Book by Angela D. Stewart Music and lyrics by Bill Francoeur

© Copyright 2008, Pioneer Drama Service, Inc.

Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that a royalty must be paid for every performance, whether or not admission is charged. All inquiries regarding rights should be addressed to Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., PO Box 4267, Englewood, CO 80155.

All rights to this musical—including but not limited to amateur, professional, radio broadcast, television, motion picture, public reading and translation into foreign languages—are controlled by Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., without whose permission no performance, reading or presentation of any kind in whole or in part may be given.

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On all programs, printing and advertising, the following information must appear: 1. The full name of the musical 2. The full name of the playwright and composer/arranger 3. The following notice: “Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Englewood, Colorado”



EMILY ...... athletic young girl; loves 163 telling stories TOM ...... her big brother; fond of rock 65 bands and teasing his little sister MOM ...... middle-aged; has a thing for 50 neatness

EMILY’S FRIENDS STEPHANIE ...... fond of anything police-related 118

BRAIN ...... very studious; a talking 52


MEGAN ...... bookish; loves reading mythical 62 fantasy TARA ...... rough-and-tumble tomboy; fond 60 of baseball KELLY ...... sarcastic; a true skeptic 45 MARY ...... absorbed in her appearance 23

TOM’S FRIENDS CHRIS ...... superstitious 17 SHELBY ...... quiet; has a crush on Emily 20 NATHAN ...... Stephanie’s brother; fond of 36 basketball


MURRAY ...... impish closet monster with 80 fangs, claws, horns and a very long tail; loves video games

WANDA ...... closet monster; motherly 58

TOADY ...... little monster; harried secretary 54 to the Dream King DREAM KING ...... statuesque, self-absorbed 89 ruler SANDMAN ...... sends children off to Dreamland 3 ROBIN ...... rookie Dreamweaver; a glowing 25 little sprite ii For preview only JAMIE ...... experienced Dreamweaver; also 28 a glowing little sprite CHORUS ...... of DREAM WORLD n/a INHABITANTS

SETTING TIME: The present. PLACE: Emily’s home; Dream King’s throne room. This play uses area staging to suggest three different locations. UP CENTER is Emily’s bedroom. There is a closet door STAGE LEFT and a door to the hall STAGE RIGHT with a light switch next to it. A single bed is set UP CENTER with the foot of the bed extending out toward the AUDIENCE with a bedside table and lamp to the RIGHT. The bed should be high enough that the two monsters can hide underneath it. There is a toy box to the LEFT of the bed and a cluttered school desk with a chair to the RIGHT. The toy box should have a fl at, sturdy top so it can be used as a seat. The room is decorated with posters in a mixture of mythical creatures and sports heroes and is cluttered with toys and clothes. There is a stool FORESTAGE CENTER at the beginning of the play. DOWN LEFT represents the Dream King’s throne room, the hub of Dreamland. There is a large throne, preferably on a raised platform, so that the king sits head and shoulders above his petitioners. It should be decorated with sleepy images.

DOWN RIGHT represents the living room in Emily’s home with a television set and video game at RIGHT along with a comfortable chair and footstool. See set design on page 62. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES ACT ONE Scene One: One late summer evening past bedtime. Scene Two: The next morning. Scene Three: Later that day. ACT TWO Scene One: Still later the same day. Scene Two: Saturday night.



MC 1 If You Just Believe ...... Sandman, Offstage


MC 2 What Was That Thing? ...... Emily, Stephanie

MC 3 Dreamland ...... Sandman

MC 4 I Got My Groove On ...... Murray, Wanda

MC 5 Downright Incompetence ...... Dream King, Toady,

Murray, Wanda,

Other Dream World

Inhabitants (Extras)

MC 6 They’re Monsters ...... Emily and Friends, Tom and Friends, Dream World


MC 6a Entr’acte—What Was That Thing? ...... Instrumental ACT TWO

MC 7 Boys/Girls Are Such a Pain ...... Emily and Friends,

Tom and Friends, Mom

MC 7a Fantasy Entrance Music ...... Instrumental

MC 7b Fantasy Entrance Music ...... Instrumental MC 8 Dream King ...... Dream King, Toady, Wanda, Jamie, Robin, Other Dream World Inhabitants (Extras), Murray MC 8a All Through the Years—Underscore ...... Instrumental MC 8b Dreamland—Reprise ...... Sandman MC 8c Hypnotic Music —Underscore ...... Instrumental

MC 9 All Through the Years ...... Murray, Wanda, Other Dream World Inhabitants MC 9a Curtain Call—I Got My Groove On ...... Ensemble MC 9b If You Just Believe—Optional ...... Ensemble Choral Finale


ACT ONE Scene One 1 MUSIC CUE 1: “If You Just Believe.” After a short MUSIC PRELUDE, LIGHTS UP DIM. The SANDMAN ENTERS FORESTAGE LEFT, carrying a bag of sand. (OPTIONAL: If SANDMAN is costumed like a folk singer of the 1960s, he could be carrying an acoustic guitar which he mimes

5 playing throughout the song.) He moves FORESTAGE CENTER where a stool has been placed and SPOTLIGHTED. He places the bag of sand down and sits on the stool. SANDMAN: (Sings.) There are dragons and monsters and unicorns, too. 10 Fairies and wood sprites hiding from you. Mermaids and sirens, it’s hard to conceive. They’ll capture your spirit if you just believe. (NOTE: See MUSIC SCORE for OFFSTAGE CHORUS of “Ooohs” and “Ahhs.”)

