3.1. Uranium Metal Corrosion Rate and Hydrogen Generation Data

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3.1. Uranium Metal Corrosion Rate and Hydrogen Generation Data PNNL-19135 Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830 Mitigation of Hydrogen Gas Generation from the Reaction of Water with Uranium Metal in K Basin Sludge SI Sinkov CH Delegard AJ Schmidt January 2010 PNNL-19135 Mitigation of Hydrogen Gas Generation from the Reaction of Water with Uranium Metal in K B asin Sludge SI Sinkov CH Delegard AJ Schmidt January 2010 Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA 99352 PNNL-19135 Summary Means to decrease the rate of hydrogen gas generation from the chemical reaction of uranium metal with water were identified by surveying the technical literature. The underlying chemistry and potential side reactions were explored by conducting 61 principal experiments. Several methods achieved significant hydrogen gas generation rate mitigation. Gas-generating side reactions from interactions of organics or sludge constituents with mitigating agents were observed. Further testing is recommended to develop deeper knowledge of the underlying chemistry and to advance the technology maturation level. Uranium metal reacts with water in K Basin sludge to form uranium hydride (UH3), uranium dioxide or uraninite (UO2), and diatomic hydrogen (H2). Mechanistic studies show that hydrogen radicals (H·) and UH3 serve as intermediates in the reaction of uranium metal with water to produce H2 and UO2. Because H2 is flammable, its release into the gas phase above K Basin sludge during sludge storage, processing, immobilization, shipment, and disposal is a concern to the safety of those operations. Findings from the technical literature and from experimental investigations with simple chemical systems (including uranium metal in water), in the presence of individual sludge simulant components, with complete sludge simulants, and with actual K Basin sludge are presented in this report. Based on the literature review and intermediate lab test results, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, Nochar Acid Bond N960, disodium hydrogen phosphate, and hexavalent uranium [U(VI)] were tested for their effects in decreasing the rate of hydrogen generation from the reaction of uranium metal with water. Nitrate and nitrite each were effective, decreasing hydrogen generation rates in actual sludge by factors of about 100 to 1000 when used at 0.5 molar (M) concentrations. Higher attenuation factors were achieved in tests with aqueous solutions alone. Nochar N960, a water sorbent, decreased hydrogen generation by no more than a factor of three while disodium phosphate increased the corrosion and hydrogen generation rates slightly. U(VI) showed some promise in attenuating hydrogen but only initial testing was completed. Uranium metal corrosion rates also were measured. Under many conditions showing high hydrogen gas attenuation, uranium metal continued to corrode at rates approaching those observed without additives. This combination of high hydrogen attenuation with relatively unabated uranium metal corrosion is significant as it provides a means to eliminate uranium metal by its corrosion in water without the accompanying hazards otherwise presented by hydrogen generation. Objectives The generation of hydrogen gas through oxidation/corrosion of uranium metal by the reaction with water can potentially create flammable gas atmospheres posing hazards in storage, processing, and disposition of the K Basin sludge. Although hydrogen generation rate reduction is desired to decrease these hazards, specific targets for reduction factors vary because of the variability of uranium metal content in the sludge streams. Process parameters and design features also will affect allowable hydrogen generation rates. For direct disposal of sludge to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), previous evaluations have shown that reduction factors of ~100 would be necessary; for other activities, smaller reduction factors may be adequate. iii PNNL-19135 The objectives of these studies were to: • identify and evaluate potential methods to reduce the rate of hydrogen gas generation and release from aqueous corrosion of uranium metal in K Basin sludge, and • determine the underlying chemistry and potential side reactions with K Basin sludge matrices to inform judgments to be made on the technology maturation level. This report presents results of survey of the technical literature to identify potential methods to decrease the rate of hydrogen gas generation from aqueous corrosion of uranium metal in K Basin sludge. Based on the survey results, tests with simple and more complex chemical systems, including actual K Basin sludge, were performed to evaluate the most promising hydrogen generation mitigation strategies. Results of this laboratory testing are presented in this report. The ultimate goal of these investigations is to provide potential treatment alternatives to mitigate safety issues arising from hydrogen generation from K Basin sludge in its disposition path through storage, on-site transportation, processing, off-site shipment, and disposal. Survey Results Four means to decrease the H2 evolution rate were identified: 1) decreased temperature, 2) reactant isolation (separation of the uranium metal from the water), 3) corrosion inhibition, and 4) hydrogen scavenging. 