
Vol. 5, No. 3 March 1995

INSIDE GSA TODAY • Geopals Program, p. 46 • 1995 GeoVentures, p. 48 A Publication of the Geological Society of America • 1994 Medals and Awards, p. 51

Late Oceanic Anoxic Events and Biotic Crises: “Rooted” in the of Vascular Land ? Thomas J. Algeo, H. N. Fisk Laboratory of , Department of , University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013 Robert A. Berner, Department of Geology and , Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 J. Barry Maynard, H. N. Fisk Laboratory of Sedimentology, Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0013 Stephen E. Scheckler, Departments of and Geological , Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061

ABSTRACT Evolutionary developments among vascular land plants may Figure 1. Paleobotanic have been the ultimate cause for reconstructions of oceanic anoxic events, biotic crises, (A) an Early Devonian global climate change, and geochem- coastal delta, (B) an Early ical and sedimentologic anomalies of Devonian upland flood Late Devonian age. The influence of plain, (C) a Late Devonian vascular land plants on coastal delta, and (D) a processes and global geochemical Late Devonian upland cycles is likely to have increased flood plain. Early Devonian substantially during the Late Devon- plants: Pr = Pertica, Ps = Psilophyton, Sc = Sciado- ian owing to large increases in root phyton, and Sw = Sawdonia; biomass associated with develop- Late Devonian plants: A = ment of (1) arborescence (-sized , B = Barino- stature), which increased root pene- phyton, L = tree lycopod, tration depths, and (2) the seed R= Rhacophyton, and habit, which allowed colonization S = seed . Data from of drier upland areas. We hypothe- Scheckler (1986), Gensel size that rapidly increasing root mass and Andrews (1984, 1987), led to transient intensification of the and P. G. Gensel (personal rate of formation and to perma- commun.). nent gains in the thickness and areal extent of deeply weathered soil pro- files. In the short term, greater pedo- genesis caused increased yields owing to episodic disturbance of vascular land plants, in the biomass 1983), whereas high-latitude and cold- chemical records. Laminated of developing and to increased and complexity of floral communities, water were less affected (Cop- shales indicate episodic development nutrient fluxes to the as a and in the geographic distribution of per, 1986). The two maxima of widespread oceanic anoxia in many result of enhanced chemical weather- terrestrial vegetation (Fig. 1; Scheckler, of widest taxonomic impact occurred cratonic sequences during this interval ing. Long-term effects included 1986; Gensel and Andrews, 1987). In at or near the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) (Fig. 3, B–D). of organic-rich increased landscape stabilization, this paper, we propose that evolution- and Devonian- (D-C) shales and coals during the Devonian- drawdown of atmospheric CO 2 ary innovations among vascular land boundaries and are known as the Kell- Carboniferous transition sequestered through enhanced uptake in silicate plants were the ultimate cause of both wasser and Hangenberg events, respec- large quantities of isotopically light car- weathering and burial of organic car- the Late Devonian biotic crisis and a tively (Fig. 3A; Talent et al., 1993). bon in the sedimentary reservoir, caus- bon, and global cooling. Coeval ter- variety of coeval sedimentologic and The origin of the Late Devonian ing an enrichment of marine carbonate restrial paleobotanic developments geochemical anomalies. The main lines biotic crisis has been the subject of δ13C values of about 4‰ (Fig. 2B; and marine anoxic and extinction of evidence supporting this hypothesis considerable debate. Much recent Lohmann, 1988; Berner, 1989). A events are likely to have been linked are (1) close temporal relations between research has sought evidence of a combination of increased burial of causally through transient nutrient Late Devonian paleobotanic develop- impact, an idea stimulated by organic carbon and enhanced silicate pulses that caused eutrophication of ments and major episodes of oceanic proposals for such a catastrophic mech- weathering by vascular plants drew semirestricted epicontinental - anoxia and mass extinction, and (2) a anism at the - (K-T) down atmospheric CO levels from ways, stimulating marine algal 2 model that successfully links these boundary (Alvarez et al., 1980). ~12–16 present atmospheric level (PAL) blooms. Correlativity of black shale paleobotanic developments to the Late Although minor iridium anomalies in the early–middle Paleozoic to ~1 PAL horizons and episodes of extinction Devonian biotic crisis and coeval sedi- (Geldsetzer et al., 1987; Wang et al., in the Carboniferous and (Fig. of tropical marine benthos impli- mentologic and geochemical anomalies 1993) and small concentrations of 2C; Berner, 1994). Evidence of lowered cates oceanic anoxia rather than through changes in pedogenic rates microspherules (Wang, 1992; Claeys atmospheric CO is provided by global cooling as the proximate 2 and processes. et al., 1992) have been identified close changes in soil carbonate δ13C (Mora et cause of the Late Devonian biotic to the F-F and D-C boundaries at sev- al., 1991) and by a marked decline crisis. LATE DEVONIAN BIOTIC eral locales, siderophile element ratios in dolomite abundance across the D-C INTRODUCTION CRISIS AND ANOMALIES are incompatible with those of mete- boundary (Fig. 2D). Marine evaporites orites, and these anomalies have been of this age exhibit a +8‰ to +10‰ During the Late Devonian biotic The origin of the Late Devonian interpreted as resulting from concen- δ34S excursion as a consequence of crisis (Frasnian-Famennian extinction), biotic crisis is a subject of continuing tration of metals by cyanobacteria or large-scale bacterial reduction of dis- about 21% of families and 50% of gen- debate. Although various causes have changes in redox conditions (Playford solved sulfate in association with burial era among marine organisms disap- been proposed, including bolide et al., 1984; Wang et al., 1993). Other of organic carbon (Fig. 2E; Holser et al., peared (Sepkoski, 1986). This event was impacts, oceanic overturn, sea-level causes proposed for the Late Devonian 1989). Drawdown of atmospheric CO unusual in three respects (1) duration, 2 changes, and global climate change biotic crisis include climate change initiated global cooling, recorded as a ~20 m.y. (beginning in the Givetian, or (Copper, 1986; Geldsetzer et al., 1987; associated with global tectonics (Cop- about +3‰ enrichment of abiotic late Middle Devonian); (2) episodicity, McGhee, 1991; Claeys et al., 1992), per, 1986), oceanic overturn (Geldsetz- marine carbonate δ18O values across comprising at least eight separate none has gained general acceptance. er et al., 1987), and sea-level elevation the D-C boundary (Fig. 2F; Lohmann, episodes of extinction (House, 1985); Few, if any, of these theories have changes (McGhee, 1991), but none of 1988), and resulted in continental and (3) selectivity, disproportionately attempted to link Late Devonian ex- these fully accounts for the duration, glaciation by the late Famennian eliminating tropical marine benthos tinctions to coeval paleobotanic events; episodicity, and selectivity of the crisis. (Fig. 3E; Caputo, 1985). (Bambach, 1985; Sepkoski, 1986). however, the Givetian–Famennian The Late Devonian is also charac- were particularly severe epochs are characterized by important terized by an unusual combination of among the middle Paleozoic reef paleobotanic developments, including major excursions or permanent shifts community, dominated by stromato- large increases in the maximum size in a variety of sedimentologic and geo- poroids and corals (Fig. 2A; James, Plants continued on p. 64 IN THIS ISSUE International Division Sponsors Geopals Program

Late Devonian Oceanic Anoxic L. Lynn Chyi, Geopal Program Coordinator of the GSA International Divison Events and Biotic Crises: “Rooted” in the Evolution of Vascular Land Plants? ...... 45 In his report in GSA Today (October dentials who otherwise wouldn’t be Representative in the student’s depart- 1991, p. 220), Brian Skinner, former able to afford GSA membership fees. ment, they will be sent to the sponsor, Geopals Program ...... 46 president of the International Division, We request that the sponsor and the who will enclose a check as a tax- In Memoriam ...... 46 discussed the International Division student be from different departments, deductible contribution, made payable Student Committee’s first major activ- as an additional means of building to GSA Foundation—Geopals. The Washington Report ...... 47 ity, the Geopals program. The program bridges within North America on this sponsor will check one of two boxes: was continued with gifts from Gail collaborative project. A nominator or Level of commitment: 1995 GeoVentures ...... 48 Ashley, Maria Crawford, Mark Holmes, sponsor need not be a member of the $40—dues and Geology Peter Isaacson, Brian Skinner, and Lynn International Division of GSA, but pri- Book Nook ...... 49 $55—dues, Bulletin, and Geology Chyi, supporting Student Associate ority will generally be given to Interna- Length of commitment: memberships. The students nominated tional Division members’ nominations. Employment Service ...... 49 1995 dues, one year only were from the University of Akron, the An additional reason that we encour- 1995 dues and subsequent years GSAF Update ...... 50 University of Cincinnati, Iowa State age you to join the International Divi- as a student. University, the University of Tehran, sion is so that you may help to provide 1994 Medals and Awards ...... 51 and Tabriz University. guidance and may participate actively The sponsor then sends the pack- An important aspect of the pro- in some of its varied programs. age to: Geopals Program, c/o Member- SAGE Remarks ...... 63 gram is that GSA sponsors are encour- ship Services, Geological Society of aged to communicate with their America, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO IEE Symposium at How to Sponsor a Geopal Geopals, seeking to reinforce the 80301. If the intended supporting level Southeastern Section Meeting ...... 64 The procedures for becoming a department’s educational efforts while is different from the above, sponsors sponsor of a foreign student are as they study in North America, and tak- can send their donations directly to GSA Meetings ...... 66 follows. ing an interest in their professional the International Division Fund, GSA 1. If you are on a university cam- Classifieds ...... 67 development. We believe that Geopals Foundation. pus, tell the chair or GSA Campus Rep- will play an important role in helping resentative that you want to be a spon- Call for Geology Co-editor ...... 68 to build professional and personal Two Programs for Foreign sor. If you are not on a campus or if bridges to geoscientists in other and American Exchange you do not have a Campus Representa- countries. tive, call or write to Jim Skehan, who If the student committee of the The program consists of two sepa- GSA TODAY March will send a sponsor’s form and a stu- International Committee can be help- rate but related parts, that of nominat- Vol. 5, No. 3 1995 dent application form to the desig- ful in facilitating other contacts in ing and that of sponsoring a foreign nated chair or Campus Representative international student-oriented projects, student. GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173) is published in the student’s department. You may contact L. Lynn Chyi, Geopals Program monthly by The Geological Society of America, Inc., with offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado. Mailing How to Nominate a Geopal also contact Skehan if you wish to Coordinator, Student Committee, Geo- address: P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, U.S.A. sponsor and be paired with a nomi- logical Society of America, Department Second-class postage paid at Boulder, Colorado, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address The Student Committee welcomes nated student on the committee’s list. of Geology, University of Akron, Akron, changes to GSA Today, Membership Services, P.O. Box nominations of foreign graduate stu- 2. When the forms are completed OH 44325-4101, (216) 972-7635, fax 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. dents, preferably those with strong cre- and signed by the chair or Campus 216-972-6990. ■ Copyright © 1995, The Geological Society of America, Inc. (GSA). All rights reserved. Copyright not claimed on content prepared wholly by U.S. Government employees CALL FOR NOMINATIONS REMINDERS within the scope of their employment. Permission is granted to individuals to photocopy freely all items other state publications, (2) paper must be than the articles to further science and education. Materials and supporting information for any of the selected from those published during the preceding three Individual scientists are hereby granted permission, with- following nominations may be sent to GSA Execu- out royalties or further requests, to make unlimited pho- full calendar years, (3) nomination must include a para- tocopies of the science articles for use in classrooms to tive Director, Geological Society of America, P.O. graph stating the pertinence of the paper. further education and science, and to make up to five Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301. For more detailed Nominated papers must establish an environmental copies for distribution to associates in the furtherance of information about the nomination procedures, refer science; permission is granted to make more than five problem or need, provide substantive information on the photocopies for other noncommercial, nonprofit pur- to the October 1994 issue of GSA Today, or call basic geology or geologic process pertinent to the problem, poses furthering science and education upon payment of headquarters at (303) 447-2020, extension 136. the appropriate fee ($0.25 per page) directly to the Copy- relate the geology to the problem or need, suggest solu- right Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, Mas- tions or provide appropriate land use recommendations sachusetts 01970, phone (508) 744-3350 (include title John C. Frye based on the geology, present the information in a manner and ISSN when paying). Written permission is required from GSA for all other forms of capture, reproduction, Award that is understandable and directly usable by , and/or distribution of any item in this journal by any In cooperation with the Association of American State and address the environmental need or resolve the prob- means. GSA provides this and other forums for the pre- Geologists (AASG), GSA makes an annual award for the lem. It is preferred that the paper be directly applicable by sentation of diverse opinions and positions by scientists worldwide, regardless of their race, citizenship, gender, best paper on environmental geology published either by informed laypersons (e.g., planners, ). Deadline religion, or political viewpoint. Opinions presented in this GSA or by one of the state geological surveys. The award is for nominations for 1995 is MARCH 31, 1995. publication do not reflect official positions of the Society. a $1000 cash prize from the endowment income of the GSA Foundation’s John C. Frye Memorial Fund. The 1995 National Awards SUBSCRIPTIONS for 1995 calendar year: Society Members: GSA Today is provided as part of award will be presented at the autumn AASG meeting to The deadline is APRIL 30, 1995, for submitting membership dues. Contact Membership Services at (800) be held during the GSA Annual Meeting in New Orleans. nominations for these four awards: William T. Pecora 472-1988 or (303) 447-2020 for membership informa- tion. Nonmembers & Institutions: Free with paid sub- Nominations can be made by anyone, based on the Award, National Medal of Science, Award, scription to both GSA Bulletin and Geology, otherwise $45 following criteria: (1) paper must be selected from GSA or Alan T. Waterman Award. for U.S., Canada, and Mexico; $55 elsewhere. Contact Subscription Services. Single copies may be requested from Publication Sales. Also available on an annual CD- ROM, (with GSA Bulletin, Geology, GSA Data Repository, and an Electronic Retrospective Index from 1972-to-cur- USGS and the “Contract with America” rent) for $89 to members, $125 to others; and in an GSA ON THE WEB annual, hardbound, library edition for $45. Order from As reported by AGI (Geotimes, January 1995) and the Membership Services. Claims: For nonreceipt or for dam- aged copies, members contact Membership Services; all What’s new on the GSA home page on the news media elsewhere, the U.S. Geological Survey and the others contact Subscription Services. Claims are honored ? 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Molnia U.S. Geological Survey, MS 917, National Center, meetings, and other news. In Memoriam Reston, VA 22092 If you want to know more about the GSA Employment Managing Editor: Faith Rogers Donald A. Beaudry H. W. Fairbairn Production & Marketing Manager: James R. Service or about becoming a GSA Campus Representative, Production Editor and Coordinator: Joan E. Manly check the Membership section, which also has information Kingwood, Texas Watertown, Massachusetts Graphics Production: Joan E. Manly, Kim Thomas on nominating a member to fellowship and on obtaining December 9, 1994 December 21, 1994 forms for applying to become a GSA Member or Student Francis S. Birch Phillip W. Ray ADVERTISING Durham, New Hampshire Boulder, Colorado Classifieds and display: contact Ann Crawford Associate. October 25, 1994 (303) 447-2020; fax 303-447-1133 See the Geoscience Calendar section for a listing of Robert R. Coats This publication is included on GSA’s annual CD-ROM, meetings of general geological interest. Aptos, California Ahti J. Simonen GSA Journals on Compact Disc, and also is available in an The Publications section has a monthly table of con- January 12, 1995 Espoo, Finland November 4, 1994 annual, hardbound, archival edition. Call GSA Publication Gilbert Corwin Sales for details. tents and abstracts of articles for the GSA Bulletin and Geol- ogy. Also in this section is a guide for authors preparing Arlington, Virginia William L. Stokes Printed with pure soy inks on recyclable paper December 5, 1994 Salt Lake City, Utah in the U.S.A. manuscripts for submission to GSA publications.

46 GSA TODAY, March 1995 the relationship between educational ‘21st Century Applications of Sedimen- WASHINGTON REPORT preparation and employment; appro- tary and Geology,’ held in priate and useful curriculum design; October 1994.” Bruce F. Molnia K–12 educational issues, including With respect to present and future teacher preparation; and the potential science employment, speakers Washington Report provides the GSA membership with a window on the activities role of professional societies.” Suiter from industry, government, and of the federal agencies, Congress and the legislative process, and international also reported that the discussion academia presented sobering insights interactions that could impact the geoscience community. In future issues, included the suggestion “that more on employment opportunities. One Washington Report will present summaries of agency and interagency programs, interdisciplinary studies would improve industry representative suggested that track legislation, and present insights into Washington, D.C., geopolitics as they students’ abilities in creative thinking the competition for the very few jobs pertain to the geosciences. and problem solving; skills deemed available in the industry was critical for today’s workplace needs.” and would be so intense that only can- She said, “Several employers noted the didates with numerous years of experi- need for a strong geoscience core cur- ence could seriously expect to be con- Education and Employment Trends riculum, accompanied by training in sidered for employment. Rosalind Helz other science disciplines, mathematics, of the USGS commented that she was for Earth Scientists , and communications, to struck by the lack of opportunities in prepare students for the professional many disciplines that she thought had Late last year, the Geological Soci- The forum schedule included large demands they will face.” These types more optimistic outlooks. She said that ety of America, in conjunction with the periods of time for audience participa- of recommendations and conclusions “the employment picture appears bleak National Research Council’s Board on tion, time for full consideration of each are not unique to this forum. Suiter across the board.” Earth Sciences and Resources (BESR) topic and presentation, and time for pointed out that “many of these points The following paragraphs, slightly and the American Geological Institute feedback. Marilyn Suiter, AGI’s director were supported by the commentary modified from the summary released (AGI) sponsored a forum, “Education of education and human resources and presented at recent conferences on geo- by BESR, expand upon the observations and Employment Trends for Earth a convener of the forum, stated, “Issues science education: the AGU presented above and provide additional Scientists.” The meeting, hosted by concerning education programs were Conference, ‘Scrutiny of Undergraduate the BESR at the National Academy vigorously discussed and reflected a Geoscience Education,’ held in Septem- of Sciences in Washington, D.C., variety of dimensions. These included ber 1994, and the SEPM/IAS workshop, Trends continued on p. 64 was attended by more than 80 federal, private sector, and academic earth sci- entists, including the presidents and executive directors of 30 earth science societies. The purpose of the forum was to discuss the adequacy of college and university curricula for preparing stu- dents for earth science careers in the next decade and to assess present and future earth science employment opportunities. The forum consisted of more than 20 presentations, organized into three themes: private-sector employment, government and research opportuni- ties, and trends in education— universities and societies. The forum also featured a keynote address by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) director Gordon Eaton, a distinguished lecture in geoscience policy by William Fisher (University of Texas, Austin), and a spe- cial address by Marguerite Kingston of the USGS. USGS Director Eaton described “a new and different kind of earth science revolution that should be requiring all of us to rethink the way we approach our missions.” With respect to the future of earth science education, he stated, “We need, therefore, to address how geoscience fits into the realities of today and then ask what implications there may be here for a redesign of the emphasis of our educational curricula.” He added that “in the process of defin- ing relevance and flexibility we must not lose sight of the critical need for training. Technology must be imbedded at all levels of education.” Marguerite Kingston described her experience working at the Office of Science and (OSTP), especially as it related to the formula- tion of President Clinton’s new statement, “Science in the National Interest” (see October 1994 Washington Report). She stated, “We as working scientists must explain to the American people why they as tax- payers should support world class sci- ence including fundamental research.” With respect to the lack of visibility of the earth science community, she stated, “The president’s science advisor John Gibbons and OSTP receive lots of mail from the scientific community, and not just requests for more funding, often suggestions on current science policy, reports of major scientific break- throughs, or other science related issues including education and employment trends. But very, very rarely was there any mail from the community of earth scientists. That was so surprising con- sidering the important work that geolo- gists perform in strategic areas….”

GSA TODAY, March 1995 47 GEOTRIP This trip will reveal many unaltered and fresh geologic features that can be seen nowhere else Scientific Leaders: Iceland: Fire and Ice on land. Expect to acquire a newly expanded Haraldur Sigurdsson July 16–30, 1995 • 14 days, 15 nights understanding of volcanoes, hotspots, and rifts. Graduate School of There will be great views of steep-walled and

Oceanography, University Photo by Bob Grant flat-topped hyaloclastite ridges derived from of Rhode Island subglacial eruption, young hyaloclastite islands Haukur Johannesson produced by submarine eruptions, great explosion Institute, craters, tephra cones, calderas, blocky obsidian Reykjavik, Iceland flows, waterfalls descending into the rift valley, A native of Iceland and and, of course, extraordinary glacial panoramas. professor of oceanography, Haraldur Sigurdsson is a leading “The trip exceeded my expectations in every way and Lodging, Meals, Transportation. During most with an inter- provided a tremendous learning experience which I will of the trip, the group will stay in country hotels national reputation for his always remember with great satisfaction.” (Edda hotels), rural secondary and high schools research on many aspects of operated as simple but comfortable summer hotels. “Both leaders were among the very best volcanism in Iceland, Italy, Food will be provided at all lodging locations, I have ever experienced.” Mexico, Colombia, the United plus picnics during the day. Travel will be by four- States, and Indonesia, among …from 1993 Iceland GeoTrip wheel-drive trail bus and by car ferry others. Haukur Johannesson to the volcanic Westmann Islands. has devoted most of his career to the geologic mapping of the uncharted volcanic regions of Iceland. He is an Air Transportation. The Baltimore gateway has the best connecting flights expert in the tectonic structure and origin of the Iceland plateau and is to most of North America. Round trip travel from Baltimore to Reykjavik will also very knowledgeable about the natural history of Iceland in general. be on IcelandicAir. The current group round-trip fare is $748. Trip participants are required to travel on the group flight so that everyone can benefit from Schedule July 16, Sunday ...... Travel day from Baltimore or New York to the advantages of a group reservation. You may use air mile coupons for your Reykjavik, evening departure on Icelandic Air domestic flights, however. Travel arrangements are being handled by July 17–30, Mon.–Sun...... Iceland GeoTrip Tours—TR Consultants, which can help you with plans for your entire itinerary July 30, Sunday ...... Travel day from Reykjavik to next gateway (1-800-923-7422, fax 401-247-0270). They will also offer a brief post-trip option to Greenland. Included in the fee (see box) are all meals in Iceland; double-occupancy lodging; comfortable bus and ferry transportation; transfers and entrance fees; 1995 GEO ENTURES baggage handling; geologic road log; and field guidebook. Not included are V airfare to and from Reykjavik, and hotel nights and meals, if any, in Baltimore.♦ GEOHOSTEL GEOHOSTEL Geological History of Scenic Geology of Southwestern Montana Northwestern Colorado and Dinosaur National Monument June 24–29, 1995 6 days, 6 nights • Colorado Mountain College and Vernal, Utah Scientific Leaders Gregory Holden and Kenneth Kolm, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines Ken Kolm and Greg Holden are among the brightest and most refreshing of the younger generation of geologists. Experienced GeoHostel Leaders, Ken and Greg received their doctoral degrees from the University of Wyoming, and both are cur- rently associate professors at the Colorado School of Mines. Schedule • Geology of Yellowstone National Park June 24, Saturday ...... Welcoming get-together • Crystal Park Collecting June 25–29, Sunday through Thursday . . . . . Classes and field trips • World-class Insects in Ruby Valley June 29, Thursday ...... Farewell Party Photo by Rob Thomas. June 17–22, 1995 • 6 days, 6 nights • Western Montana College, Dillon, Montana Steamboat Springs, Colorado, in a high, green mountain valley, will Scientific Leader be our base for two loop trips to Robert Thomas, Department of Geosciences, Western Montana College explore the geology of north- Currently an assistant professor of geology at Western Montana College, Rob western Colorado, from Pre- Thomas has been involved in geological field camps in the Dillon area since 1986. basement to Tertiary A graduate of the University of Washington, Rob has studied the patterns and pro- volcanic rocks. We’ll also take a cesses of Cambrian mass extinctions, but his current research involves the origin three-day trip west to see and timing of extensional tectonism in southwestern Montana. Rob is an active Dinosaur National Monument member of the geological community in the northern Rocky , serving and the isolated country as the president of the Tobacco Root Geological Society and the Rocky Mountain that surrounds it. High points of Paleontological Society. the trip will be remote ’s Schedule Hole (original hideout of Butch June 17, Saturday ...... Welcoming get-together Cassidy’s Wild Bunch), intimate June 18–22, Sun.–Thurs ...... Classes and field trips views into and a raft trip through June 20, Tuesday ...... Western Barbecue the deep canyons of Dinosaur June 22, Thursday ...... Farewell Party National Monument, and a tour of the dinosaur quarry itself. The base for our trips will be the small college town of Dillon, best known for its abundant wildlife, trout streams, pioneer history, and spectacular geology. The Geo- Lodging, Meals, Transpor- Hostel will include field trips to the -and-thrust belt structure in the Beaverhead tation. The group will stay on

Valley, Cretaceous intrusions, mineralization and glaciation in the Pioneer Moun- Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday, Photo by Ken Kolm tains, fossil insects and plants in the Ruby Valley, Cenozoic extensional tectonics and Thursday at Colorado along the northern edge of the Yellowstone hotspot tract, and thermal features in Yel- Mountain College, Steamboat Springs, in single rooms (doubles for couples). lowstone National Park. Trips will be both full and half-day. Plenty of leisure time will Lodging on Monday and Tuesday nights will be at the EconoLodge in Vernal, be available to enjoy the solitude of the “last best place” in America. Utah, in double occupancy accommodations. Single rooms for Monday and Tuesday nights are available for the single-supplement fee of $50. Meals will Lodging, Meals, Transportation. The group will be lodged for six nights at include breakfast and a sack lunch on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday, lunch Western Montana College, Dillon, Montana, single-occupancy (or double for on Tuesday during the raft float trip or optional van trip, a farewell dinner on couples) dormitory–style rooms. Meals will include breakfast and a sack lunch Thursday evening, and breakfast on Friday before checkout. Field trip transpor- daily through Thursday, western barbecue on Tuesday evening, a farewell dinner tation will be in air-conditioned, 15-passenger rental vans. on Thursday evening, and breakfast on Friday before check-out. Field trip transportation will be in air-conditioned, 15-passenger rental vans. Included in the fee (see box) are classroom programs and materials; field trip transportation; lodging for six nights (single occupancy, or double for couples); Included in the fee (see box) are classroom programs and materials; field trip meals outlined above; raft float trip (or optional van trip); welcoming and farewell transportation; lodging for six nights; meals outlined above; welcoming and events. Not included are air transportation to and from Steamboat Springs, farewell events. Not included are air transportation to and from Dillon, Mon- Colorado; transportation during hours outside class and field trips; breakfast on tana; transportation during hours outside class and field trips; meals and other ♦ Tuesday; breakfast and lunch on Wednesday; and other expenses not specifically expenses not specifically included. included.♦

48 GSA TODAY, March 1995 1995 GeoVentures Fee Schedule PUBLICATIONS NEWS FROM GSA Name Grand Canyon Montana Colorado Iceland Type GeoTrip GeoHostel GeoHostel GeoTrip Dates April 21–28 June 17–22 June 24–29 July 16–30 No. of Days 86614 Member Fee $1450 $500 $520 $2780 BOOK NOOK Nonmember Fee $1550 $550 $570 $2880 WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR NEWS ABOUT GSA PUBLICATIONS Deposit $250 $100 $100 $250