There are angels and ogres and leprechauns, too. 15 Genies in bottles waiting for you. Mythical creatures, it’s hard to conceive. They’ll live in your spirit if you just believe. They’ll live in your spirit if you just believe. (LIGHTS FADE. MUSIC OUT; BLACKOUT. SANDMAN EXITS LEFT. Strike stool. LIGHTS COME 20 UP DOWN RIGHT. EMILY, seated in the chair, and STEPHANIE, seated on the footstool, are playing the video game. SFX: VIDEO GAME SOUNDS. They are both dressed in pajamas, ready for bed. EMILY’S pajamas refl ect her love of sports. STEPHANIE is fond of anything to do with police. Her belongings refl ect this.) 25 STEPHANIE: (Excited.) One more ogre, busted! EMILY: All we need now is the red gem, and we’ve fi nished the level. STEPHANIE: Roger that! MOM: (ENTERS DOWN RIGHT.) Time for bed, you two.

EMILY: Ah, but, Mom! Can’t we fi nish the game?

30 MOM: You’ve had plenty of time to fi nish that game.

EMILY: Just fi ve more minutes? MOM: No. It’s late. Turn off that machine and go on up to bed. EMILY: (Reluctant.) Okay. MOM: I’ll be up to check on you in a bit. (EXITS DOWN RIGHT.) 35 EMILY: Never fails. STEPHANIE: Ten-four. Grownups always spoil our fun. (EMILY slowly gets up and turns off the television. She and EMILY reluctantly EXIT DOWN RIGHT. LIGHTS FADE DOWN RIGHT and BLUE LIGHTS COME For preview only 1 1 UP CENTER. EMILY and STEPHANIE RE-ENTER RIGHT. EMILY fl ips the light switch by door and LIGHTS COME UP. They leave the door to the hall open.) EMILY: All we needed was fi ve more minutes. (Throws herself down 5 on her bed in disgust.) STEPHANIE: Worse than being in the army. (Kneels beside bed and starts to unroll her sleeping bag and spread it out.) EMILY: I’ve been working on that level for ages. STEPHANIE: How long have you had that game, anyway? 10 EMILY: (Rolls off bed, wanders over to toy box and picks up a baseball glove. Puts it on and works it in her hands as she wanders around the room.) Grandma gave it to me yesterday. STEPHANIE: Early birthday present? EMILY: Yeah. She’s not going to be here Saturday. She’s going on 15 some bus trip with a whole bunch of old folks. STEPHANIE: (Wanders over to the toy box, opens the lid and proceeds to go through the toys, pulling one out, fi ddling with it and putting it back.) How old is your grandma? EMILY: I don’t know. Pretty old. She’s way older than Mom. 20 STEPHANIE: Wow! That’s old. TOM: (ENTERS RIGHT and lounges against the wall, just inside the bedroom door.) Hey, you two. Don’t let the monsters get you. EMILY: Oh, go away, Tom. There’s no such thing as monsters. TOM: If you say so, little sister. (Grins maliciously and saunters OUT 25 RIGHT.) EMILY: (Closes door, moves to the desk and drops into the chair.) Brothers are such a pain. STEPHANIE: You’re lucky you’ve only got one. How’d you like to be stuck with two of them? And a sister besides? 30 EMILY: No, thanks. STEPHANIE: (Gets up and moves to the bed.) Well, sisters can be a royal pain, too. Dawn plays tricks on me all the time. Like hiding under my bed at night and making noises to scare me. EMILY: Tom still tries that, only he hides in my closet. 35 STEPHANIE: I used to be afraid of those noises. I thought it was a real monster or something. EMILY: Me, too. Until my babysitter told me a story. STEPHANIE: Story? What story? EMILY: About this closet monster. He was afraid of kids. 40 STEPHANIE: A monster afraid of kids? EMILY: Yep. I believed it, too. 2 For preview only 1 MOM’S VOICE: (From OFF RIGHT.) You two in bed yet? (Both GIRLS make a mad scramble to get into their beds.) EMILY: Yeah, Mom. MOM: (ENTERS RIGHT. Glances around EMILY’S room with a 5 disappointed sigh as she moves to the side of the bed.) This room is a mess. EMILY: But I like it this way. MOM: That’s because you’re not the one who cleans it. EMILY: You don’t have to clean my room, Mom. I can do that.

