October 23, 1996 Issue #549*

#2773 ●1996-10-23

------BurmaNet------"Appropriate Information Technologies, Practical Strategies" ------

The BurmaNet News: October 23, 1996 Issue #549



(NOTE: This is the updated version of the Burma web resources list, the previous list was incorrect)

To make it easy, we would like to recommend that readers just remember one website:


"This single page serves only as an easy to remember URL and departure point to resources promoting the establishment of democracy in Burma. Please write to [email protected] to add a site or for further information." - Glen, system administrator

>From this site, you can access all other Burma webpages. If your page is not listed here, please contact the above address to get it listed. ------

OTHER BURMA WEBSITES (most accessible through FreeBurma.org)

Open Society Institute's Burma Project website: http://www.soros.org/burma/html

Free Burma Website: general info, boycott info, reports: http://sunsite.unc.edu/freeburma

Free Burma Coalition - current campaigns, how to get involved: http://danenet.wicip.org/fbc

Euro-BurmaNet - news stories on Burma, boycott campaigns: http://www-uvi.eunet.fr/asia/euro-burma/

Burma and the US Congress Information Network: http://www.clark.net/pub/burmaus/

USIA - US government statements/laws regarding Burma: http://www.usia.gov/regional/ea/burma/burma.htm

Australian gov/politics and intl news on Burma: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/4474

Mon language and Mon people: http://www.centralnet.net/honsawatoi/Monland.html

Shan resources and information: http://www.netcom.com/‾burma/tai/shan.html. general info on burma/travel to Burma: http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu:80/‾jrchien

Ethics of trading with Burma, letters to corporations doing business in Burma: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3108/

Burmese Refugee Project, run by SloMSIC, IFMSA: http://www.sou.uni-lj.si/mp/slomsic/burma/burma.html

SLORC homepage - tourist info, New Light of Myanmar: http://www.myanmar.com/ artistic and multimedia materials promoting democracy in Burma: http://users.imagiware.com/wtongue ordering videos about Burma: http://sunsite.unc.edu/freeburma/analoginfo.html to post your own info on Burma: http://sunsite.unc.edu/burma-bin/WebX

BurmaNet News back issues: ftp://Sunsite.unc.edu/pub/academic/political-science/freeburma http://FreeBurma.org is the Burma information starting point. http://sunsite.unc.edu/freeburma/whatsnew.html See what's new http://sunsite.unc.edu/burma-bin/WebX -post your own info on the website

(Note: There are many other websites which promote travel to Burma. They are not listed here) *****************************************************

FDL QUARTERLY: FDL-AP URGES U.S., JAPAN AND ASEAN STATE LEADERS TO PRESSURE BURMESE SLORC REGIME (Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia - Pacific Region) Summer 1996, Vol. 2, No.1 from [email protected] (abridged)

By Phillip Pepper

One of the FDL-AP's primary goals since its establishment has been to support developing democracies in the Asia-Pacific and has, in particular, been highly supportive of the democratic movement in Burma.

Signature Campaign

The FDL-AP has taken the initiative to collect signatures of 102 National Assembly members of the Republic of Korea, belonging to the National Congress for New Politics (NCNP) and the United Liberal Democrats (ULD). These 102 National Assembly members have signed a press statement, dated June 17, 1996, which stated the following points: one, urged the SLORC to improve its record on human rights abuses towards the members of the democratic opposition; two, criticized the SLORC for increasingly stringent and abusive laws and its unwillingness to follow the 1995 UN Resolution which guaranteed all Burmese to take part in the political process of Burma; three, criticized the SLORC for failing to respond to Madame Aung San Suu Kyi's constant requests to enter into a constructive dialogue with the democratic opposition; four, expressed concern that the SLORC regimes continuing violations could jeopardize regional stability, not simply for Burma, but for the entire ASEAN region as well. Further, this instability could damage economic development for Burma, as well as for neighboring countries. Finally, that there could be massive refugee problems from displaced Burmese citizens; five, urged the leaders of the ASEAN countries to take firm and concerted action, economically and politically, against the SLORC regime. A copy of this statement was also drafted and sent to General Than Shwe, Chairman of the SLORC.

