Design and Access Statement Cadnant Planning

Land adjoining Pant Du, Ffordd Y Sir, Penygroes, , LL54 6HE Design and Access Statement Grŵp Cynefin August 2017 2017.050

Cadnant Planning 1 Connaught House Riverside Business Park Benarth Road Conwy LL32 8UB Design and Access Statement

Cadnant Planning 1 Connaught House Riverside Business Park Benarth Road Conwy LL32 8UB t. 01492 581800 e. [email protected] w.

Status of report: Issued V1 August 2017 Author GCC Checker RMD Reviewer GCC Document control: CAD-012 (ver 3) 07/01/16

© The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Cadnant Planning Ltd. All plans are reproduced from the Ordinance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller HMSO, Crown Copyright Reserved, Licence No. 100020449

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Design and Access Statement

Contents 1. Introduction ...... 1 2. The site and context ...... 2 3. The proposed development ...... 5 4. Policy context...... 13 5. Main considerations ...... 23 6. Conclusion ...... 28

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Design and Access Statement

1. Introduction

1.1 This Design and Access Statement has been prepared in support of a full planning application for the erection of 37 houses, creation of a new access and internal access road, consolidation of Public Right of Way route, drainage and associated setting out of plots on land adjoining Pant Du, Penygroes.

1.2 The housing will be delivered by Grŵp Cynefin in association with a private developer. The scheme will consist of at least 18 houses to be offered for sale at a discount to open market value or intermediate rental homes with the remainder being open market homes. This will provide the opportunity for local people to buy or rent the homes at a discounted rate in order to support the community and their needs. The house types and sizes which are proposed were selected in order to meet the needs identified within the results of the Housing Needs Survey Report.

1.3 As required by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2016 the statement aims to address the following matters;

a) Explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development;

b) Demonstrate the steps taken to appraise the context of the development and how the design of the development takes that context into account;

c) Explain the policy or approach adopted as to access, and how policies relating to access in the development plan have been taken into account; and,

d) Explain how any specific issues which might affect access to the development have been addressed.

1.4 The application is supported by full detailed plans of the proposals, a community and linguistic statement, housing needs survey report, drainage plans and ecological report.

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2. The site and context

2.1 The application site consists of a single parcel of land in the eastern part of the settlement of Penygroes with frontage onto the B4418. The site is opposite the Plas Silyn Leisure Centre and close to Ysgol Bro Lleu. Adjoining the site in the north-western corner is a telephone exchange box.

Fig. 2.1 Aerial photograph identifying the application site

2.2 As can be seen in Figure 2.2, to the south of the site are the north-western fringes of Snowdonia National Park (shown hatched green). Caer Engan Scheduled Ancient Monument is also located to the south of the site as identified by the black star in Figure 2. The site is not in a Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or Special Landscape Area.

Fig. 2.2 Extract of Constraints Maps

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2.3 A stream is located close to the north-eastern boundary of the site which runs to a larger watercourse some 125 metres south of the site. The constraints map above indicates that part the site lies within an un-assessed wildlife sites (shown dotted pink above).


2.4 The application site is highly accessible via public transport. There is a bus stop adjacent to the site. Regular buses run throughout the day from 06:34-23:12. These run between and Caernarfon Bus Station, which provide further routes and trains. The village is also close to the A487 which is the primary route running north- south through Gwynedd.

Fig. 2.3 Extract of Traveline Cymru Bus Stop Finder Map

2.5 The site is also accessible in terms of pedestrian and cycle accessibility to shops and services in Penygroes, including a Co-op convenience store, which is due to be re- located and re-developed as a larger store on a former garage site, Water Street. The site is also within safe and convenient walking distance of the local primary school, Ysgol Bro Lleu, the secondary school, Ysgol Dyffryn and the Plas Silyn leisure centre.

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As detailed in Figure 2.4, below there is a Public Right of Way crossing the application site. This will be maintained, and directed through the site as part of the proposals.

Fig. 2.4 Extract of map showing the PRoW crossing the site

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3. The proposed development

3.1 The brief was to accommodate residential properties on the site that would to conform with the requirements of the Welsh Government’s Design Quality Requirements (DQR). Based on the extent of a housing allocation in the Joint Local Development Plan, appropriate densities, the constraints of the site and the need for affordable housing, the proposed development would deliver 37 houses with a diverse mix of house types spread across the site.

3.2 As discussed within this section, the design principles and concepts have taken account of other residential properties within the settlement, and the characteristics which are present locally in formulating the design. The proposals have also taken account of the site’s location at the edge of the village, where views in and out of the site will be available. It is considered that the scheme will integrate well into the settlement and provide the housing supply that Penygroes requires in order to meet the needs of the community but also to support the local services and facilities. The proposals include a mix of affordable housing to meet the identified local need.