10 MOM: Like last time? You just tossed everything into your closet.

EMILY: Well, it wasn’t on the fl oor anymore.

MOM: And it wasn’t put away properly, was it?

EMILY: I guess not.

MOM: Now… (Bends to give EMILY a kiss.) …you two settle down and 15 go to sleep.

EMILY: Okay, Mom.

MOM: Pleasant dreams. Need anything else, Stephanie?

STEPHANIE: Negative. No thanks, Mrs. C. (MOM moves to EXIT RIGHT.) 20 EMILY: ’Night, Mom. STEPHANIE: ’Night, Mrs. C. MOM: See you in the morning. (Flips the wall switch as she EXITS RIGHT. LIGHTS GO DOWN suddenly and BLUE LIGHTS COME UP.) STEPHANIE: A monster afraid of kids. Sounds pretty hokey to me. 25 EMILY: Yeah, well, I was just a kid then. ’Night. (The GIRLS settle in for the night. SILENCE for a beat. [NOTE: Track 3 on the instrumental CD contains a total of three sound effects for the following noises.])

SFX: STRANGE NOISES start coming from the closet, LEFT.)

STEPHANIE: (Whispers.) Did you hear something?

30 EMILY: (Whispers.) Yeah. I bet it’s just Tom trying to scare us. STEPHANIE: (Nods, reassured.) Affi rmative. EMILY: Just ignore him. (SFX: MORE NOISES. Both GIRLS sit up.) STEPHANIE: (Nervous.) You sure it’s just Tom making that racket? EMILY: Sure I’m sure. He tries this all the time. Go to sleep. (The GIRLS 35 lay back down. SFX: MORE NOISES, this time with a MONSTER SOUND.) STEPHANIE: I don’t think that’s Tom in there. EMILY: Sure it is. STEPHANIE: (Sits up.) Maybe we should tell him to knock it off.

For preview only 3 1 EMILY: If you say anything, he’ll keep at it all night. Just pretend you don’t hear anything. STEPHANIE: (Doubtful.) Roger-wilco, if you say so. (Lays back down again, and both GIRLS pretend to be asleep. MUSIC CUE 2: “What 5 Was That Thing?” The DOOR OPENS fully. SFX: CREAKING DOOR. MURRAY peaks out around the edge of the door. He is green [or

whatever color you choose] with horns on his head and a long

tail—an impish fellow. MURRAY ENTERS LEFT and tiptoes across

the room. He pauses a moment to check on the GIRLS then EXITS

10 RIGHT. EMILY and STEPHANIE suddenly sit up.)

STEPHANIE: (Sings, excited.) Did you see that?! EMILY (Sings; scared.) What was that… thing?! STEPHANIE: (Sings.) Holy Jehoshaphat! EMILY: (On the verge of panic; sings.) What was that thing? 15 STEPHANIE: (Sings; calm.) Where did it go? EMILY: (Sings; still in shock.) What was that… thing? STEPHANIE: (Sings; bewildered.) Did you see it tippy-toe? EMILY: (Suddenly in a panic; sings.) What was that thing? EMILY/STEPHANIE: (Sing.) 20 Monster or zombie or ghoul in the night. EMILY: (Sings.) I hope that it doesn’t bite! (MUSIC UNDER.) STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) What was that thing? EMILY: (Speaks.) I don’t know, but I don’t think it was Tom. STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) Wasn’t Dawn either. Could be a burglar. 25 EMILY: (Speaks.) Coming out of the closet? I don’t think so. You don’t suppose… could it be a… real closet monster? STEPHANIE: (Hops up and moves RIGHT. Speaks.) Come on. Let’s follow it. See what it does. EMILY: (Clutches the covers to her chin. Speaks.) You’ve got to be 30 kidding!

STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) That’s what they do on the cop shows. Keep

the suspect under surveillance.

EMILY: (Speaks.) There’s no way I’m going to follow that thing.(Nervous pause.) Think it may come back?

35 STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) I don’t know. Maybe.

EMILY: (Speaks.) I sure hope not. (MUSIC BACK UP.)

STEPHANIE: (Sings.) Where is it from?

EMILY: (Sings.) How should I… know!

STEPHANIE: (Speaks in rhythm; melodramatic.) Call them and they 40 will come. EMILY: (Scared; speaks in rhythm.) What now, a UFO?! 4 PHOTOCOPYINGFor THIS preview SCRIPT BREAKS FEDERAL only COPYRIGHT LAWS 1 STEPHANIE: (Sings.) What should we do? EMILY: (Sings.) I vote for… run! STEPHANIE: (Sings.) Maybe it left a clue. EMILY: (Adamant. Sings.) I vote for run! 5 EMILY/STEPHANIE: (Sing.) Alien creature from deep outer space… EMILY: (Hysterical; sings.) Brain-sucking beast on my face! (MUSIC UNDER.) STEPHANIE: (Shakes EMILY; yells loudly.) Snap out of it! EMILY: (Shocked. Speaks.) You yelled at me! 10 STEPHANIE: (Ignores her. Speaks.) If he was the one making all that noise… EMILY: (Speaks.) You really yelled at me! STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) …and it happened before…

EMILY: (Speaks.) Why did you yell at me?

