
THE • FEBRUARY· 1939 ALUMNI· MAGAZINE ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I A HOOSIER ALMANAC I ~ ~ ~ FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS ~ I~ I-Today students call at the Candid Commentary on its Virtues I~ ~ registrar's office for verbal reports and Vices." ~ I on their first-semester grades. IS-Last night and tonight, W ,in- I ~ Brr-r-rr-r! terset, by the U niversity Theater. In ~ I Tune in on WIRE (1400) today, Alumni H all. I ~ and every \Vednesday this month, This morning, the first of a series ~ ~ for the "University Questionnaire" of four religious convocations, with ~ I radio program coming from the Erwin D. Canham, \i\fashington co r- I ~ Union Commons at 4 p.m. respondent of the Christian Science ~ ~ 2-Groundho!! Da),. How's the A10111lor, speaking on "Journallsrn ~ ~ ~ C' ., ~ ~ sunshine-and-shadow busi ness up and Iti zenshlp.' ~ ~ your way? 16-A book review broadcast ~ ~ O n this day in 1913 LU. students from the Fireside Bookshop of the ~ I~~~~ started circulatlllg petitions for a U niversity Bookstore at 4 p.m. today I~~~%.,.~/. ~ new gym to replace Assembly Hall. and every F ebruary Thursday. Over WIRE, and by ~ 3-Swimming, LU. vs. Butler, men's pool, Drs. Collins and Sanders of department of English. % campus. After that a Union-A.W.S. dance III F ifteenth anniversary of the Board of Aeons' antl- % ~ Alumni Hall. freshmen hazl11g plan. ~ ~ Basketball at Cincinnati with Xavier and, out at 17-S wimming, men's pool, LU. vs. Huntington I ~ Stillwater, O kla., the Hoosier matmen meet Okla­ Y.M.CA. Later at night, a UnlOn-A.\i\f.S. dance in ~ ~ h " d l\I,r tl Alumni Hall. ~ I~%~ o~na ~; ;a:li T~;a:re:le~~~~rs, as is their annual 18-Triple feature on the campus! Basketball i%I~~~rh ~ wont, dance tonight at Alumni Hall. with Northwestern, wrestling with Illinois, and the ~ annual M ilItary Ball in Alumni Hall. % S-Two years ago today six University students Also Illinois Relays at Champaign. % ~ were conducting an elementary school for fl ood 19-Regular Sunday morning (at 9 :30 ) radio ~ ~ refugee children. Over three hundred r ef u gee~ round table on "Society Today and Tomorrow" over ~ ~ from the disastrous Ohio River overftow were W IRE. ~ housed in the Fieldhouse, Alpha H a ll , and other ~I%~ 20-Iowa at Bloomington, basketball. ~I~~ Bloomington shelters. %~ 21-Madame Gui omar Novaes, "The Paderewski ~ ~ thi ~ ~ ~ 6-Second-semester extension classes begin 0 f tl le P ampas, " on t Ile U nlver' Sl' t y -"fIv USIC. .S erIes. 111. ~ ~ day at Indianapolis, South Bend, and Calumet cen­ th M 'G t 8 ~ ~ eX ens yma :lsp.m. ~ ~ ters. American Association of University \rVomen's ~ ~ Also basketball at Bloomington with Ohio State. dinner at 6 p.m. in the Union Building. ~ ~ 7-Soft music of the semiclassics is played by 22-School of Music convocati on. Also the birth- ~ I%~ Raymond Beights, '39, and his string ensemble on day of "The Father o f His Country." I%~ ~ the University's radio program over \iVIRE today 2S-Lo, it has come to pass! P urdue dedicates a ~ % and each T uesday at 4 p.m. radio program to LU. music, and we advertise it. % ~ 8-Convocation program by William E. Ross, Over \rVBAA (the Boilermaker station) from 3 to 4 ~ ~ assistant professor of voice in the School of Music. this a fternoon, hear Pmdue's "Campus Varieties" ~ I lO-Here's those Boilermakers on the campus in an all-"Hoagy" Carmichael program. Skits on the I ~ again ! The Purdue-LU. swimming meet this time. old Book Nook days, songs by P urdue 'Men's Glee ~ ~ II-Basketball with the Hawkeyes at Club, a campus orchestra, Chimes of Illdl- ~ I Iowa City. Mme. Guiomar Novaes ana, and the like. 890 on your dial. I ~ On the campus, the Law Club dance (seeyeb.21) Minnesota game, Fieldhouse, tonight. ~ ~ in Alumni H all. A lso swimming meet with Chi cago here ~ ~ a nd indoor track at Ohio State. ~ ~ I2-Another Hoosier resident, Abe 1¥j l~iJi Lincoln , born this clay in 1809. 