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Short Course Meters ~ $7.00 United States Masters Swimming, Inc. 2000 Top Ten Short Course Meters and World Records as of November 1, 2000 ,, Long Course Meters Short Course Meters United States A.. Masters ~' ® S~i111111ing 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ Published March 2001 UNITED STATES MAST ERS SWIMMING 2000TOP T EN SHORT COURSE M ET ERS The 2000 Short Course Meters Top Teo is the third issue in a series of three 2000 Top Ten issues produced by United States Masters Swimming. Inside you will find the Top Ten Times for the 2000 Short Course Meter season (swims performed in a 25 meter pool) made on or before December 3 1, 2000 and forwarded to the Records and Tabulation Chairman, Pieter Cath, by January 26, 200 l . Each LMSC is responsible for reporting the Top Ten Times. USMS national records. and world records achieved in its LMSC. The first line under each event (which is indented) is the current national record for that event and age group. An "NV" after a top ten time indicates that appropriate documentation has not yet been supplied and the time is Not Y.erified as a record. Each person (individuals and relay members) on this list is eligible to purchase a nm Ten Patch w ith stroke segment. The new person to send your order ro is Thomas Gorman. Send ss to Thomas at 3369 Desota Avenue, Cleveland I leights, OH 441 18, e-mail Add S 1.25 for each additional stroke segment desired. The first issue in the 200 1 series will be 2000-200 1 Short Course Yards (swims performed in a 25 yard pool). Times and records considered for this Top Ten list must be made on or before May 3 1. 200 1 and reported to the Top Ten Chairman by June 30th. The 200 1 Long Course Meters (swims performed in a so meter pool) list is the second issue in this series of Top Tens. Times and records considered for this Top Teo list must be made on or before September 30, 200 l and reported to the Top Teo Chairman by October 20th. Now that the SCM Top Teo is llnalized. the official 2000 All American Roster will be produced. A swimmer/ relay who has the fastest tim e in one or more eveot(s) in any one of the three courses qualifies for All American status. To order an All Am erican Certificate and Patch, send a check for ss made out to USMS to: USMS National Office. P.O. Box 185, Londonderry, NH 03053-0 185. Those individuals performing the most first place times. in the most events, in their age group are awarded All Star status. All Stars will receive an All Star Certificate from the National Office. All American (individual) and All Star rosters w ill appear in the MayI June issue of SWIM Magazine. The l JSMS All Time Top Teo is available in all three courses. This publication lists the top ten fastest times recorded over the years in each age group and each event. The cost is S4 for one course, S3 for the second or s l o for all three. To order. make check payable to Suzanne Rague and send to her at: 935 NW 170th Place, Beaverton. OR 97006-483 1. Masters Swimming World Top Ten Tabulation is a yearly publication produced by FINA. To order. make check payable to FINA for S7 and send to them at: FINA. Avenue de Beaumont 9, 1o 12 Lausanne - Switzerland. For more information on USMS, visit our Web Site at http· //www There you will find everything you want to know about United States Masters Swimming, including: Administration. coaching, Competition. Fitness. Merchandise, Places to Swim , Training, the World of Swimming and likns to USMS Top-Ten. USMS and FINA World Records. we would like to send a big THANKS out to the members of the Top Ten Committee and the LMSC Top Ten Recorders who are all dedicated volunteers who spend countless hours at their computers on our behalf. Happy Swimming! Tracy 2000 Short-Course Meters - Top-Ten Individuals 33.04 Michelle Hackmer 24 • 100 M. BUTTERFLY 1:04.51 Rachel Frentsos 29 33.89 Arrry H Breitbart 24 1:05.38 JAMIE RAAB 94 1:05.13 Francese Gambetti 28 \IOMEN 19· 24 34.13 Jessica Kent 24 1:07.75 Jennifer Brooks 23 1:05.23 Jill Hansen 26 34.27 Natalie Koukis 24 1:09.77 Heidi A Eslinger 24 1:05.49 Leslie Allen 25 . 