15 STEPHANIE: (Brushing her off; cold. Speaks.) Deal with it!

EMILY: (Speaks.) Well, what are you getting at?

STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime.

EMILY: (Hops out of bed. Speaks.) You mean he’ll be back? What

20 should we do? (Glances nervously from LEFT to RIGHT and back

again, as if expecting the monster to reappear at any moment.)

STEPHANIE: (Paces RIGHT again. Speaks.) Well, the FBI would go after

him. Catch him, too. The FBI always gets their man.

EMILY: (Speaks.) Stephanie, we are not the FBI. And that was not a

25 man.

STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) I know, but we have to start somewhere.

EMILY: (Speaks.) I don’t care. I just want that green thing out of here. (MUSIC BACK UP.)

STEPHANIE: (Sings.) We’ll catch him yet!

30 EMILY: (Sings.) What was that thing?

STEPHANIE: (Sings.) Boldly we’ll face the threat! EMILY/STEPHANIE: (Sing.) What was that thing? STEPHANIE: (Sings.) I’ve got the skill! EMILY: (Sings.) What was that… thing? 35 STEPHANIE: (Sings.) No fear, I know the drill! EMILY/STEPHANIE: (Sing.) What was that thing? What was that thing? What was that… thing? (MUSIC OUT.) STEPHANIE: (Stops suddenly in the middle of her pacing, her face 40 alight with inspiration.) Hey, Brain would know what to do!

For preview only 5 1 EMILY: (Enthused.) Yeah! Brain’s the smartest kid in the whole school. STEPHANIE: First thing tomorrow morning, we’ll go ask her. EMILY: I’m for that. Wish it were morning right now. (Crawls across the 5 bed, fl ips on the lamp and reaches for her diary.) I’ve got to write this down. STEPHANIE: Roger. Keep a record. Good thinking. EMILY: (To herself, writes furiously.) Huge. Has to be seven—no, eight feet tall. Green… fangs dripping gore… razor sharp claws… tail 10 as long as… ([NOTE: Be creative with the monster costume. Just make sure you change this description if he’s blue and has a hump on his back, etc.] Pauses in her writing.) Hmm, something long.

STEPHANIE: Your facts don’t sound accurate to me.

EMILY: (To herself, inspired.) Ah-ha! I know! (Writes.) As long and 15 twisted… as the Mississippi River. That oughta do it.

STEPHANIE: You sure can write a fast story.

EMILY: Hmm. (Absently.) Mom says I’ll be a writer some day. (Thinks

aloud.) D’you think… could there be more monsters around?

STEPHANIE: Don’t suppose… there could one be hidin’ under the 20 bed, too? (Cautiously checks under the bed. EMILY edges back,

watching nervously, clutching the diary to her chest, ready to bolt if anything strange happens. While their backs are turned, the SANDMAN ENTERS LEFT carrying a pouch of sleeping sand [and an optional guitar slung on his back]. He glides into the room and 25 moves to the end of EMILY’S bed. The GIRLS are not aware of his presence. STEPHANIE rises.) EMILY: Anything? STEPHANIE: (Sits on the edge of the bed.) Negative. EMILY: (Sighs with relief, closes the diary and puts it back on the table.) 30 You really had me going there for a minute. Think that thing will be back? STEPHANIE: Wouldn’t doubt it. He came out of there, he’ll probably want back in. (MUSIC CUE 3: “Dreamland.”) SANDMAN: (Spreads sleeping dust over the two GIRLS as he sings.) 35 Hush, my children, the night has begun. Twilight has fallen, the day’s nearly done. With crystalline sand, the magic is spun. One by one, you’ll drift off to Dreamland. Time to travel the road off to Dreamland. (MUSIC UNDER.) 40 EMILY: (Speaks.) I’m not going to sleep a wink tonight. STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) Tell you what. Let’s stay awake and watch for him to come back. Like a stakeout. 6 For preview only 1 EMILY: (Speaks.) Sounds good to me. STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) If one of us falls… (Yawns.) …asleep, the other can wake her up. Deal? EMILY: (Yawns.) Deal. (She and STEPHANIE shake hands. MUSIC UP.) 5 SANDMAN: (Sings.) Children, grow weary, your eyes will soon fall. Slumber time beckons, come one and come all. Now, peacefully, quietly answer the call. As you fall away off to Dreamland. 10 Time to travel the road off to Dreamland. (MUSIC UNDER.)

