Jj 's

I . i The weather 1 1 W9 ! t Sunny and mild, high in low to C C i l r mid 60s. Fair, cooler, tonight, low in mid 30s. Wednesday part­ lianrljrat^r Sunning ly sunny, cooler, high mid 50s.


News Moriarty takes summary (Compiled from over as mayor Ciiitcd Press Inlernutiunul

Town Matt Moriarty Jr. Monday night FitzGerald said, “I encourage the was elected Manchester mayor and minority to continue its concern, to ' Evidence will be heard •: chairman of the Board of Directors, continue to seek answers to its • Wednesday by Judge Rodney ■; succeeding John Thompson, who held questions, thus fulfilling its obliga­ Eielson in the Hartford County ■: the post four years. 'Thompson was tion. I’m very conscious of the impor­ Court of Common Pleas on the ■: elected deputy mayor and acting tance of a minority. Honesty and in­ Buckland Homeowners chairman and Pascal Prignano, who tegrity in government has never been Association challenge of March : had been deputy mayor, was elected more important than it is now, and -1 1974 rezoning of 256 acres of : secretary, succeeding Phyllis it’s the responsibility of the rhinority tobacco land for a massive, : Jackston in that post. All are to seek it out. mixed-use development. At- • Democrats. “If people are going to have faith torneys for both sides took the • The elections were unanimous and again in government,’’ said judge on an automobile tour of • took only minutes. They followed FitzGerald, “it’s up to our elected of­ the Buckland site Monday | ceremonies at the Senior Citizens ficials to bring skill, honesty and in­ afternoon. Testimony is : Center when the oath of office Was tegrity to the fore and to set an expected to take up to two i administered to the nine members of exam ple that the citizens of days. : the 1975-77 Board of Directors and Manchester can be proud of.” the three members of the Board of The Democratic-controlled board Education assuming 1975-78 terms. sworn in Monday made history. It State In a brief session by the school marks the first time in the 152 years STORKS — Jeanette Dille, ; board following the swearing-in cer- since Manchester was incorporated deputy commissioner of the ■ monies, Allan Thomas was re­ that the Democrats won three con­ state Department of Children • elected chairman and John Yavis Jr. secutive leadership terms. The Board of Directors installed and Youth Services, Monday \ was re-elected secretary. Board of Education also is described child abuse as a i The main speaker Monday was Democratic-controlled for its third , “communicable disease” that j Chief Justice Charles S. House of the consecutive term. Connecticut Chief Justice Charles S. House of Citizens Center. Listening (in photo at right) repeats a cycle of an abused i State Supreme Court, a Manchester Moriarty, 34, will conduct his first Manchester, left, was the principal speaker at are former mayor and now Deputy Mayor John iQc child becoming a child-abusing ; native and life-long resident who was business meeting tonight (at 8 p.m. the installation of the town Board of Directors Thompson, left, and Mayor Matt Moriarty Jr. parent. ! chairman of the 1947 Charter Revi­ in the Municipal Building). and school board Monday night in the Senior (Herald photos by Barlow) sion Commission which drew up the Town Manager Robert Weiss, who NEW HAVEN - About 200 j town’s council-manager form of served as master of ceremonies at striking New Haven teachers i government. He gave a capsule the brief ceremonies (they consumed were ordered to appear in ; description of the charter and urged only 30 minutes and were witnessed court today to face contempt j the directors to “maintain its by about 100 persons), introduced charges and possibly be sent to j delicate balance between legislative Justice House as “Manchester’s Secret U.S.-French pact jail with their leaders for and administrative powers.” most distinguished citizen,” and the defying a judge’s order to ; State Sen. David Barry ad­ audience agreed. return to work. i ministered the oath of office to the Justice House brought a laugh to be revealed next week 1. three school board members — when he said, “I’m not really going FAIRFIELD — The Connec- i Democrats Yavis and Eleanor Colt- to deliver an addresss, so, before I WASHINGTON (UPI) - Details of gathered to greet him on his return. declaration by the leaders of the six ticut Conference of Indepen- i man and Republican Earl Odom. speak, there’s something I want to a secret agreement the United States The President was to meet today major industrial nations who met for dent Colleges has called for a i Noting, “One of the most difficult say.’:, and France signed at the end of the with energy chief Frank Zarb to three days in the 14th Century Ram­ halt to construction of higher j jobs in the Town of Manchester, as in He congratulated the directors and Rambouillet economic summit will decide whether to sign the com­ bouillet castle 30 miles outside of education facilities until a blue i all municipalities, is to be on the the school board members and be made public next week, ad­ promise energy bill worked out by Paris. ribbon panel analyzes the j Board of Education,” Barry said, cautioned them to be guided By the ministration officials say. House-Senate conferees last week. Kissinger said Ford’s meetings future higher education needs ; “It’s fortunate that we in town charter. The school board They disclosed the existence of the Treasury Secretary William Simon with leaders of France, Great Bri­ in the state. Manchester have such fine people members, he said, must be guided agreement on stabilizing currency said the decision is “a close call.” tain, West Germany, Italy and Japan serving on our school board.” also by the state statutes which spell exchange rates during Ford’s flight Ford planned to stay in Washington took place “ in a really unusually har­ Regional Judge of Probate William out their duties and responsibilities. back from France to Washington until Nov. 29 when he leaves for four monious spirit.” FitzGerald administered the oath to Justice House told of the town Monday. days in China, during which. Simon said the accord he signed BOSTON — A reform of the directors-T- Democrats Moriarty, meeting called more than 28 years But they said the United States did Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Monday with French Finance Massachusetts’ auto insurance Thompson, Prignano, Jackston, ago to consider appointing a commis­ not back off its insistence on main­ said, he will meet with Mao Tse-tung. Minister Jean Pierre Foucarde Robert Price and Jack Goldberg and sion to study a new form of govern­ taining a “floating” exchange rate would return exchange rates’ to a ■ laws has hit a legislative In a shirt-sleeve news conference Republicans Vivian Ferguson, Paul for the dollar, although France “more orderly and stable” monetary roadblock, heightening fears ment for Manchester. He said so aboard Air Force One, Kissinger and companies may not sell car in­ Wiilhide and Carl Zinsser. many people showed up at the old wanted a'Teturn to a fixed rate. system by reduc ng erratic price Noting he had served three years Ford made no statement to the Simon told reporters that “perhaps movements and simulating surance in the state next year. the most significant highlight” of the on the board as a minority member, iigr 2 group of government officials economies. economic summit was the decision to Under the new agreement, Simon BOSTON — Gershon Avner, establish a “mechanism” for daily said, the United States will continue secretary of the government of consultation between the two nations to float the dollar and “there will be Israel, said Monday a stable : on currency rates. peace in the Mideast won’t ; no parities — no agreements on bands come for a while. He said he ; Eighth District voters The agreement was mentioned of fluctuations for the dollar against hopes the agreement with ■ only in broad terms in the joint any other currency.” Egypt will lead to further | agreements and “gradually we j TTLE shall proceed on the road to ; to annex Buckland area final peace” at a celebration of : By FLOYD LARSON Legal action of some type appears siderable influence over the the State of Israel Bonds silver ; residents of the district. Herald Reporter certain since the Town of jubilee m Boston. “This vote doesn’t really change Fromme trial hits snag “The district wanted it. They voted Manchester has started construction anything. The ultimate questions still for it and we’ll abide by it,” Michael of a firehouse in Buckland to serve must be settled in courts. We will yational Massaro, president of the Eighth the area which petitioned the Eighth District for annexation and that peti­ continue with the construction of the over withheld evidence TRENTON, N.J. - New Utility District executive com­ mittee, said Monday night after it tion was accepted by the majority of Buckland Firehouse as planned.” Jersey’s highest .court has those voting Monday. Town Counsel William Broneill and SACRAMENTO, Calif. (UPI) - Virga charged that assistant U.S. decided to rule — on a speeded was announced the district voters had favored annexation of Buckland A cheer went up when the vote was Assistant Counsel Victor Moses both The trial of Lynette Fromme on a Attorney Donald Heller suppressed a up basis — whether comatose announced and perhaps one of the said they need time to study all charge of attempting to assassinate statement made by James Damir to Karen Ann Quinlan can be to the district for fire protection by a 954 to 719 vote. most pleased was District Fire Chief aspects of the situation before com­ President Ford stalled today as a police in which he quoted Miss : taken off a life-sustaining menting officially and before “plenty worried” judge reviewed a The unofficial tally was announced Granville Lingard who advocated the Fromme as saying immediately ; respirator and allowed to die. recommending the next steps — if defense motion for dismissal or a by Sedrick Straughan, moderator, annexation. after she thrust a .45-caliber : It asked attorneys for all in- any — the town should take. mistrial. automatic at Ford, “It’s not loaded I volved to file their briefs. No about 10 minutes after the polls had “lam very elated over the election closed and after he had checked If U.S, District Judge Thomas anyway, it’s not loaded anyway.” ;date was set for oral outcome,” he said, “and especially The town has been paying the dis­ MacBride dismissed the case, the 27- Heller said that since making the I arguments. A lower court three voting machines used in the so because so many organizations in referendum vote from noon to 8 p.m. trict $250 per fire call in the Buckland year-old apostle of convicted mass statement Damir had changed his ; judge has ruled Karen does not the town were against us.” area and earlier this year embarked murderer Charles Manson would go mind in talking to FBI agents and ; have a constitutional “right to Monday. The voter turnout of 1,673 was on a plan to build the firehouse next free. If he declared a mistrial, the now quoted Miss Fromme as saying, ; die.” case would be retried. • slightly under 50 per cent of the es­ Newly elected Mayor Matt Moriar­ to the Buckland School to serve the “It didn’t go off anyway, what are : WILLIAMSPORT, Pa.„- Defense attorney John Virga ac­ timated 3,725 eligible in the district. ty Jr., when informed of the vote at a area next year when the building is you worrying about?” ; Three youths were killed and cused the prosecution Monday of Massaro said any legal action in oath-taking meeting of the town completed, equipped and manned. Because of this switch, Heller said, i five others were injured early A group of Buckland residents “ willfully and intentionally he had not thought the original state­ the future will depqnd on advice of directors, said, “The vote was disap­ ;• today in a general alarm fire petitioned for inclusion in to the supressing evidence” which he said ment of great value. the district counsel, John LaBelle, pointing but not entirely unexpected. on the second floor of the It indicates to me that the Eighth Eighth District and at a special could exonerate Miss Fromme. He Damir told the court he now was I Lycoming County Prison. who was present but declined to com­ moved for dismissal or mistrial. confused over exactly what she said. ment. District Fire Department has con­ ------See Rage 2 ■; Police said the fire may have “I’m plenty worried,” MacBride Virga said that, had he known •; been set deliberately. said. “I’m quite concerned.” about Damir’s first statement, he MacBride ordered a recess until couid have cross-examined prosecu­ ;■ WASHINGTON - Senate Wednesday when he will rule on tion witnesses as to whether they '•■•Majority Leader Mike Virga’s motion. heard such a remark. : Mansfield of Montana has joined those favoring the ap- [5 pointment of a woman to ;• succeed Justice William 0. Legislators face spending cuts :• Douglas on the Supreme Court. :• “ The appointment of a •: qualified woman is long, long or takes hikes to erase deficit ti •: overdue,” he said. HARTFORD (UPI) - With',a $77 extra compensation for the five I SAN FRANCISCO - A million deficit in the state budget hours added to the current week. shroom federal judge has ruled Sara looming. Democratic leaders in the This would reduce overtime pay. ;ji Jane Moore is competent to legislature are faced with the ■i; stand trail on a charge of prospect of cutting spending or — A 32-hour work week with a loss trying to kill President Ford. raising taxes. of three hours a week pay and [i: The trial is set to start Dec. 15. They met Monday and went over possibly closing some state offices numerous, possibilities for cutting one day a week. spending, including reducing medical I International benefits for the indigent and trim­ — As a last resort, layoffs, in which ming the state payroll. About 20 state the state would still have to pay PARIS — One-time Black officials and lawmakers held the ses­ about two-thirds of an employe’s Panther leader Eldridge sion in Gov. Ella T. Grasso’s Hart­ wages for more than six months in •i; Cleaver says his changed ford residence. unemployment compensation. perspective on America (Herald photos by Larson) Sources said the state’s $433 |:i prompted his decision to return million payroll was a major item of to the United States and face a Eighth District officials await results discussion along with escalating ji: possible prison sentence. He is medical costs under welfare. Inside today flying to New York today to Mrs. Grasso has said she Wants to Surrender to U.S. authorities In the picture on the left. Eighth District direc­ Fire Chief Granville Lingard, left, shakes hands make some of the savings through ii; on charges of flight to avoid selective cuts in agency budgets. She Bolton...... F am ily...... 6 prison after being convicted of tor Gordon Lassow, left, and Michael Massaro, with Wallace Irish Jr., when it was announced Classified .. Hebron__ 3, 7, 14 district president, wait for Sedrick Straughan, the voters endorsed annexation by 954 to 719 meets this week with state com­ Coventry .. Obituaries ...... 18 :$ assault and intent to murder. missioners to discuss spending. moderator, to call out the vote on the Buckland margin. Granville and Irish were two of the Dear Abby . S. Windsor...... 13 IKE Other proposals considered were: E. Hartford Sports...... 10-12 K-m-m-x-m-:! annexatioi^ question Monday night. At right major suppprters of the Buckland expansion. — A 40-hour wp, Juicy Ordiard Frtth: Me h t i^ C o itM v ;- -their newspaper before 5:30 p.m. 4 to 9 P.M. Wanet, South St., Rockville; 51 Huckleberry Rd., $30,000. Hkoh should telephone the circulation Roger Wilcox, South St., Helen A. Wolverton, doing business Furlong Construction Co. for land was cleared between the late department. 647-9946. ‘‘All You Can Eat” 1600s and 1850. «2.50 Rockville. as Glazier’s Convalescent Shopping Roger Hurlburt, alterations at 18 CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER 'A PRICEI Discharged Friday: Gail As farming was discontinued on Service, 554 Taylor St. Bonner Rd., $4,500. Blake, Brooklyn St., more and more land, the evergreens Marriage licenses Joseph L. Swensson Jr. Inc., new Film Rating Guide Served Rockville; Joseph Bell, Earl took over, particularly the hardy Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Thomas Anthony Makulis, 22 dwelling at 114 E. Eldridge St., $30,- from St., Vernon; Wyatt Cheney, white pine, Lewis said. The peak for parents and their children Sherwood Circle, and Deborah Anne 0 0 0 . SPECIAL! 4 to 9 Dailey Circle, Rockville; period of southern New England [y | General audiences. All ages admitted. P.M. Lloyd Eddy, Lake St., Ver­ FRESH VEAL non; Brent Giansanti, Charter E Parental guidance suggested. Some material may Rd., Rockville; Wayne John­ PARMESAN son, White Rd., Ellington; f THEATER SCHEDULE not be suitable for pre-teenagers. QnntrouB portion, Mrvtd with our Fabulous Mrs. Jane Keeney and son, [y] Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent Salad Bar. Burnside 1 — “Stepford About Sex” 9:15 7:00-9:20 Showcase Cinema 2 — West Hartford; Ellen Wives” 7;25; “Peeper” UA East 1 - “ Black or adult guardian. Kupperschmid, Crystal Lake Showplace Theater “Mahogany” Cont. 1:00- From 4 to 6 P.M. Bo Sure to Try Our Rd., Ellington; Barbara Mar­ 9:30 South Wincfsor — Christmas” 7:10-9:10 3:05-5:10-7:15-9:30 (X) No one under 17 aditiiUed (age limit may vary in cer- EARLY BIRD SPECIALS! tin, Kingsbury Ave., Tolland; Burnside 2 — “Busting” UA East 2 — “The Way “Walking Tall Part II” Showcase Cinema 3 — of Manchester tain areas). Lottie Stodolski, Union St., W MemhefFDIC 7:00; “Undercover Hero” We Were” 7:00-9:15 7:15-9:15 “The Other Side of the (Our Rugultr Mmu Wllti Salad Bar la Avallabla) | Rockville; Jason Werner, 9:00 UA East 3 — “Camelot” Showcase Cinema 1 — Mountain” Cont. 1:30-3:35- Progress St., Rockville; Myr­ Vernon Cinema 1 — 8:00 “Condor” Cont. 1:10-3:20- 5:40-7:45-9:55 tle Wanet, South St., “Peeper” 7:15; “ Little Showplace Theater 5:30-7:35-9:50 Rockville. Murders” 9:00 Rockville I — Admittd Saturday: Irene Cinema 2— “Undercover “Earthquake” 7:10-9:30 Defemia, Coventry; Andrew Denis, Stafford Springs; Hero” 7:30; “Everything Rockville II — “Jaws” SHeWCASE CINEMA/ 1234 The Manchester Chapter of UNICO George Newman, Tolland St., I-84EXIT58-SILVER LANE-ROBERTSRTS ST. 1 Rockville; Lynne Wilcox, . EAST HARTFORD • 24HR.TEL. INFO.1.568-8810 i Mountain St., Rockville; ■ FREE LIGHTED PARKING- We Honor MASTERERWARGE,^ Nicholas Zelinka, Skungamaug Rd., Tolland. Presents Its Discharged Saturday: r This printing test pattern is S n i i f z part of The Herald quality con­ Diana Ross Gilbert Ames, Crystal Lake HIGHEST EARNINGS on Your SAUINGS trol program in order to give * r i a n d Rd., Tolland; Clarence MCim U-UITiUlST. S72 9S09 you one of the finest M a h o ^ , Baraw, River St., Rockville; Your S.B.M. savings earn the hjghest rates allowed by law. You have a choice of |2i newspapers in the nation. 2nd Ernest Boothroyd, Hare Rd., MWSI am um HiGKanSlIilk Ellington; Mary Boyle savings plans from 5V4% on Regular Savings up to 7%% on 6 Year Savings Certifi­ Forestview Dr., Vernon; cates. And we compound your interest continuously and credit it monthly . . . so you 'a l l PERFORHlAtii; ; ^WVlNUOilS DAILVdia^ Deanne Brooks, Hillcrest Dr. HE OTHER earn-even more. MON.-TUES. 3 SIDEOFTHE^ Annual Vernon; William Campbell 9« BOTH CINES DAYS OF M ^OUNTAIN' Tracy Dr., Vernon; Alfred But that’s only the beginning ... EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2,1976... if you have a savings THECONDOR I Chameroy, Mansfield Depot; account, a mortgage or installment loan at S.B.M:, we’ll give you ... r DOUBLE FEATURE V Mrs. Ann Dedrick and son, MICHAEL CAINE Grahaber Rd., Ellington; “PEEPER ”piu. coBege & high school students- Mary Hoffman, Broad Brook; get vourfree showcase cinema Ethel Lajeunesse, Partridge "LinLE MURDERS” dtecoiimitcard now! save 5 Plui DINNER DANCE Births Saturday; WOODY ALLEN daughter (o Mr. and Mrs “EVERYTHMC ABOUT SEX” Gary Defemia, Coventry; a _____643-9333 daughter to Mr. and Mrs Wilcox,, Mountain St Rockville.

UNAVL.I. NTn.*S2|.])]}

PETER SELLERS “UNDERCOVER HERO” |R) Sat., Nov. 29th, 1975 FREE Personal CHECKING ACCOUNT 9:00 plut Robert Blake EllloH Gould No minimum balance . . . no monthly service charge — no matter how many checks “BUSTING” (R) 7:00 you write. (You may till out the necessary signature cards now — and make your first at deposit Jan. 2, 1976.) MICHAEL CAINE NATALIE WOOD So, between the savings interest you earn ... and the checking account fees you save “PEEPER” (PQ) ... you get TWO FOR YOUR MONEY when you make S.B.M. YOUR Bank. 9:30 plut "STEPFORD WIVES" IPO) 7;25 Willie’s Steak House The MORE We Can SAVE for You... 9 9 « MON. & TUES. 99* FOIC regulations permit withdrawals from Time Savings Accounts before maturity pro­ ALL YOU CAN EAT The M bPE You Can SAVE with U9L vided rate of interest on amount withdrawn ^THEATRESEAST Dinner at 7:30 PaM., followed by Dancing to the music of is reduced to the passbook rate and three months interest is forfeited. HE»ER PARKAOE . 649-5.91 the Al Jarvis OrchestrSa Winning ticket to the Cadillac will From W altz “QUACKSER be drawn at the dancea ONLY 130 CADILLAC BAFFLE To Rock‘n’ Roll! SAVINGS BANK OF MANCHESTER FORTUNE" TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT $100.00, ALL PROCEEDS GO TO 923 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. 06040 -AND- Kimball's exclusive “ En­ Please send me the complete details on your forthcoming checking account “12 CHAIRS" Every Wednesdoy, A Family Feast At A tertainer” will have you CHAIBTY; TICKETS ABE TAX DEDUCTIBLE- service. I understand that I can complete the necessary signature cards Real Friendly Price: Golden Filets Of playing an organ in min­ BARBRA Flounder, French Fries And Coje Slow. now but that you will not accept my first deposit until Jan. 2, 1976. STREISAND utes ..; even if the only As Much As You Wont, For Only $1,99! A thing you've ever played Best Value In Town And It’s Riaht NAME. i' I “THE WAY Nearby. An Additional $25 00 Per Couple Will Be Charged To before is a radio! WE WERE” Attend The Dinner-Dancet ADDRESS. of Manchester . H O W A R D MANCHESTER Member F.D.I.C. TOWN:__ GREAT ORGAN & PIANO -STATE. ZIP. MANCHESTER • EAST^HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON « ANDOVER CLASSIC 394 TOLLAND TURNPIKE JoHn$on5 For more Information, call Paul Rossatto, Chairman, at 646-2482, or Sam Fllloramo, 226 SPENCER 8T. TELEPHONE. .SOCIAL SECURITY NO. “C A M O O r MANCHESTER Treasurer, at 643-8508. 6 4 9 - 8 8 8 8 AT EXIT 94 - WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY "^(^^avof

