Sixteen Are Lost As Big Freighter! Burns in Sound

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Sixteen Are Lost As Big Freighter! Burns in Sound THE WBATHEB NBT PRESS BUN Poreoaat h f 0 . 8. Weather Bweaii. ^VEBAUB DAILY. CIBOULATION ;<;k>nn. State Library— Com p. | Hartford. tor the Month of March, 1880 " • Partly dondy and continued cool 5 , 5 1 1 tonight; Satarday fair. Membcra of the Andit Barenn of CircBlotlona i e i g h t e e n p a g e s P R I C E t h r e e C E N I B SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930. VOL. XU V ., NO. 176. (Olaulfled Adverthdng on Page 16) \ --• . NAME SENIOR Prince o f Wales Home TROOPS MOVED Bishop’s Son Held in KiDing SIXTEEN ARE LOST HONORPDPILS After His Long INTO TROOBLED AS BIG FREIGHTER! ■ i He appeared exuberant INMAAREAS AT ^ TODAY Windsor, Eng; April 25— (AP)— <?>greet him, h ______ over his return and leaned over the The (Prince of Wales returned by BURNS IN SOUND side of the plane before it landed, airplane today from his long huntc waving chCerily te those beneath ing trip in Africa and landed in what him. Bridsh Anxious About Con­ Miss Muriel Tomlinson and When the wheels had stopped CHINAMAN MURDERS is, in effect, his own backyard at 4 ’SEVEN WITH AXE Ten of Crew Saved by Pass- p. m. rolling Wales arose from his seat, ditions and Reports Say Miss Doris Muldoon Are The landing w m at Smith’s Lawn, doffed his fur coat and stepped out to chat with his brothers. His, little Shanghai, April 25_(AP)-Re­ Great Windsor Park, to which a cause he was refused permission ingShips; Burning private road is being built from the Cairn terrier, Cora, was one of the Censorship Has Been Es- Highest Ranking Students; Prince’s new country home. Fort most enthusiastic welcomers. She to marry a maid in the same establishment, the male cook in Belvedere, at Sunnlngdale. frisked about in palpable delight at Freighter Beached Near her master’s return and the prince tablbhed. a Chinese household today, firm­ Three Boys on List. And with his return there was a reciprocated by picking her up.^ ed ■with a meat-axe,* went from general feeling of gratification room to room and hacked to among the British people that the Only a few persons aside from Stamford — Still Blazing the royal party witnessed the land­ By Associated Press death his employer, his wife, Miss Muriel Dorothy Tomlinson, heir to the throne of their realm their two sons aged six and was safely among them again. ing. After a chat of a few minutes The anxiety with which the Brit­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George three, two servant-maids, and a So That It Cannot Be The Prince left Marseilles, France, Wales entered a motorcar with his ish - government views recent dis­ Tomlinson of 45 Pleasant street brothers and drove to Fori; Belver man-servant. this morning and completed the 800 turbances along the mountainous He then escaped with his and Miss Doris Fuller Muldoon, mile flight in remarkably smooth dere, where King George and Queen Mary were awaiting him. northwest frontier of India was in­ sweetheart. ' Boarded for Investigation; daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. David and speedy fashion. His plane All Shanghai has been shock­ glided to a perfect landing and the The Prince was bronzed by the dicated today with reports toat a Muldoon of 61 Westminster Road, African sun and looked extremely ed by the crime. have been chosen ds the highest Prince found his brothers, the Duke censorship had been established and Fire Started Late Last well. 4>- ranking students in the senior class of York and Prince George, there to that women and children were being at Manchester High school for the evacuated \ from the ■vicinity ■ of four-year course and have been Night. given the honor of delivering the Peshawar. D R W raS IN HOUSE customary graduation addresses m Peshawar, where riots Wednes­ Stamford, April 25.— (AP.)—Six­ June. HOW MEMORY FUNCTIONS day resulted in the killing of three British soldiers, the wounding of James Maxon, Jr.. 21-year-old son of the Protestant ^Iscopal Bishop teen members of* toe crew of toe Twenty on Ust Coadjutator o f Tennessee, IS pictured above as he ■was bunded mto a Eighteen other students were eight and the death of twelve na­ NAMED IN REPORT Long Islamd Soimd freighter prison van, after his arraignment in Homicide Court, N w York, in con­ named on the honor list which in­ tives, is now said to be quiet al­ 'Thames, plying from New York to though •virtually in a state of siege. nection with the killing of David Paynter, 73-year-old printer. The hear­ cludes the highest fifteen per cent DESCRIBED BY SAVANT Bridgeport, burned last night 'off of the senior class over the four- Troops , End police Ere alertly ing was postponed at the request of Maxon’s attorneys. patrolling 'the city. Some of the Sound Beach, were missing this year