Balance Due MarchSOLD OUT 1 April 15 April 15 April 15 RECENTLY RELEASED! robust biostratigraphic and . The work is then drawn together in a stratigraphic-tectonic synthesis, 100% Deposit refund date March 1 April 15 April 15 April 15 LARGE IMPACTS AND which features the specifically Gondwanan glaciogene and (less $20/$50 processing fee) PLANETARY EVOLUTION coal , the Early and Middle coal gap, and the edited by B. O. Dressler, R. A. F. Grieve, and interplay of Pangean and Panthalassan tectonics. V. L. Sharpton, 1994 MWR184, 372 p., hardbound, ISBN 0-8137-1184-3, $100.00 CALL TODAY! Twenty-eight papers, organized in five chapters. Topics include impact cratering phenomena and processes, shock LATE CENOZOIC LAVA DAMS IN THE HOLD A SPOT FOR YOURSELF AND FRIENDS. metamorphism, the origin of tektites, terrestrial and WESTERN GRAND CANYON planetary impact structures, and paleontological extinctions. We encourage you to make your decision as soon as possible. There is high inter- by W. K. Hamblin, 1994 Six papers present new data on the origin and evolution of Describes and documents the spectacular interplay of est in these trips, and many people have registered. the Sudbury structure of northern Ontario. Information on volcanism, fluvial , and tectonic uplift in a unique General Fee Information: If you have been with us previously on a GeoTrip, nine other terrestrial impact structures also is presented. The area where this interplay can be seen in three dimensions. six papers in the first section on Planetary Constraints and the surcharge will be waived. Please remind us of this when you register. Sorry, MWR183, 144 p., hardbound, w/4 pocket-plates, Perspectives are of special interest to the planetologist ISBN 0-8137-1183-5, $85.00 there is no fee waiver for GeoHostels due to their low operation margin. However, dealing with the origin of lunar multiring basins, impact structures on Venus, and impact melt production on the if you attend both 1995 GeoHostels, you will receive a $50 discount. planets. THE GEOLOGY OF ALASKA Single/shared Accommodation: Some trip fees are based on double occu- SPE293, 358 p., paperback, indexed, ISBN 0-8137-2293-4, $97.00 edited by G. Plafker and H. C. Berg, 1994 pancy. If you wish single accommodations, a limited number of rooms are avail- Get a comprehensive overview of the geology, tectonic evo- ELEMENTS OF PENNSYLVANIAN , lution, and mineral resources of Alaska and adjacent areas of able at an extra cost on a first-come, first-served basis. In the case of double occu- the continental margin. Plates include statewide maps showing CENTRAL APPALACHIAN BASIN pancies, we will do our best to help find a suitable roommate, but if none is geology, physiography, lithotectonic terranes, metamorphic edited by Charles L. 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The papers name new stratigraphic PHANEROZOIC EVOLUTION, NORTH AMERICAN units, reconcile old stratigraphic problems, and demonstrate a trip. We also reserve the right to require a person to withdraw from the trip at the correlation and continuity of key basinal biostratigraphic CONTINENT- TRANSITIONS any time when such action is determined to be in the best interests of the health, horizons. Cross-referenced glossary of both formal and edited by R. C. Speed, 1994 informal stratigraphic terms CTV001, 514 p., indexed, hardbound, ISBN 0-8137-5305-8, $75.00 safety, and general welfare of the group. SPE294, 160 p., ISBN 0-8137-2294-2, $40.00 Special Needs: We will do our best to accommodate special needs, including dietary requirements and physical disabilities. Please feel free to call and discuss PERMIAN-TRIASSIC PANGEAN BASINS AND 1-800-472-1988 your situation with us. FOLDBELTS ALONG THE PANTHALASSAN MARGIN OF GONDWANALAND Air Travel: Arrangements are handled by the individual unless specified as group edited by J. J. Veevers and C. McA. Powell, 1994 travel in the description. Cain Travel, GSA’s official travel agency, is ready to help After reconstructing Permian-Triassic Gondwanaland, GSA PUBLICATION SALES you find the least expensive routing to your destination. Call Cain at 1-800-346- authors writing on South America, South Africa, , P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301 and Australia profusely illustrate the relevant geology of each 4747 toll free, or (303) 443-2246 collect from outside the U.S., fax 303-443-4485. sector in maps and time-space diagrams underpinned by 303-447-2020 or fax 303-447-1133 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MT, Monday through Friday. Prepayment required. Major credit cards accepted. 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A one-year listing for GSA Members and information and a confirmation of your registration within one week after we receive your Student Associates in good standing is $30; for nonmembers it is $60. NOTE TO reservation. APPLICANTS: If you plan to interview at the GSA Annual Meeting, GSA must Name ______receive your material no later than September 15, 1995. If we receive your materi- als by this date, your record will be included in the information employers receive Institution/Employer ______prior to the meeting. Submit your forms early to receive maximum exposure! Don’t forget to indicate on your application form that you would like to interview Mailing Address ______in November. Good luck with your job search! For additional information or to City ______State ____ Country ______ZIP ______obtain an application form, contact T. Michael Moreland, Manager, Membership Services, Geological Society of America, P.O. 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For 1995, the cost of a printout of one or two TOTAL DEPOSIT ______specialty codes is $150. (For example, in a recent job search for an analyst of inor- I’ve enclosed no deposit, but I’m interested. Please send more information. ganic matter, the employer requested the specialty codes of and VISA MasterCard American Express .) Each additional specialty is $50. A printout of the applicant listing in Credit Card #______Exp. Date ______all specialties is available for $350. If you have any questions about your personal- ized computer search, GSA Membership Services will assist you. The GSA Employ- Signature ______ment Service is available year round; however, GSA also conducts the Employ- ment Interview Service each fall in conjunction with the Society’s Annual Meeting Make checks payable to: GSA 1995 GeoVentures (this year in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 6–9). You may rent interview Please mail Registration Form and check or credit card information to: space in half-day increments, and GSA staff will schedule all interviews with 1995 GSA GeoVentures, GSA Meetings Department applicants for you. In addition, GSA offers a message service, complete listing of P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301 applicants, copies of résumés at no additional charge, and a posting of all job Phone: 1-800-472-1988 or (303) 447-2020: ext. 134 or 141 openings. For additional information or to obtain an order form to purchase a E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] printout, contact T. Michael Moreland, Manager, Membership Services, Geological Fax: 303-447-0648 Society of America, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, (303) 447-2020, or E-mail: [email protected]. ■

GSA TODAY, March 1995 49 GSAF UPDATE Robert L. Fuchs

Davidson and Otte Appointed to Foundation Board of Trustees

At the Seattle meeting, the trustees national resource analysis. She joined by World War II. Following an approved enlarging the Foundation the Water Resources Division in 1973, eventful service in the Mediter- board from nine trustees to ten, an remaining there until retirement in ranean and Middle East theaters, he Claire Davidson Carel Otte expansion necessitated by the added 1989. Her work again entailed - came to the , to enroll Foundation fund-raising work load due stratigraphic and hydrogeologic in graduate school at Cal Tech in 1948, Retirement from Unocal marked to the Second Century Fund campaign. nomenclature and classification used in and received Master’s and Doctor’s the start of more active, pro bono This increase, combined with the retire- reports of the division. Subsequent to degrees prior to being hired by Shell in involvement in national scientific ment of Bill Heroy, created two vacan- retirement and as an annuitant, Claire 1954. Carel left Shell for Unocal in groups. Carel was elected a member of cies. Two new trustees were appointed was retained by the USGS to compile a 1957, where he spent the balance of his the National Academy of Engineering by the Board from a list of candidates database for the Regional Aquifer Sys- formal career. He started Unocal’s and appointed to the Board of Earth approved by the GSA Council. tem Analysis program, a project that geothermal business and retired in Sciences and Resources of the National Claire B. Davidson enjoyed her she completed recently. 1989 as president of the Geothermal Academy of Sciences. In 1993 he was entire career with the U.S. Geological Claire Davidson’s awards include Division. The most notable accom- appointed chair of the Committee on Survey that spanned some 40 years and USGS Outstanding Performance awards plishment of that division under Carel Earth Resources of the BESR. For the included positions within the Geology and the Superior Service Award from the Otte’s leadership was the discovery and past five years Carel has devoted con- Division and the Water Resources Divi- Department of the Interior. In 1991 she development of The Geysers field in siderable time and attention to the sion, in Washington, Reston, and Den- was presented with the GSA Hydrogeol- Sonoma County, California, the world’s financial affairs of GSA. He joined the ver. Her professional career began with ogy Division’s Distinguished Service largest producer of geothermal energy. Committee on Investments in 1990 the Geologic Names Committee, in a award. She served that division as an Unocal also discovered two fields on and became its chair in 1993. He has job that included investigating and officer and as editor of The Hydrogeologist. Luzon Island in the Philippines, and a assisted the Second Century Fund approving rock-stratigraphic nomencla- She is a fellow of GSA, and a member of major geothermal resource is now Committee and the Foundation in the ture and classifications, often working AGU, AAAS, Colorado Scientific Society, being developed in Indonesia. These development of major corporate gifts. in the field to resolve stratigraphic and Geological Society of Washington. professional accomplishments were Former GSA President R. W. problems. Subsequent assignments were Educated at Mount Holyoke Col- duly recognized by national organiza- Bromery, who is chair of the Second field work and photogeologic mapping lege in Massachusetts (B.A. in geology) tions such as the National Society of Century Fund Committee, commented of the Colorado Plateau and and at the University of Colorado in Professional Engineers, the Institute for on these two appointments: “Both Claire exploration in the Powder basin. Boulder (M.A. in geology), Claire has in the Advancement of Engineering, the and Carel strengthen the Foundation’s During the 1960s Claire was assigned to recent years been very active and suc- Geothermal Resources Association, and organization, and I appreciate their com- the Geochemical Exploration Branch, cessful in fund-raising work for her California Institute of Technology, all mitment and personal contributions. where she was Project Chief for assem- undergraduate school. She has brought of which have cited Carel Otte for dis- The Second Century Fund is a major bling material on worldwide geochemi- this valuable experience to the Second tinguished and outstanding scientific undertaking for GSA, and the experience cal exploration techniques for subse- Century Fund Committee, where she is and engineering achievements. Carel of these two new trustees in similar cam- quent publication by the USGS. During a campaign advisor. was named as a lecturer for the Distin- paigns, fund raising, and financial mat- the early 1970s Claire worked in inter- Carel Otte was schooled in the guished Lecture Series for the Society ters will give a significant boost to our Netherlands, an education interrupted of Petroleum Engineers. chances for a successful conclusion.” ■

Trustee Bill Heroy Retires William B. Heroy, Jr., who has service of Bill Heroy. He was president applied to the student research grants served GSA in a variety of roles for of AGI in 1969 and treasurer of AAPG program. more than 30 years, completed his five- from 1970 to 1972. His business career The GSA Council has issued a reso- year term as a Foundation trustee at the progressed from field with lution of thanks in recognition of Bill Foundation’s annual meeting in Octo- Texaco to executive vice president of Heroy’s years of work for the Society. ber in Seattle. Bill and Dorothy Heroy Teledyne, Inc., and in academia Bill Foundation chair Charles Mankin, now live in a retirement community was both a professor and vice presi- speaking on behalf of the board, said, near Duke University in Durham, dent–treasurer of Southern Methodist “Few people have devoted more per- North Carolina, enjoying a slower University. He holds GSA’s Distin- sonal energy to GSA. Bill Heroy has pace after a lifetime spent in science, guished Service Award and AGI’s been a contributor of time and academia, business, and philanthropy. Medal. money—both are needed to make Bill Heroy was treasurer of GSA Philanthropy has been a persistent GSA’s programs succeed. The financial from 1977 to 1982, and in addition trait in the Heroy family, and a number health of the Society today is due in no performed other financial and man- of institutions, such as Syracuse Uni- small part to his work, usually behind agement tasks for the Society, not the versity and SMU, have been recipients the scenes but always resulting in least of which was a 20-year stint on of the family’s generosity. In 1993 Bill another step forward. We wish Bill and the Committee on Investments. Bill and Dot established the Heroy Fund at Dot a comfortable and enjoyable retire- served on ten additional committees the GSA Foundation, through a Second ment, with the caveat that he now fill and task forces, as well as Executive Century Fund deferred gift contribu- the role of senior geological statesman Committee and Council. GSA was not tion to the GSA Pooled Income Fund. and share with us, from time to time, alone in benefiting from the public Income from the Heroy Fund will be the fruits of his long experience.” ■

Donors to the Foundation—December 1994

Antoinette Lierman Doris M. Memorial Gerald I. Eidenberg Publications Medlin Scholarship Irving G. Grossman Division Award Gretchen Luepke Richard A. Davis C. S. Venable Barclay Duane A. Eversoll Charles C. Rich John T. Dillon Research Fund C. Blaine Cecil John F. Sutter Alaska Research Fund John C. Frye Hans G. Avé Lallemant* Aureal T. Cross F. Michael Wahl* Carl S. Benson Environmental Award James W. Baxter Joseph A. Dixon Steven C. * Alvin R. Leonard J. Hoover Mackin Award Donald W. Boyd* Bruce R. Doe John S. Ferguson Douglas C. Pasley, Jr.* Anonymous Francis R. Boyd, Jr. Terry W. Offield Roland D. Hall Thomas F. Rafter, Jr. Victor R. Baker* Brian J. Biggs Excellence in Charles C. Mull William W. Locke Clinton A. Cowan GEOSTAR Earth Science Education Douglas C. Pasley, Jr.* Stephen G. Wells Ralph K. Davis Bruce H. Bryant* Whitman Cross II Howard W. Day Shirley J. Dreiss Memorial Lawrence R. Cann Carol G. and Mohamed Gheith David P. Dethier P J Adam* Richard F. Hadley* John T. McGill Fund Douglas C. Pasley, Jr.* Russell C. Evarts* Paul J. Boison David G. Hardy Manuel G. Bonilla Lanny H. Fisk Birdsall Fund John Bredehoeft Calvin F. Miller Richard Lung Virginia S. Gillerman Susan J. Altman Kenneth L. * Douglas C. Pasley, Jr.* Memorial David P. Gold Alfred Clebsch, Jr. Anne E. Carey James K. Roche Charles J. Hoke (in memory of Jonathan H. Goodwin David M. Diodato Stanley N. Davis* John L. Rosenfeld Charles W. Sternberg) Keith A. Howard C. W. Fetter, Jr. Barbara J. Dutrow Allan F. Schneider Ronald K. Sorem Michael J. Hozik Marc Hinton Alan R. Dutton History of Geology (in memory of Gyula Grasselly) G. Randy Keller Larry A. Jackson Graham E. Fogg Division Award Wayne Kemp Alvin R. Leonard William C. Haneberg Minority Alan E. Leviton* Dennis V. Kent Jeffrey W. Reynolds W. Berry Lyons Brian F. Atwater Yousif K. Kharaka William W. Simpkins Gilbert Masters Karen Chin J. Richard Kyle Jeffrey A. Sitler Martin Reinhard Division Award John E. Kaiser Maureen P. Leshendok Michael B. Underwood George T. Cardwell Harold E. Malde* Allan V. Cox Student Jody V. Maliga Tamie R. Weaver Daryll T. Pederson Robert A. Matthews Research Walter L. Manger Joseph W. Troester William D. Rose, Jr. Harold E. Malde* Dwornik Elizabeth L. Mathieson Leonard A. Robert Schoen Tom Shoberg Planetary Geoscience Calvin F. Miller Daniel P. Spangler Award IEE *Century Plus Roster Edward J. Dwornik James O. Brown Penrose Conferences Donors (gifts of $150 or more). Ted A. Maxwell Wendell A. Duffield Matthew J. Kramer continued on p. 63

50 GSA TODAY, March 1995 Sir Archibald’s thoughts strike a resonance in the current GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA discussion of biodiversity, loss of species, desertification, and the tensions over the distribution of limited water supplies. The effect of human use on landscapes has been more far-reaching than Sir Archibald might have imagined. These changes have involved geomorphic, pedologic, biologic, chemical, and hydro- MEDALS AND AWARDS logic functions—in other words, all aspects of ecology. The understanding of and possible amelioration of the effects of such influences is merely one part of the larger science of geology as we know it. FOR 1994 We face practical problems in land management that per- haps can be solved as we learn more about basic biophysical processes operating under a variety of conditions. To maintain the integrity of these natural systems we must develop the Presentation of the basic science that may underlie solutions. Let me mention samples of these practical problems. PENROSE MEDAL The effects of the floods of 1993 and 1994 have prompted to legislation that will govern how river valleys will function after even further regulation. National policy in which geologic LUNA B. LEOPOLD aspects are not only prominent but essential is being formu- lated under our very noses. Yet as I read the technical material, geologists seem not included in discussions of alternative poli- cies. Citation by There is a need for evaluating the ecologic health of a piece of landscape. Management decisions continue to be WILLIAM B. BULL made without a technical determination of the effects of such ’s achievements in decisions on the ecosystem, many of which involve effects on geological research, education, and environ- soils, vegetation, water chemistry, erosion, and geomorphic sta- mental policy are a legacy with influence Leopold, L. B., Wolman, M. G., and bility. Managers struggle to find principles that underlie stability. extending into the future. In recognition of Miller, J. P., 1964, Fluvial process- Consider the effect of massive logging of on that, he is the 1994 Penrose Medalist. Luna’s es in : San Fran- stream morphology and chemistry, on landslides, erosion, and pioneering and provocative work includes studies cisco, W. H. Freeman, 522 p. water availability. Despite a growing awareness of the advan- Langbein, W. B., and Leopold, L. B., of early storm warning, rainfall frequency and 1968, River channel bars and tages of maintaining biodiversity, it is ironic that the policy of drought, downstream flow-velocity changes, stream hydraulics, dunes—Theory of kinematic waves: the United States Government is to plant in clear-cut areas only alluvial stratigraphy and stream-channel form and pattern, sedi- U.S. Geological Survey Professional one species of tree, leading as an end result to a monoculture ment transport, urban , landscape aesthetics, and Paper 422-L, 20 p. of an even-age stand. The long-term effect of such a policy is channel response to base-level change. Luna’s landscape Leopold, L.B., 1973, River Channel change with time—An example [Geological Society of America Presidential within the scope of geomorphology, if that subscience is broad- ecology studies identify and analyze truly crucial interdisci- Address]: Geolological Society of America Bulletin, v. 84, ened to become a new and much-needed one that might be plinary problems, and his dynamic leadership facilitates appli- p. 1845Ð1860. called biogeomorphology. cation of geomorphic research to land-management decisions. Dunne, T., and Leopold, L. B., 1978, Water in environmental planning, Though there are plenty of basic problems touching on The short list of references selected by the nominating commit- San Francisco, W. H. Freeman, 818 p. our science, geology has allowed many parts of its core to be Leopold, L. B., and Bull, W. B., 1979, Base level, aggradation and tee is representative of the breadth and depth of research done grade: American Philosophical Society Proceedings, v. 123, no. 3, sloughed off to other disciplines only too eager to take over, but by Luna Leopold. p. 168Ð202. generally unprepared to do the job alone. Hydrology has been Luna’s background is rooted in a family with Leopold, L. B., and Emmett, W. W., 1984, Bedload movement and its preempted by engineers. Climatology practically no longer diverse interests. His comprehensive academic degrees are relation to scour, in River meandering: New Orleans, American exists, but its importance is ever more important as climatic a B.S. in civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Society of Civil Engineers, p. 640Ð649. change, an early concern of geologists, now is in the public Leopold, L. B., 1990, Ethos, equity, and the water resource: Madison, a Masters in - at the University Environment, v. 32, p. 16Ð20, 37Ð42. mind. and its myriad aspects in pedology, hydrol- of California, Los Angeles, and a Ph.D. in geology at Harvard Leopold, L. B., 1994, A view of the river: Cambridge, Massachusetts, ogy, and sedimentology have been assimilated by agricultur- University. As Chief Hydrologist for the U.S. Geological Survey Press, 298 p. ists. After years of touting its importance, we still cannot com- (1956Ð1966), and later as a professor at the University of Cali- pute satisfactorily the probable erosion rate of any segment of fornia at Berkeley (1972Ð1986), Luna Leopold established a landscape larger than small fields of cropland. new intellectual basis for water research programs. His bold Response by The old idea of physiography or physical as a innovative steps and exceptional research productivity served part of geology seems to have been gradually eroded. I draw by example to convert the Water Resources Division of the U.S. LUNA B. LEOPOLD the distinction between physiography as a combination of many Geological Survey into the world’s leading hydrologic research Just 105 years ago, the eminent geologist Sir Archibald scientific subdisciplines, and the separate units such as geo- institution; a truly major accomplishment. He fostered three Geikie addressed the Oxford University Scientific Club. In his morphology. This combination has been replaced by greater generations of quantitative, interdisciplinary earth scientists by paper he commented on the opportunity offered to, and by specialization in which pure science points toward increasingly being an exceptional mentor for colleagues and especially implication the responsibility of, the geologist to study the abstract problems, pursued through computer models and young scientists. effects of humans on the physical environment. mathematical generalizations devoid of field observation. Luna encourages scientists to set career objectives a little “Prominent among these changes,” he said, “has been In the earth sciences we cannot afford to close our eyes to higher than they have yet imagined, just as he challenges him- the clearing of the dense woodlands that once covered so large the practical problems generated by human exploitation of nat- self in research and public policy matters. Continually testing a proportion of the surface.… But man’s influence on the land- ural systems on which we depend. Formulation of clear state- bold new hypotheses, Luna has the courage to accept the risk scape has not consisted wholly in removing what he found to ments of the underlying nature of these practical problems will of failure. The result is a bold, exceptionally innovative career be obnoxious. He has introduced many forms of vegetation lead us to engage in innovative combinations of our basic sci- that has created a continuing aura of excitement for a new flu- among those indigenous to the country. He has converted thou- ences involving new interactions not heretofore contemplated. vial geomorphology with a landscape ecology flavor. His mix sands of square miles of scrub, marsh, and woodland into gar- Perhaps from the award of the Penrose Medal to a phys- of skill, dedication, personality, and zest for life revolutionized dens, parks, meadows, and corn-fields. He has replaced some iographer of the old school, our younger colleagues will see theoretical and applied fluvial geomorphology. parts of the primeval by plantations of a different type … that physical geology has been, and again can be, the locus of Luna has a flair for recognizing field settings that allow (including) which seem to have had no place in the origi- intersecting ideas that affect many parts of a civilized society, him to delve into how flowing water shapes landscapes, and nal flora.” and is central to many of the public policies of the nation. how humans geomorphic processes. Many “river boys and girls” are fortunate to share field experiences with Luna. They find him to be forthright, dedicated, and formidable; yet flexible, highly considerate, and humorous. As a result of working with Luna, many scientists and engineers better appreciate the need for geomorphic concepts to be soundly based in field Presentation of the observations. They also share his enthusiasm for understand- ing more about geomorphic processes and landscape evolu- DAY MEDAL tion, and the societal benefits of such studies. Our debt to Luna is boundless; his inspiration enriches to our geologic research endeavors. Geologists, ecologists, engi- neers, foresters, and policy makers have a different view of DAVID WALKER , indeed a reverence for rivers, because of Luna Leopold.

Selected Publications of Luna B. Leopold Leopold, L. B., 1943, Climatic character of the interval between the Citation by and Cretaceous in New Mexico and Arizona: Journal of EDWARD M. STOLPER Geology, v. 51, p. 56Ð62. Leopold, L. B., 1951, Rainfall frequency: An aspect of climatic variation: It is my pleasure to introduce David American Geophysical Union Transactions, v. 32, p. 347, 357. Walker, Professor of Geological Sciences Leopold, L. B., and Maddock, T., Jr., 1953, The hydraulic geometry of at Columbia University, for the 1994 Arthur L. Dave is what I would call an stream channels and some physiographic implications: U.S. Geolog- Day Medal. I have known Dave for 24 years, ical Survey Professional Paper 252, 56 p. “elegant” scientist. He seems Leopold, L. B., 1953, Downstream change of velocity in rivers: American since I was a freshman and he was a third-year unconcerned with the hurly-burly Journal of Science, v. 251, p. 606Ð624. graduate student at Harvard. Although he may of the crowd and chooses prob- Leopold, L. B., and Maddock, T., Jr., 1954, The flood control not remember it, it was he who first introduced me to lems that interest him without controversy: New York, Ronald Press, 278 p. scientific research, in the “ Room” on the second floor of Leopold, L. B., and Miller, J. P., 1956, Ephemeral streams: Hydraulic fac- regard for whether anyone else tors and their relation to drainage net: U.S. Geological Survey Pro- Hoffman Lab at Harvard, and I am privileged to count him and thinks they are important. He works at fessional Paper 282-A, 38 p. his family among my closest friends. his own pace until he is satisfied with the Leopold, L. B., and Wolman, M. G., 1957, River channel patterns: Igneous petrology has evolved in recent decades from a results, writes usually a single paper that edu- Braided, meandering and straight: U.S. Geological Survey Profes- discipline concerned primarily with origins of specific igneous cates the rest of us on how to think about the problem and on sional Paper 282-B, 51 p. rocks and associations to one that contributes vitally to under- Leopold, L. B., and Wolman, M. G., 1960, River meanders: Geological how he has extracted unanticipated gems from the work, and Society of America Bulletin, v. 71, p. 769Ð794. standing the large-scale evolution of the terrestrial planets. then moves on without fanfare to the next mine. Via this style, Leopold, L. B., and Langbein, W. B., 1962, The concept of entropy in Through his innovative experimental and theoretical studies, he has managed to lead rather than follow, to surprise and often landscape evolution: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper Dave Walker has helped lead development of this modern dis- challenge the bulk of the community by the insights he pulls 500-A, 20 p. cipline of igneous petrology.

GSA TODAY, March 1995 51 from work that is at a high angle to the mainstream, and to write of chemical stratification in a crystallizing terrestrial magma depressing with regard to the solution of geological problems more than his fair share of classic papers. I could give many ocean (harking back to earlier work he had done on the evolu- is the thought that I believe I had a clearer picture of how Earth examples of this style and the accomplishments to which it has tion of a lunar magma ocean) and developed the concept that works when I was a graduate student than I do now. This is led, but will cite just a few here. accumulation of neutrally buoyant olivine deep in the magma not just a failing memory. It reflects the feeling that the more 1. Mid-ocean ridge are the most voluminous ocean would have had a significant effect on the physical and you know, the less you actually understand because so much type on Earth. Though there had been much chemical evolution of the mantle. We see again the pattern: a happens beyond your current specialty. Is it any wonder then experimentation on them in the 1960s and early 1970s, by the novel insight or idea that leads to unique experiments; these that I do feel the need to wander around a lot from problem to mid-1970s there was still no systematic understanding of their are related back to fundamental properties (e.g., the equation problem? crystallization behavior and of the processes leading to their of state of silicate melt at ultrahigh pressures) and then imagi- My memory is not so bad that I have forgotten what a fab- diversity. In the mid-to-late 1970s, Dave carried out a series of natively applied to the solution of classical geological problems ulous place for petrological research Harvard was in the early experiments on the crystallization of mid-ocean ridge basalts (in this case, the origin of chemical stratification in the mantle 70s, or your place in it, Ed. It was a great thing for both of us at low pressures. No one would have thought there was much and the apparent enrichment of the upper mantle in olivine). that you were able to engage in significant research as an new or exciting to be learned. However, he devised a phase A side benefit of Dave’s efforts to do experiments at ever undergraduate just as I had been given the research opportu- diagram (called by many the “Walker diagram”) that system- higher pressures to measure melt densities was that it led him nity before you when I was at Oberlin with Bill Skinner and Jim atized nearly all available data and transformed people’s way to try to simplify existing multianvil technology. Pioneered by the Powell. It is unlikely that every generation of undergraduate or of thinking about the evolution of basalts at low pressures. He Japanese, available apparatuses were large, expensive, and graduate students can be immersed in a project as exciting as demonstrated clearly the important role that magma mixing cumbersome to use. It appeared that it was going to be neces- the first look at new lunar samples, but it is an encouraging plays in the formation of these basalts and how this explains sary to move to a central facilities mode of operation in order to development that many major research universities seem to be not only aspects of the compositions and phase equilibria, make this kind of experimentation at 50Ð250 kilobars available trying to take their undergraduate programs a bit more seriously but also previously enigmatic aspects of their textures. to American earth scientists. Dave saw that a new design could these days. We both have Jim Hays, Harvard, and NASA to This work on mid-ocean ridge basalts repeated a style he simplify these apparatuses and make them much smaller, eas- thank for our involvement in that most exciting enterprise. had established previously in his work on the petrogenesis of ier to use, and inexpensive. The experts scoffed: “Walker may Actually, I have a long list of additional people who should lunar basalts. Although many experiments had been carried out be a good experimental petrologist, but innovation at the cutting be thanked. In the last 25 years, I have published more than by a distinguished group of investigators when he began his edge of high-pressure technology should be left to us,” they 100 papers, only two of which I have solely authored (and they doctoral work on basalts and his later work on mare said. Suffice it to say that Dave’s design worked and has weren’t much, at that). That is an important measure of my debt basalts, he devised a simple phase diagram (also called the demystified multianvil research. His design is to multianvil to others—my collaborators must share in this honor in a very “Walker diagram,” but luckily there is very little overlap between experimentation what the Model T was to cars: it brings it within important sense. You, Ed, Jim Hays, Jim Kirkpatrick from Har- those scientists that use the lunar and terrestrial “Walker dia- reach of a very large number of researchers. Many predict that vard days, Steve Delong, John Longhi, Tim Grove, Chip Lesher, grams”!) from which he generalized to the larger problems of this will usher in a revolution in our understanding of phase Richard Sack, Ian from Oberlin, Harvard, and planetary evolution. This gave his work a much larger impact equilibria and planetary processes in the >50 kilobar range, Columbia days. And my Columbia-era colleagues: Carl Agee, than that which had come before and started him on using just as the piston cylinder apparatus opened up a new era of Youxue Zhang, John Jones, Marie Johnson, Bruce Watson, igneous petrology as a firm quantitative basis for understanding experimentation in the 5Ð40 kilobar range that revolutionized Harry Green, Bruce Scott, and Charlie Langmuir. With friends planetary evolution and differentiation. our understanding of magma genesis in the upper mantle. like these, who needs to think for yourself! I also wish to thank 2. Since the publication of ’s classic work in the late Dave and his coworkers, including Harry Green and Marie Lamont and Columbia for giving me the supportive environment 1920s, earth scientists had believed that the Soret effect (the Johnson, are helping to lead the way with new discoveries such to continue petrological research, and my wife Celia and our development of a compositional gradient in response to a ther- as the hydroxyl-rich nature of β-Mg2SiO4, the nature of “anti- children for giving me the time and understanding to pursue it. mal gradient in a multicomponent system) was of no importance cracks” in phase transformations and the rheology of mantle You are correct, Ed, to characterize a fair amount of my in geology. Dave guessed that this conventional wisdom might minerals, and the breakdown of hydrous phases and the research as orthogonal to the mainstream. One potential expla- be wrong (I do not recall what interested him initially in this phe- equation of state of water to 150 kilobars. nation for this, which we might be best served to quickly pass nomenon), and he began to look for the Soret effect via experi- I hope this introduction gives some sense of what a spe- over, is that I am simply too lazy or inept to discover where the ments on molten silicates. To everyone’s surprise, he demon- cial scientist Dave Walker is. He is arguably one of the leading mainstream is. But, I guess I have always been a little disap- strated that the effect was very large and readily quantifiable. petrologists in the world. This leadership comes via his taste in pointed that our mutual efforts in lunar and planetary differentia- More significantly, with Chip Lesher he showed how the results problems, from his ability to go off in unexpected directions and tion have not become more “mainstream.” As you correctly of simple experiments in a thermal gradient could lead to sur- surprise us with elegant experiments, deep insights, and novel note, there is a fairly conspicuous non-overlap of the planetary prising insights into the thermodynamics of silicate melts, that explanations for geologic phenomena, and through his unas- and terrestrial communities. I suppose that is what we must they could be generalized to determine crystal-liquid partition suming manner. And besides all this, he is a wonderful, warm, expect when we let the Senator Proxmires of the world set our coefficients over a wide compositional range, and how partially and generous friend and human being. Only in his 40s, he has research agendas for us. On the other hand, I think Chip molten systems in a temperature gradient would evolve textu- already accomplished a great deal, but has so much promise Lesher and I have always been secretly relieved that the Soret rally and compositionally. This latter insight may well have for the future that he is, in my opinion, an ideal choice to fulfill business has not become mainstream. Can you imagine what resolved the classical problem of the formation of adcumulate Day’s intent through this award “to recognize outstanding a circus it would have been if Ted Ringwood, rest his soul, had textures in layered intrusions. The key is that rather than working achievement and inspire further effort.” retracted his early disdain and decided that Soret was the flavor on the obvious, Dave struck out in a completely new direction, of the month after all? I must also thank my patrons at the NSF to great effect. Moreover, rather than simply observing the phe- and DOE: Don Heinrichs, Bruce Malfait, John Snyder, Mary- nomenon, he related it to fundamental thermochemical proper- ellen Cameron, Dan Weill, George Kolstad, and Bill Luth for ties of geologic materials and used it as a basis for developing Response by exercising a certain amount of enlightened judgment in support- hypotheses to explain classical geological observations. DAVID WALKER ing stuff that clearly was out of the mainstream, and for showing 3. There has been growing interest over the past several I was minding my own business one Saturday night last a relaxed managerial attitude toward changes of project in mid- years in the densities of magmas at pressures of several tens May. Bill Dickinson called me up to tell me I had been selected grant to allow new opportunities to be pursued. Very little of the to hundreds of kilobars. This stems partly from the suggestion as the Day Medalist. I thought it was a crank call—you know, work honored today, or the equipment development that has that melts might actually become denser than coexisting crys- Candid Camera or something. I certainly knew Bill Dickinson’s gone in parallel with it, would have been possible without the talline silicates at upper mantle pressures—i.e., that magmas name and pedigree, but not his voice. So it was a rather sober- flexibility of their support. In keeping with the Day philosophy, at great depth might go down rather than up. Dave has pursued ing experience to receive an official notification on GSA letter- I hope they will be inspired to continue support of this sort. this suggestion in a number of different ways in the dozen or so head a couple of days later. I’m glad the couple of drinks I’d I am particularly pleased to accept the Day Medal years since it was first made. First, he published several theo- had suppressed my penchant for rude repartee during the because it indicates that petrological research is still valued retical papers that laid the groundwork for relating phase equi- phone call. The call was a big surprise because it was rather within the world’s premier geological society. As global environ- librium measurements to density relations and for understand- unclear that I deserved this signal honor. The Day Medal is mental perspectives add important new emphasis to our disci- ing the significance of complex phase relations in terms of liquid supposed to be for the application of physics and chemistry to pline, it is reassuring to remember that Earth does have some volumes. Second, he set out with his student Carl Agee to solving geological problems. I have never claimed to know any solid bits that are still worth studying! I hope that I and those measure directly the densities of ultrabasic melts to pressures physics, nor have I ever been contradicted in this denial. I can who will follow me in years to come will continue contributing to of 60Ð70 kilobars using olivine float-sink relations; these were recall more than one occasion in which people have stood in our understanding of Earth as much as previous Day Medalists. difficult and clever experiments. Finally, he considered the con- line to tell me how little chemistry I know. Perhaps more Thank you very much. I am deeply honored. sequences of neutral buoyancy of olivine for the development

