Cryptobia Cataractae Sp. N. (Kinetoplastida: Cryptobiidae), a Hemoflagellate of Some Cyprinid Fishes of West Virginia1

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Cryptobia Cataractae Sp. N. (Kinetoplastida: Cryptobiidae), a Hemoflagellate of Some Cyprinid Fishes of West Virginia1 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY tode egg counts in feedlot cattle. Am. J. bendazole-tolerant strain of Haemonchus con- Vet. Res. 31: 1203-1215. tortus in lambs. Am. J. Vet. Res. 30: 81-84. Nelson, D. L., R. G. White, J. O. Mozier, and Stober, M., and H. Ende. 1964. Behandlungs- A. D. Allen. 1970. Toxicity of larger-than- versuche mit Maretin beim Magendarm- recommended doses of naphthalophos to cattle, wurmbefall des Rindes. Berl. Miinch. tieiiirztl. sheep and goats. Am. J. Vet. Res. 31: 199- Wchnschr. 77: 100-105. 201. Train, C. T., R. G. White, and M. F. Hansen. Partosoedjono, S., J. H. Drudge, E. T. Lyons, 1968. Efficacy of coumaphos and naph- and F. W. Knapp. 1969. Evaluation of thalophos against nematodes of lambs. Am. J. naphthalophos against Oestrus ovis and a thia- Vet. Res. 29: 2331-2335. Cryptobia cataractae sp. n. (Kinetoplastida: Cryptobiidae), a Hemoflagellate of some Cyprinid Fishes of West Virginia1 ROBERT E. PUTZ Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Eastern Fish Disease Laboratory, Kearneysville, West Virginia 25430 ABSTRACT: Cnjptobia cataractae sp. n. is described from the blood of some cyprinid fishes of West Virginia. The leech vector is Cystobranchus virginicus. It is compared with the Cryptobia species found in the blood of North American freshwater fishes. Cnjptobia (Leidy, 1846) (Synonym: Trypano- Virginia, latitude 39°22'30" N, longitude plasma) (Laveran and Mesnil, 1901) is a 77°57'30"W. genus of biflagellated protozoan (Kineto- Fishes from nature were collected by seining plastida: Cryptobiidae). It has been recorded or electrofishing using a 115-volt alternating in. both marine and freshwater fishes of North current system. America; from marine fishes as parasites of the The leech vector of Cnjptobia cataractae, blood (Strout, 1965) and digestive tract Cystobranchus virginicus (Hoffman, 1964), (Noble, 1968); from freshwater fishes as para- was collected manually with small forceps sites of the skin (Swezy, 1919), gills (Wen- from the host fishes, Rhinichthijs cataractae, rich, 1931), and blood. after anesthetization with MS-222 (tricaine The following are reports of Cryptobia methanesulfonate) at a concentration of 1 found in North American freshwater fishes: C. part to 15,000 parts water. Piscicola salmo- borelli (Mavor, 1915), C. gurneyomm (Laird, sitica leeches used for comparative studies were 1961), and C. salmositica (Katz, 1951; Davi- collected and sent by Dr. Dale C. Becker, son et al., 1954; Wales and Wolf, 1955; Becker Biology Department, Battelle-Northwest, Rich- and Katz, 1965a, b, c, 1966, 1969; Katz et al., land, Washington 99352. Prior to examina- 1966). Except for C. salmositica, the orga- tion, leeches were put in 500 ml of fresh nisms have not been extensively studied. spring water and placed into a 4 C refrigerator Materials and Methods for 4 to 6 days. This permitted much of the blood within the leech to be digested. The geographical area of natural study and After refrigeration, fasted leeches were specimen collection was the Opequon Creek placed on tissue paper to remove excess water, at Dandridge Ford, Jefferson County, West macerated in a mortar with Hanks' balanced salt solution, lightly centrifuged, let stand for 1 A portion of a dissertation submitted in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of 10 minutes, and the saline with contained Philosophy in the Department of Biological Sciences, Ford- ham University, The Bronx, New York 10458. Cnjptobia decanted. Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1972 19 UM Figure 1. Freehand sketch of Cryptobia cataractae sp. n. showing organelles: Abbreviations: AF, anterior flagella; B, blepharoplast; K, kinetoplast; N, nucleus; UM, undulating membrane; PF, posterior flagella. Fish used for transmission and host range days, anesthetized with MS-222, and examined. studies were laboratory-reared or collected Blood was obtained by cardiac puncture using from streams. Those collected from streams a heparinized 25-gauge needle and syringe, were tested for the presence or absence of and diluted with equal part of BSS and ex- Cryptobia by withdrawal and microscopic amined microscopically. examination of blood. Blood containing C. cataractae was obtained Results from host fishes after anesthetization with Cryptobia cataractae sp. n. (Fig. 1) is a MS-222 by cardiac puncture, puncture of biflagellated protozoan (Kinetoplastida: Crypto- vessels under the haemal arch in the caudal biidae) which is in constant motion, with peduncle region, and severing of the tail at movements due to flagellar, undulating mem- the posterior end of the caudal peduncle brane, and entire body movements. region. MORPHOMETRICS (in microns): From 50 To prevent coagulation of the blood, a drop of 2% heparinized saline was placed into con- formalin-fixed specimens measured with an tainers receiving blood, including syringes and ocular micrometer. Body length: 17 (14.7— needles. 