SUMMARY of TAX EXPENDITURE 2021 Income Tax Estimates
SUMMARY OF TAX EXPENDITURE 2021 Tax Expenditure Report 2021 for federal taxes, based on data pertaining to FY 2019-20, amounted to an estimated Rs. 1,314.27 billion. Tax expenditure in sales tax amounted highest at Rs. 578.46 billion (44% of the total), while in income tax amounted to Rs. 448.05 billion (34%), and in Customs, to Rs. 287.77 billion (22%). In last fiscal year 2019-20, FBR’s tax collection was Rs. 3,997.4 billion. Hence, tax expenditure to total collection ratio comes to about 33%, and tax expenditure to GDP ratio stands at around 3.2%. The tax expenditure estimates are unadjusted amounts, meaning that elimination or repeal of a specific exemption would not necessarily produce the rupee amounts cited in this report. Actual receipts would depend on enforcement, taxpayer compliance, effective dates of legislation repealing the exemption, exact wording of any legislation, taxpayer’s behavior, and some other economic factors. This report briefly outlines federal tax exemptions and concessions. These descriptions do not grant rights or impose obligations; rather, the tax laws and rules made thereunder determine actual tax liability. Each estimate is based on the best information available from public and private sources, including FBR’s database. It would be exceptionally burdensome on taxpayers to require detailed reporting of transactions corresponding to each of the exemption sections and clauses. No such detailed reporting is imposed by statute or rules. Consequently, tax returns do not contain data sufficient to estimate the value of all exemptions and exclusions. Estimation requires identification of pertinent, useful data available from various external sources.
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