tures he had analyzed theoretically in Beijing. The amalgama- Presentation of the tion, to use a term, of these diverse quantitative and qualitative skills largely occurred at UCLA, where as an YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD assistant professor An Yin fell under the benevolent and sup- portive influences of the faculty there, especially Mark Harrison. (DONATH MEDAL) As a consequence of these diverse academic experiences, An has become a truly exceptional young scientist. He is one of to the very few tectonics practitioners on the continent today who can begin a research project with mapboard and hammer in AN YIN hand, and complete it with original, insightful analyses of the kinematics and mechanics of the structures he has encoun- tered. I can recall some of the circumstances of An’s coming to Citation by the United States for graduate study. In his 1982 letter of appli- cation to USC he stated that he had become interested in the GREGORY A. DAVIS theory of plate tectonics in his middle school and that was why It is with the greatest of pleasure that I ern China, An was admitted to he had undertaken a major in geology at Peking University. He present to you An Yin of the University of Califor- highly regarded Peking (Beijing) assured our chairman that if he was admitted to the graduate nia at Los Angeles — the Society’s 1994 recipient University in 1978, where he program, “you will find out that I am 100 percent good student.” of its Young Scientist Award (the Donath Medal). An, acquired skills in mathematics and Upon later learning that he had been admitted to USC he a native of China, is honored today by the Society for the - geomechanics. In the fall of 1983, responded by writing, “I think I am the luckiest fellow in the ishing diversity, scope, and success of his research in tecton- one year after receiving his B.S. world.” I remember being touched by that verbal expression of ics. It is fitting at an annual meeting with the theme of “The degree in geomechanics, he entered happiness—it was the kind of heartfelt, sincere sentiment that Leading Edge” that An’s award stems from the exceptional the University of Southern California where no American applicant to any grad school would ever express, melding of earth science disciplines learned on opposite sides among other studies he recognized the importance of field and it carried with it the promise that here was someone who of the narrowing Pacific Ocean. A native of Harbin in northeast- recognition, mapping, and interpretation of the kinds of struc-

52 GSA TODAY, March 1995 would make the most of his forthcoming academic opportuni- grizzly bears on a daily basis. I am extremely grateful to my ties in the United States. We were not to be disappointed. Response by field assistant Anthony Allen, who endured hardship in the park An’s graduate tenure at USC was characterized by levels AN YIN for five summers with little or no pay. His great sense of humor of motivation, hard work, and inquisitiveness that I had not seen and ability to locate the best huckleberries helped make my before, and have not seen since. In the summer of 1984, he Dr. Stephenson, President Dickinson, Dr. and Mrs. field mapping nothing but a joy. began mapping part of the famed Lewis thrust system in Donath, ladies and gentlemen: One of the reasons I am standing here this evening is Glacier National Park, Montana. As one of several USC partici- I was overwhelmed when Bill Dickinson informed me that I because I have many wonderful colleagues at UCLA, who have pants in a USGS-sponsored project to prepare an updated geo- was the recipient of this year’s Donath Medal. I am immensely provided a stimulating and supportive environment for a young logic map of the park, An quickly demonstrated a remarkable honored, because it allows me to share this award with people scientist. Among them, I would like to especially thank Mark deftness for field observation and mapping (skills that do not who were heroes of mine when I was a graduate student. A Harrison for introducing me to the fascinating problems of always come easily to students from “third world” countries ceremony such as this gives me the opportunity to thank those the Himalayas and Tibetan plateau. Mark has been a mentor, where the importance of field mapping is sometimes down- who helped me during the growth of my career. I felt fortunate friend, and reliable running partner. Running with Mark is not played). I remember both my surprise and delight, upon field- when I was admitted to Beijing University in 1978 immediately only physically demanding, but mentally exhausting as well, checking his grizzly bearÐinfested map area at the end of the after the Cultural Revolution, where I learned continuum because Mark enjoys arguing about almost everything at any 1984 field season, that I could find no errors in either his map- mechanics from Professor Wang Ren and global tectonics from time. Fortunately, we run together only once a day! I would also ping or interpretations of the complex temporal and spatial rela- Professor Xianglin Qian. With generous financial support from like to thank other colleagues of mine at UCLA: John Christie, tionships within the thrust system. His experiences in rugged my uncle and aunt (Mr. Pan Feong Tai and Mrs. Tjhin Liong Ray Ingersoll, Ron Shreve, and Shangyou Nie for sharing Glacier Park, both geologic and logistic, were to prove vital to Piet) and great uncle and great aunt (Mr. Tjong Tjhit Ton and scientific thoughts; Gerhard Oertel for teaching me tensor his later and still ongoing field research in remote areas of east- Mrs. Jong Wai Wa) in Indonesia, I was able to come to study in analysis as well as hosting the famous “Oertel Afternoon Coffee ern Asia. the United States in 1983. They paid tuition and living expenses Break”; and former and current chairs of the department Margie An’s selection as the 1994 Donath Medalist comes not for my first two years of study at the University of Southern Kivelson, Art Montana, and Paul Davis for their support and from contributions in a specialized or narrow field of research, California. encouragement. My gratitude also goes to my students: Chris- but rather for the impressive diversity, scope, and productivity At USC I was honored that Greg Davis took me as his tian Zarn, Earnie Paylor, Jeff Fillipone, Tom Kelty, Adam Norris, of his scholarly efforts. His work has led to new kinematic and student. Greg not only taught me how to map in the field but Liz Forshee, and Mike Murphy, from whom I learned more than dynamic models for the formation of contractional duplex and also showed me how to design and test a tectonic hypothesis I taught. I thank Brad Hacker, Rick Ryerson, Jim Sample, and -bend fold systems and for the coeval development of through field investigations. Greg convinced me that mapping George Gehrels for successful . I would like to normal faults within active thrust wedges. He was a leader in is the most important and fundamental aspect of geologic thank my friend J. Young, who proofread many of my developing mechanical models for the initiation and subsequent research. This philosophy has firmly shaped my research. I am manuscripts and proposals. I thank Dr. and Mrs. Allen and dome-basin folding of low-angle normal (detachment) faults grateful to Greg not only for his impact on my scientific career, Mr. and Mrs. Kelty for treating me like a son since I came associated with metamorphic core complexes—efforts con- but for his friendship during all these years. At USC I had the to the U.S. tributing to the current interest in elastic and viscoelastic solu- opportunity to interact with Kei Aki and Dick Walcott, who was Although I am grateful to many friends and colleagues tions for studying the origin of these enigmatic structures. More on sabbatical from the University of Wellington in 1985 and who helped me during the growth of my scientific career, the recently, An and his coworkers have contributed fresh ideas to 1986. They inspired me to approach tectonic problems quanti- people I owe the most to are my parents, who have been a our understanding of Himalayan and Qinling collisional tecton- tatively. In addition, interactions with Doug Burbank, Tom constant source of support and motivation through the years. ics in eastern Asia, the origin of the Tan-Lu of Henyey, Bob Osborne, and Charlie Sammis have influenced Every scientist has his or her own style of conducting China, the geometry and kinematics of the controversial Lewis my later research. research. My approach has been to use field mapping to estab- and Clark line in Montana and Idaho, evolution of the Whipple My life would not have been complete at USC without my lish the geologic history of a region. I then use the regional his- Mountains detachment system, and the nature of Laramide classmates Jay Jackson, Tom Kelty, Jack Dunn, Susan Roberts, tory as the basis for designing a quantitative physical model. intraplate deformation in the Cordillera. George Steward, Kelly Ahlschwede, Sue Orell, Mary Droser, Finally, the model is used to explore physical mechanisms that An’s major contributions to Cordilleran and Asian tectonics Lilly Metzger, Kathi Beratan, Louis Teng, and extended USC cannot be observed directly in the field. Above all, field mapping and to our understanding of fault mechanics are all the more friends, through the Carleton College connection, Christine and establishing regional geologic history are the foundations impressive given the very short time since the completion of Smith and Norm Brown. With the guidance of those classmates of my research. his graduate studies. From Brunton to computer, An has estab- at USC, my English vocabulary expanded rapidly (especially Ten years of my life during the Cultural Revolution were lished himself as an exemplar of “The Compleat Tectonician,” those words that cannot be found in a standard dictionary). wasted by studying Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book and work- and an eminently worthy recipient of the Donath Medal. Does I wish Kelly Ahlschwede were here this evening to share the ing in the countryside and factories. In contrast, the last ten he still consider himself the “luckiest fellow in the world”? I don’t moment. She passed away a year ago after losing her coura- years of my life in the United States have been rewarding, rich, know because I haven’t asked him, but An Yin is a shining geous fight against leukemia. However, her spirit accompanied and fulfilling. I have found that only in this environment could I example of how persons can make their own good luck by me whenever I faced a challenge. best express myself and best develop into a scientist. For that, setting their sights very high and making the very most of My years of geologic mapping in Glacier National Park I want to thank the Geological Society of America for giving me opportunities afforded them. were exciting. I enjoyed observing one of the most spectacular this prestigious award. thrusts in the world, the Lewis thrust, as well as dealing with

tions to ask you about the Society, what it is doing, and where Presentation of the it is going!” We started with my list. Most of the changes in the Society and the new programs GSA DISTINGUISHED SERVICE that have occurred over the past twelve years were on that list. Bill has mentioned some of those changes and new initiatives, AWARD but there are a few others that I am proud to have been a part of, namely the addition of six new associated societies whose to members now meet with us regularly at the annual meeting, the formation of three new GSA divisions, and the establishment F. MICHAEL WAHL of the Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal). Another highlight was the Centennial Celebration in Denver in 1988. Of course, when Denver was selected as the meeting site for this impor- tant meeting, we were assured that by 1988 the city would have Citation by a new convention center and a new airport. We had neither, but WILLIAM R. DICKINSON we survived, and the meeting was a huge success! My greatest satisfaction over these 12 years was having The Distinguished Service Award is given for exceptional had the opportunity to revitalize the Society and its programs, fold, to over a million dollars annually. DNAG ran its course, service to GSA as an institution. The recipient this year was so that you the members may take pride in being part of GSA. and a host of new initiatives were launched with his help and your Executive Director for twelve intense years of growth in Also gratifying has been the opportunity to work with so many guidance. SAGE and IEE and Geoventures and Geotrips and membership and expansion of programs. Two-thirds of the many of you who have served on committees and participated Annual Meeting Short Courses are a few key examples. current membership first affiliated with GSA during his tenure in the programs of the Society. A very special thanks goes to The splendid contributions of F. Michael Wahl will not be in Boulder. But no one gets a medal just for doing his job pro- my dedicated headquarters staff, without whose efforts I cer- forgotten, and will have a positive impact on GSA affairs for fessionally and conscientiously, and Mike is no exception. The tainly would not be here today. To the Section secretaries, to many years to come. essential extra ingredient in his performance was true dedica- the 12 presidents during my tenure, and to the other officers tion to the goals and purposes of GSA. He was one of us and many councilors with whom I have been privileged to before he went to work for us and he is one of us still. To serve, I thank you all for your support! underscore that point, Mike went from the status of salaried Response by Finally, and most important, my heartfelt thanks to my wife employee to being a regular unpaid member of our crucial F. MICHAEL WAHL Dottie for your patience, encouragement, and support. We both Investments Committee on consecutive days last summer. will always remember the past 12 years as a highlight of our Many things that now lie at the heart of the GSA enterprise Receiving this award certainly has to be the highlight of lives. Thank you very much. originated as just gleams in Mike’s eye. The publication GSA my 12 years as Executive Director of GSA. I remember when I Today, which has become the prime vehicle for communication arrived to interview for the position, the president of the Society among GSA members, was his concept and bears the name said “Michael, we would like to ask you some questions,” and he bestowed. The building addition was nurtured into reality pri- my response was, “That’s fine—but I have two pages of ques- marily through his patient maneuvers. On his watch, publication volume quadrupled and publication revenues increased five-

GSA TODAY, March 1995 53 archaeology and recognized the significance of the older dates. I Presentation of the became a regular visitor at the site and collaborated with Jim for many years. My work at Meadowcroft revealed a great deal RIP RAPP ARCHAEOLOGICAL about mechanisms of in rock shelters and was even more fascinating than Pennsylvanian . GEOLOGY AWARD From that point on, I never looked back. In conjunction with the archaeological mitigation program to at Pitt, I also investigated sandstone rock shelters in eastern Kentucky and northeastern Mississippi. My studies of sandstone JACK DONAHUE rock shelters were largely completed by 1986 and have, I hope, expanded our understanding of the erosional and depositional dynamics of sandstone rock shelters. Concurrently with my research at Meadowcroft, I was Citation by JULIE STEIN invited in 1977 by Tom Shaub, a biblical archaeologist at Indiana Jack Donahue’s life changed in 1973. Before that time he University of Pennsylvania, to join an ongoing excavation in the was happily working as a well-respected petrologist and recon- Dead Sea rift in Jordan. The Southeast Dead Sea Archaeological structor of depositional environments. He had published his a young archaeologist was Expedition had been working on some Early Bronze sites and research on the laboratory growth of pisolite grains in 1965, and cajoling a young petrologist to come over and take a look at a was interested in learning more about the past landscapes and completed his dissertation, at Columbia University in 1967, on sandstone rockshelter. But from that moment, the discipline of climates. This started a long among Tom Shaub, the Salem of south-central Indiana. Jack dabbled in geoarchaeology was forever changed. Walt Rast (another biblical archaeologist), and myself. I spent the scanning electron imagery of sand-grain surface textures in time in the field in Jordan in 1977, 1979, 1981, and 1989. This 1968 while a lecturer and assistant professor at Queens Col- research direction was new for me and involved landscape lege, and while continuing his interest in limestones branched Response by JACK DONAHUE reconstruction in a tectonically active area and an arid climate. out into burrow morphology when he joined the University of I also began a petrographic study of thin sections of Early Bronze Pittsburgh in 1970 as an assistant professor. During the next few I am both surprised and pleased to receive the Rip Rapp potsherds. This study continues today as a Ph.D. dissertation by years, Jack began his collaboration with Bud Rollins, examining Archaeological Geology Division award. I would like to outline one of my students. marine transgressive-regressive sequences and paleoecological the evolution of my career, and talk about the events and people In 1982, Jim Richardson, of the Department of Anthropol- reconstructions. All of this was traditional research for a promis- who helped me become a geoarchaeologist. In thinking back ogy at Pitt, asked me to do some field work in Peru. He was col- ing sedimentary petrologist. But he never suspected what was through the past, I feel that both people and ideas influenced the laborating with Mike Moseley, an archaeologist now at the Uni- to come from meeting a colleague at the University of Pitts- route I chose to travel. I want to thank up front all the archaeolo- versity of Florida. Bud Rollins and I visited Moche and Chemu burgh, a young archaeologist named Jim Adovasio. gists with whom I have collaborated, for, without their contribu- sites in northern Peru. I was struck by the similarity of the desert Adovasio had found a rock shelter in Pennsylvania, located tions, I would not have developed the diversity of research top- environment with that of the Dead Sea and realized that the in a sandstone outcrop. He asked local petrologists to “come on ics that enriched my career as a geoarchaeologist. occupants of the sites in both Peru and Jordan had used similar out to the site and take a look.” Yes, it was sandstone, so Jack My parents, Ruth and Len, were the first to influence me by construction and water management techniques. I don’t know if decided to poke around and help out a little. From 1975 to 1994 their strong interest in nature and the outdoors. They have this constitutes the field of paleoethnogeoarchaeology or not. Jack Donahue has published or co-published 20 articles about inquiring minds and often asked me to think about the “how” or The late 1970s were the time when I realized that I had Meadowcroft rock shelter (and that does not include contract “why” of natural phenomena. We took family camping vacations become a geoarchaeologist. Peter Storck of the Royal Ontario reports or papers at conferences). Little did Jack know that the in the 1950s in the Colorado, Montana, and Canadian Rockies, Museum and I organized and led one of the first field trips for the simple act of answering the phone that day would lead not only showing me at an early age the splendor of the mountains. This Archaeological Geology Division at the GSA-GAC meeting to so many publications but also a new career. was quite an awakening, as I was growing up on the flat, Pleis- in Toronto, and I served as vice chair and chair for the division in With the work at Meadowcroft came a new direction to tocene plains of Illinois. 1979 and 1980. In 1979 I also began a joint appointment in geol- Jack’s life. He began to explore this new interdisciplinary relation- I attended the University of Illinois as an undergraduate, ogy and anthropology at Pitt, a position that I still hold. ship with archaeology on many different fronts. His first big enter- and with my first course in physical geology, I knew I had found In 1983, at the Atlanta GSA meeting, I met Rhodes Fair- prise was the Dead Sea Archaeological Expedition in Jordan, my life’s work, and I declared geology as my major. Two people bridge who asked me if I was interested in founding and editing where he investigated the geoarchaeological aspects of Early stand out in my memory from my years at Illinois. The first was a journal dealing with geoarchaeology. As usual, I was inter- Bronze Age sites in 1977 to 1981. He combined this Old World F. Michael Wahl, a young Ph.D. who taught an excellent course ested in trying something new and said yes. We met with a pub- experience with work in the Western Hemisphere. He and his stu- in . He kindled such excitement with his dynamic lec- lisher who was interested in the project. Two publishers and dents worked on the Little Platte River from 1978 to 1980; Moche tures I was seriously considering mineralogy or geochemistry as three years later, the first issue of Geoarchaeology appeared. and Chimu sites in northern Peru in 1981; Antigua, Barbuda, and a research area. The second person who strongly influenced The journal began as a quarterly solidly in the red, went into Montserrat sites in 1984, Danger Cave, Utah, in 1986; southern me was F. H. T. Rhodes, a visiting professor of paleontology the black in the fifth year of publication and expanded to a Peru in 1987; China in 1988; Rio Jama and Rio de la Plata in from Swansea, . He introduced me to the delights of pale- bimonthly with the seventh volume. After serving as editor for Ecuador and Colombia in 1991; and Yautepec, Mexico, in 1993. ontology and paleoecology and suggested I attend graduate ten years, I knew that I was “burning out” and am very happy Throughout these wanderings, as he reconstructed deposi- school at Columbia University, where I could study with John that Paul Goldberg and Ofer Bar-Yosef have taken over as tional environments and paleogeography, modeled terrace Imbrie, one of the leading researchers in paleoecology. As I was co-editors for volume ten. Also during the early 1980s, I made sequences, and analyzed alluvial and coastal settings, Jack a recipient of a National Science Foundation fellowship, I was the mistake of agreeing to organize and edit the GSA DNAG continued to ply his trade as a petrologist. The subjects of his able to go to Columbia, where the big city changed my life for- Centennial Special Volume on archaeological geology. Since petrographic examination had changed. They were now ceram- ever! At Columbia, I completed a Ph.D. dissertation on the editing geoarchaeology and drawing together manuscripts for ics, not rocks. He examined Bronze Age sherds in Jordan, depositional environments of the Salem Limestone, a Mississip- the Centennial volume were relatively small efforts at this time, Woodland sherds from the eastern United States, sherds from pian-age limestone in southern Indiana used extensively for I thought I could manage both. I had received a letter from Norm St. Catherine’s Island, Georgia, and from the northern Lesser building stone. One of my locations was the rather large quarry Lasca, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, saying he would be Antilles. He used his skills to further the field of ceramic petrog- from which the stone had come to build the window sills for the interested in co-editing the volume. As both projects grew in raphy, and he has published extensively on this subject. Empire State Building. The study of the Salem gave me a thor- size, I contacted Norm to ask for his help. I will always be grate- Another research area that Jack pioneered was within the ough grounding in reconstruction of depositional environments ful to Norm because he is the person who drew together and arena of geoarchaeological applications to cultural resource and thin-section petrography, both of which have carried over finalized the editing of the DNAG volume. management. Jack was the staff geoarchaeologist at the Center into my geoarchaeological research. At Columbia, I met a fellow Beginning in the early 1980s, I began shifting my field stud- for Cultural Resources Management Program at the University of graduate student, in . Jessie and I were married ies to Central and South America, both to look at the younger Pittsburgh from 1976 to 1990, and he continues this tradition at while in graduate school. Considering that we will celebrate our sites in the Western Hemisphere and to see different environ- the Center for Cultural Resources Research, since 1991, within 30th wedding anniversary in January 1995, we have managed mental settings. the Department of Anthropology. In this capacity, he has pro- to season a happy marriage with a lot of spicy geological discus- In 1984, Dave Watters asked me to work with him on duced hundreds of reports to contracting agencies and has even sion. She has helped me throughout my career with encourage- the island of Barbuda, a small, remote island in the Northern acted as an expert witness in two important cases involving the ment and discussions of research topics. She has also partici- Lesser Antilles near Antigua. Dave is an archaeologist with the theft of artifacts from public lands. Jack’s ability to team up with pated in geoarchaeologic field work and continually challenged Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, and had already put in several cultural resource managers has been a model for many of us me intellectually. years work on Barbuda. I made several field visits to the island who have taken up the effort in the years following his work. I left New York City in 1970 to accept a teaching position in and looked at old strand lines on a carbonate platform. I also All of us owe a debt of gratitude not only to Jack, but to Jim the geology department at the University of Pittsburgh. A friend became interested in petrographic studies of Barbudan pot- Adovasio for diverting Jack Donahue’s interest from traditional and fellow colleague from Columbia had preceded me there, sherds. The temper in the ceramics was volcanic, and as the petrology toward geoarchaeology. Not only did Jack conduct all and we were excited to continue together some research direc- island is all carbonate, the ceramics had to have come from the valuable research I have just mentioned, but he also did a tions he had started. Bud Rollins and I worked quite a few years another island. What fun this research is, like a detective game! tremendous amount of service for the new, growing field of on the paleoecology and depositional environments of the thin The volcanic inclusions and temper offer the potential for finger- geoarchaeology. In 1978 Jack ran the first field trip sponsored by marine limestones intercalated in the largely nonmarine fluvial printing sherds in order to track trade and exchange routes the newest division of GSA, the Archaeological Geology Divi- coal measures that are the exposed bedrock in western Penn- through the islands. sion. The division was officially recognized by GSA in 1977, and sylvania. In 1992, I began a study in coastal Ecuador with Jim for this trip Jack took everyone to see (what else) Meadowcroft In 1973, a graduate student in anthropology, Joel Gunn, Zeidler and John Issachson, both at the University of Illinois. Rockshelter. He followed the field trip by becoming the vice chair approached one of our graduate students, Lilo DeGasparis, to My work has concentrated on fluvial sequences containing Val- and chair of the division in 1979 and 1980. These were the first see if anyone in the geology department would be interested in divia sites. All the sedimentary sequences are aggradational in years of the division, a time when everyone was wondering if some cooperative research. Jim Adovasio, with the Department nature, beginning with point bar sands and gravels and working the infant discipline would survive. Jack was one of those who of Anthropology at Pittsburgh, was conducting the summer field up to floodplain containing paleosols. We are now nursed it to health nearly 20 years ago. school in a large, sandstone rock shelter near Meadowcroft Vil- plotting the stratigraphic sections at a number of localities on Perhaps Jack’s greatest contribution in the area of service lage. I agreed to take a look at the site, as I am always inter- a time rather than a sediment-thickness axis. Because we have was to create the first journal devoted exclusively to the subject ested in new research topics. I met Jim Adovasio at the shelter several dated volcanic ashes in the sections, this is a relatively of geoarchaeology, The International Journal of Geoarchaeol- and took four sediment samples from the colluvial slope beneath easy task and one we feel is worth pursuing, because it will add ogy, published by John . He was its sole editor from 1985 the rock shelter. I wrote a short summary of my findings and an important time perspective to a stratigraphic section, showing until he passed the baton to Paul Goldberg and Ofer Bar Yosef went back to work on the real rocks, my Pennsylvanian lime- how long any environmental setting was available for human this year. We are all grateful for the work that he did in his ten stones. Several months later, a very excited Jim Adovasio called occupation. years as editor. In this same vein, Jack became one of the edi- me to say that the radiocarbon dates from the deepest part of I want to close with three comments. The first is that in tors of the DNAG (Decade of North American Geology) volume the excavation, at that time about two meters, were coming back the past 20 years, the Archaeological Geology Division has entitled The Archaeological Geology of North America, pub- at 8000Ð9000 years B.P. Because I was working on limestones certainly become my home at GSA meetings. Second, I want to lished in 1990. Jack and Norm Lasca created a volume of 35 that were 250 to 260 million years old, the full import of his state- emphasize that my work over the past 20 years has been aided chapters that still constitutes the largest single source of refer- ment did not register. and abetted by a long list of archaeologists, all of whom I thank, ences about geoarchaeology, thus establishing geoarchaeology However, Meadowcroft did not go away. Jim needed more for without them I would not have arrived at where I am today. as one of the respected research areas within the Geological information about the geology, and because some radiocarbon Third, I originally defined geoarchaeology as an interface between Society of America. dates from deeper parts of the excavation proved to be in geology and archaeology. Ideally, though more difficult to achieve, Not all of us attended or participated in the birth of geoar- excess of 10,000 years B.P., the site was beginning to emerge geoarchaeology is the interactive or synergistic interface where chaeology in the early 1970s or are aware that in Pennsylvania as a very important one. By this time, I had learned more about contributions from a geologist and archaeologist create a final

