Alumni· Magazine ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I a Hoosier Almanac I ~ ~ ~ February Twenty-Eight Days ~
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THE • FEBRUARY· 1939 ALUMNI· MAGAZINE ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I A HOOSIER ALMANAC I ~ ~ ~ FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS ~ I~ I-Today students call at the Candid Commentary on its Virtues I~ ~ registrar's office for verbal reports and Vices." ~ I on their first-semester grades. IS-Last night and tonight, W ,in- I ~ Brr-r-rr-r! terset, by the U niversity Theater. In ~ I Tune in on WIRE (1400) today, Alumni H all. I ~ and every \Vednesday this month, This morning, the first of a series ~ ~ for the "University Questionnaire" of four religious convocations, with ~ I radio program coming from the Erwin D. Canham, \i\fashington co r- I ~ Union Commons at 4 p.m. respondent of the Christian Science ~ ~ 2-Groundho!! Da),. How's the A10111lor, speaking on "Journallsrn ~ ~ ~ C' ., ~ ~ sunshine-and-shadow busi ness up and Iti zenshlp.' ~ ~ your way? 16-A book review broadcast ~ ~ O n this day in 1913 LU. students from the Fireside Bookshop of the ~ I~~~~ started circulatlllg petitions for a U niversity Bookstore at 4 p.m. today I~~~%.,.~/. ~ new gym to replace Assembly Hall. and every F ebruary Thursday. Over WIRE, and by ~ 3-Swimming, LU. vs. Butler, men's pool, Drs. Collins and Sanders of department of English. % campus. After that a Union-A.W.S. dance III F ifteenth anniversary of the Board of Aeons' antl- % ~ Alumni Hall. freshmen hazl11g plan. ~ ~ Basketball at Cincinnati with Xavier and, out at 17-S wimming, men's pool, LU. vs. Huntington I ~ Stillwater, O kla., the Hoosier matmen meet Okla Y.M.CA. Later at night, a UnlOn-A.\i\f.S. dance in ~ ~ h " d l\I,r tl Alumni Hall. ~ I~%~ o~na ~; ;a:li T~;a:re:le~~~~rs, as is their annual 18-Triple feature on the campus! Basketball i%I~~~rh ~ wont, dance tonight at Alumni Hall. with Northwestern, wrestling with Illinois, and the ~ annual M ilItary Ball in Alumni Hall. % S-Two years ago today six University students Also Illinois Relays at Champaign. % ~ were conducting an elementary school for fl ood 19-Regular Sunday morning (at 9 :30 ) radio ~ ~ refugee children. Over three hundred r ef u gee~ round table on "Society Today and Tomorrow" over ~ ~ from the disastrous Ohio River overftow were W IRE. ~ housed in the Fieldhouse, Alpha H a ll , and other ~I%~ 20-Iowa at Bloomington, basketball. ~I~~ Bloomington shelters. %~ 21-Madame Gui omar Novaes, "The Paderewski ~ ~ thi ~ ~ ~ 6-Second-semester extension classes begin 0 f tl le P ampas, " on t Ile U nlver' Sl' t y -"fIv USIC. .S erIes. 111. ~ ~ day at Indianapolis, South Bend, and Calumet cen th M 'G t 8 ~ ~ eX ens yma :lsp.m. ~ ~ ters. American Association of University \rVomen's ~ ~ Also basketball at Bloomington with Ohio State. dinner at 6 p.m. in the Union Building. ~ ~ 7-Soft music of the semiclassics is played by 22-School of Music convocati on. Also the birth- ~ I%~ Raymond Beights, '39, and his string ensemble on day of "The Father o f His Country." I%~ ~ the University's radio program over \iVIRE today 2S-Lo, it has come to pass! P urdue dedicates a ~ % and each T uesday at 4 p.m. radio program to LU. music, and we advertise it. % ~ 8-Convocation program by William E. Ross, Over \rVBAA (the Boilermaker station) from 3 to 4 ~ ~ assistant professor of voice in the School of Music. this a fternoon, hear Pmdue's "Campus Varieties" ~ I lO-Here's those Boilermakers on the campus in an all-"Hoagy" Carmichael program. Skits on the I ~ again ! The Purdue-LU. swimming meet this time. old Book Nook days, songs by P urdue 'Men's Glee ~ ~ II-Basketball with the Hawkeyes at Club, a campus orchestra, Chimes of Illdl- ~ I Iowa City. Mme. Guiomar Novaes ana, and the like. 890 on your dial. I ~ On the campus, the Law Club dance (seeyeb.21) Minnesota game, Fieldhouse, tonight. ~ ~ in Alumni H all. A lso swimming meet with Chi cago here ~ ~ a nd indoor track at Ohio State. ~ ~ I2-Another Hoosier resident, Abe 1¥j l~iJi Lincoln , born this clay in 1809. 