A Beaniceras Crassum Galaticeras Aegoceroides Paramicroderoceras Birchoides Beaniceras Rotondum Radstockiceras Wiltshieri Paramicroderoceras Aff

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A Beaniceras Crassum Galaticeras Aegoceroides Paramicroderoceras Birchoides Beaniceras Rotondum Radstockiceras Wiltshieri Paramicroderoceras Aff Platypleurocer Platypleurocer Platypleurocer Platypleurocer P olymor phus v. 2 P me uellensis r A olymor D aldani inatum o D m v phites? aff. bronni a as aff. ob inodus a sp. no yicer ietif as acanthobronni yicer Uptonia jamesoni as as Uptonia confusa as aureum utilans as maugenesti as amplinatr as bre Uptonia? r D phites? bronni as nodosum as car sp. 1 D as? Gorgheicea r as polymor as rotundicosta as ar P a as da as par um yicer as a yicer D P r Uptonia lata as alisiense phites polymor amor longum olymor D a vispina as actaeon P phites GemmellaroceGemmellarocer olymor r as amaltheia f yicer yicer as splendens yiceroides phites acutiv sp. no aneum inodicer r phites? fle as renzi ipleurocer ix as gorghense olymor Caleites calensis phoides a r Gemmellarocer Platypleurocer as nan Platypleurocer olymor phites? apenninicus Platypleurocer P e as massean olutus P P as zitteli v v. P ini Acanthopleurocer e Acanthopleurocer as zitteli sensu AM Fur Acanthopleurocer o Acanthopleurocer as as circumcas aenigmaticumr r um Acanthopleurocer as mediterr Epiderocer lites in xicostatus me Acanthopleurocer Epiderocer entris Acanthopleurocer as calliplocum Epiderocer Acanthopleuroceropidocer r as flandr Epiderocer as gr T ropidocer as densicosta v T ropidocer olutus T as semilaevis Pseudophr Capreolicer as? tar ispatum Eremiticeropidocer r as demonenseientale Platypleurocer as? plumanr T ropidocer aeum Pseudophr as? nodofissumulif T ropidocer as stahli rme as? cantianenseigonalee T ropidocer as or ythr o rum T ropidocer as obtusum icodocer T ropidocer icodocer as asagensis T as er ius ropidocer as stahlif CoeloderoceCoeloderocer r as capr T ropidocer as da T ropidocer as sulcatusiense um as capr T ropidocer Coeloderocer ar T yif ium Tropidocer as catr umidian as micromphalaa or ropidoceicer ras cf. campiliensen Coeloderocer as rifo me T as rugosarme Catr icer as galaczi as ponticum Catr icer Tetr Eoderocer Catrratropidoceas taguendoufir aspidoceBirf as bir Pa as sellae ericer Tetr as quadasr donas?o linauga Miltocer as seguenzaelense Vicininodiceaspidocer r Miltocer Miltocer as fur as armatumvani as mangoldiinatum Vicininodiceras simplicicostaev Miltocer as car as mastodon olutum Zamaicer as gollingense Zamaicer sp. Becheicer Pseudoskirroceas? r Liparocer as bechei Miltocer as pettos Liparocer as cheltiense Coelocer as pettos sensus G Liparocer as lytoceroïdes Coelocer as retusum as heptangulare Hyperderoceasr aculeatumadiatum Beaniceras centaur Apoderocer as rectir Beaniceras rotondumus Prodactyliocer as davoei Beanicer Prodactyliocer igerense as crassum as aur Beanicer Prodactyliocer as luridum Bettoniceras italicum Aegoceras sparsicosta Reynesocoeloceras obesum Aegoceras maculatum Reynesocoeloceras subcrassum Aegoceras lataecostata Reynesocoeloceras indunense Aegoceras capricornus Reynesocoeloceras aegrum us Reynesocoelocer Aegoceras artygyr as incertum as angulatus Reynesocoelocer Oistocer um Dubaricer as praeincertum as fingulin Dubar as inaequicosta Oistocer iceras dubar as aff. birchiades Dubaricer i Paramicroderocer as birchoides Metaderoceas?r sp. as fila Metaderocer Paramicroderocer as venarense Paramicroderocer um Metaderocer as beirense as tardecrenscensas picen Baltz Metaderoceerites baltr asz gemmellaroi ParamicroderoceParaderocer r Villania callomoni Metaderocer eri aghii Metaderocer as m Villania densilobata Metaderocer as uticum as salmojr Metaderocer muticum licer as morogensev. 