Quality and Safety Standardization of Traditional Fermented Sausages*

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Quality and Safety Standardization of Traditional Fermented Sausages* tehnologija mesa UDK: 637.523.056(497.11) Osnivač i izdavač: Institut za hihijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd ID: 188286988 Original scientifi c paper Originalni naučni rad Quality and safety standardization of traditional fermented sausages* Petrović Ljiljana1, Džinić Natalija1, Ikonić Predrag2, Tasić Tatjana2, Tomović Vladimir1 A b s t r a c t: Traditional meat products, dry fermented sausages, which are coming from particular geographic areas of Serbia, are mainly produced in rural households, according to experience and traditional technology. The quality of fi nal products is under the infl uence of numerous factors. Variability of this quality restricts the possibility for achieving higher production rates and availability of these products on foreign markets. This paper presents the specifi cness of the production process and requirements for traditional dry-fermented sausages (Petro- vská klobása) which have to be accomplished during standardization of production in controlled conditions, aiming to preserve specifi c properties and superior quality. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to fully understand physical-chemical, biochemical and microbiological changes occurring during spontaneous fermentation of these products in traditional manufacturing process and to transfer the perceived models of fermentation, drying and ripening to controlled production conditions. Key words: traditional products, protected designation of origin, dry fermented sausages, quality standardization. Introduction granted PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) labels Fermentation and drying of meat products (Casaburi et al., 2007; Roseiro et al., 2008). The fa- are probably the most ancient ways of preserva- mous traditional dry sausages are Italian (Salame Pi- tion known to man. In Europe, natural fermented acentino, Salame di Varzi, Ciauscolo…), Spanish sausages have a long tradition. Preparation of var- (Androlla, Botillo, Salchichón, Chorizo…), Portu- ious sausages was a common practice throughout guese (Chouriço Grosso de Estremoz e Borba, Pain- the Roman State, in Europe, and Mediterranean re- ho de Portalegre…) and Hungarian (Szegedi szalá- gion, well before the time of Caesars and contin- mi). A lot of fermented sausages are also produced ued to be after the decline of Rome (Incze, 1998; in our country, but only few of them have specifi c Savić and Savić, 2002; Comi et al., 2005). Thus all quality and characteristics which can be attributed to European countries have cultural traditions linked their geographical origin. One of them is Petrovačka with specifi c dry-fermented meat products (Jor- kobasica (Petrovská klobása), fermented meat prod- dana, 2000). uct which is a part of Slovaks’ gastronomic heritage. Distinct cultural and social backgrounds of the It is produced in rural households on the territory of populations and the environmental/climatic condi- the municipality of Bački Petrovac, according to the tions in different geographical regions greatly de- experience and traditional technology. termine the physical and sensory properties of each Dry-fermented sausages are traditional prod- country style dry-fermented meat product. Thus, a ucts prepared since the earliest civilizations to pre- great variety of fermented sausages are produced serve meat. The manufacturing of these products is in European countries and many of them have been more an art depending on the skill and experience *Plenary paper on International 56th Meat Industry Conference held from June 12–15th 2011. on Tara maun- tain; Note: The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Re- public of Serbia for its fi nancial support (project number: 31032). 1University in Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, 21 000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia; 2Institute for Food Technology, Bulevar Cara Lazara, 21 000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. Corresponding author: [email protected] 234 Tehnologija mesa 52 (2011) 2, 234–244 of the meat manufacturer rather than a process ful- Defi ning the quality parameters and criteria ly based on scientifi c and technological means. Al- in the protection of traditional fermented though nowadays meat can be preserved by freezing, sausages (Petrovská klobása) refrigeration and thermal processing, the tradition- al dry-fermented meat products are still produced In our country the protection of geographical in large quantities because they have a unique and designations and indications is regulated by nation- much appreciated fl avour. Traditional processes al legislation „Offi cial Journal of RS“, No. 18/2010 are time consuming, production