Smith, Ingeman Ericsdotter, Marta Smith, Martin Jefferson, Elna Smith

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Smith, Ingeman Ericsdotter, Marta Smith, Martin Jefferson, Elna Smith Smith, Ingeman Ericsdotter, Marta b. about 1770 - Sweden b. about 1775 - Sweden (m. about 1790 - Sweden) Smith, Martin Jefferson, Elna b. between 1794 and 1796 - Tommarp, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. 1800-09-14 - Gladsax, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden d. - Sweden d. - Sweden (m. about 1816 - Gladsax, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden) Smith, Hanna Smith, Ingar Smith, Ingeman Smith, Martin Hansdotter, Kerstina b. 1821-01-29 - Gladsax, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. after 1823 - Gladsax, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. 1826-01-29 - Gladsax, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. 1830-11-19 - Gladsax, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. 1832-11-29 - Smestorp, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden d. between 1899 and 1905 - Sweden d. before 1908 - Sweden (m. about 1856) Smith, Magnes Streiffert, Anna Smith, Emil Smith, Gustaf Sr. Hansdotter, Anna b. 1858-10-06 - Simrishamn, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. 1860-09-23 - Hoya/Jona/Hoia, Sweden b. 1860-09-27 - Simrishamn, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. 1862-11-28 - Grostorp, Kristianstad Lan, Sweden b. 1864-10-02 - Loderup, Malmous Lan, Sweden d. 1910-02-20 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark d. 1927-02-02 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark d. before 1930-07-23 - Sparks, Washoe Co., NV d. 1945-09-29 - Sparks, Washoe Co., NV (m. 1884-08-24 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark) (m. 1885-11-27 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark) Smith, Kirsti Marie Smith, Astrid Shermanna Augusta Nielsen, Herman Julius Smith, Hjalmar Smith, Hjalmar Ohman, Marjorie Smith, Gus Smith, Carl Emil Smith, Hans Peter Anderson, Jennifer b. 1886-12-15 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark Willard, Edwin b. 1889-01-31 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark b. 1889-08-31 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark b. 1893-01-31 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark b. 1895-04-07 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark b. 1903-06-03 - Denver, Denver Co., CO b. 1897-09-11 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark Michaels, Evelyn b. 1899-12-20 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark b. 1904-04-17 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark b. 1907-11-05 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark d. 1966-07-18 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA b. about 1886 d. 1963-12-21 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA d. 1945 d. 1894-09-25 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark d. 1975-06-26 - Reno, Washoe Co., NV d. 1980-06-22 - Reno, Washoe Co., NV d. 1963-10-21 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA b. about 1897 d. 1959-01-28 - Reno, Washoe Co., NV d. 1977-01-29 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA d. 1985-05-29 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA (m. about 1910) (m. 1912-11-30 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark) (m. 1927-10-31 - Reno, Washoe Co., NV) (m. about 1920) () Jones, Lillie Harriet b. 1910-05-02 - Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark Smith, John Hjalmar Perkins, Alice Paula Smith, Marjorie Lee d. 1990-06-26 () b. 1932-01-30 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA b. 1933-11-22 - Sparks, Washoe Co., NV b. 1934-11-04 - Reno, Washoe Co., NV (m. 1954-06-04 - Sparks, Washoe Co., NV) Smith, Lloyd Green, Janis Elaine b. 1935-03-13 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA Smith, Marjorie Alice Smith, Edwin Michael Adams, Janice Ann b. 1935-12-02 (m. 1958-08-10 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA) b. 1960-02-05 - San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA b. 1961-05-24 - San Jose, Santa Clara Co., CA b. 1965-08-26 - Fremont, Alameda Co., CA (m. 1995-05-27 - San Ramon, Conta Costa Co., CA) Smith, Eric Lloyd Horne, Darcy Smith, Keith Lloyd Smith, Craig Peter Smith, Mason Michael Smith, Amber Marie b. 1963-08-28 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA b. 1966-07-02 - Sacramento, Sacramento Co., CA b. 1966-08-11 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA b. after 1966 - San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA (m. 1986-07-12 - Woodland, Yolo Co., CA) b. 1996-06-26 - Hayward, Alameda Co., CA b. 1998-04-12 - Hayward, Alameda Co., CA Smith, Lars Peter b. 1991-09-16 - Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CA.
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