assumptions about contributions AAP area will be guided by transport contributions towards highways and transport through monitoring this Policy. improvements. improvements. reports.

The spending of ECC and other The Council has also worked with ECC to contributions towards transport service ensure that the scheme has the full backing of Highways and transport providers may change this organisation. improvements received as a their spending result of centre schemes will priorities and decide also be guided by this not to deliver the Policy. identified schemes.

Policy 4 – The Council will prioritise Residential Previously developed sites for housing The Council will Increasing the the development of development on development have been identified in record housing availability of previously developed land previously developed consultation with landowners and developers. commitments and housing for housing within Hockley, land, in particular the Engagement on this basis will continue completions within in particular the Eldon Way Eldon Way throughout the plan-period. Hockley and the Opportunity Site. The Opportunity Site, is Eldon Way Council will continue to not delivered. The viability of residential development on the Opportunity Site work proactively with Eldon Way Opportunity Site has been through monitoring developers and landowners. subjected to a robust financial appraisal. reports. The number of commitments and completions on previously developed

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land will be recorded.

Policy 5 – The Council will encourage Offices may not be The Council will use the development Office commitments Protecting office uses delivered as part of management process to steer development and completions will jobs the mixed uses towards sequentially preferable sites, including be recorded as part redevelopment of the centre and edge of centre sites within the of the monitoring Eldon Way Eldon Way Opportunity Site. report. Opportunity Site The Council has engaged with landowners and developers and carried out a robust financial appraisal of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site scheme.

Policy 6 – New retail development will The role of Hockley’s The Council will use the development Hockley centre’s uses Improving be directed towards centre is not management process to steer development will be recorded as retail choice sequentially preferable sites strengthened and an towards sequentially preferable sites, including part of the for local within Hockley centre, improved retail offer those on the Eldon Way Opportunity Site. monitoring report, as people including those on the is not delivered. will retail Eldon Way Opportunity Site. The Council has engaged with landowners and commitments and developers and carried out a robust financial completions. appraisal of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site scheme.

Policy 7 – A healthy mix of retail (A1) The health of the The Council will use the development Uses within the Ensuring an and non-retail (non-A1) centre declines. management process to steer development to centre’s shopping healthy centre uses will be maintained appropriate sites within the centre. frontages will be within the centre’s shopping recorded as part of frontages. the monitoring report.

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Policy 8 – Leisure uses will be Leisure uses may not The Council will use the development Leisure commitments Encouraging encouraged within the be delivered as part of management process to steer development and completions will leisure Eldon Way Opportunity Site. the mixed uses towards sequentially preferable sites, including be recorded as part opportunities redevelopment of the centre and edge of centre sites within the of the monitoring Eldon Way Eldon Way Opportunity Site. report. Opportunity Site and / or existing uses many The Council has engaged with landowners and not remain in this developers and carried out a robust financial location. appraisal of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site scheme.


Rochford District Council Council Offices South Street Rochford Essex SS4 1BW Phone: 01702 546366 [email protected] Website: