New Taxa of Anthurium (Araceae) from the Bajo Calima Region (Valle, Choco´), Colombia and Ecuador Thomas B. Croat Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299.
[email protected] Dorothy C. Bay Department of Biology, Missouri Southern State University, 3950 E Newman Road, Reynolds Hall 303, Joplin, Missouri 64801-1595.
[email protected] Emily D. Yates Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299. Current address: HCR, Box 450, Las Vegas, NV 89124.
[email protected] ABSTRACT . Twenty-six new taxa (25 species and 1 Key words: Anthurium, Araceae, Bajo Calima, variety) of Anthurium (Araceae) from Bajo Calima, Colombia. Colombia, are described as new: Anthurium albertiae Croat & Bay, A. arenasense Croat & Bay, A. This manuscript describes 25 new species and 1 barreranum Croat & Bay, A. bayae Croat, A. calimense new variety of Anthurium (Araceae) from the Bajo Croat & Bay, A. coleorrhiza Croat & Bay, A. cordobense Calima Region of Colombia, an area known to be Croat & Bay, A. cylindratum Croat & Bay, A. fragrans a center of diversity for Araceae. The Bajo Calima Croat & Bay, A. hinoideum Croat & Bay, A. region, covering roughly 80,000 ha., is a part of the holquinianum Croat & Bay, A. isidroense Croat & Choco´ phytogeographic region (Gentry, 1982; Prance, Bay, A. joaquinense Croat & Bay, A. langendoenii 1982) located between the latitudinal coordinates of Croat & Bay, A. lautum Croat & Bay, A. lygrum R. E. 03u509N and 04u109N, and the longitudinal coordi- Schultes ex Croat & Bay, A. malagaense Croat & Bay, nates of 76u549W and 77u489W, and is classified as A.