TOWN OF MEDFIELD Office of BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN HOUSE, 459 MAIN STREET (508) 359-8505 MEDFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS 02052-2009 MICHAELJ. SULLIVAN Town Administrator October 18, 2016 Chrystal Kornegay, Undersecretary Department ofHousing and Community Development 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300 Boston, MA 02114-2524 Attn: Phil DeMartino RE: Medfield Housing Production Plan Dear Ms. Kornegay: On behalfofthe Medfield Board of Selectmen and Planning Board, I am pleased to submit the attached Medfield Housing Production Plan for your review and approval under the State's Housing Production Program. The Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board approved this affordable housing plan for submission to the State at their joint meeting on October 17, 2016. This Housing Plan is the product ofan ambitious planning effort that the Town has been engaged in for approximately three years, involving representatives from many Town boards and committees, Town staff, as well as interested residents. Through the Housing Needs Assessment we were able to document the extent ofthe local need for affordable housing and through the Housing Strategy we have developed a comprehensive approach for promoting affordable housing throughout the community. These strategies and accompanying production goals represent a challenging housing agenda for Medfield and we have already embarked on its implementation by recently creating a senior housing study committee and offering support for expansion ofthe Medfield Housing Authority's senior affordable rental development known as Tilden Village. Our municipal contact is: Sarah Raposa, Town Planner (508) 906-3027
[email protected] We look forward to your determination that the plan meets HPP Regulations and Guidelines.