Environment plan, Appendix 9-1 Stromlo-1 exploration drilling program Appendix 1 Contacts directory Rev 2, February 2019 www.equinor.com.au Oil pollution emergency plan Stromlo-1 exploration drilling program Appendix 1 Contacts directory This table was current at the time this document was developed. Organisation Phone Email Commonwealth National Offshore Petroleum Safety +61 8 6461 7090
[email protected] and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) Australian Maritime Safety Authority 1800 641 792 (24 hours) https://amsa-forms.nogginoca.com/ (AMSA) public/polrep.html (online form) Director of National Parks Marine Compliance Duty Officer: NA +61 419 293 465 (24 hours) National Offshore Petroleum Titles Titles Hotline: +61 6424 5317
[email protected] Administrator (NOPTA) Commonwealth Department of the Switchboard: +61 2 6274 1111 NA Environment and Energy (DEE) Department of Industry, Innovation Switchboard: +61 2 6213 6000 NA and Science (DIIS) Western Australia Department of Transport (DoT) Maritime Environmental Emergency
[email protected] Response (MEER) Unit Duty Officer +61 8 9480 9924 (24 hours) Department of Mines, Industry Environmental Reporting: +61 419 Environmental - Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) 960 621 (24 hours)
[email protected]. au Department of Primary Industries Perth Office: +61 8 6551 4444
[email protected] and Regional Development Esperance District Office: +61 8 (DPIRD) 9071 1839 Department of Biodiversity, Marine emergencies: +61 8 9474
[email protected] Conservation and Attractions - 9055 Parks and Wildlife Wildcare Helpline: +61 8 9474 9055 General enquiries: +61 8 9219 9000 Esperance Port Authority Emergencies: 0428 712 111 (24 enquiries.esperance@southernports.