Further on June 18, 1996, Dr. Kim Daejung, Resident Co-President of the FDL-AP, has written letters to President Bill Clinton of the , Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto of Japan, and the heads of state in five ASEAN countries. The following are excerpts from his letter: Dr. Kim Dae-jung's Letter

"I am very disturbed with the recent developments in Burma... The SLORC also passed new laws banning all Burmese from taking part in any political activities as well as the NLD from holding gatherings on the grounds that they obstruct the government sponsored National Convention's efforts to draft a constitution. The new laws mandate fines and prison terms ranging from 5 to 20 years to those found guilty. These series of actions taken by the SLORC violate the 1995 UN Resolution which guaranteed all Burmese to participate in the political process of the country. We deem this as a premeditated measure to destroy the opposition altogether. On the other hand, however, the action taken by the military regime proves the fact that the SLORC is extremely nervous and diffident, and not in control of the situation in Burma."

"We are also concerned that the SLORC's actions create further instability in the country and seem to be heading toward a possible confrontation between the military regime and the democratic forces similar to that of 1988. In turn, this could jeopardize the regional stability which could inevitably have grave implications to its neighboring countries. There could be refugees; foreign investors could shy away from the country; international trade and the economic process could be seriously affected. In sum, the internal instability of Burma could turn into a major crisis which would cause regional instability and seriously damage economic cooperation and ties among ASEAN countries."

"Therefore, I strongly call for ASEAN leaders to put collective and more assertive pressure on the SLORC to stop pursuing their strong arm tactics that would only lead to certain disaster, free all detained political prisoners and immediately begin a constructive dialogue with Madame Aung San Suu Kyi and other key political leaders with the goal of national reconciliation."

Bangkok and Manila Conferences Further, two other action programs are in development at the FDLAP Seoul Secretariat. The first is a meeting in Bangkok, under the auspices of the FDL-AP Burma Commission, which will serve the following purposes: one, to express FDL-AP solidarity against the recent actions of Burma's military regime, the SLORC; two, to place pressure on the SLORC regime to enter into a constructive dialogue with the democratic opposition; three, to urge leaders and heads of state in ASEAN and neighboring countries to put political and economic pressures on the SLORC regime; and four, to create a framework for a future international conference in November for the purpose of supporting the democratic movement in Burma.

The second initiative in development is the November conference whose central purpose is to invite high-level government and non-government persons to discuss various issues concerning the democratic movement in Burma, including the repercussions of the first NLD assembly by Madame Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy, and how to halt constructive engagement in Burma from Burma's ASEAN neighbors.


BKK POST: A GOOD-NEIGHBOUR POLICY FOR BURMA Ocotber 22, 1996 Opinion & analysis

The foreign minister of Malaysia began a visit to Rangoon on Sunday. He continues to work to bring Burma into Asean as soon as possible. The minister claimed that Burma is undemocratic because it is poor, and that if the region helps Burma to prosper, then democracy may follow. He has his priorities reversed.

Malaysia's determination to rush Burma into Asean is starting to appear somewhat desperate. Malaysian Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi now is urging fellow Asean members to help Burma boost its economy and living standards. Then, when the nation becomes prosperous, the Rangoon junto will become more democratic. In the meantime, according to Mr Abdullah, Asean should ignore events in Burma because they are the internal affairs of the military junta.

Mr Abdullah's suggestions for tweaks of the "constructive engagement" policy towards Burma are imaginative but probably doomed. The minister has a good heart. Asean, he said, "believes in the 'prosper thy neighbour' policy which helps the region as a whole". There can be little doubt good neighbours help each other, with each benefitting from advances by the other. But good neighbours do more than buy and sell. They step in to help if the head of the neighbour's household starts to beat his wife and children.

Mr Abdullah claimed that democracy is difficult for a country with widespread poverty and unemployment. Difficult perhaps, but not impossible. In fact, Burma has demonstrated it is capable of democracy. In 1990, the country held an enthusiastic, free and completely peaceful election, supervised by the current regime. Burmese elected a parliament in a universal ballot. The parliament never met, and the leader of the winning party was jailed for five years - apparently for the crime of winning the election.

Truth be known, democracy is always difficult. One of its most difficult moments is getting it started. Dictators always like to cling to power. They also share a common trait: they believed they are the only hope for the nation. Here in Thailand, we know how hard it is to get dictators to step down. That is why the people in our country are sympathetic towards the democrats in Burma, and oppose the dictatorship.