EMILY: (Speaks.) Do you think… (Yawns.) ...that if closet monsters are real, other imaginary things might be… (Yawns.) …real, too? STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) Maybe. Like what? (Lowers herself to sit on the sleeping bag.) 15 EMILY: (Slowly lies back on her bed. Dreamily. Speaks.) Oh, I don’t know. (Yawns.) Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Grinch. STEPHANIE: (Speaks.) Nah, the Grinch isn’t real. (Yawns.) That’s just a movie.

EMILY: (Speaks.) I guess. (Yawns.)

20 STEPHANIE: (Curls up in her sleeping bag and adjusts her pillow.

Speaks.) But I don’t know about… Santa Claus. He’s been around for so long. He has to be… (Yawns.) ...real. (MUSIC OUT. LIGHTS FADE CENTER and COME UP DOWN RIGHT. MURRAY cautiously ENTERS DOWN RIGHT. He turns on the TV, making sure the volume 25 is very low, starts the video game and sits down on the footstool to play. SFX: VIDEO GAME SOUNDS. LIGHTS FADE DOWN RIGHT and COME UP CENTER, where the GIRLS have fallen asleep.) JAMIE: (ENTERS LEFT, followed by ROBIN. They are two little sprites— glittering, glowing creatures of the night. ROBIN is a rookie, not 30 quite sure of herself. JAMIE, a more experienced Dreamweaver, has taken ROBIN under her wing.) Hey, Sandy. How’s it going?

SANDMAN: All right.

ROBIN: We heard you were asking the Dream King for some help. SANDMAN: Well, you know how it is these days. So many people, so 35 little time. ROBIN: Yeah, we know how that is, don’t we, Jamie? JAMIE: Yep. Don’t even have time for a cookie break anymore. SANDMAN: Well, I’m off to my next stop. See you later. (JAMIE and ROBIN wave good-bye. EXITS LEFT.) 40 JAMIE: We better get to work. You take the fi rst one, Robin. Go on. And remember what I told you.

For preview only 7 1 ROBIN: (Moves to stand over EMILY, glancing anxiously back at JAMIE for reassurance.) Okay, like this? (Clearing her throat, waving her hands in the air.) I am your Dreamweaver. You are dreaming of the presents you will get for your birthday, the fun you will have at your 5 party and… (Surprised pause.) ...and a closet monster? JAMIE: Closet monster? Oh, don’t be silly, Robin. Why would she be dreaming about a closet monster? ROBIN: I can’t help it. That’s what she’s dreaming about. JAMIE: Yeah, right. Next you’ll be telling me the Dream King’s a real 10 human in disguise. ROBIN: But, Jamie… JAMIE: (Motions for ROBIN to be quiet as she moves to stand over STEPHANIE.) Just watch. I’ll show you how it’s supposed to be done. (Loudly clears her throat, waving her hands.) I am your

15 Dreamweaver. You are dreaming of police cars, sirens and…

(Surprised pause.) ...and a closet monster?

ROBIN: See, Jamie. I told you.

JAMIE: I don’t believe this.

ROBIN: How could they both be dreaming about closet monsters,

20 Jamie?

JAMIE: They must have seen one. But I can’t think how. (Groans.) The Dream King isn’t going to like this. ROBIN: Something’s fi shy, that’s for sure. JAMIE: They aren’t supposed to know that closet monsters really 25 exist. ROBIN: Who’s this kid’s monster anyway, Jamie? JAMIE: It’s got to be Murray. He’s probably goofi ng off again, playing with the girl’s toys instead of doing his job. ROBIN: Yeah, that Murray. Always goofi ng off. 30 JAMIE: You’ve got that right. We better get back to the palace and report this to the Dream King. ROBIN: He’s not going to be happy. (She and JAMIE quickly EXIT LEFT. BLUE LIGHTS FADE CENTER. LIGHTS COME UP DOWN LEFT. WANDA lounges against empty throne. She looks much like MURRAY except 35 for the pretty bow on her head. She’s been trying for years to teach MURRAY the ins and outs of being a closet monster but without much success. ROBIN and JAMIE ENTER DOWN LEFT.) Hey, Wanda. Where’s his majesty?

WANDA: Hi, guys. His highness is off on some kind of inspection tour, 40 I think. Why? What’s the big emergency?

JAMIE: We have to see him right away. Murray’s done it this time.

ROBIN: I’ll say. 8 PHOTOCOPYINGFor THIS preview SCRIPT BREAKS FEDERAL only COPYRIGHT LAWS 1 WANDA: Murray? Done what? ROBIN: He let those two children see him, didn’t he, Jamie? WANDA: What two children?

JAMIE: Emily and her friend.

5 WANDA: You’re kidding! Emily actually saw him?

JAMIE: (Nods sadly.) We saw it in her dreams. ROBIN: Plain as day. WANDA: (Slumps and shakes her head.) Oh, no. Won’t he ever learn? 10 ROBIN: We have to report this to the Dream King right away. JAMIE: (Pats WANDA on the shoulder.) I’m sorry, Wanda. I know you’ve kind of been taking Murray under your wing. WANDA: (Straightens with resolve.) I’ll go talk to him.

