ASTER Bibliography February 21, 2013 Compiled by Ann Coppin, JPL Library
ASTER Bibliography February 21, 2013 Compiled by Ann Coppin, JPL Library Future European and Japanese Remote-Sensing Sensors and Programs (1991), paper presented at Future European and Japanese Remote-Sensing Sensors and Programs, Apr 1-2 1991, , Publ by Int Soc For Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, USA. Proceedings oF the 3rd International Symposium: JERS-1 and Remote Sensing in the Future (Dai 3 Kai Kokusai Shinpojiumu: JERS-1 To Kongo No rimoto Senshingu Koenshu) (1991), paper presented at 3rd International Symposium: JERS-1 and Remote Sensing in the Future, , Tokyo, Japan. , EOS Aster/HIRIS inVestigation, (1992). Better Understanding oF Earth EnVironment (1993), paper presented at Proceedings oF the 13th Annual International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS'93, Aug 18-21 1993, , Publ by IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA. Proceedings oF IGARSS '93 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (1993), paper presented at Proceedings oF IGARSS '93 - IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 18-21 Aug. 1993, , IEEE. Sensor systems For the early earth observing system platForms; Proceedings oF the ConFerence, Orlando, FL, Apr. 13, 14, 1993 (1993), paper presented at UNITED STATES, . , The eFFects oF cloud inhomogeneities upon radiatiVe Fluxes, and the supply oF a cloud truth Validation dataset (Semiannual Progress Report, Jan. -Jun. 1994), (1994), NASA-CR-196080; NAS 1.26:196080. , The eFFects oF cloud inhomogeneities upon radiatiVe Fluxes, and the supply oF a cloud truth Validation dataset; Topical Semiannual progress Report, January 1994, (1994), NASA-CR- 196080; NAS 1.26:196080, 71-71. 1 , Abstracts For Geological Survey Seminar, No. 236, Application oF AdVanced Remote Sensing Data-ASTER Project, (1995) Chishitsu Chousa Kenkyuu Houkoku = Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan, 46(8), 445-448.
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