Mr Abdullah's heart is in the right place, but his priorities are wrong. Slorc can treat its citizens in a civilized manner, and chooses not to. It has the ability to conduct a dialogue with Mrs Suu Kyi and other opposition figures, but refuses. Burma is an Asean neighbour, and Mr Abdullah is correct: if Burma were to be more prosperous and dynamic, the entire region would be better for it.

For the moment, however, Burma is a neighbour no one would choose to have. To help the Rangoon regime become more prosperous while it so badly mistreating its citizens if - as the neighbour while knowing he beats his wife and abuses his children. Few citizens would be so selfish.

It is understandable Asean's leaders wish to bring the group up to its full membership as soon as possible. The vision of a 10- member Asean, devoted to free trade and regional cooperation, is logical and laudable. But the group must be careful. was brought into Asean at one pace; Laos and Cambodia are being groomed for membership at another. Each new applicant must be voted into Asean only when it is ready, economically and politically. Mr Abdullah and other influential Asean leaders should not be impatient to embrace the Rangoon regimes. The distaste for Slorc and its methods is widespread. If it rushes to bring Burma into the group, Asean risks great loss of respect that it has spent decades building up. Burma's good neighbours will tell Rangoon that Burma is welcome in Asean after it has stopped using excessive violence against its citizens.


BBC: NEWSPAPER CASTIGATES US FOR INTERFERENCE IN BURMESE AFFAIRS, SUPPORTING SUU KYI: October 9, 1996 (from 'Kyemon', Rangoon, in Burmese 14 Oct 96 pp6, 7)

In an article in the Burmese newspaper 'Kyemon', the American government is accused of directly meddling in Burmese political affairs with its backing for Aung San Suu Kyi, who is called "Mrs Race Destructionist" . The article says that the USA has a history of interfering in other states and calls a US envoy currently in Rangoon " Mrs Marilyn Menstruation" . The following are excerpts from article by Pauk Sa entitled: "What do you think? The Ugly American" in the Burmese newspaper 'Kyemon':

While reading the 28th September 1996 issues of the daily newspapers, I remembered the translations of "The Ugly American" by writer-journalist U Tin Htwe and "Oh Yankees" by Ludu Daw Amar, which I read some 30 years ago.

When the Tatmadaw [Defence Services] took over state responsibilities on 18th September 1988, the American government and its allies began criticizing the Tatmadaw - which has a lofty tradition of nationalism and anti-colonialism - and creating difficulties for its nation-building endeavours. The world knows that the Americans and their allies have maliciously planned to isolate Myanmar.

I understood that the Americans and their allies have chosen Race Destructionist Madam the Englishman's Wife as their puppet leader, and the National League for Democracy [NLD], that race destructionist group of power-crazed dictators, as their nucleus. I think some party members might know the real situation - that they are being exploited by the Americans - but in case they do not, I have let the cat out of the bag. You can either thank me or despise me for that...

What I remembered was that they [the West] were able to break up the after giving the Nobel Prize to the Soviet president of back then, Gorbachev, but I would like the neocolonialists to know that they will never be able to destroy Myanmar and disintegrate the Union, even if they give out dozens of Nobel Prizes.

As the neocolonialist Western allies made attempts, externally, to install their puppet regime in Myanmar, Mrs Race Destructionist and her race destructionist, anarchic, dictatorship league have boldly planned treasonous acts internally: boycotting the National Convention; holding roadside rallies; planning a ceremony to mark the election victory; planning a party congress to draw up a constitution, convene parliament, form a government, and stage protests and rallies - leading to deployment of US-led UN forces, to bring down the SLORC government and install a puppet regime led by Mrs Race Destructionist and her autocratic league.

The West-influenced puppet actress Mrs Race Destructionist and her cohorts connived with the neocolonialists by going to the embassy, holding talks, writing letters and holding discussions. The final result was to commemorate the founding of that autocratic league and to hold a general meeting from Friday 27th September through 29th September.

