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98-061298.Compressed.Pdf Mondays Jenny McCall hosts mONpay NI~H manxess with Layla LaRue TalissaMichaels Corrina Foxx Tersa Matthews $1.50 longnecksand well plus $2 frozen drinks in the video bar Thursdays Tondj'sTeo with Erica Andrews Double-elimination 8-ball Victoria West Layla LaRue pool tournament with Melissa Crawford $1.75 well all night and $1.50 frozen drinks in the video bar ~WANDA Coming June 26 at 8:30pm the Saint presents /~ SeachSall'9j $1.75 DOMESTIC lHE Summer kickoff party nrJ_..-_._- ------=" LONGNECKS; e-frlN, : $2.50 WELL ALL fa f!AY &~I~HT 'II 1430 N. Main. San Antonio, TX • 210.225.7330 210.22.SAINT • [email protected] VOLUME 24, NUMBER 15 JUNE 12 - JUNE 18, 1998 14 THEATER Oklahoma! and Annie Get YourGun Swing Into Dallas/Fort Worth Reviewed by Steven Lindsey 25 INTERVIEW NGLTFExecutive Director, Kerry Lobel by Sean Carter 25 INTERVIEW Tim Miller BringsHisOne-Man Show to Houston by Gary Laird 30 FRESH BEATS Artist Interview with Harlan by Jimmy Smith 39 CURRENT EVENTS 45 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 48 ON OUR COVER Robert Brower photos by Albert Tovar/Photo Shoots! 51 RANTING AND RAVING The Galleria-Houston by Jeff Linthicum 53 BACKSTAGE The Ritz Continues at Dallas' Pocket Sandwich Theater 57 STARSCOPE Saturn Moves Into Taurus and Squares Delusional Neptune 67 TEXAS SPORTS 68 TEXAS NEWS 73 BOOKS Scott Thompson's Buddy Babylon, An Autobiography of Buddy Cole Reviewed by Mark Deaton 77 TEXAS TEA 86 CLASSIFIEDS 93 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texas) Is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co.. at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of lWT or of Its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in crncies or advertising In lWT Is not to be construed as any Indication of the sex~ ual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year, 540 per half year. Back Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1998 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT Is specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 DALLASOFFICE PUBLISHER HOUSTONOFFICE 3300 Reagan Street ALAN GELLMAN 811 Westheimer, Suite III Dallas, Texas 75219 EDITOR Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214) 520-8948 SEANCARTER Houston Fax (713) 527-8948 (214) 521-0622 COMPTROLLER (713) 527-9111 E-mail: [email protected] STEVEMILES E-mail: [email protected] ARTDEPARTMENTRichard Bang, David Parnell, Jeff linthicum CONTRIBUT1NGWRITERSDon Baker, Robert Bois, Mark Deaton, Chris Gray, Phil Johnson, Gary Laird, Jeff Linthicum, C. lichtenstein, Steven Lindsey, Jimmy Smith STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSJohn Bartiromo, Roy James, A. J, Morroqulnez, Robert Miller, Shawn Northcutt, Jerry Stevens, Tlo. Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX 520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city, Austin- James Frank (512) 441-9452 - Houston / Galveston - (713) 527-9111 All other Texas cities- Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 CLASSIFIEDADVERT1SING• Dallas-Chase Gutierrez. Houston-Brian Keever I TWT© 1998 Miles - Gellman Enterprises Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company Represented Nationally by Rivendell Marketing, lnc. • 212-242-6863 Voice Personals o (5" o-+ () o :::J :::J CD o-+ To Browse Ads To Respond to Ads To Record your own Ad ~ . ~ l.I• B• • @ Megaphone does not prescreen callers and assumes no liability for personal meetings. 