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JULY/JUILLET 2016 No. 9 ARTICLE A research publication of the North American Vexillological Association / Line publication de recherche de Flag Proportions: 1‘Association nord-americaine de vexillologie Thoughts on Flag Families and Artistic Unity within Dispiays of Muitiple Flags By Steven A. Knowiton and Adam C. Sales* The proportions of a flag are an integral part of a flag’s design. In some cases, the proportions are the only way to distinguish between otherwise identical flags, such as Monaco (16:21) and Indonesia (2:3).' Bruce Nicolls notes that medieval flags were often square or even taller than they were wide, but the seventeenth century saw an increase of their widths, likely due to “the increasing use of flags at sea, where the additional length improved flying qualities and reduced the rate ALL OTHERS of fraying.’’^ Today, almost all flags are rectangular and longer than they are tall. Aside from those common traits, however, flags display a remarkable diversity of proportions, as shown in figure 1. The proportions of the flags of colo INSIDE/SOMMAIRE Page nial powers exert an influence on Editor’s Note / Note de la redaction 2 post-colonial flags, even when those The National Flag of Japan 7 flags of independence bear no other Vexillo-Bibliography 14 graphic resemblance to their predeces sors. For example, the unusual ratio of NAVA 50 schedule and reservations 16 Figure 1. Frequency of proportions occurring in the United States flag, 10:19, is found national flags. Source: Compiled from data in Flags in only two other national flags: the of the World (w\ Federated States of Micronesia and continued on page 3 V A research publication of the FLAG RESEARCH QUARTERLY / JULY/JUILLET 2016 | No. 9 North American Vexiilological Association / REVUE TRIMESTRIELLE DE RECHERCHE Page 3 Une publication de recherche de EN VEXILLOLOGIE I’Association nord-americaine de vexillologie Knowiton: Flag Proportions: Thoughts on Flag Families and Artistic Unity within Displays of Multiple Flags continued from page 1 the Marshall Islands—both former American possessions. neighbor republics who also flew tricolors (Guinea, Mali, The British preference for 1:2 flags has been even more Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, and Cameroon). However, Don influential, as countries with designs as distinct as Canada, Healy observes that the “republican symbolism” of the other Dominica, and the Seychelles have all retained the propor tricolors was taken from the French tricolore with its propor tions of the Union Flag. The Soviet Union flew 1:2 flags, tions of 2:3 which was repeated among its descendants repre whose proportions have also been carried forward by many senting former French colonies, while Nigeria retains the former Soviet republics. proportions of the British flag.^ Future studies of “flag fami The case of Nigeria, a former British colony, illustrates the lies” may find it useful to explore flag proportions as well as powerful influence of colonial flag proportions. The vertical common colors and symbols. Table 1 demonstrates the strong tricolor of Nigeria may have been adopted as a gesture of correlation between the proportions of a colonizing power’s pan-African solidarity with many of its newly independent flag and those of its former colonies. TABLE 1: NATIONAL FLAGS SORTED BY PROPORTIONS 1:1 H Zimbabwe § Morocco H Pakistan Germany 10:17 Switzerland Bosnia § Senegal Panama H Guyana Cape Verde Vatican City Croatia § Syria Peru Haiti 10:19 1:2 Cuba § Tunisia Portugal * Kyrgyzstan Marshall Islands ‘Armenia Eritrea § Vietnam Romania Liechtenstein Micronesia, Fed. * Azerbaijan Ethiopia Afghanistan ‘Russia * Lithuania States of United * Belarus Guinea-Bissau Angola Rwanda Luxembourg States * Kazakhstan Honduras H Antigua and Barbuda San Marino Nicaragua 11:18 * Latvia Hungary Austria Saudi Arabia Paraguay Finland * Moldova Libya H Barbados Serbia §Togo 11:28 * Tajikistan Macedonia H Belize I Sierra Leone 3:8 H Qatar Mongolia Bhutan I Singapore * Uzbekistan Poland 13:15 Montenegro Bolivia Slovakia % Australia 4:7 North Korea H Botswana U South Africa Belgium 11 Bahamas Iran Philippines H Burma South Korea 15:23 H Brunei Mexico Sao Tome and Chile Spain Dominican Rep. H Canada H Oman H Dominica Principe China H St. Kitts & Nevis 16:21 5:4 HFiji Slovenia Colombia H St. Vincent & Monaco Timor-Leste Grenadines Nepal H Ireland Congo, Dem. Rep. 18:25 (Kinshasa) Suriname 5:7 H Jamaica 2:3 Iceland § Algeria Czech Republic II Swaziland Albania H Jordan 18:27 H Kiribati § Benin Ecuador H Tanzania 5:8 II Egypt Thailand H The Gambia H Kuwait § Burkina Faso Argentina Equatorial Guinea ‘Turkmenistan 19:36 H Malaysia § Cambodia Guatemala Georgia H Uganda H Nauru § Cameroon H Palau H§ Vanuatu H Ghana * Ukraine H New Zealand § Central African Sweden 23:38 Republic Greece Uruguay H Nigeria 6:7 I Bangladesh §Chad f India Venezuela H Samoa § Niger 28:37 H Seychelles § Comoros Indonesia I Yemen 