iMaitrlipatPr iEupiiing Mpralb Moriarty takes About Eighth District Founded Oct. 1, 1881 (Continued from Page One) • It was written in the implicit the chief executive and ad­ the directors approved election ministrator. (Continued from Page One) Member, Audi! Bureau of Circulation Member. United Press inlernallonal hope that there will be a business-like expenses up to $400 for the referenda high school (now Bennet Junior conduct of town business, with a “The primary duty of the Board of town meeting July 29, the district accepted and several routine monthly reports. Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, High) that the meeting was recessed Directors,” he said, “is to maintain Among the report highlights was Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. Board of Directors and a general the petition. The town challenged the to the State Armory, where the manager. that delicate balance between Mayfair Y Club will meet petition’s validity on the basis of an the tax collector’s estimate that Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in Cronin Raymond F. Robinson. Editor-Publisher Harold E. Turkington, Managing Editor voters agreed the town had grown to • It provides for the election of legislative and administrative opinion by Moses, that the district collections for the current year were the point where it needed to replace directors at large, so they may have powers.” Hall of Mayfair Gardens. All Mayfair first needed town permission to 95 to % per cent complete. its town-meeting form of govern­ the viewpoint of the entire town in He noted, “The directors are residents are invited. annex the area. Massaro also urged any district Opinion ment. mind when making decisions, and not always faced with that age-old dilem­ LaBelle later issued an opinion also resident interested to apply for the The charter that took effect in 1947, merely one particular section of it. ma — a fundamental, philosphical Center Congregational Church invalidating the July petition, but district clerk position. The vacancy he said, has three important • It provides for the separation of question — whether to vote their con­ stewardship returns may be made because of faulty signatures. A new was created by the resignation features: powers, with the Board of Directors science and their beliefs, or whether tonight at 8 in the church office. petition was circulated and the town because of illness of Joseph Volz, the legislative body and the manager to vote the way their constituents went ahead with bid opening and who is reportedly to be slowly ‘Dead’ revived, now want them to vote.” An adult Bible study will be con­ awardship of a contract for the recovering at Crestfield Convales­ Justice House reminded his ducted Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Zion firehouse. cent Home from the effects of a for the hard part Manchester Hospital Notes listeners that the charter recognizes Evangelical Lutheran Church. Larry Noone, leader of- the stroke. that “the basic power still rests with Buckland petition drive, has asked the people,” because they can change Manchester Grange will meet Hartford Superior Court for a Lingard reports Discharged Friday; Harry Sault, 388 315 W. Middle Tpke. Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Grange Hall. their leaders if they wish, at elec­ declaratory judgment to determine Americans are making real “site-specific” sources of Hartford Rd.; Bette Brown, 114K Rachel Discharged Saturday: Margaret Gib­ on district fires tions every two years,'and because who has fire service jurisdiction — Rd.; George Caillouette, 119 Center St.; son, Cassidy Hill Rd., Coventry; Robert The finance committee of South gains in the effort to clean up pollution that “nonpoint” they have the right to be heard at the town or th^ district. Papers were Eighth Utilities District Fire Chief Rita Evans, 550 Graham Rd., South Dunbar, East Hartford; Charles An­ United Methodist Church will meet their water. sources are increasingly meetings of the Board of Directors. served on town and district officials Granville Lingard reported the Windsor; Minnie Fellows, 872 Center St.; drews, 333 Bidwell St.; John Boxall, tonight at 7:30 in the church recep­ Hampton; Sophronie Poirier, 714 N. Main He concluded with the story told of Oct. 7 and are returnable next week. department’s October activities to Lake Erie, said to be “dead” becoming the most important Joan Newberry, Glastonbury; Antonina tion hall. the directors at its meeting Monday Gladky, 27 Ridge St.; Marguerite Walti, St.; Carl Barna, West Willing'ton; Benjamin Franklin at the adjourn­ However, it is expected no pleadings only a decade ago, has been water quality problem. night in the firehouse. 26 Arvine Place. Jacqueline DesMarais, 256 School St.; ment of the Constitutional Conven­ will be filed until next month. The department answered 23 dramatically revived, com­ Some of these sources are: Also, Anne Masse, 147 Benton St;; Ross Olivia Condon, 482 Adams St.; Dorothy tion. Greater Hartford Legal The area accepted for annexation alarms in October as follows: 3 mercially and recreationally. — Two billion tons of sedi­ Miller, 95D Sycamore Lane; Rose Coro, Fielding, Higganum. Secretaries Association will meet by the Eighth District vote Monday is Also, Gordon Meyers, 1206 W. Middle Halloween prank alarms, 5 leaf and 287A N. Main St.; Edward Doyle, Franklin was asked by a woman, Wednesday at the Holiday Inn, bounded by East Hartford on the Atlantic salmon are retur­ ment annually delivered to Tpke.; Clifford Sterling, Oval Lane; grass fires, 3 false alarms caused by Newington; Anne Varney, 49 Server St.; “What kind of government have you Morgan St., Hartford. Cocktail hour west. Slater St. and the existing ning to the Connecticut River lakes and streams from Lucille Chase, 34 Inland Dr., Vernon; Russell Scott, 55 Helaine Rd.; Maureen malfunctioning alarm systems, 2 il­ given us, Mr. Franklin’?” will begin at 5:30 followed by a buffet Eighth District boundary on the east. Karen Carpenter, 165 Lydall St.; Jody Guzik, 36 Betty Dr.; Deborah Glaeser, legal burnings, 2 malicious false for the first time in 100 years. cropland. dinner and business session at 6:30. South Windsor on the north and Mid­ Collins, 91 Gordon Dr., South Windsor; 133 Downey Dr.; Ruth Lanz, Somers Rd., “A Republic, madam, if you can alarms, a car fire and 7 mis­ Gone are the oil slicks, — Livestock wastes, amoun­ This is the annual combined meeting dle Tpke. (with some exceptions on Richard Veilleux, 85 Oak St., South Wind­ Ellington. keep it,” was Franklin’s reply. cellaneous alarms. Discharged Sunday: Perley McIntosh, Delivering the invocation Monday with the American Association of the south. The exceptions are scums and chemical odors ting to 10 times that produced sor. No serious fires were reported, he ' Also, Vincent Ferruccio, 609 Talcott- East Hartford; Stanley Sholik, 38 Salem night was the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Medical Assistants. Dr. Charles Wickham Park, Cheney Tech, East which formerly plagued the by humans. said in the report and noted there ville Rd., Vernon; Gary Roberts, 82 Rd.; Patricia Ruschak, Glastonbury; J. Reardon of St. James Church. The Polivy and Atty. Philip R. Dunn will Catholic High School and apartments were three calls to Interstate 86. Kanawha River near — Vast quantities of nitrogen Chestnut St.; Wendy Hulme, Windham; James Healey, East Hartford; Marie benediction was by the Rev. Newell speak on “The Malpractice Crisis.” on New State Rd. which remain un- J • J- r lu rr r.- As fire marshal for the district Charleston, W.Va. and phosphorus and other Priscilla Williamson, Erodini Rd., Sirois, 38 Cornell St.; Betty Brown, H. Curtis Jr. of Center der the jurisdiction of the Town Fire i innora Warehouse Point; Marilyn Peracchio, „. . . .■' Lingard reported an inspection made Columbia; Heidi Bsullak, 61 Helaine Rd.; Congregational Church. These and other ac­ chemicals which enter the Linda Simmons, Oak Dr., Hebron; Craig 530 Spring St.; Linda Skidgel, 69 Vernon The Social Club of St. Bridget n • ,. , . . at a billiard parlor on West Middle Ave., Rockville; Anthony Jaworski, 83 The senior citizens served During the monthly business TnVo complishments were cited waters from the 41 million tons Stevenson, 163 Tanner St.; Arthur Rife, Church will sponsor a Las Vegas mpptinp before to the pleetion tallv ^ investigation These seagulls apparently prefer the calm dive in the company of‘mallard ducks who Pitkin St.; Lori Lata, East Hartford; refreshments following the meeting before to tbe election tally, Oakland St. recently by Russell E. Train, of commercial fertilizers used 24 Elizabeth Lane, Tolland; Burton Casino Night Friday at the church waters of the Globe Hollow Reservoir near the gather most of the time near the reservoir falls. Claughsey, 137 Downey Dr.; Cheryl Joan LeBlond, Storrs; Ella Roberts, 78 ceremonies. hall from 8 to 11 p.m. There will be administrator of the U.S. En­ annually. shores of the Manchester Country Club to life on (Herald photo by Pinto) Hanley, Stafford Springs; Arline Rivers, Birch St. prizes and refreshments. vironmental Protection Agen­ Other contributions include an ocean wave. The gulls often swim, dip and cy. strip mining, storm water More than 97 per cent of all runoff from cities and con­ Medi- Views water dischargers — factories, struction and soil-disturbing President Ford’s new image is emerging MHA offers state compromise municipal sewage plants, etc. activity involved in the urban- by Michael Dworkin, B. SC. — are either now in com­ NEW YORK CITY - Is Gerald sprawl process. it is still meant mainly to head off intend to iet that become the shadow Registered Pharmacist Ford suffering an identity crisis? His in housing project dispute pliance with federal pollution In sum, the relatively easy Ronald Reagan and swing the opinion that rides me. My campaign will be recent wrenching turns away from MAX LERNER polls upward. what it will be. There are other The Manchester Housing Authority The MHA’s decision to proceed ready for MHA review within a control standards or are on phase of the water clean-up his “good guy” image toward a I’ve differed sharply with Presi­ things for me to do than worry about (MHA) has decided to meet the state with plans for a mixture of one-story month. View cheap definite water clean-up struggle appears to be well in harsher one would suggest that he is. a post-Watergate transition from dent Ford on many of his recent the primaries. Reagan isn’t Presi­ Department of Community Affairs and two-story buildings should meet The MHA has been wrangling with His “tough guy” Cabinet changes, schedules, he reports. hand. Much more difficult, and Richard Nixon, who wasn’t one. But stands, including the highly dubious dent. I am. Whether people will want halfway in a dispute over design for a objections of the Department of the Department of Community Af­ GENERIC drugs along with his stern stand on New In fact, so much progress expensive challenges still lie the low-profile amiability which one on New York City. Yet I am me for another four years will de­ 40-unit, state-funded elderly housing Community Affairs, Mastrangelo fairs for more than six months. The York City, can both be seen in terms has been made in cleaning up ahead. helps to heal a wounded nation’s ready to believe there may be pend not on the straw polls^ now in project on Spencer St. said. MHA’s first design, submitted in ...with caution!! of narrow political maneuvering. Yet scars isn’t what elects a President. something struggling to born inside MHA Chairman Pascal April, was rejected by the state in Vermont and Florida but on what I do The Department of Community Af­ A. U.S. government drug committee, we sometimes forget that a Presi­ James ■ Reston, in The New York the unlikely mind of political wheel Mastrangelo said Monday that as President between now and next fairs is administering a $640,000 state May. The MHA’s second design, sub­ headed by the Dean of the Yale Medical dent is not a cardboard cutout Times, is on to something when he horse. I can't escape the feeling, November.” architect Dominic Cimino has been mitted in June, was still being pasted together to form a profile of grant for building the project. School, after very lengthy arguments has speaks of Mr. Ford’s new however, that the image of that Perhaps President Ford is thinking asked to design, a mixture of one- reviewed in October when the state Our prep schools attitudes and decisions. He is a per­ come up with a final conclusion. The chair­ “ machismo.” It is a term with wheel horse drowns out whatever is of Harry Truman’s example. He, too, story and two-story buildings for the Mastrangelo said the MHA decided changed its design regulations. - son, with a shifting self-image, with sexual overtones, but the relation struggling to be born. came in to finish out someone’s project. to go ahead with a mixture of The regulation change—which now man concluded that if the Antibiotic bottle feelings about his identity as well as are flourishing between leaderand people is — In his post-massacre press con­ presidential term and had early The MHA originally wanted to building types after MHA members requires than 10 per cent of elderly of two or more manufacturers contain about issues and officeholders. whether we like to acknowledge it or ference President Ford- kept problems in shaping his image. But build two-story buildings, to conserve visited similar elderly housing housing units be equipped for the 250mg of that antibiotic, they virtually are, Am I wrong in thinking that Mr. Despite high tuitions, the not — always a sensual, almost a repeating that he had decided to put somewhere before 1948 he found a large portion of its six-acre site, projects in Vernon, Somers, Glaston­ handicapped —forced preparation of for all practical purposes, the same. The to the “politicizing” of the Ford, either because of communing sexual one. Especially in a time of his own team together. This was his himself and convinced the people but state officials wanted the MHA to bury and Enfield. a third set of plans, which resulted in differences in therapeutic effects warrant depressed economy and public schools. with himself or listening to some confusion people look for vigor, self- team, no one else’s. Fine. But he still that he was his own man in his own build one-story buildings, which the one-story or two-story dispute. ; sage adviser, is trying hard to change Mastrangelo said Cimino should the great difference in price. He stated, studies questioning the “Public schools which find confidence, the reassurance that has to make it credible, and he right, a plain-spoken “Give ’em hell” would cover about half the MHA’s his image? This wouldn’t mean- he have the revised preliminary plans “they are virtually the same therapeutically economic pay-off of a college themselves embroiled in comes from another’s strength, the doesn’t help the credibility by man, a man who said “The buck property. and the cheaper drug will do.” has stopped being a politician: He feeling of being linked with him is zeroing in constantly on the stops here” and meant it. degree, college preparatory teacher strikes, busing con­ has always been one and won’t even However, a very bright Doctor from John something larger than self. primaries and Reagan. Truman, however, won in 1948 schools are thriving, at least in get it out of his blood. But he may Hopkin’s Medical School was there and troversies, frozen budgets and Mr. Ford’s problem will be in The primaries’ system has much to because he showed humanity along October police activity summarized New England. politics have disturbed many have come to a crisis point in taking making the change credible. If you answer for if it overshadows with strength, while Thomas Dewey posed a very interesting question. “If I am inventory of his 1976 prospects, and have been “nice guy” Ford all your whatever should go into the making taking an Antibiotic containing 250mg, am I A survey of more than 200 parents,” he says. “These remained a synthetic figure. Presi­ Manchester Police activity in October same: 32 last October and 31 this October. decided that what is wrong with his political life, you don’t become of presidential policy. In answering We Have entitled to have the 250mg in my blood prep schools from Connecticut dent Ford is seeking an image of 1975 was listed at about the same level as Othe reported police activity (with com­ parents, especially in the large sagging standing in the straw polls is Charles de Gaulle overnight. You questions about the state of his cam­ Everything For strength, but he seems to have in October 1974 in Chief Robert Lannan’s parable figures from a year ago in stream instead of the lesser amount of say to Maine by the Higher Educa­ metropolitan areas, fear their his too-easy image as “good old don’t even become Harry Truman, paign Mr. Ford pretends that all is CRAFT & The Hobbiest and forgotten the humanity. monthly report released this week. parentheses) were 157 criminal arrests 200mg, which I might be getting from a tion News Service found enroll­ Gerry Ford” who is an amiable unless the people think the change is going well, when obviously nothing Craftsman! If We children’s educations' are It is true that humanism without Slight increases were reported in all (156), 2,388 complaints (2,355), 210 traffic cheap generic Drug?” Why must he have to fellow but also a thing of wax, genuine. What continues to trouble is. ment increases throughout the neglected as the schools realism can be bland and ineffectual. categories of activity. The only dramatic accidents (204), 51 injuries in traffic ac­ HOBBY Don't Have It, compromise his health? changing with the impress of events many Americans about Gerald Ford He would do much better to say, But, even vyorse, realism without We’ll Order It region this fall. Some schools become laboratories for social and of the men around him. increase in activity was in traffic control, cidents (50), $54,078 in stolen property The word “virtually” is a very important is the suspicion that the image directly and crisply, “I am a can­ humanism is bound to be empty and Especially For reported increases as high as The “nice guy” image was fine as where the number of arrests nearly losses ($54,040), and $26,331 worth of word in the above chairman’s conclusion. reform and teachers and change is only politics-deep, and that didate to succeed myself, but I don’t cruel. CENTER You . ., 1 ^0 per cent. doubled. Lannan reported 607 motor vehi­ stolen property recovered ($19,388). 775 MAIN ST Manchester 643-9338 Just because your Antibiotic reads 250mg programs endure the attendant cle arrests for last month, compared to does not necessarily mean that the 250mg Boarding schools, which distractions and interrup­ 307 in October 1975. The number of motor Also, 54,970 miles of road patrol (52,149) gets into the serum. Ask a mother who experienced a decline in pop­ tions.” New Hampshire Gov. Thomson is a dreamer vehicle warnings remained about the and 159 animal control complaints (143). might have a child with an infection with ularity during the late 1960s To these parents, a sound 105 degree fever whether she would settle and early 1970s, have college preparatory program, WASHINGTON - Gov. Meldrim Massachusetts and Florida wouldn't be surprised at such a Bentley school hook fair opens for the antibiotic whose strength is not Thomson Jr. of New Hampshire is a primaries, the latter two in March. development. He has told reporters rebounded even though annual able to browse and purchase books. really exactly what her Doctor intended to even though costly, now looks dreamer. Thomson, a conservative ANDREW TULLY As the incumbent. Ford will have to recently not to rule out some kind of The Bentley School PtA is spon­ cost (tuition, room and board) soring a student book fair all this There are new books from many have, in order to kill the invading bacterial very attractive, he says. Republican who is supporting Ronald do well in all three states. If he an “accommodation” with the Other high risk drugs which we should be doesn’t, Connally will be in the race week through Friday in Room 8 at publishers in all popular price ranges now averages between $3,600 Most American families Reagan in the New Hampshire Connally with open arms as No. 2, lame-duck Vice President. After up to his neck. the school. and all reading interests will be very concerned about are Digoxin for the to $5,000. Presidential primary next February, but forget it. Connally is running — all, both Connally and Rockefeller can’t afford college prep Says a Congressional Texan who The book fair will be open daily represented. heart...Diphenylhydantoin for epilep­ says former Texas Gov. John B. Con- informally to be sure — for the are money men and they understand According to Donald Hager- schools, of course. But there has known Connally for more than 20 from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Books will All profits from the book fair will tics...prednisone and prednisolone for nally would be an ideal running mate Republican nomination for Presi­ each other. It would be interesting to From November 17th thru November 22nd man, headmaster of years, “John won’t wait too long. All also be on display Tuesday from 7 to be used for the Bentley media center. critical allergic reactions, Aminophylline seems to be some kind of for Reagan. dent. He will stop running only if see how they woudl resolve the ques­ Reg. SALE he wants is a sign that Ford can be 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Donna Jezouit is chairman of for asthmatics and Bishydroxycoumarin, a Holderness School in New message here that our public No doubt Reagan would welcome Gerald Ford shows he’s unbeatable, tion of who got the No. 1 role. taken. Then he’ll jump in before the Students and their parents will be the event. • Visible V-8 Engine...... $20.00 $14.76 an unlikely development as of today’s The President’s campaign men are blood thinner. Hampshire, one of the few school administrators and race gets clogged up with a lot of • AFX RACE S E T ...... $22.05 $16.76 tea leaves. saying that they expect their tiger to Scientists and clinicians assert that remaining schools that still every professional in the field other fellers.” A MODERN • TRAIN S E T ...... $29.95 $16.76 Connally, a Richard Nixon convert do “very well” against Reagan in differences exists between drugs. The requires boys to wear sport of mass education might be YESTERDAYS Indeed, during the month-long tour New Hampshire, Florida, and PHARMACY • Estes Rocket Sterter K it ...... $9.95 $7.76 time has come to realize that there is more to Republicanism, is much more of a of the GOP’s fund-raising circuit, coats and ties to class, much of wise to begin listening to. conservative than Reagan. He is one Massachusetts. They claim that New Plus Much, Much More! to a drug product than the labeled Connally has made it a point to Hampshire and Florida are more im­ the phenomenon is a reaction of the business and financial com­ criticize Ford and thus put distance CANDLE SUPPLIES QUANTITY. Quality is influenced by the 23 Years .\g;o munity’s most trusted operatives, portant to Reagan than to Ford between the President and himself. • M o ld s...... $2.50-$4.99 $1.99 type of “filler,” lubricant, binders, force of William Luettgems, a member of whereas Reagan is regarded because as the challenger Reagan He has chided Ford for lack of • Novelty M o ld s ...... 99c tablet compression and stability of active the Community Players for several patronizingly as a well-meaning must show early strength. Maybe so. leadership and initiative, and has ingredient upon long storage. years, has a leading role in the Moss amateur. He is also a veteran sociql But Ford can’t make merely a token • Scents, D^es, Wic k s ...... Reg. 59% pkg. 29c argued in favor of federal aid to New ^tteru sheo^ The literature is well documented with Hart comedy “Light Up the Sky.” race in either state. He knows what conservative, who won his spurs as York City, an action Ford has the clinical failures for a variety of drug Earle Hutchens of 85 Broad St. is happened to Lyndon Johnson in 1968 KM the pragmatic Democratic governor vigorously rejected...... ^ elected master of Manchester of a state that traditionally has had and Sen. Ed Muskie in 1972 when they the pacesetters products. There have been times of “Right now, I don’t see a chance of Many people who think they Grange. He succeeds James Baker. much to ^ y about national elections. faltered in the early going. 1 : massive recalls for sub-dosages of Connally supporting Ford next In any case, John B. Connally is a have asthma or hay fever are Digoxin, a heart medicine, and a 10 Years But Connally will make no overt year,” says the Congressional Texan. mistaken...In a three-year [ move until after the New Hampshire, man to watch during the next few tetracycline, an antibiotic manufactured Manchester Homemaker Service “John just doesn’t think Ford has any months. He is brash and he is am­ study of 9226 residents Q Tecumseh, Michigan, tl _ generically for a very famous U.S. celebrates its first anniversary. get-up-and-go to him. Hell, don’t be bitious and he is selfassured, and surprised if John gets together with researchers found: 18 per cent ] manufacturer by an Italian Drug company. Howell Cheney Technical School i those are the qualities it takes to who thought they had asthma All were very cheap...but the quality, celebrates its 50th anniversary of THE ALI\IANAC Rockefeller.” stage a political upset. Gerald Ford did not; many were suffering therapeutically, was not present. vocational education with an open Connally hjmself apparently will trust friend Connally at his peril. instead from chronic | house. By Uiiilcd I’reeis liiteriiulionul bronchitis and emphysema...8 We must see substantiation of blood ------AIL levels, graphs on minimum effective con­ Today is Tuesday, Nov. 18, the per cent who thought they had RED PURPOSE 322nd day of 1975 with 43 to follow. hay fever did not; most had WINE WINE centration and the maximum effective con­ CB keeps truekin’ sinusitis and a non-allergic in­ OPEN FORUM The moon is full. centration. Unless this data is available to The morning stars are Mercury, flammation of the nasal your Doctor and Pharmacist the manufac­ Truckers are discovering that two passages caused by dust and Venus, Mars and Saturn. can play at the game of highway vapors...Of the residents sur­ turer is biasing his data and the Thanks The evening star is Jupiter. dodge-'em. RAY CROMLEY veyed, 8 per cent of the men “Bioequivalency” evaluation process is in­ Those born on this date are under One of every five longhaul trucks is and 7 per cent of the women valid! To the editor. the sign of Scorpio. said to be equipped with Citizen Band actually had asthma...The I would like to ask the Yale Dean and The Women’s Auxiliary of the American astronaut Alan Shepard radios, which truckers radily con­ number of tickets we have to write,” study concluded that people Ralph Nader one question. If you had a was born Nov. 18, 1923. frequently are not good judges Manchester Midget and Pony Foot­ cede they use to warn each other says a Wyoming highway patrolman. heart condition and had a choice between ball Association, Inc., would like to On this day in history ; about the disposition of police cars. of their medical conditions... Citizen Band radio is helping the a generic Digoxin heart pill or a Name take this opportunity to thank In 1883, the United States adopted Now some highway patrols are using police do their job in other ways. Find service as you like it — everyone who helped make our “An­ Standard Time and set up four zones CB to lure truck drivers into speed “When truckers noticed that we had fast and friendly from the ef­ Brand, made by a reliable drug manufac­ ficient staff at LENOX nual Football Dance” held Nov. 1 — Eastern, Central, Mountain and traps. eacs,” says the superintendent of the turer, which one would you choose? such a success. Pacific. The situation is so bad on one PHARMACY. We handle a Libby Budd Would price be the most important factor? Missouri Highway Patrol, “ they full line of nationally known Former Head of Manchester High School Art Department ♦ Our gratitude is sent especially to In 1903, Panama and the United Florida Interstate, writes William began reporting intoxicated drivers, cosmetics including Worth Will Be At The Shoe String To : “ T iil/S r YOUR HEALTH TO YOUR the Manchester Evening Herald, States signed a treaty for the building Neely, that truckers have stopped wrong-way drivers, stranded and St. Laurent, an exclusive State Police Auxiliary, businessmen, of the Panama Canal, linking the talking to each other lest police, DOCTOR AISD HIS PRESCRIPTIONS TO motorists and other matters in this area, to fill all your WHITE DEMONSTRATE, SELL and PERSONALIZE her coaches, Board of Directors and each Pacific and Atlantic oceans. posing as truckers, fool them by requiring law-enforcement action.” needs, and have a large well WINE beautltul PEWTER CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS usr and every person who bought a ticket In. 1969, American astronauts broadcasting that all’s clear ahead equipped pharmacy to handle BURGUNDT In Ohio, the highway patrol is en­ (Limited Pieces) or donated to the association. With Charles Conrad and Alan Bean made all your prescriptions. You i ROUND WINE and they can “put the hammer couraging truckers, as well as WINE man’s second landing on the moon in can depend on LENOX' your help the midget football (accelerator) down.” passenger can drivers with CB THURS.P NOV. 20 from 2-4 amt 6-8 rPMS(^TKN^ program can look forward to another the lunar module of Apollo 12. But if some police are using CB to radios, to report suspicious PHARMACY, 299 E. Center St., 649-0896 for all your 38 OAK STREET exciting season. In 1974, President Ford arrived in provoke law violations, others are characters lurking on overpasses. A WEST HARTFORD WETHERSFIELD Mrs. William Carlson Tokyo for a state visit on his way to a delighted with the truckers’ use of I prescription requirements. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER number of accidents, and some Free Delivery Service..Open: Bishop's Corner 965 Silas Deane (Acrou from th. ticket chairman meeting with Soviet Communist par­ Pum.ll Parking) "This raft is positively dangerous — maybe we should CB, reports Neely. “If the CBs slow deaths, have been caused by people Mon thru Sat 8 a.m.-9 p.m.. 2531 Albany Ave Highpay ty chief Leonid Brezhnev in lnnq> Tiws.-Sat. 10 ajn.'9:30 abandon it!” 53 Alexander St. people down even part of the time, it who get their kicks by tossing objects Sun and Holidays, 8 a.m.-8 OPtN THURS 1 Fill 111 9 OPtll THURS t IIH 1 IM ^ lie S h o e J Manchester /^4'ladivo.stok helns us do our ioh a ^ cuts down the off the bridges at oncoming vehicles. ^ p.m. Thursdays HI 8:00 \

PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov. 18, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov. 18, 1975 - PAGE SEVEN School board meets tonight HAVE YOU AN Betty’s Notebook East Hartford between four of the toMpi’s schools. part program covering growth and Watch Your Superb EVENT SCHEDULED SHEILA TULLER • The' alternate high school. maturation, smoking, drugs, alcohol, THAT CALLS FOIL By Betty Ryder Onr 40 TMn a t UmxmOmI 289-4283 Synergy. and disease and disease control is the FOOD? • An evaluation of reading Open 24 Hours Dally The Board of Education will hold a result of the combined effort of all FAT-GO It may be a wedding, a special meeting tonight at 7:30 at programs and scores. the school nurses. FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE banquet or just an informal The Connecticut/Paraiba Partners wrong to expect your guests to pay I t ’ s a b o u t tim e Penney High School. Reports will be • The Health Department’s Evelyn Kowal, Dolores Butka and Lose ugly excess weight with the get-together of a Society, of the Americas are looking for a few for drinks. We cannot cut down on the about: recommended resource curriculum Barbara Thompson co-ordinated the sensible NEW FAT-GO diet lodge or some friendly group. If you are looking for that plan. Nothing sensational just -more host families for professional list and I cringe at the thought of not • Parent’s Choice, the differences guide for grades 5 through 8. The five program in a summer workshop. something different, for that M©bil ii^ steady weight loss for those that We Are Prepared to people who are due to arrive at having an ‘open bar’ for the entire Club meeting HEATING OILS really want to lose. someone special, I found just the Serve You to Your Bradley International Airport on reception even though I’ve been to A full 12 day supply. thing — a watch. The Greater Hartford Home Complete Satinfaction Saturday. many weddings which didn’t have Amston Lake homes classified Well, it’s not just an ordinary Economics Club will meet tonight at Ask ISfmBlaEnni drug store I Our catering service is set up Paraiba, Connecticut’s sister-state it.” of the Planning and Zoning Commis­ 7:30 in Raymond Library, Main St. about the FAT-GO reducing plan ^ watch. In fact according to the 1975 Hebron and start losing weight this week. to be flexible enough tq ac­ in the Alliance of the Partners of the “It would be helpful to me to get a sion and was set up at the request of Ms. Rita Manchester of Vernon commodate any size Guinness Book of Records it’s the Money back in full if not com plete­ Americas, is located in the Northeast sampling of people’s thoughts and most expensive watch in the world. EVELYN CROSTON Richard A. Keefe, Building Official. will speak on Thanksgiving and 315 Center St. ManChsster ly satisfied with weight loss from gathering. Why not call us and of Brazil in South America. feelings on this matter,” she wrote. talk over the details? Imagine, for a mere ?50,000, you can The Amston Lake Classification Award given Christmas crafts. the very first package. The trip is planned to coincide with If any of our readers would like to acquire a Piaget watch. Set in 18 Study Committee has started to iden­ The Republican Women’s Club has The members will take part in a DON>T DELAY Thanksgiving, a holiday not found on express an opinion, please drop me tify seasonal and year-round received the bronze award for cookie and craft exchange. The ser­ get O today. Garden Grove Caterers, Inc. Brazilian calendars and one that says a line. karat white gold, it features 2,200 L I Q O E n R E X A ir diamonds that cover the case, dial dwellings in the Amston Lake dedicated service from the National vice project for the month will be for TELEPHONE 649-5313 — 649-5314 a lot about the nature of Americans District. the patients at Rocky Hill Veteran’s A hand full of cash is better than 'Manchastar Parhade' and band, as well as double sapphires Federation of Republican Women’s a garage full of stuff. sharing with friends. Early to rise The committee is a subcommittee Clubs. Hospital. A schedule of activities planned for marking digits on the dial. the Paraibans Will include a get- For the past two months, I have If that is a little stiff for the acquainted cocktail party at the been waking up at 5:30 a.m. Well, I budget, how about a bracelet with Sheraton Hotel in Hartford; and G. shouldn’t say “waking up” — actual­ two rows of marquise diamonds sur­ Fox Brunch and shopping tour, etc. ly I’m moving around the house but rounding an open face for only $17,100 Any family willing to host one of more or less in a daze. or, if money is no object, a watch the guests for one week is asked to It isn’t so much the alarm going banded entirely in emerald and dia­ contact Reginald Pinto at The off, it’s that even when it’s not set— I mond squares for $48,000. Herald. go off on Saturday and Sunday mor­ Also in Neiman-M arcus’ new ning. Christmas catalog is the store’s most During the week it doesn’t make expensive gift suggestion — a Answers back too much difference. I rout a son out diamond-encrusted watch roped with In response to comments last week of bed at 5:45, pop some breakfast coral, set in 18 karat gold. That’s not (PEOPLE SW BANKMG IS CONFUSUIC.) regarding the anniversary party in­ into him, and send him off to work in all. To go with it is a thickly twisted vitations which included the cost to his red pickup truck. rope necklace of diamonds and coral, those wishing to attend, I received a But I tell you, when Saturday or plus matching earrings. The set, couple of letters, so will pass along Sunday (especially Sunday) morning $170,000. They knew I wouldn’t be the writers’ comments. arrives, I find I’m the only one in the market for the $170,000 ensem­ One lady put it short and sweet: wandering around the house. ble, so they only sent me the photo of “In regards to the anniversary Last Sunday, it wasn’t too bad. I the most expensive watch. celebration indicating on the invita­ made a cup of coffee (which I rarely Well, here goes, “Dear Santa, all I tion how much money it will cost to do), plunked an English muffin into want for Christmas is.....” TRAVEL SHOW attend, I think it is vulgar, ;the toaster, had a great conversation maddening and in bad taste.’’ with the dogs (which terminated the Another woman wrote, “We were minute their “woofs” broke the Time passes invited to such an anniversary party silence) and finally turned to the TV “Lost, yesterdafy, somewhere about eight years ago. The invitation section. Thursday, November 20 asked that a check be sent to them by between sunrise and sunset, two Well, by 7:30 a.m. I was im­ golden hours, each set with sixty such and such a date, partly to defray movable. There I was in front of the TO BE HELD AT . cost of food and part for the gift. diamond minutes. No reward is television watching “Adventure offered, for they are gone forever.” I thought it then (and now) in Theatre,” and guess what was Horace Mann (1876-1959) extremely poor taste and chalked up on....“San Francisco” starring Clark the episode to ‘ignorance.’ It was Gable and Jeannette McDonald. Howell Cheney Technical School ‘engineered’ by the couple’s children, Well, I was tickled nobody else was was a surprise, and the unsuspecting awake. It was great — made in 1936 '1 ‘honored guests’ have been horrified (the year before I was born, believe About Middle Turnpike at the whole deal. I agree, if a family it? Well don’t) and it was a good can’t afford a party, forget it.” story (two hours long) and went town The writer also tossed in another through the San Francisco thought for your comments. earthquake, Clark and Jeannette Doors Open At Show Starts At “My daughter’s wedding is coming squabbling, and ended with them The committee on education of 7:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M. up in the spring, and I wondered what high on a hill looking over an almost North United Methodist Church will the consensus of opinion is on having demolished San Francisco. It was meet tonight at 7 at the church as an open bar or everyone pay for their great. And I cry and nobody said will the committee on nominations. own drinks. “Ahhh, mom.” While the writer has no objections Now I’m a little worried. I have a St. Mary’s Episcopal Church will to an open bar before the meal is feeling that automatically, next Sun­ have a service of Holy Communion served, she is thinking of the finances day, I’ll wake up early just so I can Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the church. involved if the bar remains open see what’s on “Adventure Theatre.” after dinner, when the festivities are What’s that old saying about H a w a ii The Women’s Bible Study Class of likely to continue for a few hours. “heaven will protect the working South United Methodist Church will She explained “I still think it is girl?” Well, it better get busy. meet tonight at 7:30 at 1208 Main St. Courtesy United Airlines “This is Bensche-Miner Hawaii” The Jet Banking Account. Sheila Anne Miner of Turners Falls, It's more than Mass, and Michael Hans Bensche of Guest Speakers: George 0. Briere Greenfield, formerly of Manchester, were married Nov. 8 at St. Mary’s United Airlines; Rick Schweizer and a checking Church in Turners Falls. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Don Kusana, both of Mackenzie account. and Mrs. Harold Miner of Turners Falls, Mass. The bridegroom is the Hawaii Tours. son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bensche Up until now, most banks of Greenfield, Mass., formerly of tried to make their checking accounts Manchester. He is also the grandson different by offering lots of different colors of Mrs. John Bensche of Florence St. Hawaiian Orchids , ,for the first The bride wore an Empire gown of and styles. white satan soie designed with a high 200 women. Now, CBT's Jet Banking gives you a checking j ' neckline, full Bishop sleeves . ‘-‘ r v.-v trimmed with Cluiiy lace, V- account that is different. f neckline, illusion bodice with Venise With a CBT Jet Banking Account, you can transfer money from your lace medallion placket, double from Hawaii, savings account to your checking account (or vice-versa) by just picking flounced hemline terminating into a Fresh Pineapple chapel-length train. Her chapel- up the phone. Any time of day. Any day of the week. Just come in and length veil of silk illusion was edged courtesy of Myles Travel sign up. in lace and attached to a lace Juliet cap. of Glastonbury, as door prizes. And, if you write a check bigger than your balance, you can cover Leslie Perry was maid of honor. the overdrawn amount with your CBT Master Charge Plan. Bridesmaids were Kelly Sweeney, Christy Reum, and Linda Martineau. The Jet Banking James Singley served as best man. GUEST SPEAKER Account also lets you Ushers were Peter Flynn, Daniel save money automati­ Walker, and Joseph Miner, the BROCHURES bride’s brother. cally. You can even pay A reception was held at the DOOR PRIZES CBT loan installments Thomas Memorial Golf & Country Club, after which the couple left for HOST AGENTS AVAILABLE TO PLAN THAVEL and your insurance Tampa, Fla. They will reside in ITINERAHY. FREE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE premiums automatically. Greenfield. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD OFFICE. Another nice extra is Mrs. Bensche is a second year stu­ dent at Greenfield (Mass.) Com­ the Jet Banking Combined Statement. It gives munity College majoring |n mental you a monthly summary of all your checking health. Mr. Bensche is employed as a FREE TICKETS Available At The Following und savings activity. Mrs. Michael H. Bensche bindery operator by Channing L. Bete. Sponsoring Travel Agents... The nicest thing about your CBT Jet Pinochle Banking Account is what it costs you. scores I Attention Teens — I)4othing. Top scorers in the Manchester Senior Citizens I Tres Chic offers a AIRWAY TRAVEL GOODCHILD-BARTLEn TRAVEL Pinochle Group game 457 Ceiiter Street 113 Main Street Thursday at the Army and I Teen Clinic... MANCHESTER MANCHESTER THE CONNECTICUT BANK Navy Club are Dick I see ‘sculptured’ 646-2500 646-2098 Colbert, 606, Ellen AND TRUST COMPANY Bronkie, 600, Lyle Steele, I nails applied, latest MERCURY TRAVEL MYLES TRAVEL 586, Walter Kohls, 580, Bet­ I waxing process for 627 Main Street 14 Welles Street ty Daniel, 573, Jennie I painless hair removal... MANCHESTER GLASTONBURY Fogarty, 572, Sam Schorrs, 646- 2756 565, Joe Windsor, 564. Bess I hair care and make-up 633-3575 Moonan, 562, Peg Ven- I advice from our LaBONNE TRAVEL O’KEEFE TRAVEL drillo, 561, A1 Chellman, 67 E. Center Street 558. I highly qualified 750 Silas Dean Hgwy. The group sponsors a hair stylists. „ ----- MANCHESTER WETHERSFIELD 647- 9949 game each Thursday at g Firstclinic ’Will be Wednesday, November 19th, 7-9 p.m .; 529-3321 9:45 a.m. at the Army and h t- j ___ i -A. < ’ GLOBE TRAVEL Navy Club. Play is open to Second cliaic Wednesday, December 10th, 7-9 p.m. GUSTONBURY TRAVEL banking the way want it. all senior citizens. Bring your friends . .'.be the first to get set for the holidays! | 655 Main Street MANCHESTER 270 New London Turnpike The tomb of King Mausolus 643-2165 GLASTONBURY of Anatolia (Turkey), built by Member F.D.I.C. his wife Artemesia, was so Tres Chic Salon 633-6761 magnificent and renowned in the ancient world that his 303 East Center S L, Manchester • 643-2483^ | name has become identified g Lamp Cutting • Precision Cutting TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR with tombs — mausoleum. FAUfci iliUiHT— iviAiNLngiOiCin cjviLi>iAi^vj nciU/iL.u, Manctiester. conn., lues., iNov. ib, i^yd S&H MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Tues., Nov. 18, 1975 — PAGE NINE opecN GREEN STAMPS STAMPS MAKES US NO. 1 GREEN STAMPS k WE EIVE s i Supermarkets HEINZ Supermarkets iWMTS i _— -''^orr «iE*Y$ lY S5« CHUCK FRESH LjL- • (t&SK CATSUP Seaberry 26 Oz. Conn. Stroll fw * 1 DOUBLE S&H STAMPS Jellied 15 Oz. Crede **N' MtOIOM ROAST GROUND m o s l r FW M S mas BROS. 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After scouting St. Paul in its game with Bristol Central and seeing them While Bryant was successful in .maneuvering his Alabama club into beat a very good Central team, I was pretty pessimistic about our chances of By EARL YOST a hand-picked meeting with Penn State in the Sugar Bowl, it was learned.that BOSTON (UPI) - The American traded to Texas after slipping to 14-16 This was the best.” The 29-year-old, 140-pound beating them (36-14 loss). Sports Editor Nebraska officials Sunday were involved in a similar move to insure three league champion Boston Red Sox in 1973. A year ago, his first in the Jenkins is expected to join veteran Wesleyan grad achieved back-to- Of course, I did not tell the team Man to beat in the Five Mile Road Big Eight teams berths in post-season games. have bolster^ their pitching staff AL, he compiled a 25-12 record, with right-handers Luis Tiant and Riclc back success here in 1968 and 1969, this because it was very capable of Race is Amby Burfoot. most of the time once on four downs Nebraska officials, who howled bitterly at Bryant for his efforts in cutting with the acquisition of former Cy a 2.83 earned run average and 29 Wise in the Red Sox’ .starting rota­ trailed John Vitale and Pat McMahon beating St. Paul as it was capable of The tall, bespectacled national from inside the two yard line. the Big Eight out of the last available major post-season berth, were trying to Young award winner Ferguson complete games. tion, leaving Bill Lee as\he only star­ in 1970 and then started his current beating almost every team we’ve Jenkins. figure who has been looking over his The offense although it had four coax officials from the Cotton and Gator Bowls into accepting teams from Beniquez, a spot starter in the out­ ting left-hander. He is expected to string of four triumphs in 1971. He faced. But being capable does not shoulder at the field for the past four turnovers, one of which gave St. Paul their conference. Red Sox General Manager Dick fielder who saw a good deal of action replace Reggie Cleveland as a was runner-up in both the 1966 and always translate itself into a victory O’Connell early today confirmed the starter. years and six times in the past seven a touchdown, and the others good With the winner of next Saturday’s game between Nebraska and Oklahoma as a designated hitter, batted .291 1967 races. and that was the case once again last swap, rumored for a couple of weeks, years has forwarded his entry for the field position to a team that hardly already committed to the Orange Bowl, the proposed plan by the Nebraska of­ last year. He came to Boston as an Burfoot holds the course record of Friday night. was made with the Texas Rangers. Jenkins’ best season with the Cubs 39th run Thanksgiving morning in needs good position to accomplish ficials was to send the Cornhuskers to the Cotton Bowl if they lost to infielder, but he was moved after 22:21 set in 1971 when pushed by The main reason for all the scores Boston gave up outfielder Juan was 1971 when he led the NL in vic­ Manchester. anything, did perform well at times. Oklahoma and have Colorado, the third place team in the conference, play in tryouts at shortstop and third base Vitale. was a combination of good passing by Beniquez, minor league pitcher Steve tories with a 24-13 record, had a 2.77 Ambling Amby, who will be Kevin Shorey threw several good •the Gator Bowl. If Nebraska defeated the Sooners, Oklahoma was to go to the showed he had an erratic throwing The most dominating athlete in St. Paul and a defensive backfield Barr, another minor leaguer to be earned run av erag e and 263 making his 13th consecutive passes, including some that should Gator Bowl and Colorado to the Cotton Bowl. arm. Manchester race history won New that was too concerned about the run­ named later ^nd an undisclosed strikeouts while working a league­ appearance one week from have gone for long gains, but were It didn’t work and Big Eight teams were shut out of the Cotton and Gator England and IC4A cross country ning game to keep its eyes on amount of cash. Barr, 24, had only a 6-12 record this leading 304 innings. He won the Cy Thursday morning, tuned up for the dropped. Mike Furlong, playing at Bowls. Georgia was Invited to the Cotton Bowl against the Southwest titles as a collegian, going un­ receivers sneaking downfield to Jenkins, a right-hander who will be year, but an earned run average of Young Award as the league’s out­ local race by winning the Martin 4.5 fullback, did some good inside run­ Conference champion and Florida and Maryland are the Gator Bowl op­ standing pitcher that year. defeated in 28 dual meets, and has catch passes after a running play 32 next month, had a 17-18 record 2.93 with the Red Sox’ Pawtucket mile run last Sunday in Middletown ning and Shorey broke a couple of ponents. Colorado then accepted a bid to play in the Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl. one Boston Marathon triumph to his fake had drawn the backs up to the with 22 complete games and 3.93 farm club. Rangers’ owner Brad He won 20 games in 1967 and 1968, in record time. He bested John Vitale quarterback options for long gains. With the Sugar Bowl announcement Monday, the Big Eight runnerup is now credit. line. The backs and the rest of the earned run average for the Rangers Corbett said, “In Barr, we’re getting 21 in 1969, 22 in 1970, and 20 in 1972 in a two-man race. Vitale chased Cephus Nolen was up to his old tricks out of the four major post-season games. And, if Nebraska loses Saturday, it with the Cubs. With each passing day the field defensive team did a great job of this season, his second year in the an excellent prospect who’ll get a Burfoot home here last November. and scored one touchdown on a will go no place. The Cornhuskers were invited to play in the Fiesta Bowl at takes on added flavor. Burfoot’s stopping the run but that’s not American' League. shot as a starter.” The 29-year-old former kickoff return and another on a nice Tempe, Ariz., against the winner of the Western Athletic Conference but the Jenkins and Bob Lemon are the signed entry adds cream to another enough. Jenkins was a 20-game winner six schoolteacher who graduated from quick pitch. players voted three-to-one against accepting the bid. Corbett said he had offered Jenkins only right-handers in the modern imposing list which includes many of Outstanding jobs on defense were seasons in a row with the Chicago Wesleyan is one of America’s Our next game is Thanksgiving Oklahoma, however, has agreed to play in the Fiesta Bowl although Coach “all around the league and you era—since 920—to win as many as 20 the country’s best college and club turned in by Dennis McCartan and Cubs between 1967 and 1972. He was premier long distance runners. with old arch-rival South Catholic. Barry Switzer said, “'The Sugar Bowl led Oklahoma and Nebraska along the wouldn’t believe the offers we got. games in seven different seasons. .cross country and distance runners. Ed Sadloski , who was giving his all Burfoot’s entry adds more class to South has fallen upon hard times in primrose path.” Entries will be accepted if post­ despite a painful hip pointer injury. what looks like another record field. marked no later than Wednesday. the past few years but has begun' a The Big 8 was snubbed because Bryant, admittedly, used his influence to Last year there were 709 starters and Tom Landers, who played one of his real comeback and is always get Penn State selected. Alabama's only loss this season was to Missouri, a Post entries will not be accepted in best games at tackle all year, and the Celts^ Cowens 682 finishers. With good weather, the AAU-sanctioned event. dangerous to us. Last year they kept Big Eight club that lost to both Oklahoma and Nebraska, and Bryant, whose both totals are likely to be broken linebackers, Frank Fitzgerald and us from a winning season by beating teams have failed to win a bowl game in eight straight tries, obviously felt his with the entry list now nearing the Bob Frank, also played well. These us 16-6. They have been steadily im­ team was more capable of beating Penn State. set to return 700 mark. people, plus Kevin Kehoe and Emile proving all year and with the “I recommended them (Penn State),” said Bryant, “and I want those The Herald Angle When Burfoot broke the tape in Sportswriters Grondin, borrowed from the offen­ elements a key factor this time of young coaches out there to know I recommended them. I made some big pop- (Herald photo by Pinto) sive line, were called upon to stop BOSTON (UPI) — Boston Celtics 22:34 in ’74, it marked an all-time year, the field conditions and the offs when I was young, too. But now I just hope we have good luck against By Earl Yost St. Paul several times right close to center Dave Cowens, who missed a high for triumphs by one man in the are easy to hit emotional high should provide a very Auburn and Penn State and to hell with them (the Big Eight), let them go Brazilian soccer coach visits Sports Editor game because of back trouble, was 38-year history of Manchester’s our goal line and they held them out tough situation for us. where they Want to.” expected in practice Wednesday. biggest annual sports promotion. According to one bowl official, Bryant has been dictating to bowl com­ Sinayda, Bob Nursini and Peter Krawitz, left to right in The 6-foot-8 center was forced to Burfoot and little Johnny Kelley NEW YORK (UPI) - The easiest mittees for years. leave last Friday night’s game were deadlocked with five wins each unifurnis, watch Bra/.ilian soc[•eer coach (mrdosa DaSilva thing in the world is to hit a By LARRY OLSEN demonstrate tlie finer points o against Philadelphia after going into last year’s run. Kelley has sportswriter. f the gaim‘ at a clinic yester- Smoke rings from Bill Lee visit developing a shooting pain in his not entered this year to date. Manchester High day at East (iatliolie Hifili. l)aS ilva, who is with Partners in He’s generally standing still, Well, what can you say after playing a team like we faced Saturday. Hall is “Rico Petrocelli should quit playing baseball while he’s on top at his lower back and upper right leg. He Now competing for the Mohegan taking notes, listening to what’s America and on a tour of th< I iiitcd .States lecturing on missed last Saturday’s win in Buf­ Striders, Burfoot has never finished an excellent team, in fact, the finest high school