CITATION Leichter, J.J., A.L. Alldredge, G. Bernardi, A.J. Brooks, C.A. Carlson, R.C. Carpenter, P.J. Edmunds, M.R. Fewings, K.M. Hanson, J.L. Hench, and others. 2013. Biological and physical interactions on a tropical island : Transport and retention processes on Moorea, French Polynesia. 26(3):52–63, http://dx.doi.org/​10.5670/oceanog.2013.45.

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2013.45

COPYRIGHT This article has been published inOceanography , Volume 26, Number 3, a quarterly journal of The Oceanography Society. Copyright 2013 by The Oceanography Society. All rights reserved.

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DOWNLOADED FROM HTTP://WWW.TOS.ORG/OCEANOGRAPHY Special Issue On Coastal Long Term Ecological Research Biological and Physical Interactions on a Tropical Island Coral Reef Transport and Retention Processes on Moorea, French Polynesia

By James J. Leichter, Alice L. Alldredge, Giacomo Bernardi, Andrew J. Brooks, Craig A. Carlson, Robert C. Carpenter, Peter J. Edmunds, Melanie R. Fewings, Katharine M. Hanson, James L. Hench, Sally J. Holbrook, Craig E. Nelson, Russell J. Schmitt, Robert J. Toonen, Libe Washburn, and Alex S.J. Wyatt

52 Oceanography | Vol. 26, No. 3 Abstract. The Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research project funded organisms, and particles are captured by the US National Science Foundation includes multidisciplinary studies of physical and released by suspension-feeding processes driving ecological dynamics across the fringing reef, back reef, and fore invertebrates and . reef habitats of Moorea, French Polynesia. A network of oceanographic moorings Retention can be broadly described and a variety of other approaches have been used to investigate the biological and as the holding (or increased residence biogeochemical aspects of transport and retention processes in this system. times) of materials within a reef system. There is evidence to support the hypothesis that a low-frequency counterclockwise flow It is useful to distinguish between the around the island is superimposed on the relatively strong alongshore currents on each retention of water itself and the reten- side of the island. Despite the rapid flow and flushing of the back reef, over the tion of water-borne materials, including reef display chemical and biological characteristics distinct from those offshore. The dissolved , gases, particles, and patterns include higher and lower dissolved organic carbon concentrations, . Both can be retained through distinct microbial community compositions among habitats, and reef assemblages of local reduction in velocity and recircula- that exhibit migration behavior, suggesting multigenerational residence tion. Water-borne materials can also be on the reef. Zooplankton consumption by planktivorous on the reef reflects both retained when sessile organisms extract retention of reef-associated taxa and capture by the reef community of resources the materials from the flowing water, originating offshore. Coral recruitment and population genetics of reef fishes point and fish and many zooplankton taxa can to retention of larvae within the system and high recruitment levels from local adult resist transport and increase their reten- populations. The combined results suggest that a broad suite of physical and biological tion in a system by directed swimming processes contribute to high retention of externally derived and locally produced against or across the flow. A complex organic materials within this island coral reef system. suite of interacting physical and biologi- cal processes influences retention within Introduction communities (Odum and Odum, 1955; reef systems. Biogenic reef structures Transport and retention of water and Johannes et al., 1972). such as atolls and reef develop water-borne materials and organisms Mass transport of water-borne materi- in relation to flow dynamics, and these fundamentally shape coral reefs and als over a reef can be described as the structures in turn modify wave exposure, their interactions with the surrounding time-integrated product of flow velocity tidal currents, and mean water levels ocean. Transport governs the movement and material concentration per unit reef (Wolanski and Hamner, 1988; Callaghan of new water, as well as nutrients and area. Changes in velocity are driven by et al., 2006). The spatial arrangement and organic materials, into and through reef physical factors such as wind, waves, behaviors of reef organisms also strongly systems and the exchange and dispersal tides, density structure of the water col- influence net transport and retention. of individuals and propagules among umn, and coastal- and regional-scale For example, upstream production and spatially isolated habitats. Retention is currents. On reefs, water flow interacts recycling supply material to down- critical for the accumulation of nutrients with structures such as coral colonies, consumers (Smith and Marsh, and within reefs and for reef crests, lagoons, and passes, produc- 1973; Miyajima et al., 2007; Wyatt et al., the development of biogeochemical reef ing areas with relatively quiescent versus 2012), and the congregation of fishes on environments distinct from those of sur- much more rapid flows. Variations in fore reefs leads to retention of nutrients rounding offshore waters. Coral reefs are concentration within these flows are captured from consumption of oceanic generally surrounded by clear, nutrient- caused by physical processes of advec- plankton (Pinnegar and Polunin, 2006; depleted waters, and high rates of water tion and mixing and biological processes Hamner et al., 2007; Wyatt et al., 2013). transport into, and material retention that add or remove materials. For exam- Retention does not necessarily change within, reef systems have long been ple, and respiration add simply with velocity. In some cases, slow thought necessary for the development and remove oxygen and , flow speeds and long water residence and maintenance of the high nutrients and dissolved organic com- times, for example, in a reef or and characteristic of these pounds are taken up and regenerated by semi-enclosed bay, can lead to extensive

