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THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1893. 3 WINNIE DAVIS` STARVING WITH LAVA SPREADS IN ADVERTISEMENTS. SUFFERING OVER FOODINSIGHT EVERY DIRECTION Death Claims the Daughter of tY)e Awful State of Affairs The EruptioQ of Vesuvius Causiog at Late PresideQt of the Soutb- Havana. Gloomy £3pprehensior)s Among People ern Confederacy. A SERIOUS CRISIS AT HAND Living Near By. — \u2666 \u2666 SUPPLIES BEFUSED A LANDING NAPLES, Sept. 18. A state of gloomy apprehension prevails XARRAGANSETT PIER. R. L, Sept. 18.— Davis, daughter BY OFFICIALS. among the population regarding the eruption of Vesuvius, which Miss Winnie of lava Mrs. Jefferson Davis, died at noon to- is hourly becoming more active and menacing. Streams of are day at the Rockingham Hotel, to which spreading in every direction. The most threatening of these flows ;8^ A Model | place she came as a guest in the early i Insurgents Have Observed the Ar- through the Vedrino Valley, which i.= almost filled. The observatory part meters, only of the Pier's social season. She mistice, but Are New Becom- which originally stood at a height of 610 is now twen- had been ill for several weeks and a — ty-seven meters above the sea level, owing to the sinking of the Jf Threatening Story of fortnight ago her ailment was diag- ing ground. Seven new craters have formed around the central one, nosed as malarial gastritis. At times an American. and this has not to diminish the fears formerly felt, which her very serious, so tended condition became upon the eruption of stones and scoria similar to that that consTiltations of physicians were \ were based Suit for deemed necessary, but frequent rallies which occurred in 1872. Special cable The Call and the New York It* gave to «JH|.l renewed hope that she would ulti- HeraW. Copyrighted, IS9B, by James Gor- mately recover. During the past week don Bennett. especially was her condition considered HAVANA,Cuba, Sept. IS.— A reply and thought re- favorable it was her on question expected to- be possible the Comal is moval from the hotel would morrow or Tuesday. answer can- a days, The In few as the hotel had closed come too soon. It was for the season, leaving the patient and not the food BABE RULE feeling SPANISH problem that caused bad be- AND WIFE ' practically attendants alone in the Spain house. Last night, however, a relapse tween the United States and be- a suit as \u2666 problem As..good- in Miss fore the war. It is. the food I= Davis' condition was noticed bringing aoid throughout the night she lost now that is nearer and nearer IN FIRE IS IMPOSSIBLE you need care to \u2666 a insurgent PERISH strength perceptibly. This morning serious crisis. The Cubans t•n «r 118111 far observed suspension — tbe physicians the have thus the said that end was , \u2666 not far off and at noon death came to of hostilities, but the insurgents, armed 1 wear this winter. S« end the sufferings, which at times had as they are still, cannot be left to Shocking Philippine Archbishop been intense. Mrs. Davis had watched many days longer peace is to Accident Near \u2666 '== unremittingly starve if Fitting as well and : \u2666 at her daughter's bed- preserved H--«| Bide and she is now bowed with sor- be in the island. To the Bakersfield. Interviewed. row. The physicians of Mrs. Davis re- pangs of hunger from which they are aqi; looking port suffering, aggravation by ! as well as ii-.\u2666 she is holding up with great calm- is added the — ness in her affliction and no fears are knowledge that the Comal, laden with at v—u ; \u2666 present entertained of her health I a cargo of supplies, is not allowed to FAVORS AMERICAN CONTROL >. I anything your tailor .: yielding to the strain. THE LATE MISS WINNIE DAVIS. GASOLINE STOVF EXPLODES .|/ Miss Winnie Davis, "Daughter land them. ~ the of PUEBLO, Col., hag \u2666 the Confederacy," was born in the Sept. 18.