INDO-PAK CONFLICTS a Select Bibliography
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INDO-PAK CONFLICTS A Select Bibliography A DISSERTATION submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of MASTER IN LIBRARY SCIENCE By NAJMA ABDUL WAJID DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALIGARH (U.P.) 1974 £:: -•"•V- ,„. '^. i9ci7 DS1020 •n,-^^ C£^^ ^l^ * M few do much reading in order that many will need to do only a littte 9> reading in order to keep informed E. J. Crane Paga Part I t PBBLIMZRABZn PTCfaet I Aeknovl«dgtB«Bt Indt»t.dir«etoxl«t and eatalogutg uMd for tha eollaetion of data Pariodiealt eitad and abbroTlatlons tiaad In citation Part IZ t IBS HARRATI71 How did it all atartt Indo Pak tanaiona in ratroapaet Indo-Pak War, 1966 Iba Satt Bancal(Pakittan) crisaa Indiana inTolvaoMnt Indo SoYiat Traaty Indo-Pak War, 1971 ftaarganca of nav nation* Bangladaih fiia Siala Agraaaant Part III I BIBUOQRAPHT Part lY t GHRONOLOQT (F STBHIB, 1947-72 Part T I Appandieas (a) lit solution of tha CoaMiaaion, August 13,1948, (b) Suanary of Natiru Abdullah Agraaaant, 1962. (e) Oia Tashkant Agraaaant (tazt) (d) fiia Six Point Prograama (a) Indo-SoTiat Traaty (taxt) eontd.* Pagt (f) Rtiolatloiii BOTVd in th« Steurity Coimell (g) lh« Siala i(MtB«nt (h) D«pth 8ehtdul« and its indtz At Int«mal rtlationt Bi Fortign rtlationt IMDBZ i P R S F A C g The topic chosen Indo-Pak conflict is one vhich is contamporary and alto of obvious historical importance of course, as M.Lib.Sc. dissertation, (the paper cannot claim any comprehensiveness). Scope The topic Indo-Pak relations even in this limited aspect i.e. conflict and war, is very wide and it had to be curtailed to make it manageable within the time available. The bibliography has been confined to two major open conflicts between the two countries viz. the 1965 and 1971 wars. Further even within this field only books and articles directly relevant to these two conflicts have been included. Material of a more general nature concerning the Indo-Pak relations has been excluded except in so far as necessary for indicating the perspective. iL Keeping in view the scope of the subject area of the topic, a general survey was made to familiarise the writer with various facets to be covered in the bibliography, to make the preliminary selection and to decide the method and scheme of organisation. As a result of the this preliminary study, it was felt that it might be better if attention was concentrated on news papers and news magazines (micro thought) in preference to books (the m^cro thought) as the former constitutes, a primary source material embodying the immediate firsthand reaction to events. This explains the predominance of micro thought in this bibliography. The writer has been forced out of necessity to be highly selective in the choice of material. However notwithstanding this selectivity it has been her sincere endeavour to make the bibliography a valid introduction to the historical scene in which much of the more recent evidence has yet remained lantouched by ur research and analysis. In the etiioice of magazines and news papers attempt was made to cover as eadiaustlvely as possible the views e:q)ressed In Pakistan papers, especially as this other side of the picture Is not generally available* Access to these magazines was not easy. They were available only at a very few libraries and In 1971 after the formal rupture of diplomatic relations, these magazines were not available to even these few Institutions. Because of this non-avallablllty such a source material has not been very adequately covered by bibliographers so far. Besides literature from Pakistan, Items representing views of Big Powers - Russia, DBA, UK and China have been Included. The magazines preferred are those which are recognised as 'opinion foimlng' In the countries of their publication. Authors credentials too have been an Important consideration In making the choice. ff Oa the home front sinilar criteria has been adopted with an additional attempt at covering, different view points esqpressed on the issue. Method of Organisation The abstracts have been made according to I#S.I. Standards (1^^-\'=\t>"'Ck )and Principles laid down by Dr. S.R.Ranganathan (Docmentation). As far as possible attempt has been made to make them short, neutral and objective. The writer has however diverted from the practice prescribed by Dr. Ranganathan to the extent of occasionally quallng the actual words of the author of the article in the abstract. l*hls has been done to mlnlaise the subjective elonent, very real danger indeed in dealing with contemporary history, particularly so if one's own country is Involved. A narrative^has been included to indicate the basis of arrangement and to make the bibliography coherent. At the end of the bibliography a chronology of events covering Indo-Pak relations has also been included. This is to facilitate the reader