team I’ve seen in all my game,” Boston Red Sox teammate Bill Lee told those in attendance at Sun­ being said, and if some player or years of coaching. Execution is one of the keys and they do it well. soccer, is staying; in Manchester with the John Smayda faini- day’s corporate communion breakfast at St. Mary’s Church. falo. further back than third in the last nine coach swings at him, he never hits Officials, investors, ly at 141 Shallowirrook Dr. D Cowens was to get out of traction years in compiling a phenominal AMBY BURFOOT We were pot in the game for long a.Silva is a former Brazilian “His family was suffering through his absence,” the lefthanded pitcher back. after the first quarter, according to ' " Olympic soccer coach. said. “Rico’s children need him to be around. I think he’ll retire.” and leave University Hospital today. record. That was the way it happened Sun­ Dr. Thomas Silva, Celtics physi­ the scoreboard because we couldn’t to work each week, trying to start all Lee also made some other interesting observations during his visit. He set day night at Madison Square Garden stop Hall’s high-scoring offense. I did players await call some sort of a record for a Red Sox player by being on time, something cian, said the pain was due to a over is very difficult under con­ where the New York Rangers shut see some bright spots in our game, ditions as we have faced. These others in the past for Manchester appearances were not able to do. Several sciatic nerve attack. He said traction out the Detroit Red Wings, 3-0. NORFOLK, Va. (UPI) — Officials, investors, and players of the Virginia and heat treatments were used to however. young men have earned recognition Squires anxiously awaited a telephone call today from a mystery source Red Sox players, too, were also no-shows for past bookings. Amby Burfoot to speak Upset by his team ’s loss and Ironically, we had our best offen­ “If females can fit into sports, fine, but don’t lower the barriers so they can help relieve the pressure and the — Brezinski, Dino Castelli, Mike asked to save the franchise. further angered perhaps over a cir­ sive output this week that came with Demers, Dave Derewianka, Jason play...He didn’t get any financial help when he entered and graduated from resulting back pain, cumstance which followed. Red Squire General Manager Jack School basketball “Dave is very mobile and active the throwing and running of Dodge, Scott Eagleson, Ralph Faber, Ankerson said he hopes to have word use...He’ll stick around baseball as long as he can while having fun...He es­ at Hadden testimonial Wings’ Coach Doug Barkley punched transplant Steve Dawson at quarter­ Monday was payday in the ABA. timated his fast ball travels between 80 and 85 mph while Nolan Ryan’s fast and twists around a lot, placing a .jBob Hawkes, Wayne Ostrout and by noon on if the club will be the third Walter MaePeek, a hockey writer for back along with Ed White at half­ Rick Walsh. but the Squires didn’t have enough ball can travel at better than 100 mph. That’s probably why he’s got a sore great deal of strain on his back,” American Basketball Association Gangling Amby Burfoot, a familiar figure in the past dozen Five Mile the Newark Star Ledger. MaePeek back. Both junior backs did a fine job Thanksgiving Day we wrap up the money to pay their players. A club practice under way arm and I can still pitch...’The Red Sox won the division and the playoffs and Silva said. “He’s had this problem franchise to fold this season. Road Race in Manchester in which he has won six, will be the guest then went to a police station and filed running. Fumbles at some key times spokesman said the players are going got into the World Series because of a lot of determination and the squad was for a while but it got to a point where season with what will be the last of a “We are one step away from com­ speaker at Saturday night's testimonial dinner for Will Hadden. formal charges. Ordinarily that prevented us from further driving along with the payless paydays with By LEN Al STER not upset by bad decisions...Boston lost the series because of too many mis­ the pain became intolerable. He is all traditional rivalry. We travel to pleting a financial package which Hadden will be saluted for his 25 years with Nutmeg Forest, Tall wouldn’t make much news or cause the ball when we had momentum. Willimantic to take on a much im­ some grousing. Herald Sporlsw riler takes, we tried too hard...I love Sparky Anderson (Redleg manager). He’s a right when he moves straight ahead any undue excitement, except at­ would enable us to complete the Basketball practice for scholastic fives began officially yesterday with the or backwards but when he moves Cedars of Lebanon, in working on the race committee. This year will be Our lone score came on a 70-yard proved Whippet team this year. great strategist....There was no way the Reds’ pitchers would get tired the tacks on sports writers seem to have season,” Ankerson told newsmen In recent weeks, two ABA clubs, three local entries coming off successful 1974-75 campaigns. laterally, that’s when he gets the Hadden's 24th as race director and the silver anniversary of the Cedars’ Dawson pass to John Madden, who Coach Ed Ferrigno has his side way Anderson kept taking them out in favor of relievers...! did the best 1 could been on the rise the past few months Monday night following a meeting of the Baltimore Claws and the San Manchester High second-year pain.” sponsorship of the Thanksgiving event. broke two tackles and then outlegged saddle-T operating this year under in the series...Don’t worry about baseball. It will sell itself if good...Lee and now are drawing more attention. the club’s investors. Diego Sails, folded. In addition to the Coach Doug Pearson welcomed 46 The Celtics play at home Friday Dinner tickets are available from Fred Peck, general chairman, or at other Hall defenders with the aid of the guidance of a fine young man, An­ home Dec. 9 against COC opponent pitched in 41 games last season, winning 17, losing nine, and threw a little • They should, because nobody, Ankerson did not want to Squires, the Utah Stars are also con­ candidates to opening drills vvitli the night against the New York Knicks. The Herald’s sports department. key blocks from Jim Brezinski and drew Sadlon, who runs and throws East Hampton. every day...Baseball is a nice game and I don’t believe in knockdown repeat NOBODY, professional elaborate, expect to say the package sidering disbanding. ranks expected to reach 60. The In­ Dinner will be served at 7 following a social hour at 6 at the Masonic White. from the quarterback and halfback included a request for a substantial East Catholic Coach Stan Ogrodnik (pitches)...I’m in baseball to have fun. When it is no longer fun. I’ll get out.” Temple. athletic figure or anybody else, has a Ankerson said more than 50 per dians a year ago posted an 11-9 We have 10 seniors who will be position. When he throws, he has two amount of money from an uniden­ is starting his eighth year at the right to hit somebody. There has cent of the team's major investors record and reached the State Tourna­ Film highlights of several past races will also be shown. playing their last football game good receivers in Mark Danks and tified, potential investor. helm. He welcomed 40 freshmen and Notes off the cuff been enough breakdown in law and have agreed to invest more money. ment for the first time in three wearing the colors of Manchester end and wingback Wayne Hornung. “We don’t know whether to be op­ 30 varsity candidates to opening Jack May brings word that Ernie “Butch” Neill, former Manchester High order in the streets and in the inter­ this Thanksgiving. Each one of these This game has good incentive to it. The Squires need $400,000 to com­ years. The Silk Towners open the drills. The Eagles. 12-10 a year ago, football player who went on to star as a tackle at Colgate, died and was buried national community. The only place timistic or not,” said Squire public 1975-76 season' Dec. 9 at Clarke Arena ■Aas made a contribution this year Besides being the last game for our relations spokesman Steve plete the season, Ankerson declined liave suffered one injury which could last week. Neill captained the Red Raiders in his senior year in 1939. Neill, 60, where there’s supposed to be some and I would like to give each recogni­ seniors, we want to win to prevent to say how close the club has gotten against Fermi High of Enfield. hurt in the early going. Senior Co- of Weston, Mass., was a former president of Industrial Stainless Steel Co. in class, some style or reasonable Harriman. “They are looking for a Cheney Tech registered its first tion. It’s easy to be a member of a Windham from retiring the Army & substantial investment and money is to that figure. Captain Bill Moffett slated for a Cambridge, Mass...If present plans materialize. East Catholic High will have procedure remaining is in the fun and squad that is winning week after Navy trophy. We want the trophy to A big incentive in remaining afloat winning season in five years a year guard spot sustained a hairline frac­ ‘Losers’ tag’not fitted games department, and if it isn’t, tight.” its own soccer field next fall. Plans call for outside help in constructing a field week but to stick it out and continue be sitting in our trophy case. is the possibility of a merger with the ago. Second-year Coach Gerry ture of the left foot and will be on school property near the baseball diamond. The Eagles have been playing we’re in much more trouble than we established NBA. Such a merger, in­ Blanchard was more than pleased sidelined at least another two weeks their home games at Manchester Community College...Tip of the hat depart­ suspect. vestors hope, could result in added with the 22 hopefuls who are trying with his foot in a cast. Two other ment to Len Auster for his excellent coverage of Manchester High soccer this ^ rk ley is putting in his second revenue. out for the varsity along with 26 potential starters, senior John Lusa hitch as coach of the Red Wings and Ice exhibition season and to Steve Dunn for excellent photo work and, of course, to Coach for Tribe’s Danielson Barnes out during trial It's been an all around bad year for freshmen who suited up yesterday. and junior Peter Thompson, are hur­ Dick Danielson and his squad which came within a whisker (one goal) of win­ his action Monday night was not Blanchard indicated that Cheney for Hockey leaiiis from Maiicliesler the Squires. In addition to money ting but did participate in first day ning the CIAC Class AA Tournament against Wethersfield. The capable typical of him. the first time will have a freshman drills. East taps off the 1975-76 cam­ High, East Calliolic High, and woes, they have drawn poor crowds soccer tourney director for the CIAC was (leorge Ritchie who turned out By LEN AUSTER Physical violence contributes and have managed to win only once schedule with 1975 graduate Tom paign Dec. 5 at the Eagles’ Nest many championship teams in his coaching career at Wethersfield... nothing, it merely destroys. Some Meriden’s Platt and Maloney Herald Sportswriter in 13 games. Foran coaching on a volunteer basis. against Windsor High. Sometimes for some unknown NHL people are so short-sighted, Ex«Providence hoopsters High’s will take part in a rouiid- The Beavers, 12-9 last year, open at reason either a player or coach gets they can’t see the media help them rohin exhihition tomorrow night Bruins’ crowds off an undeserved tag of being a ‘loser’ tremendously and, indeed, is vital to at the Bolton lee Palace. their business. Clarence Campbell, Action starts at 7:40 and is open Boston Bruin attendance before Bobby Orr returned to the lineup was run­ when it comes to big games. the NHL president, is wise enough to scheduled as witnesses to the public. Each team will play ning 1,000 less than capacity at the Boston Garden...Fred Nassiff reports his Frank Tarkenton of the NFL see it. But he should do something the other one period. store sold over 200 Maine hunting licenses to walk-ins during a three week Minnesota Vikings has worn this tag about the league’s post-game rule. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) — Witnesses in a $1.5 million damage suit period...Golfer-bowler Doc McKee is wearing a wider smile than usual after for not being able to win the Super LROUST It says “within a reasonable time against basketball star Marvin Barnes will include fellow pros Ernie Bowling winning $5,000 last week in the Connecticut State lottery...Trophy Night will Bowl championship. It’s not (7 to 10 minutes) after a game, DiGregorio and Kevin Stacom and Providence College Dave Professional Hockey Skates be noted Saturday night with a dinner-dance at the Manchester Country Club. deserved as Scrambling Francis has Mike Rogers heads media personnel will have available Champions of major tournaments during the year will be recognized...When year after year quarterbacked win­ Gavitt. Gluhosky 211-515. Charles to them the team management.” The A federal jury hearing the civil suit PARKADE BAiM AM- Gordie McCullough steps down as varsity basketball coach at the Universi­ ning teams when he had the support. Edmonton victory John Thomas 160, Bob Hartley 517, Steve Muise rule goes on to say media represen­ was scheduled to visit the ty of Hartford after the 1975-76 season, Gary Palladino will step in as head No one has ever accused Joe Namath with his right hand “from the front. Carlson 157-403. 243-552, Denise Repoli 178, SRVE 5 0 \£ iis tatives shall be admitted to the NEW YORK (UPI) - Mike Kogers man. Palladino is one of the college’s all-time hoop greats and carved out a of the of being a Providence College campus today to There was a ring on it. Sandy Irish 474, Paul Hart •■Req. 39.95 to 119.95 dressing room “if member club so look at the site where Barnes at­ isn’t one of the World Hockey fine record at St. Paul High in Bristol as a stepping stone to the college ‘loser’ although he hasn’t won We’ll prove that was the sole injury PARKADE JUNIOR 538, Allison Burke 461. desires.” And if member club does tacked former college teammate Association’s leading scorers but ranks...Pat Nugent has been named farm director of the New York Yankees. anything since the ’69 Super Bowl suffered by Mr. Ketvirtis. We’ll Lori Bilodeau 176-479, Bob *S9LE ^22.00 to^59.99 not desire, “a separate interview Lawrence Ketvirtis of Milton, Mass., Monday night he was the leading man Nugent had been assistant farm director of the Chicago Cubs since 1971. despite having what many believe prove to you that Mr. Ketvirtis never Courtright 214-568, Mary room shall be designated.” after an October 1972 scrimmage. in the Edmonton Oilers’ clubhouse. outstanding talent to work with. saw a tire iron hit him.” “We’ll Cochran 212-491 Paul Manchester High soccer Coach According to MaePeek, he and the Before the trial opened Monday, prove that four weeks after the inci­ With Edmonton trailing the San Dick Danielson last Saturday once other writers had waited nearly 20 Barnes, star center of the Spirits of dent the doctor told Mr. Ketvirtis he Diego Mariners 3-2 in the third , COOPER again was disappointed in his quest minutes. He wished to speak with St. Louis, said he would not see any could go back and play ball full time. period, Rogers got his fifth goal of Hockey Eq^ovpnrienti-ficcessories Wynn traded to Braves, for a state title by Wethersfield, the goalie Ed Giacomin, recently traded American Basketball Association ac­ He fully r§(.cqvered,” Conason said. the season to tie the score and 10 SCANDINAVIAN seventh time in 10 tries in the finals. by the Rangers to the Red Wings, and tion until the trial ends. Barnes Ketvirtis lost the battle for the role minutes and 29 seconds later, he WORLD “I’m sorry we couldn’t win it for when Barkley wouldn’t let him or any starred at Providence College and of starting center to Barnes that scored again to give the Oilers a 4-3 you,” Danielson remarked to a bevy of the other writers into the dressing went on to the ABA, where he was year. He said the attack caused lead. MESSAGE part of four-for-two deal of well-wishers afterwards. But he room, MaePeek called his attention rookie of the year last season. severe injuries including a fractured The Oilers clinched their 5-3 nor his club should be sorry for what to the post-game rule. MaePeek says Attorneys planned to call at least cheekbone and central nervous triumph when Ken Baird scored with Barkley told him to shove the rule. 18 seconds left in the game. The vic­ Phone LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Jimmy Wynn, who helped Los Angeles win the they’ve accomplished. 20 witnesses. Lists read in court in­ system damage, 'Sidodsii ^ tory moved the Oilers to within six ^ National League pennant in 1974, has been sent to Atlanta in a four-for-two “I have a great deal of respect for “I wanna make sure I get this right cluded four former college team­ Decof said he would ask the jury About ft SHOE FOR EVERY SPORT deal for Dusty Baker but he”s not mad at the Dodgers. Dick,” commented Churck Saimond, so I can get it into my report to mates and two coaches, Gavitt and “to mete out a just punishment for points of second-place Winnipeg in Our “There’s no doubt in my mind that Rockville High soccer coach who was \ Clarence Campbell,” MaePeek said. ..assistant Nick Macarchuk. Formerly Marvin Barnes in the form of dollars. the Canadian Division. Now that was waving a red flag in “Providence College stars, Nick Harbaruk scored in the se­ I can still play center on a regular Baker's best season was 1973 when he on the 1956 and 1958 Manchester state At the end of this case I will ask you G e t y o u r R U N N IN G SHOES basis,” the 33-year-old veteran said champs and captain of the 1959 front of Barkley and MaePeek DiGregorio now plays for the Buffalo for 100 per cent justied.” cond and third periods to lead the In­ hit .288 with 99 RBIs, 21 home runs shouldn’t have done it, but neither Braves and Stacom is with the dianapolis Racers to a 6-2 victory BUSINESSMAN’S novv following Monday night’s deal. and 24 stolen bases. squad, “Every year he has a good should Barkley have done what he - Boston Celtics, both in the NBA. over the Toronto Toros in the only THURSDAY “My arm is strong and I can still Wynn, who came here before the solid team which is fundamentally SPECIAL get around. I don’t really understand sound. To do this year in and year out proceeded to do. The suit followed Barnes’ 1974 guil­ other WHA game Monday night. 1974 season in a trade with Houston “‘If you wanna settle this we’ll go ty plea to a state charge of assault There were no games in the Daily Fr(Mn 11 AM. to 2 P.M. why the Dodgers feel otherwise.” for Claude Osteen, hit ^271 with 32 is a feather in his cap,” Saimond EXPERT MASSAGES x^convepse outside,’’’ MaePeek quotes the against Ketvirtis. Barnes said he National Hockey League. STARTING AT $15 A1 Campanis, Dodger vice" presi­ homers and 108 RBIs in the Dodgers’ acknowledged. Danielson has been coach for 29 Detroit coach as saying. pleaded guilty to get the trial over Jim Plunkett back Olieii 10 AM. to 11 P.M. STAR dent in charge of player personnel, pennant-winning year, and was voted 902 MAIN ST. said Wynn was a defensive liability years and the records he and his “No, we’ll settle it with a note to with. He was given a suspended one- the NL’s “Comeback Player of the the National Hockey League office,” year jail term with three years of on Pat injured list Players seleefed WILLIMANTIC because of a balky right elbow. Year.” But he slipped to .248 with 18 clubs have compiled cannot be 423-975S MaePeek answered. probation. ] a \ Baker, 26, will play centerfield for homers and 58 RBIs in 1975. challenged by many. Including the FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) - New the Dodgers next year. He hit .261 season just completed, Danielson “I thought that was that,” he says, Leonard Decof, Ketvirtis’ at­ for town hoop five He underwent surgery for his “but then he started swinging. He hit torney, said his client was struck England Patriots quarterback Jim MINNESOTA with 19 home runs and 72 RBIs while ailing elbow before last season but he teams have won 262 games, lost 94 Plunkett is back on the injured list, playing center at Atlanta last season. and tied 30. During his tenure, the me four or five times, I don’t know from behind with “a shattering, Players have been selected for the was ineffective in the field and split for sure how many because I was vicious blow without warning.” not because of- his separated Manchester entry in the Connecticut FIGHTING SAINTS ■ R eg. “He can run, throw, field and hit time at center with John Hale. Silk Towners have annexed 12 CCIL shoQlder, but because of a sprained BOLAND seoroco with power,” said Campanis. “And titles and qualified for post-season stunned. I began ducking, but he During opening statements, at­ Basketball Association Inter-town “I went in a rut last year when I nicked me a few times.” torneys for both men said the inci­ right knee, coach Chuck Fairbanks League. HRRLEM it’s our feeling that he has yet to began pressing in an attempt to make play 22 times, including 14 of the last said Monday. OIL CO. reach his peak. Our scouting reports 15 years. He’s had just one losing dent followed a team scrimmage They are Rich Koepsel, Jeff Lom­ GLOBETROTTeRS up for all the club’s injuries,” Wynn where Ketvirtis elbowed Barnes in “Jim will be questionable for our bardo, Jamie Gallagher, Pete Kiro, E S T . 1935 on him have always been good.” declared. ‘Then I found myself out of club — that in his third year at the game this Sunday in Buffalo,” Fair­ Good Seats Available BkSKETBBUUS <0.— The Dodgers also acquired Ed helm in 1949. DICK DANIELSON the mouth while taking a shot, Rick Gauruder, Pat Silver, Ed Ken- the lineup and I felt that they had loosening a few teeth. banks said of the National Football nison, Jim Wyse, John Haslett and Civic Center Box Office Goodson, 27, from Atlanta. Besides given up on m e... given up on me just “Just to get to the finals is Five-hour operation League regular. “Jim has a sprained FUEL OIL Wynn, they gave up Lee Lacy, 27; something to be proud of. Anything finals have got\e into overtime before Danielson is among, if not the best Decof said the collision was ac­ Tom McCluskey. 5(66-6000 one year after I had helped them win knee. He hurt it sometime in the first The campaign opens Dec. 12 at AUTOMATIC DELIVERY Tom Paciorek, 29, and Jerry can happen in a final. There is a lot of the Indians wound up on the short end soccer coach ever in the state. INGLEWOOD, Calif. (UPI) cidental. Robert Conason, attorney 24 HOUR SERVICE G. Fox - Sears a pennant. for Barnes, said Ketvirtis had a half, but we’re not sure when.” Cromwell. All home games will be at Royster, 23. ' emotion and pressure on the dubs of the scoreboard. Carroll Rosenbloom underwent a rDDQ'C “But I don’t want to sound bitter. I He’s respected statewide with deeds The same knee was injured once llling Junior High. Teams in league Q t o Q Baker, a five-year major league and the one which can best handle it “I would say coaches around the five-hour coronary bypass operatioh' history of losing his temper and 646-6320 TICKETRON rnKlNU have no differences with the before and operated on after the 1974 are Newington, South Windsor, veteran, once was hailed as the usually wins,” Saimond continued^ state hold him in great respect. I’ve which might go unmatched in the at Daniel Freeman Hospital Monday fighting with other players. Z Dodgers. They treated me right. The season. Earlier this season, the pin in Simsbury, Farmington, Glastonbury, 309 Ctnitr SI., Minchttlw MftiN ST. Braves’ next Henry Aaron. He was Manchester lost the 1951 finals to never heard a derogatory word about future and one fact is conclusive. and a son of the Los Angeles Rams’ Conason said Barnes hit Kertvirtis '74 season was definitely the happiest his separated shoulder came loose Wethersfield, Windsor Locks and Sears-Manchester Aaron’s teammate four years. Hall on a penalty kick and two other ( him from other coaches,” added Sai­ Danielson is a winner. owner reported “the surgery went after a talk outside the dining hall P\RNCHESTE.aCT. and most satisfying of my career.” i and had to be replaced. Manchester. mond. fine.” A t T PAGE TW ELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov, 18, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov. 18, 1975— PAGE THIRTEEN