54 GSA TODAY, March 1995 pled with energy conservation may cause the rate of increase Presentation of the in energy consumption to decline, but total consumption will undoubtedly continue to increase as countries develop. As the GILBERT H. CADY AWARD least developed countries begin to utilize increased amounts of fossil fuels, their contributions to some aspects of air and to water pollution will increase; recent studies have shown this to be taking place. However, once the GDP (or the GNP) HAL GLUSKOTER exceeds $5000 per capita, the pollution decreases markedly; the country becomes able to afford for cleanup and prevention. What will be the source of the increased energy needed Citation by to support a growing world population—we hope a better fed, ROBERT B. FINKELMAN healthier, and better educated population? In the near term, the energy source must be fossil fuels, or nuclear fuel. For Few people have had as far-reaching and profound an thousands of years humankind subsisted using traditional impact on the field of coal geology as Hal Gluskoter has. For fuels, especially wood and dung. In the , almost 30 years, first as a researcher and then as an adminis- His material had no references and no attribution—but it was coal replaced wood as the dominant fuel. As that revolution trator, Hal has left an indelible imprint on coal geology in North full of ideas. My task then became to do all the legwork and, expanded and accelerated, oil and gas took thei r place as America and abroad. of course, to learn as I did so. the dominant energy source. Still later, nuclear energy made its One of his first publications concerned the application of an If a young geologist just getting started could have one appearance and acquired a significant, although minor, share of electronic low-temperature ashing device to coal. This simple wish granted, it should be for a mentor just like Jack Simon. the world’s primary energy mix. procedure allowed coal scientists, for the first time, to efficiently What Jack had learned from his mentor, Doc Cady, he prac- Earth’s most abundant fossil fuel is coal. It is widely dis- remove minerals from macerals without thermal alteration, and ticed with his colleagues, always with a deep, warm personal tributed geographically, and it is relatively easy to develop and thereby revolutionized coal geochemistry. Today, all serious regard for all with whom he came in contact. Jack was the one produce. As such, it is a likely resource for developing nations coal-research laboratories in this country and in many foreign person most directly responsible for my entry into coal geology, to use as an indigenous source of energy, thereby reserving countries have low-temperature ashing units. Countless papers, and he provided valuable and welcome guidance for the first hard currency for capital goods that they must import. More- dissertations, theses, reports, and presentations have been two decades of my career. What a fortunate piece of luck that over, the methods for utilizing coal are well known, and they based on data derived by using Hal’s visionary application. was for me! are not so technologically sophisticated that their use by devel- Hal Gluskoter’s impressive list of publications, dealing In geology, and in life in general, as established for us by oping nations is precluded or feared. chiefly with the inorganic geochemistry of coal, quickly estab- John Donne, no person is an island. We, as scientists, usually As the foregoing comments suggest, the near-term future lished him as one of the world’s leading coal scientists. His add incrementally to knowledge built up by our predecessors and of coal is a positive one. However, coal development and use pioneering work on the minerals and elements in coal are still colleagues. My work is no exception, and I owe much thanks to are not without problems. Coal extraction can scar the earth, widely cited in the literature. Hal’s geochemical research culmi- many people, including many here today. I will not list them all and inefficient coal utilization can produce pollutants. The world nated in a landmark publication on trace elements in coal: Illi- individually; there is not sufficient time and I would doubtless inad- has become increasingly concerned as to the potential effects nois State Geological Survey Circular 499 . This publication is vertently omit someone important. Rather, I thank all who have of global warming due to increase of greenhouse gases. Carbon still a classic against which subsequent coal chemistry publica- made coal geology stimulating and enjoyable for me for the past dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuel has been targeted as tions are measured. 32 years, and those who continue to do so. a significant biogenic contributor to the greenhouse effect. The Hal’s scientific accomplishments were followed by equally We are celebrating the 14th Cady Award ceremony. If we burning of coal produces significantly more CO2 per unit of impressive administrative accomplishments. He was appointed accept that nothing will go on forever and that the number of energy than do natural gas or petroleum. head of the Coal Section at the Illinois State Geological Survey, such awards is finite, how many more such awards can we Nations do have choices—and are making them—about where he ably directed this group through difficult economic expect to celebrate? (I have a distinct impression that not many the source of energy they will use to produce electricity. France times. Under his guidance, the Illinois State Geological Survey here today have lost sleep while pondering this particular ques- has opted for nuclear energy. The People’s Republic of China maintained its position as one of the world’s preeminent coal tion.) Because the Cady Award honors contributions to coal uses coal almost exclusively. The United States employs a research organizations. geology, the question can be restated as, “How long will coal broader energy mix; coal’s current share is approximately 55%. In 1978, Hal took his talents to industry, where he estab- geology as a subdivision of fossil fuel science be around?” Because of coal’s lower cost relative to other fossil fuels, lished a coal and oil-shale research program for Exxon Produc- This restatement reveals a deeper issue. its ease of use, and its widespread availability, the world will be tion Research Company. In a few short years, much first-rate In order to answer this question, we have to succumb to able to increase its use of coal for decades to come. In truth, coal science was accomplished under Hal’s guidance. As a the temptation to peer into the future. Not very long ago we pre- however, fossil fuels are present on Earth in finite amounts, and result of shifts in the world energy picture and changes in global dicted everything as it would transpire in the year 2000. That both societal pressure and necessity will at some point push us economics, the Exxon coal-research group was disbanded. might have been a challenge 40 or 50 years ago, but now it is to wean ourselves from the use of stored forms of the Sun’s Hal’s versatility allowed him to take on the important responsi- really rather straightforward. Six short years from now, in that energy and to develop methods of using that energy more bility of supervising the company’s training program. very year 2000, energy utilization in the United States (and directly. More direct solar, fusion, or some major technological Hal returned to coal geology in 1985 as the chief of the worldwide) will be very similar to energy utilization today. Power breakthrough that I have not the wisdom to foretell will eventu- U.S. Geological Survey’s branch of Coal Geology, where he plants currently producing electricity will continue to do so, and ally replace the use of fossil fuels as our primary energy provided an environment for creative and productive research. mines producing coal will, for the most part, still be operating. sources. I believe that under Hal Gluskoter the Coal Geology Branch The next six years are easy to predict, but what about 50 or Looking as much as 100 years into the future is nearly produced some of its best research. 100 years hence? impossible for most of us. Imagine yourself living in 1894, trying In addition to his research and administrative accomplish- The earth currently holds 5.5 billion people. Its population to predict life in the 1990s! Could you have predicted major ments, Hal has served the coal-science community in many is projected to double during the 50Ð100-year time frame we technological developments such as satellites and global posi- other ways. He has been an active member of the GSA Coal have defined for our look into the future. Population growth will tioning systems (GPS)—or even karaoke? My prediction for Geology Division for nearly three decades. He served as chair- not come from the developed countries, however, but from the 2094, and of this I can assure you, is that humankind will not be man in 1980 and has continued to work hard for the betterment underdeveloped and developing ones. Certain factors could using fossil fuels as sources of energy. That being the case, we of the division. Hal has been widely sought as a speaker on a limit that growth, and some salient ones appear in the Book of will then need to redefine the criteria for which the Cady Award variety of coal-related topics and has served on national panels Revelations: famine, war, pestilence, and death. If we humans is given. and commissions dealing with coal science. Hal was the 1992 are to avoid or, at least, alleviate the effects of the Four Horse- Returning again to the spirit of the award, I am reminded recipient of the Gordon H. Wood, Jr., Memorial Award from men of the Apocalypse, the world’s energy consumption, espe- of the memorial to Gilbert Haven Cady written by Jack Simon the Energy Mineral Division of AAPG in recognition of his cially that of the developing countries, must greatly increase. and published by GSA. This excerpt best expresses my per- significant contributions to coal geology. Nearly all factors influencing quality of life, such as infant sonal memories of Doc Cady: “His frequent gruff manner could Hal’s impressive accomplishments as a researcher, as mortality, life expectancy, literacy, and availability of clean water not conceal his deep personal concern for all with whom he an administrator, and as an advocate and representative of our and adequate medical care, correlate with energy consumption was associated. The few stormy professional issues in which discipline are rivaled by his impact as a teacher, mentor, and and also with income. Those countries wherein both income he was involved never resulted in a loss of respect on either friend. The list of those who have worked for, and learned from, and energy consumption per capita are lowest in the world are side. He was frequently a keen professional adversary regard- Hal reads like a Who’s Who of recent coal geology. I cannot the most polluted in regard to water and indoor air. Poverty is ing new ideas but was receptive to presentation of sound scien- think of anyone who embodies the spirit of the Gilbert H. Cady the world’s worst pollutant. tific data. And what a joy it was to colleagues who did battle Award, or anyone who more richly deserves it, than Harold J. Modern economists have long used a rule of thumb with him in a scientific discussion to receive his approval.” Gluskoter. whereby a 1% increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Receiving this award and thereby linking my name with will be accompanied by a 1% increase in per capita energy that of Doc Cady is truly an exceptional honor. consumption. Increased efficiencies in energy production cou- Response by HAL GLUSKOTER I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to the Coal Geology Division of the Geological Society of America. You have just awarded to me the single most meaningful recognition that I Presentation of the could possibly receive—the Gilbert H. Cady Award. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to become fairly AND well acquainted with Doc Cady. (Everyone called him Doc, and in nearly every photograph of him that you will see, he sported TECTONICS DIVISION CAREER his trademark bow tie.) Although Doc officially retired in 1951, he came to his office at the Illinois State Geological Survey almost CONTRIBUTION AWARD daily (and worked all day long) until a very few weeks prior to his death in 1970. Thus, I was able to have frequent contact with to him during my first eight years at the ISGS. Having examined the list of the 13 previous recipients RICHARD P. NICKELSEN of the Cady Award, I am even more convinced of the honor of being added to this august group. I have had the privilege of knowing them all personally, and all 13 are greatly to be admired and their actions emulated. Some on that list are Citation by among my heroes, including the first two recipients, Jim Schopf STEVEN E. BOYER academia. But of equal or greater importance, over a period of and Jack Simon. 40 years he has instilled in nonmajors an appreciation for their Jim Schopf on occasion would send me essays—thought Richard P. Nickelsen, variously known to his friends and earth, their environment, and science in general. pieces—that he had written and would ask for my comments. colleagues as Nick or Dick, has greatly influenced undergradu- Nick is best known for his work in the Plateau and Valley I especially remember one piece on sulfur in coal that sent me ate education in the earth sciences. Throughout his career and Ridge provinces of the central Appalachians. Therefore, it scurrying through the literature in order to respond properly. Nick has exhibited a concern for majors and nonmajors alike. was fitting that he was honored by a symposium and dinner at His students have graduated to fill positions in industry and

GSA TODAY, March 1995 55 the 1991 meeting of the combined Northeast and Southeast Never one to rest on his laurels, Nick, in collaboration with Fourth, following seven educational years on the hard Sections, held in Baltimore. However, Nick also deserves Olivier Merle, George Davis, and Pierre Gourlay, has now ven- rocks of New and the structures of the Piedmont and recognition at the national level, as he has exemplified the tured onto the Colorado Plateau to study cleavages and thrust Blue Ridge, I arrived to teach at Penn State, where it was sug- best qualities of teacher, mentor, and trusted colleague. faults, generated by gravitational spreading of the Marysville gested that I pursue geological study of the good strip-mine In nominating Nick for this award, his friends and associ- volcanic center. exposures in horizontal bituminous coal measures of the Appa- ates most frequently cited devotion to teaching and sound cre- As many of my colleagues became aware that Nick was to lachian Plateau. Not too willingly, I encountered a new world of ative research as his most significant career contributions. Nick receive this award, they came forward to offer their thoughts. geology where I fortunately could find tectonic overprinting of began his teaching career as an Assistant Professor at Penn A number of these individuals teach at small liberal arts institu- regional joints and penetrative strain features not previously State in 1953 and continued from 1959 at Bucknell University, tions, and they noted that Nick had served as their role model, observed that far into the foreland. These observations had a where he served as chairman from 1959 to 1976. He has been demonstrating that not only are good undergraduate teaching profound influence upon my geological thinking and future professor emeritus since 1992. and significant scientific research compatible, but that each is research on the regional extent and sequential development of Nick’s defining characteristics as a teacher can be sum- essential to the other. In that vein, I close with some words from different stages of deformation within the Alleghany orogeny. marized in a few words—enthusiasm, patience, persistence, Win Means: “Dick is one of my heroes …, for his gentle yet I tell this story to encourage the acceptance of challenges that and dedication: enthusiasm for the earth sciences and the passionate inquisitiveness, his careful and imaginative map- are apparently far from your training, experience, or what you simple joy of learning; patience for students slow to accept the ping, and for his influence on so many of us, students and think you like to do. high standards he expected of them; persistence in establishing professors alike.” Fifth, I found another geological environment in the Penn- the fundamentals; and dedication to the concept of a liberal sylvania Valley and Ridge that was good for teaching under- education. graduates, because of its accessible Paleozoic stratigraphy, its The qualities that make him a great teacher are also magnificent structures and their related geomorphic features, exhibited by Nick in the conduct of his research. Nick’s Response by its environmental problems, its nice transitions from simple to research accomplishments are many and have provided RICHARD P. NICKELSEN more difficult geology, and, of course, its several excellent important insights into the style of deformation and distribution structural localities, all close by. Bucknell’s environment has of strain across orogenic belts. You, Steve, and others who started geology as my under- directed and enhanced my teaching and that of my colleagues. Nick’s persistence and thoroughness are well-known to all graduate students, and have achieved so much, have made It afforded geologic mapping for each student in a first geology who have been in the field with him. Nick’s mapping skills were my teaching life complete. This Structural Geology and Tecton- course, and provided historical and modern perspectives that developed while working in the Blue Ridge of northern Virginia ics Division award is a great honor, because I stand before you led into appropriate land use opinions. For majors there were and eastern West Virginia. The mapping and field observations and many other former students and colleagues who know me opportunities for projects or geologic field studies in diverse were part of his Ph.D. dissertation conducted under Ernst Cloos best and have shared my pleasure and enthusiasm for doing fields, culminating in a senior , which, since 1967, has at the , published in a 1956 GSA Bul- structural geology in beautiful places these many years. But been completed by most students. I would have been less letin article. He further honed those skills with over 40 years of before continuing with that, I first want to pay tribute to Cindy effective elsewhere, so I owe much of what I am to good col- fieldwork in the central Pennsylvania Appalachians, Norwegian my wife of 44 years, and to three fine children, Abby, Bruce, leagues and the place where I have been fortunate enough Caledonides, Rocky Mountain foreland, and Colorado Plateau. and Jill, two of whom are here, for their support and patience to live and work. Nick’s work in the Valley and Ridge and Plateau provinces with my weekend field trips and evening work—Dad’s tapping Chance encounters or invitations to participate in the of Pennsylvania, published in a number of papers during the typewriter as they dozed off—and all of those roadside stops research programs of others have influenced my research 1960s and early 1970s, demonstrated the roles played by pres- and geological detours. Cindy shared the heat of Virginia sum- directions or enhanced the product. John Prucha and Shell sure solution and regional fracturing as early responses to tec- mertime attic apartments, a distant-from-everywhere trailer in Development Company invited me to study Rocky Mountain tonic stresses. This work also established that the deformation Wyoming’s Shirley Basin, and rainy days in Norwegian huts geology. Knut Bj¿rlykke helped me negotiate the Norwegian front extended far into the foreland to the front of the prominent amongst cloud-draped mountains, to sustain present family countryside and provided critical reviews of my stratigraphic fold and thrust front. as I studied ancient geologic history. Before all of you I want revisions. I met Jake Hossack also in Norway in the late 1960s, Anyone who knows Nick is aware of his love affair with the to thank them. and we shared ten years of geologic study in the magnificent Bear Valley strip mine at Shamokin, Pennsylvania. Stripped of A few pivotal moments in my career provide a suggestion Caledonide thrust belt. Rodger Faill of the Pennsylvania Survey overlying coal measures, a fully exposed and adjacent of what influences are worth preserving in our educational and discussed my evolving notions about the sequence of stages of display beautiful small-scale structures. This open-pit mentoring system. First, I found geology, a discipline I’d never the Alleghany orogeny in Pennsylvania, and George Davis pro- anthracite mine served as a focal field trip of both physical and heard of, at a predominantly undergraduate liberal arts college vided a capstone by inviting me to participate in a study of High structural geology classes at Bucknell. Over many visits to the staffed by dedicated professionals who were also devoted Plateaus geology in Utah. To these and all of the others that I mine, Nick meticulously unraveled the sequence of deforma- teachers—the Dartmouth College of Stoiber, Lyons, McNair, can’t take time to mention, I send my thanks. tional features: regional joints, , wrench faults, out-of- Goldthwaite, and others. I didn’t have to choose a major before My hopes for the future are (1) that we can do a better job the- thrusts, forelimb extensional grabens, and fold- I arrived on campus, but when I did I was wonderfully encour- of educating the general public about their geological environ- related fractures. The result was a classic paper on small-scale aged and supported by these teachers and a flock of outdoor- ment; (2) that geologists can more successfully occupy their structures and sequential deformation, published in 1979 in the oriented student peers. rightful place in environmental decision making; and (3) that American Journal of Science. Second, during the course of that education we were careful geologic mapping of well-exposed structural units like A 1986 Journal of Structural Geology article established exposed to lectures by a few geological giants. In the post-war the Weverton, Bloomsburg, Claron, Valdres, or Tuscarora shall the concept of the “cleavage duplex.” Careful mapping, the 1940s Hans Cloos came—a dynamic presence that I can still not perish from this earth as other data-gathering systems results of which were published in GSA Special Paper 222, visualize, and that settled whether I would pursue graduate proliferate. demonstrated the significance of small-scale duplexes in work in structure or glacial geology. And, of course, I chose As I viewed the list of prior recipients of this award, the absorbing strain within thrust belts. This work has implications Johns Hopkins, where his brother Ernst Cloos taught. Third, four awesome Johns—Handin, Rodgers, Ramsey, and Crow- for the kinematics, the construction of balanced cross sections, Ernst was an inspiration, through his skill at teaching field ell—as well as Clint Dahlstrom and Ben Page, I could only con- and the partitioning of shortening, not only within the Appa- observation and interpretation of structures, his realistic clay clude that the award decision was influenced by the writings of lachian Valley and Ridge, but within thrust belts in general. deformation demonstrations, and the example of his careful Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson on biodiversity. Thank you for Six articles, written by Nick and various collaborators, incorporation of strain data from the many small, oriented spec- preserving geologic diversity. contributed significantly to understanding the stratigraphy, imens of his beloved oolites into the finest regional strain map structure, and tectonic evolution of the southern Norwegian in existence. Caledonides.

Koltermann, C., and Gorelick, S.M., 1992, Paleoclimatic signature in ter- Presentation of the restrial flood deposits: Science, v. 256, p. 1775Ð1782. Tiedeman, C., and Gorelick, S. M., 1993, Analysis of uncertainty in opti- mal groundwater contaminant capture design: Water Resources O. E. MEINZER AWARD Research, v. 29, p. 2139Ð2153. Wagner, B. J., and Gorelick, S. M., 1989, Reliable aquifer remediation in to the presence of spatially variable hydraulic conductivity: From data to design: Water Resources Research, v. 25, p. 2221Ð2225. STEVEN GORELICK It is noteworthy that the senior authors of the papers cited for this award are his students. Steve’s first major scientific thrust arose from our work with distributed parameter ground-water management models Citation by in the late 1970s. He wanted to do his doctoral research on the IRWIN REMSON creation of contaminant optimization models. I urged Steve to be more cautious and restrict his research to hydraulic models, In 1974, the Stanford University Geology Department where we already had some success. However, Steve suc- received an application for graduate admission from a young cessfully developed pollutant optimization technology and man attending New College in Florida. He had a good scientific eral of the United States. His lovely teenage daughter Alyssa extended it to source and parameter identification, to aquifer background but his main accomplishment appeared to be a is preparing for an acting career. reclamation, to conjunctive use, and to the incorporation of eco- period mixing cement for futurist Paolo Solari, at Arcosante Between his stints as a student and faculty member at nomic and social policy objectives. A remarkable achievement in the Arizona desert. Stanford University, Steve did research for eight years at the was the 1984 Water Resources Research paper with the Oper- We gambled on the young man and offered him admis- U.S. Geological Survey. He has been a good citizen and sup- ations Research Group at Stanford on the use of nonlinear pro- sion. Almost immediately, I received a letter expressing his porter of his profession. He is recognized both nationally and gramming to jointly optimize quality and hydraulics in aquifer desire to start on his Ph.D. research. I told him to slow down internationally. He is a Fellow of both the Geological Society reclamation design. because he had a lot to learn before starting on such research. of America and the American Geophysical Union. His honors The papers cited for this award deal with one of Steve’s Little did I know that he could have completed a successful include a Presidential Young Investigator Award and the James current research thrusts, the quantification and tracking of research project at that time because the man was Steven M. B. Macelwane Medal of the American Geophysical Union. uncertainty through the computational process, extending from Gorelick. Incidentally, New College never survived Steve and It is hard to understand how the Meinzer Award parameter estimation to simulation to optimal contaminant went belly up shortly after he attended. Committee was able to select only four publications from management. Besides his brilliance, two things have impressed me most Steve’s list of 50 publications and books. Despite their diverse Steve’s recent work varies from the development of over the 20 years that I have known Steve as my student and thrusts, his publications show his ability to find problems that a patented air-lift pumping method for in situ remediation to the colleague. The first is his moral concern and his desire to solve are scientifically and socially important, his ability to implement design of multiple contaminant remediation methods for con- environmental problems. The second is his innovativeness, and innovative solutions, and his ability to work productively with tamination that is controlled by rate-limited mass transfer. On a this must be a trait of the Gorelick family. His father neglected colleagues and students. The papers are basin scale, his work with Christine Koltermann uses sedimen- his dental practice so that he could use his X-ray machine to Gailey, R. M., and Gorelick, S. M., 1993, Design of optimal, reliable tary simulation models to improve the hydrogeologic characteri- study ancient engraved Sumerian artifacts. His mother is a plume capture schemes: Application to the Gloucester landfill ground- zation of sedimentary terranes. His paper “Paleoclimatic Signa- successful modern artist and his sister Deputy Attorney Gen- water contamination problem: Ground Water, v. 31, p. 107Ð114. ture in Terrestrial Flood Deposits” appeared in Science in 1992.

56 GSA TODAY, March 1995 On a pore scale, Steve’s work with Haim Gvirtzman published O. E. Meinzer Award is named. A Meinzer is defined as a gal- vided terrific opportunities and opened many doors. I can’t tell in Nature in 1991 successfully modeled the effects of anion lon per day per square foot. However, few know that there is you how much the unsolicited support of Al Freeze, Jared exclusion during infiltration. It is apparent that Steve’s produc- also a volume unit of measure known as a “Remson.” As Cohon, George Pinder, Roger Wolff, John Bredehoeft, Jacob tivity has remained strong. defined by our colleague Ken Belitz at Dartmouth, and used Rubin, Don Nielsen, Steve Burgess, Uri Shamir, and Bill Yeh For these many reasons, it is an honor to present the as a measure throughout the world, a “Remson” is that quantity meant to me. That tradition, in which I now follow, of encour- recipient of the O. E. Meinzer Award for 1994, Steven M. of water sufficient to kill one acre of broccoli. On a serious note, agement and promotion of other’s activities and careers is the Gorelick. I truly thank Irwin for his kind words, years of tutelage, sage life-breath of our future in the hydrogeologic research com- advice, and his true friendship. Both I and the hydrogeologic munity. Third, I am grateful to my colleagues at the USGS. community owe him a great deal. I was very fortunate to have spent my initial career working It is an immense pleasure to give this acceptance speech with a collection of first-class research scientists in the Water Response by because I can say thanks to so many. First, I thank my stu- Resources Division. The environment that they created was STEVEN GORELICK dents. All of the cited papers are ones that I coauthored with one of excitement, research freedom, and generous collabora- Professor Remson, fellow GSA members, and friends, my students, and for which I am indeed the last author. I grate- tion. My decision to leave was very difficult, and I miss our day- I thank you for this award, which came as a complete and won- fully share this award with my former students, both previously to-day working relationship. Finally, I was going to especially derful surprise. I knew there was a good reason why I asked mentioned and others, who clearly did the lion’s share of the thank Lenny Konikow for our memorable years together at the Irwin Remson to serve as the citationist, but it wasn’t until after work, from whom I have constantly learned, and whose contri- USGS and our continued friendship, but he told me to keep my the beginning of his citation that I remembered what that rea- butions will be noted for years to come. As a Remson student, speech short. Sorry Lenny, I’m out of time. son was. For years, I have survived Irwin’s ridicule and pranks, I learned to always put my students first, and if we are success- I am really touched to be named the recipient of the 1994 and I would like to take this opportunity to return the favor. As ful in academia we should produce students who know more O. E. Meinzer Award. you all know, there is a unit of measure of hydraulic conductivity and are better scientists than us. Second, I thank those senior Thank you. known as a “Meinzer,” who is the same individual for which the scientists who during my early career didn’t know me, but pro-

Marine Geoscience. This year she can add GSA’s George P. Presentation of the Woollard Award to her other honors. GEORGE P. WOOLLARD AWARD to Response by CHARLOTTE E. KEEN CHARLOTTE E. KEEN It is a very great honor to be a recipient of the Woollard Award by the Geological Society of America. The celebration of the symbiotic relationship between geology and geophysics is Citation by an important contribution to our scientific community. Like any marriage, the bond is sometimes strained, mostly by poor com- RON M. CLOWES munications, but these days it is most often a happy and pro- I have the pleasure and privilege of presenting the citation, ductive union. Also, as a Canadian and a woman, both of which on behalf of the GSA’s Geophysics Division, for Charlotte Keen attributes remove me a little from the archetypal GSA member, as the 1994 recipient of the George P. Woollard Award. My At that time, this was normal on a research ship, so Charlotte I sincerely appreciate the recognition. pleasure is twofold. First and foremost, Charlotte is a highly went out and collected her data. I had the good fortune to enter marine geophysics at a deserving recipient who has spent her scientific career applying In the space allotted, I could not begin to summarize very exciting time and to work with a number of excellent teach- in a most effective way the principles and techniques of geo- the very many and significant contributions that Charlotte has ers. At Dalhousie University in Halifax, where I did my M.Sc. physics to the solution of geological problems. She is very made, from Baffin Bay in the Arctic to the eastern seaboard of work, seismic studies of the had only been underway for much a geophysicist but has never wavered from the principle the U.S. and in Ocean. Her work is characterized a couple of years, under the guidance of Michael Keen and my of improving our understanding of earth structure and the geo- by careful application of all applicable methods of geophysics— supervisor, J. E. . Across the harbor, the new Bedford tectonic processes that developed that structure. The double not just the refraction I’ve already mentioned—to studies of Institute of Oceanography had just been established, and pleasure is this opportunity to acknowledge the second Cana- sediment accumulation, basins, rifted margins, the crust, and Bosko Loncarevic had hung out his shingle there. So there was dian to receive the Woollard Award. the upper mantle. As one illustration of her appropriateness for lots of excitement and enthusiasm about the future, but not a Charlotte is a native Haligonian (for those of you on the the Woollard Award, in one study she used biostratigraphic and whole lot of expertise in marine studies. We graduate students west coast, that’s a person and raised in Halifax, Nova organic metamorphism data from deep exploratory wells off were guinea pigs, as we all learned from our successes and Scotia), who took her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Nova Scotia and Labrador. With these data she showed that failures. My early sea-going experience with “sealing wax and Dalhousie University in Halifax and then continued on to Cam- subsidence of basement, after removing sediment-loading string” instruments, most of which dissolved and sank on con- bridge University in the U.K. where she received her Ph.D. in effects, followed a depth-age curve similar to that for the tact with water, seem almost ridiculous by today’s standards geophysics in 1970. Even at the undergraduate level there was oceanic lithosphere. For at least the past 15 years, and in addi- of technology, but I learned a lot that way. a portent of scientific contributions to come. Her very first paper tion to her seismic studies, Charlotte has been heavily involved As a Ph.D. student at Cambridge University, my eyes was published while she was still an undergraduate; it provided in the development of thermal-mechanical models and their were opened to the ferment of the plate tectonic revolution. I the first detailed analysis of modern turbidites and was pub- application to the rifted Atlantic continental margins. She has had the honor of working with Drum Matthews at Cambridge, lished in Nature, no less. As a graduate student, she received published extensively on this work, in sole-author papers and the co-discoverer of sea-floor spreading, and himself a former four separate scholarships to carry out her studies, so I assume in collaboration with others, both at the Atlantic Geoscience recipient of the Woollard Award, as well as with my supervisor her academic record was exceptional, and I know her science Centre and elsewhere. Two papers representative of her recent Dai Davies and with Sir Edward Bullard, the head of the labor- since then certainly has been. One example is her Ph.D. work with colleagues at AGC are one on the effects of rifting atory. Cambridge was also a place where students rubbed research, which included the first detailed seismic refraction and subsidence on thermal evolution of sediments in Canada’s shoulders with a great many brilliant people. I was one of the experiment near a ridge, in this case the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, east coast basins, and one on a comparison of model predic- first two women to be admitted as a Ph.D. student to our and provided important new data on its crustal structure. tions for decompression melting at rifted margins with the distri- department, and I became friends with the other woman, Immediately following her Ph.D. at Cambridge, Charlotte bution of igneous rocks along the eastern Canadian margin. Monica, who came from a Cambridge family. She invited me joined the Atlantic Oceanography Lab of Energy, Mines and But Charlotte is more than a scientist. She is very inter- to come home with her for dinner, and I met her father, the Resources in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, as a research scientist. ested in music, sailing, and skiing, and she is very generous Nobel prize winner in physics, P. A. M. Dirac. At some point she The following year in 1971 she became a research scientist at as a friend and as a colleague. My personal experience with and her mother left me alone at the table with him. Was I ever the Geological Survey of Canada in its Atlantic Geoscience the latter goes back to my plans when I first arrived at the intimidated and tongue-tied! But as I cast about for something Centre, still in Dartmouth, where she has remained active ever University of British Columbia to set up a marine seismic pro- to say to him, I realized that he was even more shy than I was. since. Today she holds the highest level of scientific appoint- gram, even though I had never been to sea. I received some Scientists, even famous ones, became more human through ment within the GSC. very useful and important information then and for some years this kind of contact, and science itself became more personal While most of Charlotte’s career has been concerned thereafter that helped bring my ideas to fruition. Charlotte and interesting. with diverse geophysical studies of the rifted continental mar- even made it clear that her key would assist me in My years at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography have gins and sedimentary basins of the Atlantic, one early pivotal any way possible and, needless to say, I took advantage of also been stimulating and fun, and I have worked with some study, undertaken with Don Barrett, was in the Pacific. This was her generosity. wonderful people. The continental margins provided a ready- shortly after the plate tectonic revolution, suggestions of align- I can’t let this opportunity pass without a few words on made laboratory off our coast in which to study geological ment of olivine in the flow direction, and determination of the Charlotte’s contributions to the establishment of Lithoprobe as questions of global importance. The years have not been anisotropy of olivine. Keen and Barrett designed and carried Canada’s national geoscience research project. As the chair- without struggle, however, as women have worked hard to out a special refraction experiment that demonstrated seismic person of CANDEL, Canada’s representative group for the overcome many biases since the early 1970s, particularly anisotropy in the uppermost mantle and showed that the direc- International Lithosphere Program, and as a motivated scien- sea-going women, as Ron has indicated. I was lucky to have tions of maximum and minimum velocity were consistent with tist, Charlotte put her tremendous energies into furthering the Michael Keen as my mentor, friend, and colleague. Without his directions. concept of Lithoprobe at a time when there was no assurance support I would probably not have stayed in science. Also in the I think I’ve already indicated that Charlotte is a keen (pun we would be successful. She prepared the first published paper early years at BIO I worked very closely with Don Barrett, who intended) and thoughtful scientist who approaches geological on the concept and was a key member of the steering commit- saved many of our cruises with his genius for instrumentation. problems in a very direct way and has done so throughout her tee that got the project rolling. Once that had been achieved, Bosko Loncarevic, the first director of the Atlantic Geoscience career. Early in that career, she was planning to carry out one she remained a valuable member of the advisory scientific Centre, and David Ross, the head of the geophysics group of her experiments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and needed ship committee for four years. Charlotte, thank you for your many when I began at BIO, were important in giving me their support time to do so, probably on the order of three weeks. In those contributions to the establishment of Lithoprobe. You helped and encouragement. days (1970Ð1971) women weren’t allowed on Canadian me get a really interesting job! I came into earth sciences from physics with a somewhat research , so this posed a problem. Her backed As you might imagine, all of this activity has garnered theoretical background. Marine research, on the other hand, is her all the way and argued that she must be allowed to go to Charlotte a fair number of awards. I’ll only mention three of at relentlessly practical. It keeps us firmly rooted in reality whether sea to carry out her research. This caused a great kafuffle and least seven: in 1980 she was elected a Fellow of the Royal we want to be or not. Combining the two requires that a bal- uproar that ended up in Ottawa in the deputy minister’s office. Society of Canada, our equivalent to the Academy of Sciences; ance be found between theory and experiment, between the The thoughtful bureaucrats considered this problem and gave in 1986 she was made a Fellow of the American Geophysical practical and the abstract. It is hard to keep that balance, but their decision: she could do her research on the ship but she Union; and last year she was the second recipient of the Geo- the effort is very rewarding. Modeling becomes more realistic, would have to get off it each night! Finally her cruise was logical Association of Canada’s Michael J. Keen Medal in and experimental work is based on a more solid foundation okayed, with the proviso that there be a doctor on board. of basic understanding. The Canadian Lithoprobe project is