An exception was the American embassy charge d'affaires, Mrs Marilyn Menstruation [Meyers in vernacular pronunciation resembles the Burmese vernacular term for menstruation], who went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and told the director of the Political Affairs Department, without regard to a country's sovereignty, that the government should not disturb the planned special party congress to be held at Mrs Race Destructionist's premises 27th-29th September; that the American government did not wish to see undesirable consequences in Myanmar; and that it wished, instead, to see a dialogue between the government and Mrs Race Destructionist. She implied intimidation in her conversation with the director- general, which goes to show that the low-down Yankee traditions still exist, on the brink of the 21st century.



RANGOON - Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will resume her regular weekend speeches to supporters in response to the government's lifting of a blockade near her home, a supporter said yesterday.

The government on Monday removed the blockades barring access to University Avenue, the road on which Suu Kyi's house is located, witnesses said.

"Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is ready to resume the weekend talks as soon as the situation permits," the National League for Democracy party source said.

The Nobel peace laureate has been prevented from giving regular speeches outside her front gates for the last four consecutive weekends because the military government has blockaded the road leading to her house.

Diplomats said yesterday that they expect the military will continue to put up the blockades on weekends to prevent the speeches outside Suu Kyi's house.



BURMA will be a critical foreign policy issue for the newly-elected government after the Nov 17 general election as the two countries share a common border, long history and mutual benefits, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

While Surapong Janayanama stopped short of commenting on how the next government should pursue Thai relations with Burma, he warned that whatever happens in Burma generally affects Thailand and the region as a whole.

In a recorded television programme "The World This Week", Surapong pointed out that Thailand's relations and history with Burma are different from what other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) have with the country.

"Whatever happens in Burma has a direct effect on Thailand. Thus, Thailand must keep them (Burma) informed about those effects. We are ready to cooperate with them as we already do through various joint national and regional commissions," said Surapong.

Thailand can encourage the Burmese junta to initiate positive change in the country through persuasion, he said.

"If stability exists in Burma, then Thailand and the region as a whole will also have stability," he added.

The spokesman said that Thailand's wish to see national reconciliation, stability and political dialogue in Burma is not interference in Burmese domestic affairs as it reflects the desire of the world community.

This global desire has been clearly expressed in an annual United Nations resolution on Burma which more than 180 UN members, including Thailand and other Asean members, have supported since 1994, he explained.

Although the Burmese junta has insisted that the political situation in Burma is a domestic matter, the passing of the annual UN resolution has otherwise indicated the international nature of the problem, he added.

The UN document, which the Burmese junta has refused to recognise, calls for an end to all forms of human rights abuses and a national reconciliation through dialogue between the Burmese junta, the opposition National League for Democracy and ethnic groups.

Surapong said that Thailand, as a civil and open society, has the right to voice its opinion on the political situation in Burma just as others can express their views on Thai politics. Such an expression of opinions cannot be taken as interference, he added.

"We (Thailand) did not interfere or intervene by calling for the topping of any regime or instigating the people to revolt. The expression of an opinion is not interference," he said. "Whether a country being criticised likes it or not, it (the criticism) reflects reality.

Thailand, said Surapong, still adheres to a policy of constructive engagement with Burma. No matter how individual Asean members interpret the policy, at least they share the same desire for democratisation and national reconciliation in Burma, he said. The spokesman said that the policy of constructive engagement does not signify merely government-to-government contact or relations, but a multi-dimensional engagement with all sectors of Burmese society.

He rejected the argument that economic prosperity will help bring about democratic reforms in Burma, citing countries like Chile, where the excellent economic performance under dictator Gen Augusto Pinochet did not promote the birth of democracy, and India where a democratic system exists despite widespread poverty.

On Burma's Asean membership, Surapong said that he believes Asean leaders will, after their informal summit on Nov 30 in Jakarta, officially inform the Burmese military leaders of the grouping's decision on the issue.

While Asean members agree on Burma's eventual admission into the grouping, they have not reached a consensus on Rangoon's request for entry next year.


STATEMENT: MEETING WITH MISTUBISHI, ON BURMA July 16, 1996 From: Ken and Visakha Kawasaki

Eight Burmese democracy activists (from Burma Youth Volunteer Association, Burmese Relief Center-Japan, 8888 Group and DBSO, NLD -- Liberated Area -Japan and the Kyoto-based Japan Environmental Exchange leafletted Mitsubishi employees on their way to work early in the morning on the 16th. Surprisingly, the flier, in clear Japanese, seemed to be of considerable interest -- and the 1000 sheets were all handed out, no one refusing.