period. Only three of the 20 But Senator Walsh Says It noon and ten had been saved. students are boys. They are Harry political prisoners held at Peshawar Howland, Horace Burr and Clifford were moved to a jail at Charsadda, Nine of toe ten rescued were tak­ Anderson. The others are the Misses Dr. Crile Tells Society He PRISONERS CALM; where slight demonstrations follow­ Will Not Go Into Records en to Providence by toe steamer Elizabeth Rich, Lovina Foote, Fran­ ed their transfer and the arrest of Lexington and one picked up by . an ces Strickland, Stella Gryk, Eliza­ Actually Saw Tniy Cur­ Abdul Gaffar Khan, but the police U. S. ENiaNEER OUTLINES oyster schooner rejoined his family beth Carlson, Louise Johnson, DEATH TOLL 320 restored order without difficulty. Of Lobby Probe. In Bridgeport last midnight. Olympia Martina, Marion Modin, Deny Rumors The hulk of toe craft, blackened Beatrice Fogg, Beatrice Laufer, rents Make Deposits m While reports came from official CONNEaiCUT RIVER PLAN by fire, was on a reef 700 yards off Tod’s Point on toe Sound Beach Elsie Newcomb, Lena Yulyes, Vera circles that troops had been moved Washington, April 25.— (AP.)— Hotchkiss, Sarah Irwin and Rose to the disturbed regions of Resalpur shore. .’ Definite aniioimcement that confi­ Those Rescued Piescik. Brain; Cites Experiments. One Convict, However, Says and Nowshera, that there had been Commcncenaeiit June 19 rioting in Kohat and that the guard 'INDIANS STONE dential reports of toe Association The men rescued by steamer Lex« Commencement exercises will had been increased in Kohat. Pass, Recommends 12 Foot Chan­ Against toe Prohibition Amendment ington and taken to E*rovidence Philadelphia, April 25.— (AP.)— He Overheard Plot for MAN TO DEATH were: take place on Thursday evening, leading to Afghanistan, denial was mentioning some members of toe June 19, in the school assembly hall. Discoveries that the images of mem­ made in an official statement from Captain Robert Shern^, • Strat­ nel, locks and Dam Above House of Representatives in con­ The graduation speaker will be Dr. ory are prpbably electrical deposits New Fire on Sunday^ Simla. ford, Conn.; Lewis S. Hubbell, first Ditpatches to a London news­ Heard That Scientist Was to nection with drinking, would not assistant engineer, 616 Whalley Iran Douglas MacKehzie, president in the brain were reported to the of the Hartford Theological Semi­ paper said the strength of Mahatma Hartford; Estimates the Make Oil from Children’s be placed in toe record of toe Sen­ avenue. New Haven; Fred Shallsr, nary. The graduating class will American Philosophical Society to­ Gandhi, leader of the civil disobed­ second mate, 144 West 1st street, Columbus, O., April 25.— (AP) — Bodies for Airplane Fuel. ate lobby committee, was made to­ number 132. day. ience-program, had increased great­ Fulton, N. Y.; Walter J. Broien, They were described by Dr. G. W. Apparently acceptlnj^ resjtoratioit o f ly in the last fortnight. New moves day by Senator Wadsh, Democrat, oiler, Bridgeport; A. B. Brown, Mexico City, April 25.— (AP)— deckhand, Bridgeport; James. Pbyi’* Crile of Cleveland, who told of ac- prison discipline; con'vlcts iff ' the in Gandhi’s campaigp were forecast. —A weird story of superstition Montana. txudly seeing the deposits being Ohio Penltentiajyv W iie^^ () prison­ Speaker Reigns The Montama Senator, while de­ er, deckhand, 25 South, street, Washington, April 25.— (AP) — and fear that ended in toe ston­ York City; R. Smith, deckhand, made. A letter of resignation sent to, the ing to death of Dr. Edgam Kuhl- BLAME JEALOUSY ers lost their lives in'B f i w Monday, viceroy by V, J. Patel, Speaker of clining to discuss any mention of Bridgeport; Emil Salguero, firemah, P\ They are produced by the tiniest Shortly before bringing up the man, Germam scientist, at Amo- went to breakfast in an orderly the Legislative Assembly, said, “My rivers and harbors omnibus bill in drinking in toe reports, said they 95 Cherry street. New York; Ati- of electrical currents passing along manner early today. zac, near Puebla, a week ago, did contain “strictures upon cer­ lano Marta, fireman, 106 Cherry the nerves and graving in the brain people are engaged in a life and the House today, the rivers and FOR TWO DEATHS C aters and ^hooting were absent death struggle for freedom. My harbors committee agreed upon an was published by toe newspaper tain people” and that they had only street. New York city. permanent patterns — memories— and for tke first time in four days Ell Universail today. toe most remote, if any connection, Taken to Bridgeport: Clarence which are never lost. The connec­ proper place Is with my country­ amendment to provide $1,000,000 tHe men marched with a firm, men, with whom I have decided to According to one story, toe with lobbying.
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