Intro to the Fluid Course Schedule November 7-8, 2020 - Zoom

Course Directors: Maria T. Gentile, DO and Wendy S. Neal, DO Faculty: Eric Dolgin, DO, FCA; Kathryn Gill, MD; Bonnie Gintis, DO, FCA; Paul Lee, DO, FAAO, FCA; Mark Rosen, DO, FCA

DAY 1– Saturday, Nov 7, 2020

9:00 PT L Introduction to the Fluids / Fluid Compartments overview 20 Gentile

9:20 PT L Development and Structure of the Fluid System 30 Neal

9:50 PT L The CSF 30 Dolgin

10:20 PT L Intracranial Anatomy 30 Lee

10:50 PT L Discussion in Small Groups 10 Faculty

11:00 PT L Fluids in Nature 20 Rosen

11:20 PT L The Lymphatic System 30 Gentile

11:50 PT L Faculty Q&A 15 Faculty

12:05 PT Adjourn (3:08 L) 0 All

DAY 2– Sunday, Nov 8, 2020

9:00 PT L The Vascular System 30 Gill

9:30 PT L Fluids in 20 Rosen

9:50 PT L The Extracellular Matrix 20 Lee

10:10 PT L Fluid Motion in Life 20 Neal

10:30 PT L Discussion in Small Groups 10

10:40 PT L Other Perspectives on Fluids 20 Gintis

11:00 PT P Fluid Lab 40 Gintis

11:40 PT L Faculty Q&A 15 Faculty

11:55 PT Adjourn (2:92 L) 0 All




1. Explore the Laws creating the Form and Physiology of the Vasculature.

2. The Heart is communicating with the periphery on many different levels. The actual information is packaged in a myriad of forms. In particular we want to explore how oxygen, minerals neutrons, charge and photons are utilized to provide precise information from the Heart across the extracellular fluid to the destination cell. Paravasal Gel Sol islands Entrainment Receiving cell must interpret.

3. Osteopathic Principles derive from Clinical practice, Scientific exploration, and Inspiration followed by testing. The point here is that for it to be a Principle - it must hold true across structures, from cell responses to organs to the whole mechanism. The more pervasive the principle- the more fundamental and powerful. Here we are interested in the relationship of the Breath of Life to the Vasculature, its SERVANT, and how it helps to create, and sustain life. When A.T. Still said that the Rule of the Artery is Supreme, he gave us a very important clue. Dr.’s Maxwell Fraval, Michael Solano, and Anthony Norrie have begun an extensive quest to figure this out and present it in their Rule of the Artery Courses.

4. Mini-lab Heart 60 seconds

5. The greatest Principles are those that function in our larger existence. Such as water. Every expression of a quality within a universal system, contains all the other qualities within it –from the planet to the cell.

6. In life everything is subject to a variety of forces. Let’s examine the language of Force on the cell as well as the whole system. • Direction • Area of Impact • Intensity • Duration • Frequency

7. The Cardiovascular system is never “finished”. It continuously undergoes a response to NEED.


8. What is being transmitted by the CV System?

9. On the Microscopic level we can find “the first circulation” occurring in a single cell.

10. Can you appreciate the earliest function - which will be re-capitulated throughout embryonic and adult formation? See Movie.

11. Spirals

12. We just saw a wave of motion through the Human Conceptus-the anlage of each subsequent form. The Breath of Life may be perceived as a wave (it may have many forms) but wonder - what is actually carrying out the effects of the Breath of Life in the body? CALCIUM ION FLUCTUATION.

13. High Metabolic activity Demands nutrients. What is the function which initially supplies that Growth function demand?

14. Early vasculature and blood flow/Mesenchymal Streaming.

15. Blechschmidt’s observations of biokinetic cardiac formation.

16. Loop movie of Heart formation.

17. Dorsal Aorta: The physics of the vasculature affects the embryo.

18. What are the effects of the vasculature growing more slowly than the limb?

19. Arterio-venous relationships/ observations of the embryologic patterning and wonder.

20. Visual comments on the Vascular system as a whole.

21. Palpatory hint regarding the working with the venous system.

22. Is the Heart a Pump?

23. Traditional explanation of Distribution of Blood Flow: Local Neural Humoral


24. Evolving observations about Blood flow (organized, same embryonic material, toroidal shape and rotation of RBC’s)

25. Many factors affecting flow.


27. 10 Billion capillaries/80,000 L/Day.

28. So the Heart wasn’t just a Pump - is Diffusion still the answer to how the target cell gets what it needs?

29. # of RBC’s, % of Blood Volume, Tank track rolling motion of RBC’s. Space between the RBC and the hydrophilic endothelium.

30. Fourth phase of Water/ Exclusion zone.

31. EZ Water Characteristics: Molecular structure, pH, charge, location what it does with energy.

32. . a. Structured water or the 4th phase of water occurs next to hydrophilic surfaces b. It is an ordered liquid-crystalline phase, c. Any wave length from UV to visible to infrared can build structured water d. Called EZ because structured water EXCLUDES SOLUTES e. Charge= negative (-) f. The light or Photon splits the ionsforming a sort of “battery”- which CREATES FLOW. So structured water assists blood flow. g. 99% of your molecules are EZ water + important proteins/nucleic acids h. RADIANT ENERGY- helps create potential energy to propel flow thru the capillaries - providing vascular drive and supplementing cardiac pressure. i. Energy: builds order & separates charge

33. How/Where EZ Water Forms.

34. Exclusion Zone/ Charge/RBC in vascular system.

35. Oxygenated Blood has Magnetic Qualities. Voltage Drop.

36. What generates the Electromagnetic field in blood and what is it for?

37. 65% of cells of heart are neurons. Heart is communicating via charge and more.