1 as pseudom oetter licer Jamesonites reticulatus sensu MB F sp. no Spiniclavicer as aper Foetter Metadocer as cla uticum Jamesonites? spoliatus tum Cymbites? sensu RG Galaticer vatus sp. Galaticer as spir Cymbites globosusvetuloniusas Galaticer as? vigatusites Castana as mar p ale Galaticer as har ygmaeus DiaphoLeptonocer isphinctoidesr yllitoides Holcolytocer as aegoceroidesianii Cymbites? lae aph i Holcolytocer yicer poceroides sensu B Aegolytocer as? rosenbergi as? per a Radstockicer as cana tesi i Radstockicer Radstockicer as quadr BettoniceUptonia?r jur Radstockicer va as? coas?r gemmellaroias altum rme as nodostr r as? gemmellaroi sensu M o Fucinicer as ii as platypleuas fugger r Fieldingicer Fucinicer as wiltshieva r ijugum phites? pseudodubaLytocer r Fucinicer as pseudosaemanniricosum iatoidesiatumtum Fucinicer icum Lytocer ytocer as kizilcius um Fucinicer as complanosum L as galatif Fucinicer as costicillatum GemmellaroceGemmellaroceolymor r r tus Fucinicer as P as tor Fucinicer Gemmellarocer Fucinicer as balatonenseas b i ytocer us Fucinicer as uvigner ytoceLr as fimbasr fimbr sp. A Fucinicer L as audax Fucinicer as sp. x Fucinicer v xim Fucinicer as ytocer Fucinicer olubile Fucinicer as angulosumf L e Fucinicer o ytocerytocer inatum Phr as dilectum n. sp. A Phr T Phr r i L L ylites yllitesliber P as car mosum MED species r as unisice yllites nardii elingocer as ibe v. as mellahense um icodocer as elichense icodocer aph aph icodocer r r etes as giennense tin as lycius udaxlytocer aph z Zaghouanitesu arcaun r as car umismale as A J J n as per ixiense u as undulatum as calais as pseudodilectum yllocer ulatum as hungar sensu RG J as NWE species yllocer as loscombi sp. no as ionicum n n as bicicolae ensu GM as insolitus as o s v. sp. 1 as pseudocar yllocer iatocostatum as as ta poph as ta as bettonii plicatum yllocer as heber agoph yllocer as pla r Calaicer Har yllocer r Trans-province species yllocer Zetocer T iense uicer as str ylor agoph ylor r icum T agoph r Sin uice yllocer i agoph i T n sensu GM agoph r h sensu H r Calliph T P Si T tschicer r inatum a as iudicar P Zetocer Sphaenoacanthites costotuberculatum Province Province Province of of of B occurrence C occurrence D occurrence Sinuiceras planulatum Sinuiceras sp. nov. Zetoceras zetes Sphaenoacanthites costotuberculatum Zetoceras zetes Phylloceras hebertinum Zetoceras iudicariense sensu GM Phylloceras hebertinum Partschiceras striatocostatum Zetoceras zetes Partschiceras striatocostatum Calaiceras calais Phylloceras hebertinum Calaiceras calais Calliphylloceras bicicolae Partschiceras striatocostatum Calliphylloceras bicicolae Tragophylloceras loscombi Calaiceras calais Tragophylloceras loscombi Harpophylloceras eximus Calliphylloceras bicicolae Tragophylloceras numismale Juraphyllites libertus Tragophylloceras numismale Tragophylloceras ibex Audaxlytoceras audax