50 M. FREESTYLE 34 .49 Mary· Halis Alkis 21 1:11.95 Lee Nessel 24 1:05.68 Jill M Baker 28 26.61 ALISON TERRY 98 34.57 Erika Chow 22 1:12.58 Miriam E Carlson 23 • 200 M. FREESTYLE 27.81 Becky Bicknell 24 • 100 M. BACKSTROKE 1:12.97 Sarah Armstrong 23 1:59.78 SHEILA TAORMINA 96 28.41 Talia Brott 20 1:06.59 ALISON TERRY 98 1:13.19 Erin Tobias 22 2:11.32 M Jesperson 26 28.51 Emily Brelsford 23 1:08.34 Cary J Conley 23 1:14.33 Lisa Junkermann 22 2:15.24 Jill Hansen 26 28.69 Jenny Rohan 22 1:08.62 Jenny Mooney 23 1:14.79 Miah Broussard 24 2:15.30 Amanda Pagon 25 28.71 Lee Nessel 24 1 :09.65 Emi Ly Wang 22 1:15.03 K Steenbergen 24 2:16.91 M Stovickova 25 28.74 Susanne Wienrich 24 1:10.32 Michelle Hackmer 24 1:15.50 Britta Hult 20 2:17.27 Rachael Frentsos 29 28.91 Heidi A Eslinger 24 1:11.55 Jenny Rohan 22 1:15.50 Kristen Janeczek 23· 2:17.34 Joanne Reierson 29 28.97 Jennif Petykowski 24 1:11.87 Talia Brott 20 • 200 M. BUTTERFLY 2:19.02 Alexandra Nieto 28 29.00 Cindy Horrocks 23 1:14.32 Rebecca Conroy 23 2:28.91 LOUISE APPLETON 97 2:20.24 Holly Sisk 25 29.07 Jessica Kent 24 1:14.34 lee Nessel 24 2:47.46 Michel le Pizzo 20 2:21.32 Tate Birnie 26 • 100 M. FREESTYLE 1:14.53 Mary-Hal is Alkis 21 3:02.08 Heidi Griffin 24 2:21.52 Britt Greineder 27 57.86 ALISON TERRY 97 1:14.71 Lisa Waschler 24 3:10.68 Heather Bakker 24 • 400 M. FREESTYLE 1:01.67 Becky Bicknell 24 • 200 M. BACKSTROKE 3:17.90 Joanne Hopkins 24 4:24. 18 SHEILA TAORMINA 96 1:01.96 Lee Nessel 24 2:22.61 N WUNDERLICH 95 4:01.25 Heather Bergreen 20 4:43.91 Jill Hansen 26 1:02.39 Jenny Rohan 22 2:36.38 Jenny Rohan 22 • 100 M. INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY 4:52.42 Marta Wlodkowska 27 1:02.63 Cary J Conley 23 2:37.64 Talia Brott 20 1:05.34 BEATA KASZUBA 95 4:52.50 M Stovickova 25 1:02.72 Cindy Horrocks 23 2:37.84 K Steenbergen 24 1:10.98 Cary J Conley 23 5:00.34 Allison Thomson 25 1:03.34 Michelle Hackmer 24 2:38.31 Rebecca Conroy 23 1:11.77 Emily Brelsford 23 5:00.55 Me l Marcinkowski 26 1:03.70 Talia Brott 20 2:40.33 Elizabeth Taylor 24 1:12.08 Jenny Rohan 22 5:04.19 Syril Petttit 27 1:03.98 Heidi A Eslinger 24 2:40.40 Mary-Hal is Alkis 21 1:12.25 K Steenbergen 24 5:05.17 Liz Myers 26 1:04.00 Tiffany K Sawin 23 2:41.66 Laurie Jo Hall 24 1:13. 12 Lee Nessel 24 5:06.10 Michelle C Deasy 28 1:04.15 Susaf'Y)E! Wienrich 24 2:45.90 Julie Oplinger 24 1:13.46 Britta Hult 20 5:06.84 Jill M Baker 28 • 200 M. FREESTYLE 2:48.70 Christina Rhee 23 1:13.85 Michelle Hackmer 24 5:07.22 Tara McGarr 28 2:08.96 ALISON TERRY 97 2:58.65 Michelle Pizzo 20 1:13.96 Lisa Waschler 24 • 800 M. FREESTYLE 2:14.96 Lee Nessel 24 . 50 M. BREASTSTROKE 1:14.26 Arrry H Breitbart 24 8:51.18 SHEILA TAORMINA 96 2:15.06 Cindy Horrocks 23 32.09 BEATA KASZUBA 95 1:14.34 Susanne Wienrich 24 9:49.49 Susan Suomo 28 2:15.94 Jennifer Brooks 23 36.24 Emily Brelsford 23 • 200 M. INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY 9:59.71 M Stovickova 25 2:16.43 Cary J Conley 23 37.71 Kelly Wilson 22 2:30.37 N WUNDERLICH 95 10:09.59 Andrea Hill 26 2:16.51 Heidi A Eslinger 24 37.98 K Steenbergen 24 2:35.23 Jenny Rohan 22 10:36.89 Allison Thomson 25 2:17.50 Kristen Janeczek 23 38.10 Jenny Rohan 22 2:36.71 Lee Nessel 24 10:49.77 Monica Tory 28 2:19. 19 Miriam E Carlson 23 38.66 Jessica Kent 24 2:37.52 Heidi A Eslinger 24 10 :52 .41 Kristen Bergmann 28 2:19.46 Erin Tobias 22 38.99 Wendy Dixon 22 2:38.81 K Steenbergen 24 10:56.46 Shelly Detwiler 25 2:19.57 Jenny Rohan 22 39. 16 Vivian Tjoa 24 2:42.03 Sarah Armstrong 23 11:15.94 M Tangoren-Masood 28 2:21.09 Talia Brott 20 39. 25 Arrry Rowel I 24 2:42.86 Britta Hult 20 11:17.76 Rebecca Na sh 25 • 400 M. FREESTYLE 39.75 Ker in Elisens 23 2:42.89 Lisa J1.11kermann 22 11:22.89 Sara Allen 25 4:33.
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