Oceanography | September 2013 53 growth and accumulation of plank- materials are removed from moving (MCR LTER) project began in 2004 and ton populations (Hamner and Hauri, water and retained in a reef includes six main study areas encom- 1981). In other cases, slow flow speeds may be highest in areas with high flows passing the fringing reef, back reef, and can limit capture and nutri- and short water residence time. fore reef habitats on the north, south- ent uptake across the boundary layers west, and southeast sides of the island above reef organisms. Uptake of these Study Site (Figure 1). A barrier reef ~ 0.5–1.5 km materials often increases with increas- Moorea (17°30'S, 149°50'W) can be seen from the surrounds the island, ing flow velocities to maximum levels as a case study representing the large and the protected inshore lagoons are (Patterson et al., 1991; Atkinson, 2011). number of islands and coral reefs in the connected to the open ocean by a series Thus, perhaps counterintuitively, the central South Pacific. The Moorea Coral of passes (Figure 1). The lagoon on the rate at which dissolved and particulate Reef Long Term Ecological Research north shore connects to bays ~ 5 × 1 km. The offshore reef and underlying island edge slope steeply to > 500 m depth within 1–2 km of the reef. Tidal ampli- tudes are ≤ 30 cm. The seasonal climate is dominated by a warm, wet season from November to April (austral sum- mer) and a cooler and drier season from May to October (austral ). The outer reef slopes around Moorea are low-relief coral spur-and-groove forma- tions running approximately perpen- dicular to the reef crest from 2 to ≥ 60 m depth. The fringing and back reefs are dominated by coral aggregations one to several meters in diameter, separated by patches of sand, rubble, and reef pave- ment. Inshore water depths are 0.5–3 m in the back reef, up to 10 m in the lagoons, and 20–30 m in the two large bays on the north shore.

Physical Transport Processes The westward South Equatorial Current (SEC) dominates regional-scale flow near Moorea, forming the northern portion of a large, counterclockwise sub- tropical gyre in the Central South Pacific (Rougerie and Rancher, 1994). The adjacent, larger island of Tahiti is pre- Figure 1. Map of Moorea showing the Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological dominantly upcurrent of Moorea, and Research (MCR LTER) sampling locations and a cross section through a typical sec- tion of the reef. The typical cross section on Moorea represented in the lower panel is the wake generated by the SEC flowing 1–2 km from the fringing reef to the fore reef. past Tahiti likely influences circulation