38. Details about the Heart’s Code: Optical energy, ultrasonic pressure wave, electromagnetic wave. Maintaining the sonic and photonic message from Heart to Destination Cell.

39. Flow: Turbulent, Laminar and Vortical.

40. Examples of Turbulent vs. Laminar flow.

41. Vortical Flow movie.

42. Viktor Schauberger 1934, studying natural healthy water, redesigns metal water pipes to create healthy living water by creating a double spiral pipe. The double spiral pipe flow dynamics create charge, polarity and magnetism. (and Structured water)

43. Vortical Flow in the aorta.

44. In the wave lies the secret of creation.

45. END.


4 FLUIDS in OSTEOPATHY Mark E. Rosen DO FCA Osteopathic Cranial Academy Introduction to Fluids November 2020

The Wisdom of Nature

Dr. Still considered all of human physiology to exist in the context of NATURE. So, to understand Fluids in context of Osteopathy, we need to understand how Dr. Still saw Nature, and Dr. Still had a very particular understanding of NATURE.

Dr. Still said that in growing up on the Missouri Frontier, “the great book of nature” was “constantly spread before him.” (1)

“The frontier is the great book of nature.” (1)

“Since early life I had been a student of nature’s book.” (1)

He was a skilled hunter and trapper, and frequently dissected the anatomy of the animals he killed.

Philosophy and Spirituality

ER Booth, PhD DO, in his History of Osteopathy, endeavors to describe Dr. Still’s philosophy and spirituality.

“To fully understand Dr. Still it is almost absolutely necessary to have a personal acquaintance with him. It is only by coming in close touch with him that his character becomes fully revealed.” (2)

Booth states that Dr. Still was “pre-eminently a student of man.” (2)

Still saw the as an “incomparable machine” that

“is not merely composed of bones and muscles and other material forms. It is a living mechanism animated by the spirit of life.” (2)

1 Booth describes Still’s religion as “Pantheistic.”

“Dr. Still believes in the direct guidance of an All-wise Providence. With him, God is not simply a spiritual power, but He is the Master Mechanic of the material universe, the crowning effort of His creative power, being man.” (2)

Dr. Booth Quotes Dr. Still as saying…

“That unknown intelligence, call it what you please, precedes all structure and functions, is trustworthy. His work is perfect. Mind-principle permeates the whole universe.” (2)

This statement is the best summation of Stills spirituality I have ever read, and deserves further exploration.

“An unknown Intelligence. Call it what you please.” Throughout Still’s writings he has referred to this Unknown Intelligence, as “God, or the mind of nature,” “The Grand Architect of the Universe.” “The Unknowable Creator, the All-Wise, The God of Nature,” and “The Living God.” And while Dr. Still may describe the Creator as unknowable, he apparently found Nature to be quite knowable.

This unknown intelligence “Precedes all structure and functions.”

“Nature has placed all the functions of animal life under laws that are absolute and must be obeyed.”(1)

Dr. Still saw the entire natural world as ordered and rational.

“When we take up principles, we get down to nature.” (1)

Nature is “Trustworthy.”

“An Osteopath is taught that nature is to be trusted to the end.” (1)

“The osteopath who succeeds best does so because he looks to Nature for knowledge and obeys her teaching.” (3)

The work of this Unknown Intelligence is “Perfect.”

“We have learned to know that Nature does no imperfect work, but, on the other hand, does its work to perfection, and perfection is its watchword in all its parts and functions.” (4)

“Mind-principle permeates the whole universe.”

“The known laws of nature… can only come from the mind of the infinite.” (1)

“We take up Osteopathy. How old is it? Give me the age of God and I will give you the age of Osteopathy. It is the law of mind, matter, and motion.” (1)

For years I have wondered… What does Dr. Still mean by “The Law of Mind Matter and Motion?” It was a common expression in Still’s day. With its roots in spiritualism. The Materialists described the universe as mindless matter in motion. Purely Mechanical. The 2 Vitalists, saw a universal living intelligence within all of creation. They saw a “Universal Mind” organizing Matter and Motion. The Law of Mind, Matter and Motion speaks to Vitalism. It’s that simple.

In Philosophy and Mechanical Principles, Dr. Still sites a quote…

“Life is that calm force sent forth by Deity to vivify all nature.” (4)

And then restates it as

“Life is that force sent forth by the Mind of the Universe to move all nature” (4)

I want to emphasize that whenever Dr. Still speaks of “mind” in his writings, he is rarely speaking of human consciousness, but rather of a Universal Intelligence that commands all of the natural world. “The Mind of God.”

On the base of the statue in Kirksville Missouri, in front of the Adair County Courthouse, reads the inscription:

“The God I Worship Demonstrates All His Work.”

The Wisdom of Nature is the Guiding Principle of Osteopathy.

“To obtain good results, we must blend ourselves with and travel in harmony with Nature’s truths.” (4)

“Osteopathy is to me a very sacred science. It is sacred because it is a healing power through all nature.” (3)


Health. Dr. Still defined Health as a function of normal vascular flow.

“Two things in our system must be perfectly normal. First, the artery and its nerves must deliver constantly, on time and in quantity sufficient; second, the venous system and its nerves must perform their function and allow no accumulations. These two demands are absolute.” (3)

He understood the power of the blood.

