Breaking News: March 9, 2011 - NJ State Attorney General Indicts Mountainside Engineer, Scotch Plains Contractor and Westfield School Business Administrator - see story on page 10. Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, March 10, 2011 OUR 121th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 10-2011 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS DWC Proposes Budget Hike Of 4.9 Percent to $411,321 By DOMINIC A. LAGANO includes the salaries of three DWC Per town ordinance, DWC budget Specially Written for The Westfield Leader employees including Mrs. Cronin, proposals must be presented to the WESTFIELD — The Downtown equipment such as the light poles town council for approval. It was Westfield Corporation (DWC) board installed for the South Avenue suggested during the board meeting of directors has proposed a budget Streetscape, the Downtown that the DWC budget proposal be increase of almost $21,000, the first Westfield 5K and Pizza Extravaganza open to the public, an idea supported budget hike on property owners promotion, grants awarded to busi- by town council liaison to the DWC, within the downtown special im- nesses in the SID, and mundane costs Mark Ciarrocca. provement district in six years. such as “weeding, picking up gar- “I’m confident that with a budget The budget proposal, presented bage, and cleaning garbage cans” in like this, that people will get its by DWC Executive Director Sherry the downtown, according to Mrs. questions answered, understand it, Cronin and board chairman Dominic Cronin. support it,” Mr. Ciarrocca said. Verdic at the February 28 DWC board Mr. Verdic explained that the bud- DWC officials said the budget in- of directors meeting. Ms. Cronin said get would “have to get approved by crease is primarily due to rising this year’s proposed budget is (DWC) board level first, so we can healthcare costs for the two full- $411,321, representing an increase present it to the (DWC) finance com- time salaried employees of the DWC of 4.9 percent over last year’s spend- mittee, then from the finance com- as well as the continuing obligation ing plan of $390,573. The budget mittee to the (town) council.” to pay for the South Avenue Streetscape, an SID enhancement project that was completed last year. Mr. Verdic said the DWC budget is fiscally responsible and will not affect the general public. “We’re still doing more with less; however, we need to start putting our money aside to pay off our obli- gation,” Mr. Verdic stated. Mr. Verdic said the DWC has “gone Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader six years without an increase in our STAMPS GALORE...The Westfield Stamp Club held its 48th Annual Stamp Show on March 5 in the Community Room budget…the 4.9 percent tax increase of the Westfield Municipal Building. The show featured stamps from around the state and offered a wide range of philatelic is only for the people in the special items for sale. improvement district. This does not reflect on homeowners or anyone else that is not in the district.” WF BOE Unveils $90.2 Mil.-Budget; The public was invited to voice its opinion on the budget proposal. Julie Diddell, proprietor of Ortho Care - Medical Horizons of N.J., Taxes Up $2 Million to $83.4-Mil. located at 10 Prospect Street, was By MANDY L. RUSSELL adding another $5.2 million to the around from line item to line item as the only member of the public present Specially Written for The Westfield Leader budget. to where the money will be allocated. to voice her opinion at the February WESTFIELD — The Westfield “Today is about the maximum In the weeks to come the board will Photo courtesy of Lisa Smelkinson JOINING THE RACE...Westfield Board of Education Vice-President Ann Cary 28 meeting. Board of Education has unveiled a [taxes] that can be raised, not neces- have more information regarding the signs her petition confirming her candidacy for reelection to the board. This “I can only say that proposing an proposed budget of $92,220,416, an sarily what will be raised, because we tax assessments and property tax in- year’s election will be held on Wednesday, April 27. increase to a property owner, I think increase of $2.8 million over last can always reduce it if we see fit formation, officials said. you have to listen to the tone out year’s adopted budget. before [March] 29. We are voting to “We spent so much time last year there, in the community, in the state, Of the total spending plan, have a budget larger than the tax levy,” responding to the loss of [$4 million Eight Candidates File for not be tone deaf to the fact that it’s $87,351,977 is