1. Decreased Temperature: Although decreased temperature is applicable to controlled systems, it is not applicable to shipment to WIPP, where transported packages must demonstrate suitably low H2 generation rates at 60°C. 2. Reactant Isolation: Grouting to improve reactant isolation has been shown to decrease H2 generation rates for simulated sludge by up to a factor of 3. Higher impacts are likely not obtained because appreciable water vapor pressures, which allow reaction of uranium metal with condensing water films, still exist in the grouted products. More effective desiccants such as magnesium and calcium oxide likely would provide better suppression of the uranium metal - water reaction rate. Nochar N960, a commercial water absorbent for nuclear waste applications, also has been proposed as a potential desiccant based on its high capacity to sorb aqueous solutions. However, its desiccant properties have not been described. 3. Corrosion Inhibition: In more than 60 years of investigation, the most effective of the inorganic uranium metal corrosion inhibitors in water were found to be nitrite and phosphate salts. The most effective organic corrosion inhibitor decreased corrosion rates by a factor of about 7 but required frequent replenishment. Although dissolved oxygen is known to inhibit the uranium metal corrosion rate, the practical difficulty of maintaining active aeration in dense heterogeneous sludge likely precludes its use under storage and transportation conditions. 4. Hydrogen Scavenging: Scavengers of the “nascent” hydrogen that appears in the corrosion of active metals, such as uranium, in water include nitrate, nitrite, permanganate, and chromate. Of these, nitrate and nitrite are the most promising for uranium metal corrosion in terms of compatibility with the K Basin system, Hanford experience, and applicability. iv PNNL-19135 Results from Testing of Hydrogen Generation Mitigation Strategies Based on the survey findings, seven series of laboratory tests were conducted to determine the effects of nitrate (as NaNO3), nitrite (as NaNO2), phosphate (as Na2HPO4), Nochar N960, and dissolved U(VI), on the uranium metal corrosion rate and on the generation of H2 from the reaction of uranium metal with water. The testing approach, hydrogen mitigation by nitrate and nitrite, uranium metal corrosion rate inhibition by nitrate and nitrite, side reactions, comparison of the application of nitrate and nitrite, results from other mitigation approaches, and consideration for future testing and application of this technology are considered in the following sections. Testing Approach The tests used nearly spherical high-purity uranium metal beads in water, in aqueous solutions, in the presence of UO2, in the presence of simulated K Basin sludge, and in actual K Basin sludge under controlled temperature conditions. The reacting mixture headspace was air for most tests and neon (Ne; an inert gas) for tests with actual sludge. Gas volume changes were monitored in all tests. The final extents of reaction were determined by uranium metal weight loss, analyses of nitrate and nitrite reduction product concentrations, and, for the third series of testing onwards, analyses of the product gas compositions. Nitrate and nitrite reduction products largely were ammonia and accompanying hydroxide. Nitrite was found as a product of nitrate reduction. Gaseous nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and nitrogen (N2), also were found in certain tests. Each test series included a control test containing uranium beads plus water to serve as a reference for unmitigated hydrogen generation. The effects of nitrate, nitrite, Nochar, phosphate, and U(VI) on uranium corrosion and gas generation then could be directly compared with the control tests. Hydrogen Mitigation Results for Nitrate and Nitrite The effects of added NaNO3 and NaNO2 on the H2 generation rates of uranium metal in aqueous solution at 60°C are shown in Figure S.1 in comparison with the rates observed in the absence of salt in the parallel control tests. The effects are expressed as the H2 attenuation factor, which is the ratio of the H2 generation rate in the water/uranium control tests divided by the H2 generation rate of the test
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