V, ' 'l wr-* Help Someone to Walk Again—Join. Hhe March of ' 'n

The Weatbw Avorago Dally Not Pwaa Ron Fete mat et 0 , a. WeoUto Tm um w«»a n ^ g ^ gaMHy la, IMi Ttday Ida M uPnllii {'I t imferato ri new aot eeily, iellawea by elewing and 10,143 eoMart lowest about CSt Thursday fair u n i esM. M a n e h u te r^A CUy of VlUagm Charm


Snowy Walk Unsbovelcd General View Dutch Cabinet Like Old Times GOP House But Court Kills Charge Allies Slash Ten

^ Worcester, Maaa., Jan. 24.— Quits in Row ^ Gives Poll Row W—The charge against Fran-

els W. Hickey waa that he failed to clear hia aidewalk of Miles Past Wonju, Over Defense To Coiimii^e anow.

Diatiict Court dismiaeed the charge yesterday without Action Follows Eisen- ' ^ O ve^des LaBelle Pro- hearing Hickey. vCapture Ybngwol

The court was told that hower’s Criticism of test in Referring Hickey, a soldier, had his Ingalls-Gladu Contest; hands full with Korean anow. Hague Government; Indonesia an Issue Await Fiscal Program Slashing Nehru

The Haguq. Jan. 24—(P)—^Th* SUto espitoL Hartford. Jan. 24 Of Hoengaong; Enemy Dodges Query Dutch Cabinet resigned today fol- Ajtack on U. S. —(/P)— Th* Republican-controlled Units Beaten Off by House today referred to a commit- lowing attacks in parliament on the government’s defense and New toe to* question of a contest over Small Arms Fire; U. N* About Nehru’s Studied hy U.N. toe elecUon of a repreeentaUve Guinea policies Jets Whip Foe Again Earlier Foreign Mlniater Dirk from Brooklyn. Tbe action was taken over toe Fiery Speech U. Stikker quit the Cabinet after His Talk Wifj/ens Gap on Tokyo, Jan. 24.—(/P)—Al- ^ protest of toe Democratic minori- membera of hla own Liberal Party ty which contended that toa time attacked the government on mS' Red China Issue; Asia lied troops slashed more than

for entorUlnlng such a protest Jor policies. Stikker may be asked 10 miles beyond Wonjii on had long slnoe passed and that the Acheson Says Situation to head a new Cabinet should Pre- Arab Countries Draft the central Korean front to- Democratic candidate ahouid be Is Too Delicate for mier Willem Drees be unable to re- New Cease Fire Bid seated forthwith. form his Catholic-Labor Coalition day and to the southeast re-

^ Speaker Mansfield Sprague ov- Comment on Indian’s In all, four resolutions censuring captured the key mountain erruled thla argument, and the the government were offered In Bulletin! Criticism of the U. S. town of Yongwol. A heavily- House auatalncd tola ruling by a Parliament today. None of them lAke Sueeeaa, Jan. 24—(A’)— armed patrol with tanks atandlng vote of 148 to 43. passed. Nevertheless the Cabinet Cnmmunlat China haa sent aa- blazed tnrough Hoengaong, AblowU Uateas la Waahington, Jan. 24.—(4P>—Sec- realgned because of the mounting othrr message to India relat- 10 miles north of Wonju, and Rafcrred to the committee waa retory Acheson said today every criticism. ing to Uhlt<^ Itellnna efforts a peUtloa from Ralph O. liigalla, MaJ. Geo. Glaifc U Buftser (right), eannMadlng general of tlw 2nd to obtain a o e a l^ r e In Ko- jushed on to wrlthln 33 miles of poaslbla effort ia being made to Kriila UiamiiWd he 88th parallel before wrltodraw- the RspubUcan. asking that ha b* de- Infantry DIvtsloa, gets the altuatlon at Wonjn pointed oat to him by Defense Secretary George Mac - Fra, an Indian amkeaman said preserve unity of toe .free world The resignation follows govern- Today. He deaerlbed It as “re- Ing, a field SipU ch Hid. clared the elected repreaenUtive Lt. CoL C. V. Berberia, ef Dover, N. J., commander of the battalion ment dismissal yesterday of Gen. shall laughs aa he tells oongreas- from Brooklyn rather than Roger whteh amde tlw patrol from Cbongja to WobJo . Ruftaer was on eae in to* United Nations crisis over niea at the end of testimony In anauring” but'wnuld not dls- It’ was tha fartheat northward H. J. Krula as Army Chief of Staff. rJooe Its contents at thla time. advance by aiiy AUlad force >lno* F. Oladu, whoa* election has been of ths Srat planita to land at the recaptured Woajn airatrip. (Photo branding Communist China an ag- Criticism of the government's de- support of unU'eraal military aerv- eertlfled by