54 Oceanography | Vol. 26, No. 3 around Moorea. The offshore pycnocline peak periods exceeding 20 s have been significant drag by the complex bottom extends broadly across depths, with con- measured often, associated with storms topography in the back reef (Rosman tinuous stratification observed to at least and large, remotely forced swells (Hench and Hench, 2011). Transport out of the 500 m. Maximum density stratification et al., 2008). Wave exposure is modulated reef passes balances water entering the occurs at depths of 50–60 m in seasonally and varies among sides of back reef and lagoon. During large wave and deepens to 150–200 m in winter. the island. The southwest and southeast events, the momentum of jets exiting We have measured currents nearly con- , which are open to swell generated the reef passes may transport surface tinuously at bottom depths of 15 and in the Southern Ocean, receive the largest waters and materials from the lagoon to 40 m at fore reef sites on each side of the wave heights and longest periods, with the fore reef and offshore. The prevail- island since 2005. veloci- peak wave energy occurring from May ing southeasterly trade winds and the ties are relatively rapid and oriented in to September. The north shore generally diurnal sea breeze also influence surface the alongshore direction on each of the has smaller wave heights and shorter flows near Moorea and in the lagoons. three main shores. Peak velocities are periods, with peaks from December to Local storms, including strong, epi- 0.4–0.5 m s–1, root mean squared speeds February, corresponding to swell gener- sodic northward winds locally termed on order of 0.1 m s–1, with reversals in ated in the Northern Hemisphere winter. mara’amu, can force surface waters out of direction at the semidiurnal tidal fre- Wave shoaling and breaking at reef crests the bays and lagoons, with compensatory quency (Leichter et al., 2012). Transport forces water into and across the reef flats inflow of subsurface water into the deep on the deeper portions of the fore reef and lagoons (Monismith et al., 2013). channels of the reef passes (Wolanski slopes (at bottom depths > 20 m) is also These wave-driven flows are subject to and Delesalle, 1995). influenced by transient elevations of the offshore and oscillating James J. Leichter ([email protected]) is Associate Professor, Scripps Institution of surges of upslope and downslope flow. Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, USA. Alice L. Alldredge is Research Professor, Department Internal waves that are observed around of , Evolution and Marine , University of California, Santa Barbara, the island, with peak activity in austral CA, USA. Giacomo Bernardi is Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary summer (Leichter et al., 2012), impact Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. Andrew J. Brooks is Deputy the reef slope by driving these surges and Program Director, Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research, Marine Science the accompanying rapid changes in bot- Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA USA. Craig A. Carlson is Professor, tom temperature. Internal waves likely Department of Ecology, Evolution, and , University of California, Santa play a large role in physical variability Barbara, CA, USA. Robert C. Carpenter is Professor, Department of Biology, California and trophic dynamics of deep reef envi- State University, Northridge, CA, USA. Peter J. Edmunds is Professor, Department ronments (e.g., depths > 30 m). of Biology, California State University, Northridge, CA, USA. Melanie R. Fewings is Surface waves breaking on the reef Assistant Professor of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut, Groton, CT, USA. crests are a significant driver of water Katharine M. Hanson is Postdoctoral Fellow, American Museum of Natural History motion in the back reef and lagoon. Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, , NY, USA. James L. Hench is Assistant We have observed surface waves from Professor, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, Beaufort, NC, USA. bottom-mounted pressure sensors and Sally J. Holbrook is Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, directional-wave current meters on the University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Craig E. Nelson is Assistant Researcher, southwest, southeast, and north fore reefs Department of Oceanography, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, HI, USA. Russell J. Schmitt of Moorea since 2005. These observa- is Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of tions were coupled to back reef velocity California, Santa Barbara, CA USA. Robert J. Toonen is Associate Researcher, Hawai‘i measurements during a series of focused Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawai‘i, Kāne‘ohe, HI, USA. Libe Washburn is studies. Typical significant wave heights Professor, Department of , University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. are 1–2 m with periods of 5–12 s, but Alex S.J. Wyatt is Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Oceanography, Atmosphere significant wave heights up to 5–8 m with and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

