923 bus time schedule & line map

923 Otley <-> View In Website Mode

The 923 bus line (Otley <-> Wetherby) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Otley <-> Wetherby: 11:35 AM - 6:00 PM (2) Wetherby <-> Otley: 7:20 AM - 3:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 923 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 923 bus arriving.

Direction: Otley <-> Wetherby 923 bus Time Schedule 46 stops Otley <-> Wetherby Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Bus Station Stand 04, Otley Orchard Gate, Otley Civil Tuesday 11:35 AM - 6:00 PM

Cross Green Dennison Hill, Otley Wednesday 11:35 AM - 6:00 PM 71 , Otley Thursday 11:35 AM - 6:00 PM Cross Green East Busk Lane, Otley Friday 11:35 AM - 6:00 PM Cross Green, Otley Civil Parish Saturday 11:35 AM - 6:00 PM Pool Road Gallows Hill, Otley

Pool Road Garden Centre, Otley

Pool Rd Moor Drive, Otley 923 bus Info Moor Drive, Otley Civil Parish Direction: Otley <-> Wetherby Stops: 46 Pool Road Knutford, Otley Trip Duration: 45 min Line Summary: Bus Station Stand 04, Otley, Cross Pool Road Caley Lodge, Pool Green Dennison Hill, Otley, Cross Green East Busk Lane, Otley, Pool Road Gallows Hill, Otley, Pool Road Pool Road Wharfe View, Pool Garden Centre, Otley, Pool Rd Moor Drive, Otley, Pool Road Knutford, Otley, Pool Road Caley Lodge, Pool, Main Street, Pool Pool Road Wharfe View, Pool, Main Street, Pool, Main Chapel Row, Pool Civil Parish St Lane, Pool, Arthington Lane Stonedale Close, Pool, Arthington Ln the Tower Drive, Pool, The Main St Arthington Lane, Pool Ph, Arthington, Creskeld Grange Farm, A658, Pool Civil Parish Arthington, Crag View House, Arthington, Arthington Lane Park Cottages, Arthington, Ingeld Farm, Arthington Lane Stonedale Close, Pool Arthington, Harewood Bar, Harewood, Harewood Arms, Harewood, Moor Lane, , E Arthington Ln the Tower Drive, Pool Keswick Main St, East Keswick, Rigton Grange, East Keswick, Woodacre Green, East Keswick, The Drive, Bardsey, Rigton Bank, Bardsey, Mill Lane, Bardsey, The Wharfedale Ph, Arthington Church Lane, Bardsey, Hetchell View, Bardsey, West View, Arthington Civil Parish Wayside Mount, , Moss Syke, Scarcroft, Syke Lane, Scarcroft, Lane, Scarcroft, Creskeld Grange Farm, Arthington Wayside Mount, Scarcroft, Church Lane, Bardsey, Mill Lane, Bardsey, Rigton Bank, Bardsey, First Crag View House, Arthington Avenue, Bardsey, Congreve Approach, Bardsey, Rigton Hill, Bardsey, Crabtree Green, Collingham, Arthington Lane Park Cottages, Arthington Crabtree Hill, Collingham, Collingham Main St, Collingham, Jewitt Lane, Collingham, Wetherby Ingeld Farm, Arthington Police Stn, Wetherby, Wetherby Bus Stn A, Wetherby

Harewood Bar, Harewood

Harewood Arms, Harewood

Moor Lane, East Keswick

E Keswick Main St, East Keswick Main Street, East Keswick Civil Parish

Rigton Grange, East Keswick

Woodacre Green, East Keswick

The Drive, Bardsey

Rigton Bank, Bardsey Linden Close, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

Mill Lane, Bardsey

Church Lane, Bardsey Wetherby Road, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

Hetchell View, Bardsey Hetchell View, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

Wayside Mount, Scarcroft

Moss Syke, Scarcroft Moss Syke, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

Syke Lane, Scarcroft

Thorner Lane, Scarcroft Green View, Scarcroft Civil Parish

Wayside Mount, Scarcroft

Church Lane, Bardsey

Mill Lane, Bardsey Grange Close, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

Rigton Bank, Bardsey Stonebank Gardens, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

First Avenue, Bardsey

Congreve Approach, Bardsey Wetherby Road, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

Rigton Hill, Bardsey

Crabtree Green, Collingham

Crabtree Hill, Collingham Collingham Main St, Collingham Smithy Court, Collingham Civil Parish