26-This day Dean Robert L. Sanders ~~~~ ~ of the School of Music leads the New ~ I4--Aw, c'mon, be my Valentine! ~ Southern Indiana Schoolmen's Club York Philharmonic Symphony in the ~ ~ playing of his The L1ttle Sympol1Y in C. 1¥j ~ meets during the day and has dinner at The program will be broadcast. ~ ~ night in the Union Building. ~ ~ Indoor track meet with Purdue at La- 27-Basketball a t Purdue. ~ ~ fayette tonight. Cleveland alumni-Big Ten Club ban- ~ I Rev. Charles Webber, Union Theo- quet. Mid-Day Club. I ~ logical Seminary, speaks on the open 28-N'athan Milstein, Russian violin- ~ ~ forum program at 7 p.m. in the Union ist, plays on the Music Series tonight in ~ I Building. Subject: "My Native Land : A theMen'sGymat8:IS· I ~ ~ ~ ~ L E T T E R s ALUMNI SIRS-Will the new INDIANA ALUM­ etc.) at a Gamma Phi Beta dance at NI iVL..GAZI NE supplement the I.U. Ann Arbor once ... and Verling You can now Alul1mi Quarterlv, or will the Quarter­ Pierson ['37] a nd Dick Fulk ['381 ly be discontinuecl? The new magazine when Jane Vesey ['371 sailed into De­ get the is satis factory as a news organ, but I troit in a broken-clown old 1938 Lincolll don't think that it can replace the Quar­ Zephyr one Saturday. T he hostess at tedy, which I have always enjoyed very the Birmingha m Community House, INDIANA DAI LY STUDENT l1luch . Mrs. Julia Johnston Lally [ex'26 ] was LEAI-I RUTH MILLER, '27. a Pi Phi at India na . .. Then Jane for the Fort Wayne. King [ex'371 and her husband, Ronny Friedline ['36], are turning into old set­ The Qua rterly was discontinued with the following prices.­ Fall, 1938, issue, has since been replaced tlers here. And of course, though I've (as has been the also-suspended biweekly never seen him in action, Vern Huff­ A ltllnllus ) by the ALUMNI MAGA ZINE. Rea­ man [ex'361 is making a name for him­ son, as explained in the Octobe r issue, was self with the Detroit Lions. that nine out of ten graduates surveyed wanted a monthly magazine. The MAGAZINE . good lu ck to the :MAGAZINE. • does not attempt to replace the Quarterly, ROXANE L."Mlm:, ex'39. but to please as many alumni as possible. Birmingham, M ich. - ED. the yedr ( including The MAGAZINE thanks one of the more 00 $4 summer session) articulate former students for an interesting SlRS-I think it [THE INDIANA account.-Eo. ALUM NI MAGAZIN E] is " tops".. - ..­ It certainly brings the news of the Uni­ SIRs-Please excuse my delay in this semester dnd versity and alumni to the reader in a 75 sending a check for the new magazine. $2 summer session clear, concise, and very interesting I like it very much at present and am manner. I feel certain that those older sure it will grow as time goes on. alumni who may be somewhat "unhap­ C W. HOFFMAN, '25, MD'28. py" because of the exit of the Quarterly Veterans' Administration Facilitv, 25 dll this and the bimonthly paper will become $2 semester Oteen, N.C . reconciled in time. JOH N E. BLACK, '36. SrRS-The publ ication is fine only Indianapolis. short. Can you add to it? How about This is the other side of the question.-Eo. sO llie action pictures of the games? WRITE FRED HAVRILLA, DDS'32. Fresno, Cal. IMMEDIATELY SIRS-I sit at a desk at the Cran­ Thirty-two pages each month are the brook Institute of Science where . limit, according to the presen t budget. For I type . papers on the rodents of action pictures o f the LU.-Purdue game, see the Belgian Congo, the plant life of "Fightin' Hoosiers," this issue.-Eo. northern Michigan, and the aquatic in­ • sects of Oakland County. Nonchalant­ the ly I take letters to the Keene Bros. Ce­ SIRs-[The MAGAZINE should] ca r­ ment Co. a nd the secretary of the De­ ry Big Ten standings in sports, [and] troi t Herpetological Society . I why not give summarization of all con­ INDIANA operate the switchboard, addresso­ tests ill the B ig Ten . in all graph machine, and mimeograph with sports . .? eq ual dispatch and difficulty. When the CLARENCE M . PRUITT, 'IC), AM'25· DAILY routine begins to pall, Tadd a n element Stillwater, Okla. o f suspense to my work by trying to A monthly magazine is scarcely able to balance the money in the Petty Cash keep abreast of the <hanging scene of Big STUDENT Box-which invariably comes out ten Ten ,ports. particularly basketball, with its cents short. Then there are al ways the ever-shi fting, "king-o f-the-hill" Con ference Pledse send me the INDIANA monthly financial report, budgetary race. At this writing (January 20) Indiana is DAILY STUDENT for 0 one yedr statement. and vouchers to be consid­ tied for top honors in Big Ten basketball o this semester dnd ne xt summer 0 this ered-as . sure as death, taxes, and with Illinois and Minnesota, will be no man semester. Tobacco Road.. But the part of my work knows where when the February MAGAZINE NAME_______________________ which I enjoy most is using the Ink reaches subsc ribers, for while LU. studies for exams, other schools play ball. The Eradicator in the Journal and L edger MAGf\ZlNE will continue to publish monthly ADDRESS___________ -it enchants and mystifies me as a tele­ accounts of University teams, a final Big Tell ClTY_ _ ___STME_____ phone does a two-year-old baby.
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