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The Status of Women in the States 2015 The Status of Women in the States 2015 Cynthia Hess, Ph.D., Jessica Milli, Ph.D., Jeff Hayes, Ph.D., and Ariane Hegewisch, M. Phil. with Yana Mayayeva, Stephanie Román, Julie Anderson, M.A., and Justine Augeri ii THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN THE STATES: 2O15 | www.statusofwomendata.org Status of Women in the States National Advisory Committee Dr. Lee Badgett Dr. Christopher King Ms. Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner University of Massachusetts – University of Texas at Austin Moms Rising Amherst, Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law Ms. Barbara Krumsiek Dr. Alina Salganicoff Calvert Institute Kaiser Family Foundation Ms. Julie Burton Women’s Media Center Dr. TK Logan Dr. Matt Snipp University of Kentucky Stanford University Dr. Susan Carroll Rutgers University Ms. Aleyamma Mathew Ms. Kiersten Stewart Ms. Foundation for Women Futures without Violence Ms. Wendy Chun-Hoon Family Values at Work Ms. Leticia Miranda Dr. Gloria Thomas Financial Engines University of Michigan Dr. Philip Cohen University of Maryland Ms. Cynthia Nimmo Mr. Steven Toledo Women’s Funding Network National Latina Institute for Ms. Milly Hawk Daniel Reproductive Health PolicyLink Ms. Simran Noor Center for Social Inclusion Ms. Carolyn Treiss Ms. Vanessa Daniel Connecticut Permanent Commission Groundswell Fund Ms. Karen Nussbaum on the Status of Women Working America Ms. Tamara Draut 9to5, National Association of Dr. Malia Villegas Demos Working Women National Congress of American Indians Mr. Shawn Fremstad Ms. Katie Orenstein Center for American Progress The Op-Ed Project Dr. Marilyn Watkins Center for Economic and Policy Economic Opportunity Institute Research Ms. Michele Ozumba Women’s Funding Network Ms. Erica Williams Ms. Jocelyn Frye Center on Budget and Policy Center for American Progress Ms. Carol Penick Priorities Women’s Foundation of Mississippi Ms. Fatima Goss Graves Dr. Valerie Wilson National Women’s Law Center Ms. Ai-Jen Poo Economic Policy Institute National Domestic Workers Alliance Dr. Joyce Jacobsen Ms. Miriam Yeung Wesleyan University Dr. Dara Richardson-Heron National Asian Pacific American YWCA-USA Women’s Forum Dr. Avis Jones-DeWeever Incite Unlimited, LLC Ms. Valerie Rochester Ms. Teresa Younger Black Women’s Health Imperative Ms. Foundation for Women Ms. Beth Kanter Spitfire Strategies iii Status of Women in the States Southern States Advisory Committee Dr. Chisara Asomugha Ms. Jeanne Jackson Dr. Michelle Owens Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Women’s Fund of Greater University of Mississippi Medical Services Birmingham Center Dr. Josephine Beoku-Betts Ms. Carol Joyner Ms. Monica Rainge Florida Atlantic University Labor Project for Working Families Federation of Southern Cooperatives and Land Assistance Fund Ms. Ruby Bright Dr. Christopher King Women’s Foundation for a Greater University of Texas at Austin Ms. Fran Ricardo Memphis Rural Women’s Health Project Ms. Melinda Lawrence Ms. Carol Burnett North Carolina Justice Center Dr. Dara Richardson-Heron Mississippi Low-Income Child Care YWCA-USA Initiative Dr. Janet Lawson Moore Community House Texas Department of State Health Ms. Tara Romano Services North Carolina Women United Ms. Astrid Chirinos Latin American Chamber of Mr. Tim Marema Dr. Linda Salane Commerce of Charlotte Center for Rural Strategies Consultant and Executive Coach Ms. Oleta Fitzgerald Dr. Angie Maxwell Ms. Jeanne Smoot Children’s Defense Fund, Southern University of Arkansas Tahirih Justice Center Regional Office Southern Rural Black Women’s Ms. Sara Miller Ms. Gloria Terry Initiative for Economic and Social Mississippi Economic Policy Center Texas Council on Family Violence Justice Mr. Minh Nguyen Ms. Gloria Williamson Ms. Althea Gonzalez Vietnamese American Young Leaders Mississippi Commission on the Hispanics in Philanthropy, North Association of New Orleans Status of Women Carolina Ms. Kim Nolte Ms. Yvonne Wood Dr. Johnnie Griffin Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Tennessee Economic Council on Jackson State University Power and Potential Women Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall Dr. Mary Odem Dr. Barbara Zsembik Spelman College Emory University University of Florida Ms. Deon Haywood Senator Nan Grogan Orrock Dr. Carole Zugazaga Women with a Vision Georgia State Senator (District 36) Auburn University Women Legislator’s Lobby Dr. Joni Hersch Vanderbilt University iv THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN THE STATES: 2O15 | www.statusofwomendata.org Acknowledgments Many advisors, partners, supporters, and staff Institute for Reproductive Health; Dr. Marilyn Wat- members have contributed to the Status of kins, Policy Director at the Economic Opportunity Women in the States project. IWPR is extremely Institute; and