Oceanography | September 2013 55 Physical and Biological net, residual flow becomes progressively the interactions of the Coriolis effect Evidence for Retention more evident (Figure 2B,C,D, and E, on bottom friction within the benthic Net Alongshore Flow respectively). We find a surprising result boundary layer, producing a bottom Around Moorea of a net, low-frequency alongshore flow Ekman layer with flow vectors rotated to Many processes cause reversals of to the west on the north shore (LTER the right (in the Southern Hemisphere) alongshore currents on the fore reef on Site 1), to the southeast on the southwest with increasing proximity to the bottom time scales from hours to a few days, shore (LTER Site 5), and to the northeast (Ekman, 1905). including tides, wind, surface waves, on the southeast shore (LTER Site 4; Additional analyses and modeling and internal waves. These processes Figure 3). The long-term mean velocity of the timing of flow reversals on each are revealed by narrow peaks in the of the residual alongshore flow averaged shore and further observations near spectra of alongshore current velocity on the three shores is ~ 0.03 m s–1, sug- the three “corners” of the island where at frequencies near one and two cycles gesting there may be a counterclockwise currents would have to turn sharply per day and at the inertial frequency (CCW) residual flow around the island. to maintain continuity are required to of 0.6 cycles per day. Current fluctua- The residual alongshore flow is strongest determine whether there actually is a net tions on time scales of one hour and near the surface and appears to decrease continuous CCW flow around the island. faster dominate the raw flow records and to turn offshore with depth on the Assuming the continuity and direction (Figure 2A), but when these records are southwest and southeast sides of the change at the island corners, it is possible low-pass filtered with cut-off periods island (gray to white vectors in Figure 3). that passive particles carried by the flow corresponding to 1.5 days, one week, These changes in direction near the would take ~ 30 days to circle Moorea. two weeks, and three weeks, a pattern of bottom appear to be consistent with However, passive particles would also transit over half the length of a side of the island (~ 20 km) in a six-hour half

0.5 tidal cycle at the peak velocity of the tid- ally varying currents (0.5 m s–1). At pres- 0 ent, it is unresolved whether a residual A −0.5 CCW flow would, in fact, lead to par-

0.2 ticles effectively circling the island.

) (CCW positive) 0 Several mechanisms might cause –1 B a CCW flow around Moorea. Surface −0.2 waves impinging on the fore reef at 0.2 oblique angles might drive alongshore, 0 residual currents (Thornton and Guza, C −0.2 1986); however, measured vectors of 0.2 wave energy flux around the island are 0 not consistently in the direction required D −0.2 to support a CCW flow. Tidal rectifica-

0.2 tion, in which sloping topography inter- Along-shore depth averaged velocity (m s acts with tidal currents and the Coriolis 0 E effect, could produce alongshore flows −0.2 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D as observed on continental features such 2011 2012 as Georges (Loder, 1980; Chen Figure 2. Time series of vertically averaged alongshore currents at three oceanographic moor- et al., 1995). However, tidal amplitudes ings (LTER 1 = red, LTER 4 = green, LTER 5 = blue; locations shown in Figure 1). Positive along- shore velocities refer to counterclockwise current directions. Currents are low-pass filtered at at Moorea are relatively small, and it is (A) 1-hour, (B) 1.5 days, (C) 1 week, (D) 2 weeks, and (E) 3 weeks. not clear whether tidal currents alone

