Sparring Partners
12 PROFILE HOLLIE ADAMS SPARRING PARTNERS Bruce Beresford don’t get made to the ones that do is enormous.’’ Decades after their freshly and Sue Because of this dispiriting reality, she says Milliken at “there was a point where I thought, ‘What am I published letters, Bruce Beresford’s doing in this business? I would try prostitution, home, above, but I am too old.’ ” She quickly adds, “I’m not re- Beresford and Sue Milliken and on the set ally serious …’’ in younger “Oh, what?’’ cuts in Beresford, feigning sur- still bicker, but it usually days, left prise that his colleague has never resorted to sex work. Cue more laughter. Dressed in a brown, ends in laughter, writes tweedy suit and scarlet socks, the director — who admits (but only reluctantly) to being 75 — Rosemary Neill is a natural comedian and storyteller. He re- cently saw himself being interviewed on tele- vision and “I thought, ‘Who is that old guy who bears a faint resemblance to me?’ ’’ m I boring you?’’ Sue Milliken Milliken, 76, is a former chairwoman of the interrupts herself, mid-sen- Australian Film Commission and her producing tence, to admonish her friend credits range from the Vietnam film The Odd and long-time collaborator Angry Shot to the 2014 documentary The Red- Bruce Beresford. ‘’Yes,’’ Beres- fern Story. Like Beresford, she is as sharp as a ‘Aford replies impassively as he casually flips tack (and gives as good as she gets). She has a through a pile of CDs on his living room coffee whippet-thin, agile frame — despite her ad- table.
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