Meat Technology 59-02 Scientific Journal

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Meat Technology 59-02 Scientific Journal ISSN 2466-2852 SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL meat technology 59 2 2018 Vol. No. Belgrade FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER INSTITUTE OF MEAT HYGIENE AND TECHNOLOGY “Meat Technology” is the scientifi c journal that publishes results of basic and applied research in the fi eld of biotechnical sciences i.e. the following subcategories: veterinary sciences, food engineering and biotechnology. Journal “Meat Technology” is abstracted in FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstract). Full text is available in CABI Database, EBSCO publishing, DOAJ, AGRIS Database and “Meat Technology” is an open access journal. All articles can be downloaded free and used in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Editorial board of Scientifi c Journal “Meat Technology” Lazo Pendovski Milorad Mirilovic Ss Cyrilo and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of University in Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department Veterinary Medicine, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia of Economics and Statistics, Republic of Serbia Iva Steinhauserova Milica Petrovic Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology, Departman of Meat University in Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Breeding Hygiene and Technology, Brno, Czech Republic and Cultivated Domestic Animals, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Galia Zamaratskia Mirjana Dimitrijevic Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Department of Food University in Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Science, Uppsala, Sweden Department of Hygiene and Technology of Animal Origin, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Lea Demsar Faculty of Biotechnology, Department of Meat Technology and Dragan Vasilev Food Risk, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia University in Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Antonia Ricci National Laboratory for Salmonella, Department for Food Safety, Risk Nedjeljko Karabasil Analisys/OIE Referential Laboratory for Salmonella, Padua, Italy Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Hygiene and Technology of Food Animal Origin, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Tomaz Polak Faculty of Biotechnology, Department of Meat Technology and Radmila Markovic Food Risk, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia University in Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Nutrition and Botany, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Irina Tchernukha The Gorbatov All-Russian Meat Research Institute, Moscow, Russia Vladislav Zekic University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Tomas Alter Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Novi Sad, Republic Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Meat Hygiene and of Serbia Technology, Institute of Food and Milk Hygiene, Berlin, Germany Igor Tomasevic Sabine Leroy University in Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Nacional Institute for Agricultural Research, Research Center Technology of Animal Products, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Klermon-Feran, France Vladimir Tomovic Ana Lucic Vrdoljak University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Department of Food Institute for Medical Research and Occupation Health, Zagreb, Preservation Engineering, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia Republic of Croatia Vesna Djordjevic Muhamed Smajlovic Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sarajevo, Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Milicevic Zeljko Sladojevic Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of Veterinary Institute “Dr Vaso Butozan”, Banja Luka, Serbia Republic of Srpska Nenad Parunovic Nihad Fejzic Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of University in Sarajevo, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Sarajevo, Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina Ivan Nastasijevic Dean Jankulovski Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of S.s Cyril and methodius University in Skopje – Faculty of Serbia Vtereinary Medicine, Macedonia Branko Velebit Sanin Tankovic Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Veterinary Offi ce of Bosnia nad Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina Brankica Lakicevic Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of Andrej Kirbis Serbia University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia Zoran Petrovic Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of Nenad Katanic Serbia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Managament, Republic of Serbia Jasna