56 Oceanography | Vol. 26, No. 3 are sufficiently strong for tidal rectifica- be clearer, with lower concentrations of biological activity and/or mechanisms tion to be important. The dominance nutrients, particulate organic carbon and increasing local water retention must of westward flow of the SEC, combined (POC and PON), chlorophyll a, be present near the reef crest to sustain with eddies in the wake of Tahiti or and water column these patterns. Drifters released on the Moorea itself, could also influence a as well as higher concentrations of dis- north shore of Moorea typically take one CCW flow around the island. However, solved organic carbon (DOC) relative to several hours to cross the back reef, available data are insufficient to test to waters over the reef. For example, and a simple fluid mass balance estimate this possibility. An offshore gradient in average summer and winter concentra- suggests that the back reef flushes on the water buoyancy near the island could tions of (in µmol L–1) range from order of hours to tens of hours depend- also drive a net geostrophic flow CCW 0.30–0.34 offshore, versus 0.36–0.38 on ing on wave conditions (Hench et al., around the island. Solar heating and the fore reef and 0.41–0.58 in the lagoon. 2008). Water samples taken alongside freshwater runoff increase buoyancy of Average concentrations of POC (also in drifters on the back reef show marked water in the lagoons. We hypothesize µmol L–1) are 2.1–2.4 offshore, 2.9–3.5 on decreases in DOC within the first that as this buoyant water exits reef the fore reef, and 2.9–3.1 in the lagoon 100 m after water crosses the reef crest passes, the Coriolis effect turns it to the (Alldredge and Carlson, 2011). We find (Figure 4). Net removal of DOC on time left, and, over a period of days, the flows that the strongest horizontal gradients scales of tens of minutes to hours over out of multiple reef passes distributed in nitrate and DOC concentrations the back reef is surprising, given that around the island merge and come occur within the first 100 m inshore of oceanic DOC in the surface waters of into geostrophic balance as a coastally the reef crest (Figure 4). Rapid rates of subtropical gyres is largely comprised trapped CCW flow. Hydrographic pro- filing to date has failed to show a con- 17.45°S sistent cross-shore gradient in surface buoyancy seaward of the reef. However, FOR01 this may be because local wind events are sufficiently strong and intermittent to obscure measurement of any weaker 17.50°S mean cross-shelf density gradients that may support a net CCW flow. We sus- pect that the flow around Moorea may be an example of a generalized tendency FOR04 for weak low-frequency flows to circulate 2 cm s–1 scale anticyclonically around islands that act 17.55°S as sufficiently large sources of buoyant water formed from solar heating and FOR05 freshwater runoff. 200 m 600 m 17.60°S 1000 m Distinct Chemical and Microbial 1400 m Signatures Over the Reef

Average water column properties 149.90°W 149.85°W 149.80°W 149.75°W measured twice per year on the north Figure 3. Long-term averages of currents from three oceanographic moorings placed at shore of Moorea since 2005 suggest that 15 m depth on three sides of Moorea. Ellipses represent the variance in the major (along- inshore and fore reef habitats are per- shore) and minor (cross-shore) velocity records with magnitude indicated by the scale at the center of the plot. Red arrows indicate water column integrated mean flow, and sistently different from oceanic waters arrows grading from dark gray to white indicate depth-specific means at depths of 3, 6, 5 km offshore. Oceanic waters tend to 10, and 13 m, respectively.

Oceanography | September 2013 57 SAMPLING STATIONS NITRATE 0.40 A B 0.35 17.465°S