3.3 The balance of house types, specifically envisaged to provide a mix of open market and affordable dwellings is as follows; • TYPE 1 (4 Person 2 Bedroom) o Semi-detached or terraced o Two storey o Two number car parking bays o Detached garden o Garden shed

• TYPE 2 (5 Person 3 Bedroom) o Semi-detached or terraced o Two stores o Two number car parking bays o Detached garden o Garden shed • TYPE 3 (6 Person 4 Bedroom) o Detached properties o Two storeys o Two number car parking bays o Detached garden o Garden shed • TYPE 4 (3 Person 2 Bedroom) o Detached properties o Two bedrooms o Two number car parking bays

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o Detached garden o Garden shed

3.4 The proposed site layout would therefore be as follows; • 14 No. Type 1 (4.2.1) o Plots 1-11, 25, 26 & 27 • 13 No. Type 2 (5.3.1) o Plots 12-24, 28 & 29 • 8 No. Type 3 (6.4.1) o Plots 23, 24, 30, 32, 32, 33, 34 & 35 • 2 No. Type 4 (2.2.1) o Plots 36 & 37

3.5 The design and scale of the proposed dwellings will be traditional and in keeping with local vernacular with two storeys being the maximum height.

3.6 The properties must conform with the requirements of the DQR, which is to ensure a consistent good quality of internal layout within the range of standard house types. The minimum dimensions therefore required for each dwelling type are as follows; • HOUSE TYPE 1 (4.2.1) o Perimeter internal dimensions = 5.6m x 7.9m o Floor Area = 88m² o Floor to Eaves = 5.1m o Floor to Ridge = 7.8m o Roof Pitch = 30° (degrees)

• HOUSE TYPE 2 (5.3.1) o Perimeter internal dimension = 5.6 x 8.8m o Floor Area = 98m² o Floor to Eaves= 5.1m o Floor to Ridge = 8.2m o Roof Pitch = 30° (degrees)

• HOUSE TYPE 3 (6.4.1) o Perimeter internal dimension = 7.4 x 7.8m o Floor Area = 115m² o Floor to Eaves= 5.1m o Floor to Ridge = 7.8m o Roof Pitch = 30° (degrees)

• HOUSE TYPE 4 (2.2.1) (‘Bungalow’) o Perimeter internal dimension = 10 x 6.5m o Floor Area = 65m² o Floor to Eaves= 2.5m o Floor to Ridge = 4.0m o Roof Pitch = 30° (degrees)

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3.7 The overall average height to eaves and ridge for each of the two storey dwelling types will be similar to local properties within the village and will therefore not be out of character with the local vernacular.

3.8 The proposed site layout plan for the development shows the siting of each property type within the site. As the site located on the eastern fringe of the village there are no houses immediately adjacent to the site. However, there are properties in close proximity along the B4418 and beyond this the leisure facilities and school. The site is within a short walking distance from the village centre.

3.9 The site layout plan shows the location of the site access and the road layout within the proposed development.

3.10 The site access road will have a gradient of 1:20 and this gradient will facilitate a level access approach to the driveway of each property where two number car parking spaces will be provided.

3.11 The internal road layout that serves the site will have a footpath either side and has been designed to conform to Gwynedd Council roads for adoption standards.

3.12 As regards the layout within the curtilage of each plot each property will have the following; • Driveway for two vehicles • Front Garden • Rear Garden • Storage Shed

3.13 The internal layout for each proposed house type will be as follows; • HOUSE TYPE 1 (4.2.1) o Ground Floor ▪ Level access approach ▪ Main entrance lobby ▪ Lounge ▪ Kitchen dining ▪ WC / Shower room ▪ Storage cupboards o First Floor ▪ Landing ▪ Two bedrooms ▪ Bathroom ▪ Office space ▪ Storage cupboards

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• HOUSE TYPE 2 (5.3.1) o Ground Floor ▪ Level access approach ▪ Main entrance lobby ▪ Lounge ▪ Kitchen dining ▪ WC / Shower room ▪ Storage cupboards o First Floor ▪ Landing ▪ Three bedrooms ▪ Bathroom ▪ Office space ▪ Storage cupboards

• HOUSE TYPE 3 (6.4.1) o Ground Floor ▪ Level access approach ▪ Main entrance lobby ▪ Lounge ▪ Kitchen dining ▪ WC / Shower room ▪ Storage cupboards o First Floor ▪ Landing ▪ Four bedrooms ▪ Bathroom ▪ Office space ▪ Storage cupboards

• HOUSE TYPE 4 (2.2.1) ▪ Level access approach ▪ Main entrance lobby ▪ Lounge ▪ Kitchen / dining ▪ Bathrooms ▪ Two Bedrooms ▪ Storage cupboards

3.14 The main entrance door into the property will be facing the driveway and a separate access will be provided from the kitchen / dining to the rear garden area.

3.15 The internal layout and the overall site layout has been carefully planned so as to avoid overlooking and privacy issues between the properties.

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Appearance and materials

3.16 The was once renowned for manufacturing slate until it’s decline in the mid twenty first century. Slate heaps are still evident throughout the valley as a testament to its historic context.

3.17 The proposed new dwellings will reflect the form and scale of other dwelling types in the village. However, the design and appearance of the new properties whilst maintaining the characteristics of the existing housing will be contemporary and simple.

3.18 During the design stage, careful consideration was given to selecting the correct material for the proposed dwellings that will reflect the simple Welsh cottage form and industrial heritage of the area.

3.19 The proposed materials will provide a unified theme to each house type by the careful selection of building materials but in a manner which provides some variety. The pallete of materials selected therefore will be as follows;

• Roof: Natural blue slate • Walls: White self-coloured render. Vertical slate cladding panels and dark blue facing brickwork plinths • Windows: Slate grey PVC-u • Doors: Heritage coloured • Rainwater goods: Black PVC-u heritage range

3.20 In order to comply with sustainable development targets, coal fires are no longer used in new dwellings and therefore chimney stacks are no longer required as such.