7:10 Denmark I Solomon Islands § Congo, Republic of H Iraq H Zambia 189:335 H South Sudan (Brazzaville) Italy 3:4 Andorra El Salvador II Sri Lanka § Cote d’Ivoire Japan § Gabon Brazil H St. Lucia § Djibouti II Kenya II Grenada 7:11 * former Soviet republic H Sudan § France H Lesotho f Papua New Guinea * Estonia § Guinea H Malawi H former British colony, post H Tonga 3:5 8:11 § Laos H Maldives 1801 (date of adoption of H Tuvalu H Bahrain 1i Israel currenf Union Flag) § Lebanon H Malta H United Arab Bulgaria Norway § Madagascar I Mauritius § former French colony, Emirates Burundi post-1830 (date of final §Mali Mozambique 9:15 H United Kingdom Costa Rica adopflon of fricolore) § Mauritania Namibia H Trinidad & Tobago JULY/JUILLET 2016 [ No. 9 FLAG RESEARCH QUARTERLY / A research publication of the Page 4 REVUE TRIMESTRIELLE DE RECHERCHE North American Vexiilological Association / EN VEXILLOLOGIE Line publication de recherche de I’Association nord-americaine de vexillologie Despite the clear importance of proportions in a flag’s While unified proportions for display of multiple flags do design, this element of vexillography is ignored when flags promote visual unity, they affect the look of individual flags. are grouped for display. Numerous examples can be found The distortion may be subtle, such as a slight change in to illustrate this point. For example, despite the strenuous the angle at which the arms of a saltire meet; or it may be efforts of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to estab drastic, as the lions of the Royal Standard, as well as Prince lish a square-shaped Confederate Battle Flag as the accepted Edward Island and New Brunswick, are “stretched almost version, most replicas since the beginning of the twentieth to the breaking point” in a 1:2 flag.^ Many representatives century have been made to the same proportions as the to the United Nations report that their nations’ flags look United States flag, in order that the two flags will have the “stretched, or otherwise strange to the eye” in the 2:3 propor same lengths when displayed together.'* When all U.S. state tions dictated by that body.*® flags are displayed together, they are typically constructed If one were seeking to display equality among multiple with uniform rectangular proportions—even flags designed flags while retaining the proportions intended by each flag’s as squares (or nearly so) such as Alabama and Rhode Island. designer, a possible approach would be to extend to all coun Similarly, displays of Canadian provincial flags often feature tries the treatment offered to Switzerland. That is, all flags all flags with proportions of 1:2 to match the national flag— would have the same area but keep the original proportions. despite the fact that the flags of New Brunswick and Prince The manufacturers could apply the following formula to Edward Island, as armorial banners, are designed to be much arrive at an equal area for any flag regardless of its proportions: closer to square (e.g., 5:8). And the British Royal Standard is Let L=length, H=height, A=Area=height* length=HL, R=Ratio=length/ typically manufactured in 1:2 proportions for display with the Royal Union Flag. height=L/H. Perhaps the most famous flag grouping is that at the United Given an Area A and a ratio R; Nations’ headquarters in New York City. All member nations’ L=RH flags are flown outside the Manhattan complex in alphabetical and A=HL=HRH=RH2 order, with a few exceptions that ptoduce a felicitous distance so H2=A/R between rivalrous nations—for example. North Korea and Height = V(A/R) South Korea are alphabetized as, respectively. Democratic Length = A/V(A/R) = V(AR) Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea.^ In 2015, the flags of non-member observer states (such as the Vatican City and Eor example, if all flags in a display were to be 10,000 square the State of Palestine) were added to the display, after the last centimeters (derived from a square flag one meter high and of the member states’ flags.^ In order to “promote a unified one meter wide), the following measurements would produce look,” all flags are manufactured with the same proportions. flags of equal areas: Flags for outdoor display are manufactured in proportions of 2:3, and indoor flags are 3:5.^ Flag ratio of 1:2 Flag ratio of 2:3 Flag ratio of 3:5 An exception has been made, however, for the flag of A=10,000 A=10,000 A=10,000 Switzerland. Swiss representatives insisted that, “Our flag is R=2 R=1.5 R=1.666667 square,” and a compromise was found to retain the 1:1 propor Height = Height = V tions but keep the flag’s area no larger than other flags at the Height = V (10,000/2) V (10,000/1.666667) = United Nations (figure 2).® = 70.7 (10,000/1.5) = 81.6 77.5 Length = V (10,000*2) Length = ^| Length = Vw = 141.4 (10,000*1.5) = 122.5 (10,000*1.5) = 129.1 While the idea of displaying multiple flags with equal area may have logical appeal, it is not likely to meet with approval from most observers.