26-This day Dean Robert L. Sanders ~~~~ ~ of the School of Music leads the New ~ I4--Aw, c'mon, be my Valentine! ~ Southern Indiana Schoolmen's Club York Philharmonic Symphony in the ~ ~ playing of his The L1ttle Sympol1Y in C. 1¥j ~ meets during the day and has dinner at The program will be broadcast. ~ ~ night in the Union Building. ~ ~ Indoor track meet with Purdue at La- 27-Basketball a t Purdue. ~ ~ fayette tonight. Cleveland alumni-Big Ten Club ban- ~ I Rev. Charles Webber, Union Theo- quet. Mid-Day Club. I ~ logical Seminary, speaks on the open 28-N'athan Milstein, Russian violin- ~ ~ forum program at 7 p.m. in the Union ist, plays on the Music Series tonight in ~ I Building. Subject: "My Native Land : A theMen'sGymat8:IS· I ~ ~ ~ ~ L E T T E R s ALUMNI SIRS-Will the new INDIANA ALUM etc.) at a Gamma Phi Beta dance at NI iVL..GAZI NE supplement the I.U. Ann Arbor once ... and Verling You can now Alul1mi Quarterlv, or will the Quarter Pierson ['37] a nd Dick Fulk ['381 ly be discontinuecl? The new magazine when Jane Vesey ['371 sailed into De get the is satis factory as a news organ, but I troit in a broken-clown old 1938 Lincolll don't think that it can replace the Quar Zephyr one Saturday. T he hostess at tedy, which I have always enjoyed very the Birmingha m Community House, INDIANA DAI LY STUDENT l1luch . Mrs. Julia Johnston Lally [ex'26 ] was LEAI-I RUTH MILLER, '27. a Pi Phi at India na . .. Then Jane for the Fort Wayne. King [ex'371 and her husband, Ronny Friedline ['36], are turning into old set The Qua rterly was discontinued with the following prices. Fall, 1938, issue, has since been replaced tlers here. And of course, though I've (as has been the also-suspended biweekly never seen him in action, Vern Huff A ltllnllus ) by the ALUMNI MAGA ZINE. Rea man [ex'361 is making a name for him son, as explained in the Octobe r issue, was self with the Detroit Lions. that nine out of ten graduates surveyed wanted a monthly magazine. The MAGAZINE . good lu ck to the :MAGAZINE. • does not attempt to replace the Quarterly, ROXANE L."Mlm:, ex'39. but to please as many alumni as possible. Birmingham, M ich. - ED. the yedr ( including The MAGAZINE thanks one of the more 00 $4 summer session) articulate former students for an interesting SlRS-I think it [THE INDIANA account.-Eo. ALUM NI MAGAZIN E] is " tops".. - .. It certainly brings the news of the Uni SIRs-Please excuse my delay in this semester dnd versity and alumni to the reader in a 75 sending a check for the new magazine. $2 summer session clear, concise, and very interesting I like it very much at present and am manner. I feel certain that those older sure it will grow as time goes on. alumni who may be somewhat "unhap C W. HOFFMAN, '25, MD'28. py" because of the exit of the Quarterly Veterans' Administration Facilitv, 25 dll this and the bimonthly paper will become $2 semester Oteen, N.C . reconciled in time. JOH N E. BLACK, '36. SrRS-The publ ication is fine only Indianapolis. short. Can you add to it? How about This is the other side of the question.-Eo. sO llie action pictures of the games? WRITE FRED HAVRILLA, DDS'32. Fresno, Cal. IMMEDIATELY SIRS-I sit at a desk at the Cran Thirty-two pages each month are the brook Institute of Science where . limit, according to the presen t budget. For I type . papers on the rodents of action pictures o f the LU.-Purdue game, see the Belgian Congo, the plant life of "Fightin' Hoosiers," this issue.-Eo. northern Michigan, and the aquatic in • sects of Oakland County. Nonchalant the ly I take letters to the Keene Bros. Ce SIRs-[The MAGAZINE should] ca r ment Co. a nd the secretary of the De ry Big Ten standings in sports, [and] troi t Herpetological Society . I why not give summarization of all con INDIANA operate the switchboard, addresso tests ill the B ig Ten . in all graph machine, and mimeograph with sports . .? eq ual dispatch and difficulty. When the CLARENCE M . PRUITT, 'IC), AM'25· DAILY routine begins to pall, Tadd a n element Stillwater, Okla. o f suspense to my work by trying to A monthly magazine is scarcely able to balance the money in the Petty Cash keep abreast of the <hanging scene of Big STUDENT Box-which invariably comes out ten Ten ,ports. particularly basketball, with its cents short. Then there are al ways the ever-shi fting, "king-o f-the-hill" Con ference Pledse send me the INDIANA monthly financial report, budgetary race. At this writing (January 20) Indiana is DAILY STUDENT for 0 one yedr statement. and vouchers to be consid tied for top honors in Big Ten basketball o this semester dnd ne xt summer 0 this ered-as . sure as death, taxes, and with Illinois and Minnesota, will be no man semester. Tobacco Road.. But the part of my work knows where when the February MAGAZINE NAME_______________________ which I enjoy most is using the Ink reaches subsc ribers, for while LU. studies for exams, other schools play ball. The Eradicator in the Journal and L edger MAGf\ZlNE will continue to publish monthly ADDRESS___________ -it enchants and mystifies me as a tele accounts of University teams, a final Big Tell ClTY_ _ ___STME_____ phone does a two-year-old baby.