Case Report: Could Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy Prevent Occupational following Blood Exposure? Geoffrey Minard, Sylvie Touche, Anne-Catherine Delavelle, Morgane Bonnet, Antoine Huguenin, Yohan N’guyen

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Geoffrey Minard, Sylvie Touche, Anne-Catherine Delavelle, Morgane Bonnet, Antoine Huguenin, et al.. Case Report: Could Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy Prevent Occupational Malaria following Blood Exposure?. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2021, 104 (1), pp.240 - 242. ￿10.4269/ajtmh.20-0717￿. ￿hal-03267187￿

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Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 00(0), 2020, pp. 1–3 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.20-0717 Copyright © 2020 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

Case Report: Could Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy Prevent Occupational Malaria following Blood Exposure?

Geoffrey Minard,1 Sylvie Touche,2† Anne Catherine Delavelle,2† Morgane Bonnet,3 Antoine Huguenin,4† and Yohan N’Guyen1*† 1Service de Medecine ´ Interne, Maladies Infectieuses et Immunologie Clinique, Hopitalˆ Robert Debre, ´ Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims, Reims, France; 2Service de Medecine ´ et Sante ´ au Travail, Hopitalˆ Maison Blanche, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims, Reims, France; 3Pharmacie Centrale, Hopitalˆ Robert Debre, ´ Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims, Reims, France; 4Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie, Poleˆ de Biopathologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims, Reims, France

Abstract. Postexposure prophylaxis using artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) was prescribed to a malaria- naive nurse who experienced an with a hollow needle previously used on a patient admitted for severe imported Plasmodium falciparum malaria (blood parasitemia 10.8%). Artemether–lumefantrine, four tablets twice daily for 3 days, was started 12 hours after exposure, and no side effects were reported. During the six following months, she only developed one episode of fever that was associated with pyelonephritis. Biological follow-up, based on blood smears, molecular biology, and serology, did not evidence P. falciparum malaria. This case suggests that ACT can prevent occupational P. falciparum malaria following needle-stick injury. We found evidence of only one other unpublished similar case where a Turkish resident doctor did not develop malaria after postexposure prophylaxis using ACT. Such a pro- phylaxis could be prescribed not only in case of occupational exposure to Plasmodium spp. in nonvector-borne laboratory-acquired infections but also following blood exposure in healthcare setting.

INTRODUCTION admitted the same day for severe imported P. falciparum malaria (blood parasitemia 10.8% and red blood cells [RBC] Needle-stick continue to occur in healthcare facilities 3 1 3.5 million/mm , 1 day after returning from a 3-week trip to worldwide, potentially exposing healthcare workers (HCWs) Guinea) (Figure 1A) and before any antimalarial treatment was to blood-borne pathogens (BBPs). The overrepresentation of received by the patient. After immediate wound disinfection by (HBV), (HCV), and (HIV) viruses among diluted sodium hypochlorite solution, the nurse finished her these BBPs explained the postexposure prophylaxis treat- 2 shift and went to occupational medicine consultation. Blood ment given to HCWs in this situation. test confirmed the nurse’s immunity against HBV, and no However, a wide variety of other potential viral, bacterial, 3 antiretroviral postexposure prophylaxis was prescribed be- and protozoal BBPs has been described. Among those, the cause both the nurse and the patient were HIV (and HCV) protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum has been involved seronegative. However, considering the risk of occupational in more than 20 malaria cases after needle-stick injuries in – 4,5 P. falciparum malaria, a compassionate ACT (artemether healthcare setting, apart from laboratory-acquired infections. lumefantrine four tablets twice daily with food, for 3 days) was All except one had a favorable outcome once antimalarial 4 prescribed to the nurse, who was malaria naive. Hospital treatment had been given in case of overt disease. Never- pharmacy provided the treatment that she began 12 hours theless, there are almost no published data concerning the after exposure. No side effects were reported by the nurse. fi ef cacy of postexposure prophylaxis in the prevention of To date, she only developed one episode of fever that was malaria after exposure to parasitemic blood in healthcare fa- associated with documented pyelonephritis. Biological follow- cilities. Chloroquine has been tried once without success up, based on fast thick plus thin blood smears using 5 μLof during a laboratory-acquired infection more than 30 years 8,9 6 blood and molecular biology, did not evidence P. falciparum ago. Since the mid-2000s, artemisinin-based combination malaria (Figure 1B and C). Serological assays evidenced therapy (ACT) became the drug of choice for uncomplicated neither HIV/HCV nor P. falciparum antigens’ seroconversion P. falciparum malaria because of a higher parasitic clearance (Figure 1C). rate than other antimalarial drugs.7 In the present report, a postexposure prophylaxis using ACT was prescribed to an intensive care unit (ICU) nurse, following needle-stick injury, to prevent malaria occupational DISCUSSION transmission. Herein, we reported the case of a malaria-naive nurse, who did not develop malaria after ACT postexposure prophylaxis CASE PRESENTATION given 12 hours after what we judged to be an at-risk needle- stick injury. We could not prove that this favorable outcome On November 27, 2019, a 39-year-old Caucasian ICU nurse was due to ACT postexposure prophylaxis, but we judged it experienced a deep needle-stick injury with a 21-gauge hollow likely. fi needle forgotten in a sterile eld. This needle had just been First, by analogy with other viral BBPs, we presumed the fi used as nder needle during insertion of central venous needle-stick injury was here at risk because injury was due to a catheter in internal jugular vein of a 57-year-old female patient hollow needle filled with highly parasitemic blood, deep, and occurred in a malaria-naive nurse. Most of the occupational ’ malaria-reported cases occurred after needle-stick injuries * Address correspondence to Yohan N Guyen, Ave. du gen ´ eral ´ 4,5 Koenig, Reims 51100, France. E-mail: [email protected] both in laboratory and in healthcare setting. There are no † These authors contributed equally to this work. data concerning the estimated risk of malaria transmission in 1 2 MINARD AND OTHERS

