Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, November 19, 2015 OUR 125th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 47-2015 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield to Pay More Than $1 Mil. To Settle 2009 False Arrest Case HappyHappy ThanksgivingThanksgiving By MEGAN K. SCOTT set to go to trial on December 15. clients feel they are finally completely Specially Written for The Westfield Leader The $1-million settlement releases vindicated because they can allow the WESTFIELD — The Town of Westfield, the Westfield Police Depart- world to know that this should not have Westfield will pay more than $1.1 mil- ment, and the named police officers happened.” lion to settle a lawsuit stemming from from any and all claims, “relating to Westfield Town Administrator James a 2009 incident between the Westfield unlawful entry into the Rolnicks’ home, Gildea told The Westfield Leader in an Police Department and primarily Aus- false arrest, maliciously making com- e-mail that the municipality had no tin Rolnick and his parents, Kimberly ments to the press, which caused sig- comment. Sorrentino and Lawrence Rolnick. nificant damage to their reputation and The settlement stems from an inci- Westfield will pay $1 million to Kim- good name, among others,” the attor- dent two days before Christmas when berly Sorrentino and Lawrence ney for Ms. Sorrentino and Lawrence Westfield police responded to the 500 Rolnick; $100,000 to Austin Rolnick Rolnick, Donald DiGioia of Moun- block of Boulevard on a report of pos- and $55,000 to Austin Rolnick’s friend, tainside, wrote in an e-mail.