Jewitt Lane, Collingham

Wetherby Police Stn, Wetherby

Wetherby Bus Stn A, Wetherby Scott Lane, Wetherby Direction: Wetherby <-> Otley 923 bus Time Schedule 48 stops Wetherby <-> Otley Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Wetherby Bus Stn A, Wetherby Scott Lane, Wetherby Tuesday 7:20 AM - 3:30 PM

Wetherby Police Stn, Wetherby Wednesday 7:20 AM - 3:30 PM

Jewitt Lane, Collingham Thursday 7:20 AM - 3:30 PM Friday 7:20 AM - 3:30 PM Collingham Main St, Collingham Saturday 7:20 AM - 3:30 PM Brookside, Collingham

Crabtree Hill, Collingham Road, Collingham 923 bus Info Crabtree Green, Collingham Direction: Wetherby <-> Otley Stops: 48 Rigton Hill, Bardsey Trip Duration: 47 min Line Summary: Wetherby Bus Stn A, Wetherby, Congreve Approach, Bardsey Wetherby Police Stn, Wetherby, Jewitt Lane, Collingham, Collingham Main St, Collingham, Wetherby Road, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish Brookside, Collingham, Crabtree Hill, Collingham, First Avenue, Bardsey Crabtree Green, Collingham, Rigton Hill, Bardsey, Congreve Approach, Bardsey, First Avenue, Bardsey, Rigton Bank, Bardsey Rigton Bank, Bardsey, Mill Lane, Bardsey, Church Lane, Bardsey, Hetchell View, Bardsey, Wayside Linden Close, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish Mount, Scarcroft, Moss Syke, Scarcroft, Syke Lane, Mill Lane, Bardsey Scarcroft, Thorner Lane, Scarcroft, Wayside Mount, Scarcroft, Church Lane, Bardsey, Mill Lane, Bardsey, The Drive, Bardsey, Woodacre Green, East Keswick, Church Lane, Bardsey Rigton Grange, East Keswick, E Keswick Main St, Wetherby Road, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish East Keswick, Moor Lane, East Keswick, Harewood Arms, Harewood, Otley Road, Weardley, Weardley Hetchell View, Bardsey Lane End, Weardley, Ingeld Farm, Arthington, Hetchell View, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish Grange Farm, Arthington, Crag View House, Arthington, Creskeld Grange Farm, Arthington, The Wayside Mount, Scarcroft Wharfedale Ph, Arthington, Arthington Ln the Tower Drive, Pool, Arthington Lane Stonedale Close, Pool, Moss Syke, Scarcroft Main St Arthington Lane, Pool, Main Street, Pool, Moss Syke, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish Pool Bridge, Pool, Pool Road Wharfe View, Pool, Pool Road Caley Lodge, Pool, Pool Road Knutford, Otley, Syke Lane, Scarcroft Pool Rd Moor Drive, Otley, Pool Road Garden Centre, Otley, Pool Road Gallows Hill, Otley, Cross Green St Thorner Lane, Scarcroft Peters Close, Otley, Cross Green Garnet Street, Otley, Green View, Scarcroft Civil Parish Bus Station Stand 04, Otley

Wayside Mount, Scarcroft

Church Lane, Bardsey

Mill Lane, Bardsey Grange Close, Bardsey Cum Rigton Civil Parish

The Drive, Bardsey Woodacre Green, East Keswick

Rigton Grange, East Keswick

E Keswick Main St, East Keswick Main Street, East Keswick Civil Parish

Moor Lane, East Keswick

Harewood Arms, Harewood

Otley Road, Weardley

Weardley Lane End, Weardley

Ingeld Farm, Arthington

Grange Farm, Arthington

Crag View House, Arthington

Creskeld Grange Farm, Arthington

The Wharfedale Ph, Arthington West View, Arthington Civil Parish

Arthington Ln the Tower Drive, Pool

Arthington Lane Stonedale Close, Pool Stonedale Close, Pool Civil Parish

Main St Arthington Lane, Pool

Main Street, Pool Chapel Row, Pool Civil Parish

Pool Bridge, Pool

Pool Road Wharfe View, Pool

Pool Road Caley Lodge, Pool

Pool Road Knutford, Otley

Pool Rd Moor Drive, Otley

Pool Road Garden Centre, Otley

Pool Road Gallows Hill, Otley Pool Road, Otley Civil Parish

Cross Green St Peters Close, Otley Grosvenor Terrace, Otley Civil Parish

Cross Green Garnet Street, Otley 28 Cross Green, Otley Civil Parish

Bus Station Stand 04, Otley Orchard Gate, Otley Civil Parish 923 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved