IICSA Inquiry - Anglican Church Investigation 11 July 2019
IICSA Inquiry - Anglican Church Investigation 11 July 2019 1 Thursday, 11 July 2019 1 tab A6, chair and panel, at ACE027643. It is a 226-page 2 (10.00 am) 2 document with 111 exhibits, so if I can just identify, 3 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Day 9 of 3 have you had an opportunity to read this document 4 this public hearing. Ms Scolding? 4 recently? 5 MS SCOLDING: Good morning, chair and panel. This morning, 5 A. I got up at 5 o'clock this morning to do so. Yes, 6 we will hear evidence first from Mr Graham Tilby. 6 I have. 7 MR GRAHAM TILBY (sworn) 7 Q. Is it true, to the best of your knowledge and belief? 8 Examination by MS SCOLDING 8 A. Yes, it is. 9 MS SCOLDING: Mr Tilby, thank you very much for coming back 9 Q. I think, from the 113 exhibits, we can tell, because 10 to give evidence. I also know that you have sat at the 10 this witness statement is updating this investigation as 11 back, so you know what I'm about to say to you, which 11 to what has been happening in the church 12 is, this isn't a test of memory. Please feel free to 12 between March 2018 and now, that there appears to have 13 refer to any notes you may have. 13 been a significant amount of activity. What I'd really 14 We can stop as often as you need, but we will be 14 like to do is take you through some of those things.
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