batches are small, and in the European Union by Council Regulation capital turnover is slow and product competitive- (EC) No. 510/2006. ZZ „Kulen“ was formed in ness is low (Arnau et al., 2007). However, Euro- Bački Petrovac in 2005 in the context of protection pean consumers are willing to pay up to 20% high- of geographical indication of Petrovačka kobasica er prices for traditional products with geographical and afterward improved production of this sausage indications, as it is shown in EC study from 2003 of required standard and recognizable quality. (Thual, 2005). These products are a signifi cant ele- In village households, this sausage is made ment of the European cultural heritage. Their pro- end of November and mid December. This is when duction and sale provide a decisive economic input temperatures are around 0o C or lower. Petrovačka to many regions. However, due to changes in life- kobasica is produced from cold (cca 24h p.m.), or style, the question is how to make these products hot deboned (cca 4h p.m.) lean pork meat and fat. more sustainable and more accessible to a wider Pork meat and fat are grounded to a 10 mm parti- food market. The solution requires modernization cle size and mixed with powdered red hot paprika of all aspects, as well as improvement of compet- (2.50%), salt (1.80%), crushed garlic (0.20%), car- itiveness and safety and ensuring of high product away (0.20%) and sugar (0.15%), approximately quality. Since, production of traditional products 15-30 minutes by using traditional techniques. The signifi cantly affects the sustainable rural develop- mixture is stuffed into natural casings, pig intestine ment and growth, employment and social welfare, (rectum), around 35-40 cm long and near 4,5-5,0 cm the EU has recognized the importance of this prob- in diameter. After stuffi ng it undergoes smoking pro- lem and offered support through the Framework Programmes FP6 and FP7 (Gasparik-Reichardt et cess for about 10 to 15 days with pauses, using spe- al., 2005; European Commission, 2006). As tradi- cifi c kinds of wood (cherry wood). Subsequently, tional food is both a knowledge resource and part it is left to dry and ripen at dry and well ventilated of cultural heritage, continued funding and support place for a period of up to 4 months, until it achieves leads to information about their specifi c charac- optimum quality. Thus, Petrovačka kobasica is pro- teristics, the relationship between consumption of duced without the use of nitrate/nitrite, glucono del- such products and health and provides promotion ta-lactone (GDL) and microbial starters and at the of high quality food and food from certain regions, end of ripening Petrovská klobasá is characterized with the aim of ensuring sustainable economic de- by specifi c savoury taste, aromatic and spicy-hot fl a- velopment and improvement of each manufactur- vour, dark red colour and hard consistency. er. Mentioned facts clearly indicate the actuality of Aiming to establish quality standard and to pro- this problem in the EU, as well as the importance tect designation of origin, the traditional process of of research which can offer solutions and improve manufacturing and gross characteristics of Petrovs- microbiological quality of traditional sausages in ká klobasá have been investigated during three pro- accordance with the principles of Good Manufac- duction seasons in fi ve rural households. Some phys- turing Practices (GMP) and Good Hygiene Practic- ical-chemical and sensory properties of sausages as es (GHP) or HACCP system. well as climate parameters registered in production Importance of research related to tradition- season, when most of products achieved high overall al products has been also recognized in our coun- quality, are presented in this paper. Based on the prop- try, and was initiated by numerous studies of pro- erties of the best rated sample sausages the parame- tection and quality standardization, especially for ters of optimal quality for this traditional dry-ferment- several types of autochthonous cheeses, and more ed sausage were defi ned (Petrović et al., 2007). recently for several dry fermented sausages. In or- It should be noted that drying process, for most der to preserve specifi c properties and high quali- of the sausages in this season, was completed be- ty of dry fermented sausages (Petrovačka kobasica) tween 80 and 90 days (water content < 35%) and rip- during production in controlled conditions, process ening process at 120th day (the best sensory quality). characteristics and demands which have to be ful- Quality parameters determined at the end of the rip- fi lled will be presented in this paper. ening process for the best sausages (manufacturers 235 Petrović Ljiljana i dr. Quality and safety standardization of traditional fermented sausages D and E) were taken as quality criteria
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