Jesson, Stuart ORCID: (2019) ‘The question in each and every thing’: Nietzsche and Weil on affirmation. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 86 (2). pp. 131-155. Downloaded from: The version presented here may differ from the published version or version of record. If you intend to cite from the work you are advised to consult the publisher's version: Research at York St John (RaY) is an institutional repository. It supports the principles of open access by making the research outputs of the University available in digital form. Copyright of the items stored in RaY reside with the authors and/or other copyright owners. Users may access full text items free of charge, and may download a copy for private study or non-commercial research. For further reuse terms, see licence terms governing individual outputs. Institutional Repository Policy Statement RaY Research at the University of York St John For more information please contact RaY at
[email protected] “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in International Journal for Philosophy of Religion. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Jesson, Stuart (2019) ‘The question in each and every thing’: Nietzsche and Weil on affirmation is available online at: 09703-4” ‘The question in each and every thing’: Nietzsche and Weil on affirmation1 Abstract: This paper identifies and offers commentary upon a previously un-remarked consonance between Nietzsche and Weil when it comes to the idea of a universal love of the world (‘affirmation’ in Nietzsche’s terms, or ‘consent to necessity’ in Weil’s).