FIGURE 1. (A) Thin blood smear of the source, 57-year-old female patient, showing numerous Plasmodium falciparum trophozoites in red blood cells. (B) Amplification curve of pan-plasmodial real-time PCR. In blue, positive control. In red, all curves corresponding to the nurse’s samples; in yellow, below threshold detection. PCR has been performed, as previously described,9 on the nurse’s blood smears and on whole blood during all follow-up and at the end of the 3-month survey, respectively. (C) Results of the biological follow-up performed in the nurse immediately, 2 weeks, and 1 and 3 months after needle-stick injury. Malaria serology has been performed using Malaria EIA Test Kit®, Biorad, according to the manu- facturer’s instructions. Below, time scale with clinical events. ACT = artemisinin-based combination therapy; ND = not done. This figure appears in color at

these specific situations. The most similar situation where the have been reported, with a median delay of incubation of 14 risk of malaria transmission has been estimated corresponded (range 9–18) days, all without postexposure prophylaxis.12–15 In to transfusion-transmitted malaria. Among Ghanaian patients thesolepreviouslypublishedcasepostexposureprophylaxis,6 receiving RBC transfusion, the transmission rate was only P. falciparum malaria occurred 17 days after inoculation 2–14%.10 Even though the quantity of blood received during (breaking a capillary hematocrit tube containing infected blood RBC transfusion is far superior to that received during a suspension in laboratory) despite treatment by chloroquine needle-stick injury, the risk of P. falciparum malaria trans- because of acquired resistance of the strain. The potential better mission after transfusion in Ghana remained low because both efficacy of ACT here is probably due to a higher schizonticidal blood donors and recipients were immune for malaria, and activity than chloroquine, and such a high schizonticidal activity packed RBC units were parasite free or with very low para- is probably required after exposure to parasitemic blood,7 in sitemia. In our case, nearly 350,000 infected RBCs could be which the most abundant parasitic stage corresponded to tro- transmitted by 1 mm3 of the patient blood, whereas experi- phozoites forming in schizonts. In the case of blood-transmitted mental data suggested that 10 infected RBCs were sufficient malaria, infection bypassed the hepatic stage of the parasite to transmit malaria.11 Besides, unlike HIV and HCV, the time life’s cycle that is necessary for the activation of innate spent by the needle in the environment did not reduce the risk immunity.5,11 This could explain the absence of seroconversion of transmission of malaria, because all Plasmodium species are for malarial antigen11 we observed here (Figure 1C). able to survive in blood for more than 1 week, even at 4°C.11 Last, simply reporting this case of absence of P. falciparum Second, we also presumed that ACT was effective in pre- malaria after ACT postexposure prophylaxis seemed impor- venting here likely malaria because there was no evidence tant to us because there is probably no other way (except for P. falciparum malaria in the following months using highly animal experimental data) to demonstrate a potential benefit sensitive PCRs,9,10 whereas occupational P. falciparum of ACT in preventing occupational malaria following blood malaria usually occurred within a median delay of 12 (range exposure than gathering evidences issued from real life. 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