th* Secretary of State. by NBA-Aetiw stoff phetograplker Ed Hoffman.) iee that It seemed like oM times Seoul, the Korean capital, waa gressor In Korea. fense policies was touched off by Lake Success, Jan. 24—OP)— A abandoned. On the way back th* An Intereetod spectator during Making it clear he considers the to be appearing again before exm- Gen. Eisenhower’s recent visit bristling broadcad by Prime Min- task force waa engaged by a com- the debate waa WlUtam Ablondl, aituatlon to be too delicate, the here. He expressed disappoint- greeslonal eommlUeea In Wash- Seymour Republican who waa el- ington. Marshall frequently wan pany of enemy troop*. The Reds Ike Back Saturday, May Secre|ary of State declined at a ment with the “inconclusive inter- ister Nehru of Iiidla'today widen- retreated with heavy caaualUea. ected State Senator from the 17th Europe Scared Give Radio Talk Feb. 2 news conference to comment on: views’’ he had with Dutch offi- a witness as army rhle%nf steff ed the gulf between the nations district by 39 votes. The Demo- 1. Biitiah Prime Minister Att- during the war and later an seo- The Han river town of Yongwol crattc-controUed Senate thus far cials. Krula was an advocate of retery of stele. (AP Wire- that want to welcome Red China southeast of Wonju fell to Alll*d lee’s speech in Parliament yester- strengthening the Dutch. Army in Into the U.N and those who want medical has refused to east him, although Wants to Hold Washington, Jan. 24.—(P)— day xalling for a wait and see photo.) attack after an air and artWery leaders have promised that a hear- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower the face of government diainclina- to brand her aa an aggroasor in bombardment. policy by the U.N. toward Red tlon to apend toe money. Korea. ing on hia case will be held before will return from hia European China, or The capturing force waa not toe end of toe week. On to Money inspection trip Saturday and 2. Today’s apeech by Prime In parliamentary debate over Nehru, highly critioal of U. 8 identified. However, toe U. 8. Sev- The House ^wfused to aeat Oladu, report hla findings to Congress Mlniater Nehru of India criticiz- the govemment’a Indonesian pol- Says Trliman policy In toe Far Xteat, called for a enth Dlvlatan, only American Xoroa a Democrat, when the General As- at an open meeting next ing the United States condemna- icy, the leader of Stikker’a party, conference of major powers and in- to reach th* Manchurian bbrdtr sembly convened on January 8. Eisenhower Finds Re- Thursday. He may make a ra- tion of Communist China. the Liberals, moved a resolution slated to* Chines* COmmuntets In toe Kqrean wrar, ha* been oper- laBella Fratoato dio speech toe following day, Mum oa Attlee condemning the handling by the Aids Wage and want to negotiate a peace. sting south of toe tMngsteB ntai- Raps. John D. LaBelle (D-lfan- luctance to Arm Dur- Feb. 2. Acheson aidd in response to a government of its negotiations India, like Britain, haa r*oog‘ ing town. chestor), the Minority Leader, ar- with Indonesia over the future ntred Peiping. The United States question on the Attlee speech that status of New Guinea. Be*! Flea gued that the rules require that ing Trip to Pact Na- he did not think it would be at all Price Boosts haa refused to do ao and opposes A.P. Gorreepondent Tom Stoaa petltlona such a* that presented by Other Ijlberals attacked Stik- plana to aeat th* (Jommunist Oil- tions; Due Back Soon helpful for him to comment at ker all along the line on general said toa attaokiag forea OMva Ingalls cannot be received after thla time. ne*« tat th* UrJtcd Nations, aa on* th* lee-oovered M ia river toe owning day oC to* sesslen, and Bevin Is 111 policies. Every possible effort, ha said. U In -all. four votes of censure, all Flanders Hits Adminis- of to* flv* veto-holding powers, in after aa Intense air iad artinery that Gladu should bs asated By Preatoa Orover being mad* to preserve th* unity the plac* of Chiang Kal-Sh*k’a barrage. •’forthw ith.” London, Jan. 24 — — Gen. on the New Guinea Issue were re- (JP) of the great free world and that la jected by Parliament. A Commu- tration Policies as ragim*. Th* ^UMted