Cincinnati quarterback Anderson tops in win ATHLETIC i AFTER THE GAME MUFFLERS : CINCINNATI (UPI) - "Have you games and kept the Bengals tied with yards. Team records of 547 total caught seven passes for 108 yards. goal with 1:57 left to change a shaky scramble to pull the Bills' to within Pittsburgh for the AFC Central Divi­ yards and 34 first downs also were Anderson, ripping apart an in­ VISIT YOUR FAVORITE LAST WEEK’S ever,” Cincinnati Bengals' center Bob six point lead to the nine point final 13-10, but Anderson hit Charlie Joiner FOOTWEAR Johnson wanted to know, “Have you sion lead. set. experienced Buffalo defensive secon­ margin. on a 20-yard TD toss to* provide the “I’d have to say it was my best per­ by ever seen perfection like Kenny’s?” Although O.J. Simpson rushed for dary, marched his team down the Anderson’s five-yard pass to Lenvil Bengals a 20-10 halftime lead. DAIRY QUEEN BRAZIERS WINNER Kenny Anderson, the Bengals’ 197 yards, 154 coming in the first formance,” said Anderson, a fifth field with such consistency that the Elliott staked the Bengals to an early FOR quarterback, passed for a team half, it wasn’t enough to keep the year pro out of tiny Augustana (111.) Bengals never punted. 6-0 lead. John Leypoldt kicked a 28- Early in the third quarter Simpson !record 447 yards, hitting 30-of-46 Bills from slipping to 5-4, the fourth College. “Teams have been throwing Said Buffalo head Coach Lou yard field goal to cut it to 6-3, but Cin- cut the margin to 20-17 on a one-yardi • ADIDAS • KEDS WEEKEND OF N8V. 10 passes with no interceptions, in Cin­ loss in their last five games. the ball on Buffalo this year and that Saban, “We got weaknesses back cy had a 13-3 advantage midway run, but later in the period dreen was obviously our game plan.” • PUMA cinnati’s 33-24 victory over the Buf­ Besides surpassing his old club there. I know what our problems through the second period on rookie connected on a 28-yard field goal and • CONVERSE Anderson, who threw two TD are.” falo B ills in a free-w heeling passing yardage mark of 352 yards, Stan Fritts’ one yard smash. early in the final period Fritts’ s^ • TIGER MARIE BURKE Anderson also set a club total in­ passes, shared a game ball award But Buffalo wasn’t out of it until • SPOTBILT gsH»» nationally-televised game. Simpson, who uncorked runs of 59 cond one-yard TD run gave Cincy its 17.97 dividual offensive record with 455 with receiver Chip Myers, who Dave Green booted an 18-yard field • GOLA It was Cincy’s eighth win in nine and 44 yards, scored on a two-yard biggest lead of the night, 30-17. • TRETORN INSTALLED Most Ford, Chevys and All Beef Burgers, Hot Dogs, Clams Plymoutha. Com­ 26 bowlers Come On and Fish Folleta, Sandwiches, or for a parable prices On all Notre Dame out of top 20 teams nutritious D.Q. Treat of a Milk Shake, other Mufflers. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD make $$ list Banana Splits, Sundaes, or any other • Free Estimates A B NEW YORK (UPI) - Notre Dame, from last week. The Buffaloes, B o w lin g Saturday for the Big Ten Conference Aggies in the No. 3 spot, Arizona Down! of our many Deluxe Sundaes. Enjoy • Master Charge 8 ..□ K which has not finished out of the top headed for the Astro-Bluebonnet title, received 32 first place votes and State eighth and Penn State No. 10. ’Twenty-six bowlers made the prize, • BankAmerIcard 9 ..□ a 20 in 11 years, dropped below the 20 Bowl at Houston on Dec. 27, have one them in our dining area or take home 392 points to take.a decisive 70-point , TEE-TOTALERS- Claudette list in the Women’s Handicap • Mobil mark in the United Press Inter­ game remaining against Kansas margin over unbeaten Nebraska (10- Pittsburgh (7-3), on the strength of Duckpin Tournament at the Holiday. some quarts, Dilly Bars, Sandwiches, 10 ....a □ Mertens 461, Fran Tamsin 476, Marie 4 ...... □ S 11 ...... » national Board of Coaches major State. 0), which remained No. 2. ’The its victory over Notre Dame, Buster Bars. Ford 461, Marilyn Rogers 471, Judy Lanes with Cindy Doyle winning with FALL FISHING IS G R EA T -, 5 .....□ J8 12 C □ college football ratings today. Alabama and Oklahoma each Cornhuskers got the other eight first climbed back into the top 20 after a a 395-9-404 score which was worth ■Sabella 177, Pat Noren 183-468, We Have All The Fishing Gear! 6 .... □ a 1 3 . ^ □ Alabama, Oklahoma and Colorado moved up one spot, with the Crimson place votes. few weeks’ absence. The Panthers, Sharlie DeLisle 470. $30. The prize list totaled $168.80. 8. (A) Oakland at (B) Waahlngton 7 ....H □ 14^^.Tle Breaker each moved up in the top 10. Tide moving ahead of Michigan into Texas A&M (9-0), Arizona State (9- who earned, a trip to the Sun Bowl by Irene Albee was next with 366-15-381 M u ffle r Notre Dame, which has not the No. 4 position and the Sooners defeating the Irish, were tied with 9. (A) Philadelphia at (8) Dallae Number 0) and Penn State (8-2) held on to the CHURCH- Gunnar Larson 212 , and Cathy Hastings third with 366- finished lower than 15th in the final edging past Texas into the No. 6 slot. R e g a l C e n te r Arkansas (7-2) in the No. 17 position. same positions as last week: the Don Anderson 504, Jack Nelligan 531, 15—379 in the handicap play. “THE HOUSE OF SPORTS" N a m t - UPI rankings since 1965, lost its third Alabama (9-1), named to the Sugar Phil Johnson 211, Skip Liner 235-518, Bowlers with 110 or less averages Addresa.i2j2. game of the season Saturday, upset Bowl on Monday, will be idle next For Over 30 Years! We offer convenience along Racing figures together. Mike Wieber 203-504, Bob Hughes were eligible. 684 HARTFORD ROAD Phone- by Pittsburgh. The Fighting Irish Saturday while Oklahoma (9-1) 204-200-574, Cy Perkins 204-571, Joe MANCHESTER with a superior product. received only one 10th place vote meets Nebraska for the right to LOS ANGELES (UPI) - J.C. Offenhausers— Nos. 97 and 98-at In­ Dawood 505, Tony Baluk 203-530, from the 40 coaches in this week’s represent the Big Eight Conference Agajanian, dean of Indianapolis 500 dianapolis next May. Agajanian will Mark Work 207-522, A1 Mark 235, Bob MSSIFF ARMS ratings. Notre Dame was ranked in the Orange Bowl. Ashe first seed 991 Main Street In Downtown Manchester 242 BROAD STREET Corner of Broad . ^ „ car owners, and Grant King, a be the cars’ owner and King will be McBride 535, Bob Clark 521, Bird ninth last week. Ohio State continued to be the MANCHESTER and Center Streets ^ ati- - a p m- veteran U.S. Auto Club car builder, the team’s chief mechanic. Hawrys 5l3, Sandy Gerber 517, Bill JOHANNESBURG (UPI) - a a.m. - 5 p.m. Colorado, running its record to 8-2 overwhelming choice of the coaches Phone 647-ei26‘ Phone 646-2112 ...... have joined forces. Agajanian has had a record-setting Grant 532. ____ Wimbledon champion Arthur Ashe Two Wrong 7. (A) New York Qlanti at (B) Green Bay with a victory over Kansas, took over for the No. 1 position. The Buckeyes They announced today that they Monday was named first seed in the 28 consecutive Indianapolis 500 en­ GOP WOMEN - Carolyn Wilson the No. 9 spot, climbing three places (10-0), who meet Michigan this will race two King-built turbo- tries. South African Open tennis Cham­ 180-462, Grayce Shea 179, Ellen pionships. Zinsser 451. A l a A IM K

Iw FIC IA L A B A B PICK THE PROS ...... □ 8...... □ □ ENTRY FORM !...... □ □ 9...... □ □ i...... □ □ PICK THE PROS Manchester Herald 10...... □ □ '...... □ □ 11...... □ □ CONTEST RULES '...... □ □ 12...... □ □ Ite (tlNt if Um cMtnt ii (• pU Sh intt wnc) i...... □ □ 13...... □ □ « im n of U» P M I isM h Dn W nrtistwiiti kp kmr- tini tko pnpir ktlor of tko lin iii toM m jtiv mini '...... □ □ 14. . .Tie Breaker I M «LhUioifictlitoM “tiibreakir"pkntlHhicliMt I anker of piM i fN think n lko K o n t by M) m o l tko Number tuBS Istei noato, on oafiy per penn eeck Mok ki ■ each itm only. M entriei or teotonakle ficiknBee Boot ■ be kepositej it paticipatkic stom by 3 PJl FrMoy. Ike Name I f IferaM ■■ bo the tola iak(a of cootoit aibfea. Address 1 ^ Phone—______I

2. (A) Chicago at (B) Lot Angalat HEIRLOOMS OF TOMORROW ARE AT C O U N T R \iS L '254 BROAD ST. MANCHESTER I A p T ENTER NOW! Merchants In Early American K ^ * * Furniture Reproductions IN I Clocks • Lamps • Fireplace Furnishings Gifts and Nautical Paraphernalia

EVERY 13. (A) Pittsburgh at (B) Houiton TUESDAY OPEN SUNDAY 12 - 5 P.M. E. MIDDLE TPKE. / / WEDNESDAY thru SUNDAY MANCHESTER / ' < / Other Stores / I / SELECTED GROUP OF LAMPS WIN GLASTONBURY 20% OFF REG. PRICE W. HARTFORD WIN i WETHERSFIELD SELECTED GROUP OF CLOCKS BATTERY OPERATED Supermarkets Full Cut and right 20% OFF REG RPICE SIRLOIN here^s the plate to get it! * * ' 4 t / y y Bi Gift Department STEAKS HUMMEL PICTURES 5”x6’’ Weekly Contests. SET OF 6 GRADE Every Tuesday In The Herald TOM 10 Weekly Contests Regular 17.95 M 2 .9 5 lb. OVMR €0 YVAAT' Visit Our Gift Dept, for Every Tuesday In The Herald 1. (A) Baltlmort at (B) Miami Other Nice Christmas Ideas! TURKEYS Porterhouse