GSA TODAY, March 1995 57 a prime example of what can come from such a balance on a science can never be totally separated; one influences the good science is all about. It is not about grantmanship or gov- large scale. The future of our science lies in a fruitful mixing of other. Doing science has always fed my sense of the excite- ernment policy or being a good team member, although these disciplines and approaches as epitomized by that project. ment of discovery, of mystery, of a bigger world being out there things may be important or valuable for other reasons. I am It’s usual when awards are given to go back over the sci- than the one I normally inhabit. On the other hand, I find sci- very grateful to the Geological Survey of Canada that I have entist’s career and list what the recipient has done for science, ence difficult, and doing science has meant hard work, long had an opportunity to participate in the “mystery of science,” but I would like to reflect briefly about the opposite—about what hours, discipline, and concentration. Bringing the sense of and I thank all my teachers and colleagues for the wonderful science has done for me. In many ways, the scientist and the mystery together with the hard technical work is what doing times and opportunities they have provided.

energy and curiosity, his richly cultivated mind, and his capacity Presentation of the for unfeigned wonder. He is an altogether remarkable man. It is a great privilege for me to take part in presentation of the Geo- HISTORY OF GEOLOGY logical Society of America’s 1994 History of Geology Award to François Ellenberger. DIVISION AWARD to Response by FRANÇOIS ELLENBERGER FRANÇOIS ELLENBERGER [François Ellenberger, recovering from a stroke, was unable to travel from France to attend the GSA Annual Meet- Citation by ing. His response was presented in his absence by Kennard B. KENNETH L. TAYLOR Bork.] I dare say that the citationist has gone a little too far in his If you visit François Ellenberger at his home in the town Sometimes, as in his treatment of Gautier or Goropius, laudatory words! Whatever my alleged merits, the support of all of Bures-sur-Yvette, south of Paris, you find that he and his wife Ellenberger’s historical analysis has been based on materials my friends has greatly contributed to my achievements, and I Hélène live in what amounts to a small alpine enclave set on he to all intents rescued from oblivion. In other cases the mate- address to them a very warm “Merci!” In what follows, my duty, the rim of the Yvette valley. Their house is a comfortable alpine rials he has mined are sources by no means unknown, but I suppose, is to talk egocentrically about myself. chalet, and the garden is a riot of diverse shrubs and trees and nonetheless all too seldom read—rather, mentioned in histories Last May, I received a letter that filled me with both joy and flowers, many of them wild plants adapted to these surround- written on the basis of other histories. Read François’ own distress: I was informed, to my great surprise, that the illustrious ings. François’ main hobby is , an interest he has pur- greatest effort at synthesis, his two-volume Histoire de la Geological Society of America had bestowed a very great sued since his youth. He remembers with evident pleasure his géologie from antiquity to the early nineteenth century, and honor on me (indeed, a double one!). It was only too evident first scientific distinction, a “medal of encouragement” won you will never see him submit passively to historical authorities. that I would not be able to attend your meeting: I was then still at age 14 for his dedication to botany. The greatest single attribute of his work is its authenticity: it struggling to recover from an inopportune attack of hemiplegia. I imagine that this somewhat improbable alpine domestic reflects his own judgments based on personal encounters with In my peaceful hospital bed, I knew that my first duty was, setting, on the fringe of the Paris suburbs, reflects François’ the writings of his scientific forebears. at whatever cost, to keep my poor brain working; thus, I tried to enduring preference for mountain scenes, and his keen Many of the sources with which François has been most recall some algebraic formulae, but found more reward in turn- esthetic sensitivity to his natural environment. To this day he fascinated are francophone, especially from the eighteenth ing to recollect my golden childhood at Leribe. This name fills recalls with particular pleasure the postwar years he spent century and the first part of the nineteenth century: Bourguet, me with ineffaceable warmth and happiness. Leribe was a mis- drawing up the detailed geological map of the Vanoise region Boulanger, Rouelle, Guettard, de Sauvages, Giraud Soulavie, sion station in Lesotho, South Africa, of which my parents were for his doctoral thesis. He invokes words like “exalting” and Deluc, Cordier, and many others. One of his motivations, in charge, among quite friendly natives. The scenery was mag- “intoxicating” in describing the pleasures of physical and clearly, has been to illuminate the frequently undervalued roles nificent, and the vault of the night sky showed an incredible dis- intellectual exhaustion experienced in his solitary geological of French scientific figures in the development of the geological play of countless glittering stars. The large mission garden was explorations. sciences. But his perspective is nonetheless admirably interna- my Eden (with occasional huge vipers!). I trotted around bare- François Ellenberger was born in 1915 in southern Africa, tional. As a historical scholar he is, himself, a model of intercul- foot, climbed trees, and tried all sorts of naive experiments. I at Lealui in what is now Zambia. His early education, in tural understanding, taking special pains to examine the writ- learned the very expressive native language, plus some crude Lesotho, was overseen by his parents, who were evangelical ings of historical characters in various languages, ancient and English. Above all, I was a most fortunate boy, who did not sit missionaries; he had no schooling outside the family before he modern. on a school bench before he was 11 years old! My dear parents was 11. Following a course of studies in the natural sciences, François Ellenberger’s use of historical materials bearing were both highly cultured; my mother managed to find time to he received a degree from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in on the history of the geological sciences displays also his typi- instruct her rather disobedient pupil (who was quick to jump out 1937 and was mobilized as an artillery officer, serving eight cal insistence on scientific exactness and rigor in the effort to of the window!) in all basic subjects. She loved literature and years. For five of those years he was a prisoner of war in an establish historical truth. Finally, readers of Ellenberger’s history, and she would recall for us children the feats of our officers’ camp at Edelbach in Austria. One gains some under- researches in the history of geology know of his keen originality Huguenot forefathers, who endured martyrdom for the sake of standing of François’ tenacious and determined character and independence of thought in reinterpreting geology’s past. liberty of belief and thought. My father added Latin lessons. But from the way he occupied himself during those five years. For those who know François Ellenberger and his work, perhaps the greatest benefits of this unorthodox tuition lay else- He participated in the invention and operation of a prison-camp the merit of his published writings hardly looms larger in their where. Through my mother, I learnt a deep regard for history. university, complete with disciplinary curricula and degrees. estimation than his tireless efforts to promote a cooperative and My father taught us how fascinating it was to scrutinize every In addition to his teaching, he organized a group for geological interdisciplinary study of geology’s history by scientists and his- object found outdoors. Each trip with him into the countryside research of the camp site. This led in 1948 to publication of a torians alike. He was the principal founder and animating spirit was full of discoveries: insects, birds, shrubs, stones, perhaps collaborative monograph, chiefly petrographical and paleob- of the Comité Français d’Histoire de la Géologie, which since even fossil bones, or the huge birdlike footprints you could find otanical, under François’ leadership, an astonishing piece of its beginnings in 1976 has greatly raised the profile within upside down, in low relief, on the bottom surface of some pro- work called by Eugène Wegmann, in his preface, “a truly France of historical studies about the earth sciences. COFRHI- truding beds in the sandstone cliffs. He was a born naturalist heroic effort.” GEO now has a substantial international membership. Under (I took this trait fully from him), though his academic education François Ellenberger is a double awardee in 1994: he François’ continual guidance COFRHIGEO has grown into one in the sciences was poor; he admitted his ignorance—a most has also been named an Honorary Fellow of GSA. But I limit of the world’s most active groups in the field, and its Travaux salutary example, compared to the “everything is known” atti- my remarks here mainly to his historical scholarship concerning regularly publish articles and notes of high caliber. tude that now too often prevails. I developed an almost univer- geology. In the future, when people concerned with the history of sal curiosity, a passionate and jealous love of nature, lasting to François’ monumental doctoral thesis on the Vanoise geology look back on the work done in this field by scientists this day. (My wife and I consider the current worldwide extermi- completed, he was named maître de conférences (senior lec- and scholars during the last third of the 20th century, I believe nation of wildlife to be a sacrilegious offense against the myste- turer) of the University of Paris science faculty and embarked that François Ellenberger’s name will stand out as among the rious Creator of our evolving universe. From early childhood, on researches over a long period in stratigraphy, paleontology, handful who contributed most to its advancement. He will be I studied the Bible, and I still do, but have now discarded any and applied geology, in France and overseas, notably in South seen as having advocated and practiced methods of research fundamentalism, in the free light of modern exegesis.) Africa and Norway. From 1962 on, he held a chair in regional and writing according to high critical standards—subjecting Missionary families have to endure the ordeal of and structural geology, and directorship of a laboratory soon conventionally accepted ideas to analytical scrutiny and search- separation. Aged 14, I was put in a Protestant boarding school relocated at the new suburban campus of the University of ing vigorously for little-known or unstudied documents to shed in Montauban, in southern France. I was a rather brilliant stu- Paris at Orsay. As a teacher, Professor Ellenberger conducted light on significant historical problems. He will be recognized dent in both humanities and mathematics, but wild nature was field courses in geological mapping and also led groups of as the author of a large number of original-minded publications, my main solace. I went on enriching my large herbarium. In more advanced students in studies of European structural many of which have broken new ground. And he will be re- those pre-pesticide days, our countryside still offered a profu- geology. He has consistently urged students to confront natural called as a cultivated, humane, and successful promoter of a sion of wild flowers. (Recently, my lasting taste for botany phenomena in a spirit of openness to nature’s complexity and previously underdeveloped field, many of whose practitioners has led me into rather deep researches in phyllotaxis.) I also of suspicion regarding doctrines and orthodoxies. Among the profited from his generous encouragement and wise guidance. became fascinated by the casual discovery of fossil marine distinctions he has earned have been two prizes conferred by I do not wish to end without a few final words on François’ shells. The Scout movement taught me to take full responsibil- the Société Géologique de France, the Prix Viquesnel and the versatility. To those who have had occasion to be with him out ity for decisions and initiatives, both for myself and for those Prix Wegmann. He served the French Geological Society as of doors, a familiar Ellenbergerian posture is hunched over, younger. president in 1972. He is an Honorary Member of the Geological aiming a camera close range at some plant. In 1991 he pub- At 18 I felt a call to teach the wonders of nature and cre- Society of London, and he won that Society’s Sue Tyler Fried- lished an original, self-proclaimedly amateur monograph—but ation to children, and I decided to graduate in natural sciences. man Medal. no less technical for being amateur—on phyllotaxia, or In the Faculty of Science at Toulouse, a whole new world was Starting from use of history of geology as a pedagogical arrangement. At certain junctures, notably while geologizing in opened to me, thanks to the lectures of some men of excep- tool in his courses, François rapidly expanded his involvement southern Africa, he has given some of his time to ethnomusicol- tional stature, especially in zoology and botany. In geology, the in this field in the early 1970s. Right away he demonstrated one ogy and ethnology. And not least impressive, in 1947 he pub- main courses were dull, but the lecturer in charge of practical of the most important of his scholarly perceptions: he knew the lished a prize-winning book based on introspective psychologi- exercises, Gaston Astre, was an unduly modest man, who was necessity of going directly to original historical sources. Even cal self-study carried out during wartime imprisonment, The dedicated to research. And not just his own research; he pro- among aficionados of , the reading of An Investi- Mystery of Memory. All of this was accomplished on the side, vided generous help to authors, mainly amateurs, including the gation of the Principles of Knowledge must be rare. François as it were, by a man mainly occupied by geology and in due printing of their work in a provincial journal of which he was studied this three-volume work and also prepared a translation, course by its history. the untiring editor. With great kindness, he encouraged me to with commentary, of Hutton’s medical thesis. François’ volumi- I think the scope of François’ interests and abilities is quite undertake my own research directly in the field: a decisive start. nous historical publications over the past 20-odd years are relevant to the achievements for which he is recognized here I have never forgotten his sound advice. For example, one marked by a characteristic determination to find and utilize today. He is a man of extraordinary breadth, intellectually and must read thoroughly all the literature, however old, pertaining relevant historical sources, including sources that may once personally. To the synthetic enterprise of historical investigation to the subject of research. He also taught me to be boldly disre- have been obscure or little known to other researchers. concerning what I believe to be the most integrative and com- spectful on scientific grounds—not to persons, but to opinions. plex of natural sciences, he brings his seemingly inexhaustible Such principles later inspired my whole scientific career.

58 GSA TODAY, March 1995 (I believe this generation should be earnestly reminded of Amid great post-war difficulties, I married Hélène, my mar- screens). But I ask: Who, then, in the future, will have the ability these precepts.) Thanks to Astre, how proud I was to see my velous wife, in 1947, and she gave me three adorable and lov- to write about the general history of that dying discipline, true first geological work (mainly on local unrecognized thrusts) ing children. I started working for my D.Sc. degree and under- geology? A tidal wave of abyssal ignorance is sweeping away printed! I was just 22. took the ambitious task of unraveling the extremely intricate the wealth of patiently gathered data on the natural world. In the famed Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, geology of the Vanoise massif in the Alps of Savoie: a grand In 1962 I was given a professorship of regional and struc- I acquired the full qualifications for teaching or writing a doctor- aim indeed. It fulfilled all the dreams of wild rambles that had tural geology at the University of Paris at Orsay, which I kept ate, after spending one year in the army. But then a certain obsessed my mind in the seclusion of Oflag XVII A. It also sat- until my retirement in 1983. In my lectures, partly centered on Mister Hitler shattered all my expectations. I spent the next isfied my inclination to pluridisciplinarity: an exciting necessity in the structure of Europe, I introduced, for the sake of pedagogy, eight years in the uniform of an artillery lieutenant: first, three high mountains where you happened to find ammonites trans- some glimpses of the history of geology (as did a colleague). years lost in low-I.Q. routine activities; then, after June 1940, fixed by glaucophane needles! Truly, the job was exhausting, At that time, the approach of the Russian school was to lay five full years as a prisoner of war, in the Spartan comfort of a both for body and mind, and the funding was miserable; but stress on the subdivision of the uppermost crust, in superim- large camp for officers. I enjoyed an incredible freedom in my work. In those blessed posed major units, disposed in a standard order from the But this period of total seclusion in Oflag XVII A was ages, research had not yet fallen under the iron grip of preju- basement up. On the other hand, the Western school put the crucial in my life. Among many hardships, one could also gain diced and short-sighted bureaucrats. I got my D.Sc. degree in emphasis on orogenesis and the subdivision of mountain belts immense benefits, both moral and intellectual. Some 4500 per- 1954 and was lucky enough to see my work published in 1958 in longitudinal zones of different ages and types (according to sons, many of them highly cultivated in technology, science, (actually that work produced many advances in alpine tecton- the geosynclinal doctrine). I told the students that this first, humanities, music, entertainment, and fine arts, were packed ics). A significant byproduct was the Introduction, in which I static vision was in one sense rooted in the Wernerian geog- together in a space of open land 400 meters on a side, located briefly traced the of conflicting doctrines about nosy of two centuries ago. The second, which insisted on trans- on the Austrian part of the Bohemian massif. One could find alpine metamorphism, from 1830 on. This was my first essay formation, was typically Huttonian in its spirit. “Now, let us talk there unique opportunities to cultivate one’s mind and soul in the history of geology. a bit about these fellows!” I would say, to make things lively. through daily contacts with many fine personalities. Thus, In 1957 I was appointed assistant professor, with the main My interest in history thus aroused, I wanted to learn guided by a renowned philosopher, I went deeply into intro- duty of initiating whole classes of beginners in the art of geo- more than I had picked up in Geikie’s classic book. Taking it for spective psychology. The arduous book I then wrote on the logic mapping in the field. Hundreds of future geologists were granted that Hutton was the father of modern geology, a scien- phenomena of reminiscence won me a prize and was pub- thus my pupils, and I well remember our unforgettable open-air tific hero, I threw myself into serious study of his books. I trav- lished in 1947. sessions. I pity all those people who now despise such activi- eled to London, translated his medical thesis from Latin, and Very soon after our arrival, lectures for a “general public” ties as outmoded; they seriously overlook the true nature of went in search of possible sources, or forerunners. So it was began with great success (including mine, on astronomy for geology, which is as much a craft as a science. I say to them: that, through Louis Bourguet, I discovered Henri Gautier beginners). A whole program of university-level courses was Tant pis pour vous! They deprive themselves of great plea- (1660Ð1737)—my first significant find, with his surprisingly soon instituted, covering a wide range. (Not to mention a cer- sures, and, even more damaging, they endanger geoscience modern intuition of the geostrophic cycle. In the meantime, I tain course in Chinese, which proved just a pleasant hoax, as by forcing it to be deductive, so that truth is supposed to come felt more and more concerned about the neglect by historians, the “teachers” knew not a single word of the subject! Humor from the top. In the light of one simple scheme, you must inter- notably in my own country, of early Continental geological litera- helped to overcome gloom.) pret all observed facts—as poor old Werner had done! But his- ture. I started to photocopy original texts anywhere I had the The courses of geology at Oflag XVII A were a more seri- tory testifies with great clarity that the progress of the earth chance. In the great medical library of Montpellier, I was ous affair. I joined the teaching team, bravely promoting myself sciences has been impelled fundamentally by induction, involv- allowed to explore the venerable treasures hoarded on long, to assistant professor, and lectured on various subjects, includ- ing a thorough knowledge of all already recorded data—the dusty shelves: a most exciting privilege indeed! Thus, I gath- ing geomorphology. To teach, I had first to learn, at the rate that Baconian approach. I recall with great happiness those weeks ered in my home a large collection of primary sources. With long-awaited packages of books (and pedagogic samples) of convivial life in small villages, with teams of young, cheerful the same eagerness as in the past when I collected plants, day arrived from France. Thus, I think I became pretty well read in students. We struggled together to decipher the structure and after day I enriched my boxes of classified large cards covered some fields of the earth sciences. We brought up several com- sequence, largely hidden under detritus and thorny bushes. with excerpts: my “bibliographic herbarium” (but all historians rades to licence level, which was officially acknowledged on our The most difficult part was to make the students conscious of do the same). Now, texts are useless if left unread. If one return to France. Our Oflag could be compared to some sort the fact that rock units do continue inside hills, and then to desires old authors to become one’s real concern, one must of extremely busy (and noisy) monastery, set aside from the induce by reason what their invisible underground forms may listen to them with great attention, and in their own language. turmoil of war and its horrors (including the Shoah, and the be. Is this not exactly the laborious path taken by nascent geol- Many will recoil from the great effort involved. But how great a bombing of so many beautiful cities). ogy, after the great Steno had formulated his key principles? happiness you enjoy when you become able at last to read But as year after year elapsed, a general feeling of dis- Such a personal practice will certainly enhance, in the historian, them in their own words: Hooke in English, Arduino in Italian, couragement spread. As others did in their own fields, I decided sentiments of understanding and of high esteem toward the Füchsel in Latin, Werner in German, and even Strabo in Greek! to launch a program of research, to be pursued at any cost, early pioneers in earth science. Among the papers I published, I mention here only two, with a daring and juvenile enthusiasm that I think survives in In geological research, many subjects interested me. which are of more general interest. One discusses the influence me even today. Three years of continuous tramping had com- One topic, however, was central: comparative tectonogene- of the physical environment on general concepts; in northern pletely laid bare the soil of what had been meadows; running sis—comparison both between different mountain belts and France, agents still in operation do not account for both land- water had dug erosion furrows. Thus, we could collect and within one definite belt (laterally, or linked to depth). I took a forms and recent deposits (we now know them to be a study a great number of stones and other objects, including special interest in two opposed types of structures: clean-cut periglacial heritage). Diluvialism was thus a logical last resort some prehistoric and protohistoric artifacts and large pieces of low-angle thrusts and very deep seated recumbent folds. In the after all. In another paper (with Gabriel Gohau), the despised silicified wood. We could get a precise idea of the structure of latter, all foliations became parallel, from the reworked - Jean-André Deluc was shown to have actually been an impor- the top subsoil, which cropped out in the ditches: coarse grav- gneiss core to the enveloping sedimentary schists. Such is the tant pioneer in stratigraphical paleontology and even trans- els lying on the crystalline basement (catazonal schists, plus case in parts of the Swiss Alps and Norway; but also, so it formism. Apparently, no historian had condescended to read strange hydrothermal silicifications, both offering fine examples seems, in the Saxon Erzgebirge (this fact in part explains his prolix writings. Indeed, from ancient ages right to the pres- of metasomatic processes). Under my guidance, a handful of Werner’s vision of one single sequence of conformable ent, ignorance of the literature must be stigmatized as a major volunteers, all amateurs, began to work, in spite of some gen- deposits). With doctoral students, we pursued studies in the hindrance to the progress of knowledge and science. eral scepticism. Meticulous observations were conducted in Alps, Spain, central France, the Pyrennean belt, and, more I was co-opted by INHIGEO (International Commission the “field” (right under the eyes of our suspicious guards); we extensively, in the Caledonides of Norway. The tectonic style on History of the Geological Sciences) in 1972, at a time when started the crucial job of cutting thin sections. We had no saws, of this latter belt differs widely from any received model, with its very few people in France felt concerned by the history of even no machine, nothing but chips of stones to be patiently worn huge, paper-thin crystalline nappes. I am sorry to say that this their own geology. In 1976, I reacted by founding the French down by hand and stuck onto bits of window glass with a mix- challenges the blind “plate-tectonics-can-explain-everything” Committee for the History of Geology, which turned out to be ture of violinist’s colophane and sardine oil. Pinches of precious credo: faced with the multifarious problems of tectonic reality, a lasting success. It also happened that in 1987 a publisher carborundum powder were begged from the workshop of the the word “collision” is void of sense. The same with the enig- asked me to write a short(!) history of geology. Like a perfect telescope mirror grinders (who sprouted from our local Astro- mas of epeirogenesis, about which I wrote an extensive ana- fool, I accepted, vastly underestimating the amount of labor nomical Society). Each slide was scrutinized with the utmost lytic paper. Experience and the lessons of history have made it would demand. Some of the better years of my terrestrial care on a makeshift microscope. In some respects, our me wary of systems and dogmas. autumn I spent chained to this task. My reward will be if people endeavor had a genuinely patriotic side: it was our way of I shall say only one more thing of my many other activities consult or read my book with real pleasure, not as another being French résistants, as it were, to thumb our noses at our as practicing geologist (digging dinosaurs, etc.). We know that tedious duty! Life is short, we should all have some fun in our enemies. All in all, our work was of sufficient quality to find easy the history of geology is pursued in parallel by professional his- most serious endeavors. So I have tried to live since childhood. publication, on our return to France, in the form of a collective torians and by geologists. The latter sometimes may doubt if And I recollect what the deeply regretted Reijer Hooykaas told illustrated memoir of 180 pages. My chief personal results were the former really understand the problems at stake. But mind! us, in a moving lecture, about the great delight given to the his- to confirm the synkinematic nature of regional metamorphism The range of topics involved is extremely wide, out of reach of torian when he can identify himself fully, as it were, in an inti- (contrary to the doctrine then prevailing in France), and show somebody too specialized. Therefore, I am grateful to have macy with past geologists and with their own joys of discovery. that in this case lineation lay parallel to the transport, then a meddled in many disciplines of “grandpa’s geology” (as they I have indeed been able to experience that! heretical assertion. call it today, looking at you scornfully over their computer

lished by the Association of Engineering Geologists, strongly Presentation of the advances the knowledge concerning the principles and the practice of engineering geology and the related fields of soil and rock mechanics where the role of geology is emphasized. E. B. BURWELL, JR., AWARD It is a perfect example of the critical importance of soliciting to sound engineering geologic input from more than one expert source. It is also a prime example of why public safety and wel- J. DAVID ROGERS fare has to be assured through detailed engineering geologic investigation and evaluation prior to development and through- out the construction stages. The St. Francis Dam failure is a particularly poignant case history to reexamine, inasmuch as it represents a major milestone in the appreciation of engineering geologic input for major civil works projects. The practice of Citation by American engineering geology basically began with the St. C. MICHAEL SCULLIN Francis disaster, the greatest man-made civil engineering tragedy in this century. The E. B. Burwell, Jr., Award is presented for a published The Rogers paper brings forth several key points work of distinction which advances knowledge concerning prin- largest engineering organization in the world. The 1994 recipi- previously overlooked by the engineering geological and civil ciples of engineering geology. It is a memorial to E. B. Burwell, ent of this honor is J. David Rogers. engineering professions. Primary among these is the recogni- Jr., a pioneer in the practice of engineering geology and the first His article “Reassessment of the St. Francis Dam Failure” tion that inclusion of one or two engineering geologists in the Chief Geologist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the in Engineering Geology Practice in Southern California, pub-