“Arterial blood… is nothing more nor less than the seed of life.” (3)

“Perfect health is the natural result of pure blood.” (4)

Pathology. And he understood tissue pathology to result from inadequate vascular function.

”We suffer from two causes. First, want of supply (hunger), and the burdens of dead deposits.” (5)

3 Restoration. Dr. Still’s unique contribution was his understanding that the restoration of health is dependent upon the re-establishment of normal vascular function.

“The Osteopath seeks first physiological perfection of form, by normally adjusting the osseous framework, so that all arteries may deliver blood to nourish and construct all parts. Also, that the veins may carry away all impurities dependent upon them for renovation.” (5)

Arterial blood has great power to nourish and construct. But for renovation to occur, Venous blood must be free to carry away all impurities. This is how osteopathy works with nature to restore health.

Which brings us to one of his most famous quotes:

“The rule of artery and vein is universal in all living beings.” (5)

I found it surprising, but nowhere in any of his 4 books does Still ever say, “The rule of the artery is supreme.”


Dr. Still most commonly speaks of specific fluids, such as lymph, blood, and Cerebrospinal Fluid. There are, however, a few passages in which he speaks of fluids generally:

“The great laboratory of Nature is always at work in the human body. The harmony of fluids… are necessary to sustain the healthy animal forms.” (4)

“As Nature is never satisfied with incompleteness in anything, all interferences, from whatsoever cause, are sufficient for Nature to call a halt, and bring the necessary fluids, to dissolve and wash away all obstructing deposits.” (4)

The Primacy of the Cerebrospinal Fluid

We are all familiar with Dr. Still’s quotes of: “The Cerebrospinal Fluid being the “highest known element.” (5) And how this“ great river of life must furnish this fluid in abundance or the harvest of health will be forever lost.” (5) He also said, “the lymphatics drink from the waters of the brain.” (5)

Yet, as you read Still, you will notice that he always gives absolute importance to whatever topic he describes, whether it be fascia or blood, or CSF. So, is it true? Is CSF most important?

There is one passage, where Dr Still gives absolute primacy to the Cerebrospinal Fluid.

If a thousand kinds of fluids exist in our bodies, a thousand uses require them, or they would not appear. (5)

Blood, albumen, gall, acids, alkalies, oils, brain-fluid, and other substances, formed by associations while in physiological processes of formation, must be on time, in place, and measured abundantly, that the biogenic laws of Nature can have full power and time to act. Thus all things else may be in place and in ample quantities and yet fail, because the power is withheld and there is no action for want of brain-fluids with their power to vivify all animated nature. (5) 4

All the thousand fluids in the body, each with their own purpose, “must be on time, in place, and measured abundantly” so “that the biogenic laws of nature can have full power and time to act.”

And then he says… “Thus, all things else may be in place and in ample quantities and yet fail, because the power is withheld and there is no action for want of brain-fluids with their power to vivify all animated nature.”

So, everything can be perfect, but if the Cerebrospinal Fluid is lacking, everything will fail.


ER Booth stated that “Practically, Dr. Still is a spiritualist.” (2) This is an excellent introduction to the discussion of Biogen. For Biogen is a concept that arises from Spiritualist circles.

The Spiritualist Doctrine states that human beings actually never die. Death is simply a change of state. We are surrounded by the spirits of those who have lived before. The nature of the individual spirit after death is somewhat of a mystery, however, life continues, individuality persists, and it possible for the living to establish some form of communication with the deceased individual. It is also understood that personal development of the soul, continues after death.

We see Spiritualist philosophy frequently referenced in Dr. Stills writings:

“Is not this physical form, this intellectual man, a placenta in principle? A placenta for the purpose of constructing a greater being which we will call life? What is death but a birth from the second placenta to which life has been attached?” (3)

“After what is known as physical death, the life is then and there qualified to enter the higher school to continue its mental development. In all this Nature had some great object in view. My conclusion is that immortality is the design or object of Nature’s God in the production of man. (3)

“My daily prayer has been ‘Give me that knowledge that will light up the human body in which we find a union of life with matter -and the combined attributes of this union. ’I have listened to the theologian. He theorizes and stops. I have listened to the materialist. He philosophizes and fails. I have beheld the phenomena given through the spiritualist medium. His exhibits have been solace and comfort to my soul, believing that he gives much, if not conclusive proof, that the constructor who did build man's body still exists in a form of higher and finer substances, after leaving the old body, than before." (Bulletin for September, 1903) (2)

As stated earlier, Biogen is a term that was actively utilized in spiritualist circles. It literally means “Life Giver.” (6) There are only 2 references to this term that I have been able to find in my research. The first was AT Sill. The second belongs to an 1884 lecture, by Elliot Coues (1842-1899), titled “Biogen - A Speculation on the Origin and Nature of Life.” Elliot Coues was a surgeon, ornithologist, and theosophist. His interest in Spiritualism grew out of his dissatisfaction with Scientific Materialism.

5 Coues thought it preposterous that Life was the mere result of increasing molecular complexity. He was convinced that a vital principle infused matter, and it is this vital principle that creates the organic complexity necessary for the expression of Life.

He defined “Nature” as “simply the sum of the manifestations of the will of God.” He felt that Spirit determines life. Where Life is the cause, rather than the consequence of organization. That “Life subsists in the union of soul and body.” and that “Mind does not depend upon matter for its existence, but only for its manifestation.”