— A letter I can turn out, and . t Confederate Executive been received here from a well-known \u2666 —- Mansion at | youth. was engaged to Wil- ORDERS, SAYS, Richmond, She Mr. citizen, RECEIVES RELIGIOUS HE i—=== \u2666 Va.. in who MRS. MORRISON 1863. She was edu- kerson of Syracuse, N. V., but shortly Pueblo has been In Ha- GO. \u2666 cated principally at home owing to the after her father's death the engage- vana in an official capacity and was FATAL BURNS. MUST J yours for less than F troubles surrounding her father and the i ment was broken off. While no pub- one of the very few Americans admit- Js~cb publicity which attended all movements '\u25a0 explanation of special reasons to family. lic the rupture was ted for witness the the 0,85 of the Davis Miss Davis at- given, itis well known that it was for feeding of the poor at Havana soup >i- one-half tailor's % tained her maturity at Beauvolr, Miss. purpose maintaining before they were byßlan- Vigorous Opponents of Liberty. vt^di she the of her father's houses closed H«r Home Destroyed and a Neigh- Most Here assisted her mother in various •\u25a0 name. She received the name, orders last week. Tl.iletter was \u25a0ways and took her place many co's Attempt to Save Her Spanish Soldiers Would Like in the "Daughter of the Confederacy," in sent in four pieces to elude attention in bor's " social functions of the place. She v.-as 1886, when her father made his famous the malls. Among other things It says: Death Proves to Become American her father's companion. j Child From constant She trip through the South. Mr. Davis be- "Large basins were placed about on Citizens. X Your taste can be ,% assisted him in all his work and much Iing unable to appear, Miss Winnie was the floor, filled with a sort of soup Unavailing. of the information which was required brought beans, by Mr. before the thousands at the made of rice and sometimes a " Davis in his writings was se- I different points along the route and in- bit of meat cooked with it. This was suited by a . selec \u2666 cured for him by his daughter. Her j as "Daughter dipped — MANILA,Sept. In an interview strong troduced the of the Con- Into smaller pans one pan to a 18.— : 8- character was marked from | federacy." family Among notes Special Dispatch to The Call. with him by correspondent of the /^^^m or group. the the —— that the of meat — Press, Archbishop Dosal of tion from single and " I taken Ifind allowance BAKERSFIELD, Sept. 18. Mrs. Associated :mß™ is eighty poum-s per week for 500 per- Philippine said: very Morrison and her infant child the Islands sons. For the sick and the small Frank earnestly hope the islands willnot double-breasted a portion condensed were to death in a fire that de- "I j children scant of burned Spanish, because the rebels are milk Is given. Bread is never issued. stroyed their home near this city last remain X eighteen on the upper now so strong that such a course would ; ()_ TAPS SOUND FOR NEW •'I counted evening. The fire started from the ex- suits ofcheviot, casT % ACROSS Inevitably appalling \u2666 LIE floor, alive, bloodshed. d some cause more d thaif of plosion a gasoline stove. J. S. Moyle, ""B li\ suffering intensely. A mother of reconquest natives is im- ; them explosion and The of the with six children occupied two cots. a neighbor, heard the possible years of the most and wor- the doors and until after % z= Three of the smaller children were Baw flames issuing from cruel warfare." CAPTAIN CAPRON scarcely alive, our boys, 10 to 13 years Morrison's house. Moyle THE windows of also hope the ' r CONTINENT expressed that \u2666 ed dark checks, old, lay panting young He the S^ Q for life: three hurried to the scene and met Mrs. Mor- absolutely ft I girls were so about the body Islands would not become In- swollen — r:;on coming out of the kitchen with dependent because it was certain that — and limbs that they could not move clothing rle aids Or am o \u2666 Santiago these many more were waiting her ablaze. dissensions would occur which would \u2666 P' P' Hero Yields to Through Chicago and all and Moyle had the woman lie down and incessant strife and a lapse HH elderly women were result in to die. Several 1 hydrant, the ground through = Typhoid. among Altogether the sight was ro! near a where into barbarism the natural in- goods in every pop- X the Northwest. them. was wet. In this way the flames that dolence of the country. The only hope, \u2666 frightful." enveloped were extinguished. Mrs. Archbishop declared, was that a illI her the Of a small child the writer says: repeatedly: "Oh, my nqk was over Morrison cried strong Western power would intervene \u2666 ular shade, hand- t "The face skin the little baby!" Moyle tried to get into the Delay dangerous, peo- Hi eyes— oh, that picture! then now. is as the — bones. Such burning house to rescue the baby, but restless. WAS VALIANT IN STRIFE BALTIMORE AND OHIO DEAL The mother was in the same condition, ple are Intoxicated and v—u We the flames drove htm back and the He said it was undeniable that the somely trimmed X while tears ran down her face. the house. Mrs. religious go, I " Later child was burned in orders must but the whole W^> turned and followed them.