in this bibliographical search. Once date of particular event is known it becomes easy to locate the relevant news papers and news magazines. In the appendices, text of Important resolu tions of treaties has been included. Entries have been arranged in a classified order. A depth schedule for this was devised and various feature headings have been obtained through the chain procedure. Index to the schedvile has also been provided. While devising the depth schedule, the writer e:qperienced the difficulty of deciding the citation order of various isolates. This was especially an acute problem with regard to the East Bengal crisis. Whether to have the East ^jmgal crisis under History - India « Pakistan - foreign relations - Etiology or under the History - Pakistan - Internal policy was a matter of serious consideration %Aiich posed much difficulty in expanding the schedule for the bibliography. It was finally decided to treat it as part of Pakistan, NTI internal crisis. Wherever necessary India's in evitable involvement h&.s been Indicated with a phase - relation device, Xhe entries have been catalogued according to I.S.I. Standard (ISi 2381-1963). Similarly for the abbreviationsa of the titles of periodicals cited in the bibliography, the practice laid down by IStlHP \'^-V^^C) specification has been observed. Model Entry KUNZRU (BN) Lessons of Indo Pak war. India quart 22,3*, 1966,3'uly-September;215. means this particular article appeared in India Quarterly, Vol. 22, No.3, dated July-September,1966 on pages 215-217. In the case of a newspaper the coluan number has also been indicated with the help of i e.g. 4*3 stands for page 4 and colunn 3. Despite the limitations of time and the diffi culty of data collection mentioned above, an hmble effort has been to make the present bibliography a useful docuaent. V\l fflOBJBS. PIBCTQB«S,itfMiP PATAfcWPBg PSfiP 1) Aacrlcan Llbraritt Book Procurtment Centcfli^^ Aectstion U«t« India, VI ; 1947 - ; Monthly MBBttily Si9pl«Bi«nt;< Aecetsion list of serials annual 2) Alphabetical list of serials on Pakistan available in Delhi Libraries. Ratan Tata Library, UniTersity of Delhi, 19eB. 38?. 3) Bibliography of Asian Studies (Being the No.5 of the Journal of Asian Studies) AnnArbor (Michigan). Annual. 4) Qidvani(MM)i Indian Periodicals; an annotated guide. Jaipur. 1969 yii, 1916 5) Guide to Indian Periodical Literature. VI 1964 ; Ourgaon. Prabhu Book House. Quarterly. 6) Index India, VI ; 1967 Jaipur. Rajasthan. University Library, Quarterly. Cumn, Annual. 7) Indian NaUonal Bibliography. VI ; 1958 . Calcutta National Library. Monttily. Cmm, Annual. 8) Indian Periodicals in Print. Vidya Mfndal,Delhi, 1973, 32Parts. 9) Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. VI \ 1900/04 , Minnespolis, Annual. 10) Wajid (JA) and Kaul(TN)t Periodicals in Hinanities. London, iiinemann, 1971. 11) Union list of Social Sciences Periodicals,Delhi, Social Sciences Documentation Centre. 25Ip. 1) India International Centre, New Delhi. 2) India. Ministry of External tffairs. 3) Indian Council for World Affairs, Hew Delhi. VIM Cie writer withes to eaqpress her deep gratitude to her guide Mr. Mohd. Sabir Huesain. Apart from his valuable guidance in the compilation of the biblio graphy, his encouragement has been a source of strength to her. The writer is thankful to Prof. M.H.Razvi, Head, Department of Library science, Aligarh Muslim University for his valuable suggestions. She is also indebted to Mr. A.H. Kidwai, Reader, Department of Library Science, Aligaih Muslim University for his help in the expansion of the schedule and in the classification of entries. Ihe writer would be very much failing in common gratitude, if thanks were not expressed to prof. Mohammad Ayoob of the school of International Studies, Jawahar Lai Nehru University, Delhi for his liberal and kind advice during the collection of data for the bibliography. s Ih« folloving llbrarlet v«r« kind •nough to allow h«r^u8« th«lr faeilltlttt India Intarnational C«ntr«, Indian Coxmcil for World Affairs. Indian school of International Studits, Javahar Lai Nahru University. Ministry of External Affairs. Xtie writer thanks the staff of these libraries for their cooperation. On a more personal level tlianks are due to Prof. C. Prasad, Director, Central Library and Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Roorkee. It is a pleasure to thank Prof, shankar Lai, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, I^iversity of Roorkee for the interest he has taken in her. His encouragement has been a constant sovirce of sustenance to her. TM 4) Institut* for D«f«nce Studies and Analysis, New Oalhl. 5) Maulana Azad library, AUgarh Muslim University, Aligarh. 6) School of' International Studle8,Javahar Lai Nehru University, Delhi. 7) Sapru House, New Delhi. IS CODES USBD FOR CITATION OF DATA 18118-1970 Guide for abbreviation of words in titles of periodicals using roman alphabets.