During Coues’ lifetime, the scientific community was actively seeking to understand a multitude of unseen forces, including gravity, electricity, and ionizing radiation. Consciousness was considered to be just another unseen force that could be studied and described scientifically. Thus, many notable scientists, including Nobel Laureates such as Marie Curie MD PhD, and Charles Richet MD were supporters of Spiritualism.

Spiritualism fell into profound disregard when several of its founders were discovered to be fraudulent. Does that justify invalidating the entire exploration into the nature of conscious?

Couse describes human beings as 3 distinctly different components. The Physical Body, the Soul, and the Spirit.

He defines the Physical Body, as consisting of certain transient atomic and molecular aggregations of solid, fluid, and gaseous matter. The Soul consisting of a certain substance temporarily in intimate contact and connection with the body, and also with his spirit, serving as a medium between the two. The Spirit, a 'self-conscious force,‘ is unlimited by time and space. Spirit is immaterial. Without form.

A man’s soul, however is a thing. Though 'semi-material,‘ it is a substantial reality. It is the ‘body of the spirit.’ The Spirit cannot act directly upon matter, but only through the intermediation of this soul-substance. This 'Soul-stuff‘ is animalized astral fluid, individualized by a man’s spirit, and this is Coues Biogen.

Biogen is itself, alive. In fact, it is life. The Vital principle, whose action is 'Vital Force.’ It is simply 'soul-stuff,‘ the ‘spiritual body.‘ This "soul-stuff, is not of anatomic constitution.”

“Biogen is Some quantity of the universal ether modified by vital force, individualized by a mans spirit, and appropriated to the uses of an individualized spirit.” (6)

Couse concludes:

“This substance which I call biogen, therefore is an available, a legitimate, and an appropriate object of scientific inquiry, by no means to be ignored in any system of philosophy, and by no means to be mistaken for protoplasm.” (6)

This is an important statement. Contrary to what so many may others say…BIOGEN IS NOT PROTOPLASM.

6 Still’s Biogen Let’s now take a look at what Dr. Still wrote about Biogen. This topic appears as a separate chapter in his text, “The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy.” This book was first published in 1892. Apparently Dr. Still’s family was so uncomfortable with this book, and the Biogen chapter in particular, that they destroyed all available copies. It was ultimately rediscovered and made available, again, in 1986.

Dr. Still was very much involved in the Spiritualist community, and he was very familiar with Coues descriptions of Biogen. When you read Still, you can see how he is essentially describing the same phenomena with some of the same terminology, but Still also uses some very different language.

Dr. Still does define Life as “An individualized principle of Nature.”

If life is an individualized personage, as we might express that mysterious something, it must have definite arrangements by which it can be united and act with matter.” (4)

And he defines Man as:

“This vital, self-constructing and self-moving wonder, wherein life and matter unite and express their friendly relation one with the other.” (4)

So he does address the connection between the physical and the spiritual.

He then proceeds to define “biogenic life.”

He speaks of material bodies possessing a “life terrestrial.” and that all space has “ethereal or spiritual” life. Where “Life terrestrial” has motion and power; and “life celestial” possesses knowledge or wisdom.

He defines Biogen as the union of the life of space and the life of matter. The two in united action. Where life terrestrial, with the power to move, and the wisdom from the celestial, governs all motions of worlds and beings.

The result is faultless perfection, because the earth-life shows in material forms the wisdom of the God of the celestial. (4)

He describes man, as a biogenic force, “formed by terrestrial forces” and “aided by celestial wisdom,” “living in untied action,” “to work out greater problems than either could accomplish alone.”

In Biogen we have an eternal reciprocity that permeates all nature. A reciprocity where the celestial worlds (of space or ether-life) provide the blueprint used by material substances.

“Human life, in form and motion, is the result of conception by the terrestrial mother from the celestial father. Thus, we have a union of mind, matter, and life, or man.” (4) Still then suggests that Nature has “a finer matter that is invisible and that moves all that is visible to us.” 7

“Life surely is a very finely prepared substance, which is the all-moving force of Nature, or that force that moves all nature from worlds to atoms.” (4)

“A substance that contains all the principles of construction and motion, with the power to endow that which it constructs with the attributes necessary to the object it has formulated from matter and sent forth as a living being”. (4)

He concludes, “life is matter in motion.”

“That when conducted to a higher condition of unfoldment, takes its place and sends forth the wondrous action of the principle known as mind… whose existence flourishes upon the waters of the ocean of universal intelligence, and which speaks and proves the intelligence of God.” (4)

A God who possesses

“…The power of continuing the refining process until mind, the incomprehensible, appears with man as the crowning effort of the wisdom of an all-wise chemist, be he known as God, Nature, the Unknowable, or the ever-living Genius of the universe.” (4)

“Human life is eternal. We have no proof otherwise. Life enters the forest of flesh as man. It carries constructing wisdom and ability. It begins with the atoms of flesh, adds by ones to countless millions, and carefully adjusts each to suit the form of the plans and specifications to make a physical habitation to suit the union of mind and matter. Thus we see the form, material man.” (4)

“Life is the essence of wisdom in action in all nature, and man is life and mind without beginning of days or end of time.” (4)

So, now that you are somewhat familiar with Biogen, I want you to read this quote from Dr. Sutherland

“Within that cerebrospinal fluid there is an invisible element that I refer to as the ‘Breath of Life.’ I want you to visualize this Breath of Life as a fluid within this fluid, something that does not mix, something that has potency as the thing that makes it move. Is it necessary to know what makes the fluid move? Visualize a potency, an intelligent potency, that is more intelligent than your own human mentality” (7)

I want to suggest that the Breath of Life is the ultimate refinement of ethereal fluids. That when we are in contact with the Fluid Body, With the Cerebrospinal Fluid, we are in fact in contact with LIFE, and I want to suggest that when Dr. Sutherland described the Breath of Life as a fluid within a fluid… we are speaking of Still’s Biogen and union of the terrestrial and celestial.