18.9); body width: 2 (1.54-2.2); length of For transmission and host range studies, anterior flagellum: 11 (9.6-13.2); length of approximately 100 Cryptobia in 0.05 ml of posterior flagellum (free part): 14 (11-16.4); Hank's balanced salt solution were injected nucleus diameter: 1—1.5; kinetoplast length: into fishes intramuscularly near the base of 2.6-3.1. the dorsal fin. HOSTS, NATURAL: Longnose dace, Rhinichthys To determine transmission and host sus- cataractae (primary host); blacknose dace, ceptibility, inoculated fishes were held for 10 Rhinichthys atratulus; cutlips minnow, Exo- Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Table 1. Comparison of Cryptobia cataractae with other North American Cryptobia from freshwater fishes. Measurements in microns. Length Length Body- Body anterior posterior Kinetoplast Species Vector length width flagella flagella Nucleus length Cryptobia 17 2 11 14 1-1.5 2.6-3.1 cataractae1 C. Virginians (14.7-18.9) (1.54-2.2) (9.6-13.2) (11-16.4) C. salmositica2 P. salmositica 14.94 2.46 16.05 8.96 1.5-3.5 4.58 X 0.78 C. gurnet/orum* None given 25.1 6.7 19 10 None given None given (19.2-28.2) (3.1-7.1) Scattered giants 38.8 9.1 C. borreli* None given 20—25 3—4 None given. None given None given None given Natural hosts: 1 R. cataractae, R. atratulus, E. maxillingtia, C. anomalurn. - O. kisutch, C. rhoiheus, C. alenticus, S. gairdneri, O. tshawytscha, S. trutta, S. gairdneri gairdneri, C. snyderi, O. keta, O. gorbuscha, Prosopium williamsoni, C. bairdi, C. gubsiis, C. beldingi, C. perplexus, C. asper, R. cataractae, Gasterosteus aculeatus. A C. clupeaformis, S. namaycush, E. Indus. •l C. commersonii. glossum maxillingua; stoneroller, Campostoma the flagella. The writer therefore provisionally anomalum. identifies it with this species." HOSTS, EXPERIMENTAL: Creek chub, Semo- Swezy (1919) discussed T. carassii, which tilus atromaculatiis; banded killifish, Fundulus he named in 1915, as an ectocommensal para- diaphaniis. site of goldfish, Carassius auratus, in aquaria SITE OF INFECTION: Blood and body fluids. at the University of California. He reports, VECTOR: Cystobranchus virginicus Hoffman, "A comparison of T. ca.ra.ssii with the blood 1964. inhabiting species of the genus shows no im- TYPE LOCALITY: Opequoii Creek at Dan- portant differences." He does not indicate dridge Ford, Jefferson County, West Virginia, why he considered it a separate species. latitude 39°22'30" N, longitude 77°57'30" W. Wenrich (1931) found a Cryptobia on the TYPE SPECIMENS: USNM Helm. Coll. (No. gills of the carp, Cyprinus carpio, from the 63198). Schuylkill River in Philadelphia. He stated, Discussion "The structure of this trypanoplasm is some- what different from that attributed to T. Previous descriptions of Cryptobia species carassii described by Swezy from the skin of from North American freshwater teleosts have goldfish and different from T. cyprimift from been based on. morphometrics and hosts they the blood of European, carp." He doesn't say were parasitizing. Experiments to elucidate how it is different and does not elaborate as to the biology of the organism, i.e., life cycle, its taxonomic status. vector, experimental transmission, and possible Katz (1951) described two new species of physiological processes, were not used for de- Cryptobia: C. salmositica from silver salmon, termining species. Oncorhynchus kisutch, and C. lynchi from two Mavor (1915), the first to report a Crypto- cottids, Cottus rhotheus and C. aleuticus, from bia from North America, found the organism the same geographical area in the state of in a moribund sucker, Catostomus commersoni, Washington. He separated them on the basis from Go Home Bay of Lake Huron. He states, of their morphometrics and host difference. "The trypanoplasm found in the sucker has Wales and Wolf (1955) found Cryptobia all the morphological characters described and from rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, king sal- figured for Tnjpanoplasma borreli by Lavern mon, O. tshawytscha, steelhead rainbow trout, and Mesnil (1902), size and shape of the body, Salmo gairdneri gairdneri, brown trout, S. position and shape of the nuclei, and length of trutta, coho salmon, O. kisutch, Klamath Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington OF WASHINGTON, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 1972 21 Table 2. Natural host range of Cryptobia cataractae over a 3-year period, 1967-69. Fish Genera and Number Number Per cent family species examined infected infection Cyprinidae Rhinichthtjs cataractae 111 108 97 Rhinichthys atratulus 84 25 30 Exoglossum maxillingua 77 14 18 Campostoma anomalum 69 13 19 Semotilus corporalis 75 20 27 Semotilus atromaculatus 57 0 0 Notropis cornutus 72 0 0 Cyprinodontidae Ftmdulus diaphanus 53 0 0 Cottidae Cottus sp. 100 0 0 Centrarchidae Ambloplites rupestris 65 0 0 Microptenis dolomieui 48 0 0 Ictaluridae Nottirus sp. 61 0 0 large-scaled sucker, Catostomus snyderi, scul- within the family Cyprinidae. Natural infec- pin, Cottus sp., and the leech, P. salmositica, tions were not observed in the families in the state of California.
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