JAMIE: Good luck. We’re going to fi nd his majesty.

15 ROBIN: Yeah, good luck. (She and JAMIE EXIT DOWN LEFT.) WANDA: That Murray. I’ve told him time and again. I’ll bet he’s playing video games again. He just can’t leave those things alone. (EXITS DOWN LEFT. LIGHTS FADE DOWN LEFT and BLUE LIGHTS COME UP DOWN RIGHT. SFX: VIDEO GAME SOUNDS. MURRAY is seated on the 20 footstool, playing the video game. WANDA RE-ENTERS DOWN RIGHT. MURRAY is so engrossed in the game, he doesn’t notice her at fi rst.) MURRAY: (To the game.) Come on. Get up there. Just got to get that blue gem. WANDA: You sure have done it now, Murray. 25 MURRAY: (Startled.) Wanda! Oh, hi. What are you doing here? WANDA: Looking for you. MURRAY: Great. (Sheepishly offers the controller.) Want to take a turn?

WANDA: No! Of course not. You know it’s against the rules.

MURRAY: Well, yeah, but… 30 WANDA: This is no time to be playing games! MURRAY: But I—it isn’t? WANDA: I’ve told you and told you. Well, you’re in serious trouble this time, Murray. MURRAY: Trouble? How? Why?

35 WANDA: (Wags her fi nger at him.) You didn’t wait until the girls were

asleep, and they saw you sneaking through the room.

MURRAY: They saw me?! WANDA: How do you think I got here? The girls know we’re real. The door is wide open now, all because you had to play that… that…

40 stupid video game.

For preview only 9 1 MURRAY: They know…? WANDA: I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when the Dream King hears about this. MURRAY: The Dream King! Oh, no! (Quickly wraps up the controller,

5 sets it aside and turns off the TV set. SFX OUT.) You aren’t going to tell him, are you, Wanda? WANDA: I don’t have to tell him anything. You know the king’s Dreamweavers miss nothing.

MURRAY: Dreamweavers?

10 WANDA: Yeah, Robin and Jamie. They were here, weaving dreams for

Emily and her friend tonight.

MURRAY: (Groans.) Oh, no. WANDA: And of course, what did the girls dream about but you, creeping through the bedroom. 15 MURRAY: Creeping? WANDA: You didn’t even wait ’til Sandy came in to spread his slumber sand. MURRAY: (Surprised.) But I thought he… WANDA: Lucky for you, I met the two of them before they could report 20 to the Dream King. They were quick to fi ll me in on all the details, too. MURRAY: (Groans.) Oh, no. WANDA: Why’d you do it, Murray? You know the rules as well as I do.

25 MURRAY: Yeah, I know. (Mechanically.) No closet monster should ever allow himself to be seen. (Sigh.)

WANDA: Of course not. We’re supposed to be fi gments of a child’s imagination. MURRAY: Yeah. (Disheartened.) I know. 30 WANDA: So, why did you rush out of the closet before you were sure the girls were asleep? MURRAY: (Paces across the room.) I don’t know. Guess I just didn’t think. It’s hard work being a closet monster, you know. WANDA: Yeah, I know. 35 MURRAY: Especially now that Emily is almost convinced there’s no such thing as monsters. I’m hardly ever allowed to enter her closet anymore. WANDA: (Sympathetic.) Every closet monster goes through that phase, Murray. All kids have to grow up and stop believing in us. When 40 they do, we just move on to our next job. MURRAY: I know. But I don’t want to move on. I like it here.

10 For preview only 1 WANDA: That’s natural. I didn’t like having to leave when Tom stopped believing, either. MURRAY: I’ve fi nally gotten used to Emily. She doesn’t scare me like she used to. 5 WANDA: Then why didn’t you just wait until the girls were asleep? It was only a matter of minutes. MURRAY: I’m sorry, Wanda. It’s just… (Sigh.) I’ve never been very good at being a closet monster. It cramps my style. (Big and dramatic.) I gotta have room to breathe! Room to move! Room to 10 get my groove on! WANDA: (Shocked.) Get your what on? MURRAY: (Points to AUDIENCE.) They know what I’m talking about! (To AUDIENCE; a shout.) Let me hear you say, “Yeah!” (Encourages AUDIENCE.) 15 AUDIENCE: (A shout.) Yeah! MURRAY: Let me hear you say, “Oh, yeah!” AUDIENCE: (A shout.) Oh, yeah! MURRAY: Let me hear you say, (A face jowl shake.) “Brrrrrrr!” AUDIENCE: (A face jowl shake.) Brrrrrrr! (MUSIC CUE 4: “I Got My Groove 20 On.” During the song, WANDA stands fi rm, arms crossed with a look of consternation on her face, quietly protesting to herself. Throws her hands in the air, rubs her head, taps her foot, etc. Though she is at fi rst shocked by MURRAY’S behavior, she is eventually taken in by his exuberance and the spirit of the music.) 25 MURRAY: (Speaks in rhythm.) I gotta get down! Get loose! Get absolutely, positively funky as a goose! (Sings.) I got my groove on! I’m gettin’ my back! This beast is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad to the bone! I got my groove on! (Shakes his tail.) I’m shakin’ my swing thing! 30 I got my big tail lookin’ like a candy-coated cone! I’m sick t’death of hearin’ “There’s a monster in the closet!” It’s musty and it’s dark, I’m suffocatin’ in the clothes. I’m bettin’ on the future and I’m makin’ a deposit. I’m breakin’ out, and I don’t care if anybody knows. 35 I got my groove on! I’m gettin’ my funk back! I’m stompin’ it down, down, down, down, down to the bricks! I got my groove on! (Shakes his tail.) I’m shakin’ my swing thing! I got my mojo workin’, I’ll be cruisin’ all the chicks! (Breaks into a little dance à la the godfather of soul, James Brown.) 40 MURRAY/WANDA: (Sing; WANDA with sarcasm.) Lord have mercy! (See alternative lyrics in PRODUCTION NOTES if desired.)