References 1. Autobiography; Revised Edition; AT Still; Kirksville MO; 1908 2. History of Osteopathy; ER Booth; The Caxton Press; Cincinnati, OH, 1905 3. Osteopathy - Research and Practice; AT Still; Kirksville MO; 1910 4. Philosophy and Mechanical Principles; AT Still; Kirksville MO; 1892 5. Philosophy of Osteopathy; AT Still MD; Kirksville MO; 1899 6. Biogen - A speculation on the Origin and Nature of Life; Elliott Coues; Estes and Lauriat; Boston, MA; 1884 7. Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy; William Garner Sutherland DO; Edited by Anne L. Wales DO; Rudra Press; SCTF 1990 8 THE EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX INTRODUCTION TO THE FLUID COURSE November 8, 2020 R. Paul Lee, DO, FAAO, FCA Zoom

I. Concepts of the living matrix – biogen. A. Life force. 1. Celestial. 2. Terrestrial. 3. Biogen. B. Histology of matrix – terrestrial. 1. Fibers. a. Structural fibers – collagen. b. Metabolic matrix – GAGs. 2. Cells. a. Parenchymal. b. Immune cells. c. Fibroblasts. 3. Water – transmits celestial. a. Fluctuation of fluid. b. Oscillation of electric potential. C. Calcium waves – ionars. 1. Gel/Sol. 2. Deliver nutrients. 3. Bind to fibronectin and integrins. D. Mechanotransduction. 1. Cell volume contracts – sponge. 2. Enzyme solid state organization. 3. Metabolic synchrony with fluid dynamic.

Fluid Motion in Life

Osteopathic Cranial Academy- Introduction to the Fluids Virtual Course 11/20 Wendy Neal, DO, ND

"The rule of the artery is supreme, but the CSF is in command."

"The breath of life in the CSF Tide is the fundamental principle in the PRM." (LIM p 29)

The Primary Respiratory Mechanism creates a Tidal movement of the whole body.

"The midline-bilateral movement is present throughout the total body physiology... it can be palpated anywhere in the body. The rhythmic, involuntary mobility of the tis- sues and luids and the various tides are all totally integrated with each other and with the body as a whole, dynamic living being. They are contributing factors to the self-healing capacity of the body... they are also innate tools within the body physiol- ogy of the patient that can be used by the to augment and reinforce the body's effort to heal itself. " (LIM p 119)

"There is an overall tidal movement of the whole body, a coming in and ebbing out. It is as if the whole body, functioning as a unit, is responding to a force similar to that moving the tides of the ocean. It is a rhythmic movement within all the luids of the body.

"It is more powerful, in its quiet way, than any other physiological functioning within the body mechanism, more important and more powerful than the respiratory cycle, the voluntary, or the involuntary movements, or any of the other movements we or- dinarily consider. This is a rhythmic Tide in physiological functions with its Highest Known Element and its innate Potency. " (LIM p 27)

Fluids in the body are dynamically interacting with each other on a continual basis.

Pial arteries are in close communication with the ependymal cells that produce CSF in the choroid plexus. CSF drains into the venous and lymphatic systems. All of these communicate with the interstitial luids, and ultimately with every other type of luid in the body.

Adequate movement of the components of the PRM, such as the cranial bones, membranes, and luids, is necessary to maintain health and good physiological func- tion.

1 Dr. Sutherland described the path of the cavernous sinus as it runs along lateral to the body of the sphenoid, lateral to the pituitary body, with the 3rd ventricle above it. The internal carotid artery passes through the cavernous sinus in the opposite direction.

Without the motion of the sphenoid during inhalation and exhalation, you would have a stasis of venous blood leading to the superior and inferior petrosal sinuses.

If the petrous portions of the temporals can't ER well, this will restrict membranous motion and impede the normal luctuation of the CSF.

If the third ventricle can't go through its full changes with inhalation and exhalation of the PRM, the choroid plexus won't receive the same pumping, and the pituitary will not be massaged upwards and downward in its saddle in the sella turcica.

The PRM motion at the posterior inferior angle of the parietal bone, outward during inhalation and inward during exhalation, helps move the venous blood through the venous sinuses. A restriction in the ER/ IR of the temporal bone, or in the tent, can cause restriction and the backup of this blood.

With membranous or articular strains or luid restriction from many causes, the CSF nourishment of the nerve cells, and its transmutation along the nerve path to the terminal, can also be limited. (COT p 194)

Dr. Becker stressed the importance of the fulcrum.