3.21 As the site is located in a rural setting all existing properties do have chimney stacks. It is therefore proposed in order to introduce character and detail to the new properties to have new false chimney stacks to each property.

3.22 As previously mentioned and in order to reflect the past industrial heritage of the Nantlle Valley it is proposed to promote traditional building materials and finishes, in particular the use of natural slate for both the roofing material and some cladding.

Environmental sustainability

3.23 In addition, to comply with sustainability targets solar and / or photovoltaic panels will be placed on southern and western facing roof slopes.

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3.24 The location of soft and hard landscaping is detailed on the submitted plans and will be as follows;

• Access Road: Tarmacadam. • Footpaths: Tarmacadam. • Driveway: Mixed brindle paviours. • Paths: Mixed brindle paviours. • Gardens: Grass. • Boundary Walls to properties: Blue black facing brickwork walls with s/w treated hit and miss vertical timber boards. • Existing boundary walls: formalised to receive stock proof general fencing.

Community Safety

3.25 As with all housing projects there are legal obligations to design the need to combat, reduce and prevent crime. It is therefore good practice to provide and promote safe environments through good design. The layout of the site promotes natural surveillance and the scheme has been designed with the principles set out in the of Designing Out Crime guidance in mind.

Drainage and highways

3.26 The proposals include provision for drainage and highways. In forming these proposals discussions to date have taken place with: • Highways in relation to the road layouts. • (Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water (DCWW) DCWW in relation to the adoption of the proposed drainage networks. • Lead Local Flood Authority (Gwynedd Council) in relation to surface water runoff rates. • Wales and West in relation to their existing apparatus. • DCWW in relation to their existing water main and combined sewer. • DCWW in relation to protection of their existing combined sewer. • DCWW in relation to the diversion of sewer from BT communications building


3.27 The proposals have taken account of the semi-rural character of the area, and that the site lies on the outer limits of the village. In designing the proposals, it was decided that that the site should have a semi-rural character with high quality design and appearance and a lower density on the fringes of the site. The proposals have

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considered views to and from the nearby Snowdonia National Park which again leads to the conclusion that the design form on the fringes of the site should be a looser, lower density of development. With the envisaged mix of house types and density, following the principles set out above, it is considered that the proposed development would integrate well into this edge of settlement location.


3.28 The relevant policies relating to accessibility are set out within: • LDP Strategic policy PS4: sustainable transport, development and accessibility; • Policy TRA 2: Parking Standards; and, • Policy TRA 4: Managing Transport Impacts.

3.29 The application site is accessible by all means of transport including by private transport, on foot and by use of public transport.

3.30 The application site is located within the eastern part of Penygroes on the edge of the settlement but close to all key services. The site is within walking distance of the local schools, convenience stores, post office, leisure centre, public houses, cafes and restaurants again making the site suitable for a residential use.

3.31 The site therefore conforms to up-to-date national planning policy in terms of locating development in sustainable and accessible locations.

3.32 The application includes a new vehicular access which will serve the site in order to create a safe and accessible means of accessing the proposed development. A new internal estate access road will also be provided as part of the proposal, providing direct access to the dwellings.

3.33 Each dwelling will have a private driveway to the front / side with parking spaces, being directly accessible from the estate road. There will be 2 parking spaces per dwelling provided.

3.34 In terms of design, the houses have all been designed to the Design Quality Requirements (DQR), and therefore, this ensures that the proposed dwellings will have adequate circulation space and will be accessible. All roads and streets have been designed to be suitable gradients throughout the site to ensure safe and convenient access for all. All accesses will be kept clear and maintained through the use of formal planning conditions. The estate road and pavement will be linked to the existing public

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footpath running through the site which provides links towards the south western parts of the settlement.

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4. Policy context

4.1 Relevant national planning policy guidance is set out in Planning Policy Wales (PPW) (Edition 9), 2016 and Technical Advice Notes (TAN).

4.2 The adopted development plan covering the site is the Ynys Môn and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan (LDP) (2017). The LDP lists the settlement of Penygroes as a Local Service Centre. Local Service Centres have been denoted to deliver 22% of the LDP’s supply of housing. These are to be delivered through commitments, allocations (open market housing with a proportion of affordable housing) and windfall sites within the development boundary. Table 17 of the LDP states that the distribution of housing supply within the plan in Local Service Centres will be 1,754 houses.

4.3 As can be seen in Figure 4.1, the northern part of the application site falls within the settlement’s only housing allocation T52. Housing allocations have been considered as part of the LDP process and through their inclusion are considered to be the most appropriate location for additional housing within a settlement.

Fig. 4.1 Extract of LDP Proposals Map

4.4 The other part of the site, the triangular part to the south immediately adjoins the allocation and the development boundary. As the southern part of the site falls outside

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of the development boundary for the village, the overall proposed development will need to be considered against two policy considerations;

1. As an allocated site (the northern part of the site); and,

2. As an exception site (the southern part of the site).

4.5 In line with policy (TAI9 Affordable housing threshold and distribution), this will require 20% of the allocated housing site to be delivered as affordable housing. However, the need for affordable housing in the community, exceeds that which could be delivered on allocated sites. As such it is proposed to deliver additional affordable housing through including the land to the south. Policy requires that 100% of proposed housing outside of the development boundary to be affordable housing (as an exception site in line with policy Tai10). In terms of overall numbers, this provides a total of 18 houses to be affordable based on 20% of units on the allocated site and 100% of the numbers of houses shown outside of the development boundary.

