NCAC Level 2 Climbing Instructor Participant Assessment Assessors Guide

NCAC has adopted a "flipped-classroom" approach for climbing instructor course. Participants thus work at their own pace using the online climbncac instruction portal to prepare and supplement their existing skills and knowledge. Participants are required to complete the online components quiz to demonstrate competency.

In-person instruction thus focuses on the "homework" or lab portion typically part of a course. In-person training culminates in an evaluation of each participant's demonstration of the skills and judgment necessary to lead a BSA climbing activity. This Assessor's Guide provides you some suggestions on conducting participant evaluations.

All participants will be scored on core basic skills with a top score possible of 100 points.

● Set-up Tree Natural Anchor MasterPoint - 25 Points ○ Tree Selection (appropriate size, root system, live) ○ Attachment to tree ■ LnT consideration ● Tensionless multi-wrap with appropriate follow-on figure-8 or carabiner on line ● Webbing, canvas, leather and other protective items for bark ■ Angles of any of hitch ● Girth hitch direction and pulley concerns ○ Personal anchoring managing edge on secured line ○ Selection of master point location ○ Edge protection of anchor leg lines ○ Knot selection and spine and gate placement of carabiners on master point ○ Throwing of toprope ● Set-up Releasable Rappel - 25 Points ○ Height of anchor ○ Separate belay ○ , Mule and overhand ○ Low / High angle ○ End of line checked ○ Participant backup ○ Running and static lines and no nylon-on-nylon ○ Top or Bottom managed ● Manage participant - Top-managed - 10 Points ○ Set and use system to move participant from beyond 8' into anchor or belayed area ○ Safely transition participant onto belay or rappel system ○ CHECK ○ Inquire what participant's dominant hand is and rig rap line ○ Set backup ○ Maintain appropriate slack on belay line during rappel ○ Resolution of simulated jam ■ Nursing knot on release ■ Retie ○ Correctly take in slack on belay line during climbing ○ Transition participant out of station ● Manage participant - Bottom-managed - 15 Points ○ Maintain safe belay area ○ Manage climber participant, belayer, backup belayer and meat belay ○ CHECK ○ Coaching appropriate climbing skill ● Knot and Gear Competencies - 15 Points ○ Friction Hitches ■ Prusik ■ Klemheist ■ Bachmann Hitch ○ Figure-Eight ■ Figure-Eight ■ Figure-Eight follow through ■ Figure-Eight ■ Double Figure-Eight (bunny ear) ■ Alpine Butterfly ○ Joining ■ Double Fisherman ■ Tape / ■ EDK - offset overhand bend ○ Stopper - Barrel knot ○ and webbing ■ Identification of types and uses ■ ○ Carabiner types and uses ○ ATC and Belay devices ■ Correct loading ■ Correct Lowering ■ Assisted lock properties ● Spotting and Ground Anchors - 5 Points ● Advanced Techniques - 5 Points ○ Grip and Rip ○ Weighted and Unweighted belay transfers ○ Bolt Anchor Setup of instructor rappel line and anchor cleaning