"...all normal functioning of the individual units of the body- whether they be bone, ligament, membrane, fascia, organs, or luid-seem to operate through automatic, shifting, suspension fulcrums. • The Sutherland fulcrum, where the falx cerebra adjoins the tentorium cerebelli, is an automatic, shifting, suspension fulcrum for the RTM. • The sternal end of the clavicle is an osseous fulcrum for the functioning of the en- tire upper extremity. • The atlas is an osseous fulcrum for the condylar parts of the occiput during child- birth. • There are luid fulcrums throughout the body for all kinds of luid functioning." (LIM p28)

"We can bring the CSF tide down to that short rhythmic period wherein we reach a stillpoint, a pause-rest period, and we know that we have arrived at a fulcrum point for the CSF for that moment in time." We are told by Dr. Sutherland that it is at this moment that there is a transmutation from the Highest Known Element that creates an interchange between all the luids of the body, even within all the living bone cells of the body. LIM p 28)

2 Dr. Sutherland taught his students to "...listen and feel the functioning at the fulcrum points, to get the tone quality at the fulcrum points, to note the rhythm at these pause-rest periods. They are automatic, shifting, suspension fulcrum areas, yet they are a still point of balance, an important balance point which we can seek in working with the tissue elements and their luid contents with our knowing touch to bring them to the functioning balance point.

"When we have reached this pause-rest period, in comes the Potency of the Tide for the transmutation process that brings normalization to body functioning."

"As we seek balance in tissue and luid elements in any part of the whole body dur- ing our search for disease or disabled conditions, we are learning to bring the Tide into its balance point or fulcrum area. In doing this, a transmutation process can take place to reduce the lesion mechanics, correct pathology, and regain health for that individual. This is the healing principle of the Master Mechanic at work within our patients; and we, as , can develop our awareness and observe its workings in the tissues of the patients. (LIM p 29)

"Even the fascia is water, even the bony tissue is liquid... water... luid..." (COT 290)

"What are bones, but luid, a different form of luid? What is that little hailstone that comes down from heaven but luid? What is this earth out here, this world that we walk on, but luids? It is all material manifestation and, back of that, luid, when we learn to think with Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. He lived closer to his Maker than mere material breathing." (TSO 32)

"Fluid! A fundamental principle in our cranial concept. Fluctuation of the CSF. A motion like that of the tide of the ocean. Something that is governed by the same Intelligence that governs the tide of the ocean governs the rotation of the earth, the sun, the moon and all the planets." (COT 290)

"The possibilities in Dr. Still's science of osteopathy are greater than the magnitude of the heavens." (COT 294)

The presence and quality of the PRM relects the level of health and ease in any given area.

We can learn to sense health and dis-ease in the body by evaluating the motion of the PRM. If we sense the lexion/ extension and ER/ IR in two different areas of the body, we'll ind that, even though the rhythm of the two areas will be the same, the quality of motion in these two areas may be very different.

3 If we recheck after the treatment, the area of improved somatic dysfunction should also show improvement in lexion/ extension and ER/ IR of the PRM.

Dr. Becker reminds us that "We are not concerned with the end products of function- ing but with the mobility and motility that accompany functioning within body phys- iology, its tissues and its luid. We are concerned with the movements the body makes in response to its internal and external environments, with its voluntary and involuntary actions, and with those factors we can learn to feel through the use of thinking-feeling-seeing-knowing ingers." (LIM p 27)

We can speciically utilize the luids to help with both diagnosis and lesion correc- tion. Directing of the tide, or potency of luctuation of the CSF, can be very useful in diagnosing many types of tissue restrictions- intraosseus, sutural, membranous, etc. Imagine there is, for instance, a fracture in the occipital squama. If we direct tide from one area to another, across the head, or from the sacrum to the head, we will ind a restriction limiting the movement of the occipitomastoid suture. This trau- matic force in the bone would also impact the quality of the tide as it nears the bone. (COT 202-204)

Dr. Sutherland described potency as an intelligent, invisi- ble force within the luids.

Dr. Sutherland said that in directing the potency of the CSF, "we are directing not only a potency, but a potency that has intelligence within it- a body of luid that has the Breath of Life, that has 'something' invisible, not only of potency but an In- telligence spelled with a capital 'I'.

"In that potency of the luctuation, you have an unerring intracranial and intraspinal force, with the tendency toward the normal as the motive power for the reduction of the lesions." (COT 204)

"We have to consider the potency of the Tide- something with more power in the reduction of membranous articular strains of the cranium than any force you can safely apply from the outside. It will function intelligently." (TSO 31)

Dr. Sutherland spoke of the tide of the ocean, and how, if we "watch a ferry boat go- ing across the bay... it bumps up against something... the pilot controls the wheel so that the boat is on a balance point and is turned right around by the potency of the incoming tide. On the next trip, the pilot steers another course, because the tide has shifted. Or maybe he meets a groundswell, with an undulating, up and down.

4 "Compare it with this luid in the living body, this Tide in the body with its potency... The Intelligence in the power in the Tide. We refer to the potent luctuation of this Tide and to something that is intelligent, something invisible. We are referring to the Breath of Life in the Tide."

Dr. Sutherland used an illustration of the clear water in the battery of a car. "You have chemicals in that water, material chemicals. But you can't see the invisible element, the electrical "juice" that comes from that water, that passes along the wire that runs to the motor of your car. That is the potency, the power, that comes from the battery." (TSO p 32)

It is also similar to an x-ray, "something you do not see, but it lights up the x-ray ilm. It is not visible. You merely see the spark from the positive and negative poles- it jumps from one pole to the other."

"There is a potency in something invisible. This is like the fundamental principle in the PRM, that "highest known element" to which Dr. Still called your attention. He didn't mean this material luid that you can see, but that element in the Tide, in that luid."

