russian history 44 (2017) 260-297 Monuments of Church Architecture in Belozersk: Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Centuries William Craft Brumfield Professor of Slavic Studies and Sizeler Professor of Jewish Studies, Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans
[email protected] Abstract The history of the community associated with the White Lake (Beloe Ozero) is a rich one. This article covers a brief overview of the developing community from medieval through modern times, and then focuses the majority of its attention on the church ar- chitecture of Belozersk. This rich tradition of material culture increases our knowledge about medieval and early modern Rus’ and Russia. Keywords Beloozero – Belozersk – Russian Architecture – Church Architecture The origins and early location of Belozersk (now a regional town in the center of Vologda oblast’) are subject to discussion, but it is uncontestably one of the oldest recorded settlements among the eastern Slavs. “Beloozero” is mentioned in the Primary Chronicle (or Chronicle of Bygone Years; Povest’ vremennykh let) under the year 862 as one of the five towns granted to the Varangian brothers Riurik, Sineus and Truvor, invited (according to the chronicle) to rule over the eastern Slavs in what was then called Rus’.1 1 The Chronicle text in contemporary Russian translation is as follows: “B гoд 6370 (862). И изгнaли вapягoв зa мope, и нe дaли им дaни, и нaчaли caми coбoй влaдeть, и нe былo cpeди ниx пpaвды, и вcтaл poд нa poд, и былa у ниx уcoбицa, и cтaли вoeвaть дpуг c дpугoм. И cкaзaли: «Пoищeм caми ceбe князя, кoтopый бы влaдeл нaми и pядил пo pяду и пo зaкoну».