0.30 17.470°S

0.25 –1 17.475°S

0.20 µmol L

17.480°S 0.15

17.485°S 0.10

0.05 149.85°W 149.84°W 149.83°W 149.82°W Figure 4. Sampling stations (white dots in A) and kriging interpolated false-color contour plots showing elevated concentrations of nitrate (B) DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON and depleted concentrations of both dissolved organic carbon (C), and bacterioplankton cells (D) in the surface waters of the north shore back 80.0 reef lagoon relative to offshore surface waters. Surveys were conducted C in September 2010 and measurement methods are described in detail in 17.465°S 77.5 Nelson et al. (2011). Contour plots were constructed in Ocean Data View (Schlitzer, 2004) using the weighted averaging algorithm VG gridding, with x and y length scale set at 150 per nautical mile. The black line in panels 17.470°S 75.0 B–D denotes the approximate position of the reef crest as seen in panel A. –1 17.475°S 72.5 µmol L of semilabile material that is remineral- 17.480°S 70.0 ized by bacterioplankton on time scales of days to months (Carlson, 2002). 17.485°S 67.5 Simultaneous consumption and release of reef-derived, and perhaps more labile, 65.0 149.85°W 149.84°W 149.83°W 149.82°W DOC by reef microbes and inorganic nutrients released by reef organisms BACTERIOPLANKTON may produce a priming effect in which 8 remineralization of labile organic sub- D strates enhances the removal of more 17.465°S 7 recalcitrant compounds (Carlson et al., 6 2004; Bianchi, 2011). Removal of DOC 17.470°S by benthic microbes and consumers –1 5 such as sponges inside reef cavities 17.475°S cells L cells 8

(Yahel et al., 2003; de Goeij and van 10 4 Duyl, 2007) may also be important and 17.480°S would be enhanced by the rapid fluxes 3 and thin boundary layers characteristic 17.485°S of the back reef. 2 Reef topography also affects water 149.85°W 149.84°W 149.83°W 149.82°W retention. Coral colonies occupy a

58 Oceanography | Vol. 26, No. 3 relatively large proportion of the water into the water column over the reef, and to avoid being consumed by suspension- column on the reef flat, and water imply that water residence times in the feeding corals and visually oriented can become trapped and recirculated back reef and lagoon habitats are suffi- fish predators sheltering near the bot- in their wakes (Hench and Rosman, cient for distinct microbial communities tom. By contrast, oceanic zooplankton 2013), leading to increased spatial and to develop. Runoff might also enrich the avoid visual predators by migrating into temporal variability of residence times. bay and fringing reef habitats in distinct darker, deep waters during the day and Investigations of possible dilution from microbial taxa. swimming up to feed in - low DOC and DOC pre- rich surface waters at (Enright and cipitation on air bubbles generated by Zooplankton Composition, Honegger, 1977). Alldredge and King breaking waves yield no evidence that Distribution, and Consumption (2009) hypothesized that the distinct these mechanisms account for the deple- The abundance, behavior, and vertical behavioral pattern observed among tion gradients in Moorea (Nelson et al., distribution of zooplankton in Moorea reef-associated zooplankton would likely 2011). The composition of microbes all suggest relatively long residence times develop and be maintained only if popu- in the various reef habitats provides within the back reef and lagoon. The lations were largely resident near reefs further evidence of extensive water zooplankton community is dominated by for multiple generations. retention in this system. The bacterio- reef-associated mollusc and crustacean Several mechanisms may explain plankton communities appear to be larvae, mysids, amphipods, ostracods, retention of zooplankton on the back distinct between the offshore, bay, back isopods, polychaetes, and many cope- reef despite flow rates that are often tens reef, and fore reef habitats, with back pods only rarely found in open ocean of centimeters per second or greater. reef habitats enriched in members of waters (Alldredge and King, 2009). In Larger taxa may be able to swim suf- the broad clades Gamma-, Delta-, and the 2–3 m deep back reef, zooplankton ficiently rapidly to counter transport Beta-Proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes, are five to eight times more abundant that might export them from the reef. Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes in the uppermost 50 cm than nearer the Slower or more heterogeneous flow pat- (Figure 5; Nelson et al., 2011, 2013). bottom, and almost all zooplankton taxa terns near the bottom and behind coral These patterns suggest there may be swim up near the surface both during heads may provide refuges from the peak release of reef-associated bacteria taxa the day and on moonlit , probably water velocities. Higher zooplankton

Figure 5. Bacterial communities sampled at Moorea are differentiated among differ- ent nearshore and offshore habitats. The differentiation of community signatures from adjacent habitats suggests sufficient residence time of water in the reef to allow shifts in abundances of bacterial taxa. Samples are ordinated according to similarity in proportional bacterial taxon abundances and color/shape-coded according to where in the reef they were collected. Larger symbols represent the mean ordinal position of samples from each environment with whiskers showing one standard deviation of the mean. The two axes are derived using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (stress = 0.09) from a higher order Bray-Curtis community similarity matrix of 40 DNA samples in 150-dimensional bacterial taxon relative abundance space (150 phylotypes measured by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene). The nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordinations are unitless projections with no meaningful axis units explicit or implied.

Oceanography | September 2013 59 abundances in the deeper channels of zooplankton and larvae (Kingsford on a few tiles (Edmunds et al., 2010). the lagoon, bays, and fringing reef sug- et al., 2002; Alldredge and King, 2009). Despite high spatial and temporal vari- gest accumulation of zooplankton where Many planktivorous damselfishes shelter ation in coral recruitment, our observa- flows slow down. Water from the bays among branches of corals where they tions point to the influences of transport and deep channels also exits the passes excrete nitrogenous wastes (primarily and retention on coral recruitment in and is likely to be transported in the ammonium) that enhance the growth the back reef. During a study conducted alongshore flows on the fore reef. Some rate of their host corals (Holbrook et al., between 2005 and 2007, adult corals in the family Acroporidae were rare on the back reef but relatively abundant on the Moorea is an ideal system to fore reef. Thus, recruitment of acroporids in the back reef was likely dependent on further our understanding of the roles larvae produced by adult colonies on the transport and retention play in shaping fore reef. In the austral fall and winter c“oral reef . when acroporids are reproducing, coral recruitment is elevated on the south- western shore where wave exposure and transport into the back reef is greatest of this might be retained 2008, 2011), thus shunting to the reef (Figure 6). In this period, wave exposure near the island in a net CCW flow and ”nutrients derived from consumption along the north shore is more limited, could eventually be forced back over the of zooplankton. and reduced cross-reef transport there reef crests by incident waves (Monismith probably deprives the back reef of acro- et al., 2013), potentially carrying zoo- Coral Recruitment porid larvae. Acroporids have finished plankton onto the back reefs again. Patterns of recruitment of the benthic reproduction by the time wave exposure Consumption of zooplankton by fauna on Moorea integrate the effects increases on the north shore. In contrast, corals and fish may be an important of water transport and retention across corals in the family Poritidae recruit mechanism by which organic material time and space. The weakly swimming in relatively large numbers throughout is retained within the reef system. We coral larvae are likely transported by the year, and during 2005–2007 adult have observed that oceanic zooplankton flow and settle in locations determined Porites were common on both the outer dominate the diet of damselfish in fore by the complex interactions among reef and back reef habitats. We suspect reef habitats, while reef-associated taxa water motion, characteristics of benthic poritid larvae settling in the back reef comprise 60–90% of the diets of fish surfaces, and selection behavior of the originate from adults in both the fore inhabiting the shallow back reef and larvae themselves. The duration of the reef and back reef environments, and lagoon habitats (Hanson, 2011). The swimming coral larval stage in the field they are transported repeatedly into the behavior of both the planktivores and is poorly known, but is likely to be on back reef. Patterns of coral reproduction their prey influence the consumption of the scale of days to tens of days. It is dif- and recruitment, and the ways in which both oceanic and reef-associated zoo- ficult to detect these delicate larvae in these processes are affected by transport plankton. For example, the planktivorous plankton tows, but we have been assay- and retention, will likely be particularly damselfish Dascyllus flavicaudus selects ing their availability in Moorea since important in coming years as the outer copepods that are brightly pigmented, 2005 by measuring coral settlement rates reef of Moorea recovers from the recent have distinct swimming motions, on 15 × 15 cm tiles secured to the reef. In major disturbances created by the out- or carry large, pigmented egg sacs approximately six-month deployments, break of the Crown-of-Thorns starfish (Hanson, 2011), and predator distribu- mean recruitment in the back reef typi- Acanthaster plancii beginning in about tions and settling cues determine the cally varies between zero and six corals 2006 and Cyclone Oli in 2010 (Adam vertical positioning of reef-associated per tile, but with as many as 22 recruits et al., 2011; Kayal et al., 2012).