Djinovic-Stojanovic Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of Vlado Teodorovic Serbia University in Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Hygiene and Technology of Animal Origin, Belgrade, Republic Milos Petrovic of Serbia Veterinary Specialist Institute – Nis, Republic of Serbia Honorable editors of scientifi c journal Meat Technology Milan Z. Baltic, University in Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Hygiene and Technology of Food Animal Origin, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Aurelija Spiric, Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Subeditors Vesna Z. Djordjevic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Nenad Parunovic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Ivan Nastasijevic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Branko Velebit, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Brankica Lakicevic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Zoran Petrovic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Dragan Milicevic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Radivoj Petronijevic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology Srdjan Stefanovic, [email protected] Institute of meat hygiene and technology GIEN ISSN 2466-2852 HY E A AT N E D M T F E C O H E N T O U L T I O T G S Y N I meat technology B e 55 lgrade 19 scientifi c journal Meat Technology Vol. 59 No. 2 P. 75–138 Belgrade 2018 FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology CONTENT 11000 Belgrade, Kacanskog 13 P.O. Box 33-49 Phone 381 11 2650-655 ▪ Concentration of arsenic and heavy metals in snail tissues Fax 381 11 2651-825 Hava Mahmutovic, Radmila Markovic, Jelena Janjic, Natasa Glamoclija, e-mail: [email protected] Branislav Baltic, Nenad Katanic, Jelena Ciric ....................................................... 75 ▪ Eff ect of incorporating blackthorn fruit (Prunus spinosa L.) extract in DIRECTOR natural casing on quality of Kranjska sausage Vesna Z. Djordjevic, PhD Snjezana Mandic, Danica Savanovic, Ana Velemir, Vesna Kalaba, Jovo Savanovic, Vanja Jokanovic ............................................................................ 80 EDITOR IN CHIEF ▪ Eff ects of diff erent hydrocolloids on the texture profi le of chicken meat Vesna Z. Djordjevic, PhD emulsions Tomaz Polak, Mateja Lusnic Polak, Igor Lojevec, Lea Demsar ............................. 91 PROOFREADER FOR ▪ Evaluation of the content and safety of nitrite utilisation in meat products ENGLISH LANGUAGE in Serbia in the period 2016–2018 Sheryl Avery, PhD Aleksandar Bajcic, Radivoj Petronijevic, Nenad Katanic, Dejana Trbovic, Nikola Betic, Aleksandra Nikolic, Lazar Milojevic ................................................. 102 TEHNICAL EDITION Danijela Sarcevic, PhD ▪ Reducing sodium chloride content by partial replacement with potassium Slavisa Sobot chloride or ammonium chloride in pork stew Branka Borovic, Slobodan Lilic, Danijela Vranic, Jelena Babic Milijasevic, Brankica Lakicevic, Branko Velebit, Aleksandra Nikolic ....................................... 110 ▪ Partial replacement of sodium chloride with potassium chloride or ammonium chloride in a prepared meal – cooked peas with pork burger Mladen Raseta, Ivana Brankovic Lazic, Slobodan Lilic, Nenad Katanic, Nenad Parunovic, Vladimir Koricanac, Jelena Jovanovic ..................................... 114 ▪ Selected physico-chemical properties of Serbian dry fermented sausages in Based on the opinion issued by Ministry diff erent meat industries of Education, Science and Technological Miroslav Ducic, Danijela Vranic, Milan Baltic ...................................................... 120 Development of the Republic of Serbia (No. 413-00-00416/2000-01), this publication Measuring Competitiveness in the Meat Industry Market: Are There Any is of special interest for the science. ▪ Oligopolies in Serbia? Vladimir Mitic, Natasa Kilibarda, Ivana Brdar, Marija Kostic, Subscription Danijela Sarcevic, Nedjeljko Karabasil, Vule Mizdrakovic .................................... 127 Annual subscription rate for aboard is: 100 EUR. Orders should be sent to Institute for Meat Hygiene and Technology, P.O. Box Guidelines for Authors ....................................................................................... 137 33-49, Kacanskog 13, 11000 Belgrade, R. Serbia. Annual subscription rate for Republic of Serbia is 5000.00 RSD. Payments can be made to an account of Institute no 205-7803-56 at Commercial Bank with a note subscription to the journal. Computer processing and printing PUBLICATION OF THIS JOURNAL IS FINNANCIALLY SUPPORTED BY: „Naučna KMD“, Beograd Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia Circulation 150 copies UDK: 637.56´87.054:669.018.674 637.56´87.054:546.19 meat technology ID: 271380748 Founder and publisher: Institute of Meat Hygiene and Technology,
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