For preview only 11 1 MURRAY: (Speaks in rhythm.) Good God, y’awl, I’m lookin’ good! MURRAY/WANDA: (Sing; WANDA with sarcasm.) Lord have mercy! WANDA: (Sarcastic; speaks in rhythm.) 5 Good God, y’awl! Ya ain’t that fi ne! MURRAY/WANDA: (Sing; WANDA with sarcasm.) Lord have mercy! MURRAY: (Speaks in rhythm.) Ow, can’t hardly stand myself! I’m so good-lookin’, feet be cookin’! 10 Whoa, jump back wanna kiss myself! (DANCE/INSTRUMENTAL

INTERLUDE. MURRAY does a little foot shuffl e with a spin à la James Brown. Then he grabs WANDA, and they DANCE. WANDA is at fi rst reluctant but is soon won over by MURRAY’S infectious energy and playfulness.) 15 WANDA: (Getting into it. Sings.) Just call me Missus Funkify, I like to shake my bootie! I shake it to the left and then I shake it to the right. MURRAY: (To WANDA; referring to her tail. Sings.) Hey now, girl, it’s plain to see you got yourself a cutie. 20 WANDA: (To MURRAY. Sings.) You’re one outrageous funky beast! MURRAY: (Sings.) A closet socialite! I got my groove on! WANDA: (Sings.) I got my groove on!

MURRAY: (Sings.) I’m gettin’ my funk back!

WANDA: (Sings.) I’m gettin’ my funk back!

25 MURRAY: (Sings.) I been in the… MURRAY/WANDA: (Sing.) …wrong, wrong room but now I’m on the upswing! MURRAY: (Sings.) I got my groove on! WANDA: (Sings.) I got my groove on! 30 MURRAY: (Sings.) I’m livin’ in the fast track! WANDA: (Sings.) I’m livin’ in the fast track! MURRAY: (Sings.) I’m gonna… MURRAY/WANDA: (Sing.) …wail, pick up my tail and shake my big groove thing! 35 MURRAY: (Sings.) I got my groove on! WANDA: (Sings.) I got my groove on! MURRAY: (Sings.) I’m gettin’ my funk back! WANDA: (Sings.) I’m gettin’ my funk back! MURRAY: (Sings.) This beast is… 40 MURRAY/WANDA: (Sing.) …bad, bad, bad, bad, baby, I’m gettin’ down! 12 PHOTOCOPYINGFor THIS preview SCRIPT BREAKS FEDERAL only COPYRIGHT LAWS 1 MURRAY: (Sings.) I got my groove on! WANDA: (Sings.) I got my groove on! MURRAY: (Shakes his tail; sings.) I’m shakin’ my swing thing! WANDA: (Shakes her tail; sings.) I’m shakin’ my swing thing! 5 MURRAY: (Sings.) I got my… MURRAY/WANDA: (Sing.) …big tail movin’ and I shake it all aroun’! I got my big tail movin’ and I shake it all aroun’! (MUSIC UNDER.) WANDA: (Speaks.) It’s a good thing I understand you, Murray. Let’s just hope the Dream King is as understanding as I am. He is our 10 boss, you know. MURRAY: (Speaks.) Yeah (Sigh.), I know. WANDA: (Speaks.) He expects us to do our jobs, not run off and play with kids’ toys.

MURRAY: (Speaks.) But it gets so boring sitting in that closet all

15 night.

WANDA: (Sympathetic. Speaks.) I know, I know, Murray. Don’t forget,

I was Tom’s closet monster long before you and Emily came along.

MURRAY: (Speaks.) I remember.

20 WANDA: (Speaks.) Come on. Let’s go back to the Dream World. And

no more video games… and defi nitely no more “gettin’ your groove on!” Got it?