18+ PAGE 12 TWT JUNE 12 - JUNE 18 1998 tlli.@!~feVi~all6f~§~~- §~ Sf JIi\W6W\Iil"~, JIi\Wr'iWi'g¥ili!iise¥ill if01is@ W@ ~ta'h~a¥,' ftIiw €&fi1il§ i~g@ g§ SfIil\lil€§MY6\!I~ i\!i1e\Y€fo/dI!t~ aii\ljl e¥i's_\§l JIil a'5~'aw.et~@ e'¥&" a¥MIlr,wri'6\lfa1~\ri\ll r'i\!J~ sW@ ~6Yr'ili'§: M~ §tI!1f@rtSWWat'GlIi1 ~ gfroW: [(}\Iill~ ~ ~r dI!t~-6fjf f6Y t'h'all~~~.;.rii'ftl SWili~M Jli'M§"f0'@: @ I\~ §lri§aQ.8., tW@ jW~\§,e¥§ 6f /i§ ~ A'f'l1'l1~' ~_ F!'i~"ffl i~ §J§1f--fM"Eil: ~h~ se'elW ttHIW& ~ f6! @9f6Y ii JIi'a'¥§€~-_-0t16\!11f-l¥i'6\!I(jIjl Mli!a;,76\!I~: @fanf.: i~~e:f~I"~& tW€61~\5fatWe¥t\Ii'ei¥J1 ii €fjr\., t.)ljj~c§lIra'fa'Gt'evi~~ fa! t'J!r@ ftlJ\!i)Ii'f@§tj ~1 it ~\~aJ t!J~8: ~ Y'tSWg\§tt i~ aw e\Y~\!i'@ Slii I(aI&§ ii tal~-Y€diagf@§§ f@ maK9l i~W0Jf~: 6lfQlSlil,y--~&~ awaJcta¥i\S'8r'i\!J~§ i\li'(1!!\§'€dI Fi1\!j'@1ia'm§€GWiI~fi\!ilil\!i'~j§ i;fiI'i)§'e'G"G'aJ'§tl@Wfflff1i Vciltf.il aw extiid~ Sf ~~t{a'S*l'€~: ~I Y'6\!I1 Jli'eJ\§'§r'ili'~@ f$n~§Jli'fii\CV'01isfit!ltl!I\t~ 1@o/§§§f@1 ~rIi'6W*~ @e'SWlf@5'el~ daie'di afl'di €6YrIl'r" fcl1'm f,JIi'afl1I~0'ffl@ .. ,itlJ~r.r@~jW li~ ~@ ~~ ~~§ SfiiilJIi'a'¥@c§lIra'f,w: ~iI!ISf~\Ii'(tEil~~{J0lJo/l a§ &@ i§lftlJ'e@~t!ll~ ~W aii'@.<il~ .j~~~ ~'WWIi~;rIiI~'wi;f f0l@§ @§ ~~ ~fi'IIl'i~'§§Mf0f§: . §e1 iJli'@fjevtMfflarre@§ §.§f&@1n-0'W{io/§f, §n€i tJli'@fl!a;w§ 0f ~€~;r.rf:J Wrflli1 tf§t!I'i#01I'iI§'lie@ffl§ fflM@ 6Vi(q~t EWe¥i1 ~~'@fi1 ~~§f§ and 1i'ta'r'ili'ffl~§f§j;J!i1 §&f r.rfiW §tand~fd§ wn~ {Jklah§fflal, ~@f@ tlf@ §t~I~fffM§t!I'ii§'lfi r§~§ in t'J!r@ §ilJ'0'Wtis W§~ a§ fjf@i§'I{1ffl§ ~ tM fJl@t.. fJil'@ @O/@fI0'!!i'gi§'{iitM df§§ffl §§(;f~'§fI~§ W§§ 9'Jfi'~'@lilf(§l §§'Ii~ fj§0¢@ {{f} ~§ toof§y f@f §1iI ~fIo/ §ttlff 01I'iifiI 'tMml§§il!ffl, tlfl4 , Wi'§" I Mad ~e'J!i10fi@ @ftn-liffl ..ff~ fJ§' t~GJ, W§ fJ/'t§n@ffl= e'J!i1§j~~@f§~f§fiJftr.~f§§t<§~§'andd a~af5f~dfJy UtlfW (k'¥if9§ OW§j afi8' §1I1If (jaf1l§§ §16Wj (fi;( Bfi8' 9aYl§§ iW Of(/iihWii! @§fflM d§ btl~§' ffMfl §flfjiflal ~"@'§@§JrafiflY ~ ~glT§§ !J§' Mil/fi', §'tJ:t flif W@ dul' a§ tli'§ I§§t ~ wJli'@"§~@ ffl0'§t ffitlffflln'@ M §W? ~§n§ §'M@f§' j/iltllfffli§§j(m.. 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I"@fftlll§f§ty, It WMn't tang bM(}rlj by Robert Fletcher are vibrant and eye-cafch- §tie t@@~ "aid (Jf ff~r ~"§,ad§' §nd tran- lng, Where else could you go and see so ~~d My (Jf my pr§oonc~Wljd nat/@n§, many men with scarves on their necks?(Not UM@OOnMeiry, ba!Jr~ Isn't glv~n §''W gr~at oountlng travelling back In time to gay bars In ~M TWTJUNE 12 -JUNE 18 1998 the 1970s or a Mr. Furley Three's Company can enjoy. Ferrell's work had to be made eas- marathon, of course). The sets are grand and ier than normal, thanks to an incredibly tal- believable, although loud when moved ented ensemble cast. between scenes. In the leading hunk role, Perry Stevens So, all in all, Oklahoma! is worth your time, towers over Robinson, but somehow the two even if it's just part of your musical history actually work as a romantic duo.
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