A Brief Account of Ceylon
Ol'h lERrElEV IBRARY ^IVER^fTY OF ::alifornia h •^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/briefaccountofceOOIiesrich ..sr" r^' BRIEF ACCOUNT OF CEYLON, BY L. F. LIESCHING, CETLON CIVIL SERVICE. m And India's utmost isle, Taprobane.—-Miltoit. Jaffna: RIPLEVr & STRONG,—PRINTERS 1861. ^>^' LOAN STACK TO Sir Charles J. MacCartht, GOVERNOR AND COMM J^NDER-IN-CHIKf OF THE Island of Ceyloa and its Dependencies, &:C,, &c., kt. This work is hy 'permission dedicated^ with much respect^ by His Excellency's Obedient Servant^ THE WRITER, Ubi Taprobanen IndJca cingit aqua. CONTESTS, INTRODUCTION Vll. CHAPTER I. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION, CLI- MATE, SCENERY, &C. OF (M^^VLON, 1 11. INHABITANTS AND RESIDENTS, 16 III. ANIMALS, VEGETABLES, AND MINERALS, 32 IV. HISTORICAL SKETCH, 38 V, ANTIQUITIES, Ill '' VL RELIGION, EDUCATION, LITER- ATURE, 126 '''- VII. TRADE AND REVENUE, 148 • VIII. CONCLUSION, 15L APPENDIX, 154 GLOSSART. Da'goba, a bell shaped monumei]i ^moky Budha. Pansala, the monastic residence '-.f Bndhu,: priesi:; Wiha ra, a Budhist temple. INTEOBUCTIOS. __ MERsoN Tennent has made tlie remark, liat more works liavebeenpublislied on Cey- nu than on any other island in the world, vUgland itself not excepted. Such being the a>( ,the question may naturally he asked why : should have been thought necessary to add M)thenumber. To this we would reply iv book of a general character, has been en with a special view to the wants of iglit tube chiefly interested in an 1 tlie islaiid.—namely, the sons of the .M the British Government has ex- benefits of European learning to its : vbjecls,'- -^vhile the various missionary ive largely employed education as a v'ards j-.ecuring their great end,—and recipients of these benefits have d<^sciibe geographically, most conn- .: rhe* worhl, and to give a historical ac- 'id of {^^everal of them, they know little or VIII INTRODUCTION.
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