60 Oceanography | Vol. 26, No. 3 Larval Fish Recruitment and high genetic diversity in populations retention. Knowing the date of capture Population Connectivity of the three-spot damselfish, Dascyllus and the age of the juveniles, we can Transport and retention also play critical trimaculatus (Leray et al., 2010). Yet, back-calculate the hatching date for each roles in the recruitment and population despite this high diversity, at least 14% juvenile and, potentially, test hypotheses connectivity of reef fishes. A fundamen- of juvenile damselfish recruiting to an of larval trajectories, self-recruitment, tal obstacle to understanding reef fish experimental anemone array on the water movement, and retention in rela- population biology is the difficulty of northwestern shore of Moorea were very tion to currents around the island. tracking larvae and identifying dispersal close relatives, related on the order of pathways. For many decades, reef fish half siblings or greater (Bernardi et al., Conclusions larvae were thought to be transported 2012). Members of at least one pair Moorea is an ideal system to further our long distances by currents to settle on that recruited on the same night were understanding of the roles transport reefs far removed from parent adults. full siblings who likely completed their and retention play in shaping coral reef However, studies in the late 1990s entire pelagic larval phase together. This ecosystems. Many physical and biologi- examining the of fish otoliths study added to growing evidence that cal patterns around Moorea reflect the (ear bones) demonstrated that larvae of larval fishes and invertebrates are often dynamic balance between transport were sometimes retained not well mixed, and at least some spe- and retention processes. Alongshore and recruited back to their natal reefs cies can remain together from birth to and cross-reef transport affect nutrient (Jones et al., 1999; Swearer et al., 1999). settlement despite relatively long plank- fluxes, recruitment of coral larvae, diets Subsequent studies, using anemonefish tonic durations (e.g., Selkoe et al., 2006; of planktivorous fish, and fish population as model systems, assigned recruits to Buston et al., 2007). In another study, connectivity between habitats. Biological parents based on genetic paternity analy- we sampled the genetic signatures of and chemical patterns, including the ses, and uncovered unexpectedly high 378 adult and 101 juvenile anemonefish, distinct chemical signatures of the water levels of larval retention within island Amphiprion chrysopterus, on Moorea, over the various reef habitats, patterns populations (e.g., Planes et al., 2009; and identified 27% of the juveniles as off- of microbial and zooplankton composi- Berumen et al., 2012). from the island’s adults (Beldade tion, and observations of reef-specific In French Polynesia, we have found et al., 2012), indicating significant larval zooplankton and planktivore behaviors,

ABAcroporidae Poritidae

) 4

–1 20 North 3

10 Jan 2 – 0 Sept

–1 1 50 Southwest 0 40 4 rals tile

30 Co 3 ept

20 2 –S

10 1 Jan

Daily Average Wave Power (kW m 0 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J SW N SE SW N SE Month Shore/Sites Figure 6. Multiyear patterns of wave exposure and coral recruitment at multiple sites around Moorea. (A) Wave power is averaged across years 2005–2008. Power, with units of kW m–1, is calculated using deepwater approximations and is the product of wave period, significant wave height squared, and a constant (see Edmunds et al., 2010). (B) Panels show coral recruitment to settlement tiles placed in the back reef for two periods between 2005 and 2006. Tiles were fixed to the reef at ~ 2 m depth and were deployed for five to seven months for sampling September to January and January to September for 10 sites along the three shores of Moorea. This analysis was carried out for two years with only one year displayed here for simplicity. Bars show the mean and standard error for the two most common families of corals, Acroporidae (black) and Poritidae (white), settling on the tiles (n = 2 samplings).

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