ACT ONE Scene Two 25 LIGHTS UP: Emily’s bedroom the next morning. MOM ENTERS RIGHT, carrying an empty laundry basket. She lays down the basket, moves to the bed and begins straightening the sheets. TOM’S VOICE: (From OFFSTAGE.) Mom! Have you seen my sandals? MOM: Did you look in the closet by the front door? 30 TOM: (ENTERS RIGHT, barefoot and half-heartedly looking for his lost sandals.) Yeah, I looked everywhere. MOM: (Glances back at him as she bends to pick up some dirty clothes.) Then I have no idea. If you cleaned your room once in a while, you might actually be able to fi nd something without having to ask 35 me. TOM: Yeah, Mom. (Wanders over to the bed and picks up the diary. Leaning against the wall, he begins thumbing through the book.

End of Script Sample 13 1 ENTIRE ENSEMBLE: (Sings.) There are angels and ogres and leprechauns, too. Genies in bottles waiting for you. Mythical creatures, it’s hard to conceive. 5 They’ll live in your spirit if you just believe. They’ll live in your spirit if you just believe. (MUSIC OUT.)

Set Design

62 For preview only PRODUCTION NOTES PROPERTIES ONSTAGE, ACT ONE: DOWN RIGHT: Comfortable chair, footstool, television, video game, box and controllers CENTER: Single bed high enough that two monsters can crawl

underneath; bedside table, lamp, toy box sturdy enough to sit on; school desk with chair, a chair; clothes and toys scattered about the fl oor; sleeping bag and pillow; diary and pen (on bedside table); baseball glove, toys in toy box DOWN LEFT: Throne set on a platform FORESTAGE CENTER: Stool. BROUGHT ON, ACT ONE, Scene One: Pouch of sleeping dust/glitter, acoustic guitar [optional]



Laundry basket (MOM) Briefcase with stethoscope, magnifying glass, notebook and pencil, makeup brush, fl ashlight (BRAIN) Basketball (NATHAN) Clipboard and quill (TOADY) BROUGHT ON, ACT ONE, Scene Three: Baseball, glove (TARA) Novel with bookmark (MEGAN) Backpack with several containers, creams, tubes, hairbrush, etc. (MARY) Briefcase with calculator, notebook and pencil (BRAIN) ONSTAGE, ACT TWO: CENTER: Same as ACT ONE, but with six sleeping bags, fi ve backpacks, light blanket. DOWN RIGHT: TV listings (for Scene One)

BROUGHT ON, ACT TWO, Scene One: Feather duster (MOM)

BROUGHT ON, ACT TWO, Scene Two: Briefcase (BRAIN)

Backpack with several containers, creams, cotton balls, cucumber slices in a plastic bag, hand-held mirror (MARY) Box radio (BRAIN) Flashlight (MEGAN) Duct tape (TARA) Flashlight (KELLY) Rope (BRAIN) Two fl ashlights (STEPHANIE) For preview only 63 Clipboard and quill (TOADY) Pouch of sleeping dust/glitter, guitar [optional] (SANDMAN) Magic wand (TOADY) Flower [hidden until the end] (MURRAY) SOUND EFFECTS All sound effects are included on the CDs: Video game sounds, various closet thumps, bumps and crashes, creaking door. LIGHTING The script suggests blue lighting to differentiate between day and night. COSTUMES Contemporary summer attire. The GIRLS wear summer pajamas at night in Emily’s room. TARA dresses casually, perhaps in a sports jersey, and she tucks her hair under a baseball cap. MEGAN dresses very neatly. BRAIN dresses like a nerd in outdated clothing and wears glasses. TOM might wear a band concert t-shirt. Be creative with the monster costumes, adjusting the script to refl ect how you imagine the monsters to look. In the original production, MURRAY wore a green, dragon-like costume with claws, horns and a very long tail. WANDA also wore a green, dragon-like costume with claws, horns and a tail. She also wore a bow on her head. The SANDMAN can be dressed like a 1960s folk singer (think Bob Dylan) and carry an acoustic guitar slung over his shoulder. He could also be portrayed as a medieval minstrel… go where your imagination takes you! JAMIE and ROBIN could wear glow stick necklaces and bracelets over black leotards or bodysuits. The DREAM KING is dressed regally with a long, fl owing cape and a glimmering crown. His assistant, TOADY, is dressed similarly but with a shorter cape and a jester hat.


The TOADY, DREAM KING, SANDMAN and DREAMWEAVERS can all be played by male or female performers. ALTERNATIVE LYRICS

In “I Got My Groove On,” an alternate lyric for “Lord have mercy” and “Good God, y’awl” could be “Give me mercy” and “Good golly, y’awl,” respectively.

64 PHOTOCOPYINGFor THIS preview SCRIPT BREAKS FEDERAL only COPYRIGHT LAWS We hope you’ve enjoyed this script sample.

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