Another example is a coaxial cable that goes across the ocean. This has lots of cop- per tubes in it. There is a single wire passing through the center of each copper tube, carrying the electrical potential in that cable. The copper tube may carry many different messages at the same time. Dr. Sutherland compared this to the 40,000 nerve ibers that are said to go between the hypothalamus and the pituitary body through the infundibulum. "Anywhere you want, you can tune on that copper tube, not on the potential. But Transmutation is the potential in the center; the function, a different condition, in the copper tube." He pointed out the hollow tube mechanisms in the nerves, and in the infundibulum, and in the pineal body.

"Can you see the potential, the highest known element in the human body, some- thing that you cannot see materially? Neither can you see the element in the CSF, the Breath of Life. But there is a function between the hypothalamus and the pituitary and the function of the nerves." (COT 293, TSO 32)

Sheet lightning does not touch the cloud but lights it up. "You see its manifestation all through the cloud, but it doesn't touch the cloud. I want you to see this invisible 'liquid light', or the Breath of Life as sheet lightning and a transmutation; the sheet lightning all through the nerves, not touching the 'copper tube'." Dr. Becker notes that "the transmutation is what Dr. Still pointed to in the early days as 'nerve force'. He was trying to put across this understanding using the example of the elec- trical force, or the electrical 'juice', that runs along the wire." (TSO)

These are all examples of Transmutation... a change into another nature, substance, form or condition.

5 Dr. Sutherland would say "It is the stillness of the Tide we seek, for in that stillness is the Potency of the Tide." The stillness "is a living thing that has the feeling of power and Potency within it." Dr. Becker wrote that "the eye of the hurricane is a tremen- dous center of stillness and yet it is a potent stillness. The axle of a wheel has to have a still point around which the wheel moves. But in dealing with the body phys- iology of biologic systems, we are dealing with principles and 'laws not framed by human hands,' and we do ind there is power and Potency within the stillness of the Tide within body functioning." (LIM p 31)

As the tide comes to balance, all the luids of the body have a rhythmic balanced interchange.

Dr. Sutherland used an example of a glass containing water, sitting on a table. Shak- ing the table would cause the water to spill, whereas the transmission of the vibra- tion from the shoulder would cause the water to vibrate to the center. "Put a cap on top of the glass of water and instead of seeing that quiver to the line on top of the glass, I want you to see the whole tide coming to what we call the "balance," as balance between two scales. That is the point where the mechanism is idling, neither ebbing out or lowing in, but right on the neutral point. That is why we say, 'rhythmic balance interchange.' The period where all the lu- ids of the body have an interchange." (COT 203)

In compressing the fourth ventricle, we bring the luctuation of the CSF down to a brief idling in its luctuation. Many physiological centers, including the respiratory center, are located in the loor of the fourth ventricle, so this has a far reaching im- pact throughout the body.

Dr. Jealous further describes the patient's Neutral as "A point of balance unique to the moment and the individual through which the Tidal forces can act to regenerate function. Through the 'neutral' the priority and intention of the Breath of Life is able to permeate and 'work' with as little unresolved tension 'in the patient' as possible... The neutral tone can be sensed as a homogeneity of all forces, as a single texture that emerges throughout the Whole patient, at this point the patient is most responsive to the Breath of Life...

"...The neutral emerges as a homogenized state where luid, potency, tissue are not discernible as separate densities, only the Unit of the Whole at its point of balance for this moment is evident. It is a point where disengagement and healing occur in direct response to the Tide. "

"There is no drop of water in the ocean, not even in the deepest parts of the abyss, that does not know and respond to the mysterious forces that create the tide. No other force that affects the sea is so strong." (Rachel L Carson, The Sea Around Us, 151)

6 "Do you think you can ind any space between the lines in the fascial tissue?... Yes, you will ind space between if you have the vision to look in between. ... Out on the ocean shore, you will see a big rock. Did you ever stop to think of the space between the layers of the rock itself? The solid rock? When the tide comes in and the waves roll over that rock, you will ind it crumbling into sand as you ind it along the shore... Sand! Rock! Those grains of sand have a lot of space between them." (COT 295)

Dr. Sutherland spoke of a processing plant near his home, that takes up the sand and sends it to glassmakers:

"The light from the sun passes through that glass. Does it touch that glass? It lights up this room and it is relected. Just for a moment, think of your body being formed from that glass. That you are a glass house through which this Breath of Life may be relected. Not even touching your house, your glass house, but being re- lected through and through. See that sun relecting itself upon the moon and then see the moon all through the ocean. Relection that does not touch the moon, that does not touch the ocean, but lights them up. Makes a beautiful picture. Light! Liquid light! (COT 296)


Contributions of Thought- The Collected Writings of William Garner Sutherland, DO- Edited by Anne Wales, DO. 1971, 1998. (COT)

Teachings in the Science of Osteopathy- by William Garner Sutherland, DO; Suther- land Cranial Teaching Foundation; 1990. (TSO)

Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, Original Edition- Edited by Harold Magoun, DO; 1951, 1997. (OCF)

Life in Motion- The Osteopathic Vision of Rollin E. Becker, DO; edited by Rachel E. Brooks, MD; Rudra Press, 1997. (LIM)

Biodynamics Manual, phase 1 and 2; James Jealous, DO, 1997.

The Sea Around Us, Rachel Carson; Oxford University Press, 1951.

7 Experiencing Fluid Movement Osteopathic Cranial Academy, Online Webinar Bonnie Gintis, DO, FCA November 7-8, 2020 Contact info: [email protected]

Both Still and Sutherland utilized self-exploration at the foundation of their discoveries that led to Osteopathy, and Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. This is a summary of the explorations in my presentation. Practice these at home on your own and when you have embodied what you’ve learned from experience, consider sharing these practices with your patients.