What follows is the report just in from Frank Chase of Japan Environmental Exchange about the contents of the meeting with Yoshikawa Shigeki, Asst. Gen. Manager of the , Myanmar and Oceania Development and Coordination Department of Mitsubishi Corporation. The activists represented BRC--J, JEE and BYVA.



On October 16, four activists representing the Burma democracy movement met with Shegeki Yoshikawa, Asst. Gen. Mgr of the Southeast Asia, Myanmar and Oceania Development and Coordination Department. After introductions, Mr. Yoshikawa presented Mitsuishi's involvement and approach to economic developement in Burma. l. Mitsubishi is not negotiating with the military junta (SLORC) and has "no investments in Burma." The pipeline contract was made with Total and finalized in Paris.

2. Mitsubishi sees itself as a "pioneer" in that it is collecting data from a broad range of concerns in order to ensure the feasibility of long range investments. A concern, mentioned several times, regarded the currency issue (foreign reserves?). "We have been referred to as NATO, ' no action, talk only.' "

3. Mitsubishi has historically been involved with the economic development of Burma dating back before World War II. Dealings with Burma recently under the SLORC however date back only three years. Mitusbishi is proceeding very carefully and is a minor presence at the present time.

Activists: Does Mitsubishi perceive any linkage between 'economic development' and 'political oppression' by SLORC?

Yoshikawa: Mitsubishi is only interested in economic development which is good for the people of Myanmar, or "Burma" as you say. We are being very careful to examine every aspect of involvement. We are making efforts but it is difficult to get information from Burma. Political oppression is a matter for the Japanese government to deal with. We will follow whatever our government policy dictates. We are only interested in economic development and believe that the careful decisions we make can only help the people of Myanmar.

Activists: You need to realize there is an obvious linkage between economic development and the money that comes from that development and subsequently used by SLORC to further their illegal hold over the people. Let's consider a worse case scenario: SLORC jails Aung San Suu Kyi. What would Mitsubishi be prepared to do about such an action that would ignore the wishes of the Burmese people who gave her an 82% electoral victory over the military ? Do you have any such contingency plan?

Yoshikawa: No, but I don't think that would happen.

Activists: I would think that Mitsubishi would have considered this if, as you say, you are concerned about all aspects of a business environment that includes the authorities who set conditions for trade and investment. Mitsubishi can not separate itself from the actions of the government: doing business in Burma is doing business with SLORC. Corporations in Burma are widely perceived as placing profits before human rights.

Yoshikawa: We are NOT interested only in profits. Mitsubishi has a long record of concern for the environment and for strengthening community. In the 1930's we wrote into our charter the environmental and harmonious community-building principles that we support. We have an ethics committee involving the top executives that review such questions.

Activists: That's very commendable and we applaud that, but it raises a serious question. Given the human rights violations of SLORC, you can't say it's merely a political question and should be left to the government. SLORC's use of forced slave labor, it's record of an estimated 13,000 political protesters killed, and hundreds of thousands of refugees in other countries must contradict the principles of the Mitsubishi Corporation. Surely you can put pressure on the military junta for violations of principles your corporation believes in.

Yoshikawa: We cannot interfere. It's not our position to do so. That's the government's role and we will abide by whatever the government decides. Let me ask you,...have you talked to the Japanese government?

Activists: Yes, and it was very revealing. The government official spoke of having two pipes: two conduits of communication: one to SLORC and the other to Aung San Ssu Kyi. To us that is mere opportunism.

Yoshikawa: Opportunism? Don't you think it's a good idea to keep all lines open for discussion?

Activists: Discussion of what? Contracts? If your purpose is long-range profit, then it would seem so. If your purpose is to build community and adhere to environmental standards, both of which SLORC is grossly abusing, then no. Actually, we can not help but believe that the "two pipes" mean that the government is waiting to see who will control the nation,..whether or not it's a military dictatorship suppressing the rights of the people or a democratic government with 82% of the popular vote doesn't seem to matter. We in Burma say that the Japanese are slow in making a decision but once it's made the whole nation is on our doorstep. I firmly believe that Aung San Suu Kyi will rightfully come to power, and when she does we'll remember who were our friends.

Yoshikawa: Regardless of what we think we can not interfere in politics.