Erica Williams, Assistant Director grateful to LaShawn Jefferson, Program Officer of State Fiscal Research at the Center on Budget at the Ford Foundation, for her strong support and Policy Priorities. of IWPR’s work and commitment to the project. IWPR also thanks Lorretta Johnson, Secretary Many other experts also reviewed sections of Treasurer of the American Federation of Teachers the report and provided helpful feedback: IWPR and Vice Chair of IWPR’s Board of Directors, and thanks Dr. Liz Ben-Ishai, Senior Policy Analyst, Cynthia Nimmo, Interim President and CEO of and Christine Johnson-Staub, Senior Policy Ana- the Women’s Funding Network, for their enthusi- lyst, at the Center for Law and Social Policy; Dr. astic leadership. Alison Earle, Senior Scientist at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis IWPR is indebted to members of the project University; Andrea Kane, Senior Director of advisory committees (see lists on the following Public Policy, and Rachel Fey, Director of Pub- pages) for their support and advice on the con- lic Policy at the National Campaign to Prevent tent and dissemination of the Status of Women Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy; Elizabeth Nash, in the States: 2015. Since its inception nearly Senior State Issues Associate at the Guttmacher 20 years ago, the project has been highly par- Institute; Dr. Evan Stark, Professor Emeritus at ticipatory and benefited immensely from those Rutgers University’s School of Public Affairs and who have volunteered time and energy to ensure Administration; Dr. Michele Swers, Associate Pro- its success. Many advisors reviewed sections of fessor of American Government at Georgetown the report and gave helpful feedback: Dr. Lee University; and Ming Wong, Supervising Help- Badgett, Director of the Center for Public Policy line Attorney at the National Center for Lesbian and Administration at the University of Massa- Rights. Jelena Kolic, Staff Attorney, and Lisalyn chusetts-Amherst and Williams Distinguished Jacobs, Vice President for Government Relations Scholar at the Williams Institute of UCLA School at Legal Momentum, shared insights on laws of Law; Dr. Susan Carroll, Professor of Political pertaining to domestic violence victims. Arkadi Science and Women’s and Gender Studies at Rut- Gerney, Senior Vice President for Campaigns and gers University and Senior Scholar at the Center Strategies, and Chelsea Parsons, Vice President for American Women and Politics of the Eagleton of Guns and Crime Policy at the Center for Amer- Center for Politics; Wendy Chun-Hoon, DC Direc- ican Progress, kindly allowed the reprinting of tor for Family Values @ Work; Shawn Fremstad, their data compilation on state statutes related Senior Research Associate at the Center for Eco- to domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, nomic and Policy Research and Senior Fellow at and gun ownership. IWPR is also grateful to the Center for American Progress; Dr. TK Logan, Gilda Morales, Project Manager of Information Professor of Behavioral Science at the Univer- Services at the Center for American Women and sity of Kentucky; Maya Pinto, Economic Justice Politics (CAWP), for sharing unpublished CAWP Program Director at the National Asian Pacific data on women in government. In addition, American Women’s Forum; Dr. Alina Salganicoff, IWPR thanks the project sponsors and outreach Vice President and Director of Women’s Health partners (see www.statusofwomendata.org for a Policy at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation; full list) for their help in disseminating the report Kiersten Stewart, Director of Public Policy and findings. Advocacy at Futures Without Violence; Dr. Gloria Thomas, Director of the Center for the Education The authors would also like to thank the many of Women at the University of Michigan; Steven other IWPR staff members involved in the report. Toledo, Deputy Director at the National Latina Dr. Heidi Hartmann, President, and Dr. Barbara v Gault, Vice President and Executive Director, provid- sity Women’s Public Policy Research Fellow Justine ed invaluable guidance and oversight of the project, Augeri, and Research Associate Julie Anderson all reviewed multiple versions of the report draft, and contributed significantly through their assistance contributed to the report content and design. Dr. with writing, editing, and data management. Lindsey Gault also oversaw the development of outreach Reichlin, Research Associate and Program Manager, plans and IWPR’s new Status of Women in the States and Elyse Shaw, Research Associate and Special website (www.statusofwomendata.org). Senior Com- Assistant to the President, provided helpful input. munications Manager Jennifer Clark, Senior Commu- Research assistance was provided by Mariam K. nications Associate Mallory Mpare, and Communica- Chamberlain Fellow Jenny Xia and Research Interns tions Associate