State*, back- The surprised Reda fled, leaviag He questioned Sprague’s r i |^ to Dwight D. BUaanhower baa com- Of Pneumonia what the United States wants to ed by to* vote of both Houae* of only light qppaelUoa. refer the petKion to to*' Obotaatod nist resolution asked for the im- Immediate Controls plated hla tour of Europe’* Atlan- achieve. Oongresa, also wants to* U.N. to In to* air, awlft U. S. F-M Deapite Acheaon’a refusal to mediate withdrawal of all remain- tlo Pact nations with ing Dutch armed forces from ■ In- lA>om; Cites CosLPael declare Pulping an agsreasor, and Thunderjete daaugad tores Rua- « Britisli Foreign Minister com iynt. It waa plain toe NVhni to conald«r punitlv* raaaav sian-buitt MIO-18a la aorihiraet M>aecb has arbuaed Immediate in- watawt bar. Fianos anoouncad Loi4( in Poor Healtli, tense interest at toa State Depait- Bulletin! poastbl*. , Jan. 18 aha, too, tt’auld vote to « aa Fagi Xrieiwi), Takes Serious Turn b **b L H j# Indian leader’s state- Wa*hlagton, Jan. 24e-<^— condemn Red Chlnd as an aggrea- 6 Armed, Flee nils correspondent has made mente were regarded aa likely to The governmeat today lauuwd th* ism* tour, covered toe same cause further delay in United Na- Slots Vanish, the use of nlekel In autnmo- nations, and has talked to aome of London, Jan. 24—OPh-The For- Then la A New Asia tlon* action on toe U. 8. demand blie trim and In aearly 499 While tha United btotea beU* Winter Is U. N. Insane Ward th* people Oen. Eisenhower has eign Office dlacloaed today that that Red Oilna be branded an ag- other civilian products, tha seen and to soma he has not gressor. G-1. Joe Pays a majority of the U.N. 'will v Etasnhower, pausing now in Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin purpose la to ooaaerve tha for the American reeoluUon call has pneumonia. Sees Aettoa Seoa short nickel supply for de- Ally in Korea Paris bafora ha files tomorrow to Acheson, when asked about the fense and eaaeatlal driUiM ing Red China aa aggrceeor, ao Force Guard at Gun< Iceland, Canada and Waahington, Bevin, who haa been in poor jnany nations may abstain fm n ao far haa presented to each coun- prospects of acUon within the Tab for Show $1.50 Per uses. Oae of the moat Impor- point to F'ree Them health for the laat two years, cam* United NaUons PoUUcal Commu- tant defense uses of nickel Is voting, or vote against th* reeolu- try roughly the agme proposition. down yesterday with what waa te*, eaid the laeu* arould be dis- Capita After New Fed- to make Jat airplaae eaglaea tloh, that to* U.N. voice wUI be Enemy Loses More Men From State Hospital H* haa toM each one: flrat diagnosed aa influenza. week and. In effect, Indeclslv*. Answer Uaaattafactory cussed at Naw York later today. eral Ban Enforced realstaat to great heat and Through Bitter CoH A spokezman for hie office said He predicted that aometlme during corrosion. Nebni today blamed much Lamad, Kaa., Jan. 24—(P>—Six 1. U m risk of Russian aggres- today that the Minister's physician toe week there would be action on the present trouble* of the world on Than U. S. Armies men, axmed with a gun and n sion, either by diplomatic pressure has now found “a patch of pneu- to* matter. Rantoul, III., Jan. 24—(p>—The Washington, Jan. 24.-,;^—Sen- those opposing Peiping’s admission or .troopa, la great Russian ag- banishment of slot maohinea from knife, eecaped from a ward for monia on one long.” He said he had high hopes the to to* U. N. gression means toe end of every- Chanute Field haa put the oo*t of ator Flandera (R., Vt.), contend' He aaid there is a new Aata, and Washington. Jan. 24—tP)—The the criminally iaaaae at the Lamed He had Just recovered from a free nation* would preserve their men-kiUing Korean winter may be Btato Itoqatal laat xdgfat thing Weetern dvillBation repre- severe cold which he contracted unity and go forward with the res- GI entertainment or a strict per- ed today that the Truman admin- that the natlona of the world must aenta. ■ aonal baste th* strong ally which holds toa Hospitol anthoritie* said -they iGSt W6Gk. olution -arhich denounces the Chl- istration in effect has been en’’’ recognise that aa a fact. Ha at- Communist enemy toer* in check