Activists: It's not interference,...it's adherence to company principles.

Yoshikawa: We think it would be interference. The wisest course is to proceed carefully with patience. We have responsibility to our shareholders and working in tandem with our government, we feel the best results will be made. We DO feel a sense of responsibility for community. I'm very glad that we had this opportunity to speak. I feel we know each other better now. Please realize that we keep ourselves informed: I read all the information that comes from the Burma Democracy Movement.

Activists: Before our remarks become circular, we'd just like to point out what we feel is the bottom line concern for all of us. We don't perceive the people at Mitsubishi as evil people, you've scaled the entrance-examination system successfully, are basically good family people and have a high sense of loyalty as you say to your stockholders and community. The "evil" is that loyalty to GNP growth-oriented economics, no matter how prudent, is destroying the environments and the peoples living sustainedly in them. Nature has a carrying capacity,...we and our technology aren't in charge because if we violate nature's limits we destroy the ecological base supporting our lives. Still, mere survival isn't the bottom line as we see it, the bottom line is the health of the villages and the people who can show us the way to sustainable agronomy. As villages disappear and urban sprawl takes its place, the need to keep law and order will give us many SLORCs and the this planet will become a pretty mean place to live on. Mitsubishi would be a true pioneer if it went to SLORC and expressed its concerns now before SLORC is overthrown and you approach Aung San Suu Kyi with hearty assurances that you are so happy to see civilization return to Burma. It might just sound hollow, especially when you tell her that you can now do business with someone who adheres to your high standards of community and environmental health. Yoshikawa: (a kindly smile)

We were now beginning to truly repeat ourselves, but we left feeling we understood each other better. Our image of the transnational corporate world was reinforced and for Mr. Yoshikawa, it's hard to know, but the obvious inconsistancies between principles/reality may have generated some reflection. We're hardly holding our breath, though. Their priorities remain the same.



Foreign investment in hotels and tourism now amounts to 1.487 billion U.S. dollars in Myanmar, according to Minister of Hotel and Tourism Kyaw Ba. The minister said at a ceremony here Sunday that foreign investors are undertaking 40 hotel projects with 7,649 rooms in the country while local Myanmar nationals are building 472 hotels, motels and inns with 10,856 rooms. Altogether, 409 hotels are now in operation making 9,276 rooms available, he added. The minister further disclosed that 150,000 tourists visited Myanmar last year and up to 230,000 are expected to come this year if the present rate is maintained. In an effort to boost tourism, "Visit Myanmar Year '96" is to formally open on November 18.



TEAKAPLAW, Burma (AP) -- After watching the army gun down hundreds of his fellow students eight years ago, Naing Aung fled with thousands of others to the thick jungles of eastern Burma to wage a guerrilla war for democracy.

But with Burma today perhaps even further from democratic rule, the revolt is withering, its energy sapped by disease, defections and defeat on the battlefield.

``No one expected it would take such a long time to fight for democracy,'' said Naing Aung. ``But revolution is not that easy.''

Naing Aung, 33, speaks without a hint of sadness. Diminutive and deceptively fresh-faced, he has weathered eight punishing years in the bush and today serves as chairman of the All Burma Students Democratic Front, the main student rebel group.

Naing Aung and other Democratic Front leaders spoke to The Associated Press recently at a meeting that mended a five-year split between two rival rebel factions.

``We had at least 10,000 members in 1988. Now, we have only about 2,000 left,'' Naing Aung said. Even that figure may be high. In September, Burma's military dictatorship announced the surrender of more than 80 rebels.

The Democratic Front issued a statement suggesting the guerrillas surrendered in one clash with government troops but only when outnumbered and out of ammunition. But the message was that the loss was serious.

The 60 rebel leaders at the reconciliation meeting represented the hard-core remnants of a fighting force that once expected to spearhead the overthrow of a hated regime.

Instead, they have become little more than a sideshow as Burma's real battle lines run down University Avenue in Rangoon, home of the nation's best known democracy activist, Aung San Suu Kyi.

In 1988, troops shot thousands of demonstrators in pro-democracy protests that saw Mrs. Suu Kyi emerge as leader of Burma's opposition. She later endured six years of house arrest and won the Nobel Peace Prize, but the ruling generals still refuse any accommodation with her.