NICHOLS-MANCHESTER STEAKS TIk object of Uk contest is to pick the most correct winiwrs of the games listed in the advertisements by Inserting the proper letter of the 'e a tsm a R TIRE, INC. winning team on yotir entry blank. In the space labeled “ tie breaker” place the highest number of points you think will be scored by any one of APPLIANCE & ■ I the teams listed. Please, one entry per person each week in e a ^ stor« TV CENTERS $ « 9 9 only. All entries or reasonable tacsimilies must be deposited at par- ‘ ticipating stores by 3 P.M. Friday. The Herald will be the sole jucge of our own Lady Almy'^ SAFEn CHECK 12. (A) San Franclaco at (B) Naw Orlaana I contest entries. I k n o w in g l y ] Orion® acrylic sayello* Check- ?4 'tV'fS','.'' One Entry Every Week • YOUR BAHERY ’'•-’if' ! DEPOSIT AT FRANK’S ONLY ~ \ Allowed At Eacli Of The reg. 1.19 • SHOCKS 6. (A) Naw Fnoland at (B) Buffalo ‘ DuPont's certification mark • FRONT END OFFICIAL ^Participating Stores. WITH THIS COUPON It’s time to be creative with our own top quality knitting • DISC BRAKES & S7.S0 PURCHASE worsted weight... just In time for holiday gift-making. 4 ENTRY FORM • BAlI JOINTS ■STRICTLY FRESH >«?i»CONSUMER oz. 4-ply skeins. In over thirty handsome solid colors. ro o ry major appliances tv • WHiEL BEARINGS I MANCHISTER EVENIN8 HERALD GRADE“A" I * DuPont T.M. Domestics • COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEMS REGAL'S MEDIUM “ I 5. (A) Datrolt at (B) Kantaa City and of course. Your Tires OF MANCHESTER ! A B ^ ® I I ...... □ □ 8 ...... □ □ EGGS l 2 ...... □ □ 9 ...... □ □ dFFjCIALMWFdm 4. (A) Dtnvtr at (B) Atlanta MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD 21x27 cut size, Lady Almy” | 3 ...... □ o]0...... n □ 4 9 S o z Good Thru Nov. 22 A B TIRE MOUNTING ■ s...... □ □ 1 2 . . □ A B One Coupon Per Family □ □ ...... □ □ bed pillows Fast, Courteous Service 6 ....□ □ 13...... ° n 8. 7 ...... □ □ 14 □ □ 9...... □ □ rag. □ □ 10...... □ □ 3.98 OPEN MON., TU ES.,^D ., FRI. 8 - 8:30 3. (A) Clnclnnall at (B) Clavatand 2.55 THUflS. I - 8; SAT. 8 • 1 □ □ 11...... □ □ □ 12...... □ LOOK □ □ □ DuPont* Dacron, standard size bed pillows In pink and 13...... □ blue, floral or stripe prints. Corded. NICHOLS- FOR GAMES □ □ 14. . .Tie Breaker K ! Name Number MANCHESTER FadkHU -fhi Mg I Address AND TEAM I Phone Name___ TIRE, INC. 1903 MAIN STa, MANCHESTER NAMES LISTED I ! AddresB- 250 BROAD ST , MANCHESTER ARCO 0 (Oppoaita Saar'a Automotiva j OPEN THURSDAYS U N T IL Q P M . 11. (A) San DIago at (B) MInnaaola IN THE ADS Phona__ MANCHESTER 843-TT61 i MANCHESTER I MASTER CHARGE ON THIS PAGE 1 "j lim hillllllllllllllUiniT:^ - f ' ’

PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov, 18, 1975 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn.. Tues., Nov. 18, 1975— PAGE FIFTEEN

a Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted Bolton charter commission created 13 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale .J; 23 Homes For Sale 23 By DOUG BEVINS PHONE FROM home to ser­ Coventry: charter rejected earlier single-story structure in a • Learned the Town of REDUCED FOR quick sale - Herald Reporter vice our customers in the LAUNDRY two family, 30 Locust Street, this year. new location to replace an Bolton had one of the Bolton’s Board of Manchester area, flexible no agents. 646-2426, 9-5. He expects the commis­ older, two-story structure lowest unemployment hours, super earnings, 249- SERVICE iK r “LaGAVABUILF □ Selectmen Monday night sion to rely on legal exper­ \ nEALTOR not reserved ^n Notch Rd. rates in the 29-town Capitol 7773. Mature person for laundry, MANCHESTER - new listing, danlal I. ru la MIS created the town’s second tise of the Connecticut • Said they’ll check with Region for July, August washroom, and deliveries, five room older home, central Charter Commission. But HeralZi location, small barn $29,900, REAL ESTATE Sales in full time, days, evenings, Public Expenditure Coun­ the town counsel about and September. Jobless Huga 8-room Colonial on a d««p tr«ad lot with privacy. to cover hard news. And it didn’t name any CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING greater Hartford area. Tired excellent benefits. Apply in Hayes Corp., 646-0131. MONICA SHEA cil (CPEC) in drafting the banning of hunting and rates were 4.5,5.2, and 4.6. FIrat floor family room with flraplaca, 4 badroomt, 2W woman are paid so much members. or trying to sell residential person. hatha, bullt-lna and 2 garages. $57,900. Call Bud 742-9495 charter. The non-profit trapping. The ban was property, join our successful HMiii omnam EMPunn MANCHESTER- first offering better here in news work First Selectman David CPEC offers nelp to towns Lewis. Betty “Bet” Herbert of suggested by state police investment division and earn seven rooms, full basement than we are. Dreselly said ap­ drafting or revising • Reviewed utility costs PHONE 643-2711 large immediate commissions MEADOWS all city utilities, oil heat, com­ Coventry, England recent­ for the recently acquired “Coventry, England has pointments will be made charters. for the new Bentley selling properties already CONVALESCENT HOME plete aluminum siding, ly visited this reporter as a E.J. Holl property near FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD excellent condition, asking nothing that could be con­ within 30 days as required In other business Mon­ Memorial Library. The structured for purchase. Full REALFS CORNER home guest. Bolton Lake. or part time - will train - for 333 Bldwall St. price $36,900. Assumable 6% sidered rural. by state law. Bolton’s day night, the Board of electric rate is expected to Manchaitar Bet is a freelance • Reviewed proposed confidential interview, 646- mortgage, with large down 175 MAIN STREET PHONE 646-4525 “We have heavy industry Democratic and Selectmen: result in annual total INDEX 8250. payment. Charles reporter visiting the regulations for use of the 9 that attracts a lot of Im­ Republican Town Coni- • Went into executive energy costs of $3,961. A NOTICES Lesperance, 649-7620. American Coventrys to building at Herrick ADVERTISING migrants. They come and mittees have suggested session, closed to the press 1 Loit tnd Founa LEGAL SECRETARY - local HYGENIST - full time, for TOLLAND - Functional floor NEW RANCH - Extra large Memorial Park. Selectmen total of $4,146 was 2 — P enonilt IjS fe - VERNON - just over write articles on the stay for five years or so law office, experienced plan in this seven room Split modern kitchen, two baths, names for the commission and public, to discuss 3 -- Announcem«ntt RATES dental office, call 8-5,649-4751. Manchester line, a gorgeous differences between them. suggested a fee schedule budgeted for utilities at the preferred, shorthand and Level, three large bedrooms, fireplace, 2-car garage, and then perhaps move to a but selectmen are still buying land for a firehouse. for use of the building by 4 Entertainment ten room split Ranch, with A big difference Bet library. 5 — Auctions typing essential, full time or two full baths, 27 ft. family aluminum siding and win­ rural area after they have seeking names of unaf­ After the session con­ 1 day . 10c word per day NEED MONEY for the large pool, cabana, etc., high private groups. 3 days . .9$ word per day part-time afternoons. Reply room with fireplace, attached dows, large deck, picture win­ found here is the lack of FINANCIAL Holidays? Surprise your fami­ 50’s and well worth it. T. J. saved some money. filiated voters, Dresellv ducted with the Board of Herald Box S. garages, $43,900, Amedy Real­ dow in basement with walk­ reserve among the • Confirmed the Plan­ • Heard a talk on the e Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages 6 daya . .64 word per day ly. Earn extra $$ selling Avon Crockett Realtor, 643-1577. “Many of the im­ said. Fire Commissioners, 9 — Personal Loans 26 days . .7e word per day products in your spare time. ty, Realtor 875-6283. out to patio. $47,900. Philbrick Americans. ning Commission’s, ap­ Comprehensive Manpower 10 RN or LPN, 11-7, weekends, migrants come from India State law says a charter selectmen said the — insurance 15, words, $2.00 minimum I’ll show you how! Call 523- Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. pointment of Gunther Program and manpower call Laurel Manor, 649-4519. TOLLAND - Young 6 room “ In England, if you and Pakistan and do have commission should have proposal is still in the early EMPLOYMENT Happy Ada...... $2.18 Inch 9401. Winkler as an alternate to grants to local firms for 13 EAST HARTFORD $46,S00 cape, 11/2 baths, kitchen with RAISED RANCH - seven visited a home, you would degrees from home but from 5 to 15 members. Help Wanted talking stages. the Capitol Region Council training new employes. 14 — Business Opportunities NEW AND USED - car SECRETARY - Receptionist. builts-ins, formal dining rooms, beamed cathedral be treated as a guest 15 — Situation Wanted BIG 6-ROOM can’t get good jobs until Dreselly said 13 or 14 per­ Proposals for the of Governments’ Planning Selectmen endorsed the preparation and lot person, We need someone available to room, fireplace, garage, $39,- ceiling in living room with rather than being made a also will check in new car RANCHI 900, Amedy Realty, Realtors, they have worked in sons will be named. firehouse call for a larger. Commission. program. EDUCATION work on short term fieldstone fireplace, eat-in member of the family as 18 Private Instructions arrivals. Company insurance assignments in the greater kitchen,- , huge -...... dinlni room, 872-6283. kitchen, formal dining room, England for awhile. Its members will have 19 — you have done for me. We Schools-Classes ARTHUR KITTLE benefits, CMS, Blue Cross Hartford area. Permanent but fireplaced living room, 2 full baths, 15x21 family room with “Our housing is pretty one year to draft a town 20 -- Instructions Wanted available. Paid according to garage under. Immaculate home! are much more reserved not steady employment. 049-J3O6. TOLLAND - 5 1/2 room fireplace, wooded acre lot dense compared to yours. charter and report back to REAL ESTATE h a ppy birthday job application and LEGAL NOTICE Applicant must be a good im HOUSMG OPPORTUin Ranch, three bedrooms, 1 1/2 with privacy, garage, $44,900, with people and you could 23 Homes (or Sale experience. Apply to Jim We have mostly terraced selectmen. Dreselly said — to a faithful soldier typist, have a pleasant baths, carpeted recreation Philbrick Agency Realtors, live with someone for 24 Lots-Land for Sale McCavanagh, or Tom BARROWS & WALLACE housing, like row houses, he hopes the charter work TOWN OF MANCHESTER ZONING & SUBDIVISION A subdivision or any part of 25 — Investment Property and bandman on his telephone personality, be ac­ Mindmter Un HmM Hatfort room, treed 3/4 acre lot, $34,- 646-4200. many weeks and still not REGULATION a subdivision of land which is 26 — Business Property Bjorkland, Moriarty curate with figures and have U S -m 397-15IS i m s ii 000, Amedy Realty, Realtors, with small front yards and (Herald photo by Shea) will be finished in time for 27 — Resort Property 95th yearl get to know them as well as AMENDMENTS not completed within 5 years Brothers. own car. Salary commen­ 875-6283. RAISED RANCH - on extra a bit bigger back yard. The u __i___. _-_ua u i. j ... a November, 1976 referen- LEGAL NOTICE 28 ~ Real Estate Wanted I have gotten to know you The Planning and Zoning Changes in the Connecticut after the approval of the plan From the Manchester surate with experience. large lot, with country at­ back yards would be about H6rDGrt, right, usGS her hdnds a s shG ch ats dum MISC. SERVICES HAIRDRESSER full tifne or MANCHESTER - price Commission will hold public General Statutes require that for such subdivision, shall Salvation Army •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Business and personal STAFFORD SPRINGS - two mosphere, in Manchester. in this short time.” 30 by 30 feet and the front walks along a Coventry path with Adelma Dreselly said he won’t 31 Services Offered part time, call 643-6808 or 875- references required. Reply family, exceptionally lovely, reduced to $36,900 by Seven rooms, I 1/2 baths, two hearings on December 1, 1975 the Zoning and Subdivision become null and void.” 32 — Painting-Papering Corps Family S Help Wanted 13 8843. Bet found the life of a — Herald Box T. five rooms each side. This transferring owner. Seven fireplaces, sliding glass doors yard about 15 by 15 feet Simmons of Caprilands Herb Farm, Silver St. necessarily urge use of the at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Add to Artitle V, Section 5 of 33 Building-Contracting woman reporter vastly Regulations be amended as 34 — Roofing-Siding country home completely room'Cape with large two car to large deck, aluminum with a private hedge for first draft of the town — |BuiIding to hear and consider follows: the Zoning Regulations: 35 Healing-Plumbing renovated, top to bottom.Oil garage, very nice lot and loca­ siding, 2-car garage. Only different in this country. privacy. We just don’t have 36 — Flooring (tbe'follwoing petitions: Change Section 5.01.01 (a) “H. Whenever the Board — tion, ceramic bath, plaster $47,500. Philbrick Agency, She said, “ In England, 37 Moving-Trucking-Storage heat, garage, large lot, city all that much greenery. ANDREW ANSALDI- ZONE of the Subdivision Regulations grants or denies a special 38 — Services Wanted sewer, water, most con­ walls, aluminum siding, Realtors, 646-4200. women are assigned to Board picked for tri-town bus fireplace, blanket insulation, “I would very much like CHANGE - SPRING to read: exception or variance or MISC. FOR SALE venient. High 30’s. Look at “ w om an’s new s” and to stir up links with the STREET-TONICA SPRINGS “All applications shall be reverses wholly or partly 41 Articles for Sale your leisure. Further infor­ convenient to schools. 42 — Building Supplies ADVERTISING CONNECTICUT’S Odegard Realty, 643-4365. MANCHESTER review of films and enter­ schedule has been set up TRAIL AREA accompanied by a fee which any order, requirement or mation, call Donald S. Gale, other C oventrys. My Vernon dicapped persons in its 43 — iPets -Birds- Dogs decision appealed from, it — Realty Company. 289-7939, tainment. Here you* cover Coventry is very insular.” membership, elected a and the board is reviewing To change the zoning from shall be in the amount of 44 Livestock DEADLINE CAPE - Six rooms, treed lot, PICTURE an entire town. The Tri-Town Senior “Rural Residence” to thirty-five (35) dollars, or five shall state upon its records 45 — Boats & Accessories 646-3790. 'rhis immaculate aluminum sided From our Coventry, Bet board of governors to con­ this. The board is also set­ 46 Sporting Goods 12:00 noon the day before city utilities, handy location, six-room Colonial, large living Citizens Transit Associa­ “Residence AA” for a tract of (5) dollars per lot, whichever the reason for its decision and — “We very rarely ever get went on to Coventry, R.I. trol the use of the new bus. ting up guidelines for 47 Garden Products publication. MANCHESTER - Richard $31,500. Philbrick Agency, room with fireplace, formal dining tion, which to date has 90 approximately 18 acres with is the greater amount.” the zoning regulation which is 48 — Antiques VITAL LIFELINE room, appliances, sun porch, gar­ drivers and dispatchers Deadline for Saturday and Martin School, seven room Realtors, 646-4200. senior citizens and han- Andrew Tricarico is frontage on Spring Street and Change Section 4.01 of the varied in its application or to 49 — Wanted to Buy age. private lot. Immediate oc­ and plans for maintaining Monday Is 12:00 Noon Friday. Ansaldi Built Raised Ranch, cupancy. $39,900. chairman and Francis access by Tonica Springs Subdivision Regulations to which an exception is granted RENTALS CAPE COD - two years old, Rooms (or Rent two fireplaces, rec room, Weston, vice chairman. and servicing the bus. Trail as shown on a plan en­ read: and, when a variance is 52 beautiful private treed yard, 24’ living room, first floor Any senior citizens or 53 — Apartments for Rent PLEASE READ Hebron names constables Board members and the titled “Area Map Prepared “ FILLING OF PLANS AND granted, describe specifically 54 — Homes (or Rent The Connecticut'Red Cross $59,900, Hayes Corporation. family room with firMlacereplace W.J. BARCOMB handicapped persons who 55 __ Business (or Rent YOUR AD 646-0131. and beamed ceilings. Eat-ii Kat-m towns they represent are: for Andrew Ansaldi Spring PENALTIES the exceptional difficulty or — Realtor 644-8000 EVELYN CROSTON 56 Resort Property (or Rent kitchen, formal dining room, seven. Gordon Dimock, Henry have requests ^or Street M anchester, Conn. No subdivision of land shall unusual hardship on which its 57 — Wanted to Rent Classified ads are taken over BLOOD PROGRAM 56 Misc. for Rent MANCHESTER - cute Ranch king sized Master bedroom, 228-9561 This was the last official act of the suggestions should call any Scale 1 inch equals 200 feet be made until a plan for such decision is based. - the phone as a convenience. Has attractive permanent openings now for: Driver, Bess Howe, and The Herald Is responsible for with four bedrooms, rec aluminum siding, two car gar­ ELLINGTON - eight room Acting under an ordinance adopted dated Sept. 1975 Griswold & subdivision has been approved No variance or special AUTOMOTIVE board comprised of First Selectman Andrew Morgan, member of the board or the only one incorrect Insertion and • REGISTERED NURSES • LABORATORY TECHNOLOGISTS and room, fireplace, full base­ age, treed lot, mint condition, Raised Ranch, fireplaced Dec. 3, 1973 at Town Meeting the Fuss Inc.” by the Commission. Any per­ exception granted shall be 61 Autos for Sale Aaron Reid, and Selectman Robert Ellington; Florence Ayers, Hockanum Valley Com­ 62 — Trucks for Sale then only to the size of the technicians • drivers* ment, priced to sell at $36,900, $53,200, Philbrick Agency, family room, three or four Board of Selectmen Friday appointed munity Council. ALLEN F. & JA NE B. son, firm, or corporation, effective until a certified 63 — Heavy Equipment (or Sale original Insertion. Errors which Owner anxious, Frechette & Realtors, 646-4200. bedrooms, low 40’s, call Cen­ Craig and Aime Pete Dallaire. Louis Flechsig, and Fran­ — do not lessen the value of the BEHNKE ET AL - ZONE making any subdivision of record containing a descrip­ 64 Motorcycles-Bicycles Excellent IVages and Benefits Martin, Inc. Realtors 646-4144. tury 21, Jackston-Avante, 646- seven constables to two-year terms Craig and Dallaire did not seek re- cis Weston, Tolland; Jack Brend^-^BUttimer is 65 — Campers-Trailers-Mobite advertisement will not be cor* CHANGE - EAST CENTER land without the approval of tion of the premises to which Homes 1316, or 646-5461. effective today. election to the board. Reid was re­ Barbera, Harvey Bonney, drivgP'^ the bus. She is rected by an additional Inser­ Constables had been elected to two- STREET the Commission shall be fined it releases, specifying the 66 Automotive Service tion. ANDOVER- seven room DARTMOUTH ROAD elected to his fourth two-year term. Alice Creelman, Alice M an emergency medical not more than two hundred 67 — Autos (or Rent-Lease Nurses start from $9,240. Laboratory staff ranges $6,825-$11,025. depending upon Raised Ranch, with IVz baths, MANCHESTER - eight room To change the zoning from nature of such variance or Martin School, large seven- year terms at town elections with Today Cynthia Wilson and Arthur 'technician. She will be dollars for each lot sold or skills. Drivers start from $6,300-$6,825, depending upon experience. 37V2 hour | on 1.7 acres, T. J. Crockett, Cape, with first floor family Edwards, ' R i^ ' “Residence A” to “Residence special exception including room Raised Ranch, special constables being appointed by assisted by v^’iinteers. offered for sale or so sub­ week with tour weeks vacation after one year, plus 11 holidays and generous sick Realtor, 643-1577. room, attached one car gar­ Pinney will join Reid on the board. Greathouse, Julius May, C” for those premises with the regulation which is varied plaster walls, tiled baths the selectmen. divided. Any plan for subdivi­ NOTICE leave. Excellent health coverage. age, call Century 21, Jackston- Craig had served two terms on the Henry Murphy, Elsie Neff, Charles Sheriden, presi­ street numbers of 178 and 186 or to which a special excep­ □ NOTICES large closets, built-ins However, residents voted 25 to 19 sion shall, upon approval, or SIX ROOM Cape, in center of Avante, 646-1316, or 646-5461. board for a total of four years and Dwight Perkins, George dent of the C & J Moving East Center Street. tion is granted, and stating the PUBLIC HEARING The need to maintain a continuing supply of blood and blood products for Connec­ town, selling for $31,900, T. J. carpeting, 2 fireplaces when taken as approved by Dec. 3 make constables appointive. Dallaire had served three years. Weber, and Tricarico, Ver­ Co., is donating PHILIP BAYER, TRUSTEE name of the owner of record, BOARD OF DIRECTORS ticut families Is essential and imparative in the public interest. We welcome Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. large family room, 2-car EAST HARTFORD - brick reason of the failure of the Lost and Found 1 The selectmen had received a The new board has not set a maintenance of the bus. - ZONE CHANGE - is recorded by the applicant in TOWN OF MANCHESTER, applications trorn qualified persons interested in a rewarding and satisfying career garage, city utilities, apartment building, built in non. Commission to act, be filed or letter from resident trooper John VERNON STREET the land records of the Town CONNECTICUT as part of this vital program. MANCHESTER - eight room excellent condition. Owner 1967, call Century 21, meeting sche’tiule as yet. They will Paul Bramonde and Deb­ recorded in the office of the Clerk’s office.” FOUND - Puppy, male, black Soderberg recommending Kay An­ To change the zoning from THURSDAY, NOVEMBER newer Colonial, on acre lot, retiring, anxious to sell! Jackston-Avante, for more meet Thursday at 5 p.m. in the Town bie Ryder, represent the Town Clerk within ninety days Copies of all petitions and this and brown, white qn- chest, For More Inlormatlon, Call or Write four bedrooms, living room, details, 646-1316, or 646-5461. drews, Robert Craig, Robert Men’s club ' “ Residence AA’’ to 20, 1975 collar, contact apartment 27, Office Building. handicapped persons. of the date such plan is notice have been filed in the dining room, kitchen, 2 1/2 The Men’s Club of “Residence M” for a tract of The Board of Directors will 689 Main Street, Manchester. CHARLES LESPERANCE Croston, Donald Belander, Roger Reid thanked Dallaire and Craig The bus now in use is delivered to the applicant and CONNECTKUT RED CROSS BLOOD CENTER baths, family room with MANCHESTER - one of a Talcottville 73 acres on the east side of Town Clerk’s office and may conduct a public session 649-7620 Crosby, Donald Lessard and Warren for their cooperation on the board any plan not so filed or (An Equal Opportunity Employer) fireplace, two car garage, kind ten room Victorian being leased until the new Congregational Church will Vernon Street as shown on a be inspected during office ’Thursday November 20, 1975 LOST - black and white McGuenness. They appointed the during their terms. recorded within the hours. 209 Farmington Ave., Farmington, Conn. 06032 tremendous buy at $54,900, Colonial, completely refur­ bus is delivered. A have Peter Nikander of plan entitled “Property of from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Alaskan malamute, female, Frechette & Martin, Inc. bished. A well cared for yard. prescribed time shall become answers to Cleaka, Tel. 677-4531 CIRCA 1830 well maintained Philip Bayer Trustee & All Planning and Zoning the Board of Director’s Office kids dog Realtors, 646-4144. Asking, $72,500, Century 21, Sun Oil Company as guest null and void. No such plan Commission Reward, 646-40’’2, 649-1373, nine room Antique Colonial, Lots Within 500 Feet Vernon in the Municipal Building to Jackston-Avante, 646-1316 or speaker at its Sunday mor­ shall be recorded or filed by Alfred Sieffert, after 6. four fireplaces, four Street Vicinity Manchester, hear comments and NEW HOMES - Ranches, 646-5461. ning breakfast program. Connecticut Property Plan the Town Clerk until its ap­ Chairman Capes, Colonials, available or bedrooms, study, one full and PINE PHARMACY suggestions from the public. ISOME OF OUR EMPLOYEESI two 1/2 baths plus attached proval has been endorsed Joseph Swensson, LOST - Beagle type dog, black will build to suit. Single and 1664 CENTER ST. 649-9814 Breakfast at 8 a.m. will Scale one inch equals 100 feet Future sessions will be held with brown ears, Henry Street five room unfinished carriage thereon, and the filing or Secretary two-family homes in several be prepareJ""^ Fred dated 10-6-75 The Lawrence the first Tuesday of each area. 649-3015 after 4. shed, potential for studio, LOW PRESCRIPTION Associates” The tract is im­ recording of a subdivision Dated this 18th day of locations, starting from $48,- MANCHESTER Recave and Douglas month from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 etc., two story barn, well mediately south of the con­ plan without such approval November, 1975. 500. Good financing, will con­ PRICES Hayes. \ a.m. and the third Thursday of LOST - Passbook, 3-16307, ARE ON STRIKE sider trades. Merritt Agency, treed lot, $54,(XH), Philbrick TO SEHLE ESTATE valescent home at 565 Vernon shall be void. 87699, Savings Bank of Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. WANT each month from 6:30 p.m. to 646-1180. Three family, 6-3-3, two-car Street. 8:30 p.m. in the Board of Manchester. Application cover made for payment. COLONI.AL - seven rooms, 1 garage. Fast Sale Needed! Directors’ Office. CAPE - Lovely three bedroom 1/2 baths, three bedrooms, MANCHESTER ADS Cape, fireplaced living room, . your Phyllis V. Jackston, breezeway, garage, swim­ HALL FOR RENT D FINANCIAL ja n it o r - full time, mature OPENINGS..- Available on carpeted, kitchen with family RECENT TWO FAMILY PLAZA DEPT. STORE Secretary PUBLIC staff of Manchester ming pool, redwood deck, For parlies, showers, receptions V needs CONVERTIBLE (Wa Hava A Hotlon To Plaasa) ...... individual, good starting area. Garage. Large treed lot. Board of Directors wooded yard. $42,500. Immaculate condition, three mcelings. Complete kitchen facilities Homemaker Service. Part Merritt Agency, 646-1180. CROSS' Naxt to Frank’s Supermarket NOTICE Bonds-Stocks-Mortgages 8 / ‘beral fringe Philbrick Agency, Realtors, bedroom apartments, many I>arj»e enclosed parking lot Inquire CALL SINCE 1846 Manchester, Connec­ ______" ** benefits, East Hartford Con­ time work, car essential, /// East Middle Tpko., Manchester The Town of Manchester 646-4200. extras. Separate furnaces 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 ticut valescent Home, 745 Main St., preference ' given to former OWNER must sell in Lithuanian Hall Dated at Manchester, Connec­ MORTGAGES, loans first, se­ Nurses Aides, call 643-9511 for and driveways. Fenced in D esk Community Development cond, third. All kinds. Realty E. Hartford. Manchester Custom Ranch 24 GOLWAY STREET ASK FOR CONNIE ticut this tenth day of further information. EXECUTIVE L Ranch - nine 60x150 level lot. Owners S LEEP SOFA Be A Gourmet Cook with Advisory Committee will statewide. Credit rating un­ built in 1974, two large rooms, 22x28 Master MANCHESTER S e t s NURSES AIDES - 7-3, full bedrooms with 8’ closets, two building a new home. Tenant November, 1975. conduct public hearings necessary. Reasonable. Con­ bedroom, family room, game Call before 8 P.M. time and part time, weekdays SALESCLERK =: prefer full baths, huge linen closet, income cuts your monthly on: fidential, ' quick experienced with office room, den, private yard, on Phone 643-0618 or 646-9155 ShelieralLi Kitchen Gadgetry from Plaza! Court of Probate. District of arrangements. Alvin Lundy or weekends, good starting huge living room and eat-in payments in half. Easily LIQUIDATION! Manchester December 1, 7:30 p.m. at salary, liberal fringe benefits, products, Reed’s Inc., dead end street in prime Agency. 527-7971. KXI Constitu­ kitchen, new stove and neighborhood, for further financed. NOTICE OF HEARING Nathan Hale School. East Hartford Convalescent Manchester Parkade. 643- refrigerator, lush wall-to-wall ESTATE OF JOSEPH F, HUBLARD tion Plaza, Hartford.' 7167. details call Philbrick Agency, Sr., deceased December 2, 7:30 p.m. at Home, 745 Main St. E. Hart­ carpeting, oversized two car UWRENCE F. FIANO . Jellp Molds . Shredders, Peelers Evenings, 233-6879. Realtors, 646-4200. Pursuant to an order of Hon. William Whiton Library for the pur­ ford. garage. 643-5220, evenings. REALTORS 649-5371 . Spring Pans & Slicers E. FitzGerald, Judge, dated November EXPERIENCED FURNITURE From 12, 1975 a hearing will be held on an MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd GARRISON COLONIAL - four pose of receiving com­ EXPERIENCED Chef to FINISHER MANCHESTER - Duplex, $35.00 to $300.00 . Bundl Pans . Holiday Cookie application praying an instrument pur­ mortgages — interim finan­ years old, fieldstone HOLIDAY INN porting to be the last will and testa­ ments and suggestions for prepare noon and evening EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER attention veterans, no money . E-Z Foil Roasters Cutters cing — expeditious and con­ fireplace, beam ceiling, wall- The perfect personal season's ment of said deceased be admitted to second year community meal, in a large convalescent steady work, good pay. Apply In down, separate furnaces, cen­ ----- . French Whisks probate as in said application on file fidential service, J.D. Real person to Mr. singer. Lots-Land For Sale greeiinti Available in six styles, single and Baking Pans home, good starting salary, to-wall carpeting, family 24 more fully appears, at the Court of development funding. Estate Assoc. 646-1980. PURITAN tral location, only $36,500, c h b is t m ^® a n d or double base, with 12 Karat Gold .Tyrex Bakin . Cake Decorators excellent fringe benefits, Keys, 528-9081. room, sliding glass doors to Probate on December 2, 1975 at 10:00 Dated November 14, FURNITURE MART large deck, garage, mint con­ BUSINESS ZONED over Filled or Sterling Silver Writing Dishes . Aluminum & a.m. must work every other Instruments Bargain Buys for Battered dition, $51,700. Philbrick seven acres overlooking '"5oMEN^o°,e 6 B 1-84 Exit 58 Pearl J. Hultman, Ass’t. Clerk 1975. weekend, and some holidays, 1061 New Britain Ave. TWO or three bedroom, six . Casseroles & Corning Ware 8udget$.„in ttie want ads. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ' East Hartford Convalescent Weat Hartford room Cape, Bowers School Bolton Lake, over 500’ fron­ Pie Plates . Plus Much, Much LIQUOR PERMIT 363 Roberts St. Home, 745 Main St., E. Hart­ area, new kitchen flooring, tage. $70,000. Century 21, Ted- Morel NOTICE OF APPLICATION MINI-FARM on West side, ford Real Estate, 647-9914. This is to give notice that I, Say if where they suit ford. WAREHOUSE Foreman with partial finished rec room, new Pt^Vo«fTnUlT«. ^ / ) / seven room home in excellent M East Hartford, Ct. Lawrence E. Clough of 24 Carpenter □ EMPLOYMENT 3-5 years experience, needed heating unit, fully insulated, Road. Bolton have Tiled an application AMERICAN FROZEN Food condition, new siding etc., Real Estate Wanted 28 Looking for Something? placarded 31/10/75 with Liquor Control •••••••••••••••••••••••••• in Hartford, $3.75 hourly. garage and tool shed, owner, garage, large lot with garden MANCHESTER PARKADE • 646-0012 Commission for a CAFE for the sale of Help Wanted 13 has openings for experienced Jobseekers, 568-1070, open till 649-1234. Also - Vernon, Bristol Plaza, Then Try Plaza! alcoholic liquor on the premises 6-10 and inexperienced people for and fruit trees, shed, $42,000. ALL CASH for your property Liquidation of hundrads of Convertible Sleep 8 p.m. Philbrick Agency, Realtors, Westfarms, Simsbury East Center Street, Manchester telephone canvassing. If you MANCHESTER - assume this within 24 hours. Avoid red Sofas of “Hotel-Motor Specification. Contract The business will be owned by Estate JOBSEEKERS Employment 646-4200. tape, instant service. Hayes of William G. Bokis Sr. (Pauline C. Service - open 8 a.m.-8 p.m., are willing to work hard for a YOU’LL find openings for 7 1/2% FHA mortgage, Cape, over runt and cancolletlona from the country’s Bokis Elxec.) & Susan P. Bokis of good hourly rate, bonuses and Corporation, 646-0131. with full and part time oppor­ cashiers - carpenters - beautiful kitchen, carpeting, COVENTRY $51,873 PRE-WINTER SPECIALS ON SIDING! largest Hotel Chains sacrificed at a fraction of Center Beach Ave., Old Lvme, Ct. & 65 a pleasant working at­ waitressing - general office - treed lot, only $34,900, Keys, Martin Terrace, Glastonbury, Ct, and tunities available now. East mosphere, you may qualify. IMMACULATE SELLING your house? Call us cost. Convertible Sleep Sotaa available In all will be condicled by Lawrence E. Hartford, 568-1070. Jobseekers, 568-1070, open till 528-9081. Your Choice of: ALUMINUM Clough as permittee. Call 875-0776. 8 p.m. GARRISON first and we’ll make you a sizes and styles. ______Dated 11/7/75; cash offer. One day service. PART TIME cleaners needed, BOLTON - large seven room Trees, stone wall, spacious acre REAL ESTATE Sales people, Raised Rancn, executive surrounds this 4 bearoom home. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- VINYL or STEEL ^ Court of Probate early morning and evening STOCK CLERK - needed part 2Va baths, first floor familv room m / jm District of Manchester licensed and experienced, for time, Tuesday - Thursday - neighborhood, call Dubaldo- 1577. with fireplace, garage, full base­ "Saythewordi 40R NOTICE TO CREDITORS w m hours, 6-10 a.m. Must have sales work with one of the S aturdays, $2.75 hourly. Lesperance Agency, 646-0505. ment. 64^5306. 20 Colors To Choose From! . A . l > 4 0 ESTATE OF DOROTHY G. transportation. 649-5334. IMMEDIATE CASH for your Sale Starts Sun., Nov. 16tfi 10 AM-6 PM ROBINSON, deceased areas longest established real Experienced only, EQUAL HOUSMG OPPORTUfTY Prices Are Now Lower on Siding! property. Let us explain our Pursuant to an order of Hon. William CARD GALLERY - Vernon, estate firms. Phone or write Jobseekers, 568-1070, open till MANCHESTER - six room and m help E FitzGerald, Judge, all claims must Arthur Shorts, J. Watson BARROWS & WALLACE fair proposal. Call Mr. m 8 p.m. Colonial only three years old, full time - part time mature Madintir Ih* Hirtlvt Free Estimates — Easy Terms be presented to the fiduciary named Beach Company, 193 East Belfiore, 647-1413. below on or before January 21,1976 or person, must be able to work immaculate condition, three t49-53N 397-1515 72I-M15 Hours: be barred by law. 'The fiduciary is: evenings and Saturday. Apply Center Street, Manchester. PART TIME Employment. bedrooms, fireplace, IVz BILL TUNSKY 649-9095 William Goodrich MAY WE BUY your home? loweryour o h e H e r a t o in person only, located near K- 647-9139. Must be experienced working baths, owners leaving state, BISCOOHT Richmond Road Quick, fair, all cash and no Coventry, Conn. 06230 __ Mart. registers. Apply in person, priced to sell, Dubaldo- TWO-FAMILY 5-5, with 2-car Tues. 10-9 SCHOOL BUS Drivers - we Pine Pharmacy, 664 Center Lesperance Agency, 646-0505. garage, in desirable location, problems. Call Warren E. will train, knowledge of handy to all schools. Excellent Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. . taxes lor Wed. 10-9 PRICES Announcements 3 Announcements 3 Announcements 3 St., Manchester. Manchester necessary, five ...... BRAND NEW and Beautiful! condition $44,500. Philbrick year auto experience Business Opportunity 14 Custom Ranch in professional Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. INSTANT cash for your home. T i r c ^ t o n e PRE-HOLIDAY required, 643-2373. and executive area. Wall-to- Call Dan Reale, at Reale’s ' 75 !" MANCHESTER - Shoe Repair wall practically everywhere. COVENTRY - Three Corner Realtors, 646-4525. FULL TIME - Meat cutter, Shop, established over 26 Many features including ther­ bedrooms, two full baths, BONUS! WE WILL buy your home. PUBLIC NOTICE full benefits, call Coventry years in high traffic location. mopane windows, 17^ rear Franklin stove, full basement, Market. 742-6439. deck, automatic kitchen, aluminum sided. Only $37,500. Quick, efficient professional WINTER RETREADS The word is IRA. Excellent steady income. Willing to train buyer. 643- raised hearth fireplace. Two Century 21, Tedford Real service. Call us first. W. J. And it stands for ONCE-IN-A-LireriME SALE BY 4 DAYS ONLY... All charitable and non-profit organizations LIGHTING - showroom sales. 8285. car garage. Must sell fast. Op- Estate, 647-9914. Barcomb Realtor, 644-8000. CASH Individual Retirement WILUAM’S FURNITURE NOV. 19, 20, 21, 22 wishing to have their Public Announcements art time, permanent. Must ...... portunity knocks, answer it Account. A no-risk tax • published free In this space are urged to con­ ave related experience or now, Mr. Matthew, Belfiore PRINCIPALS ONLY - Tolland Qwwrat background to assist in □ REAL ESTATE Agency, 647-1413. - Sacrificing 6 1/2 room Ranch □ MISC. SERVICES HKtSTWK shelter that lets you Convertible Sleep Sofas ALL Bring this ad and tact Joe McCavanagh, General Manager of wholesale supply house at $41,500. Three acres plus. deduct up to $1500 (or BRAND NEW • FACTORY FRESH! receive a New Regal Mufflers of Manchester. Space will be lighting department. Phone CAPE - four rooms, two 872-4308. CARRY 15% of your annual Mr. Claman for appointment, Homes For Sale 23 fireplaces, garage, good Services Offered 31 Bicentennial Dollar alloted on a first come, first served basis. While They Last income, whichever is less) from your taxable income. 646-2830. neighborhood, central, in VERNON - brick and barn- ANY SIZE with every purchase of\ $36,900 - Duplex, 6-3, cabinet Manchester, teleplione, 646- board kitchen, 24x24 finished REWEAVING burns, holes. You can make this deduction year after year, for eveiy Call Thursday batwaan 8 and 12 COUNTER person kitchens, fireplace, carpeting, family room, and screened 10 00 must be 8350. Zippers, umbrellas repaired. year you’re not part of a company retirement plan. $ . . to rasarva space for tha (ollowing over 18, ful1 time. apply in tile baths, $435 monthly in­ porch are a few extras, going Window shades, Venetian All the while your saving;s will be earning the weak. person only. Howard JohnsJohnson come. Hutchins Agency, 646- MANCHESTER - five room with this Ranch. One minute blinds. Keys, TV for rent. Joe McCavanagh 3166. highest interest allowed. With even the taxes on your HOLIDAY INN TOP NAME Restaurant 394 Tolland Turn­ Ranch, two baths, 13x20 from 1-86, $38,900, Century 21, Marlow’s, 867 Main St, 649- 1-84 Exit 58, 383 Roberts St., • JEANS pike, Manchester. fireplaced living room, 1378 Jackston-Avante, 646-1316 or 5221. • interest deferred until your retirement years, • TOPS $27,300. ATTRACTl’YE 5 room sq. ft., gas hot water, 646-5461. when you’ll probably be in a much lower tax bracket. East Hartford, Ct. PART TIME dishwasher Ranch, fireplace, baseboard aluminum combination, large MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. • SPORT SHIRTS BRANDS! heking, stove, refrigerator. Qall Bob Bonner at 646-8300 or come in today to • SKIRTS’ Ijfluffffler nights, 4-12, apply in person, kitchen, immediate occupan­ OWNER MUST SELL. U rge Removal, pruning, lot Brittania - Landlubber Howard Johnson Restaurant, Hutchins Agency M6-3166. cy, $40,500, Ken Ostrinsky eight room Colonial, on one clearing, spraying. Fully in­ .I.T. open your Individual Retirement Account • SWEATERS Male - Faded Glory R eg al C e n t e r 394 Tolland Turnpike, Realtor, 643-1333. acre lot, central air, mid­ sured. Licensed. Free es­ at any of our seven offices. It’s the least you anoutour • JACKETS Manchester. MANCHESTER - Price ------N------forties, Century 21, Jackston- timates. Phone 646-3437, 633- 12“ can do to assure a comfortable retirement. SwM Security IN THE BANQUET ROOMS Madewell reduced $3,000 on this im­ TOLLAND - Spacious six Avante, 646-1316 or 646-5461. /’S TIRE SHOP • IMPORTS Wa offer convanlancc along with a auparlor product. 5354. FREE DELIVERY on ^ • Wa Hava Washington, Etc. REAL ESTATE Sales - maculate seven-room Cape. room L Ranch, large - 333MAINST.,MANCHESTER license and experience Custom kitchen, three or four bedrooms, good closets, EAST HARTFORD - Just BRIHANIA Corner of Broad TWO HANDYMEN will clean, PHONE 646-3444 H is t Federal Sawings Purchase! E n B4S MAIM ST. Z807 MAIM ST. preferred, hours to suit. South bedrooms, rec room, over­ separate dining room, eat-in reduced, seven room Raised rake, lime, fertilize, mow, Any PATCH JEANS MAMCHfSnS SUSTOimilT and Center Street Mon.-Frl. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. sized garage. Secluded yard Distributed by Mercury Oil Company East Hartford, Glastonbury, Manchester, Rockville, Windsor, Manchester and kitchen, fireplace, garage, Ranch, oversized rec room maintenance of lawn Vernon and South Windsor Bath Stores Open Thurs. till 9 P.M. Phone 646-2112 Sat. 8 a.m. - S p.m. vicinity. Liberal commission etc. Priced to sell. $37,900. R. natural shrubbery, $39,500, with spectacular view. $47,- seasonal. Cellars and attics schedule. W. J. Barcomb Zimmer, J.D. Real Estate, Amedy Realty Realtors, 875- 1.900. Century 21, Jackston- cleaned. Reasonable prices. Realtor, 644-8000. 646-1980 6293. ,Avante, 646-1316, or 646-5461. 643-5305. PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov. 18, 19^5