believed It was th* largest mass 2. America 1* arming, expensively Bevin aill be 70 in March. He nas* Brig. Gen. Byron Gaiea, the com- tacked, as a major error, to* send and fast. Communlat Intervention in couraging price and ' wage in- until Oen. Douglas MacArthur's break at the Institution. long haa suffered from asthma and Korea. manding officer at the Air Force creases. ing of U. N. troops across toe S8th dlvlsiona can be built up to normal Sheriff Frank Ftaser said-some 8. Afnerica will help Europe heart trouble. Acheson was asked what meth- Base said test night that since he Parallel of Korea. . arm. What. Is the maximimi Eur- The Vermonter expressed that strength next spring. of toe men were considered dan- Warren R. Austin, Chief Dele- Shinwell Also Sick ods were being employed in the ordered the alote off toa base six ope can contribute? opinion amid (1), New demands in gate to toe United Nations, ia ex A high Army officer, asked to- gerous.^ It was not known how The Foreign Office said Bevin effort to preserve the unity of the weeks itgo the Enlisted Men’s Club day w ^ the mlliUry.here and la they obtained their weapons. Th* answer in each case—with ia under treatment at hia London free world. He replied only that hqs had to finance tteelf by cha.rg- Congress for swift Imposition of Threstoa Attendant the poaetbl* exception of Britain— general wage-price controls and (OoaUaued oa Paga Two) Korea appeared to be taking n home. Tha apokaaman declined to they were the methods of dlscus- ing for shows. more ojklmlsUc view of toa war, One of the men held toe gun on has not been enough to satisfy toe alon and persuasion. (2) A fresh indication toe gov-> eay whether the pneumonia at- As an example. Gates aald each emment may Invoke price curbs replied: nn attendant and forced him to man who must make weetern de- tack ,1a regarded aa criticaL On other questions, Acheson; give them their freedom. Hospital fense work. soldier paid $1.50 cash or authoriz- alone by Friday and possibly "Winter U flghUnS for In Bavin’s absence from the For- Reds Delay Peace ed that amount deducted from his He aaid battlefield checks show Supervisor Dave Griffin reported. Don’t Want to Spend eign . Office, direct handling of 1. Declared that the Soviet sobn as tomorrow. Shapely Singer / The escapes were Identlfled aa The hard faot Is that m od of pay for admission Monday night The Senate-House Economic an Incransing mortality aniaag en- Britain’s foreign policy has been Union and ita-aitellltes have de- to two shows $;lven by comedian committee hoped to get aome defi- emy troops from th* blttef weath- /R o y Anthols, 19; Jo* WUaon, 42; Waatern Europe doesn’t want to taken over — as ia customary — by layed and broken up in the Unit- Kent Green, 88; Richard' Cox, 25; spend money and most of it la Bob Hope. nite word regarding inflation- Denies It AU er of Korea, a rate great anough Prime Minister Attlee. 1 ed Natlona every effort to aettle Hope Made No CXuuge control - plans at a public hearing to have significant military im- Frank Johnson, 46; and Albert scared. Defense Minister Eiinanuel Shin- the Korean and other Far Eastern WilUams, 36. 'The West Europeans don’t want About 4,100 enlisted men and today to which It summoned two portance. well also wen) on the sick list to- queatlona. He alao denounced aa key officials. They are Michael V. Let Winder Do Flgkttag Griffin said Johnon, Williams to spend money because, in each day. A member of his household old and abaurd Russian charges, officers attended the shows. About Says She Held Sequin and Wilson were sent to the hospi- case, it meana giving up a lot of $6,000 waa raised. Hope came here Disalle, price administrator, and Could UN forces launch a win- tal from to* State Penitentlaty. said he had gone to bed with a made recently in notes to Bfeitain Cyrus S. Ching. chairman of the ter offenalve? ■ bacon, can and ahoea they only severe cold but hoped to be back and France, thgt the Atlantic at hia own expeiise and presented in Front of Their records were not available. lately have ai^in after long yean hla shows w lt^ u t charge. Wage Stabilization Board. Why tiy it? repUad the officer. on