Alumni· Magazine ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I a Hoosier Almanac I ~ ~ ~ February Twenty-Eight Days ~
THE • FEBRUARY· 1939 ALUMNI· MAGAZINE ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I A HOOSIER ALMANAC I ~ ~ ~ FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS ~ I~ I-Today students call at the Candid Commentary on its Virtues I~ ~ registrar's office for verbal reports and Vices." ~ I on their first-semester grades. IS-Last night and tonight, W ,in- I ~ Brr-r-rr-r! terset, by the U niversity Theater. In ~ I Tune in on WIRE (1400) today, Alumni H all. I ~ and every \Vednesday this month, This morning, the first of a series ~ ~ for the "University Questionnaire" of four religious convocations, with ~ I radio program coming from the Erwin D. Canham, \i\fashington co r- I ~ Union Commons at 4 p.m. respondent of the Christian Science ~ ~ 2-Groundho!! Da),. How's the A10111lor, speaking on "Journallsrn ~ ~ ~ C' ., ~ ~ sunshine-and-shadow busi ness up and Iti zenshlp.' ~ ~ your way? 16-A book review broadcast ~ ~ O n this day in 1913 LU. students from the Fireside Bookshop of the ~ I~~~~ started circulatlllg petitions for a U niversity Bookstore at 4 p.m. today I~~~%.,.~/. ~ new gym to replace Assembly Hall. and every F ebruary Thursday. Over WIRE, and by ~ 3-Swimming, LU. vs. Butler, men's pool, Drs. Collins and Sanders of department of English. % campus. After that a Union-A.W.S. dance III F ifteenth anniversary of the Board of Aeons' antl- % ~ Alumni Hall. freshmen hazl11g plan. ~ ~ Basketball at Cincinnati with Xavier and, out at 17-S wimming, men's pool, LU. vs. Huntington I ~ Stillwater, O kla., the Hoosier matmen meet Okla Y.M.CA. Later at night, a UnlOn-A.\i\f.S.
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