4.6 The proposals therefore will deliver a total of 18 affordable units as part of the scheme. As the scheme is to be delivered as a whole, and in the interests of good placemaking and dispersal of house types and also to allow early delivery of affordable housing, it is proposed to spread the 18 affordable units across the site as a whole, rather than concentrating 13 of them on the land to the south. Part ii of policy TAI9 provides support for this approach in stating that affordable units should be fully integrated within a development and indistinguishable from non-affordable housing.

4.7 The following table details the most relevant planning policy and guidance.

Table 1. Relevant planning policy and guidance

National Planning Policy

Policy Summary of policy PPW Chapter 2 Planning applications must be determined in accordance with the adopted Local plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise (Section 38(6) of Development the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004). The LDP should show Plans how places are expected to change in land-use terms to accommodate development needs over the plan period in order to provide certainty for developers and the public about the type of development that will be permitted at a particular location. PPW Chapter 4 The planning system provides for a presumption in favour of sustainable Planning for development to ensure that social, economic and environmental issues Sustainability are balanced and integrated, at the same time, by the decision-taker.

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PPW Chapter 8 The Chapter guides that the Welsh Government aims to extend choice in Transport transport and secure accessibility in a way which supports sustainable development and helps to tackle the causes of climate change by: encouraging a more effective and efficient transport system, with greater use of the more sustainable and healthy forms of travel, and minimising the need to travel.

Policy promotes active travel where people would walk or cycle for short journeys. Local authorities should promote public transport as a means to achieve environmental objectives, to assist in relieving congestion and to encourage social inclusion.

Paragraph 8.4.2 guides that Car parking provision is a major influence on the choice of means of transport and the pattern of development. Local authorities should ensure that new developments provide lower levels of parking than have generally been achieved in the past. Minimum parking standards are no longer appropriate. Local authorities should develop an integrated strategy on parking to support the overall transport and locational policies of the development plan.

Section 8.7 guides that when determining a planning application for development that has transport implications, local planning authorities should take into account: - the impacts of the proposed development on travel demand; - the level and nature of public transport provision; - accessibility by a range of different transport modes; - the opportunities to promote active travel journeys, and secure new and improved active travel routes and related facilities, in accordance with the provisions of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013; - the willingness of a developer to promote travel by walking, cycling or public transport, or to provide infrastructure or measures to manage traffic, to overcome transport objections to the proposed development (payment for such measures will not, however, justify granting planning permission to a development for which it would not otherwise be granted); - the environmental impact of both transport infrastructure and the traffic generated (with a particular emphasis on minimising the causes of climate change associated with transport); and - the effects on the safety and convenience of other users of the transport network. Chapter 9 of Paragraph 9.1.1 identifies the Welsh Government’s approach to housing PPW Housing as follows; development ‘A home is a vital part of people’s lives; it affects their health and well- being, quality of life and the opportunities open to them. The Welsh Government’s approach, set out in the National Housing Strategy, is to: • provide more housing of the right type and offer more choice; • improve homes and communities, including the energy efficiency of new and existing homes; and • improve housing-related services and support, particularly for vulnerable people and people from minority groups. The Welsh Government will seek to ensure that: • previously developed land (see definition at Figure 4.3) is used in preference to greenfield sites;

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• new housing and residential environments are well designed2 3, meeting national standards for the sustainability of new homes4 and making a significant contribution to promoting community regeneration and improving the quality of life; and that • the overall result of new housing development in villages, towns or edge of settlement is a mix of affordable and market housing that retains and, where practical, enhances important landscape and wildlife features in the development.

The proposed development includes the provision of affordable housing and paragraph 9.2.14 of PPW identifies that; ‘A community’s need for affordable housing is a material planning consideration which must be taken into account in formulating development plan policies. Affordable housing for the purposes of the land use planning system is housing where there are secure mechanisms in place to ensure that it is accessible to those who cannot afford market housing, both on first occupation and for subsequent occupiers’.

Paragraph 9.2.15 also goes on to identify that; ‘Affordable housing also makes an essential contribution to community regeneration and social inclusion. It is desirable in planning terms that new housing development in both rural and urban areas incorporates a reasonable mix and balance of house types and sizes so as to cater for a range of housing needs and contribute to the development of sustainable communities. For affordable housing it is important that authorities have an appreciation of the demand for different dwelling sizes and types of housing (i.e. intermediate and social rented) in relation to supply, so that they are well informed in negotiating the required appropriate mix of dwellings for new developments’. TAN 5 Nature Technical Advice Note 5 ‘Nature Conservation and Planning’ provides Conservation advice about how the land use planning system should contribute to and Planning protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geological conservation. Paragraph 1.6.1 states that; ‘Biodiversity conservation and enhancement is an integral part of planning for sustainable development. The planning system has an important part to play in nature conservation. The use and development of land can pose threats to the conservation of natural features and wildlife. Past changes have contributed to the loss of integrity of habitat networks through land-take, fragmentation, severance, disturbance, hydrological changes and other adverse impacts. But development can also present significant opportunities to enhance wildlife habitats and the enjoyment and understanding of the natural heritage.’ TAN 6 Planning TAN 6 gives advice on sustainable forms of development within rural for Sustainable Wales and paragraph 2.1.1 states; Rural ‘The planning system has a key role to play in supporting the delivery of Communities sustainable rural communities. It can help to ensure that appropriate development takes place in the right place at the right time by making sufficient land available to provide homes and employment opportunities for local people, helping to sustain rural services. Simultaneously, the planning system must respond to the challenges posed by climate change, for example by accommodating the need for renewable energy generation. It must also protect and enhance the natural and historic environment and safeguard the countryside and open spaces. The overall goal for the planning system is to support living and working rural communities in order that they are economically, socially and