Tragophylloceras undulatum Tragophylloceras undulatum Zaghouanites arcanum Juraphyllites nardii Tragophylloceras carinatum Lytoceras tortum Juraphyllites sp. A Harpophylloceras eximus Lytoceras fimbriatum Juraphyllites libertus Juraphyllites sp. A Gemmellaroceras? gemmellaroi sensu M Zaghouanites arcanum Juraphyllites libertus Cymbites globosus Lytoceras tortum Audaxlytoceras audax Oistoceras figulinum Lytoceras fimbriatum Zaghouanites arcanum Oistoceras angulatus Lytoceras fimbriatoides Lytoceras tortum Aegoceras artygyrus Lytoceras kizilcius Lytoceras fimbriatum Aegoceras capricornus Lytoceras galatiforme Lytoceras fimbriatoides Aegoceras lataecosta Lytoceras fuggeri Lytoceras kizilcius Aegoceras maculatum Lytoceras altum Lytoceras fuggeri Aegoceras sparsicosta Lytoceras platypleura Lytoceras altum Liparoceras heptangulare Gemmellaroceras? cortesi sensu B Lytoceras platypleura Liparoceras lytoceroides Leptonotoceras sp. Polymorphites? pseudodubari Becheiceras bechei Cymbites? laevigatus sensu RG Gemmellaroceras? gemmellaroi Prodactylioceras rectiradiatum Jamesonites? spoliatus Uptonia? juraphyllitoides Prodactylioceras davoei Foetterliceras morogense Bettoniceras? perisphinctoides Prodactylioceras aurigeriense Foetterliceras salmojraghii Diaphorites vetulonius Bettoniceras italicum Villania densilobata Cymbites? laevigatus sensu RG Reynesocoeloceras obesum Villania callomoni Cymbites globosus Reynesocoeloceras subcrassum Paraderoceras picenum Cymbites? sp. nov. 1 Reynesocoeloceras indunense Paramicroderoceras tardecrescens Beaniceras luridum Reynesocoeloceras aegrum Paramicroderoceras fila Beaniceras crassum Galaticeras aegoceroides Paramicroderoceras birchoides Beaniceras rotondum Radstockiceras wiltshieri Paramicroderoceras aff. birchiades Beaniceras centaurus Radstockiceras pseudosaemanni Vicininodiceras gollingense Liparoceras heptangulare Fuciniceras costicillatum Vicininodiceras simplicicosta Liparoceras cheltiense Fuciniceras balatonense Tetraspidoceras evolutum Becheiceras bechei Fuciniceras volubile Tetraspidoceras quadrarmatum Gemmellaroceras circumcrispatum Fuciniceras angulosum Bifericeras donovani Gemmellaroceras aenigmaticum Fuciniceras carixiense Fuciniceras elichense Eoderoceras? lina Gorgheiceras gorghense Fuciniceras giennense Coeloderoceras biruga Dayiceras amaltheiforme Fuciniceras nov. sp. 1 Coeloderoceras ponticum Dayiceras nanum Dayiceras splendens Fuciniceras pseudodilectum Coeloderoceras micromphala Dayiceras polymorphoides Phricodoceras bettonii Coeloderoceras rugosa Dayiceras renzi Pseudophricodoceras caprariforme Dayiceras dayiceroides Pseudophricodoceras dayiforme Polymorphites? aff. bronni Platypleuroceras caprarium Acanthopleuroceras valdani Capreoliceras asagensis Acanthopleuroceras maugenesti Epideroceras? cantianense Acanthopleuroceras carinatum Epideroceras? nodofissum Acanthopleuroceras? sp. nov. 2 Epideroceras? plumarius Acanthopleuroceras arietiforme Epideroceras? trigonale Acanthopleuroceras sp. 1 Gemmellaroceras granuliferum Acanthopleuroceras alisiense Gemmellaroceras circumcrispatum Acanthopleuroceras actaeon Gemmellaroceras aenigmaticum Tropidoceras masseanum Furlites involutus Tropidoceras zitteli Polymorphites? apenninicus Tropidoceras zitteli sensu AM Polymorphites? flexicostatus
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