the Job tomorrow. Pact la aggressive, that tbe Unit New (inrb on Rnbber Her Following Entry who may not be tdentlfled by of'privation 'during and after Cute Litoor. M ^ rlty ed States baa atatled U. N. agree- Gates aaid the Enlisted Men’s World War H. dub, also known as the Airmen’s In another defense mobilization A third cabinet member, John ment on atomic energy and con- (Goatinaad m Pns* Twe) They''are scared' because they move, the' government acted to Newark, N. J., Jan. 24—VPi — Dugdale, Minister of State for Co- conserve greater amounts of know war may start before the lonial Affi^rs, also was reported (Oonttaoed ,*■ Twelve) (Gonttnaed on Page Twelve) Rhumba King'Xavier Cugat and United States, Britain and France natural rubber. The National Pro- hia sultry aongstresa Abbe Lane News Tidbits ill. with influenza. duction Authority called'in rub- —toe coimtries which really caq, The absence of the. three min- want it clearly understood that Chilled From (/F) Whsa do something -7- are strong enough iatere pared toe Labor govern- ber manufacturers today to coa she was not in the nude early yes- Rosie Rebuked fer with officials on drafting rec- to^ act. • ‘ ^ meht's majority in the House of terday when his eatranged wife ommendations for saving natural “baiged into” her Chicago hotel UN officials Indicate they havs Officials of the little natlona Commons momentarily to a dan- have indicated any rearmament ger point. It has a majority of rubber. suite. On Bomb Talk dropped their ptan to bold 1951 This indicated that the natural She waa only partly dlarobed, General Aasemhly in Europe and they may get going now would only seven when all^membera are News Flashes only invito retaliation from Russia present. rubber content of automobile tires they explained yesterday on arriv- have decided to keep It la New —now Ilmlte'd to 65 per cent— ing at Newark Airport and there Tmk.. Three Vanderbilt students if toe Rede decided to sweep over Parliament reconvened yester- (U t* BnOaitM ot tka UR W in) Vandenberg Tells Him Europe soon, m day after a 'S8-day holiday re- may be cut still furtocr. There waa absolutely nothing wrong. have abandoned attempt to con- were signs too, that uaa of the •"I held my sequin singing oreas Air Force Personnel tact Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin Eisenhower ha* answered tost cess. , The government ie expect- each nation must, do Its utmost. It natural product may be banned in front of me nil the Ums,” toe Must Exercise *’Core” by traas-eeeanlo tetophei (Oonttaued on Page Taralve) Hold Pistol Packing Papa entirely in some non-defense, red-haired Mias Lane said In deny- Week’s Increase of 1,048 in Ko- one nation hanga back, anotoer North Madison, Jan. 24—<7P)—A husband, who fired a shot items. * ing assertions mad* yesterday by rean war casnattlea ralaea total to will use that as an excuse to hang Flanders, a member of the Con- Washington, Jan. 24—(P)—Oen. back. And here is the kicker— Treasury Balance through s neighbor’s door at hia frightened and fleeing wife 28-year-otd Lorraine Allen Cugat 48,201.. Representativaa from gressional committee which called The 61-year-old Maestro's es- Hoyt Vandenberg, Air Fbros Cflitaf seven Protestant churches resume If they ail hang hack, toe U. 8. t ^ y is being held on charges of aggravated assault and as- on Disalle and Ching, said in ad- tranged wife claimed ahe and four of Staff, says he ia su n MaJ. Gen. Cincinnati taUu on suggested Congress will not vote the money Washington, Jan. 24—(P)— Hi* sault with a dangerous weapon. Police say Janies P. King, 29, vance of the hearing that to* ad- detectives found 19-year-old Abbe Emmett (Roel*) CDonneU, untU to send arms’and troops to Europe. position of to* Treasury Jan. 22: meygar Into on* ebufeh—United of l^ute 79 here, chased his estranged wife into the home of ministration haa condoned and nude in her Edgewater Beach Ho- recently In chaige o' bomUng in Chnrcti of Chript. That argument has a sting In IL Net budget receipts 8298,819,- encouraged wage-price increases tel room with CuJJat. , Korea, did not say the atom bomb A sample of toe very real tear 744.88; budget expenditures $91,- a