GSA TODAY, March 1995 59 planning of such a major project does not insulate such struc- geology and civil engineering; cross-registered in civil engineer- conclusion than the one that had been reached by the Gover- tures from catastrophe. Literally hundreds of engineering geolo- ing, geotechnical engineering, geology, and engineering geol- nor’s Board of Inquiry in 1928. F. Leslie Ransome and George gists have investigated, visited, or viewed the site over the past ogy; and suitably well published in both civil engineering and Louderback were the geologists on that panel. They visited the 65 years without ascertaining that the entirety of the left abut- geology, and so his opinions command respect. If you want dam site for a day, convened for another four, and issued their ment, or eastern side of the canyon, was covered by an enor- to see a geologist who can scare the heck out of engineers, conclusions on the sixth day. They concluded that the dam had mous paleolandslide. convincingly, he’s your man. likely failed via piping along a fault in the right abutment, and Rogers also questioned the basic premise that dam engi- Dave Rogers’s resume does not do justice to him, and that the dam’s designer, William Mulholland, had not appreci- neer Bill Mulholland did not appreciate geology nor incorporate reading it, you would not glean something of the essence of the ated the importance of engineering geology. None of the con- geologic input—that if he had, the failure would not have man, whom I believe to be a scholar and a gentleman. He has veners was experienced in forensic investigations, none had occurred. After digging deeper into the matter, he found that almost 100 publications to his credit at mid-career, and I am engaged in any manner of independent measurements or Mulholland had consulted at least one eminent geologist, who confident that we will see the best of his efforts in the years to assessments, and the public demanded to know “who was to visited the site and concurred on the dam’s siting. Rogers also come. On behalf of the Geological Society of America and the blame.” The panel’s conclusions had come to pass as gospel revealed that it was Mulholland’s actual appreciation of geology engineering geology profession, I take great pleasure in pre- to all students of geology in southern California: we all made which led him to build the St. Francis Dam; in order to provide a senting the E. B. Burwell, Jr., Award to J. David Rogers. He the obligatory pilgrimage to the dam site and learned what a year’s supply of water to Los Angeles in case the San Andreas has amply and meritoriously earned this honor. buffoon Mulholland was not to appreciate the detrimental fault ruptured their Owens River aqueduct. effects of a fault crossing his dam’s foundation. Last, you may not see many other papers that cross so Oh, that life and its lessons could be so simple. Several many subdisciplines: forensic reconstruction of events, geomor- sage old geologists had questioned the conventional wisdom, phology, rock mechanics, keyblock theory, structural engineer- Response by however. In separate conversations with the late Dick Jahns, ing, dam engineering, uplift theory, channel hydraulics, sedi- J. DAVID ROGERS Jim Slosson, and the late Jerome Raphael, a professor of struc- ment transport, and historical research are all treated in this tural engineering at Berkeley who had spent his entire career in paper. This sort of multidisciplinary narrative is exactly the sort Mentors, Failures, and the Future of concrete gravity dams, I was informed that it wasn’t likely a grav- of geology and civil engineering we need to see and appreci- Engineering Geology ity dam could fail on two abutments of differing geology simulta- ate. The excellent pictorial representations clearly present his neously. The die was cast, and like anyone who’s found himself keyblock analysis, an area of engineering geology little appreci- Luna Leopold obsessed with a mystery, I was hopelessly hooked. ated in today’s academic curricula. One of the most important determiners of success is the Time doesn’t permit me to recount the many exciting J. David Rogers is experiencing a distinguished career in encouragement we receive from mentors. While I was attend- details of my ongoing quest to unravel the St. Francis mystery, engineering geology and geotechnical engineering as a practi- ing graduate school in geological engineering at U.C. Berkeley, but suffice it to say, it was one of the greatest learning experi- tioner, teacher, leader, and author of numerous practical publi- one of the giants of the scientific method, Luna B. Leopold, sat ences of my life. I learned that one must sift through everything cations. Rogers was born and raised in the San Gabriel Valley quietly in the northwest corner of the Earth Sciences Building, possible, lifting stones and turning them over, never knowing east of Los Angeles at a time when southern California boomed where he shared a split university appointment in geology and what will be found. It’s what the old-timers like Leopold called with development. He attended Mt. San Antonio Community landscape architecture. Leopold was a scholar of the old “science,” and it is an addictive process. One thing always College and California Polytechnic University in Pomona, school, and he believed in giving much of his time to each of led to many others, and new puzzles revealed themselves at where he was named outstanding graduating senior in geology his students. As a consequence, he consistently refrained from almost every turn. What I did learn was what Leopold has in 1976. He attended graduate school at Cal Berkeley to work ever taking on more than just a few students, so he was never prophesied: that one will use EVERY bit of technical training under the tutelage of Richard E. Goodman, a previous recipient able to construct an academic empire like many of his younger and knowledge one possesses at some time in life. I was using of this award. He never received a scholarship, but worked his colleagues. But for those of us who shared his time, it was a gift water chemistry, channel hydraulics, debris flow mechanics, way through six years of broad-based graduate study in civil beyond comparison. structural engineering, rock mechanics, hydrology, terrestrial engineering, geology, , geophysics, structural engi- Leopold taught me how to study things. In the mold photogrammetry, cement chemistry, shock wave seismology, neering, and hydrology. I am told that he wrote the longest of Louis Agassiz, he taught one to become an astute observer sedimentology, petrology; it just went on and on. It was the kind Master’s thesis and Ph.D. dissertation in the history of the of nature. We learned how to make measurements, how to of project that keeps one tied up at the office till all hours of the geotechnical engineering program at Cal. collect large volumes of data, how to synthesize such data, morning, not wanting to sleep for fear of missing something. Rogers is a teacher at heart. I think he chose consulting and how to write it up. Leopold had studied under , because it was the only way he could have the autonomy to and he passed on every aspect of Bryan’s life and methods of Surprising Conclusions pursue his wide-ranging research interests and have enough operation that you can imagine, much like a native tribesman In the end I learned just how much we can learn from office space to house his voluminous libraries. He is most passes down the fables of his ancestors to his children. our predecessors. Mulholland was no fool. In fact, he probably known within his firm as a benefactor of used-book sellers. Leopold didn’t believe in “salami science,” as John Costa so appreciated geology more than most of his contemporaries did. He maintains a library of over 5000 volumes, some 70,000 aptly puts it, wherein faculty of the modern era publish regurgi- I found that he built the reservoir to retain a one-year supply of slides, and more than 12,000 prints. He seems to maintain files tated versions of the same piddly work in as many journals or water for Los Angeles on the southern side of the San Andreas on everything, past citations and responses for the Burwell conference proceedings as possible. No, Leopold would study fault, cognizant of the effects that a repeat of the January 1857 Award, and a file on just about every American engineering a phenomena for 5, 10, 20 years or more before publishing a Ft. Tejon would have on his recently completed geologist or geotechnical engineer of any stature. word on it. This was the example laid for us by our predeces- Owens River aqueduct. Mulholland had brought Stanford geol- Rogers is keenly interested in the roots of our profession. sors, by people like G. K. Gilbert, , Kirk ogy professor John Branner out to the dam site to see if he He corresponds with an enormous circle of professionals, Bryan, and Charlie Hunt. They would study something for a concurred on the location. You couldn’t have done much better generating five to ten letters a week. He is a man who seeks decade or more before writing what was usually a definitive than Branner in California in 1922. One of Branner’s col- out and appreciates the wisdom of his predecessors. He also contribution on any particular subject. leagues, by then retired, was former geology professor Bailey seems to always find the time to work with senior members Leopold also taught us how to tell a story with figures. Willis. Willis was one of the first true engineering geologists, of our profession. I met him in 1985 when he sought me out to Assemble figures to tell the story. Create figures to illustrate the with degrees in both civil engineering and geology well before interview me on the standard of care of grading and excavating. key points. Remember that people who do not speak English the turn of the century. After the dam’s failure Willis had cor- This was not a trivial sort of encounter—he had to get on a as their primary tongue will be reading your papers! Carefully rectly asserted that the left abutment had been the real culprit, plane and 500 miles just to see me. It was his natural curi- select the figures that tell your story, then write the captions. being composed of a series of ancient megalandslides devel- osity that brought him. Since that time, we have taught, as a A reader should grasp the essence of one’s work by quickly oped within the Pelona schist. team, a series of courses on grading and excavating all over viewing the figures and reading the captions. Like National Despite my many forays to the dam site, Willis’s insights the western States. I wish all of you could have the pleasure of Geographic, if the figures and the captions are enticing, one seemed amazing, and it wasn’t long after reading them that listening to his ever-evolving lecture on the history of grading, may even break down and read the contents of the article! I went out to the site again and looked at the evidence he pre- which runs something like a PBS documentary. Do we demean science by making it more palpable? sented. Too many of us had been held hostage by the omn- Tireless in his pursuit of quality education, he routinely I don’t think so. When you adopt this methodology you’re going ipresent San Francisquito fault, forgetting to look at the bigger grants interviews for local news media professionals, never to have to do a whole lot of work in preparing each paper, and picture. Few people had listened to Willis, likely because he pushing his own credentials or firm name. He’s even made a therefore you’ll be incapable of writing so many smaller articles. was working for the plaintiffs (flood victims) and he was some- movie for PBS on geologic time as seen on a raft trip through The essence of an article’s scientific contribution should be thing of a character. (A few years later Willis drew sides against the Grand Canyon that he still sends out free of charge to any- sifted out in detailed peer review, review that we solicit from our Berkeley and geology professor on the one who asks for it. When he attends professional meetings, brethren scientists BEFORE submitting it for publication. I’ve foundation conditions to be encountered on the Golden Gate he’s usually sitting quietly in the front row taking detailed notes. been deeply disappointed by the lack of in-depth understanding Bridge; his views were subsequently proven wrong and his You’d never tell from looking at his office, but just ask him about evidenced in the few official peer reviews my work has been career permanently tarnished.) His views on the St. Francis a particular presentation ten years earlier and he’ll usually be subjected to. Too many junior faculty personnel, devoid of any failure were published only in the obscure Western Construc- able to lay his hands on the published abstract and his notes practical experience and seemingly always in a hurry, seem tion News, a journal it took me two years to find (I finally located of the presentation within five minutes, complete with sketches to provide the bulk of reviewing manpower. As a consequence, it at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the own- of all the charts and key figures presented. many practitioners feel that little of the published literature is ers of the ill-fated dam!). Very few of his colleagues are aware that he also had a relevant, and a general disdain for participating in published The lesson of St. Francis is very simple. There are geolo- distinguished career in naval intelligence, which included serv- work has developed within the mainstream of the consulting gists and there are geologists: engineering geology is a tremen- ing in an active-duty flag-staff intelligence billet for five years community. This trend suggests that our centers of education dously subjective art. Put three geologists in a room and you’ll while concurrently running a consulting company. This dual and research are having less and less impact on what’s hap- likely elicit three answers. This disparity of opinion does not career allowed him to travel 50,000 miles per year and afforded pening in the real world of solving problems, where the con- mean that engineering geologists are technically incompetent him many an extended stay in Panama, where he has spent straints of time, budget, legal concerns, and political correct- or don’t know what they are doing. Like interpreting geophysics, days sifting through the myriad of construction files of the build- ness oftentimes crowd out technical considerations. one of those geologists may be correct! The problem inherent ing of the Panama Canal. His library on the canal is extensive, Leopold maintained, and I agree, that it is the authors in our practice is that the simple inclusion of engineering geo- and few of his lectures pass without at least a few breath-taking who are often too lazy or feel incapable of producing good, logic input is, in and of itself, no guarantor of not experiencing views of the enormous landslides that project fostered. He will high-quality figures to illustrate their papers. Sometimes this disaster. It simply depends on the experience and training of soon retire from the Navy as one of the most decorated reserve means hiring an artist, or chartering a plane to take key oblique the geologist you hire. John Branner was one of the biggest intelligence officers in the postÐWorld War II era, being the first photos, or, perish the thought, drawing some of the figures names in geology when he blessed the St. Francis site. His intelligence officer in the Pacific Command to earn Navy wings yourself! How we present our data is critical to their being professional colleague Willis visited that same site and drew as well as ten different medals. properly understood, especially by those students who may a dramatically different conclusion. In another important case He has taught in numerous university extension programs, be most influenced by our efforts. study, Willis was proved to have been wrong. and whenever we travel to far-away cities to give our ICBO I see this manner of professional disparity every day of my grading course, he will call ahead and avail himself to nearby St. Francis Dam practice, and it has almost driven me to desperation. I’ll map an colleges for guest lectures. He demands excellence in his lec- Inspired by Luna Leopold, I began to keep files on a multi- ancient landslide somewhere, and the other geologist doesn’t tures, putting in enormous preparations for each presentation, tude of subjects. I undertook work on multiyear projects, most see any evidence whatsoever for any landslides. So, it may not and constantly upgrading his lectures with new and better infor- of which I am collecting data on to this day. I have published come down to whether or not we retained a “geologist,” but to mation or rare photographs. Recently he decided to affiliate very little of this collecting. One day in the fall of 1991, I heard what geologist we retained and who that individual was lucky with the faculty in civil engineering at U.C. Berkeley, where that Dick Proctor and Barny Pipkin were going to republish a enough to have studied under. In this world of ever-increasing he teaches engineering geology. classic two-page article by former USC professor Tom Clements competition, one geologist is oftentimes seen by clients as “as If we were to present to students a model character for an on the 1928 failure of the St. Francis Dam. I was panicked! good as another,” and they accordingly hire the less expensive engineering geologist, we might do well to hold up the example I had been working on St. Francis for over 15 years as one of one. For those of us who make our living going around inves- of J. David Rogers. He was cross-trained with degrees in both my “Leopold projects.” My research, both within libraries, as tigating engineering geologic failures, the future looks bright: well as out at the dam site, suggested a dramatically different

60 GSA TODAY, March 1995 there appears to be no end in sight of geologic disasters in the competent and experienced individuals are the only people available to others. We must also learn to be persistent. When- making due to the economic forces shaping the way our culture who have a chance to develop the type of professional judg- ever asked, attorneys will generally deny access to anything “does business.” I just hope another 600 people won’t be pay- ment necessary to guide the development of critical structures interesting on the grounds that someone (usually another attor- ing the price for a geologist’s oversight. in the ground. This recognition of competency lineage is noth- ney) will use the information to defame an agency, owner, or ing new; Karl Terzaghi discussed it in some detail back in 1944 project that had some sort of interesting problem. The St. Fran- Becoming Mindful of Our Past and in the ASCE Symposia on Highway Geology. cis riddle was solved only because the City of Los Angeles Our Own Limitations We now live in the video age of time bites, libraries with finally gave access to their files, due to persistence. Many We must endeavor to know what has occurred in the past: reduced hours and holdings, and ever-increasing rules, regula- before me had made attempts to get this information and failed. who the players were, what constraints they operated under, tions, paperwork, and societal diversions. Time for continuing I believe that second efforts, some degree of eternal optimism, and what assumptions were necessary in the design decisions. education, literature review, library research, professional and a lot of sweat are what make a good scientist or engineer- How much did economic and political factors control the out- society activities, and communication with our federal scientist ing geologist. I don’t believe that brains and brilliance alone will come of the projects they worked on? counterparts has all but disappeared from our professional carry any of us to make contributions that are significant. I feel that the profession of engineering geology is exceed- routine. Some are calling this a lack of “professional growth.” There’s a plethora of brilliant people out there who will have ingly more complex than it appears on the surface. It is one of No matter what it’s called, we are quickly losing our heritage, no appreciable influence on society if they are not willing to the most subjective sciences known to mankind, and the devel- the experience our forebears have to offer, and the lessons work hard. Good forensics is simply hard work. Like Luna opment of sound professional judgment would appear to be learned from their failures. Leopold in the stream looking for his painted rocks after a flood, based, more than on any other single factor, on whom our men- As engineering geologists we must learn to network more we have to develop both the patience and tenacity to pick up tors were and the training they passed on to us. Those geolo- with our brethren scientists. This means actively soliciting infor- each of the rocks and look at them with an unbiased eye if we gists fortunate enough to have received quality training from mation and anecdotes from others as well as making oneself are to set about truly solving a problem.

having to spend my summers in such a dull place. But ever Presentation of the since then geomorphology has taken second place on my love list. KIRK BRYAN AWARD The second reason for my surprise is that I am a faculty member at a school that emphasizes teaching rather than to research. And yet, as much as we gripe about limited equip- ment and support for research, we have more opportunity ARTHUR N. PALMER to pursue research in the grand nineteenth century manner, driven by personal interest. I had the luxury of spending about 20 years preparing the GSA Bulletin article that led to this award. Such a leisurely pace would be the death knell to any- Citation by one on a grant. JAMES F. QUINLAN Third, the paper is about limestone caves. Perhaps no other topic in geology is regarded with less enthusiasm by other No one within the field of cave and karst studies is more scientists. Many of them consider cave studies to be mere highly respected by his peers than Art Palmer. Few speleological sport. Also, it’s difficult to maintain one’s dignity while crawling names are as well known to professionals outside of this field. standing of significant insights. Surprisingly often, you will be through mud. However, I think the main reason is as follows. Much of the respect for Art has been earned because of saying to yourself, “That’s neat!” During the early decades of this century, cave origin was the cogency, clarity, and comprehensiveness of his writings, Where does Art’s paper fit into the overall scheme of our pursued by several of the most outstanding geologists in the his presentations, and his unpublished research that he gladly understanding of cave development and hydrology? I suspect history of the field, including William Morris Davis and J Harlan shares with others. These include five books, ten book chap- that modesty might make Art say it’s merely a first approxima- Bretz. Near the end of that golden age, organized cave explor- ters, more than 20 journal articles, about 20 nonrefereed arti- tion, but most people familiar with the field would say that it is ing got underway in America, and the scientists among the cles, more than 20 reviews, and ten computer programs. He a monumental, original analysis and synthesis and that only a ranks of cavers went their own way, publishing mainly in has given more than 30 papers at national and international few others have done so much, each in a different way, to so specialized journals of limited readership. Every so often a meetings and 50 invited lectures in the U.S. and Europe. greatly advance our understanding of karst hydrology and geo- cave-related article would appear in a mainstream journal, but Most of Art’s writings have been concerned with the origin morphology during the past 20 years. Each of them is an origi- the results seemed to puzzle rather than enlighten other scien- and development of caves, chiefly in limestone, and it is for his nal thinker, but each would readily admit that he stood on the tists. To make an impact on others, your ideas must be slightly grand, original, and definitive synthesis on this topic that we shoulders of giants. I believe Art’s paper will remain definitive different from theirs—but not too different. People are most honor him with the Kirk Bryan Award. But Art has worked on for many years to come. impressed when they already know most of what you tell them. much more than speleogenesis. He has also made original and Art can be rightly proud of his publications, the merits Karst concepts are not difficult to grasp, but few readers had a significant interpretations of paleokarst, landform development, of which are measured by how often they are cited by others. personal involvement with them. stratigraphy, , and petrology. All of them have But I think he is proudest of the results of his teaching, as mea- Until recently, that is. Within the past 10 or 15 years, karst been based on extensive field work with his wife Peg, comple- sured by the accomplishments of his students, who are well has become a hot topic among the nonkarst community: strati- mented by their laboratory studies. Most of this work has been trained. In 1980 he initiated the Water Resources Program at graphers, carbonate sedimentologists, economic geologists, supported by the nonexistent Palmer Foundation. State University of New York at Oneonta, a school that stresses petroleum geologists, structural engineers—all have found Much of Art’s research has been done in national parks, quality teaching rather than the importance of research. This karst to be a vast new field of importance to them. Karst con- especially Mammoth Cave, Wind Cave, Carlsbad Caverns was one of the first undergraduate programs of its kind in the cepts can be used as a tool to solve many of their problems. National Parks, and Jewel Cave National Monument. At all country, and it has always been one of the largest. The most Now the subject connects on a personal level. The gap in per- these places, the National Park Service has asked him to recent recognition of Art’s teaching abilities came this year, spective has narrowed, and just as when two charged poles prepare interpretive materials for the park staff and for visitors. when he was awarded a Distinguished Teaching Professorship. are gradually brought close together, sparks are now able He is an expert in successfully communicating complex ideas I’ve spoken about Art’s work and his numerous accom- to leap the gap. in terms understandable to the public. plishments. Let me close with a few words about the man him- There is one conspicuous exception to the list of those The paper for which we honor Art is “Origin and Morphol- self. He is a gentleman and a gentle man who has always gra- who have embraced karst studies—my own colleagues, the ogy of Limestone Caves,” which was published in the January ciously shared his many insights with others. He has always ground-water hydrologists. Most of them view karst with 1991 GSA Bulletin, volume 103, pages 1Ð21. This unique been a role model for his students. His unique qualities and emotions that range from indifference to open hostility. Why? paper is the first in the 36-year history of the Kirk Bryan Award talents, and how he has applied them, have made the world Ground-water hydrology has one solid rock that serves to be concerned with caves or karst. So relevant is this paper to a better place. as its quantitative foundation: Darcy’s Law. It is valid only for ground-water hydrology, however, and so significant is it to that laminar flow. And along come people who say that Darcy’s Law discipline as well, that several people nominated it for GSA’s does not apply to karst aquifers. There are turbulent-flow equa- Meinzer Award. I’ve never heard of a GSA grand slam, but if Response by tions that apply to the movement of water through cave pas- there is such a thing, Art, perhaps you might get it. sages, and they interfinger quite nicely with those for laminar Caves have been interpreted by various specialists ARTHUR N. PALMER flow. Although they are foreign to most ground-water hydrolo- in terms of ground-water chemistry, geomorphic setting, lithol- Many thanks to all of you who were on hand to share in gists, they do not pose any great conceptual hurdle. However, ogy, aquifer type, geologic structure, potential fields, hydraulics, one of the grandest surprises of my life. This award is a sur- ground-water hydrologists gain the majority of their knowledge and solution kinetics. Art synthesized much of this but focused prise for several reasons. First, although geomorphology is one of aquifer behavior from pumping tests and piezometer mea- on the origin of the basic cave patterns and the rates of cave of my earliest and most enduring passions, I am not a geomor- surements, and most such tests reveal aquifer characteristics enlargement. Much of the paper is analytical and based on phologist. However, my geomorphic roots can be traced back similar to those in fractured nonkarst aquifers. One reason is computer-aided calculations, but its conclusions are also through Bill Thornbury to Clyde Malott, one of the pioneers of that turbulent flow can often be misinterpreted as mere hetero- based on extensive, arduous, and sometimes tedious field American karst studies. Since we’re in the Who’s Who section geneity within laminar-flow systems. Another is that most of the work in about 500 caves in various geomorphic, structural, and of this response, I also want to acknowledge the training and volume of a karst aquifer is indeed typified by laminar flow. hydrologic settings throughout the U.S. and parts of Europe. encouragement given me by Bill at Williams College and The direct underground observations of karst researchers In support of his analyses and conclusions, Art describes by the hydrology-geophysics team at Indiana University: Allen is limited to turbulent-flow conduits, few of us having waistlines and explains the results of processes governing cave morphol- Agnew, Judson Mead, Burke Maxey, Pat Domenico, and Yaron sufficiently thin to explore laminar-flow fissures. Tracer studies ogy, epigenic and hypogenic origin, rates of limestone dissolu- Sternberg. Dick Powell of the Indiana Geological Survey show mean water velocities in conduits on the order of hun- tion, evolution of passage size and geometry, control of cave showed me the power of simple geomorphic field tools such dreds or thousands of meters per day. Tracers and water patterns by ground-water recharge, origin of branching caves, as the hand level. Most of all, I want to give a cheer for my wife chemistry provide ample evidence for the surrounding laminar origin and modification of caves by floodwaters, origin of maze Peg—not only a constant field companion, but an equal and flow, but conduits dominate our thinking. This difference in caves by diffuse recharge, and the inability of artesian flow even leading partner in many of our research projects. viewpoint is not an academic issue. If one were concerned alone to form maze caves. He gives a succinct but sound Geomorphology has played a pivotal role in my social solely with water-well yield, there would be little penalty for mathematical analysis of these topics that is supplemented development. It was on a geomorphology field trip led by Bill failing to recognize the presence of cavernous voids. However, by numerous original graphs clearly showing complex relation- Thornbury that I first met Peg. Professor Thornbury was, of today’s big issues include contaminant transport and monitoring ships between various chemical and hydraulic parameters. course, an accomplished author and lecturer, but he had the of waste facilities. The laminar flow so commonly detected by It is truly a tour de force, and it reads well. good sense to minimize his comments over the bus loud- well tests is tributary to conduits that convey water and contam- When I tried to summarize more of Art’s paper in the lim- speaker. “Where’s Miss Olson? I want to ‘esker’ what this hill is inants at high velocity to springs. Unless monitor wells intercept ited time and space available to me, I was reminded of Richard up ahead” was an abnormally lengthy comment. Meanwhile, as these conduits, contaminants can pass right between them Feynman. When he was asked by a reporter in 1965 to tell in a a graduate student, I felt it was my duty to sit next to this bright without the slightest chance of detection. Recognizing the few words what he had done to get the Nobel Prize for physics, young undergraduate to convey to her the subtle details of the existence and pattern of conduits is crucial. Furthermore, any he replied, with a twinkle in his eye, “Listen, buddy, if I could tell passing landscape. “There goes a ’possum,” Professor Thorn- attempt to apply numerical methods to the modeling of karst you in a minute what I did, it wouldn’t be worth the Nobel Prize.” bury informed us over the PA. I eagerly pointed out my disser- aquifers, particularly contaminant transport, is doomed to failure So it is with Art’s paper. Read it if you want to get an under- tation field area. I later learned that Peg felt sorry for me for unless the exact pattern of turbulent-flow conduits is known. It never is.

GSA TODAY, March 1995 61 So the problem is twofold: hydrologists rarely see the grade school I’ve also enjoyed maps and mapping. I still find how solution conduits originate and grow with time, and reveal- effect of karst on their well tests, while karst researchers tell the geologic mapping of caves to be a fascinating occupation. It ing functional relationships whose validity was confirmed by fur- them they are all wrong. No wonder karst studies have not has provided a large database on caves and what controls their ther field observation. These relationships were then verified been greeted enthusiastically by hydrologists. The two poles pattern. From this it was easy to formulate general ideas about analytically, although the results appeared in an earlier paper. have not come close together enough for sparks to bridge their origin. I am greatly touched by your support. But papers like the gap. My hydrology training led me to explain cave morphology this, which presumptuously try to sum up and supersede all Finally, I should say a few words about how the paper simply in hydraulic terms. The basic ideas in the GSA paper previous work on a subject, attract attention at the expense of “Origin and Morphology of Limestone Caves” materialized, were in place as early as 1970. Chemistry and chemical kinet- a great deal of excellent but more specialized work. There are because it is a good example of how one’s geomorphic thinking ics came rather late in the game, but they made a perfect fit. By other people whose lifetime achievement in karst studies is can evolve over the years. It started with a passion for cave 1980 the concepts for the GSA paper were nearly complete. As greater than mine. To them, and to all those who pour their exploring, which might be considered the essence of science: a further test, I engaged in finite-difference analysis of karst flow hearts into their work without recognition: I want to share this wondering what is there and seeking the answer. Ever since systems, combining hydraulics and chemical kinetics to show honor with you.

The lunar vs. terrestrial battles over the origin of tektites Presentation of the were conducted with great ferocity during the 1960s. The stakes were high, and I still retain many scars and even a G. K. GILBERT AWARD residual division of the world between “them and us.” Working on tektites naturally led to speculation about the composition of to the Moon. Even in the early 1960s it seemed unlikely that the lunar surface had a composition similar to terrestrial sediments. STUART ROSS TAYLOR Siliceous ash flows were popular candidates for the lunar high- lands, but, if so, they were distinct from their terrestrial ana- logues, if tektites were coming from the Moon. All this was a good grounding in comparative planetology, a discipline that Citation by had yet to be invented. ROBIN BRETT My interest in tektites led, by a curious path, to my involvement with lunar samples and so eventually to this event. Ross Taylor is the intellectual grandson of V. M. Gold- It was all the fault of Robin Brett. When he learned, through an schmidt, because his scientific father is Brian Mason, who exchange of Christmas cards (a great way to communicate), worked with Goldschmidt. This is quite a remarkable coinci- was later shocked to find that someone was walking the streets that I would be at the Corning Glass Symposium on tektites in dence because Ross and Brian both grew up in New Zealand after having been exposed to the lunar samples. March 1969, he suggested that I come by Houston, where he (which we of Australian origin regard as the end of the world). The lunar experience was the most exciting scientific was the newly appointed chief of the Geochemistry Branch at Taylor resembles Goldschmidt because of his exceptional time in the lives of those of us who were heavily immersed in it. what was then the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. I inno- scientific breadth. Ross was no exception. He went on to write numerous papers cently accepted his invitation, little realizing his Machiavellian Ross grew up on a farm in New Zealand, some 20 miles on the geochemistry of lunar samples and their origin and the plans. from Bill Fyfe. The air in New Zealand must be special for pro- origin and evolution of the Moon (including a widely used text- He showed me the Lunar Receiving Laboratory, where ducing outstanding geologists (Taylor, Fyfe, Doug Coombs, book that synthesizes our knowledge up to 1975, and a later Elbert King, then curator of lunar samples, had installed an and Francis Turner, to name but a few). This is somewhat of one in 1982). He has since broadened his interests, and in a emission spectrograph to carry out the preliminary examination a generalization—one must not forget Rutherford and others. fairly recent, very well received textbook, he has objectively of the lunar samples expected in July. I had spent much of the Taylor did his undergraduate work followed by his M.Sc. synthesized Solar System Evolution. previous 15 years involved in that technique. Brian Mason had at the University of New Zealand (which no longer exists in Taylor also did excellent work on meteorite impact supervised my Ph.D. thesis, which had involved a lot of emis- name), where he was exposed to Mason’s energy and intellect. glasses, the geochemistry of , the origin and evolu- sion spectrographic work, and I had learned many of the dark He followed Mason to Indiana University, where he did a Ph.D. tion of the rock types of Earth’s crust, and the composition and secrets and philosophy of the technique of rock analysis from thesis on the petrogenesis of some New Zealand metamorphic evolution of the terrestrial continents. His terrestrial work (and, Louis Ahrens. When I saw the lunar laboratory, it was clear that rocks, using elemental analyses. He took some 30 years to after all, Earth is a planet) constitutes another entire career for a lot had still to be done to get ready in the two or three months publish part of this. Thankfully, his publications have been more which he is as well known as for his extraterrestrial work. His before the expected arrival of unknown samples from the rapid in recent years; otherwise, he might still be publishing book with Scott McLellan, The : Its Origin Moon. It wasn’t long before Robin had me hooked on that task, pre- ideas. Taylor first used the optical emission spectro- and Evolution, is widely cited and used. He has written six and it was six months before I escaped, having undergone in graph for some of his analyses, which stood him in good stead books in all—on the Moon and planets and on spectrochemical the meantime the most interesting and at times traumatic pro- in later life. analysis. fessional experience of my life, the initial analysis of the first In 1954, Ross moved to Oxford, a far cry from the dignified Taylor has received a number of important awards and lunar samples. Meanwhile I had left my wife in Canberra to atmosphere of Indiana University. Optical emission spectros- honors, including the Bowen Award from the , Geo- cope with a half-built house, which she successfully saw to copy was the main trace elemental analytical technique, of chemistry and Petrology Section of AGU and the Goldschmidt completion. which the master was Louis Ahrens, with whom Taylor worked Medal from the Geochemical Society; he is a Fellow of the Aus- When I left Houston, Robin said, “What are you going to closely. Among other things he showed that trilobite skeletons tralian Academy of Science, and last, but by no means least, do for an encore?” I always take Robin’s advice, so I kept work- are high in Cs—but why? Having done important work mainly he is a Foreign Associate of the U.S. National Academy of ing away on lunar geochemistry, encouraged by the directors of on igneous rocks (Wager and Malcolm Brown were at Oxford at Sciences. what was then the Lunar Science Institute, first Bill Rubey and that time), he followed Ahrens to Cape Town in 1958. During his Ross Taylor is broader scientifically than most of his col- then Joe Chamberlain, who invited me in 1973 to spend a year time in Cape Town, he helped Ahrens prepare the seminal text- leagues and has carved out a career that would be considered at Houston writing a review of lunar geochemistry. This turned book on optical emission spectroscopy and among other things more than respectable if only one of his interests was under into Lunar Science: A Post-Apollo View. While engaged on developed a life-long interest in objects of interest to planetary consideration. His outside interests and sense of humor are this task, I was greatly helped by Petr Jakes in constructing the geology—tektites. His first paper on these objects of so much also broad; his humor is dry and catholic. He is encyclopedic, Taylor-Jakes model for lunar evolution, a model that still seems controversy was published in 1962 and said it all: “a lunar origin especially about military encounters, and he has visited many reasonably robust. To the dismay of , the Moon is not compatible with the geochemical evidence.” His many battlefields both military and scientific. He is respected and turned out to be a thoroughly differentiated body. Jim Head additional papers on this subject have added further nails to liked by virtually all who know him. His wife Noël is also a scien- succeeded Joe as director at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, that coffin. Taylor’s work in this field sounded the death knell for tist (an Australian crystallographer by way of Oxford) and she and he, Bob Pepin, Tom McGetchin, Roger Phillips, Kevin a lunar origin, although others have filled in important pieces. has therefore accepted the rigors of the scientific life. Such nice Burke, and David Black always made me very welcome in In 1961, Ross moved to Australian National University people deserve one another, but this rarely happens; they are Houston. Kevin says that I have spent more time at the institute and has been there ever since, except for many forays into the very fortunate. than most of the directors. As a result, I have managed to write outside world. In Canberra he joined one of the most creative I am most happy to present Ross Taylor for the Gilbert two more books at Houston. The last one was on the solar departments in the world, although in later years his life there Award; he is a very distinguished awardee. system, since Kevin Burke told me, “You’re not allowed to was not without stress, which often happens when faculty write another book about the Moon.” So I had to broaden members overlap in fields. He became a master of spark- my horizons. source mass spectrometry, which can measure in one analysis Response by The past 25 years have been a remarkable time in planet- nearly all mass numbers. He continued his work on tektites, ary science. Suddenly a whole host of new worlds have been began his seminal work on the growth and origin of continents, STUART ROSS TAYLOR revealed to us in stunning detail, the most recent being the and studied the geochemistry and petrogenesis of many felsic I thank Robin for his kind words, which I always await with Magellan views of the surface of Venus, followed this year with and intermediate igneous rocks. trepidation, to learn what kind of outrageous escapades I am the sobering reminder of the importance of impacts by the colli- I first met Ross in 1967 during an 8-month sojourn at ANU, alleged to have committed. Harold Urey was initially responsi- sion of the Shoemaker-Levy cometary fragments with Jupiter. and we became fast friends. He visited the U.S. in 1969, when ble for getting me interested in planetology by demonstrating, Largely as a result of the Apollo missions, a new type of scien- I was chief of the Geochemistry Branch at NASA in Houston. when he was on sabbatical in Oxford in 1956, that it was possi- tist has arisen, capable of dealing with all sorts of extraterres- During preliminary examination of the lunar rocks, newer geo- ble to study the surface of the Moon, using the excellent series trial materials and problems. The resulting planetary science chemical techniques were not allowed; the analyses were to of Lick Observatory photographs. He talked a lot about G. K. community is one of the national treasures of the United States, be done by optical emission spectroscopy, so as not to perturb Gilbert and his recognition in 1893 of the Imbrium impact and and this award should really be shared among many of them. the principal investigators all over the world who would later do also about Ralph Baldwin’s book The Face of the Moon. He Larry Haskin and John Wood have both remarked to me how refined analyses. The group in Houston had little experience also talked about primitive solar system objects (which included fortunate we were to have been born at the right time to see with optical emission spectroscopy compared with Ross’s the Moon in his cosmology), and the compositions of mete- all these marvels. experience, so it seemed logical to try to subtly recruit him to orites and tektites, about which he held forth during morning In conclusion, I wish to thank the Division of Planetary Sci- stay on and do the analyses. It was easy because I think he tea sessions. Tektites were something one could analyze, and ences of the Geological Society of America for the G. K. Gilbert had the same idea in mind, so we both felt very proud of our as a first step, I started looking at their alkali element composi- Award and to add that I have always been made extremely wel- negotiating skills when agreement was reached. Ross and his tions, asserting in 1959 that, since their K/Rb ratio was terres- come in this country. One of Harold Urey’s favorite comments team did superb analyses of the Apollo 11 and 12 rocks, and trial, they could not come from outside the solar system, as was, “I’m only a country boy from Indiana.” In the midst of all subsequent analyses by other investigators were in good had been suggested, since K and Rb were formed in different this wealth of expertise in planetary science, no one seems to agreement. He barely escaped lunar quarantine, which was a nucleosynthetic processes in stars and would have a different mind the presence, to paraphrase Harold Urey’s comment, of a protocol for Apollos 11 to 14 if one were exposed to unsterilized ratio in extraterrestrial matter. I did not expect that 35 years country boy from New Zealand, nor a citation from a town boy lunar samples. Six of us were incarcerated, but he was so later, in 1994, I would still be writing on tektites (with Chris - from Australia. important to the preliminary examination that I told him to run Koeberl). for it before I hit the panic button that summoned the biological team, whose job it was to lock us up for 12 days. The press