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environmentally sustainable. Planning authorities should seek to strengthen rural communities by helping to ensure that existing residents can work and access services locally using low carbon travel and obtain a higher proportion of their energy needs from local renewable sources.’ TAN 12 Design The guidance in TAN 12 has been considered in formulating the proposal and in reporting on the Design and Access issues. The Welsh Government is strongly committed to achieving the delivery of good design in the built and natural environment which is fit for purpose and delivers environmental sustainability, economic development and social inclusion, at every scale throughout Wales. Paragraph 5.5.1 of TAN 12 identifies that an understanding of landscape and townscape quality, including its historic character, is fundamental to the design process.

The relationship between all elements of the natural and built environment. To create sustainable development, design must go beyond aesthetics and include the social, environmental and economic aspects of the development, including its construction, operation and management, and its relationship to its surroundings.

Good design is also inclusive design. The principles of inclusive design are that it places people at the heart of the design process, acknowledges diversity and difference, offers choice where a single design solution cannot accommodate all users, provides for flexibility in use, and, provides buildings and environments that are convenient and enjoyable to use for everyone.

Section 5.8 relates to rural areas and paragraph 5.8.1 identifies that;

‘The special qualities of the rural landscape and coastline of Wales should be recognised. The qualities should be enhanced through conservation of the character of the countryside and by achieving quality in new development.’ TAN 18 TAN 18 has also been taken into consideration. The main aim of TAN 18 Transport is ensuring that new development is located where there is, or will be, good access by public transport, walking and cycling thereby minimising the need for travel and fostering social inclusion.

Paragraph 2.4 of TAN identifies that the inter-relationship between land use planning and transport is complex and varied. The development of land is dependant, in part, upon transport infrastructure and services to function efficiently. By influencing the location, scale, density and mix of land uses and new development, land use planning can help reduce the need to travel and length of journeys, whilst making it easier for people to walk, cycle or use public transport.

TAN 18 also considers people with disabilities. TAN 18 identifies that it is important to consider their needs in terms of parking, in particular ensuring that adequate numbers of suitably designed parking spaces are provided in appropriate locations.

Ynys Mon and Gwynedd Joint Local Development Plan (LDP) TAI 15 Housing Local Service Centres will deliver housing to meet the Plan’s strategy in Local Service through housing allocations identified on the Proposals Maps and suitable Centres unallocated sites within the development boundary based upon the

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indicative provision. Local Service Centres will deliver 22% of the plans growth strategy. Suitable windfall sites will also form part of this provision. Table 17 of the LDP states that 1754 houses are to be supplied within Local Service Centres.

Policy TAI 15 lists the allocation T52 in Penygroes and details that it is set to deliver 39 dwellings. It also lists that unallocated sites (windfall) will deliver 40 dwellings. Policy TAI10 Where it is demonstrated that there is a proven local need for affordable Exception Sites housing (as defined in the Glossary of Terms) that cannot reasonably be delivered within a reasonable timescale on a market site inside the development boundary that includes a requirement for affordable housing within a reasonable timescale, as an exception, proposals for 100% affordable housing schemes on sites immediately adjacent to development boundaries that form a reasonable extension to the settlement will be granted. Proposals must be for a small scale development, which are proportionate to the size of the settlement, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that there is a demonstrable requirement for a larger site, with priority, where it is appropriate, given to suitable previously developed land. Policy TAI 9: The Councils will seek to secure an appropriate level of affordable Affordable housing across the Plan area by working in partnership with Registered Housing Providers, developers and local communities to meet the minimum target Threshold & presented in Strategic Policy PS 14. Distribution The Local Service Centre of Penygroes, within the Northern Coast and South Arfon area is required to provide delivery of a contribution of 20% affordable housing on schemes over 2 proposed dwellings.

A proposal including an alternative affordable tenure mix should yield a higher percentage of affordable provision subject to consideration of criteria 3i – 3viii of this Policy.

i. All developments will be required to achieve an appropriate mix in terms of housing tenure, types and house sizes of local need affordable housing within a development, determined by the local housing market assessment or any alternative Council or partner assessment. ii. Affordable units should be fully integrated within a development and indistinguishable from non-affordable housing. iii. Where the viability of individual schemes fall short of the policy requirements specified, the onus will be on the applicant/ developer / landowner to clearly demonstrate on a viability assessment pro-forma the circumstances justifying a lower affordable housing contribution or tenure mix. iv. Where, following the submission of a viability pro-forma, disagreement remains between the applicant / developer / landowner and the Local Planning Authority as to the affordable housing provision within a scheme,