Frank Mid Einast Apartments For R ent S3 Apartments For Rent 53 Apartments For Rent S3 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov. 18, 1975 — PAGE SEVENTEEN □ AUTOMOTIVE VERNON - Town House FIVE ROOM Duplex, im­ Gardens, a beautifully mediate occupancy, adults Answer to Previous Puzile Charles M. Schultz INTERNAL R EVEN U E^R VIC E landscaped apartment com­ preferred, no pets, Autos For Sale 81 m r - PRESIDENTIAL Olio g ] ..A M D TH/kT'S e munity of unusual architec­ references, $150, Write Box H, IS E R N] R a lE T rr O E E l E R tural design, featuring private Manchester Herald. VILLAGE APTS. NEED CAR? Credit bad? Dear Abby a 12 ACROSS 56 Actor, ----- g I T m d ] E p t 1 [t H£'5 60IN6 TO MEEDLES, HOU DO HOU e m C T HOU) DO H'Oi; EXPECT ME entrances, private patio with MANCHESTER Bankrupt? Repossessed? IS T R Q O K 1 W H E K e X I 1 Wale Johnson 1 o AND THE DESERT GETS HIM TO GET THROUGH J sliding glass door, wall-to- HEBRON - four room two Honest Douglas accepts 5 Bashful 5 a A X 1 J. M E TO GET THROUGH L IF E ? ' o L 1 COLD AT NIGHT... wall carpeting, range, lowest down, smallest By Abigail Van Buren 8 Infant ra E A M a M R THE DESERT^ bedroom, wall-to-wall DOWN A R i . N a a L f CHAMfiED MY ^ One and two bedrooms. payments. Douglas Motors, 12 M artian 1 Hospital M « refrigerator, disposal, master carpeting, heat and hot water, h i IS A 9 T a W M A R K S IT T TV antenna, traverse rods; parking, appliances, large Near schools, churches 345 Main. (comb, form) sections I-l TH D E L l A R o N & t s MIMD ACAIN. \ storage and laundry facilities yard, cellar storage, $215 and shopping center, on 13 Sheltered side 2 Eaten away Isl E E. V e R T a 1 s in basement. Total electric, monthly, 649-2871 or 228-9759. TOYOTA - See us for reliable 14 W ings 3 Landlord □ W A N E £ Q. SI % bus line. Call anytime. 15 Bellow 4 Rocky crag IK f s 1 N D N J_ N A] no pets. One and two bedroom used Toyotas with our 60-day 16 Epoch 5 Winter vehicle | o A N s g a K A V £ apartments immediately MANCHESTER - elegant two 100% warranty. We also buy- I t L K E n A R V ' ■ ff-ie DEAR ABBY: I’m a divorced woman, 23-years-oId, with 17 Kind of 6 Demigod & 1 1 i : available through November bedroom Townhouse available 646-2623 used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, m onster 7 12 m onths 23 Producing 37 Boy’s name I ’ "fHAvev 1, starting at |165 per month. at the Coachhouse, 1 1/2 345 C e n te r S tr e e t, two small children. I met a 44-year-old man. He's a widower 18 Dentist's 8 Sack motion 38 African Call 872-0528 Monday through baths, formal dining area, Manchester, 646-4321. with a 15-year-old daughter Uving at home. He wants to degree (ab.) 9 Foreigners 25 Predatory nation marry me and take care of me and my children. 19 Idolize 10 Ensemble birds 40 Ray Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. for ap­ private entrances and patio, 21 Certain dance 27 Plant ovule 43 Flower. pointment. full basement, includes heat, FIVE ROOMS - with WE PAY $15 for complete He has offered me a lovely home, a new car and lots of railways (coil.) 11 Leavening 28 Honey makers 44 Athena .junk cars. Call Joey, Tolland new clothes. He says he loves me. I told him I wasn’t sure I WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI appliances, carpeting, $290 appliances, wall-to-wall 22 Appears agent 33 Vine fruits 45 Orifice MANCHESTER - November per month. Paul W. Dougan carpeting, no children, no Auto Body, 528-1990. loved him because he’s my father’s age, but he told me that 24 Doctrine 19 Hoping 34 Certain 48 Female deer 1st occupancy, brand new Realtor, 646-1021, 643-4535. pets, third floor, $150 a month. I would learn to love him. 26 Lets fall 20 Infinite fishermen 50 Lyricist Mickey Finn — Morris Weiss three bedroom duplexes in Rockville, call 875-1834 after 3 1968 YELLOW automatic VW Abby, can a person ’’learn” to love somebody? 28 Anim al duration 36 Spat Gershwin residential neighborhood. 118 MAIN ST., three room convertible, good second car, 29 Cravat p.m. It is hard to pass up everything he’s offering me, but I’m 30 Unit of energy r " 5“ r “ !” 5” T~ 5“ 5“ RT n Starting at $275 per month. heated apartment, security, call 875-1897 after 5. afraid my mom and dad won’t think he’s right for me YOU SHOULDVE THOUGHT f I DON'T ^ THANKS TO ME, THIS 31 Choldr OF SOMETHING! YOU'RE EXPECT TO COLLEGE HAS ITS Includes appliances and $190, call 646-2426, 9-5. FIVE ROOMS - Centrally 32 Enlisted (ab.) 15“ 13 l4 because he’s kind of bald, wears glasses and is not much to / I TOLD YOU TO GET WHAT DID YOU A BIG SHOT ON THE / BE HEAP OF BEST FOOTBALL TEAM carpeting. Heat not included. MERCEDES BENZ, 230,1966. look at. 33 Frosty - WD OF THAT MEDDUNi CAMPUS— CHAIRMAN J THE ALUMNI located, second floor, stove IT 18 17 EXPECT M E TO IN THIRTY YEARS— , Security deposit and NEWER DUPLEX - four and refrigerator, garage and Very clean, very good condi­ Also, I’m afraid everyone will notice the difference in our 35 Investment SHERIFF.! I k n e w HE DO— PUT A GUN OF THE ALUMNII A t FTER TODAY.. AND DON'T YOU references required. No pets. rooms, bath and 1/2, rent $215, tion. Excellent buy. Call 522- 36 Color WAS GOING TO STIR TO HIS H EAD? FORGET IT! storage area included. No ages, and they’ll think I married him for his money. 39 Form er IT IT 51 UP TROUBLE! Call 647-9936 or 649-2003. monthly call 643-2282, 644- children or pets. Telephone 9800 days, or 247-9031. 8896. Another thing; His daughter acta kind of cool to me. I’m Russian z r 643-9037 after 3. afraid she might think I am taking her father away from her UNUSUAL Deluxe one ^e^^^ee’.ee^^^e'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* PARTS DEPARTMENT now rulers bedroom Townhouse, private open Saturdays. Complete line but I swear I’m not. 41 M asculine I had such a bad marriage that this offer is tempting. nicknam e entrances and patio, full base- of Chrysler parts. Chorches 42 Meat sauce ment, includes, heat, NOW RENTING!: Motors, 649-3646. What should I do? 46 Writing fluid appliances, carpeting, and TEMPTED 47 Mimicked 31 pool. $245Z45 per month.month, Paftu l W. 1969 TOYOTA Corona - parts, 49 Bullfight 34 36 57^ Dougan,ri. Realtor, 646-1021 or INDEPENDENCE ! air conditioner and drive train cheer 50 Genus of u 39 48 643-4535. in very good condition, any willows VILLAGE \ reasonable, offer. 1-537-1627 DEAR TEMPTED:. When in doubt, do nothing. You 51 Roman 41 42 48 Services Ottered 31 Building-Contracting 33 Articles tor Sale 4T Articles lor Sale 41 MANCHESTER - newer three Manchester I Amston, have too many fears and doubts about this man to marry em peror bedroom Duplex, half of two Dir. from Route 6 & 44A ^ him. Go slowly, dear. 52 Oriental coin ♦7 48 4i) 60 NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - ALUMINUM sheets used as FOR SALE - afghans, all sizes family, full basement, in­ 1971 PLYMOUTH sports sub­ 53 Take a ELECTRONIC TUNE-UP $10 North on Rt. 83 (Main St.) ♦ And in answer to your question: No, I don’t think a 52 Prisciiia’s Pop — Ai Vermeer plus parts. Brakes, shocks, Remodeling, repairing, ad­ printing plates, ,007 thick, and colors, for Holiday, call cludes appliances and urban station wagon, power breather 51 53 5 to Henry. J person can ‘‘learn” to love somebody. Perhaps in time, yon 54 South African lube, bearings, etc. ditions, rec rooms, porches 23x32” . 25 cents each or 5 for 875-0166. carpeting, 1 1/2 baths, $280 brakes, power steering, air s r $5 56 and roofing. No job too small. $1. Phone 643-2711. could learn to appreciate his generosity, but that's not love. fox 18 ME WANTS ME TO STAY Guaranteed. Call anytime, per month, Paul W. Dougan X Unusual one bedroom Townhouses in a* conditioning, new life-time 55 Take, food AWAY FROM TME TABLE.' 646-2065. Call 649-3144. Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 RRealtor, e ...... 646-1021,- 643-4535. - - guarantee transmission, call CLEAN USED refrigerators, ^park-like setting, quiet neighborhood,! after 5 p.m., 646-0429. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN ) CUSTOM DRAPERIES - CARPENTRY - Repairs, ranges, automatic washers, DOG-CAT BOARDING reser­ EAST HARTFORD - Chap­ 1 close to shopping, church, bus, pool and^ s made very reasonable, work remodeling, additions, gar- with guarantees. B. D. Pearl’s vations. Combined inside/out- man Apartments, completely ♦ tennis. ♦ 1967 LeMANS, 76,000 miles, V- DEAR ABBY; My husband and I have been married for n LjfJ guaranteed, call anytime, 649- ages, roofing, call David Appliances, 649 Main St, 643- side runs, partitioned privacy, furnished IV2 room efficiency. 8, automatic, excellent condi­ 46 years. He is a good provider, but in other ways he is 4266. Patria, 644-1796. 2171 germicidal lighting. Canine Carpeting. $145. No lease. X Featuring: X tion, $500, 647-9834. ' > something else. Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon Security. 289-7475. ♦ • Massive Bedroom • Walk-In Closets For example, he nevers wants me to go anywhere without TREE SERVICE-(Soucier) WES ROBBINS carpentry SCREENED LOAM - Road, Manchester, 646-5971. S • Full Basement • Laundry Hook-Ups WANTED; One friendly him. One night, I went to a movie with our daughter, and he in at Bridge Trees cut, trimmed or topped, remodeling specialist. Ad­ driveway gravel, processed t • Private Entrances and Patios owner for my 1973 Datsun 610. was so mad when 1 got home that the bedroom door was stumps removed, fully in­ ditions, rec rooms, dormers, gravel, sand, stone and fill. PRIVATE riding instructions, 2 .♦ Air Conditioner • Color Co-ordinated Decor She has air conditioning, locked and I had to sleep on the floor since we don’t have a sured. Got a tree problem? built-ins, bathrooms, George H. Griffing, Andover, English and Western, $5.00 VILLAGER APARTMENTS X Includes Heat AM/FM stereo with four 742-7886. Five room Townhouse full-length sofa. Well worth a phone call. 742- kitchens, 649-3446. per hour, call 633-5571, Jensen speakers, four He does all the grocery shopping. I quit going along apartment, IVz tiled baths, Michelin radials and a 8252. anytime. because every item I’d put in the shopping cart he would Passive lead has little use LEON CIESZYNSKI builder - SEASONED CORD Wood - 2 air conditioners, wall-to- We have a large variety of 1 8i 2-bedroom pleasing personality. $2400. X put back. WANTED ODD Jobs - Raking new homes custom built, cord and 1/2 cord loads, wall carpeting, full base­ apartments and townhouses throughout Call 646-2868 please! BASSET HOUND - AKC I get a Social Security check for $101.94. My husband ieaves, painting, cleaning remodeled, additions, rec delivered, E. Yeomans, 742- registered, male, eight the Town of Manchester. NORTH ment, heat, hot water, AKQ9 does not appear that they have cellars and attics, no job too rooms, garages, kitchens 8907. months, $150, 742-9394. 1954 DODGE - perfect for says that $2 a month is enough for me, and he wants the appliances, fireplace. No rest of it. V A93 any long suit to work with. In Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawrence small. Reasonable rates. Free remodeled, bath tile, cement pets. Raymond F. Damato restoration, 43,00 original estimates. 646-7786. work. Steps, dormers. FIREWOOD - For sale, well THREE ENGLISH Collies, miles, $150, call 646-8848. I am not happy. He has been this way since we’ve been « K 10 7 4 this instance it is up to you to Residential or commercial. seasoned, split or round. $25. for sale, call between 7 a.m. 649-7620 Owner Developer married, but I stayed with him because of the children, and *KQ9 make the lead that is least VOU-l TW/4KE UP, WA5H! ANP IF YOU'D m m f f : tie h e r h a n d s while RATHER s t a y SNOWPLOWING - Industrial, Call 649-4291. per load. The Andrew Ansaldi and 5 p.m. weekdays. Ask for 1969 FORD LTD, FM, air con­ now it’s too late to pull out. WEST EAST likely to help them. Designed With A 8 6 5 4 2 A 10 7 eteei V r k e e p h er q u ie t ; PROOL-JAND (\POlOQ\Vc, commercial and institutional. Company, 649-5249. Ernie. ditioned, neat interior, body 1 need your help. West holds three jacks. Not SUCH / POPNER- BE You in Mind VJ75 VQ862 Parking lots and driveways. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY MANCHESTER Gardens - eU needs work, good second car, CONFUSED much in the way of defense Sanding available. Free es­ Carpentry and general con­ FIREPLACE WOOD - FREE - five month old ficiency apartments, ▼ Model Open 11:30 til $ P.M. Daily $325, call 646-8848. ♦ J8 AQea against a slam, but his timates. Call after 6 p.m., 528- tracting. Residentiai and Seasoned hardwood, cut, split, Labrador - Beagle mixed, available in beautiful country AJ53 a 10 764 partner may have some cards 1418 or 646-1322. commercial. Whether it be a and delivered, $20, Full naif male, shots, and wormed, call setting. Walk to everything. 1 Paul W. Dougan, Realtor 1969 GRAN PRIX - air, SOUTH (D) and it is up to West to find the small repair job, a custom cord. 228-0619. 649-1212 after 4 o’clock. Rent includes heat, hot water, 649-3940 automatic, white, black vinyl AAJ3 lead that is least likely to help X 649-3940 646-1021 643-4535J top, interior like new, outside DEAR CONFUSED; If your husband has been this way V K 10 4 BULLDOZING and excava­ built home or anything in appliances, and parking. declarer. That safest possible between, call 646-1379, good, $850, call 646-8848. for 46 years, I doubt if you can change him. Have a key A A932 tion, licensed septic system, FOR SALE - 10 and 20 gallon S uperintendent, 646-0090. lead is a spade. If West makes installation and repair, made for your bedroom door in case he locks you out again, A A 8 2 aquariums, with stand and Equal Housing. MANCHESTER - large two this lead, declarer will landscaping and trucking, hang on to your Social Security money and try to keep the Both vulnerable Rootlng-Sldlng-Chlmney 34 BEDDING compiete accessories, call bedroom Townhouse, 1 1/2 Homes tor Rent 54 struggle along. As long as the loam and fill for sale. Free »s- 647-1614 after 5. HAVE WE HELPED YOU UTRY? peace. MANCHESTER - new unusual baths, private entrances and Pliom 643-2711. defenders take care, declarer timates. Call after 6 p.m., 646- BIDWELL Home Improve­ LIQUIDATION one bedroom Duplex patio, full basement, includes VERNON - six room Ranch, 1 West North East South 1322. will only collect 11 tricks. ment Co. Expert installation At Holiday Inn Boats-Accessorles 45 Townhouses now renting at heat, appliances, carpeting, 1/2 baths, family room, in­ of aluminum siding, gutters cludes appliances, one car A lead of either red suit will 1-84 Exit 58 Independence Village. Full $265, per month, Paul W. 1968 FIREBIRD, yellow, 350 1 N.T. Pass give him a 12th. A club lead WELDING - repairs, custom and trims. Roofing installa­ 18’ CRUISER LINE, 125 h.p. basements, private entrances garage, $350 a month, Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 646-1021, 643- cu. in. two speed automatic, 6 N.T. Pass Pass Pass won’t help him’, but there is no made trailers, fast service, tion and repairs. 649-6495, 875- 363 Roberts St. Evinrudc with trailer. Call and patio, includes heat, 4535. Dougan Realtor, 646-1021, 643- Opening lead — 4 A reasonable, free estimates, new transmission, very good Astro-graph reason for West to do any Alley Oop — Dave Graue 9109. East Hartford 875-8119. appliances, carpeting, air con­ 4535. condition, body and 646-1523. Liquidation of over 800 sets of guessing. ditioner. (ilose to shopping, LARGE efficiency room and mechanical wise, air shocks, By BERNICE BEDE OSOL HORACE Tetrault — Siding, hotel-motel specification mat­ Antiques church and bus. Model open MANCHESTER Green area. tresses from Gold Bond and kitchen with private entrance. $950. Call after 3, 643-9037. WINDOW ^CLEANING com­ roofing, storm windows, aw­ 11:30-8 p.m.', daily. Henry St. Two closets, large bath with Six room Colonial house, with mercial and residential, in­ nings. Quality workmanship, other name brands. Contract garage. Immmediate oc­ By Oswald & James Jacoby overruns and cancellations from WANTED Antique furniture, off Main St., Manchester. tub and ceramic shower stall. 1973 SUPER BEETLE - stan­ For Wednesday, Nov. 19,1975 cluding initial construction free estimates. Fully insured. glass, pewter, oil paintings, or Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 646- All utilities furnished. Coun­ cupancy, Rent $300 a month. When should you make a The Jacoby transfer bid is cleaning for contractors or country’s largest hotel chains. dard transmission, all new 872-9187, 649-3417. Sacrifice fraction of cost. Inner other antique items. R. 1021, 643-4535, 649-3940. try location, one-quarter mile Inquire at W. H. England tires, $2,000. Call between 5 ARIES (March 21-April 19) SCORPIO (Ocl. 24-Nov. 22) passive lead in order to sit used in response to notrump deveiopers, fully insured, free Your words today will carry a spring and foam rubber bedding Harrison, 643-8709. from 1-86. $135 per month. Call Lumber Co., Route 44-A, p.m. and 8 p.m. 742-7664. Rehash in your own rnind today back and wait for tricks to openings. The transfers to estimates, call Quality lot o( weight. Be careful you an arrangement you're in­ ROOFING - Specializing available in twin, full, queen, king IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 649-4865.______Bolton Notch. come in? majors are two diamonds to Maintenance, Inc., 647-9498, and extra length. All brand new don't sell somebody on volved in. You’ll spot several repairing roofs, new roofs, FURNITURE - Rugs, pain­ new 4-room duplex, not 1973 FIAT 128, good condition, The answer is, “very in­ hearts and two hearts to gutter work, chimneys, factory fresh. heated, $185, near Parkade, MANCHESTER - immediate MANCHESTER - six room something you shouldn't. advantages you’ve been spades. tings, pewter, dolls, crocks, four rooms with heat, central, AM/FM radio, radials, call overlooking. frequently”. The man who sits DRIVEWAYS - 9' wide, 100’ cleaned and repaired. 30 years HOURS lamps, etc. Now accepting private owner call 649-5811. three bedroom. Cape close to 742-8369. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Our Florida reader wants to long, $289, completely in­ experience. Free estimates, $210 a month, security, 1-84, and Manchester Com­ back and waits is very likely Monday thru Friday consignments, for December Your material prospects are SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. to still be waiting after his op- know how you transfer if stalled on your base. Cold- Howley, 643-5361. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT- Frechette & Martin Inc., munity College, quiet child- encouraging. Today should be 21) Talk over with friends a 10-9 auction. 644-8962. CADILLAC * 1970 Sedan de ■ ponents have fulfilled their there is an overcall. The mix. 688-0863 out of town call Garden St., Manchester, first Realtors, 646-4144. safe street, security required, profitable, yet there is a slight decision you're having difficul­ IN THE BANQUET ROOMS. F r« Ville, in.maculate, full power, contract. answer is that you just don’t. collect, D&A ROOFING. Roofs, delivery on any bedding floor apartment, yard, $325 monthly, 871-0047. warning against loss through ty in making. Their points of ANTIQUES Wanted - THREE ROOM Apartment, new tires, must be seen, mint There is one classic excep­ When we discuss the bid early siding, gutters, and leaders. purchase. American furniture, oriental parking, cellar storage, condition, 649-5189. carelessness. view will prove helpful. ODD JOBS - Trucking, home includes appliances, heat, hot tion, When your opponents next year we will show how Free estimates. Fully in­ rugs, paintings, pewter. Wind­ ch ild ren w elcom e. $180 MANCHESTER - rent with GEMINI (May 21-June 20) CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. repairs, serving Manchester water, laundry facilities, gar­ have reached a slam and it you can do this, if you wish. sured. 249-0205. sor chairs, crogks, jugs, monthly, 649-2871. option to buy seven room TWO KEYSTONE Classics - You'll be very successful today 19) Don’t let someone who has for five years. Free es­ 1963 CHEVY panel truck, six age, no pets, $195, 643-4884. weathervanes, primitives, Colonial, family room with L-60xl4 tires, $180 or best with creative projects, provid­ a lot of time on their hands to­ timates. 643-0304. cylinder, standard shift, best fireplace, garage. East Heating-Plumbing 35 offer, SG systems guitar Ron Dionne, 643-1691. NEWER three bedroom THREE LARGE bedroom offer, 568-4376. ed you're permitted to do day distract you from the Mr. Abernathy — Jones and Ridgeway Duplex, 1 1/2 baths, all Center St., $275 a month, things exactly as you envision things you hope to accomplish. amplifier, very powerful, Duplex, new carpet, living CARPET Installation - SEWERLINES, sink lines, appliances, carpeting, full security, Frechette & Martin them . super clear, phase and fuzz Wanted to Buy 49 room, dining room, modern 1971 OPEL Sport Coupe, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Berry’s W orld Commercial, residential, cleaned with electric cutters, basement, $260 monthly, Inc., Realtors, 646-4144.. automatic, radials, clean, carpet repairs. Free es­ built in, $450 or best offer, 649- kitchen with stove and new CANCER (June 21-July 22) You tend to take thjngs lightly, ?— ^ by professionals. McKinney 3367 after 6. Frechette & Martin Realtors, good condition, low mileage, Doing things lor others will give and why shouldn't you? timates, 643-9758. OLD DOLLS - Paying top 646-4144. refrigerator, attic, basement, Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ garage and yard. $280 per Business tor Rent 55 call 429-4345 after 6 p.m. you great pleasure today, par­ Everyone is entitled to relax oc­ pany, 643-5308. prices for your old dolls, $65. CHIMNEY SWEEPS - have HANG GLIDERS for sale, and up for China and bisque nionth, no pets, security ticularly if they're done lor a casionally. This is your way. SIX room duplex, three 1970 VOLVO, single owner, member of your family. your fireplace cleaned four month old 17’ standard dolls. $100 and up for ByeTo. required. 649-3050 after 1 p.m. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) NO JOB too small, toilet Sky Sports Lark, two month bedrooms, $185. Call 646-1980j OFFICE SPACE phone Dana, 646-7381 week professionally, call 872-0930, Sky Never give or sell a doll J. D. Real Estate. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) This is a There will be much activity repairs, plugged drains, old, 18x16”...... Sky ■'Sports ' BobBobcat, ■ EAST HARTFORD - three nights 7 to 9:30 or weekend 10 good day to involve yourself in around your house today. It will kitchen faucets replaced, without getting our offer. Call FOR RENT Big Savings, Call Garv, 872- locally, 875-7356. room furnished apartment, all 250 square feet, center of a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Weekdays some form of club work or be the fun type. You could even DRIVEWAYS - I will install repaired, rec rooms, '7 - MANCHESTER - Woodland phone 646-4900, Ext. 251,9 to 5. traprock base, this Fall and 7317 from 8-4, 875-1964 from 5- utilities included, parking, Manchester, air con­ group activity. You're the have some unexpected drop- bathroom remodeling, heat Manor - Deluxe two bedrooom available immediately, perfect Ohe to chair a com­ ins. pave in Spring. Thomas Colla, modernization, etc. Free es­ ANTIQUES, lamps, dolls, Townhousse, carpeting, ditioning and parking. Call clocks, guns, oil paintings, security required, $45 per 1967 FORD, Galaxie 500, as is, m ittee. 25 years experience, 643-1381. timates gladly given. M & M appliances, full basement, 1 643-9551. $300 or best offer, call 649-7062 EIGHT PIECE dining room statues, crank phonographs, week, 528-1998. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) To­ ,Your Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. set, two Provincial end tables, 1/2 uaths, patio, $225 monthly after 5 p.m. DRESSMAKING - hems and oak furniture, 646-2690 , 646- plus utilities, no pets, R. D. day and tomorrow you're in a two gas heaters, two older 1882. 3 1/2 ROOM apartment, like brief, favorable cycle career alterations, done in my home, FRANK SCOTELLA Plum­ Murdock, Realtor, 643-2692. 800 SQUARE Feet of space HORNET- 1970, SST, Birthday reasonable, call 646-4019. radio consoles, excellent con­ private home, pleasant, con­ and linancewise. Keep your 5 ^ bing - Repairs and available, lower level in automatic, power steering, Nov. 19, 1975 dition, 643-1307. venient location, working prime commercial location, eyes peeled for the breaks. remodeling, sewer lines FOUR ROOM^partment, 426 adults, no children, pets, 643- good gas mileage, $995, 528- SNOWPLOWING, commer­ cleaned electrically. Prompt □ RENTALS Broad Street,'^no appliances, ideal for office space.643-2738. 1068. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Gat Opportunities will present cial and residential, POT BELLIED stove, one 2880. in touch with persons who have themselves this coming year service on emergencies. 643- year old, all cast iron, $50, An­ $130. Security deposit, no pets. Born Loser — Art Sansom sidewalks. Free estimates. 643-4751. OFFICE SPACE - 700 square been on your mind, but who whereby you may be able to 7024. tique Richmond parlor stove. THREE BEDROOM Duplex Trucks tor Sale 62 649-3015 after 4. Rooms lor Rent 52 feet. East Center St., ideal for are separated from you by dis­ derive income from a secon­ $75, 742-6138. apartment, some appliances, dary source. Tuck any surplus BOTTl HEATING and Plum­ MANCHESTER - newer two professionals, parking, 646- tance. Something interesting Painting-Papering 32 no pets, security deposit, 643- 2212. 1963 FORD Econoline van, could develop. in savings. STOP OfaulOfc'THAT HOGiSV! \ bing - All heating and plum­ ESSEX MQTOR Inn - weekly bedroom Duplex, half of two 6312. paneled, overhauled engine, bing repairs plus remodeling. rooms. Single $56, double $69, family, includes appliances, radials, murals on both sides, TAKE AWAN HeR...ER.,.BfeOPE PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. Call 643-1496. FRESH OR SALT plus tax, continental convenient location, $230 per OFFICE SPACES for rent on Bugs Bunny — Heimdahl and Stoffel Five years experience. TWO BEDROOM Duplex - Main St. in Manchester, ideal call 646-5428 between 3 p.m. AUP HER M 0$e-aD 6 ANP WHAT breakfast, air conditioning, month, Paul W. Dougan dead end street, bus line, and 6 p.m. Excellent references. Pete, WATER color TV, call 646-2300. Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-4535. location for professional of­ . HAVE VCX) tfeOT'? 742-6117 (toll'free) 5-10 p.m. Flooring 36 cellar, appliances, December fices, very convenient to all ” / hereby sentence the defendant to one good AQUARIUMS 1, $200, call 649-8092. LARGE clean room, central facilities. Please call 646-4100, Campers-Trallers EHH, WHAT''S UP, SEE IF YOU CAN slap on the wrist!" FLOOR Sanding - Refinishing, Mobile Homes 0 INSIDE - Outside painting. location, private, $25 weekly, ROCKVILLE 3-4 ROOMS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FUDDSV 7 YA LO O KS OVERHEAR WHAT 0 Special rates for people over floors like new, no waxing, 29H or 30L gal. complete set up. VERNON - Children WORRIED/ THEY A R E (specializing in older floors). All glass tank canopy. Supreme security, 649-4143. 65. Fully insured. Estimates 150 watt, 12 in. Heetmaater ROCKLAND TERRACE Welcome. New three- BOLTON NOTCH - Modern 17’ TERRY travel trailer, ------^ I AM/ MY SAYING// SURE Our Boarding House — Carroll & McCormick 0 given. Call 649-7863. Ceilings and inside painting. O'Dell flourescent light and bulb Large and beautiful one and two bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, wall-to- sleeps 6, awning, completely angle iron stand, Oscar 500 air SINGLE ROOMS for rent, on bedroom apartments, heat, hot sales office and storage DOCTOR'S CONFERRING r John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872- wall carpeting, appliances, facilities. Commercial, In­ applianced. $300 for equity pumps, 10 ft. plastic tubing, VM bus line, parking, convenient water, all appliances, Including air conditioning, sun deck and WITH TWO OTHERS WALLPAPER Hanging - $3.00 gang valve, Neptronic or location, call 647-9868. dishwasher, disposal, carpeting, dustrial, telephone 1-223-4460. and take over low payments. OUT IN THE ^ UM.YA6, WHEN YlTUNfi JOHNNY GOLLY, AW, UNK CLA1M4 per roll. Experinced Biozonics undergravel filter. pool and your own private terrace garage. $325 monthly, in­ Call after 5 p.m., 646-0429. UNITA5 CAME TO MY QUARTER­ JOHNNY^ ALL The BIGGIES! 25 lbs. of No. 3 or No. 4 gravel or in a country setting. From $180. cludes heat. M. Foley 643- t tradesman. Call R. OFFICE SPACE - 500 to 2,500 BACK CLINIC HE t h r e w 5H0RX U N lT A S t BUT MAYBE AST > yy^ ^ HTSbyNEA l« IM US Ft 25 lbs. Dolomite. Fulf Range Apartments For Rent 53 No pets. 1161, after 6, 872-6019. L l Starkweather, 644-3194. □ MISC. FOR SALE digital thermometer. Power filter 872-4223 529-6586 sq. ft. as low as $125 per 1975 ELDORADO, 19 1/2’ WOBBLY PA55E5.' I TA U 6H T WAS HE DIP TEACH may be substituted for stand. 872-3976 month, includes heat, janitor, motor home. Ford chassis, HIM TO HOLD ELBOW ABOUT charm to PAINTING - interior and $89.95 plus tax, delivered In "THnniAREES^ very good location. fully equipped, self contained. HI6H A N P 5N A P TNE BALL THE CHARLIE FINLEY exterior, paperhanging, Articles lor Sale 41 Manchester area. Comparable Many extras. $3,000 eqpity and prices on larger set up. APARTMENT APARTMENTS Call Max Grossman at 649- FROM HIS e a r : g r e a t e s t AN' BOOK- excellent work. References. RENTAL OFFICE CHARLES DR, o ff L M M LE TFKL 5334 or 643-7175. take over payments. Call Free estimates. Fully in­ Open 8:30-5 weekdays, MANCHESTER - nice one MANCHESTER between 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 646- sured. Martin Mattson, 649- CONVERTIBLE RENT-A-FISH bedroom apartment, Close to shopping and gram­ TWO ROOM office for rent, 4163. 4431. other times by appoint­ mar school, adjacent to junior 647-1917 after 5 p.m. ment. available at The Teresa, close high and high school. Featuring totai 312 square feet, with SLEEP SOFA to shopping and churches, in­ fireplaces, one or two car gar­ front and rear entrance, Automotive Service WELL'?/ NOTHIN PAPER HANGING Expert. We have a large variety of cludes carpeting, air con­ ages. heat and hot water, two air private lavatory, available deluxe one & two bedroom conditioners, baths, etc., in­ r GET Your average paper, in LIQUIDATION ditioning, $195 per month, cluded. December 1, call 643-1186. WE PAY for junk cars and average room, $25. Mr. Townhouse and Garden Paul W. Dougan Realtor, 646- EXCITED At Holiday Inn Wooded and Quiet. Not a trucks, call 742-9673, 423-2632, ABOUT/ Richman, 646-3864. DRAPES - two pair, 96x63, type units throughout 1021 or 643-4535. thru street. Will be fully com­ Automotive Service or 742-7801. 1-84 Exit 58 144x84, Spanish red, like new, Manchester. pleted In December. R. H E B E R T & Son 363 Roberts St. $50, 649-9765. MANCHESTER - newer one Applications being accepted paperhanging, painting, com­ DAMATO ENTERPRISES bedroom Townhouse, full for immediate rentals and future East Hartford occupancy. mercial and residential, free Liquidation of hundreds of con- FOR SALE - three piece, 240 New State Rd. basement, private entrances So come bver and see your estimates, 644-0642. vertlbla sloop sofas. Hotol-motol modern living room set, good 646-1021 and patio, includes heat, future apartmerjt... COMPLETE GM spocificatlons. Contract overruns condition, call 647-1614 after 5. appliances and carpeting, $230 OPEN FOR INSPECTION and cancellations from country's J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom per month, Paul W. Doi Daily 3 P.M. until 7 P.M. largest hotel chains. Sacrifice at Painting - Interior and REFRIGERATOR, $125., WE HAVE customers waiting Realtor, 646-1021 or 643-4535. or by appointment exterior. Paperhanging fraction of cost. Convertible steel office desk, $25. Cali 643- for the rental of your apart­ REPAtRS sleep sofas available in variety of 0391. ment or home. J.D. Real 646-0800 or 646-1540 Remodeling. Gutters. Fully sizes and styles. All brand new insured. 649-9658. factory fresh. Estate Associates, bedrooms, GE WHITE - stove, gold 1980. h o u r s to-wall carpeting, laundry REASONABLE Rates, range hood, both very hook-ups, full basement and excellent workmanship, pain­ Monday thru Friday reasonable, call after 4 , 644- LOOKING for anything in real attic, private yard, parking ting and paperhanging. Also, 10-9 2287. estate rental - apartments, roofing chimney work and IN THE BANQUET HALLS. Frm homes, multiple dwelliims, no gutters, call 643-8885. dalivtry with anir purchata. FOR SALE - TV’s Stereo, fees. Call J.D. Real Estate police scanner, games and Associates, Inc. 646-1980. Building-Contracting 33 toys, and much more. The MOVING - gas stove, $300, Bargain Hunter, 56 Cooper St. refrigerator, $200, twin bed, TOBIAS CARPENTRY Ser­ $15, cocktail table, $60, i v f u v a il dbcai .. __ ___ vice - Remodeling, repairs, washing machine, $65, dryer professionally clean with new needs repair, $25, old sewing additions, custom building. No portable RINSE-N-VAC. Rent job too small. Free estimates. machipe with cabinet, $10, Over 25 ydars experience. 643- sofa annd chair, $200, water 8769. bed, $260, 646-5995 or 646-3883. PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Nov. 18, 1975