Still, in the long run, her struggle with the junta is more likely to damage the regime than a flagging, backwater guerrilla war.

Eight years ago, there didn't seem much option. The students, more accustomed to carrying books than guns, took up arms in the expectation that the generals could not last.

Reality was a ruthless teacher.

During the first year, many rebels died from malaria and other diseases. Hundreds more were expelled from their refuge in Thailand after Burma's junta promised they wouldn't be harmed; their fate has never been made clear.

Others despaired of military life and melted back into Burma, and some went abroad to continue their studies.

Those who remain are committed, tough survivors, operating from remote camps many hours hike over mud tracks from Teakaplaw, a border town. They say they've grown used to the privations of camp life, though some have teeth rotting from lack of dental attention.

``Eight years ago, I was an English literature student at Rangoon University,'' said Aung Naing Oo. ``Another two years and I would have completed my degree.''

Now, Aung Naing Oo's skills in English facilitate his job as the the Democratic Front's foreign secretary.

Fleeting traces of student life remain -- like the moment two guerrillas pulled out acoustic guitars during the meeting and led a dormitory-style sing-along.

``I think my family misses me and wants me back to be with them,'' said Aung Thu Nyein, 30, the Front's general-secretary. ``I just want my family to know that I am here and I am happy, healthy and doing well.''

Back in Rangoon, his old schoolmates have families of their own. Aung Thu Nyein, who was in his last year of medical school in 1988, does not. Nor do the other rebel leaders.

Their hardest moments may lie ahead. Their main ally, the Karen National Union, appears to be on the ropes. That is the main force of ethnic Karen rebels and has been the strongest military opponent of the junta.

The Karens, who have been fighting the central government in Rangoon since 1948, lost their ``capital'' of Manerplaw in 1994 to a Burmese army assault. The military, which has greatly increased its strength in manpower and equipment since 1988, appears to be preparing a major offensive for the impending dry season.

If the Karens fall, it's hard to see how the former students will carry on. Symbolically, the student factions met at the Teakaplaw headquarters of Gen. Bo Mya, the 69-year-old Karen leader. The open hut was a mere 20 minutes walk from the border with Thailand, which many expect will serve as a refuge for defeated rebel forces.

Defeat is not a possibility voiced openly to outsiders.

``I never regret that I didn't complete my schooling, and I never think about giving up my ideals,'' said Aung Naing Oo.

``I have hope, just like every other person here, that we will win,'' he said. ``We will stick to what we are doing until we get victory.''



Hpakan, the world's undisputed center of jade mining, is one holiday destination the author of 'Holidays in Hell' overlooked. PJO' Rourke, a well-known writer and regular contributor to Rolling Stone Magazine, invites the reader to unlikely tourist destinations in Lebanon, the Panama Canal, Poland, the Philippines, Africa, Mexico, Israel, the Soviet Union and Ireland...when in the midst of crisis of one sort or another.

That certainly would apply in 'perpetuity' to northeast Burma, where the Buddhism-inspired saying 'the path is more important than the destination' comes into prominence as nowhere else; to say that one risks life and limb to get to Hpakan doesn't get near actually experiencing the harrowing four days and 12 inevitable changes of vehicle left behind as each was in meters- deep mud, like Richard W Hughes and his companions did to get to the place, also known as Little Hong Kong.

As he was hanging on for dear life on the back of a skidding, slipping, careening overloaded truck, one local asked him casually; "Holiday?" Indeed, without a sense of O'Rourke's type of cool humor, one had better not try.

Richard: "I approached the authorities regarding going to the jade mining area and was quite surprised that they agreed." But this was not until he had pulled out his trump card. The area had been recently 'classified' since the singing of a peace agreement with the Kachin Independence Army, and thus SLORC didn't really want any unofficial foreigners in - apart from a few doctors.

"I asked the officials, 'do you know general Still well?' They did, and thus I told them that I was his son." The officials' sense of humor prevailed. "Once they stopped laughing they said 'OK'. That's how we got permission to go to the jade mines area."

"Most of the people who work at the mines smoke opium - they believe it prevents them from getting Malaria and other diseases. This was in northern Burma.

"This entire valley was rebel territory until recently. We had a military escort - different units for each section. We were told that the mud in the river is from mine tailings."