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an independent external assessment of the scheme (e.g. by the District Valuers Service) will be undertaken at the applicant’s expense. The number of affordable housing provided will reflect the conclusions of this assessment. v. That there are suitable mechanisms in place to manage the occupation of the affordable housing unit(s) upon initial occupation, and in perpetuity, to those who can prove a need for an affordable dwelling. vi. If it can be demonstrated that there are no eligible occupiers for rural enterprise dwellings then the housing will be occupied by those eligible for consideration for affordable housing. vii. Extensions and adaptations to affordable housing will be permitted provided that the alterations or adaptations allow the house to remain as an affordable dwelling. viii. Dwellings are of a size, scale and design compatible with an affordable dwelling. Strategic Policy Strategic Policy PS15 sets out the broad approach to the location and 15 Settlement distribution of housing development within the Plan area. It defines the Strategy role of towns and villages and describes the type of housing that could be permitted in the countryside. The strategy confirms that the 22% of growth for Local Service Centres will be achieved through commitments and new allocations including allocating key housing sites (open market housing with a proportion of affordable provision). In addition windfall sites within the development boundary can be permitted. Strategic policy Development will be located so as to minimise the need to travel. The PS4: Councils will support improvements that maximise accessibility for all sustainable modes of transport, but particularly by foot, cycle and public transport. transport, This will be achieved by securing convenient access via footways, cycle development infrastructure and public transport where appropriate, thereby and accessibility encouraging the use of these modes of travel for local journeys and reducing the need to travel by private car. The Council will endeavour to improve accessibility and seek to change travel behaviour. This will be achieved by working with our partners to: 1. Maintain an appropriate public transport service, recognising alternative ways of maintaining travel opportunities; 2. Maintain and improve stations, infrastructure and services on the main Railway Lines including access to disabled people and other rail-related improvements; 3. Where possible safeguard, improve, enhance and promote and public rights of way (including footpaths, bridleways and byways) and cycleway networks to improve safety, accessibility (including disabled people) by these modes of travel and to increase health, leisure, well-being and tourism benefits for both local residents and visitors; 4. Support schemes that will improve park and ride / share facilities for areas of employment, new development and freight transfer facilities; 5. Allocating or safeguarding land where appropriate to facilitate the key strategic transport schemes.

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The Councils will also require appropriate transport infrastructure elements to be delivered as part of major infrastructure development schemes either in kind or through section 106 obligations. Policy TRA 2: Parking provision for all modes of transport should be in accordance with Parking the Councils’ Parking Standards. Standards In exceptional circumstances, proposals may be granted if it can be demonstrated that parking requirement can be satisfactorily met off-site, either by direct provision or, exceptionally, through payment of commuted sums. The provision of appropriate coach parking facilities to encourage bus and coach visitation the plan area’s Service Centres is encouraged. Policy TRA 4: Where appropriate, proposals should be planned and designed in a Managing manner that promotes the most sustainable modes of transport having Transport regard to a hierarchy of users: Impacts 1. Pedestrians, including people with prams and/or young children; 2. Disabled people with mobility impairments and particular access needs; 3. Cyclists; 4. Powered two-wheelers; 5. Public transport; 6. Vehicular access and traffic management within the site and its vicinity; 7. Car parking and servicing; 8. Coach parking; and 9. Horse-riders. Proposals that would cause unacceptable harm to the safe and efficient operation of the highway, public transport and other movement networks including pedestrian and cycle routes, public rights of way and bridle routes, will be refused. The degree of unacceptable harm will be determined by the local authority on a case by case basis. Policy PCYFF 2 All proposals will be expected to demonstrate high quality design which design and fully takes into account the natural, historic and built environmental place shaping context and contributes to the creation of attractive, sustainable places.

Innovative and energy efficient design will be particularly encouraged. Proposal, including extensions and alterations to existing buildings and structures will only be permitted provided they conform to all of the following criteria, where relevant:

1. It complements and enhances the character and appearance of the site, building or area in terms of siting, appearance, scale, height, massing and elevation treatment; 2. It respects the context of the site and its place within the local landscape, including its impact on important principal gateways into Gwynedd or into Anglesey, its effects on townscape and the local historic and cultural heritage and it takes account of the site topography and prominent

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skylines or ridges; 3. It utilises materials appropriate to its surroundings and incorporates hard and soft landscaping and screening where appropriate, in line with Policy PCYFF3; 4. Important local features (including buildings, amenity areas, green spaces and green infrastructure, biodiversity and ecological connectivity) are retained and enhanced as far as possible, in line with Policy PCYFF3; 5. It achieves and creates attractive, safe places and public spaces, taking account of 'Secured by Design' principles (including where appropriate natural surveillance, visibility, well lit environments and areas of public movement); 6. It plays a full role in achieving and enhancing a safe and integrated transport and communications network promoting the interests of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport and ensures linkages with the existing surrounding community; 7. It uses resources, including land and energy, as efficiently as possible by: i. Making the best and most efficient use of the land available through being of appropriate density taking into account the character and appearance of the area; ii. Not preventing the reasonable use of other adjacent land because of the layout and form of the development; iii. Developing brownfield land in preference to greenfield land where possible; iv. Minimising building exposure while maximising solar gain. 8. Its drainage systems are designed to limit surface water run-off and flood risk and prevent pollution; 9. The layout and design of the development achieves inclusive design by ensuring barrier free environments, allowing access by all and making full provision for people with disabilities; 10. Where practical, include infrastructure for modern telecommunications and information; 11. Be legible, providing a sense of place; 12. Encourage active frontages at ground level where development is non-residential; 13. It helps create healthy and active environments, and considers the health and well-being of future users. Policy AMG 5: Proposals that are likely to cause direct or indirect significant harm to Protecting Sites Local Nature Reserves (LNR), Wildlife Sites (WS) 1 or regionally Of Regional Or important geological / geomorphologic sites (RIGS) will be refused, unless it can be proven that there is an overriding social, environmental

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Local and/or economic need for the development, and that there is no other Significance suitable site that would avoid having a detrimental impact on sites of local nature conservation value or and local geological importance. When development is granted, assurance will be required that there are appropriate mitigation measures in place. It will be possible to use planning conditions and/or obligations in order to safeguard the site’s biodiversity and geological importance.