neighbor. Waiter A. MenzeL and fired one shot through the U, 8. Air Force announcea draa- should be uaed on China. tle teergaatoMHoa placing its air 078.889.14; cash balane* 83,488,' closing door. Nobody waa h it (OonUBned oa Paga tma^ (Ooattnoed on Pnge Twelve) Nevertoelees. General Vaaden- poarer In continental Europe, (Uaatlaaefi *■ PBfs Two) 828,167.98. . * * * berg reminded CDonneU la n England and Mediterranean ayea Jury Gets Kellems Caae friendly letter nude public by the under single, unified command New Haven, Jan. 24—(^P)’—Vivien Kellems’jnrithholding tax Air Force yesterday that airman Air aC -eairtton pervades stocli must "use cars” when wtehlng market with prices holding steady Groucho Glad He Didn’t case against the Government and John W. Fitzpatrick, Col- South Dakota County Has public stetemanta. ..Allan B. Dumont laboratories is lector of Internal Revenue for Connecticut, went to the jury Meaatim*. tbe Army aaM na or- charged with infringement of eel- in Federal Court at 11:41 A. M. today. der issued ahortly after ODonaall ‘ ‘an patent rights la fed- * e * ’ No Towns or Postoffices spoke to a news oonfereace waa In- era! court 'filedfiled by Columbia Shave off That Moustache tended to anoourag* otfloara to do Broadcaatlng System. Two Die tn Car Crash nuw*'talking. Rep. Van Zaafit (R- Hartford Office ot Civil Oefena* Hollywood, Jan. 24—UPi —Oroji-^Imogene Coca; outstanding per- Hampton Falls, N. H., Jan. 24—(7F)—Two Lubcc, Me., men Armstrong County, 8. D., Jan.^ers and Indiana acattei^ Pn) told toa Bouaa yesterday • ia ready for long teak of register- were killed early today when their automobile crashed into 24—(P)—Armstrong'County real- Armstrong’s ' 530-square milas of “gag'* Older want out after DDon- ing Totdnteer woriuia from that cho Marx ia toe outstanding televi- sonality, Sid Caesar. rolling west-central South Dakota Lone Baager Banner Up denU will never have a big mnss nail qxdte binding ofOeafs to sup- city and surrounding towns ■ion peraonallty . of 1960 In the a telephone pole and continued 90 feet into a field. The vic- meeting over toa government re- prairie to gather for such a pur- port Admlaistratlon poUdea in William Payne who voted for Ahra- view ef the Academy of Televlsian Other winners Included: Variety tims were' John T. Cleaves, 41, and Elvin Mclsaae, 45. A third any ^blle ommnanta on military show—Alsp Young show; runner port that they live in .toe only pose. ham Uaoola' .la lsil4,' die* la Arte and Soiencee. person In the can Miss June Whitman, about 20, Cleaves’ county in th* nation without a fed- Armstrong haa distinctions oth- andid foreign 1____atten. ' Medina, N. Y„ at age of, 104 . . . Th* Academy (tended oqt its up, Show of Showa Dramatic er than Ita lack of government am- abqw—PuUitser Prize Playhouse; step-daughter, escaped serious injury. eral employe. n M e e e r tsCeigeetatfam" New five-minute test for pregnan- gold plated "Ennwy” statuettes— * * * '■ ployes. O'Omnril epblM to newsman last ey la reported before gyneqwogy TV . equivalent of the movie. Oscar runner up. Studio One. Games and If anyone felt inclined to call such n meeting and everyone came, One Vbtlag Pnclaot zfzgk * t Mnrrii Air Bbm, Cniifi* ai\d obstretles secUoa at N«w. —at its third annual banquet last audience participation—Ralph Ed' Blaze Destrora Student Union Building It has no towns. It’s reported to upon hia return fitom U l gotfrip York Acadamy of Medldn* . . . . night. Beat actreas and actor wards’ Truth or C]onaequencedt the nttendnnoe would be 62 per- Louisville, Ky„ J!an. 24—(/IV^’Pire ef unknown origin eprly sona. ITtet’s by to* 1980 oansus be th* only U. S. county without a Calaf'of the Far East IhwriMg Okariea Neaeler, crodltod orlth bo- awards went to O erti^~ Berg runner up, Mika Stmu^s Pan- post office. And It haa undoubted- ^ S o a n d to iMtei the i r m A M ing originator at p«xinan*nt waVe tomlne Quia. Children's show- today destroyed the student union building of the University count (MoHy Goldberg) i^ d Alan Young. of Louisvilln Unofficial estimates of damage ran over Anyway It would be too much ^ ■ and hiTCBtor of nbei eyblaahea, Itunnsrf up i^reT ’'Best actor, fOaattauMd ee Piaate EtevaaX im nm XtM dica at 78. Charles Rugglsa: hast ' actress. ' (CoaUaned on Pacs Blavan). S100.000. • . , . trouble for. the handful .of ranch* I 'i ' 'X ■ ' '