Domenico Piccolo Obituaries Domenico K. Piccolo, 47, of Wind­ Zoning board approves site for food catering sor Locks, formerly of Manchester, The weather died Sunday at Hartford Hospital. Krnest H. N«“ill Mr. Piccolo,- a pizza restaurant Manchester’s Zoning Board of the ZBA, Atty. Vincent Diana years, said he plans to do the whole Moriconi said he was not allowed Variable cloudiness, high mid to owner, was born in Taurianova, Appeals (ZBA) has given its permis­ described the history of the property. building over and "give it some to serve liquor and won’t. He also upper 50s, low tonight, mid to manrl|p0l?r lEupmng fc a lh Ernest H. Neill, 60, of Southbury-, He said the building that was erected formerly of Manchester, died Nov, 13 province of Reggio Calabria, Italy, sion for James J. Moriconi, owner of class.’’ He plans to install parking said the building will not be used as a upper 30s. Variable cloudiness there originally was built for public at the Waterbury Hospital. He was and had lived in the greater Hartford Mama Mia’s and La Strada West areas at the front and rear of the dance hall, but just for food. Thursday, high mid 50s. use as a dance hall in the 1930s and the husband of Mrs. Lynne Shannon area for 20 years. He owned and restaurants, to use the premises at building. Its present capacity is for The one ZBA member voting Manchester—A City of Village CKarm t h ir t y -six pages — tw o sections p r ic e : fifteen cents known as Miller’s Dance Hall. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1975- VOL. XCV, No. 43 Neill. operated Piccolo Pizza Palace and 748 Tolland Tpke. in a rural residence about 300 people. against the application was Bernard At one time, Diana said the proper­ The funeral was Monday in Piccolo Air Parking, both in Windsor zone, to conduct a catering business Opponents of the variance cited Johnson, chairman, who said there ty was owned by Victor Pagani and Wentworth Chapel, Waltham, Mass. Locks. d with consumption of food on and off parking problems along the street, should be more thought given to the food was served on the premises. The Burial was in Linwood Cemetery, Survivors are two sons, Guy Pic­ the premises. noise, and busy traffic as reasons for application. colo of Manchester and Francis Pic­ The ZBA voted Monday night to ap­ building was also used at one time as not granting the variance. One oppo­ Other ' petitions scheduled were Weston, Mass. an auction gallery. Mr. Neill, a former president of the colo serving with the Navy in prove a variance sought by Moriconi. nent was concerned for the types of withdrawn and continued until 90 New Haven teachers jailed Florida; two daughters, Nancy Pic­ The ZBA’s 4 to 1 vote came after a Moriconi, who has been in the affairs that would be held on the January. I News I Industrial Stainless Steel Co. of Cam­ restaurant business for the past 25 bridge, Mass., was born in colo and Judith Piccolo, both of public hearing in which residents of premises and if there would be liquor Manchester and lived in Weston, Manchester; his mother, Mrs. the area opposed the application. served. I summary | Mass., for 30 years before moving to Emma Falleti Piccolo of Italy; two Moriconi plans to renovate an Principal suspended Southbury. brothers, Salvatore Piccolo of existing building inside and out and ^ Compiled from Other survivors are two sons, Wethersfield and Pasquale Piccolo of improve parking facilities. ABOUT TOWN United Press International $; In presenting Moriconi’s case to Stephen S, Neill of Richmond, Va:, Hartford; and four sisters, Mrs. Rose Alampi of East Hartford and Cleveland is co-hostess. and Jefferey M. Neill of South Delta Chapter No. 51, meet Wednesday tonight at Women’s Club will meet Portland, Maine; a daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Giuseppina Crocitti of HarG 8 p.m. at the VFW Home. for closing school RAM, will meet Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Richard Tibbetts of Holliston, Mass.; ford, and two other sisters in Italy. State ^ Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at The Disabled American The executive board of home of Mrs. Benton a brother, .James Neill of Richmond, The funeral is Wednesday at 9:30 the Masonic Temple. After Veterans Auxiliary will NEW HAVEN (UPI) - New Haven Robert Schreck said he personally "Everybody has been very nice to a.m. from the Giuliano-Sagarino Theft of gas Manchester Republican Bartlett, 6 Constance Dr. HARTFORD — The Connec­ Vfi.; and two sisters, Mrs. Lillian the business meeting, the ticut Education Association is school teachers today voted un­ decided to keep Lee High School us; the women in charge are very Funeral Home, 247 Washington St., Oelkuct of Hartford and Mrs. James past masters degree will calling for a special session of animously to suspend their strike for closed after he found the building's nice, almost apologetic," one woman Hartford, with a Mass at the Church brings charge tv?o days so that their leaders may Wilson of Winsted. be conferred with Ferdi­ the legislature to change the doors locked and without heat. This teacher said. of St. Patrick and St. Anthony, Hart­ Brenda J. Jerry, 16, of 83E Rachel carry on negotiations with city of­ nand Lewis, excellent state law under which New occurred after custodians and other Corrections Commissioner John R. ford, at 10. Burial will be in Mt. St. Rd. was charged Monday night with ficials. scribe, presiding in the Haven teachers are being non-teaching school board employes Manson said his department had sent Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. fourth-degree larceny in connection Shortly before the vote, a principal Vi illiuin IJ. l*it‘trowski East. Officers are jailed. The CEA claims the stayed away from their jobs today in a minimum staff, including a Friends may call at the funeral with theft of gasoline from a parked William B. Pietrowski, 82, of 137 reminded to wear tuxedos. jailing of teachers in Shelton who had closed his school for "safety sympathy over Tuesday’s jailing of registered nurse, to the camp. home tonight from 7 to 9. car, Manchester Police reported. reasons’’ in the bitter teachers’ Olcott St. died Monday at a Rockville Refreshments will be and New Haven is "destructive 90 teachers. “It’s a pretty loose situation but if Police said two juvenile girls were strike was suspended by the school convalescent home. He was the hus­ served. ____ of collective bargaining and the Schreck said he kept the school anyone left, they could be charged band of Mrs. Elizabeth Gombieski taken into custody, then released to board. closed "for safety reasons." with escape," Manson said. Alleano body The Senior Methodists concept of justice.’’ A t . Pietrowski. their parents, in connection with the The school board called an Saden said the teachers’ dispute same incident near the Brownstone will meet Thursday noon at Mr. Pietrowski was born in Poland found in river HARTFORD — Bridgeport emergency meeting over the was no longer with the school board, and had lived in Manchester most of Apartments on South St. Susannah Wesley Hall for Program begins development and suspended him The body of Donald Alleano, 17, jai alai promoter David with which it has been unable to his life. He had been employed as a The younger girls, aged 14 and 15, their annual potluck. Any because of what they called "an ar­ was recovered from the Connecticut Friend, who claims he paid to make town agree on a contract. "The confronta­ velvet weaver at Cheney Bros, for were referred to juvenile authorities. member not contacted is bitrary decision." River following a three-day search $250,000 cash to former tion is between you and the courts,” many years before his retirement in Court date for Miss Jerry is Dec. 8. reminded to call Elizabeth Schreck said he would appeal the he said. and has been identified by his Democratic party chief John aware of hunger 1959. Other arrests made by Manchester Brown, 643-8276. suspension. parents, according to police. M. Bailey, was to face con­ The executive board of the Greater Other survivors are a son, Joseph Police included Robert G. Kiernan, The board also decided to close A police spokesman Monday said tempt charges today. More than 30 people were on hand New Haven Central Labor Council L. Petroski of Manchester; a 16, of 125 Mather St., charged on a The Manchester Chapter schools Thursday and Friday at the voted Tuesday night to request that the body was found inside the 1968 for the opening of the Hunger brother, Albin Pietrowski of Ocala, warrant Monday with third-degree of Disabled Veterans will suggestion of Mayor Bartholomew 92 affiliated unions and other area ' station wagon the youth was driving Awareness Center at 283 W. Middle Fla.; and four grandchildren. burglary and third-degree larceny. meet tonight at 8 at the Guida. unions call a general strike to sup­ Friday night when it plunged off a 12- To Tpke. Tuesday night. The private funeral is Wednesday Police said the charges stem from a American Legion Home. Regional An estimated 1,000 members of port the jailed teachers. Leaders of foot embankment on Newberry Rd. The program for the evening, from the John F. Tierney Funeral recent burglary on Vernon St. Court nine unions, including custodians, unions in the 30,000 member council and into the river. “ Hunger: What Is It,’’ included Home, 219 W. Center St., with a Mass date is Dec. 8. Pratt and Whitney Air­ HOLYOKE, Mass. - The cafeteria workers and Scuba divers, a helicopter and a 20- slides, music and a discussion. Today will meet Friday night to discuss the at the Church of the Assumption at craft Retiree’s Group will commercial section of the paraprofessionals, voted to support matter. foot fishing boat equipped with sonar the center is observing "School Day" 10:30 a.m. Burial-^will be in the Thefts reported to police Monday celebrate its fifth anniver­ Holiday Inn in this western the teachers who were jailed Saden imposed $250 daily fines on were used fo help find the submerged and students and teachers will visit veterans section of East Cemetery. included losses of office equipment, a sary Thursday at 10 a.m. at I'j Massachusetts city was gutted Tuesday for contempt. The dispute each teacher and said any jailed car. Citizen Band radio, and lumber. the East Hartford facility, the center, where resource There are no calling hours. trust by a two-alarm fire Tuesday. (Herald photo by Dunn) materials, teaching aids, films and brought further threats of a possible teachers could be released by The youth was born Dec. 15,1959 in Breaks into two offices at 122 E. The family suggests that any Clement Rd. Members are For over one hundred years, generations have put their i;f night. About 70 guests in the‘ citywide labor walkout. purging themselves and returning to Hartford, son of Conrad and Dorothy Center St. netted thieves two electric books will be available. The center is memorial gifts may be made to’the asked to bring a sandwich trust in us...because we still feel that the warmth, the ’i} adjacent four-story room area An angry Superior Court Judge work. About 25 teachers brought Berger Alleano of 1519 Sullivan Ave., typewriters and a calculator, police Hunger Awareness Week proclaimed also open to the public tonight from 6 Church of the Assumption Memorial or order one in advance. strength and the sincerity that is shared is the basis of our were unharmed by the 3 a.m. George A. Saden, who described the before Saden Tuesday decided to South Windsor, and was a student at The club will serve cake to 9. Fund. said. A $170 CB radio was removed every relationship. blaze and were moved to the Mayor Matthew Moriarty Jr., who has proclaimed this week as teachers’ refusal to obey a return to obey his order and were released on South Windsor High School. from a car parked at Burr Corners and coffee. Those wearing Thursday’s program from 7 to 9 :j:| Holiday Inn in Springfield. “Manchester Helps the Hungry World Week, presents a copy of p.m. deals with nutrition, and a work order as "the first step toward their promise to return to work. He is also survived by four Shopping Plaza and $120 worth of membership cards will anarchy," jailed 78 teachers after brothers, David Alleano, Michael the proclamation to the Rev. Ronald Fournier, chairman of the nutritionist will be at the center to A crowd of nearly 500 persons lumber was stolen from a Highwood receive a gift. There also I BOSTON - U.S. District each was given a chance to purge cheered the teachers as the buses Frank A. Kempes Alleano and James Alleano, all of discuss junk food and what goes into Dr. construction site. will be entertainment and Council on World Hunger, Tuesday night at the opening of the himself. Twenty-five teachers Frank A. Kempes, 66, of Garden ii: Judge W. Arthur Garrity Jr. Manchester meals. drove off. South Windsor, and Allen Matijczyk a door prize. Hunger Awareness Center at 283 W. Middle Tpke. were freed after they promised to Grove, Calif., formerly of has been asked to shut down “Self Help Projects” will be dis­ of Maryland; a sister, Candace return to work. Manchester, died Thursday in St. Anne’s Mothers Cir­ ilj racially troubled South Boston cussed Friday from 7 to 9 explaining Matijczyk of Suffield; and his pater­ On Friday, the judge jailed 12 Garden Grove. He was the husband Fire calls cle will meet Wednesday jj: High School because of alleged what is being done around the world CharlieWinner nal grandmother, Mrs. Geneive FUNERAL HOME leaders of the t,200-member New of Mrs. Mildred Gerhardt Kempes. tonight at 8 p.m. at the J:; abuses of black students and to help people help themselves. Alleano of Stafford Springs. Manchester 142 E. CENTER ST., MANCHESTER • TEL. 646-5310 Haven Federation of Teachers for The funeral and burial were home of Mrs. Judy faculty members. Saturciay from noon to 2 p.m., an fired by Jets The funeral is Wednesday at 11 Democrats push bill refusing to call off the strike. private. Monday, 4:26 p.m. — Brush fire near McCarthy, Merline Dr., international luncheon will be a.m. at the First Congregational Salter's Pond (Eighth District) The defiant teachers were taken in HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (UPI) - Mr. Kempes was born Jan. 29,1909 Vernon. Mrs. Pat served. Proceeds will go to world Church of South Windsor. Burial will Monday. 6:16 p.m. — Gar fire at 46 W. two school buses to Camp Hartwell, a Charlie Winner, a defensive in Manchester and left for California National hunger. be in Center Cemetery, South Wind­ Center St. (Town). to aid New York City national guard training site in Wind­ specialist whose team has sur­ 24 years ago. On Monday, the National Day of sor. Monday, 6:20 p.m. — Smoke at 875 sor Locks, and placed under light rendered the most points in the Other survivors are a son, Robert I NEW YORK - Former Fasting, the council asks Manchester Friends may call at the Samsel- Main St.; no tire (Town). WASHINGTON (UPI) House security. this A. Kempes of California; a daughter, Monday 7:36 p.m. — Fire on railroad Black Panther Eldridge members of Congress fron\. New residents to "join us in a celebration Bassinger Funeral Home, 419 Democratic leaders are pushing The teachers were segregated by season, today was fired as head Mrs. Virginia Hudson of California; trestle at rear of North End sewer plant 1$ Cleaver returned to the United York Tuesday he wanted to see ac­ of hope for the world and bring Buckland Rd., South Windsor, ahead with their bill to save New sex and put in the barracks. Forty-six coach of the New York Jets and three sisters, Mrs. Victoria K. Bliss (Eighth District). States Tuesday after seven tion in Albany and an ironclad plan money or canned food to the center tonight from 7 to 9. York City from bankruptcy. But they of them were men and 32 were of Manchester, Mrs. Nina Sedgwick Monday, 8:30 p.m. — Smoke alarm at years as an exile and was for a balanced budget in New York as an offering, The Rev. Ronald J. replaced on an interim basis by The family suggests that any say they will gladly modify it if women. of California and Mrs. Ursual Port of Lydall & Foulds, Parker St.; no fire :|5 arrested and arraigned on City before he made any com­ Fournier, council chairman, said. Ken Shipp. memorial gifts may be made to the (Town). President Ford tells them what he Arizona; and five grandchildren. g fugitive charges pending mitments. Winner, a controversial selection Explorers Group of the South Wind­ Monday, 9:48 p.m. — Clothes dryer fire will accept instead. since he succeeded his father-in-law, sor Fire Department. against him in California. "It’s a which-came-first, the- at 14 Dorset Lane (Town). Ford promised a statement today chicken-or-the-egg situation,’’ said , two years ago, saw I WASHINGTON - Govern- — but not necessarily agreeing to any Rep. Hamilton Fish Jr., after the Kelley would welcome his club lose six straight games and lij ment safety officials have federal aid to keep the City solvent. meeting with Ford. seven of nine overall and allow 293 decided not to publish their an- In Albany, state legislators waited "It’s unfortunate.” points in the process. He was in the nual list of banned toys this for a signal that Washington would New York Mayor Abraham Beame oversight of FBI second year of a three-year contract. •:i year and have dropped the offer financial help if they enacted proposed the state legislature raise The 46-year-old Shipp joined the program of sending volunteers Gov. Hugh Carey’s program to in­ commuter and resident income taxes WASHINGTON (UPI) - FBI hesitation to allow total access to his Jets in 1973 after spen(Jing two years ;S into stores to check for crease taxes in the nation’s most rather than imposing a sales tax in­ Director Clarence Kelley said today files. "The only thing I’d withhold as offensive coach in New Orleans. I:; dangerous toys. heavily taxed state. crease the assembly Republicans he would welcome more con­ would be names of informers." He was originally hired by Winner at CONNEimCUT But Ford told Republican "One of the most important things want. gressional oversight of the bureau to St. Louis in 1968 and coached the Car­ I WASHINGTON - Without avoid the charges of “dirty and is that the Congress select a man for dinals through 1970. seeking a Soviet return conces- dangerous" tactics used against director in whom they have trust, Shipp's main responsibility with |;i sion, both the Senate and House Americans in the past. then set up regulations and the Jets has been working with •ji have voted to mothball the Country club lease He said one of his missions was to guidelines and then have good over­ quarterback Joe Namath and his nation’s single Safeguard anti- "restore any breach of credibility sight," he said. talented receiving corps. FABRIC SUPPLY CO. that has occurred’’ as a result “I would not object at all to come He began his coaching career in missile defense system in ap- changes turned down proving a massive defense of FBI actions. to Congress and report to the com­ 1951 at Middle Tennessee State and / MAIN ST., HEBRON, CONN. 228-3804 spending bill. A conference will A Senate committee Tuesday mittee with oversight authority and moved to Trinity (Tex.) in 1953 for With little discussion Tuesday subject to possible veto by the town heard evidence that the FBI com­ tell them exactly what we are doing five seasons. A native of Tennessee, have to reconcile the $112.5 Board of Directors. OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. • SAT. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. night, the Manchester Board of piled a half-million dossiers on and how we are doing it. If there is Shipp also coached at Florida State, billion Senate bill with the Directors rejected proposed changes The motion to reject was by John CLOSED SUNDAY j:; $111.8 billion House version. Americans over a dozen years. The need for control, that is the way to do Tulsa, South Carolina and Miami in the Manchester Country Club Thompson and was unanimous. ^ committee also heard of attempts to it.’’ (Fla.) and spent two years with Mon­ lease. “ In my opinion,’’ explained Kelley was interviewed on the NBC '/ I KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. - discredit and disrupt various protest treal of the Canadian Football The changes were recommended Thompson, "no compelling reasons groups and to smear Dr. Martin League. Scientists say a spate of Today show. by the country club. The lease it has have been given by the country club Luther King Jr. HOLIDAY SEW-A-RAMA nuclear power plant building with the town is an ordinance and for the proposed changes. I feel •J: could melt the Antarctic and Kelley did not address those issues changes may be made only by amen­ there's no purpose in discussing them during a television interview today, Greenland ice caps, flooding ding the ordinance. until the Board of Governors gives us COUf^tC' ■V¥'-S 1$: many cities. saying that his representatives would The club had requested that better reasons.” be testifying before the committee Agreement in principle membership fees be set solely by the He said the country club is a quasi­ later. I WASHINGTON - A report public facility and that relationships *DRESS VELVET $J98 membership, without amending the He did say he would not have any on CIA plots to assassinate ordinance; and that greens fees be between the club and town have been *39" Wide - 100% Rayon lUaO'ORANBE reached on band shell ‘Colors Include; RED, BLACK, GREEN, RUBY ^ yd. foreign leaders has gone to the set by the club’s Board of Governors, good and should remain so. •t; printers with the name of one An agreement between the Town of Compare at *6.00 yd. man linked to the schemes tors it will be “ A Peopleis Manchester and Manchester Com­ fji deleted. He feared his life Bandshell,■' with the Town of munity College governing rules for a would be in danger if his identi- Manchester having priority for its band shell on MCC campus was ap­ *SEW N’ STUFF :$ ty came to light. Complaints allege fronton use and "with MCC standing in lihe 98 proved “in principle” Tuesday night like everyone else for using it.” He Crafty Cut Outs. Choose from Santa, an Angel, | . by the Board of Directors. a Clown, or a Dog. 45" Wide. Machine Wash & Dry. said good relations between the town violated building eodes The board instructed the town and college is advisable an{) International counsel to draft a formal agreement beneficial for all concerned. >:■( and scheduled a public hearing for HARTFORD (UPI) -^ Connec­ They contended work was may have acted improperly in.iib- Dec. 9, with board action e.xpected it * ? *FELT LONDON — Police have ticut’s Building Code Standards Com­ $098 progressing on the fronton even taining the environmental permit, Dec. 16. 40% Wood - 60% Rayon. 72” Wide issued a city wide alert for mittee is beginning an inquiry into though a proper building permit which exempted the fronton from a The proposal was explained Holiday Colors. Perfect for Tablecloths, Christmas ^ yd. three men and a woman seen complaints of "flagrant violations” allegedly had not been issued. They stringent antipollution control Tuesday night by State Rep. and Tree Skirts, Decorations, etc. speeding from a swank London of the state building code by city of­ also complained of alleged statue. former mayor Francis Mahoney, co- Inside Compare at *3.79 yd. restaurant moments after a ficials and contractors who worked irregularities in the issuance of a Authorities named as figures in en­ chairman of Manchester's Bicenten­ bomb killed two persons and in­ on the $14 million Bridgeport jai alai state environmental permit for the vironmental investigation were nial Committee; Dr. Ronald today jured 17 others at dinner time installation. facility. Nicholas Pa.nuzio, who was Denison, president of MCC; Mary Tuesday. The complaints involve electrical, a ‘ CALICO PRINTS Superior Court Judge Thomas Bridgeport mayor, former Giblin, chairman of the sites com­ Andover .... 17, 36 heating and ventilation work alleged­ V. O’Sullivan ruled state and city Bridgeport Building official John mittee; Ralph Maccarone, chairman Bolton...... 14, 36 New Shipment - 45" Wide. Wash & Wear. MADRID — Generalissimo ly performed at the Teamsters- 99* regulations had been met and dis­ Greggos and former Deputy En­ of the band shell design committee; Business__ 27-29 Compare at *1.98 yd. Francisco Franco’s doctors financed facility without approved missed the case. But the original vironmental Commissioner and John Sullivan, chairman of the Classified ... 32-34 gave up further measures to plans, specifications and building complaints have since become cen­ Eckhardt C. Beck. Beck and Panuzio finance committee. Comics...... 35 save him today after he failed permits, UPI has learned. tral to a state police investigation of now have jobs with the federal Mahoney told the directors the Coventry to respond to their desperate Sources said the jai alai backers, Dear Abby the facility. government in Washington. band shell will be at no cost to the SPECIAL PURCHASE struggle to prolong his life. Connecticut Sports Enterprises Inc., Eljem It’s almost holiday time again. get.a^l tou .lors, and you’re in Then tune in and play along when State police organized crime in­ Broska’s most recent complaint town. He said the estimated $40,000 DOMESTIC CLOSE-OUT Death was expected in a could have saved money if they in E. Hartford .15, The happiest time of the year. the running for sure. the numbers and Lucky Color are vestigators said jai alai developer was first made to Bridgeport’s needed will be raised by public sub­ TO MANCHESTER matter of hours late this mor­ fact allowed work to be performed Editorial PACIFIC SHEETS And the most expensive. Of course you’ve also got lots drawn on our new TV game show, David Friend, whose facility is also building department but a decision scription. Sullivan assured the direc­ ning. under such conditions. The sources Family .. TWIN *1.99, FULL *3.49, QUEEN *5.99, CASES *2.49 pkg. of 2 So the Lottery brings you of chances in our regular Double Double Play, each Thursday night being probed by federal authorities. was made in favor of the fronton tors, "We'll get it all.” He said part Hebron .. said professional fees could have Polyester & Cotton Muslin • Colorful Floral Print • No Iron Machine Wash Holiday Bonus Bucks. With 1,000 Play game too. Chances at 12,000 al 7:30 on Channel 3. You could backers. His action on the state level of it already is in. ^ Obituaries cash prizes every week. Including t? - FIELDCREST JACQUARD TOWELS winners of $500 cash. end up with a whole lot of extra BEIRUT, Lebanon — been avoided and inexpensive but is an appeal of the local board’s deci­ Maccarone explained that the S. Windsor Match the weekly Lucky Color, our giant jackpot worth up to > spending money tor the holidays. Scattered shooting across possibly unsafe building materials Mechanical problems sion. original plan was for a $100,000 Sr. Citizens ' BATH *1.89, HAND 99«, WASH 59< fill in and send us your bonus $200,000. And if you have a Player’s -To Save Over 50% on Famous Fleldcrast Towels. Slight Irregularities. Will Not Beirut today thinned street could have been used. delay Herald delivery He has been joined in his complaint "Hollywood Bowl’’ type band shell, Sports__ Rt 66 J^Columb stub, and you’re in the next weekly Choice subscription, you play traffic and heightened fears of Tolland__ Affect Wear. 100% Cotton, Thick & Thirsty. The Building Code Standards Com­ Due to mechanical dif­ by the National Engineers Legal drawing. With a chance at 100 cash both games automatically. Double Play renewed warfare between V,erno_n . .14, 16, 36 mittee will begin its work Friday at a ficulties, Tuesday’s edition of Fund, headquartered in Woodbridge. then modified to a simpler design at CONN. prizes of $500. Buy four tickets. Pick up your tickets now. Connecticuts $200,000 Lottery Moslems and Christians. public hearing of complaints from The Herald was delayed in The fund said its officers attended an estimated $40,000 cost. Manchester’s Downtown FABtHC Tuesday 19 persons w6re killed Albert Broska of Bridgeport, a printing. The Herald regrets the Bridgeport meeting July 17,1975, Miss Giblin told of the search for a Merchants begin their annual Free SUPPLY in the suburbs of Chiah and Ain To Colchester private electrical engineer who with any inconvenience the delay and “ were appalled to learn of site and the problems involved. She Turkey promotion in advertising I CONN. FABRIC SUPPLY CO. ; Rummaneh. Main St., Hebron 228-3804 Bridgeport architect William Kim­ may have caused its sub­ flagrant violations of the state said the one on the MCC campus fits starting on page 5 of today's Herald. ball brought fronton backers to scribers. building code by officials whose duty all requirements. ^ Superior C ^ rt last spring. was enforcement of the code.” And Dr. Denison assured the direc-