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5. Main considerations

5.1 The proposed development is for the erection of 37 houses on land adjacent to Pant Du, Penygroes. The application site is a single field enclosure, the northern part of the which lies within the development boundary and is part of LDP housing allocation T52. The allocation also includes additional land to the west of the site which does not form part of this application (beyond the telephone exchange). The southern part of the application site is outside of the housing allocation and forms land adjoining the development boundary.

5.2 As discussed within the policy section, the proposals therefore need to be considered under three housing policies: • TAI 15 which supports the delivery of housing on allocated sites within the Local Service Centres, and would require 5 of the units to be affordable houses. • TAI 10 which relates to exception sites for 100% affordable housing on sites outside of the development boundaries. • TAI 9 which relates to the delivery of affordable housing.

5.3 The principle of delivering housing on the housing allocation site T52 (or part of) has already been accepted in principle by the Council through its allocation in the LDP; subject to satisfactory arrangements and all other material considerations.

5.4 The land forming the southern part of the application site is deliverable now and would tie into the proposed layout more effectively than the land to the west due to the siting of the telephone exchange and existing hedgerows. It is therefore anticipated, that in effect, the southern part of the site will help accumulate the total number of dwellings which were required to be delivered by the housing allocation T52. In addition, the settlement should deliver 40 additional dwellings as windfall sites. This proposal will therefore be in line with the projections and requirements for housing for Penygroes.

5.5 The proposed development will form a reasonable and well sited extension to the boundaries of the settlement. The southern part of the site will tie in well with the remainder of the site and does not cut across any defined physical boundaries.

5.6 Due to the constraints of infrastructure crossing the eastern side of the site, the southern part of the site is considered to be required to ensure the delivery of adequate housing supply within the settlement in accordance with the LDP’s growth strategy (Policy PS15).

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5.7 As detailed within the following section we consider that the the exception site of 13 houses outside of the development boundary is acceptable in principle as there is an evidenced demand for the affordable housing, which exceeds that which could be delivered on the allocated site.

Affordable Housing

5.8 Thirteen of the proposed houses would fall outside of the development boundary on the proposed layout. It is therefore proposed to provide a total of 18 affordable dwellings on the site as a whole, consisting of 20% of the number of houses shown within the allocated site and an equivalent of the total number sited outside the development boundary.

5.9 Good placemaking would dictate that housing tenures should be integrated and mixed, and not concentrated in groups. Therefore, it is proposed to spread the 18 affordable units across the site as a whole, rather than concentrating 13 of them on the land to the south (land outside of the development boundary). Part ii of policy TAI9 supports this stating that affordable units should be fully integrated within a development and indistinguishable from non-affordable housing.

5.10 The submitted affordable housing statement has considered the demand for affordable housing locally. This details how many persons have registered an interest in affordable housing in Penygroes, and other surrounding settlements. In total (including where people ranked their preference of settlements), 12 persons wanted 1 bed accommodation, 23 persons wanted 2 bed accommodation, 12 persons required 3 bed accommodation and 2 persons required 4 bed accommodation. In total, 63 persons stated that they (and any family) would like to be offered affordable accommodation in Penygroes as their first choice. This far exceeds what could be delivered as 20% of housing on the allocated site.

5.11 From the available housing in the settlement, there are few opportunities for the local people who are on the registers to purchase their own homes. Local incomes and the prices of housing have a significant gap with no evidence of the likelihood of that the affordability of housing locally will improve, relative to household income, in the short term.

5.12 It is therefore considered, that the evidence shows the need for affordable housing to be much higher than the five houses that would be delivered without the inclusion of

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the southern part of the site. Hence the support for additional units to be delivered under the principles applied for exception sites.

5.13 The principal difference in this case, is that the Council is being requested to apply flexibility in the distribution of affordable and open market housing across the whole site. This will allow Grŵp Cynefin to deliver the affordable housing elements earlier than if they were to be concentrated principally on the southern (exception part) of the application site, which inevitably would be the latest phase of the development.


5.14 Cambrian Ecology surveyed and assessed the application site for its biodiversity and conservation characteristics. There are unassessed and assessed wildlife sites within the surrounding area. The report recommended that although the trees on the north- western boundary of the site are relatively common species, it is recommended that they are retained due to their importance from a protected species and landscape point of view. Any works that could potentially affect the stream on the north-eastern site boundary, such as bridging for machinery access, have the potential to have an impact on a wider scale by causing pollution/siltation of the Afon Llyfni to the south.