for operating costs Board President Julia Walker said. in] state aid. We looked at grant pro- tough out there. I ask you guys to for the 2011-2012 school year, an Board officials said between now grams to take advantage of them. Three Seats on WF BOE stay flat (on the budget) and not go increase of $1.6 million over last and the board’s budget vote on March This district worked so hard last year to the property owners for any in- year. Debt payments from previously 29 budget amounts can be moved CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 By BETSEY BURGDORF BOE members Warren McFall and crease.” approved bond referendums add an- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Donald Parisi have expired, as well Mr. Verdic responded to Ms. other $2,880,929 to the budget. AREA – Board of Education (BOE) as the seat of Fanwood’s Rob Diddell’s comments that, “We’ve Taxes that would need to be raised MS BOE Budget Would candidates filed their candidacies this O’Connor. been flat for six years. There hasn’t are proposed at $85,896,552, of with week for the annual school election, Four candidates in Scotch Plains been a municipality anywhere or $83,359,305 would be allotted for which will be held this year on will compete for two available seats any other place we’ve seen that’s the 2011-2012 school year and ap- Hike Average Taxes $149 Wednesday, April 27. and in Fanwood, three candidates been flat for six years, and we’ve pear on election ballots for the By DOMINIC A. LAGANO assessed at $165,537, the average In Westfield, three seats are avail- will vie for one open seat. Mr. McFall been doing like I said, more for less, Wednesday, April 27 School Elec- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader assessment in the borough, would able, as the terms of Vice-President announced he is seeking a third term however, we’ve made this commit- tion, an increase of almost $2 mil- MOUNTAINSIDE — The pay $4,503 in school taxes, com- Ann Cary and board members Alice on the board. He is joined in the race ment to do the streetscape project lion. Mountainside Board of Education pared to last year’s tax of $4,354, an Hunnicutt and Gary McCready have by Victor DeVizio, Douglas Layne and pay it back, and we have no In addition, Westfield intends to (BOE) presented its proposed $15- increase of $149. expired. Ms. Cary has announced she and Melanie Root. control over the employee benefits apply for a $352,118 waiver from the million budget for the 2011-2012 The owner of a home assessed at will seek another term on the board, Jeanne Cleary, Michael Lewis and going up. There’s just nowhere to Union County Executive Superinten- school year at its meeting Tuesday $165,537, the average assessment in while Ms. Hunnicutt and Mr. Margaret Savoca are contending for come up with the money other than dent of Schools for increased health night. the borough, would pay $4,503 in McCready will not. the one available seat in Fanwood. a small increase for property own- benefit costs. The preliminary budget projection school taxes, compared to last year’s Eight candidates are vying for three In Mountainside, five candidates ers.” Of the total budget, $29.1 million represents an increase of almost 3.7 tax of $4,354, an increase of $149. available BOE seats. Along with Ms. will compete for three available Ms. Diddell was the only member is budgeted for regular education pro- percent from last year’s budget. Less The budget projection has been Cary, Jessica Blessing, Mark Fried- seats; two from the expired terms of the public present for the meet- grams, $6 million for special educa- than 4 percent of the budget is pro- revised since the last BOE meeting man, Keith Hertell, Karym Hoens, currently held by BOE Vice-Presi- ing. tion, and $723,206 for remedial and jected to be paid by state and federal held on February 24 and will con- Roseanne Kurstedt, Joseph Miceli dent Cathy Jakositz and board mem- The next DWC board of directors basic skills programs and $983,769 assistance. tinue to be revised until the BOE’s and Jennifer Silva have announced ber Carolyn Williams, and the one- meeting is scheduled for Monday, for school-sponsored athletics. Em- The total amount to be raised in final budget projection, which must they will seek election to the board year term of Maureen Hess, who March 28, at 7:30 p.m. The DWC ployee benefits are listed at $49.9 taxes is $13,303,685, representing an be submitted to the Union County and their petitions have been filed took over for board member Jorge office is located at 105 Elm Street.
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