■ 'ri2“JWBWKSi^' r

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ ’ wlfeDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.» WEDNESDAY", JANUARY 24, 1951 PAGE IH not MO BuIUven until just b«foro issued last Saturday. He. quoted •traet. He waa originally ohargad the order: Driver Pined with criminal nagllgonca, but a hta automobile hit him. Europe Scared “Offlcera may upon their own Slashing Nehru hearing by Coroner Lewta W, Saw Only One Nan « lioaponBlbllity, and at theii own Schaefer of Hartford raaulted In a Aa Riatau saw what he thought discretion, make remarks concern-’ rieieiber (te w (9 Irr heart finding of aimple negliganca . waa ono man crossing the street, Wants to Hold Attack oh tJ. S. Engaged to Wed Will Uncrate In Fatal Case ing unclasstfled (non-seoret) mat- RockviUe FREE PARKING In nur new paved Int on Main Bt., tw “Not Flagrant** the attorney conUnued, he pre- ters on foreign or military policies CNUITOrMK pared to apply hia brakoa. But af- Next To Our Store — Nn-Meter' Parking In Entin In racommendlng the aentanca On to Money for background purposes only and Studied by U.N. Big Bing Bang Block Jiiat South of Our Store. Easy To Shop Herat , iRieUu, Whoee Auto Proaacutor Philip Bayar atatad that ter reaching tho canter of tba not for publication, without ob- Rlatau’a waa not a flagrant caaa street. Met'artau started back to taining prior clearance, provided Buy Two New I Killefl Pedestrian Has and for that raaaon he aakad for a Um east curb, and called to Sulli- IGoattniied from Page Oael that their remarks are confined (CoattniM* From Ppgo One) WALLACE Buapanded jail aentence. van to follow him. .‘’eelng McCar- to the bounds and policies - wlilch The Thing’ to Be Jail Term Suspended Attorney Houae, in presenting tan reun-nlng to the curb, Ristau Europeans have Is given in a story have been publicly announced by pected to respond to Nehru with a Fire Trucks Dumped Here Silhday the caae quoted the coroner'a find- did not slacken speed. Sullivan, In told to ono of Gen. Elsenhower's the White House, State or Defense new denunciation of further ap- ing which said that'the evidence at the meantime, had cpntinucd party by a Dutch official. peals to get the* Rod Chlnsae to STERLING Edward A. Riatau, 26, of 19 Departments.” agree to a pease-fire In Korea. In Dimes Showing IP P the inquest "falla abort of estab- crossing the street. When Ristau “People here, including intelli- Vernon Fire Dislricl in Cottage atwet; charged with neg- lialting gross or willful ^ftiacon- did sec Sullivan and applied gent people I know, don't want to United Nations delegations at Keith’s fer any - room in th« onl/'sterling silver ligent homicide, was given a three brays. It was tod late. The de- put their savings In the bank," he learned of the Nehru declaration Discussion Reduces Tbing".^ la to b« unveiled to your home. . . upstairs or duct." world piht here in Manches- with ! niontlia jail acntence. suapended, House presented the following i ceased was carried 50 feet by the said. "They know tliat In case of Says Truman as they prepared for a meeting of Three Truck Request downstairs, suites or smart ! and fined $200 by Judge Wesley C. car after the Impact. war their savings won't be worth the General Aseambly’a 60-nation unday afternoon at the occasional pieces,- .all at "Third Dimension Beauty" facts concerning the accident. Political (Committee. thrifty prices. Gryk In Town Court this morning. Rletau w-as driving south on Spruce House pointed out that the much, especially during the com- Xrmory polio aports show. street at 8:30 p.m. Sullivan and ’’only completely disinterested wit- ing two years when they know Diplomats were reluctant to Rockville, Jan. 24—(Special) — W several months, a leader on Riatau waa given a 110-day pro- ness" wss Joseph Rossi of 298 Holland would be overrun in the Aids Wage and bationary period In which to pay hia son-in-law. Edward McCartan comment immediately on the In- At the meeting of the voters and everybody’s hit parade, the