Interim Report 2009 9
股份代號 : 119 Stock Code : 119 中 期 報 告 2 0 0 9 INTERIM REPORT 2009 INTERIM REPORT 2009 POLY (HONG KONG) INVESTMENTS LIMITED INTERIM RESULTS The directors (the “Directors”) of Poly (Hong Kong) Investments Limited (the “Company”) hereby announce the unaudited condensed consolidated results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) for the six months ended 30th June, 2009 with comparative figures for the six months ended 30th June, 2008 as follows: CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT Six months ended 30th June, 2009 2008 Notes HK$’000 HK$’000 (Unaudited ) (Unaudited ) Revenue 3 456,048 502,674 Cost of sales (274,85 2) (309,94 8) Gross profit 181,196 192,726 Other income 26,347 14,905 Selling expenses (95,085) (75,996) Administrative expenses (114,364) (84,696) Equity-settled share-based payment expenses (7,059) (21,846) Net increase (decrease) in fair value of held-for-trading investments 191 (28,180) Net increase in fair value of investment properties 53,299 61,223 Finance costs (33,369) (28,144) Share of results of jointly controlled entities (3,545) (145) Share of results of associates 22,26 5 10,20 0 Profit before taxation 4 29,876 40,047 Income tax expense 5 (26,58 3) (39,45 2) Profit for the period 3,293 595 Attributable to: Owners of the Company 18,436 10,833 Non-controlling interests (15,14 3) (10,23 8) 3,293 595 Dividends 6 38,221 95,552 Earnings per share 7 – Basic 0.96 cents 0.62 cents – Diluted 0.95 cents 0.61 cents 1 POLY (HONG KONG) INVESTMENTS LIMITED INTERIM REPORT 2009 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE
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