62 GSA TODAY, March 1995 dents, selected from 15 high schools in SAGE REMARKS the area, spend a full day at the “Satur- The New PEP day Academy” with faculty representa- As of January 1, 1995, the Part- Robert A. Matthews, University of California, Davis tives from each of the six disciplines ners for Excellence Program (PEP) along with master teachers from local has become the Partners for Edu- high schools, graduate students, and cation Program. The acronym re- Mentorship and Research-Oriented MURPPS students (peer mentors). mains the same, but we hope the The high school students are exposed name change will clarify our pur- Minority Science Student Program to laboratory and field-oriented pro- pose to GSA members, and to grams in each of the six disciplines for teachers, students, and parents. two Saturdays per discipline. This out- The Forum section in the Septem- entering underrepresented students In conjunction with the name reach is intended to act as a pipeline to ber 1991 issue of GSA Today featured through outreach programs with com- change, GSA is pleased to announce get minority students into the physical several perspectives on ethnic minori- munity colleges, high schools, and the that Barbara L. Mieras has been and mathematical sciences at the col- ties in the geosciences. The six perspec- Mathematics Engineering and Science appointed the full-time Partners for leges and universities of their choice. tives addressed the question of why so Achievement Program (MESA); and Education Program manager. This MURPPS is cooperating with an exist- few ethnic minorities are employed in (3) increasing the number of under- appointment was made possible by ing high school outreach program the geosciences. represented minority students who grants to GSA’s Science Awareness called PIPELINE, which organizes the Today, some three years later, the receive M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the through Geoscience Education student groups, selects the master situation is not much improved, in physical and mathematical sciences, (SAGE) program from the Exxon teachers, transports the students to spite of numerous programs and special and who enter into teaching and Education Foundation and other campus, and works with U.C. Davis activities designed to alleviate the prob- research careers in government, donors. faculty in organizing classes for the lem. The situation in the physical and academia, and the private sector. The Mieras has been working with six science areas. mathematical sciences is not much unique and most innovative aspects of the SAGE program the past two Another key feature of the better. In 1993, only 6% of the under- this three-year program are the faculty years, and she brings a great deal of MURPPS program is the total funding represented minority undergraduate mentorship and freshman research enthusiasm, energy, and expertise to of the students’ costs, including univer- students (African-American, Native components. the Partners for Education Program. sity fees and room and board expenses American, and Chicano or Latino) The program works as follows. She has a Ph.D. in geology and is an (students are required to live in univer- attending the University of California, Incoming students, many of whom active Ph.D. candidate in the School sity dorms for their first year). The stu- Davis, had declared a major in the have not declared majors, are matched of Education at the University of Col- dents receive a stipend of $500 per physical and mathematical sciences. with a professor who agrees to serve orado at Boulder. She has industry quarter and $2000 for the eight-week The percentage of underrepresented as a mentor and advisor. The advisor and consulting experience as a geol- summer program, plus the costs for students in the geological sciences was assists the student in developing a ogist as well as classroom experence room and board. The rationale for even lower. With an interest in and research project in his/her research teaching grades 7–12. She has funding the students is to relieve them intent of trying to address this situa- program. As a part of this project, taught geology and science meth- from the necessity of working to sup- tion in a state with a very large ethnic students participate in an eight-week ods courses at the University of Col- port themselves during the program minority population, a small group of summer program, in which research orado; has worked on curriculum period. This allows them to concen- U.C. Davis faculty from the six disci- is emphasized. The Summer Academy development for various groups, trate fully on their studies and research. plinary areas of the physical and math- Program is designed to give research including the American Indian Sci- Twenty-two students were chosen ematical sciences met to develop a pro- experience to both continuing MURPPS ence Engineering Society (AISES); for the program in the fall of 1993 and gram called Minority Undergraduate students and community college stu- and is a facilitator for Project WILD were assigned or allowed to select a Research Participation in the Physical dents. The summer program also serves and Project Learning Tree. Mieras is mentor. Of the 22 students, five chose and Mathematical Sciences (MURPPS). as a pipeline for transfer students and also a member of the SEPM National geology mentors, though none had MURPPS is a University of California, helps them to select programs in the Standing Committee for Education. indicated interest in geology prior to Davis, campus program, but operates physical and mathematical sciences To become a member of the the introductory programs. Seventeen in close coordination with a university- during the following school year. Dur- Partners for Education Program or students completed the first year, wide California Alliance for Minority ing the spring quarter of their second for additional information on PEP, including four of the five students in Participation in Mathematics, Sciences, year, the students are required to give please contact Barb Mieras at GSA the Department of Geology. The over- and Engineering. It is funded by the a presentation on the research project headquarters, (303) 447-2020, or all GPA of freshman students in the National Science Foundation and a with which they have been involved fax 303-447-1133. MURPPS program was slightly above smaller grant from the DuPont for nearly two years. the average for non-MURPPS freshman Corporation. Incoming students in MURPPS students in the physical and mathe- The primary goal of the MURPPS are also required to participate in the matical sciences. serves to ease the transition from high program is to institutionalize, in a Freshman Seminar Series. In the fall Fifteen freshman students were school to university-level courses. major research institution, the premise quarter, the seminar introduces stu- selected for the second year, and we MURPPS is an innovative program that underrepresented undergraduate dents to campus faculty in the physical expect that they will prove equal to designed to encourage and support minority students are capable not only and mathematical sciences, including or better than the first-year students, underrepresented minority students of surviving but excelling in the physi- those faculty that serve as mentors. In because we required them to take part in physical and mathematical sciences. cal and mathematical sciences. the winter quarter, the seminar speak- in the Special Transition Enrichment Initial results indicate that this type of Three principal objectives of the ers are professionals from outside the Program (STEP) run by the University program is successful in achieving MURPPS program include (1) increas- university and include mainly ethnic Learning Skills Center. This special pro- these objectives. ing the persistence and matriculation minority scientists from academia, gram is open to all entering freshman It is anticipated that at the end of rates of underrepresented minorities government, and the private sector. students. The program provides stu- the National Science Foundation fund- by including students in the university On the U.C. Davis campus, dents with a comprehensive overview ing period, the University and private- community as functioning members MURPPS has also developed a Saturday of university programs and services and sector funding will be secured to con- via faculty and student mentoring; Outreach Program for high school stu- tinue the program. ■ (2) increasing the number of qualified, dents during the school year. The stu-

Donors continued from p. 50 Robert A. Matthews Charles J. Mankin* Virgil A. Frizzell, Jr. Scott L. Neville Unrestricted—GSA Peter I. Nabelek Maxxus Energy Corporation* Robert L. Fuchs* Norman D. Newell John W. Anthony David M. Miller James V. O’Connor Haydn H. Murray* John M. Garihan Martin R. Palmer James O. Brown Gifford H. Miller J. Michael O’Neill Newmont Gold* Reinhard O. Greiling Douglas C. Pasley, Jr.* Richard L. Cooley William G. Minarik Douglas C. Pasley, Jr.* Elaine Padovani* Keith A. Howard Bernice Petersen Cyrus W. Field H. Kenneth Peterson Aurora Pun James L. and Donna L. Russell* Arthur Mekeel Hussey Donald W. Peterson Julian R. Goldsmith Phyllis M. Radack Charles C. Rich Ruth and Vernon Taylor John B. Ivey Thea Welsh Phinney John P. Griess Shirley A. Rawson Lee R. Russell Foundation* James A. Joy Forrest G. Poole Susan D. Halsey Michael P. Semet Michael L. Sargent William E. Kelly Anthony R. Porter Eric T. Hanssen Unrestricted—Foundation Gary A. Smith Patricia O. Seaward A. David Kendrick W. Robert Power Richard C. Mielenz Thomas F. Daniel P. Spangler Gary B. Sidder Carl H. Kiesewetter Richard H. Ragle Louis Moyd* Thomas H. Anderson Leeann Srogi Nancy S. Stehle John Edward Kilkenny Douglas W. Rankin* Scott L. Neville Victor R. Baker* Rolfe S. Stanley Jack W. Travis Charles W. Klassette John A. Reinemund Lincoln R. Page* William A. Bassett Desiree E. Stuart- James W. Tucker William F. Kohland J. Bruno Risatti Douglas C. Pasley, Jr.* James W. Baxter Page C. Twiss Konrad B. Krauskopf* Peter Robinson W. Robert Power Second Century Fund James O. Brown Ben A. van der Pluijm John T. Kuo John W. Rold Noel M. Ravneberg Clarence Allen* Severn P. Brown Louis P. Vlangas John A. Larson Matthew E. Schramm Bernard B. Scheps Paul A. and Florence * George Frank Bryant* Ralph H. Willoughby S. Levin David H. Scofield James B. Stevens Boettcher Foundation* Douglas Saxon Coombs Charles R. Lewis Eugene M. Shoemaker William A. Thomas* SAGE William Bradley* Edward J. Cording Kathryn H. Lohmeyer Christopher A. Suczel Garrett E. Zabel James O. Brown Campini Foundation* Carolyn F. Corwin* Neil Lundberg James B. Thompson* Robert A. Christman Mark and Rhonda Cloos* (in memory of Gilbert Corwin) Richard Lung David D. Tillson John R. Coash Fred A. Donath* Henry W. Coulter* Robert L. Duba Robert J. Malcuit Koike Toshio Gerald I. Eidenberg Robert H. Dott* Doak C. Cox Vicki L. Hansen* Ennio Marsella R. Rexford Upp Ann I. Guhman Gordon P. Eaton* Richard Crook, Jr. Helen Lang Stephen Marshak George Viele* Pamela Hallock-Muller El Pomar Foundation* John C. Crowell* William G. Minarik Larry G. Mastin Alexander A. Wanek* Lincoln S. Hollister Exxon Corporation* Robert V. Cushman Daniel P. Spangler John C. Maxwell* Fred Webb, Jr. Peter L. K. Knuepfer Gates Foundation* Steven N. Daviess James S. Mellett Ronald Willden Philip S. Koch Robert D. Hatcher* J. Depman Robert L. Melvin Xerox Corporation* J. Richard Kyle Frederick H. Leonhardt Robert S. Dietz James P. Minard Kenzo Yagi Stephen C. Lee Foundation* Joseph A. Dixon Jean Morrison Leland W. Younker Steven E. Mains Howard and Jean Lipman Pamela P. Fisco William R. Muehlberger Jody V. Maliga Foundation* David P. Friedman

GSA TODAY, March 1995 63 Plants continued from p. 45 rapidly with the appearance of seed plants (Fig. 3E; Beck, 1981; Gensel and VASCULAR LAND PLANT Andrews, 1984; Scheckler, 1986). Seed EVOLUTION plants spread rapidly during the latest Famennian owing to the advantages Although land plants appeared in conferred by seeds, including ability to the Late or Early adapt to diverse ecological conditions and vascular plants diversified in the and to occupy drier upland habitats Figure 2. Phanerozoic Late Silurian and Early Devonian (Fig. 3E; Gillespie et al., 1981; Rothwell records exhibiting Late (Edwards and Berry, 1991), full colo- et al., 1989). Devonian anomalies: nization of land surfaces is likely to Close temporal relations exist (A) dominant Phanero- have been a protracted process that zoic reef-building between Late Devonian anoxic and continued throughout the Devonian groups (James, 1983); extinction events and these paleo- and later. Initially, the impact of land (B) marine carbonate botanic developments. First, the onset plants on their physical environment δ13C (Berner, 1989); of a protracted late Middle–Late Devo- was negligible owing to small size, (C) atmospheric CO2 nian interval of widespread oceanic limited biomass, shallow rooting, and (RCO2 is the ratio of anoxia (Fig. 3, B–D) followed closely CO at a given time in restriction to moist lowland habitats. 2 the advent of secondary vascular sup- the past to that at As land plants increased in size and porting tissues (Fig. 3E) and coincided present; Berner, 1994); became more abundant and geographi- broadly with rapid increases in the (D) North American cally widespread, they exerted a pro- maximum size of vascular land plants dolomite abundance gressively stronger influence on their (as volume percent of in the Middle Devonian (Fig. 4). Sec- physical substrate. Two evolutionary total carbonate; this ond, the F-F boundary Kellwasser event innovations are of major significance paper); (E) marine sul- occurred within the mid-Frasnian to in this regard: (1) arborescence, or tree- fate δ34S (Holser et al., mid-Famennian interval of archaeop- sized stature, and (2) the seed habit. 1989); (F) abiotic terid dominance and might represent δ18 With the advent of supporting tissues marine carbonate O the rapid spread of this (Fig. 3E). (Lohmann, 1988); (G) (2° xylem, 2° cortex) in the Middle Third, the D-C boundary Hangenberg North American sedi- Devonian (Fig. 3E), several groups event is preceded by the appearance of ment survival rates (this of vascular plants (lycopods, cladoxy- the earliest known seeds by one con- paper); and (H) miner- laleans, ) exhibited odont zone, or about 0.5 m.y. (Fig. 3E; alogy of clay mineral increases in stature (Fig. 4; Chaloner assemblages (Weaver, Gillespie et al., 1981; Rothwell et al., and Sheerin, 1979; Mosbrugger, 1990). 1967). PDB is Peedee 1989). In each case, an important pale- However, Middle Devonian trees belemnite obotanic development that probably mostly occupied riparian habitats, and led to a large increase in root biomass flood-plain forests probably developed preceded major paleontologic, sedi- in the Frasnian with the appearance mentologic, and geochemical events of the Archaeopteris. by no more than a few million years. This genus, which grew ~30 m high, In this regard, first appearances are less became the dominant element of ter- restrial floras between the mid-Frasnian and mid-Famennian, but declined Plants continued on p. 65

Trends continued from p. 47 replacement of higher paid managers enue to the universities. Some universi- ences to policy makers and the public with lower paid, entry-level staff. Slow ties are using postdoctoral fellows in at large in order to ensure the contin- information about the key themes and to moderate growth in employment is place of teaching assistants. This cre- ued viability of the profession. The key points presented at the forum. anticipated and should provide the ates more temporary slots for scientists societies could promote earth sciences In the 1970s and 1980s, the extrac- greatest opportunities to students with seeking permanent positions. in several ways: tive-industries (petroleum and miner- B.S. and M.S. degrees. Continuation of Earth science job opportunities • Encouraging colleges and uni- als)–oriented companies hired more the federal government’s domination in the coming decade likely will be in versities to provide integrative graduating earth science students than of environmental regulations will prob- positions that address important soci- earth science courses and experi- any other category of employer, for- ably favor large, multidisciplinary etal problems, such as natural hazards, ences for nonmajors, particularly merly providing employment to about firms. health, infrastructure, energy and for preservice and in-service K–12 two-thirds of all graduates. Employ- Shrinking budgets have been resource needs, and environmental teachers. ment and employment opportunities and will continue to be responsible for protection and remediation. Employers • Working with colleges and uni- in these industries have declined decreasing employment of earth scien- will be seeking geoscientists who have versities to inject earth science sharply over the past decade. Domestic tists by state and federal government knowledge of aqueous geochemistry, perspectives into allied professions, growth is expected to be flat. Con- agencies. The number of state-funded earth surface processes, and the such as engineering, and to pre- tributing to the continuing low level positions for professional staff in state youngest part of the geological time pare earth science students for of employment is the fact that extrac- geological surveys has declined about scale. Particularly attractive will be nontraditional careers in areas tive companies are increasingly moving 8% in the past four years, while the graduates with a solid foundation in such as law, business, and politics. their operations overseas, where they number of contract employees has fundamental science (biology, chem- • Working with academia and indus- are hiring foreign nationals. increased. Positions in the USGS have istry, engineering, geology, physics), try to provide access to lifelong, Employment opportunities in also declined over the past decade. mathematics, and high-quality learning for practicing environmentally oriented companies These trends are likely to continue. and with skills in foreign language earth scientists. are the brightest of those in any geoin- Even larger reductions have occurred and oral and written communication. • Encouraging and, where appropri- dustry. However, the evolution and in the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Forum participants expressed the sense ate, coordinating the participation maturation of the industry and its In academia, the number of faculty that the generally prevailing college of earth scientists in local, state, technologies has reduced employment positions is expected to remain con- and university earth science curricu- and federal policy debates and opportunities when compared to the stant over the next 5–10 years. Faculty lum, which has changed little over the decisions. recent past. Competitive pressures have positions supported by external funds past 50 years, must be redesigned to The key word at the forum was prompted personnel restructuring, probably will decrease, because many provide a multidisciplinary base that change. Employment opportunities for including layoffs in some areas and the of these positions do not provide rev- integrates scientific knowledge and earth scientists have decreased signifi- basic scientific skills that would allow cantly over the past decade, and this students to adapt to changing societal pace is likely to continue into the priorities. Although the forum did not future. In the face of this rapid change, Southeastern Section Meeting to provide a specific plan for revision, colleges and universities need to be Include Symposium on Energy participants agreed that earth science constantly assessing their curricula. and the Environment societies and colleges and universities Geoscientists must work together to should encourage reform in several ensure a well-educated and skilled A symposium, “Energy and the Environment in the Next Century,” at the GSA ways, including: earth science workforce that will be Southeastern Section meeting in April will feature speakers from both the private • Bringing together the academic able to meet the future needs of society, and public sectors. The objective of the symposium, sponsored by GSA’s Institute community, professional societies, such as preserving the environment for Environmental Education, is to look at the many facets of the issue of energy government, and industry to coor- and providing an adequate supply of use and its effects on the environment, according to organizer Otto Kopp (Univer- dinate curricular reform. natural resources for a growing popula- sity of Tennessee). • Developing benchmarks for the tion. Perhaps the most important role Some of the subjects will be: acceptable levels of toxicity, fossil fuels and CO , 2 content of courses. for earth science societies in managing the economics of nuclear power, and techniques for monitoring the environmental • Providing recognition and awards this change is the collection and dis- impact of energy production. The symposium will be open to all attendees at the for innovative courses, curricula, semination of human resource data GSA Southeastern Section meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee, April 6–7, 1995. and teaching excellence. that can serve as the basis for wise For further information, contact Otto C. Kopp, Dept. of Geological Sciences, There was a consensus that earth decision making on employment and University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1410, (615) 974-2366, fax 615- science societies need to become more education issues. ■ 974-2368, E-mail: [email protected]. proactive in promoting the earth sci-

64 GSA TODAY, March 1995 Plants continued from p. 64 important than increases in abundance and biomass, which are harder to quan- tify but significantly more important in terms of geochemical consequences.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE RHIZOSPHERE AND SOILS Figure 3. Correlation of Devonian events: Soils are the geochemical interface (A) extinction events; between the lithosphere and the atmo- black shales from sphere-hydrosphere, and their impor- (B) eastern North tance in global geochemical cycles America, (C) central to has been largely underappreciated. western North America, Although thick soil pro- and (D) Europe; and files are known, generally high rates (E) paleobotanic events (data sources available of physical weathering in the pre- upon request). For Devonian probably yielded widespread columns B–D, note that barren rock surfaces and thin microbial illustrated units repre- protosoils similar to modern desert sent anoxic maxima as crusts (Campbell, 1979). Increases in determined by total the size and geographic distribution organic carbon content; of large vascular plants and in root black shales were biomass probably resulted in substan- deposited through tial increases in the depth and volume much of the late Middle of soils during the Late Devonian and Late Devonian in some areas. In column (Retallack, 1986). E, FAD = first appear- Development of the rhizosphere ance datum; the range had important short- and long-term and peak abundance of effects on sedimentologic and geo- Archaeopteris are shown chemical processes associated with by dashed and solid weathering (Fig. 5). In the short term, lines, respectively; global weathering rates increased as rel- and the age of South atively fresh substrates were physically American glaciation is and chemically attacked by rapidly restricted by occurrence spreading root systems. Enhanced of Foerstia (F; dashed; Caputo, 1985) and physical weathering may have accom- miospores (solid; Streel, panied the transition from largely 1986). Conodont zona- unvegetated to vegetated uplands, tion from Ziegler and during which increases in root density Sandberg (1990), and would have accelerated mechanical time scale from Harland breakup of rock but exerted only a et al. (1990). weak stabilizing influence against ero- sion by episodic droughts, landslides, and wildfires (Stallard, 1985), yielding transient increases in regional or global particulate fluxes (Fig. 2G). Elevated chemical weathering rates resulted from “pumping” of atmospheric CO2 into the soil during rhizosphere expan- sion. Rapid drawdown of atmospheric CO led to a negative feedback on 2 lating marine algal blooms (Fig. 5). ent fluxes have caused eutrophication finer grained, compositionally more weathering rates, reestablishing a long- Such blooms may have been the source and transient expansion of oxygen- mature product was promoted by term balance in the rate of CO utiliza- 2 of high concentrations of marine algal depleted bottom waters (Kuparinen (1) production of organic and carbonic tion through weathering and the rate matter in Upper Devonian black shales and Heinänen, 1993; Lyons et al., acids by roots, (2) trapping of moisture of CO supply through volcanic out- 2 (Maynard, 1981) and of enigmatic fos- 1993). in soils, and (3) increased water-rock gassing (Berner, 1992, 1994). The tran- sils of wide geographic but restricted Long-term effects of rhizosphere contact time as a result of soil stabiliza- sient increase in chemical weathering stratigraphic occurrence such as Proto- development on weathering processes tion and enhanced evapotranspira- rates associated with rhizosphere salvinia (Foerstia; Schopf and Schwieter- included increased landscape stabili- tional recirculation (Berner, 1992). expansion is likely to have caused a ing, 1970). Analogous relations have zation and a shift from weathering- These developments are consistent pulse in nutrient flux to the oceans, been documented from the modern limited to transport-limited weathering with an Early Carboniferous shift from resulting in eutrophication of semire- Black and Baltic Seas, in which anthro- regimes (Fig. 5; Stallard, 1985; Johns- stricted epicontinental seas and stimu- pogenic and natural increases in nutri- son, 1993). Weathering of rocks to a Plants continued on p. 66

Figure 5. Model linking Late Devonian geochemi- cal, sedimentologic, and climatic anomalies to the development of arbores- cence and the seed habit among vascular land plants. Features are arrayed by relative dura- tion, transient effects on the left and long-term effects on the right. Solid outlines indicate docu- mented geologic records; dashed outlines indicate processes linking records. See text for discussion.

Figure 4. Maximum size of vascular land plants during the Devonian; note the rapid increase associated with appearance of trees in the Givetian. Maximum diameters of plant axes, esti- mated tree heights, and representative fossil genera from Chaloner and Sheerin (1979), Gensel and Andrews (1984), and Mosbrugger (1990).