Guided Exploration #1: Sitting or standing. Close eyes (or look down and soften your gaze.) Bring your attention to your breath. You might notice that bringing your attention to your breath begins to change it.

Moving from Inhalation to exhalation is a fluid movement. A wave is created by the movement between 2 phases.

You are made of water – 70% water, more than any other substance. Invite the water in your body to be reflective. Rest silently in Open Attention and observe your response to the exploration, not trying to move or breathe in any specific way. What do you feel when you stop willfully moving?

Exhale with the sound of “Ha”. Keep your throat relaxed. Listen to the sound of your breath. Are you feeling your breath from the inside? Or hearing it from the outside?

As you exhale imagine that the heaviness of your head allows it to ever so slightly bow. As you breathe in and out - allow your head to move as it will. Learn to listen and ask your body what and how it wants to move. Come back to a neutral position.

Dive into feeling your fluid body. Tilt slightly and pour your weight to one side. Slowly come back to a neutral position. Tilt the other way and feel your fluid body pour to that side. Slowly come back to a neutral position.

If you are sensitive to the Lateral Fluctuation we have just encouraged, you may wish to stop here and track the effects of this in your body until you settle. If not, sway from side-to-side a few more times. If you start to feel queasy or motion sick, then slow down, and pause at a neutral place until you settle.


Open Attention - feel your body’s response, even after you have stopped purposely swaying.

Slowly Transition to opening your eyes and notice how you can choose where to put your attention.

Guided Exploration #2: Sensing The Field of the Midline Sitting or standing, touch your sacrum and your cranio-cervical junction. Exhale with the sound of “Ha” with your attention moving towards the midline. Don’t stare! Can you bring your attention to your midline while maintaining a relaxed peripheral, wide open field of attention? What do you notice?

Inhale with a slight external rotation of arms and legs (supine or sitting) Move your body and/or attention out from your center/midline as you breathe. Encourage your attention to move from inside à out by a gentle turning out and reaching motion throughout your body. Allow yourself to be moved by your breath as much as possible.

Exhale with “Ha” Breath, letting go & allowing a slight turning inward. On exhalation, have a sense of “dissolving” towards your midline. Notice the letting go & turning in of your arms and legs, and other paired parts. Can you let go of the effort of moving and allow the breath & movement of the rest of your body guide the turning inward motion? Do at least 5 rounds. Sit silently in open attention. What do you notice?

Perceptual Exercise To Do With A Patient Bring your attention to the patient’s midline to establish your attentional field. You can do this by cradling the occiput or the sacrum, or sitting aside the person and having one hand on the sacrum or LS junction and the other at the cranio-cervical junction. Have the patient on the table inhale and externally rotate away from the midline. And then exhale and allow everything to return towards their midline. Then have them breathe quietly and see if you can sense this natural movement tendency when they aren’t exaggerating it.

Guided Exploration #3: Sensing The Wave Motion Of Your Breath Do this sitting, standing, or supine. Breathe with one hand on your abdomen and one hand on your chest.

Take a breath, and pause momentarily at the peak of inhalation. Balance in that buoyancy between the two phases of the breath. Feel the fullness of the transition point between the in-breath and the out-breath. Where you feel that point? Is it in your chest, your belly, your throat, your head?

And now pause at the end of your next exhalation, and ask,

2 “what else do I feel moving when I suspend at the end of my breath?” Can you sense the potency and potential in the resting place between the end of one breath, and the beginning of the next?

Where do you feel the movement of your breath? Which hand moves 1st? Do they both move, but one moves 1st? Can you feel the wave created by the movement between your two hands? Can you feel this wave through your whole body? Try this tonight as you are falling asleep.

Perceptual Exercise To Do With A Patient Place your hands in two places on your patient’s body. Can you track a wave-like motion of the breath moving through your patient’s body? Have them hold their breath gently at varying points along their breath cycle and see if you notice something else moving when their breath is paused.

Guided Exploration #4: “Spiraling to a Stillpoint”

Bring your attention to your midline with “Ha” breath Exhale and dissolve towards midline. Do this anytime to refresh your attention to the midline.

Begin with circles “inside” your pelvis Sitting or Standing. Make circles with the reference point of your movement inside your body. Moving each circle up a few inches, the circle becomes a spiral from sacrum à cranium. Fluid moving inside a container tends to arc, curve, undulate, and spiral. We are moving like a spiral to evoke the inherent movement that is present. Notice places of interest along the way – GI, diaphragm, heart, etc. When you reach the cranium, pause, inhale, and reverse direction, spiraling down.

Go to the “place of interest” and place your hands there. If you didn’t have a place that sparked your curiosity, choose your heart. Spiral through this area, beginning with a large arc around the area of interest. With each arc of the spiral, make it smaller and smaller. Can you find the stillpoint at the center of your spiral? Or does it find you? Notice what happens next – after the stillpoint. Invite your perceptions to appreciate and reveal the underlying movement of your fluid body. The liquid, the potency, the fluid within the fluid, the particle, the wave.

Open Attention Pause in Open Attention and rest, not trying to move or breathe in any specific way. What do you feel when you stop willfully moving? During Open Attention digest and assimilate the effects of what you have done. Be with what is – the motion present, the stillness, or both. Can you sense without analyzing, thinking, interpreting, judging, and concluding?