Final destination; The Valley of jade. "It's a stone that is revered by the Chinese, a link between heaven and earth, it offers immortality. The material is extremely valuable."

"A piece of Jadide, a superior, harder type of jade, say, of just 20 karats, will go for 100,000 dollars (2,5 million baht ). That's why everybody tries to get up there."

"In Little Hong Kong you can buy anything: French perfume, Rolex watches, the best cognac, American running shoes, number 4 heroin, women: it 's all available in Hapakan, Little Hong Kong. The Uru River runs through it center. It's crossed by two quite famous bridges." Richard adds that things are not cheap, hauled as everything has to be through this extremely rugged terrain. For in stance, a glass of beer at a bar will put you back 10 dollars, a bowl of rice three. Why one would need running shoes in this muddy environment i s anyone's guess but they go like hot cakes for about 150 dollars a pair.

Like French Champaign or Hennessy cognac? That will be 100 bucks.

"This is the only place in the world with quality jadide. You can pick up bolders that have been thrown aside for the last 200 years and find a real gem." The Valley of Jade sure is for gamblers only.

Hpakan is more exotic, strange and enthralling than one can possibly imagine. It's a place of magic and often bizarre lore. Fixed ideas, one's values, prove suddenly irrelevant. SLORC, notorious for inflicting forced labor on villagers, one soon finds out, stands not alone in this brutal practice. Stories abound, including several about laborers being Shanghaied and forced to work on mines or road projects... by the rebels about whom Richard adds: "Some of the mines are operated by one of the Kachin rebel groups." These were supposedly strict communists ..Their enthusiasm for jade mining defies their Maoist dogma completely .They quickly shifted from orthodox Marxism to this ultimate form of unmitigated free capitalist enterprise.

Jade is linked to opium (and in more recent times also heroin) which is in turn linked to the Burmese rebel groups, many of whom have funded their warfare through the opium and jade trade one finances the other. This doesn't mean that all jade traders are opium smugglers (and neither that all rebels are), but the connection lies in that both the opium and jade trades use the same routes, while jade is used to pay for protection provided to the jade traders by the opium smugglers. Selling opium or heroin in Hpakan and then buying jade bolders is also quite common. It partly explains the widespread use of heroin there. Of note is also that the riches to be had by both opium and jade will remain a source for instability in Burma.

China once again, is open for jade trade. One could say that it has been reborn there, though some traders insist that the best pieces still go to Chiangmai, Thailand.



Speedy action by the Israel Police foreign aliens department yesterday led to the arrest of Khin Lwin Thaung, 35, a construction worker from Burma, who, according to the Shin Bet information, is tied to extremist terrorist organizations in the Golden Triangle on the Thai-Lao-Burmese border.

These organizations deal in smuggling arms and drugs. Information also indicated that Thaung is linked to extremist communist elements with anti-Christian views. He was arrested in central Israel yesterday afternoon. The Interior Ministry has already issued a deportation order against Thaung.



Community peace and tranquility and law and order has been maintained in almost all the areas in the entire nation at present. Various armed groups realizing the State Law and Order Restoration Council's [SLORC] sincere efforts and true goodwill have returned to the legal fold one after another and are joining hands with the Tatmadaw [Defense Services] and the people for regional development. Currently, crimes threatening community peace and breaking the laws have occurred due to instigations by internal and external ax- handles and influences by local and alien political interferences.

Unscrupulous persons have also committed crimes such as theft of cars, motorcycles and spare parts, intimidation and robberies recently posing threat to the public security and the crime rate has increased markedly these days.

Authorities have already exposed some of the crimes and are taking effective action against the criminals. Personnel concerned must expose crimes and must take action against culprits in accord with the degree of their offences, said Secretary-2 of the State Law and Order Restoration Council Lt-Gen Tin U at a recent meeting to reduce crime rates.

Because of the rise in crime rates, Crime Reduction and Educative Publicity Work Committee was formed with the Deputy Minister for Home Affairs as chairman. The committee is taking drastic actions against crimes posing danger towards security beginning 15 October.

It is necessary to expose and take action against the destructive elements in collaboration with the people, the Tatmadaw and the government in order that the momentum achieved in building a peaceful, modern and developed nation will not be marred. keywords: http://www.burmanet.org/bnn_archives/1996/bnn1096n549.txt