aong | of 126 Eldridge street, stepped Spruce street, a barber, and quot- first few days. So they buy clotliea dian Prime Ministers atatement, citizens of the rural Vernon area that’s lovely from every angle! hia fine. The acepsed entered a ed from Rossi's testimony At the The Thing” has excited the Im-1 nolo contendere plea through hia from the cast curb to cross near and automobiles.” Price Boosts but some said privately it widens known aa the Vernon Fire District, the Intersection of Eldridge street. Inquest. Rossi does not know and And what has Gen. Eisenhower's the gap between the Aslan-Arab it wss voted to purchase two new agination of mlllloiis. Many weinf attorney Charlea S. House. has never met Ristau, tlie attorney visit done to counteract this fear? Riatau was arrested December The latter w-as wearing a light tan (CoDttnned fmm Page One) "go slow” bloc, led by India, and fire trucks. and fantastic guesses have been 23 after ilia car struck and killed topcoat, while Sullivan waa wrear- added. Theie is no hard answer. A fair the AmertcanWed group. Franklin B. Wellea was modera- made as to the Identy of "The a pedestrian.______John F. Siillivan. 6r». Ing dark cloUiing. Riatau. Houae ■ Rosa! testified at the inqubst estimate is that it has helped much. See Peace Bids Futile tor for the meeting wVilch waa at- that he saw only one man cios.s- Long before Gen. Eisenhower tyas by not moving against them in tended by over one hundred. The Thing” but to' date every guess j Look at its styling . . . liM»k at its quality . of' Fail River, Mass., on Spruce said, only saw McCartan and did appoint e d, this correspondent general aa it did Isist December in Sources close to the Amerlcsn haa been aa good os the next ing Spruce street. Which corrobo- the case of an announced price delegation said Austin would tell first two items on the warning liHik at its price . . - you’ll like what you see rated Rl.stnu’s testimony that he talked to a number of European calling for acta of the legislature Here's how the local polio com- when it comes to Keith’s imtdern furniture. couKl only see McCartan, who was leaders about the war-scare busi- boost for new automobiles. The the Political Committee the Unit- mittee has turned the trick I government also acted then to ed States opposes aa ' futile any to change the number of officers 'Our modern collection la growing by leaps wearing the tan , and not ness and their answer was mainly freeze auto industry wages at further peace bids to the Chinese allowed for the fire district, the through special permission of the the darkly-attired Sullivan. this: Communists and that the time has giving out of fire permits, and au- copyright owners; Attorney John and bounds, because young Mr. and Mrs. "When tlie United States names least temporarily. thority to borrow money is neces- R. Mrosek, campaign chairman, Manchester are calling for more and more Lauds W itness Flanders told reporters a spegi- come for moral judgment against Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Mullen a commander to direct rearmament Peiping. sary were voted without dlscus'v and committeemen Earl Yost and of it . . . and we are here TO I’LEASK! Rossi went home.after the acci- and sends troops to Europe, then fic case of “discrimination" ' 23 Linnmorc drive announce Joe Dyer started on the trail of | f’liwod Wednesday At .\n«m dent but volunteered his services against the auto induhtry waa IksT It appeared certain, hovva.ver, Sion. the engagement of their daughter, to pollco after hearing an ariesf we will begin to have confidence.” The voting on the third /item the elusive "thing" a week ago. That commander now has come. week’s coal agreemient. It pxo- that the U. S. would run into stiff which w-aa to purchase thr6e new Annmarie Brenda, to CpI. Brunlg Telephone calls and telegrams re-1 OPEN THt'KHDAY had been made. Both House and vldqd a 20-ceht an hour wage hike opposition and probable delays. Charles Moske, Jr., aon of Mr. suited in vague answers. The trio For year Valentine, a gift with a the prosecutor lauded Rosst’s He is known to everybody. His fire trucks was broughVIo a head .MIGHT UNTIL 9:00 /’/ / / -/;( /