5.15 With regards to bats, due to the recorded use of the boundary features on the site by bats as commuting routes, it is important to build in some ‘reasonable avoidance measures’ to the design of the proposed development to ensure that there will be no negative impact on these European Protected Species. Reasonable Avoidance Measures and Habitat Enhancements: • Bat tubes can be incorporated into the fabric of new buildings. The site ecologist should be consulted over the exact siting and number of these features, which will need to be assessed in accordance with the lighting and planting plans. • Any lighting installed near the boundary of the site and likely to have an impact on the flight lines will be downward facing and either on a timer or movement activated.

5.16 If the measures are included, not only is it anticipated that the development will have no detrimental impact, but it could bring Biodiversity gain in the provision of new roosting opportunities.

5.17 Due to the small number of reptiles found and the fact that they are almost certainly restricted to the margins of the site, it is recommended that they can be addressed through ‘reasonable avoidance measures’ during the site clearance phase.

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• Any vegetation clearance within 5m of the site boundary will be supervised by a suitably qualified ecologist, who will undertake a destructive search. • No heavy machinery will be used until it is established beyond reasonable doubt that the area is clear of reptiles by undertaking a destructive search. Some vegetation removal may be required to be undertaken using hand tools. • In the unlikely event that any animals are encountered during the clearance works, they will be removed from the development area and placed just outside the nearest boundary. • A detailed record will be kept of all animals relocated. • A buffer area around the construction zone will also be cleared of vegetation and kept clear during the works, to prevent any animals from straying into the area

5.18 If these measures are adopted fully, it is highly unlikely that there will be any direct disturbance or impact on common lizards.

5.19 It is recommended that any vegetation clearance that could have an impact on nesting birds is carried out outside the bird nesting season, recognised by RSPB as 1st March – 30th September. If this is not possible a thorough search for active nests must be carried out by a suitably experienced person prior to clearance commencing. If any active nests are found work must be delayed until such time as the young have fledged.

5.20 The proposed development will deliver the recommendations as set out within the Ecology Report. The proposed development will protect the watercourses within the site, and will not cause an impact which is likely to impact the future security of the wildlife within the wider area/ wildlife sites.

5.21 There is an overriding social need to deliver housing within the settlement, including the high demand for affordable housing. The northern part of the application site is allocated for housing and it is not considered that the additional part of the site will have a detrimental impact upon the status of the Wildlife Site. With the recommendations set out within the Ecology Report employed, and the Ecologists conclusion that this will act as an enhancement, it is therefore considered that the proposals are acceptable in line with policy AMG5.

Welsh language and culture

5.22 As required by LDP Policy PS1 ‘Welsh Language and Culture’, the application is supported by a Community and Linguistic Statement which has assessed any impacts

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of the proposed development upon the community. The statement reflects on the fact that the majority of the site is allocated within the LDP and therefore, this type of growth to the settlement was anticipated by the Council and in the housing need evidence which informed the LDP. The statement considers that the proposed housing will deliver the type of housing which will be attractive to the existing population of the area and not lead to substantial change in the makeup of the population in the area. The statement also concludes that it is considered that the the proposals will have a positive impact upon the language and that it is not anticipated that the proposed housing would lead to a dilution of the language in the host community.

5.23 The provision of affordable housing within the settlement will be a significant benefit to the area’s population and will help local people stay within the area.

Economic and social benefits

5.24 In the short-term the proposal will provide employment opportunities for those contracted to build the proposed development. All efforts will be made to use local contractors and to source materials locally.

5.25 In addition, and in the long term the proposed development will ensure that local services and facilities are sustained including the local primary and secondary school and local facilities such as restaurants, convenience stores, public houses and places of worship.

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6. Conclusion

6.1 The proposed development would deliver 37 houses, including 18 affordable dwellings on land adjacent to Pant Du, Penygroes. The application site is partially allocated for housing, and the remainder directly adjoins the development boundary. The site is in a sustainable and accessible location.

6.2 The principle of developing houses on the northern part of the site has already been accepted through its allocation for housing in the LDP. The southern part of the application site would be brought forward as an exception site, delivering in terms of numbers 13 units. The intention is to distribute affordable housing across the site as a whole in order to integrate the affordable housing and make it indistinguishable from non-affordable housing in accordance with the principles set by policy TAI9. There is a substantial unmet need for affordable housing within Penygroes, as detailed within the accompanying affordable housing needs survey report and Grŵp Cynefin are committed to delivering these affordable units to help meet this local need.

6.3 There are two key elements to the application site, part lies within the development boundary and allocated for housing and part lies outside the development boundary and must be considered as an exception site. Both elements are considered to be acceptable but the Council is requested to apply discretion in the siting of market and affordable dwellings across the whole site, such that a better, more cohesive and inclusive mix of house types and tenure can be developed. This requires the siting of some market housing on that party of the site which lies outside the development boundary, with the proportion of affordable dwellings, in turn, being increased on the allocated site.

6.4 This Design and Access Statement has discussed the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development in creating a residential development that will provide a good mix of housing (including open market and affordable housing), which will be of high quality design, complementing the character of the semi-rural area within which the site is located as well as the traditional vernacular designs present locally.

6.5 The proposed development conforms to up-to-date national planning policy in terms of locating development in sustainable and accessible locations. The proposals would provide safe and convenient access to all.

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6.6 The Community and Linguistic Statement which accompanies the application concludes that the proposals would have positive benefits for the future of the Welsh language in the host community.

6.7 With the foregoing in mind, it is considered that the proposed development should be supported.

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