GSA TODAY, March 1995 65 Plants continued from p. 65 Campbell, S. E., 1979, Soil stabilization by a prokaryotic desert crust: Implications for Precam- GSA ANNUAL MEETINGS brian land biota: Origins of Life, v. 9, p. 335–348. illite-chlorite– to smectite-kaolinite– dominated clay mineral assemblages Caputo, M. V., 1985, Late Devonian glaciation in South America: , Palaeoclimatol- 1995 (Fig. 2H; Weaver, 1967). At present, ogy, Palaeoecology, v. 51, p. 291–317. formation of smectite and kaolinite New Orleans, Louisiana Chaloner, W. G., and Sheerin, A., 1979, Devonian November 6–9 is closely associated with moderate to macrofloras, in House, M. R., et al., eds., The strong pedogenic weathering in tem- Devonian system: London, Palaeontological Ernest N. Morial perate to semiarid and in humid tropi- Association, Special Papers in Palaeontology 23, Convention Center, p. 145–161. cal climate zones, respectively (Singer Hyatt Regency New Orleans and Munns, 1991). Claeys, P., Casier, J.-G., and Margolis, S. V., 1992, General Chair: William R. Craig, University of New Orleans Microtektites and mass extinctions: Evidence for a Late Devonian impact: Science, v. 257, Technical Program Chair: Laura Serpa, University of New Orleans CONCLUSIONS p. 1102–1104. Field Trip Chair: Whitney Autin, Louisiana State University See November 1994 GSA Today for a complete list of field trips. The influence of vascular land , T. D., and Bally, A. W., editors, 1975, plants on weathering processes and Stratigraphic of North and Central America: Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, CALL FOR PAPERS—APRIL GSA TODAY global geochemical cycles is likely to 272 p. Themes, Symposia, Field Trips, and Continuing Education Courses have increased substantially during the Copper, P., 1986, Frasnian/Famennian mass Late Devonian owing to development extinction and cold-water oceans: Geology, v. 14, of arborescence and the seed habit. p. 835–839. 1996 These paleobotanic innovations led to Edwards, D., and Berry, C., 1991, Silurian and Denver, Colorado • October 28–31 rapid expansion of the global rhizo- Devonian, in Cleal, C. J., ed., Plant in geo- Colorado Convention Center, Marriott City Center sphere, resulting in a transient intensi- logical investigation: New York, Ellis Horwood, General Chairs: Kenneth E. Kolm and Gregory S. Holden, Colorado School of Mines fication of the rate of soil formation p. 117–153. Technical Program Chair: John D. Humphrey, Colorado School of Mines Geldsetzer, H. H. J., Goodfellow, W. D., McLaren, and in a permanent increase in the Call for Field Trip Proposals: Please contact the Field Trip Chairs listed below. thickness and areal extent of deeply D. J., and Orchard, M. J., 1987, Sulfur-isotope anomaly associated with the Frasnian-Famennian Charles L. Pillmore, Ren A. Thompson weathered soils. Intensified chemical extinction, Medicine Lake, Alberta, Canada: Geol- U.S. Geological Survey, MS 913, P.O. Box 25046 weathering may have caused a tran- ogy, v. 15, p. 393-396. Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 sient increase in riverine nutrient Gensel, P. G., and Andrews, H. N., 1984, Plant life phones: Charles L. Pillmore, (303) 236-1240; Ren A. Thompson (303) 236-0929 fluxes, resulting in eutrophication of in the Devonian: New York, Praeger, 380 p. semirestricted epicontinental seaways For general information on any meeting call the GSA Meetings Department, Gensel, P. G., and Andrews, H. N., 1987, The evo- 1-800-472-1988 or (303) 447-2020, ext. 141; E-mail: [email protected] and stimulating marine algal blooms lution of early land plants: American Scientist, and widespread deposition of black v. 75, p. 478–489. shales. Correlativity of black shale hori- Gillespie, W. H., Rothwell, G. W., and Scheckler, zons with episodes of extinction of S. E., 1981, The earliest seeds: Nature, v. 293, GSA SECTION MEETINGS tropical marine benthos implicates p. 462–464. oceanic anoxia rather than global cool- Harland, W. B., , R. L., Cox, A. V., NORTHEASTERN SECTION ing as the proximate cause of the Late Craig, L. E., Smith, A. G., and Smith, D. G., 1990, Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Cromwell, Hartford, Connecticut, A 1989: Cambridge, United Devonian biotic crisis. Drawdown of March 20–22, 1995. Information: Gregory McHone, Graduate Liberal Studies Program, Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 263 p. Wesleyan University, 255 High St., Middletown, CT 06457, (203) 344-7930, fax 203- atmospheric CO2 and global cooling Holser, W. T., Maynard, J. B., and Cruikshank, 344-7957. were secondary effects of enhanced sili- K. M., 1989, Modelling the natural cycle of sul- SOUTHEASTERN SECTION cate weathering and rapid organic car- phur through Phanerozoic time, in Brimblecombe, Knoxville Hilton Hotel, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 6–7, 1995. Information: bon burial. Thus, evolutionary develop- P., and Lein, A. Y., eds., Evolution of the global biogeochemical sulphur cycle: Chichester, United Robert D. Hatcher, Jr., Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, ments among vascular land plants are Kingdom, Wiley, p. 21–56. TN 37996-1410, (615) 974-2368, fax 615-974-2368, E-mail: [email protected]. likely to have been the ultimate cause NORTH-CENTRAL and SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTIONS of oceanic anoxic events, biotic crises, House, M. R., 1985, Correlation of mid-Palaeozoic ammonoid evolutionary events with global sedi- University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 27–28, 1995. Information: and global climate change during the mentary perturbations: Nature, v. 313, p. 17–22. Robert F. Diffendal, Jr., 113 Nebraska Hall, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE Late Devonian. 68588-0517, (402) 472-2410, fax 402-472-2410, E-mail: [email protected]. James, N. P., 1983, Reefs, in Scholle, P. A., et al., eds., Carbonate depositional environments: Amer- ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ican Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, May 18–19, 1995. Information: 33, p. 345–462. Stephan G. Custer, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT North American sediment mass- 59717-0348, (406) 994-6906, fax 406-994-6923, E-mail: [email protected]. Johnsson, M. J., 1993, The system controlling age distributions were compiled from the composition of clastic sediments, in Johnsson, CORDILLERAN SECTION Cook and Bally (1975) with assistance M. J., and Basu, A., eds., Processes controlling the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, May 24–26, 1995. Information: David B. from Bradley Opdyke, Steven Boss, and composition of clastic sediments: Geological Soci- Stone, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775-0800, (907) Bruce Wilkinson. The manuscript bene- ety of America Special Paper 284, p. 1–19. 474-7622, fax 907-474-7290, E-mail: [email protected]. fited greatly from our discussions with Kuparinen, J., and Heinänen, A., 1993, Inorganic Elso Barghoorn, John Hayes, Jacek nutrient and carbon controlled bacterioplankton growth in the : Estuarine, Coastal and Student Travel Grants Jaminski, Lisa Pratt, Greg Retallack, Shelf Science, v. 37, p. 271–285. and Tom Robl, and from reviews by The GSA Foundation will award matching grants up to a total of $3500 each to the six GSA Lohmann, K. C, 1988, Geochemical patterns of Patricia Gensel, Eldridge Moores, and Sections. The money, when combined with equal funds from the Sections, will be used to meteoric diagenetic systems and their application assist GSA Student Associates traveling to the 1995 GSA Annual Meeting in New Orleans in an anonymous reviewer. Lisa Trump to studies of paleokarst, in James, N. P., and Cho- November and to the 1995 Section meetings. Contact your Section Secretary for application drafted Figure 1. Financial support was quette, P. W., eds., Paleokarst: New York, Springer, procedures. provided by the University of Cincin- p. 58–80. Cordilleran ...... Bruce A. Blackerby ...... (209) 278-2955 nati Research Council (Algeo); by Lyons, T. W., Berner, R. A., and Anderson, R. F., Rocky Mountain ...... Kenneth E. Kolm ...... (303) 273-3932 North-Central ...... George R. Hallberg ...... (319) 335-4500 National Science Foundation grant 1993, Evidence for large pre-industrial perturba- tions of the Black Sea chemocline: Nature, v. 365, South-Central ...... Rena M. Bonem ...... (817) 755-2361 EAR-9117099 (Berner); and by the p. 538–540. Northeastern ...... Kenneth N. Weaver ...... (410) 554-5532 U.S. Department of Energy (Maynard). Southeastern ...... Harold H. Stowell ...... (205) 348-5098 Maynard, J. B., 1981, Carbon isotopes as indica- We are grateful to the many researchers tors of dispersal patterns in Devonian-Mississip- whose contributions have been helpful pian shales of the Appalachian Basin: Geology, in formulating the hypothesis of this v. 9, p. 262–265. paper. McGhee, G. R., Jr., 1991, Extinction and diversifi- Schopf, J. M., and Schwietering, J. F., 1970, Talent, J. A., Mawson, R., Andrew, A. S., Hamilton, cation in the Devonian brachiopoda of New York The Foerstia zone of the Ohio and Chattanooga P. J., and Whitford, D. J., 1993, Middle Paleozoic State: No correlation with sea level?: Historical Shales: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper extinction events: Faunal and isotopic data: REFERENCES CITED Biology, v. 5, p. 215–227. 1294-H, 15 p. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeo- ecology, v. 104, p. 139–152. Alvarez, L. W., Alvarez, W., Asaro, F., and Michel, Mora, C. I., Driese, S. G., and Seager, P. G., 1991, Sepkoski, J. J., 1986, Phanerozoic overview of mass H. V., 1980, Extraterrestrial cause for the Creta- Carbon dioxide in the Paleozoic atmosphere: Evi- extinctions, in Raup, D. M., and Jablonski, D., Wang, K., 1992, Glassy microspherules (microtek- ceous-Tertiary extinction: Science, v. 208, dence from carbon-isotope compositions of pedo- eds., Patterns and processes in the : tites) from an Upper Devonian limestone: Science, p. 1095–1108. genic carbonate: Geology, v. 19, p. 1017–1020. Berlin, Springer, p. 277–295. v. 256, p. 1547–1550. Bambach, R. K., 1985, Phanerozoic marine com- Mosbrugger, V., 1990, The tree habit in land Singer, M. J., and Munns, D. N., 1991, Soils: An Wang, K., Attrep, M., Jr., and Orth, C. J., 1993, munities, in Raup, D. M., and Jablonski, D., eds., plants: Berlin, Springer, Lecture Notes in Earth introduction (second edition): New York, Macmil- Global iridium anomaly, mass extinction, and Patterns and Processes in the history of life: Sciences 28, 161 p. lan, 473 p. redox changes at the Devonian-Carboniferous Berlin, Springer, p. 407–428. boundary: Geology, v. 21, p. 1071–1074. Playford, P. E., McLaren, D. J., Orth, C. J., Stallard, R. F., 1985, River chemistry, geology, Beck, C. B., 1981, Archaeopteris and its role in vas- Gilmore, J. S., and Goodfellow, W. T., 1984, Irid- geomorphology, and soils in the Amazon and Weaver, C. E., 1967, Potassium, illite and the cular plant evolution, in Niklas, K. J., ed., Paleob- ium anomaly in the Upper Devonian of the Can- Orinoco basins, in Drever, J. I., ed., The chemistry ocean: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 31, otany, paleoecology, and evolution, Volume 1: ning Basin, Western Australia: Science, v. 226, of weathering: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Reidel, p. 2181–2196. New York, Praeger, p. 193–230. p. 293–316. p. 437–439. Ziegler, W., and Sandberg, C. A., 1990, The Late Berner, R. A., 1989, Biogeochemical cycles of Retallack, G. J., 1986, The fossil record of soils, in Streel, M., 1986, Miospore contribution to the Devonian standard conodont zonation: Courier carbon and sulfur and their effect on atmospheric Wright, V. P., ed., Paleosols: Their recognition and upper Famennian–Strunian event stratigraphy: Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, v. 121, 115 p. oxygen over Phanerozoic time: Palaeogeography interpretation: Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton Société Géologique de Belgique, Annales, v. 109, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 75, p. p. 75–92. Manuscript received July 21, 1994; revision received University Press, p. 1–57. ■ 97–122. September 6, 1994; accepted September 6, 1994 Rothwell, G. W., Scheckler, S. E., and Gillespie, Berner, R. A., 1992, Weathering, plants and the W. H., 1989, Elkinsia gen. nov., a Late Devonian long-term carbon cycle: Geochimica et Cosmo- with cupulate ovules: Botanical chimica Acta, v. 56, p. 3225–3231. Gazette, v. 150, p. 170–189. Each month, GSA Today features a short science article on fast-breaking items or Berner, R. A., 1994, Geocarb II: A revised model of current topics of general interest to the 17,000 members of GSA. What do you think Scheckler, S. E., 1986, Geology, floristics and atmospheric CO over Phanerozoic time: Ameri- 2 paleoecology of Late Devonian coal swamps of these articles? Do you have an idea for an article that you would like to see pub- can Journal of Science, v. 294, p. 56–91. from Appalachian Laurentia: Société Géologique lished in GSA Today? If so, please contact Eldridge Moores, Science Editor, GSA Today, de Belgique, Annales, v. 109, p. 209–222. (916) 752-0352, fax 916-752-0951.

66 GSA TODAY, March 1995 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Mt. Eden Books Published on the 1st of the month of issue. Ads (or EMPORIA STATE UNIVERSITY Geological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, cancellations) must reach the GSA Advertising office The Earth Science Department invites applications El Paso, TX 79968. The telephone number is 915- & one month prior. Contact Advertising Department for a nine-month, tenure-track, Assistant Professor 747-5483; e-mail, [email protected]. Appli- (303) 447-2020, 1-800-472-1988, fax 303-447-1133, position in earth-system science starting August cants must be U.S. citizens. Bindery or E-mail:[email protected]. Please include 1995. The department offers baccalaureate and complete address, phone number, and E-mail master's degrees, as well as teacher certification. Traveling Fellowship: Interdisciplinary Research address with all correspondence. The successful candidate will teach introductory Training Group (RTG) in ecology, geology, archeol- earth science (geology, meteorology, astronomy), ogy, geography, and soils. Graduate students are Specializing in out-of- Per line advanced courses in areas of expertise, supervise invited to Minnesota for up to 3 months to enhance print and rare books in Per Line for each undergraduate and graduate student research, and training in "Paleorecords of Global Change." Stipend for addt'l month be committed to interdisciplinary research in earth (provided for citizens, nationals or permanent resi- the GEOLOGICAL Classification 1st month (same ad) and/or atmospheric sciences with an emphasis on dents of the U.S.), travel and living allowance, and modern and/or ancient climates. Techniques of geo- tuition. Application deadline April 1 (for travel July 1 - SCIENCES. Including Situations Wanted $1.75 $1.40 graphic information systems for teaching and December 31) and October 1 (for travel January 1 - USGS publications, Positions Open $6.50 $5.50 research desirable. Excellence in teaching and June 30). For application contact RTG, University of Consultants $6.50 $5.50 research required along with an appropriate Ph.D. Minnesota, Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, 1987 general geology, Services & Supplies $6.50 $5.50 The application should be sent to Prof. James Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108. Phone Opportunities for Students Aber, Earth Science Search Chair, Campus Box (612) 624-4238; FAX 612/624-6777. An Equal mining, paleontology, first 25 lines $0.00 $2.35 4030, Emporia State University, Emporia, KS 66801- Opportunity Educator and Employer. 5087 and should include a letter addressing teaching additional lines $1.35 $2.35 geophysics, hydrology, and research experiences, interests, and goals; tran- Code number: $2.75 extra California Institute of Technology. Postdoctoral scripts; and a current resume with relevant support- Fellowships in Earth and Planetary Sciences. The mineralogy, etc. ing materials. The applicant should arrange for three Agencies and organizations may submit purchase California Institute of Technology announces two fel- letters of reference to be sent under separate cover. order or payment with copy. Individuals must send lowships in Earth and Planetary Sciences: The O.K. Screening will begin March 17, 1995, and continue prepayment with copy. To estimate cost, count 54 Earl Postdoctoral Fellowship, and The Texaco Post- FREE CATALOG until position is filled. Telephone (316) 341-5981, characters per line, including all punctuation and doctoral Fellowship. FAX 316-341-5997, E-mail: [email protected] blank spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capi- These awards are from funds endowed by ria.edu. P.O. Box 1014 tals, centered copy, or special characters. Orrin K. Earl, Jr., and by the Texaco Philanthropic ESU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Foundation. Each fellowship carries an annual Cedar Ridge, CA 95924 Employer and encourages applications from mem- stipend of $34,000 and offers a research expense (916) 274-BOOK (2665) To answer coded ads, use this address: Code # ----, bers of protected classes. GSA Advertising Dept., P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO fund of $1,000 per year and one-way travel to Pasadena. The duration of each appointment will FAX (916) 274-2847 80301-9140. All coded mail will be forwarded within ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOLOGIST 24 hours of arrival at GSA Today office. normally be for two years, contingent upon good E-mail:[email protected] Desert Archaeology, Inc. seeks an archaeological progress in the first year, and beginning with the geologist to conduct petrologic analysis of ceramic 1995-96 academic year. Fellows are eligible to par- tempering materials. The position has the potential ticipate in Caltech's health and dental program. for considerable expansion and advancement. Mini- These fellowships have been established to sup- Caltech is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Situations Wanted mum B.S. degree in Geosciences; experience in port the research of scientists, typically within two Employer. Women, minorities, veterans and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. AVAILABLE: Environmental Geologist, proficient in petrology; other geological experience and some years after receipt of the Ph.D. The intent of the pro- Japanese. Contact T. Massimino (810) 739-3083. background in archaeological studies desirable. gram is to identify and support innovative and cre- Please send a curriculum vita, names of three refer- ative work in the earth and planetary sciences, with Graduate Assistantships, Texas Christian University. The ences, and any supporting documents to Henry D. particular emphasis on interdisciplinary work. Appli- Geology Department and the Center for Remote Positions Open Wallace, Research Director, Desert Archaeology, cants with training in physics, chemistry, biology or Sensing and Energy Research has assistantships Inc., 3975 N. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85716. E- computer sciences are urged to apply. The Caltech available for M.S. students. Areas of department ENVIRONMENTAL mail: [email protected]. Fax: 602-881-0325. faculty is currently active in , Geochem- expertise include hydrogeology, groundwater model- GEOSCIENTIST/HYDROGEOLOGIST istry, Geology, Geophysics, Petrology, Seismology, ing and remediation, remote sensing, environmental OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY STAFF GEMOLOGIST and Atmospheric Sciences. It is expected that each geology and geochemistry, carbonate and clastic The Geosciences Department at Oregon State Uni- The GIA Gem Trade Laboratory has immediate fellowship holder will be hosted by a Division profes- sedimentology, paleovolcanology, structure and tec- versity seeks to fill a tenure-track position at the openings in its east and west coast identification lab- sor (designated by the Division Chairman) who will tonics, Precambrian geology, paleontology, and com- assistant professor level starting in September 1995, oratories. Outstanding career opportunity for candi- contribute to the fellowship support both financially puter applications in geology. Field research is car- in groundwater geology, low-temperature aqueous dates with the right combination of academic back- and by providing intellectural guidance. ried out in Scotland, the Sierra Nevada in California, geochemistry, geologic hazards, , or ground and gemological training. Excellent benefits Application forms may be obtained by writing to and Africa, as well as in Texas and Oklahoma. engineering geology\. A Ph.D. is required. Success- and working conditions. BA or MA in Geology or Min- Prof. E. M. Stolper, Chairman, Division of Geological Department facilities include analytical equipment for ful applicants will be expected to develop a vigorous, eralogy and GG or FGA required. Send resume, and Planetary Sciences, Mail Code 170-25, Califor- environmental analysis and a state-of-the-art remote- externally funded research program, to supervise earnings history and salary requirements to Person- nia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (e- sensing lab with computer work stations and image and teach undergraduate geoscience courses and nel, P.O. Box 2110, Santa Monica, CA 90406. mail: [email protected]). processing/GIS software. Financial aid includes a graduate level courses in their specialization, and to Completed applications with references should yearly stipend of $7,000, full tuition waiver, and up to direct the research of M.S. and Ph.D. candidates. Services & Supplies arrive at Caltech by Friday, March 17, 1995. $1,500 for research expenses. Contact the Graduate The Geosciences Department has strengths in Fellowship candidates will automatically be con- Advisor, Department of Geology, Texas Christian petrology, geologic structure, sedimentary geology, CBLS * BOOKS * CBLS * BOOKS * CBLS * BOOKS * CBLS * sidered for other available postdoctoral positions at University, Fort Worth, TX 76129 (817) 921-7270. surficial processes, physical and resource geogra- CBLS is a bookseller. You may order all your Geo- Caltech in their fields of interest. phy, and spatial analysis. The department has 20 science books from us. * One Source * Prompt Ser- faculty, 90 graduate students, and 170 undergradu- vice * Volume discounts. We also publish new books ate majors. The candidate is expected to play a cen- or reprint OOP books on demand. We have reprints tral role in developing an interdisciplinary program in of classical books as Azaroff "Elem. of X-Ray Crys- earth and environmental geosciences. Collaborative tallog." & “Electronic Processes in Mat'ls," Barker research opportunities exist with other local pro- "Igneous Rocks," Bolt "Inside the Earth," Costa "Sur- grams in the Colleges of Forestry, Engineering, Agri- ficial Geol.," DeHoff "Quantita. Micros.," Edington Geology and Ore Deposits cultural Sciences, and Oceanic and Atmospheric Sci- "Pract. Elect. Micro. in Mat'ls Sci.," Grimshaw ences, the Water Resources Research Institute, the "Chem. & Phys. of Clays," Guy "Intro to Mat'ls," Center for Analysis of Environmental Change, and McKee "Cascadia," Megaw "Crys. Structures," Peters "Geol. in Coal Resource Utilization," Robin- of the American Cordillera the US EPA Environmental Research Laboratory- Corvallis. Oregon State University is a Land Grant, son "Basic Phys. Geol.," Sawkins "The Evolving Sea Grant, Space Grant, and Carnegie Class I Earth: A Text in Phys. Geol.," Stoddard "Field Tech. Research University. & Res. Meth. Geog.," Thomas "Transm. Elect. Those interested in applying for the position Mrcros.," etc. Call order at tel. 614-374-9458 or tel April 10-13, 1995 should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, 703-758-1518 or fax at 703-352-8862; or write to names of three references, and a statement of antici- CBLS, 119 Brentwood St., Marietta, OH 45750 USA. pated research and teaching interests, along with CBLS * BOOKS * CBLS * BOOKS * CBLS * BOOKS * CBLS * John Ascuaga’s Nugget evidence of teaching effectiveness and scholarly activity to Alan Niem, Chair, Geosciences Search LEATHER FIELD CASES. Free brochure, SHERER Reno/Sparks, Nevada Committee, Department of Geosciences, Oregon CUSTOM SADDLES, INC., P.O. Box 385, Dept. GN, Franktown, CO 80116. State University, Wilkinson Hall 104, Corvallis, OR 97331-5506; Telephone (503) 737-1233; FAX 503 WANTED: Strain-free, D Plan or DAch, 100x, oil- A Symposium Sponsored by: 737-1200, E-mail: [email protected]. Candidates immersion, objective or other accessory lens for will be notified before letters will be review began Geological Society of Nevada, U.S. Geological Survey Olympus BH-2. Reply to RFG, 4603 Hoskens Rd., February 1, 1995, and will continue until the position North Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V7K 2R2. is filled. Sociedad Geologica de Chile Oregon State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. OSU has a policy Opportunities for Students ere’s an opportunity for geologic scientists from around the world of being responsive to the needs of dual-career Research Assistantships in Geophysics: Univer- to investigate, discuss and debate the nature, setting, and genesis couples. sity of Texas El Paso. We anticipate up to 3 research of the ore deposits within the most important mineralized region Assistantships at the M.S. or Ph.D. levels will be on earth. THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON available at the University of Texas at El Paso PALEONTOLOGIST / OPEN SPECIALIZATION (UTEP) starting in summer of 1995. Areas of The Department of Geology seeks a tenure-track H research include: 1) participation in a seismic refrac- • Oral and Poster Presentations faculty member who is well-qualified to teach inverte- tion/ reflection study of the crustal structure of west- brate paleontology/paleoecology. Candidates should ern Washington state slated for fall 1995; 2) develop- • Field Trips possess a Ph.D. in geology and have interdisci- ment of a lithospheric model and geophysical plinary research interests in global climate change, database for northern Africa; and 3) participation in a environmental geology, and/or contemporary geolog- seismic refraction/reflection study lithospheric struc- • Workshops and Shortcourses ical problems. Appointment will be at the assistant ture in the Rocky Mountains in August 1995. For professor rank, starting August 1995, and is contin- additional information, contact Dr. Diane I. Doser, • Exhibits gent on funding. Teaching responsibilities include Dept. of Geol. Sci., Univ. Texas-El Paso, El Paso, TX courses in invertebrate paleontology, environmental 79968-0555; (915) 747-5851; [email protected]. geology for non-science majors, and an advanced UTEP is an AA/EEO employer. • Social Events course in their area of specilization. In addition to excellence in teaching, faculty are expected to Graduate Fellowships in Geology at the Univer- • Recreational Trips develop strong research programs supported by sity of Texas at El Paso. The Department of Geo- external funding and to guide M.S. students. logical Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso The University of Akron has an enrollment of anticipates funding for graduate fellowships at the Don’t miss this opportunity 28,000 students. The Department of Geology has doctoral level for women and minorities. The fellow- nine faculty members and offers degrees in geology, ship will pay up to $14,400 per year. Also included is to participate in an exciting new chapter geophysics, engfineering geology, environmental the cost of tuition, books, fees, health insurance, and geology, and earth science to about 80 undergradu- professional travel. Funding is assured for a five year in metallogeny and the geology of ore deposits! ate majors and 30 graduate students. The depart- period. The Department is fourteen faculty and fifty- ment is well-equipped for both field and laboratory five graduate students. We have strengths in envi- research and instruction. ronmental studies, geophysics, sedimentology, pale- FOR INFORMATION: Applicants should send a vita; a description of ontology, igneous geology, and . research interests; and names, addresses, and tele- El Paso is a vibrant border city in a superb geologic PHONE: 702-323-4569 • FAX 702-323-3599 phone numbers of three references to: Faculty setting. Possible areas of research include Mexico Search Committee, Department of Geology, Univer- and the southwestern and western United States. WRITE: GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEVADA sity of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-4101. Applications Information concerning the department is available are currently being accepted and will be until the with the command gopher geo.utep.edu. Interested P.O. BOX 12021 • RENO, NV 89510 position is filled. The University of Akron is an affir- individuals are encouraged to contact Dr. Elizabeth mative action/equal opportunity employer. Anthony, Graduate Advisor, at the Department of

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS AND Environmental NOMINATIONS FOR & Engineering GEOLOGY CO-EDITOR Geoscience A joint, quarterly publication of the GSA solicits applications and nomina- Hydrogeology Association of Engineering tions for the position of co-editor of Geol- Journal Formerly GSA Bulletin Geology Geologists (AEG)* and the ogy, to serve a three-year term, beginning Applied Hydrogeology. Geological Society of America in January 1996, as one of a two-editor Published continuously since Undoubtedly the most Quarterly journal of the (GSA). Includes refereed team. Desirable characteristics for the suc- 1890. An authoritative science popular and widely read International Association articles on applied topics cessful candidate include: journal of general geology, general geological journal in of Hydrogeologists (IAH)*, in the environmental and 1. Broad interest and experience in publishing 8 to 12 refereed, print, each month bringing available to GSA members hydrological geosciences, geology; international recognition scholarly articles each month you 20 or more refereed at the IAH-member price. and special features like 2. Iconoclastic; willing to take risks and in the classical research-paper articles that are concise try innovations Features peer-reviewed the Geology of Cities series; style. Covers a wide range (4-page maximum), current, 3. Familiar with many earth scientists papers in theoretical and technical notes on current of disciplines in terrestrial, and thought provoking, and their work applied hydrogeology. topics; a comment and extraterrestrial, and marine covering a wide range of 4. Sense of perspective and humor Published in English, with reply forum; memorials geology. The Discussion and geological subjects, including 5. Organized and productive abstracts also in French and to geologists of note; book Reply section lets authors new investigations. The 6. Willing to work closely with GSA Spanish. Describes world- reviews; and biographies on headquarters staff interact and carry on a Geology Forum provides an wide progress in the science well-known geologists in the 7. Able to make decisions productive dialogue. arena for stimulating reader and provides an affordable applied fields. It will feature 8. Sense of fairness About 1700 pages annually. comments and responses on and widely accessible forum new theory, applications, 9. Familiar with new trends in Profusely illustrated, the articles. About 1150 pages for scientists, researchers, and case histories illustrating geoscience including some color and annually. Profusely illustrated, engineers, and practitioners. the dynamics of the fast- 10. Willing to consider nontraditional occasional large inserts. includes color and occasional research in geosciences Papers integrate subsurface growing, environmental and large inserts. The full-color This is not a salaried position, but hydrology and geology with applied disciplines. Co-edited covers are exceptional GSA pays the expenses for secretarial supporting disciplines. by AEG and GSA. assistance, mail, telephone, and travel to geological studies in *MEMBERS OF IAH AND AEG RECEIVE THE RESPECTIVE JOURNALS AS PART OF THEIR GSA headquarters. themselves. DUES AND SHOULD NOT ORDER FROM GSA. If you wish to be considered, please submit a résumé and a brief letter describ- ing why you should be chosen. If you wish GSA Members: if you have not yet renewed your subscriptions for 1995 call Membership Services at 1-800-472-1988 or to nominate another, submit a letter of E-mail [email protected]. Nonmembers contact our Subscriptions Department at the address and phone below or nomination and the individual’s written permission and résumé. Send nominations E-mail [email protected]. and applications to Donald M. Davidson, Jr., Executive Director, Geological Society of America, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, by April 14, 1995. 3300 Penrose Place ¥ P.O. Box 9140 ¥ Boulder, Colorado 80301 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 800-472-1988 ¥ 303-447-2020 ¥ fax 303-447-1133 OF AMERICA

GSA JOURNALS ON COMPACT DISC A CD-ROM publication of the Geological Society of America. Published since 1992, each annual disc contains an entire year of articles from GSA Bulletin, Geology, and GSA Today, plus the current year’s GSA Data Repository, and a Retrospective Electronic Index to GSA’s journal articles published since 1972. Users can search the full ASCII text of all articles, or view, print, or export from them. Scanned, graphical Call for Papers page-images of all articles are also included, linked to the ASCII text; users can view or print these. High- and First Announcement resolution versions of all b&w and color photographs are provided, linked to the ASCII text, to overcome the low quality of these photos on the scanned pages. Starting in 1995, publication frequency changes to for the twice annually, and new technology greatly improves the photos on the scanned pages. The Data Repository, 1995 GSA and any inserts, are available only as scanned images without ASCII text. GSA Journals on CD is available for both Annual Meeting DOS and Macintosh as follows: ■ JCD001. 2-year, 2-CD introductory package (1992 & ISSN 1052-5173 NOVEMBER 6–9 1993), 6,000+ pgs. Available immediately. Net price: GSA SECOND CLASS Members $99, all others $125. The Geological Society of America Postage Paid NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA ■ JCD004. 1-year, 1-CD (1994), 3,000+ pgs. Available February, 1995. Net price: GSA Members $99, all others 3300 Penrose Place at Boulder, Colorado ERNEST N. MORIAL CENTER $125. P.O. Box 9140 and at additional mailing offices ■ JCD005. 1-year, 2-CDs (1995), 3,000+ pgs. First six- Boulder, CO 80301 month-CD available July 1995; complete annual CD avail- See the April issue of able February 1996. Net price: GSA Members $89, all oth- GSA Today ers $125. This edition available in Windows version, also. for information from the UNSURE? A free demonstration diskette is available for DOS- Meetings Dept.: based PCs showing in detail the operation of the CD — screens, (303) 447-2020 (ext. 141) menus, graphics, with many descriptive comments. Call or write for a copy. 1-800-472-1988 (ext. 141) fax 303-447-0648 1-800-472-1988 E-mail: [email protected] 303-447-2020; fax 303-447-1133 Indicate DOS or Macintosh platform when ordering. JOIN THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION WITH GSA!